What to eat to gain body weight. Nutrition for gaining muscle mass - menu to choose from for girls and men. Homemade protein shakes

Some representatives of the stronger half of humanity cannot overcome excess weight, but others, on the contrary, are puzzled by how to gain weight. The right approach will allow you to get a toned figure in the near future and help a man gain weight. The situation can be corrected if you review your diet, give preference to healthy foods and include exercise.

Gaining weight for a thin person is actually easy. To do this, it is important to understand one rule: body weight does not grow on its own. This point directly depends on how much energy the body receives from the food consumed. The following must be taken care of:

  1. Ensure a constant supply of calories from quality foods.
  2. Organize your diet in such a way as to achieve a calorie surplus. In other words, you need to increase the portions of food in order to maintain your existing weight.
  3. Organize maximum digestibility of dishes.

Of course, when a skinny guy or girl thinks about gaining weight, thoughts about a double chin or a layer of fat in the abdominal area do not appear. However, in reality, in the absence of training, a person will not get sculpted muscles, but a large layer of fat, so strength training must be included. They need to be done correctly. Otherwise, instead of the problem of why a person does not gain weight, another will arise - how to deal with the fat layer.

A skinny guy can gain weight by eating high-calorie foods, eating foods with a lot of fat, and including more sweets in the menu. Of course, this will help you gain weight if you are thin. However, this approach is fraught with the following problems:

  • deterioration of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, heart muscle;
  • increased cholesterol levels;
  • there is a possibility of a malfunction of the endocrine system.

There are many options available to help a skinny guy gain mass. However, the following formula has proven itself better than others:

  1. Add porridge, pasta, fruits and bread to your diet.
  2. Eat meat, eggs, cottage cheese and milk daily.
  3. Herbs are also useful for gaining muscle mass. Instead of coffee and tea, it is better to brew herbal drinks (chamomile, linden, mint).
  4. Add butter, peanut butter and sour cream to the menu.

The best option would be to visit a nutritionist. The specialist will develop a suitable menu that will allow you to quickly gain weight without causing harm to the body.

Increasing diet

To gain weight for a skinny guy, you need to expand your diet. Such a task is sometimes impossible, as it might seem at first glance, because not everyone can force themselves to increase the amount of food consumed. Three meals a day need to be increased to six times, which requires eating every two hours. Moreover, you need to eat full portions.

In order for a man to gain weight, at first he will have to literally push food into himself, because at first there will be no appetite above the usual norm. By increasing your diet by literally 500 calories, you can gain a kilogram in just 7 days.

What to do if it’s difficult to change your usual diet

If it is difficult to significantly increase your calorie intake, you can correct this problem by developing a suitable diet. The optimal menu consists of the following set of food products:

  1. For breakfast - an omelette baked in the oven, a sandwich with cheese and butter, a cup of brewed coffee, and don’t forget about vegetables and fruits.
  2. Second breakfast - cottage cheese, you can eat nuts and apples.
  3. Lunch should be comprehensive and varied. You definitely need to eat porridge or pasta with meat. Vegetable salad is also useful, since this dish increases the digestibility of food.
  4. It is also recommended to eat food an hour before the planned workout. The most beneficial would be a cocktail made from milk, banana and cottage cheese. All ingredients are mixed using a blender.
  5. For dinner, nutritionists advise treating yourself to baked fish or meat with a side dish and vegetables.

In between scheduled meals, it will be useful to treat yourself to sweets and nuts. As for the use of sports nutrition, many men who are unable to gain weight often resort to such supplements. In fact, if you organize your menu correctly and eat right, there is no need for sports supplements.

Eat more protein

To gain weight for thin people, you need to include foods containing proteins in your menu. Protein is essentially a building material for muscle tissue. This substance is found in large quantities in the following products:

  • eggs;
  • almond;
  • milk;
  • peanut;
  • fish;
  • red and white meat.

With each meal rich in protein, muscle deposits will increase.

Include carbohydrates in your diet

Eating foods containing carbohydrates will help a guy gain weight quickly. Enter the following food into the menu:

  • oatmeal;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • brown rice

This diet will help you cope with weight gain in just a week, while most of it will accumulate as fat. Men often doubt the advisability of consuming carbohydrate foods, but introducing them into the diet is extremely important.

Eating only protein foods is undesirable, since energy will be consumed exclusively as a source. Accordingly, there will be no talk of weight gain. The body needs an alternative, which is carbohydrates. If you supplement your breakfast, lunch and dinner with vegetables, you will be able to gain weight. This food is rich in carbohydrates, thanks to which the man's body will gradually increase in weight.

Video on how to gain weight for a thin man

How to gain weight by working out at the gym

Not only a well-organized diet, but also strength training will help a man gain weight at home. You need to remember one rule: copying the training programs of masters of sports is the biggest mistake of those who dream of gaining muscle mass. There are several reasons for this:

  • for beginners training according to the bodybuilders’ plan, the nervous and endocrine systems do not have time to recover;
  • Testosterone production is significantly reduced;
  • high probability of disruption of normal sleep.

Special effective exercises performed in compliance with the following rules will help you gain weight:

  1. To gain weight, beginners need to train no more than 3 times a week.
  2. Squats with a barbell will help you gain weight in your legs. By the way, this type of training is useful not only for gaining weight in the legs, but also for gaining weight in all problem areas of the body. Squats give a powerful testosterone surge that engages all muscle groups.
  3. A good solution to the problem of lack of body weight is pull-ups, lifting a projectile while standing and lying down with a barbell. At first, it is recommended to perform these exercises without a bridge using the classical technique.

Fast weight gain is guaranteed if you organize classes as follows:

  1. On Monday, lift the barbell by squatting and bench pressing.
  2. On Wednesday, standing press and abdominal exercises will be useful.
  3. And on Friday it is recommended to repeat Monday’s classes. Thus, they not only add weight, but also make their muscles sculpted.
  4. Don't forget the main rule: you need to eat before training.

If strenuous exercise is contraindicated

Gaining weight is important for men. However, what to do in the case when strength training is contraindicated. You need to pay attention to the following sports:

  • jogging 30-40 minutes a day;
  • swimming lessons;
  • cycling.

In order for your own weight to continue to grow, it is recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates at the rate of 5 grams. per kg of human weight. Another important point: you should develop basic techniques with a trainer. In this case, a person will know exactly which exercises involve a certain muscle group.

Perform challenging physical exercises

Complex physical training helps to significantly increase body weight. The most suitable exercises are:

  1. Deadlift. One of the main exercises in bodybuilding. The deadlift is performed as follows: legs are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. The arms are straightened and the palms are placed on the apparatus. Then the barbell is smoothly raised to the knee joints and the body is straightened. After which the projectile is lowered, straightening the legs in parallel.
  2. Dumbbell press. It is most effective to perform this exercise while lying down. For beginners, it is recommended to do it with a partner or using a power frame. Starting position: take dumbbells in your hands and sit on a bench. Then place the dumbbells on your knees and lie down at the same time, throwing the weights on your chest. We exhale smoothly and lift the weight up, hold our breath for 2 seconds, inhale and lower the dumbbells.
  3. Dumbbell lift. To build up muscle mass, beginners are advised to start with a 4 kg weight. To perform the exercise, you need to take the starting position standing, the dumbbells should be at hip level. The projectile is raised to the level of the chin, while taking a smooth breath. Exhale – lower the dumbbells to hip level. While performing this exercise, you need to make sure that your arms do not straighten.

These exercises will help you quickly gain weight if done correctly, so it is recommended to start exercising under the guidance of a trainer. He will build the most suitable program, following which he will be able to get sculpted and beautiful muscles in a short time.

Performing such exercises involves all muscle groups, and thanks to a balanced diet, the guy will be able to quickly gain weight.

As for performing isolation exercises, it makes no sense to perform them at the stage of intensive weight gain.

Training on a regular basis

You can increase your weight by following two rules: eating right and doing regular strength exercises. Moreover, if a workout is sometimes skipped, this is not considered critical, but such experiments with food intake are prohibited, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

It is important to understand: you can increase weight by strictly following these two rules. After all, even if you spend all your time in the “rocking chair”, but without eating high-calorie and healthy food, progress will not come. Increasing body weight requires a comprehensive approach.

Avoiding cardio workouts

Cardio training is a whole set of exercises, the goal of which is to increase your heart rate and enhance the process of burning calories. In this case, the guy’s task is, on the contrary, to evenly increase his own weight and get the body of a real Spartan.

To gain weight, it is recommended to completely avoid cardio training. This is especially true for long distance running. Of course, light jogging uphill will be useful, but only if the distances are short.

Be sure to give your muscles a good rest

Gaining muscle mass for skinny people must follow certain rules. It is strictly forbidden to work out the same muscle group every day, as they need rest and recovery. Physical activity should be moderate.

The most appropriate thing to do would be to work on the problem group and give it a couple of days of rest to recover. Then work this muscle group again.

Thus, it will be more effective for a man to gain weight. Otherwise, the person will be exhausted.

If we know exactly the goal, in this case, how many kilograms we need to gain, and we also know the methods and means to achieve the result, then the task of how to gain weight for a man at home becomes feasible.
Another important parameter is the actual timing. The time it will take to make your dream come true.

Calculate the required number of calories you need to gain weight -

Let's divide the guide into several points:

  1. Reasons that may interfere.
  2. Tricks for high-calorie nutrition at home
  3. Medicines that quickly help a man gain weight at home
  4. Strength exercises - the impulse to get better
  5. We use the apartment for physical activity
  6. Home exercise equipment
  7. Bottom line.

1. Reasons that may interfere.

First of all, before starting a weight gain program, a man needs to pay attention to his health. There may be a number of diseases that will inhibit weight gain.

List of main ailments:

  • Thyroid diseases
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Heart defects
  • Central nervous system diseases
  • Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis
  • Diabetes
  • Intervertebral hernia

The list of pathologies can go on for a long time, a simple rule: if something, somewhere hurts, consult the doctor who is responsible for that organ.
Tests can be an effective marker for assessing your health.

Take only three tests:

  1. General blood analysis
  2. Advanced biochemistry
  3. General urine analysis

If not one of the parameters goes beyond the norm, then the question of how to gain weight for a man at home becomes relevant and easily achievable!

2. Tricks for high-calorie nutrition at home

When choosing what to have for breakfast or lunch, as well as dinner, give preference to high-calorie dishes. Let this be a strict rule! No thin soups, useless tea parties, or snacks that kill your appetite.

Rule two: Prepare the menu for tomorrow in advance. May it always be at home:

  • Pizza
  • Dumplings (preferably baked with mayonnaise)
  • Bacon
  • Butter
  • Nuts
  • Pork in any form, better with fried potatoes!
  • The main thing is mayonnaise
  • Don't forget about shawarma!
  • And end every meal with brownies!

Don't forget about cocktails, which require ingredients such as milk, bananas, confiture, olive oil, oatmeal and quail eggs.

3. Medicines that quickly help a man gain weight at home

To effectively reach the scales, more effective methods and means are needed, these are, of course, medications.

List by strength of effectiveness:

  1. Any gainers
  2. Functional food with high calorie content

A separate group of drugs that is taken only under the supervision of a doctor:

    1. Anabolic steroids (Turinabol, Dianabol, Retabolil, etc.)
    2. Peptides
    3. Testosterone boosters

Remember, you can quickly gain weight for a man at home only under the supervision of a specialist, or use products from the first group.

4. Strength exercises – the impulse to get better.

Physical activity is a powerful factor for weight gain. When you load your body with strength exercises, the central nervous system reacts and gives a signal to strengthen the body. What does this mean for us? First of all, this is a set of muscle tissue, which should account for more than 43% of the total weight. Ligaments and bone tissue are also strengthened. Your appetite awakens, your hormonal levels return to normal, and you imperceptibly, and sometimes very noticeably, transform from a “suffocated person” into an athletic handsome man.

5. We use the apartment for physical activity

If you look closely at a house or apartment, you can find many latent sports equipment, and it becomes clear how to gain weight for a man at home.
The main thing for you is basic exercises that involve many muscles.

— Kitchen: do push-ups from the table if you are not immediately ready to do push-ups from the floor.
- Bathroom: deadlift using basins, buckets filled with water.
— Hallway: hook a clothesline to the handle of the front door, or to the corner of the door slightly open, and pull yourself up at least 50 times per set
— Hall: here there is a large space where you can squat and do abdominal exercises.
- Bedroom: Put your feet up on the bed and do a couple of push-ups. Stressful effort will give the best effect at the end of the workout.

6. How to gain weight for a man using exercise equipment at home

Modern sports stores have many exercise equipment designed for home use.
Here are their main representatives:

  • Exercise bike
  • Ellipsoid
  • Treadmill
  • Hyperextension
  • Stepper
  • Rowing machine
  • Swedish wall
  • Bars
  • Dumbbells
  • Barbell
  • Power station (block design) for many muscles

As you can see, you can choose to suit every taste and budget, the main thing is your desire.

7. Summary:

Start by eating according to the weight gain system only on training days, this will make it easier to get used to.
The next step will be daily monitoring of nutrition and rest.
It's actually not difficult. Hold on for 21 days and it will become a habit for you!
If you have any questions, .

According to professional fitness trainers, you can gain weight both at home and while playing sports. For men, given the peculiarities of their physiology, this is more difficult for women than for women. Increasing quality mass in representatives of the stronger half of humanity is impossible without taking supplements and adjusting the lifestyle in general.

Knowing the basic rules of nutrition and ways to speed up the process of getting results, a man will be able to change his appearance within 3-4 weeks from the moment he starts working on himself.

It is possible for a man to gain weight at home in either a week or a month. The quality mass gained in a month will be larger in volume and will remain for a longer period.

When increasing the weight of their own body, representatives of the stronger half of humanity need to be guided by the basic rules of working on themselves. They vary depending on the desired result and the time a man has at his disposal.

How to gain weight for a man at home? One of the many but simple tips is to drink at least 2 liters of water.

Goal Principles and rules of competent self-improvement
How to quickly gain 5-10 kgTo avoid harming your own health when gaining 5-10 kg, a man should:
  • avoid intense physical activity after eating (this will save calories entering the body and minimize the risk of using them to produce energy);
  • within 10-15 minutes. after eating, lie down or sit in a relaxed state (this will ensure the absorption of the main part of the beneficial micro- and macroelements entering the body with food);
  • for cardio exercises, choose walking in the fresh air, giving preference to forests or parks, where the rhythm of life will “force” a person to slow down and maximally saturate his body with oxygen, which is necessary not only for health, but also for getting rid of fat and effectively gaining muscle mass;
  • eat at least 4 times a day, and the serving size should be no more than 200 g;
  • make it a rule to take a walk before going to bed (this relaxes the body and contributes to the high-quality restoration of the body’s strength during sleep);
  • make a choice in favor of foods rich in vitamins and healthy elements (vegetables, fruits, cereals)
How to gain weight in a weekTo achieve the maximum possible result in gaining weight at home, a man should:
  • include high-calorie foods in your diet;
  • exceed the normal amounts of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates recommended for maintaining current weight by about 20%;
  • drink as much clean water as possible (at least 2 liters);
  • provide physical activity to your body (at least 40-60 minutes of strength training with available weights);
  • sleep at least 9-10 hours every night
How to gain weight in a monthGaining weight within a month is considered the safest and most effective for both men and women. To achieve results, fitness trainers recommend that men:
  • eat food every 3 hours, while making sure that its calorie content is “healthy” (you should not eat sweets and baked goods, since such weight gain will not only worsen a man’s appearance, but can also significantly undermine his health);
  • include in your menu natural supplements that stimulate weight gain (before taking any type of sports nutrition, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo basic tests to determine the condition of the body as a whole);
  • exercise at least 3 times a week according to an individually designed training program at home (a professional fitness trainer should think through the complex);
  • increase the total calorie content of your diet by 10-15% of the main indicator;
  • strictly follow a daily routine, which includes not only eating according to the clock, but also devoting the proper amount of time to rest and proper sleep

The most effective pills for weight gain in men

No fitness trainer or nutritionist will tell you how to gain weight for a man at home without resorting to taking natural supplements. Taking into account the physiological characteristics, the majority of middle-aged men who do not have a genetic predisposition to obesity have a fast metabolism, which prevents the rapid gain of quality mass.

You can achieve the desired result most quickly using the following technique:

Drug name Brief description and method of administration
Vitamins and mineralsConsidering that metabolic processes in the male body can proceed normally only if there is no deficiency of vitamins and minerals, taking such supplements is a mandatory component when gaining muscle mass. Otherwise, biochemical reactions will slow down, due to which the effectiveness of measures taken by a particular man to increase his own weight will remain minimal. To further enrich the human body, professionals recommend taking:
  • vitamin A (stimulates the formation of new cells and muscle fibers);
  • B vitamins (support protein synthesis, promote the absorption of fat cells, nourish cells, stimulate recovery processes);
  • vitamins C and E (stimulate regenerative reactions and act as antioxidants in the body, ridding it of toxins ingested with low-quality foods).

Professional fitness trainers and nutritionists do not recommend taking multivitamin complexes. Such drugs usually contain insufficient amounts of useful substances. It will be more effective to alternately take single-component groups of vitamins. In addition to taking synthetic supplements, when gaining weight, a man should focus on the “right” food products that, when consumed correctly, can compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and minerals. These include:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits (preference should be given to seasonal products);
  • poultry (especially turkey and chicken breasts, which contain the maximum amount of protein);
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • fermented milk products (you should not choose low-fat products, since in order to achieve a low percentage of fat content, the manufacturer subjects its product to a large number of treatments, including chemical ones)
Brewer's yeastBrewer's yeast is a natural supplement that can not only speed up a man's weight gain process, but also improve his overall health. After taking brewer's yeast, representatives of the stronger half of humanity note:
  • improvement of the condition of the skin, nails, hair (eliminate vitamin deficiency);
  • stabilization of the nervous system;
  • getting rid of stress and even depression;
  • increase in efficiency and amount of physical strength during the working day;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels (relevant for people suffering from diabetes);
  • significant acceleration of weight gain.

To obtain maximum effectiveness from taking brewer's yeast, you should take it in its pure form. You can purchase such a product only at specialized enterprises.
Brewer's yeast, produced in tablets or powder, is less useful and has virtually no effect on the process of gaining “quality” mass in men. If you take the supplement in question correctly, you can increase your weight by 3-4 kg without causing harm to your health. Before including brewer's yeast in your diet, it is important to analyze whether a particular person has contraindications for taking it. The most common ones include:

  • gout;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • tendency to exhibit allergic reactions;
  • increased sensitivity of the body to penicillin;
  • infectious diseases (especially candida type)
dietary supplementsDietary supplements are recommended for men to take only after consulting a therapist. The doctor, having assessed the person’s health status, makes a decision on what scheme to introduce supplements into the menu. The most common medications prescribed for weight gain are:
  • amino acids (it is recommended to take up to 15 g per day 2-3 times a day. The dietary supplement helps normalize the balance of vitamins and minerals, and also accelerates protein synthesis in the body);
  • gainer (sports nutrition, the composition of which includes a high content of proteins, carbohydrates and flavors) (this supplement should be taken according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to keep in mind that the effectiveness of taking a gainer will be maximum only if the man is involved in sports and leads a healthy lifestyle);
  • protein (a dietary supplement, the intake of which guarantees a man a qualitative increase in muscle mass. Protein powder should be taken 1-2 times a day, 50-75 g, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. As an alternative to protein shakes, you can include protein bars or “healthy” foods in your diet » baked goods containing protein powder).
Hormonal drugsHormonal drugs are usually taken by professional athletes in preparation for competitions or performances. These medications contain the male hormone testosterone, a large amount of which in the body contributes to the rapid growth of muscle mass. Among the safest hormonal drugs are:

You can purchase the listed pharmaceutical products only with a doctor’s prescription, since their indiscriminate use can cause significant harm to the body, in particular, provoke hormonal imbalance. To avoid undesirable consequences, before starting to take hormones, it is recommended to take a general blood test and conduct a detailed study of the man’s hormonal background. During the course, it is necessary to repeat the tests 1-2 times to make sure that there is no negative effect of the medications taken on the human body.

The pharmaceutical products in question work by:

  • increased appetite;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing endurance and strength.

When taking hormonal medications correctly, men can gain up to 15 kg of “quality” mass in a month.

Other drugsAmong drugs that are not related to any of the above groups, naturopathic drugs are considered the most effective. Manufacturers position their product as the most natural and safe for men of all ages. The composition of naturopathic remedies includes an increased content of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that promote the growth of “quality” mass. If taken correctly, you can gain 5-7 kg without harm to health.

Another effective way to increase your weight in the shortest possible time is to take steroids. On the territory of the Russian Federation, their distribution and reception is punishable by law. They are usually obtained through “underground” methods by athletes seeking to increase their body weight in a matter of days, without caring about the consequences for their body (in addition to the negative effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, steroids also “impair” the cardiovascular system, whose condition is directly affects the general condition of a man gaining weight).

How to gain weight without steroids

A man can gain weight at home and increase the definition of his body without the use of synthetic drugs that have a negative impact on health. To do this, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals related to nutrition and lifestyle in general.

Nutrition rules

Nutrition when gaining muscle mass should be balanced and varied. Before you think over the list of products that need to be purchased for cooking for the main meals, it is important to calculate the calorie intake.

It is advisable that a professional fitness trainer or nutritionist do this, since only a specialist will be able to correctly calculate this indicator, taking into account a person’s physical activity, as well as the characteristics of his health.

To gain “quality” mass, you need to consume 15-20% more calories daily than are required per day to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

In addition to the total calories, you should also remember about:

  • calculation of proteins (up to 25%), fats (up to 35%) and complex carbohydrates (up to 60%);
  • frequency of meals (optimally - eat no more than 150-200 g of healthy foods every 3 hours);
  • proper distribution of the daily amount of food (in the morning you need to eat the maximum amount of carbohydrates; make lunch balanced so that it includes proteins, fats (most of them), and carbohydrates; for dinner, consume only protein foods, which ensure a rapid increase in body weight with accompanying physical loads).

If a man has chronic diseases or unstable hormonal levels, his diet should be strictly controlled by his attending physician, since in this case any weight changes (even due to muscle gain) can negatively affect a person’s health.

Diet for weight gain

How to gain weight, a man (at home or during strength training in the gym) is usually told by a nutritionist or fitness trainer who has an idea of ​​​​the state of his health, and also knows what results he plans to achieve as a result.

If a representative of the stronger sex has no contraindications to weight gain, it is usually recommended to include in his diet:

Despite the high calorie content of a number of foods, their consumption during weight gain must be minimized.

These include:

How to gain weight by working out at the gym

How to gain weight at home can be clear even to a person who does not have deep knowledge of physiology, sports and proper nutrition. To achieve good results in gaining “quality” mass in the gym, you must follow the basic recommendations of professionals.

They are as follows:

How to adjust your lifestyle

“Qualitative” weight gain in a man is impossible without a radical change in a person’s lifestyle.

To not only transform your appearance, but also improve your health, it is recommended:

  • give up bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • devote proper time to sleep (at night, to replenish physical and moral strength, a man needs to sleep at least 8-9 hours);
  • perform a set of physical exercises at least 2-3 times a week;
  • adjust your diet by giving up unhealthy foods in favor of those containing “healthy” calories.

With any changes in the body, it is important for a person to listen to his own feelings. If you feel unwell or have other changes in your condition, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examination of all body systems.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video on how to gain weight for a man at home

How to Gain Weight at Home:

If you are reading this article, then you are very thin, and in the fitness world you are called a hard gainer. You weigh 56 kg, eat whatever you want and still can't gain weight. You're ready to build muscle and become stronger, but... you don't know where to start. Luckily you found this site and I'm here to help you (I used to be a skinny guy too).

Below are 13 tips on how to gain weight quickly for a guy that you can use to start gaining weight.

1. Eat more

This sounds much simpler than it actually is. Whatever you eat now, you will need to double. If you eat three times a day, you should eat six times instead. You should eat every 2-3 hours, and each meal should include a normal portion. This will be quite difficult during the first few weeks because you will have to force yourself to eat even when you are not hungry. 500 extra calories per day = 1 kg per week. To the food you eat now, you will need to add an additional 1000 calories (distributed throughout the day), and you will gain 2 kg per week. Not just calories, though...

2. Eat more quality food

You need to consume a small amount of calories (probably 3500+ per day) if you want to gain weight, but you need to know that these are good calories. You could easily get 3,500 calories by eating Taco Bell and Twinkies and drinking Mountain Dew, but instead you'll only gain fat mass. If you want to build muscle, you need good calories, which can come from healthy proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats...now I move on to the next point.

How to Eat Healthy If I Work/Study (Heavy Daily Routine)

3. Protein = building block for muscles

Chicken, fish, meat, eggs, milk, almonds, peanuts. Eat more of these foods, all the time. You can read more about protein here.

4. Eat more foods containing carbohydrates

Carbohydrates will help you gain weight, but it won't be muscle. Pasta, brown rice, wheat bread, oatmeal, etc. will help you gain weight, but most of that weight will be fat mass. Eat vegetables and fruits at every meal. If you just eat protein, your body will use it for energy rather than building muscle. I went through this the hard way in college: 4 years of training combined with 3 protein shakes a day did NOTHING. If you eat tons of healthy fats (almonds would be a good choice), good carbs (fruits and vegetables), and protein, you won't be able to gain weight.

5. Track everything you eat

Sign up at dailyburn.com (it's free), enter your details and start tracking all the meals you eat. The system will tell you whether you are consuming enough calories, proteins and carbohydrates. This site has helped me gain 15 kg since last fall.

6. Compound exercises are what you need

Focus on compound exercises to gain as much muscle mass as possible: barbell lifts, dumbbell presses, squats, deadlifts, pull-ups. Do these exercises and focus on lifting as much weight as possible. All of the compound exercises listed here work every muscle in your body, and when you overload your body with calories and protein, those muscles will grow. Don't worry about isolation exercises until you reach your goal. You can read about squats, deadlifts and pull-ups here.

7. Watch your body change

Your appearance is a consequence of your activities. This is the mantra of the actors who were trained for the film 300 - you won't mind looking like a Spartan, will you? Focus on your endurance and lifting weights and your body will follow suit. It doesn't matter if you can currently lift dumbbells that weigh only 10 pounds. Whenever you start, focus on getting stronger with every workout. Push yourself, get stronger, lift more and you will get into the shape you want.

8. Rest up to a minute between workout sets.

During exercises, rest for a minute or less between sets, and do not do more than 12 repetitions at a time. Keep your rep range between 6 and 12 and try to rest at least one minute between sets. Example: dumbbell chest press - 12 reps 50kg, wait a minute, 10 reps 55kg, wait a minute, 8 reps 60kg.

9. Give your muscles a rest

Never train the same muscle groups several days in a row. Your muscles recover during the rest days, so don't train the same muscle groups to the point of exhaustion. I usually wait at least 48 hours before starting my workout again.

10. Sleep at least 8 hours a night

You need 8-9 hours of sleep every night to reap maximum benefits. While you sleep, your body builds muscle mass. If you are getting less than 6 hours of sleep but not taking full advantage of your workouts and diet. I know it's hard, but the 3am Runnyeye raids will have to stop. SLEEP.

11. Don't do cardio.

Cardio is your enemy. Long distance running will not help you. If you plan to take up running, do sprints or run uphill. Think about it, do you want to look like a sprinter or a marathon runner? Keep your cardio distance to a minimum if you want to gain weight.

12. Train systematically

Make exercise part of your routine. It's okay to skip a workout every now and then, but you shouldn't skip a meal if you're serious about your weight. You must eat. It's constant work on yourself, but you really need to do it. EAT.

13. Realize that you will have to gain weight.

By eating this way, along with muscle mass, you will also gain some fat. This is fine! Make weight gain your goal and add 5-10 kg to yours. Once you reach this figure, reduce the carbohydrates in your diet, do more sprints and keep up the exercises: you will quickly lose fat and get a perfect figure. Eat all the vegetables you want, but cut back on bread, pasta, rice and oatmeal.

I was an incredibly skinny guy, but I managed to gain weight from 72 to 83 kg by following these principles.

If a person who comes to the gym has a clear goal - to build muscle mass, a well-designed training program is not enough. It is necessary to approach the construction of the diet correctly. The menu should be dominated by protein foods, since protein is the main element necessary for building muscle.

The energy expended by a person, replenished by eating food, is directly proportional to physical activity. Strength training requires several times more energy than normal human activity. And if you reduce your diet, the body will begin to experience a lack of nutrients. This will negatively affect both your well-being and the results of your classes.

Follow a diet to increase muscle mass- this is not to starve, but, on the contrary, to consume more calories than the energy expended. This fact should not be taken as the only condition for such nutrition. A diet that promotes muscle gain should be balanced and built on six basic principles:

Fractional meals

You need to eat a lot, but in small portions throughout the day. This promotes the rapid absorption of food for energy, rather than for the accumulation of fat deposits. By eating fractionally, an athlete gains muscle mass rather than fat mass.

High calorie food

Each serving of food you eat should contain a lot of calories. The lower the energy value of food, the more often you will have to eat. About 70% of the daily diet, compiled by the nutrition program, must be made up of high-calorie foods.

Slow fats and carbohydrates

You need to exclude fast carbohydrates and fats from the menu - sweet fruits, confectionery and flour products. They require a long time to digest, which leads to the build-up of fat rather than energy. The body does not have time to spend most of the nutrients extracted from fast carbohydrates and fats to renew the expended energy, but sends it to “storage,” that is, to a fat depot.

Sufficient amount of water

A diet for gaining muscles speeds up metabolism and puts the body into a stressful situation, which can be avoided by following a drinking regime. You need to drink at least three liters of water per day. Failure to comply with this point can lead to dehydration, expressed by deterioration of well-being and stopping the growth of muscle mass.


Portions eaten before 16.00 should make up the majority of the daily diet. At a later time in the diet, foods with fast carbohydrates and fats should be avoided.

Sports diet

Involves mandatory intensive training. Otherwise, all the calories you consume will turn into fat and not into lean muscle mass. On training days, you need to eat 2 hours before and after training. Accelerating the process of muscle growth is facilitated by additional intake of sports supplements.

Fats, proteins, carbohydrates: daily intake

A balanced diet is the main condition for achieving success in following a special diet for building muscle mass. This can be achieved by following the principle of an inverted pyramid, which determines the ratio of nutrients in the diet:

  • carbohydrates - from 55 to 60%
  • proteins - from 25 to 30%;
  • fats - from 10 to 20%.

Compliance with this rule requires an accurate calculation of all substances consumed per day. This makes it possible to receive more calories than expended during strength training. The excess goes into muscle mass.

To calculate the daily caloric intake, it is enough to use the following formula: “athlete’s weight” is multiplied by “30”, plus “500” to the result obtained. It should also be taken into account that the ratio of these elements is different for both men and women.

For men

  • Squirrels. Some amino acids are synthesized in the body, while other compounds are replenished from the food consumed. And in order to ensure a sufficient amount of protein per day, you need to include protein-rich foods in your diet, for example, meat, milk, fish. The need for a substance is calculated by multiplying your own body weight by two. If an athlete weighs 80 kilograms, then he needs 160 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. Should be reduced, but not eliminated completely. Without them, the body will not be able to function normally. The daily norm is determined by age. Men under 28 need 130-160, men under 40 - 100-150 grams. At a more mature age, the amount is reduced to 70 g/day.
  • Carbohydrates. They can be simple or complex. The former are of no value for muscle mass, and the consumption of the latter per day should be at least 500 grams


  • Squirrels. The lack of this element negatively affects the appearance of the fair sex. Deficiency leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair structure, and nail plate. Girls, unlike men, need to consume 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of their own weight.
  • Fats. The need for this substance is also determined by age. Up to 28 it is 86-116, up to 40 - 80-111, after 40 years it decreases and amounts to 70 grams per day.
  • Carbohydrates. To increase muscle mass, girls need to consume at least 400 grams of slow carbohydrates.

Absolutely any dietary nutrition, including those for increasing muscle mass, involves the inclusion in the diet of products that allow you to fully provide all the nutrients necessary to maintain normal life. For this purpose, athletes can consume both regular food and special supplements.

Along with foods that are beneficial for an athlete gaining muscle mass, there is also food that needs to be excluded from the diet. It does not bring any benefit to the body and is stored in the fat layer. The list of prohibited foods includes the following food groups:

  • fatty meats, sausages and sausage products, ham;
  • industrial food products containing dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and other chemical additives;
  • any types of spread, natural butter, mayonnaise, margarine;
  • sweet pastries, sweets, cakes, etc.;
  • salted, pickled, smoked food.

Protein sources

Protein-rich foods for increasing muscle mass include:

  • Chicken or turkey fillet. You need to consume from 150 to 200 grams of this dietary meat per day.
  • Dairy products with low fat content. This could be yoghurt and milk.
  • Cottage cheese and egg whites. The first, along with protein, also contains valuable microelements. Eggs, for obvious reasons, become a source of protein only without the yolk.
  • Sea fish. Salmon, tuna, and so on contain omega acids, which are essential for humans.
  • Cereals. Wheat should be consumed sprouted, bread made from whole grain flour, raw or roasted sunflower seeds. You can eat lentils and buckwheat.

Carbohydrate-rich foods

Allows you to obtain the energy supply required for training. The amount of carbohydrates is reduced only for the purpose of losing weight. People gaining muscle mass, on the contrary, need to include the following sources of carbohydrates in their diet:

  • brown rice containing more carbohydrates than white;
  • unsweetened types of fruits by reducing the consumption of grapes, pears, bananas;
  • vegetables, including herbs and garlic;
  • pasta, prepared from durum wheat;
  • cereals

Sources of fats

The optimal need for fats is compensated by consuming:

  • Brazil and walnuts;
  • hazelnuts, almonds, cashews;
  • applesauce pastilles;
  • mackerel.

Designed specifically for naturally thin ectomorphs. Provides six meals a day. Portions should be small so as not to overeat and feel hungry. The results of this diet can be seen after a month.

Diet to increase muscle mass

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Oatmeal, nuts, apple.Potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables.Cottage cheese and banana.Fish, rice, vegetables.Tuna with vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
2 Orange, nuts, buckwheat porridge with honey and milk.Boiled pasta, baked veal, vegetables.Whole grain bread, kefir.Cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.Baked mackerel, vegetable salad.
3 Oatmeal, banana, apple, nuts.Potatoes, lean veal, vegetables.Brown bread, omelette, apple.Smoothie made from milk and fruits.Turkey fillet, rice,Jam, cottage cheese.
4 Rice porridge with milk, nuts, apple.Vegetable soup, veal.Whole grain bread, kefir.Fruit salad.Turkey fillet, baked potatoes.Vegetable salad.
5 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetables.Potatoes, lean veal, banana.Apple, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet with vegetable stew.Strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter.
6 Nuts, banana, oatmeal.Chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables.Kefir, whole grain bread.Kiwi, cottage cheese with honey.Baked mackerel, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.Fruit salad.
7 Chicken fillet, omelette, vegetablesVeal, vegetable salad, apple.Banana, cottage cheese with jam.Fruit smoothie.Chicken fillet, rice, vegetables.Vegetable salad.

Sports nutrition while dieting

A complex schedule or lifestyle does not always allow you to eat up to six times a day. And if such a problem exists, various supplements can come to the rescue to fill the “gaps” in nutrition.

These sports nutrition products include:


Protein powders

A protein supplement involved in the process of creating muscle mass. It does not interfere with a gainer; it is consumed an hour before training.


Retains water in muscle tissue. Drink forty minutes before physical activity.

Be sure to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamins. They not only increase the absorption of nutrients, but also prevent intestinal problems.

Drying the body while increasing muscle mass

In order not only to increase muscle volume, but also to dry out, the diet is tightened. All sources of fast carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. No cakes, muffins, sweets or sugar-containing products.

You need to eat not six, but seven to nine times. This will prevent the accumulation of fat mass. It is highly recommended to consume vegetable fats instead of animal fats.