What real people say - is it really possible to do the splits quickly? How to do the splits faster: tips 12 exercises to do the splits

Before doing the splits at home, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules. Good stretching indicates muscle elasticity, body flexibility and a healthy spine. If a person knows how to do the splits, it means that he does not have salt deposits in his joints, and he also has good control of his own body.

You can improve the stretch in your legs with a few exercises at home. By doing your own workouts several times a week, you will be able to make your muscles stronger and less susceptible to injury. Thanks to a regular complex, it is easy to improve blood circulation in the pelvis, sacrum, ligaments, and also strengthen the ligaments.

This article provides recommendations on how to properly prepare your ligaments for the splits. A small set of exercises will help achieve good stretching for both adults and children. It won’t be difficult to prepare your body for the splits in a gentle way, following the tips presented below.

Before you start training, you should pay attention to a few important tips:

  • Practice at home regularly at least 3-4 times a week. Constant slight physical activity will gradually prepare the ligaments for the splits;
  • Exercises should take at least 30 minutes. Doing less training will increase the risk of injury;
  • During the training process, you should not rush, it is important to be patient;
  • If during stretching there is a sharp pain in the muscles, then you should complete the exercise;
  • After finishing the lesson, it is important to allow the ligaments to recover and do not overload them beyond normal;
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the muscles were warm and if the room is cool, then put on leg warmers and socks;
  • It is recommended to learn how to relax correctly - this will reduce the occurrence of pain during stretching.

Running and jumping will help warm up your muscles and prepare them for the splits.

Before moving on to stretching, you need to perform several warm-up exercises. Cardio exercises in the form of running, jumping, and squats will warm up your muscles before training. If you start stretching without first warming up, you can easily damage the ligaments. Warming up the muscles in the form of a hot bath or warming ointments will not give the desired effect.

During the exercises, it is important to watch your back; it should be straight. When performing exercises, you need to breathe correctly. During the stretching process, breathing should be smooth, without delay. Half of the exercises should be aimed to static, and the other part of the training is on dynamics(waves).

There are two types of twine: longitudinal and transverse. In the first case, one leg is in front and the other is behind. It is much easier to sit on it than on the transverse one. In the second case, the legs are spread simultaneously to the sides. In order to sit on the transverse splits, you need to pay attention to longitudinal stretches.

At first, you shouldn’t ask someone to help with stretching. It will be difficult for an inexperienced “assistant” to assess how to pull and with what force to press on the “student”. Such assistance can result in ligament rupture.

Contraindications to training

You should avoid doing the splits in cases where you have health problems. Below are the main contraindications for which it is necessary to exclude this type of training.

Contraindications to stretching

1 Hypertension. With high blood pressure, additional stress can cause discomfort.

2 Spinal injuries. During training, back problems can provoke an additional risk of complications.

3 Inflammatory process in the hip joints. Sore lower back

4 Leg bruises as well cracks in the bones. Fissures in the pelvic area are considered especially dangerous.

Bruises, cracked bones, and other injuries are a contraindication to training.

During exercise, the body experiences stress. When your health is good, it is much easier to cope with minor discomfort. If there are contraindications to training, then it is much more difficult for the body to recover, and in this case the state of health may worsen.

How to prepare as an adult?

Before moving on to stretching (as indicated earlier), it is necessary to first warm up the muscles. Before you do the splits yourself at home, you should fix yourself in each stretching position. 30-60 sec. It is important to alternate stretching exercises for the front, back and inner thighs.

In order to stretch the back of the thigh, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • Get on your knees. The body must be in a level position. Hands to the sides, along the body. The gaze looks forward;
  • Straighten your right leg in front of you. Bend forward towards your leg, with your foot looking towards you. The shoulders are located at the same level. The back foot is flat, lying on the floor, at knee level;
  • Repeat the exercise on your left leg.

When performing the exercise, it is important to correctly stretch to a straight leg, the back leg is bent at the knee, the foot lies on the floor

You need to stretch the front of your thigh with the following exercise:

  • Get down on your knees. The buttocks are located on the heels. Hands are in front, you need to lean your elbows on them slightly. The gaze looks forward;
  • Lunge onto your right leg. The foot is located under the knee. The back leg is straight and completely on the floor. After this, lower your hands to the floor and rest your palms down;
  • Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

First, you should alternately stretch to the right and left legs, and then forward - the chest is located between the legs

By alternately extending your legs, you will also be able to stretch the inner thigh. Stretching is performed according to the following scheme:

  • First of all, you need to sit in the “butterfly”. Both legs are bent at the knees, feet are connected to each other;
  • One leg remains bent at the knee, and the other straightens to the side;
  • Bend towards the straight leg. We stretch our chest to the knee. The arms are located on the sides of the leg;
  • Change leg.

Second position - reach for the straight leg

Many people want 30 days of training, but not every person is able to achieve the desired result. After all, you don’t always want to do these boring exercises, which not everyone can do the first time. The article will tell you for beginners and more experienced athletes how much time it will take and what needs to be done to achieve a positive result.

All scientists put forward only one opinion about twine - it is a useful practice for the human body. People who were able to do the splits in 30 days often notice some changes in their own body. Among them:

  • improved blood circulation and digestion;
  • normalization of intestinal function, as well as other internal organs.

In addition, twine helps to quickly cope with varicose veins, which many people have suffered for many years, and also gives self-confidence and charges with energy and positivity.

This gymnastic exercise is accessible to both the youngest athletes and teenagers, as well as older people who are full of energy and ready to train. If you train correctly and regularly, you will develop flexibility quite quickly.

Best time to exercise

By doing regular workouts, you can do the splits in 30 days, but fitness trainers have not yet come to a consensus on the best time to do your own stretching: in the morning or in the evening. In the morning, as you know, the muscles just begin to work and are in a more relaxed state. Gentle and gentle movements during stretching exercises guarantee the achievement of excellent results. It is worth noting that morning exercises can show how much flexibility a person has.

Evening training is much easier to do, since its duration can be safely reduced by reducing the time for warming up. After all, the muscles have already warmed up and developed throughout the whole day, so you won’t need to pay special attention to warming up. In addition, in the evening, the muscles will react to stretching less painfully, making it possible to work on the most problematic areas without unnecessary effort. The ideal option would be to start exercising immediately after taking a warm shower.

Optimal frequency of training

You can do the splits in 30 days, provided you follow all the important rules, which include the frequency of exercise. Each person independently chooses the optimal training time based on their goals. If the main goal is to stretch well in the shortest possible time, then you need to train for 40-45 minutes daily. It is forbidden to take breaks between sessions, since if you miss just one session, the muscles will return to their original position, and all achievements will have to be returned, and only after that will you begin to “conquer new heights” again.

It is not at all necessary to make the training long, since the most important thing in them is regularity. If you cannot complete the entire complex at once, then you should simply divide it into several parts and perform them in your free time. Thanks to working according to this scheme, you can save time and achieve good results.

Before you start doing the splits, it is worth noting that, first of all, it is important that both beginners and more experienced athletes can also perform the splits at home, but without good stretching it will not be possible to achieve a good result. People who play sports have good stretching skills, so these exercises will not be difficult for them, but beginners will have to spend a lot of strength and energy. Stretching is a good rest, during which the body is recharged with energy after a hard day at work, so you should definitely devote at least 10 minutes to it.

and necessary equipment

Before you do the splits in 30 days, you need to understand its varieties. So, the main types of twine:

  1. Transverse (legs spread apart).
  2. Longitudinal (one leg goes back and the other goes forward).

The following muscles function during any split:

  • calf;
  • gluteal;
  • long adductor;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • rectus femoris muscle.

Fortunately, in order to do the splits from scratch, you don’t need to purchase separate equipment or join a gym. For training you will need:

  • walls;
  • yoga mat.

Warming up the muscles

Before any workout, the main muscles working during splits must have a 15-minute stretch. For beginners, it will be possible to do the splits at home, but you will have to spend a little more time warming up the muscles (about 20-25 minutes). Thanks to this warm-up, the risk of overstretching or injury will be significantly reduced, and the exercises themselves will be much easier.

Even with excellent stretching, before doing the splits, the muscles should be warmed up. The following warm-up options will help with this:

  • running in place (up to 10 minutes);
  • (up to 15 per leg);
  • dancing (10-15 minutes);
  • jumping rope (up to 5 minutes).

After the muscles are thoroughly warmed up, you can begin stretching and flexibility exercises. They all make up a single complex that will help you do the splits from scratch in a short time.


This exercise is the most common and favorite among many professional athletes. It involves the muscles of the inner thighs.

Sitting on the floor with straightened legs and a straight back, you need to carefully and slowly reach your hands towards your feet, while lowering your body as low as possible. You should stay in this position for no more than 15 seconds, and then return to the starting position. You need to repeat the exercise 3 times.

Longitudinal half twine

The exercise will be ideal for beginners. It stretches the muscles of the inner thighs and back.

Sitting on the floor, you need to spread your legs as far apart as possible and place your hands on the floor. The hands must be in line with the shoulders. Then you need to gradually lower your body, reaching the floor with your forearms. You need to stay in the pose for about 15-20 seconds, and there should be 2 repetitions in total.

Double crunches

This type of crunch is popular with both women and men because it works the muscles of the abs, legs and thighs.

Sitting on the floor with your legs spread wide apart, you need to bend one knee, pulling your foot towards the inner thigh of the opposite leg. The hand opposite the bent leg should be placed on the bent knee, and the other hand should be on the ear. Then you should lean towards the bent leg and stay in this position for no more than 15 seconds. You need to perform 2 repetitions, and then change sides.


When trying to do the splits, you should not make sudden movements. You should know that stretching through pain and jerking will lead to serious injuries. If you feel a stabbing or cutting pain during exercise, you should stop exercising and apply ice to the area.

Contraindications for training:

  • muscle injuries;
  • increased body temperature;
  • inflammation in the body;
  • joint problems;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

When trying to perform this gymnastic exercise, you need to distribute your own weight evenly on both legs. It is forbidden to bend your knees and back, and the main task when performing is not a large number of repetitions, but to achieve results.

Reading time: 13 minutes

Splits are the dream of many. But what if you don't have natural flexibility? Is it possible to achieve the desired stretch if you are still very far from your goal? Can. The key to results will be three factors: regularity, diligence and time.

We offer you the most useful tips on how to learn how to do the splits, as well as the most effective exercises for the splits. Even if you are not particularly motivated to do the splits, remember that doing the suggested stretching exercises will be very beneficial for your health. This includes increasing joint mobility, improving the functioning of the pelvic organs, and strengthening the leg muscles.

How do the splits?

  1. The main condition for good stretching is regularity - you should exercise 5-6 times a week. And if you want to speed up the result, then do splits exercises every day or even 2 times a day. Taking long breaks from stretching will set you back several notches.
  2. Morning stretching, when the body has not yet had time to warm up, is considered the most effective. But your joints and muscles will be most flexible by the end of the day, so it is very important to stretch both morning and evening.
  3. Before training, take a hot shower, it will relax your muscles and make them more flexible.
  4. Necessarily Warm up your body before stretching: Have a good jump or run. It is advisable for you to sweat slightly. Warm-up should last at least 10 minutes. The better you are warmed up, the easier the splits exercises will be. Check out our selection of warm-up exercises.
  5. Turn on some nice slow music. This will allow you to relax, let go of your fears and train more effectively.
  6. In order to do the splits, you need an integrated approach to training. Don't just focus on developing, for example, the pelvic area and hamstrings. The body is a single organism, which means it is necessary to develop absolutely all muscles and achieve flexibility in all joints and tendons.
  7. Start with a longitudinal twine, it is easier to achieve than a transverse one. After you sit on the longitudinal split, proceed to attempts to perform the transverse split. But you can also stretch in parallel into two splits at the same time.
  8. Don't set yourself up for quick results. The Internet is full of articles “How to do the splits in one day, in 3 days, in a week”, but don’t be fooled by loud headlines. Listen to your body and don't force things.
  9. Be prepared for pain. As you stretch, you will feel discomfort in your muscles and ligaments from time to time. Such discomfort during splits exercises will accompany you constantly, so your exercises are unlikely to be pleasant and relaxing.
  10. Need to stretch with a relaxed body and deep breathing. Your muscles should not be tense! The deeper your breathing, the better your body can stretch, which means you can do the splits faster.
  11. Don't turn to strangers for help so they can try to stretch you. This is fraught with injury. Better slowly but surely.
  12. Use ready-made training video sets if you don’t like to train on your own or want to diversify your splits exercises. Check out our selection of twine videos.
  13. You can perform splits exercises in several approaches. For example, we took a lunge position, reached maximum muscle tension, and stayed in this position for several minutes. Then we rested a little and returned to the lunge position.
  14. The least traumatic stretch is static, which involves holding one position for several minutes. Use a stopwatch on your phone or wristwatch: you should be in a static position for at least 1-2 minutes.
  15. If you want to do the splits faster, then The total duration of your workout should be at least 30 minutes.
  16. When stretching, pull the toe not away from you, as in ballet, but towards you. This will allow you to deepen the stretch even more.
  17. If you want to achieve faster results in splits exercises, then try practicing yoga regularly. Thanks to yoga, you will learn proper breathing, develop flexibility, stretch your muscles and open your joints. You can, for example, do yoga in the morning and stretching in the evening.
  18. If you were able to do the splits, take your time to relax and rest on your laurels. In order to maintain the result, you need to continue to exercise, otherwise there will be no trace of your flexibility left.
  19. Remember that each of us has different genetics. For some, a week of regular training is enough to do the splits; for others, even three months is not enough. If you have natural flexibility, it will be easier for you to do the splits.
  20. If you want to do the splits faster, you can purchase additional tools for effective stretching. For example, split stretching machine. Stretching on the simulator is very convenient and comfortable - you do not need external pressure or holding positions. Using a stretching machine will keep your muscles relaxed and more pliable for stretching.

In childhood, it is much easier to work on stretching due to better joint mobility, softness of ligaments and muscles. Typically, children can do the splits without difficulty, and with regular practice they maintain good stretching until adulthood. Therefore, you can practice splits with children or younger brothers and sisters.

Exercises for transverse and longitudinal splits

We offer you a selection of the most effective exercises that will help you do the splits. These exercises for transverse and longitudinal splits must be performed 5-6 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Hold each pose for 2-3 minutes, accompanying the stretching with deep breathing (you can use a timer). Try to deepen the position more and more each time, gradually stretching the muscles and ligaments. Use yoga blocks (or books) and a strap (towel) as needed.

1. Lunge

Get into a lunge position with your back knee on the mat (place a towel or pillow under your knee if necessary). Keep the shin of the other leg perpendicular to the floor, do not move the knee forward of the foot. Deepen the position, trying to pull your pelvis towards the floor. You can use yoga blocks. This is one of the simplest and most useful longitudinal split exercises!

From a lunge position, lower your hands to the floor on either side of your feet. Grab your bent left leg with your right hand, turning your body as shown in the picture. In this position, the leg muscles for longitudinal splits are stretched even better.

In a lunge position, place both hands on one side of your foot. If flexibility allows, lower your elbows to the floor. Use yoga blocks for support as needed. Each time, your leg muscles will stretch, and you will be able to quickly bring yourself closer to your goal of doing the splits.

From a lunge position, straighten your front leg with your knee tucked. Place your hands on the floor, try not to hunch your back. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings with this split exercise. This will be useful for both transverse and longitudinal twine. Gradually move your front leg forward to deepen the position.

From a lunge position, lower your front leg to the floor, turning your leg to the side. The foot is located near the pelvis, the thigh and lower leg lie completely on the floor. The pelvis stretches towards the floor and forward, do not turn it to the side. The pelvic bones point forward. If possible, lower your hands to the floor, deepening the position. This is one of the most effective longitudinal split exercises, and it is quite simple.

6. Deep Pigeon Pose

You can deepen the position of the pigeon by pulling the back leg towards the body with your hand. The pelvis stretches towards the floor, do not turn it to the side - the pelvic bones should look forward. Skip this exercise if you are not flexible enough.

Lie on your back and grab a belt, towel or elastic band. Lift one leg up and pull it towards you. Try to straighten your knees, this will help you feel the stretch in your hamstrings and hamstrings. The second leg is straightened and lies on the floor. If you find it difficult to maintain this position, bend your other leg at the knees. (not the one we pull, but the one lying on the floor).

We continue to perform splits exercises in a lying position. Grab your leg with a strap and move it first to one side, then to the other. Try to straighten both legs at the knees to enhance the leg stretch. This is not only a great exercise for cross splits, but also a good stretch for the back.

The fold is one of the most popular exercises not only in split training, but also in stretching training in general. The main condition for performing this exercise: you should not lower your neck and back to your legs, but your stomach. Don't hunch over or reach your back toward your legs; you should be stretching your hamstrings, not your spine. If you can't reach your feet with your hands, use a towel or strap. During this splits exercise, try to keep your back straight.

One of the main asanas in yoga perfectly develops leg stretching. With the correct downward-facing dog position, you will effectively stretch the hamstrings and hamstrings, which is required for both cross and longitudinal splits.

To deepen the stretch from a downward-facing dog position, lift your leg straight up. The legs are straight, the knees are pulled up, the back and legs form a slide. This exercise is great practice for vertical splits.

Another very effective exercise for longitudinal and transverse splits is bending towards the floor. Note that in this position, both legs remain straight and do not bend at the knees. Feet are completely on the floor. If you can’t keep your back straight when bending over, you can lean on blocks or a chair.

Take a side lunge position and lower your pelvis as low as possible. The back remains straight, you can maintain balance by resting your hands on the floor. The depth of the side lunge position is very dependent on your stretch. If you can't get into the position shown in the picture, just don't go that low. Remember that the knee should not go beyond the toe.

Take a deep squat position and rest your elbows on your knees. Stay in this position, trying to maintain balance. If you cannot stand steadily in the garland pose, then place a yoga block under your buttocks. Again, make sure that your knees do not go past your toes. This exercise will not only help you do the splits, but will also strengthen your leg muscles.

But this exercise will be very effective for cross splits. The butterfly exercise is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, especially if your hip joints are not sufficiently open. In this splits exercise, it is very important to keep your back straight. If stretching doesn't allow you to do this, place a pillow or yoga block under your buttocks. Try to place your heels as close to the groin area as possible.

Another very effective exercise for cross splits is the frog. Get on all fours and spread your legs apart, resting on your forearms. You can place pillows or a towel under your knees. Try to deepen the position, gradually spreading your legs. Regular frog practice will help you open your hip joints and do the splits.

17. Bend to the side with legs spread

After you have completed a number of preparatory poses, you can do a basic exercise for cross splits. To do this, you need to sit on your buttocks and spread your legs to the sides as far as possible. If you cannot keep your back straight in this position, then place a pillow under your buttock. Bend to the right and left. Feel the stretch in your legs increase.

18. Bend forward with legs spread

From the same position, lean your body forward, keeping your back straight. Place your hands or forearms on the floor and hold in this position. The wider your legs are, the closer you get to the cross split. When tilting, you can lean on the block.

19. Longitudinal splits exercise

To practice the longitudinal splits, you will need several yoga blocks or pillows. Take a deep lunge position and gradually move your legs apart into a split, lowering yourself to the floor to the maximum possible depth (you can use socks for better glide). Freeze in this position, trying to breathe out the painful sensations. Place your hands on blocks or the floor. You can stay in this position for 3-5 minutes depending on your capabilities. Gradually you will sit lower and closer to the floor. Exit the splits carefully without sudden movements.

M-Flex split stretch machine

Split training will become several times more comfortable and effective if you use a special M-Flex split training machine, which provides a tremendous advantage over traditional stretching methods. Working out on the M-Flex machine is very simple: just put the footrests in a position that is comfortable for you and you can start training. What is the advantage of stretching for splits using the M-Flex simulator?

Firstly, the load is applied smoothly and evenly. Secondly, the soft seat and foot rests allow you to stay in a stretched position for a long time. Thirdly, thanks to an accurate progress bar, you can easily track your results. But the main advantage of M-Flex is the ability relaxation on the simulator, which is the key to quickly achieving results. With regular exercise, you will not only be able to do the cross splits, but also significantly improve your stretching.

Good day everyone! Today I’ll tell you “How to do the splits quickly and efficiently.” There is a very popular opinion that says: to do the splits, you need months, or even years, of hard, grueling training. And this opinion is nothing but the tears and fear of losers who are simply too lazy to put in very little effort to achieve their cherished goal! In reality, everything is much more rosy and in order to do the splits, it is enough to devote no more than half an hour of free time to stretching every day for less than a month. Well, are you interested? Let's start)

Warming up

A common mistake of beginners trying to do the splits is that they do not pay enough attention to warming up before training, which is not only fundamentally wrong and will reduce all progress to a minimum, but also increases the risk of injury. Stretching with “cold” muscles means, first of all, jeopardizing your ligaments and tendons, which are very sensitive to any deformation.

In order to avoid injuries and make the process easier, you just need to spend ten minutes before each workout on the exercises below.

Side bends

We all remember the bends we did in physical education class, and this exercise will best warm up and prepare the pelvic area for the upcoming load.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax and, leaning forward, in short jerks, without bending your knees, try to touch the floor with your open palm. Perform 6-8 bends in three or four sets...


First option: Place your feet at a distance of about 40-50 cm from each other, spread your feet slightly to the sides, and squat until you take the characteristic “sat on a chair” pose. The exercise is best performed with additional weight. Three sets of six repetitions.

Option two: feet together, hands behind the head and squat with the maximum possible amplitude. It is ideal if you perform the exercise with bouncing at the extreme point of the amplitude. Two sets of ten to twelve repetitions.

Swing your legs

In taekwondo or kickboxing, this simple exercise is used for stretching and warming up. Hang some soft object (for example, a pillow) at the height of your height and try to knock it down with a kick. Swings should be performed in two to three sets of ten to fifteen repetitions.


Now that you know how to properly and effectively warm up your body, you can begin exercises that will allow you to stretch the pelvic area, knee and hip joints, without which it is impossible to do the correct splits.

1. Butterfly

  • Sit on the floor, bring your feet together and, pressing your hands on your knees, try to place your legs on the floor without lifting your feet from each other. The closer the flattened feet are to the pelvis, the more difficult the exercise. Of course, this exercise is best performed in pairs, but with a strong desire and minimal dexterity, you can get used to doing it yourself. This exercise simultaneously works and stretches both the knee and hip joint.

2. Paperclip

  • Get on your knees and, helping yourself with your hands, gently lie on your back on the floor. At first, lie straight on your feet, and then, if possible, spread your legs apart, without changing the position of your knees (without spreading). This exercise works best on the knee joint.

Longitudinal and transverse twine

And now, finally, we move on to the holy of holies - longitudinal and transverse twine. They differ in the mechanics of their effect on the joints, but in principle, there is nothing complicated about them.

When doing the longitudinal split, you should place two chairs on either side of you (to help you maintain your balance) and slowly, without any sudden jerks (to avoid injury), lower yourself until you feel a stretch in the knees and pelvis and a slight stabbing pain. Hold the position for one to two minutes, stand up and repeat again four to five times.

Cross twine it is much more convenient to perform and therefore simple, but at the same time more dangerous, since it stretches your ligaments much more strongly. There are two options here:

Option one. Prepare several books and, starting to do the splits, reaching the extreme point of stretching, place them under you and sit down. After which, gradually remove one book at a time, sitting lower and lower. This method will help you do the splits in the shortest possible time.

Option two. Place a chair in front of you and, leaning on it, lower yourself down until you feel pain. Fix the position and try to stretch first to one leg, then to the other and to the floor in front of you. This increases the load on the muscles and ligaments, which allows you to work your splits in the most complete way.

No matter what the masters and self-taught people say, the best ways to warm up before stretching are running or a hot bath. When you run and exercise, your whole body works hard, which allows you to kill two birds with one stone: both get a cardio workout and warm up well. A hot bath warms up well, or even “steams” your entire body, which can also serve as a good starting point for successfully doing the splits.

And remember that haste is important when hunting fleas, and the splits are a difficult gymnastic exercise that no one can do the first time.

If you systematically, day after day, follow the recommendations given in this article, then in just a couple of weeks you will be able to do the real splits no worse than Jean-Claude Van Damme!

And now I want to give you a couple of videos, I think they are one of the best on the Internet at the moment. Be sure to watch these lessons.

This video is calmer and will give you the opportunity to quickly and painlessly reach your goal without much effort.

Good luck and remember the main rule of any success: 10% is talent, 40% is the correct theory and the remaining 50% of success is your own perseverance in practice!


Scientists are unanimous in their opinion that splits are a beneficial practice for the human body. It improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and other internal organs, helps fight varicose veins, and gives self-confidence. This is not a complete list of the “merits” of a gymnastic exercise that anyone can master. It is available for both young people and those over 40.

You can develop flexibility in a few weeks if you exercise correctly and regularly. Let's find out how to do the splits in just one month!

Choosing hours to do exercises

There is no consensus among fitness trainers about what time is best for stretching workouts: morning or evening. In the morning, the muscles are not yet working at full capacity; they are in a relaxed, “inert” state, so the exercises are difficult. If you perform the movements carefully and carefully, you can achieve good results in a short time. It is morning exercises that show whether your flexibility is high or whether you have “launched” your body. They will charge the body with energy for the whole day and put it in “fighting” shape.

Evening training is easier than morning training. Its duration is reduced by reducing the time for warm-up: during the day the muscles have already warmed up and developed sufficiently. In the evening, muscles react less painfully to stretching, so this time is good for working on problem areas. It is especially good to start training after a warm shower.

What is the optimal training frequency?

The frequency of classes depends on the tasks you set for yourself. If you want to do the splits as quickly as possible, then do the workouts daily, spending on them from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Any break lasting 1-2 days will set you back: the muscles will quickly return to their original position, and you will not have to conquer “new peaks”, but return old achievements.

Training does not have to be long, the most important thing is regularity. If you do not have time to complete all the exercises of the complex in one “sitting,” then split it into several parts, which you will do when you have a free minute: today or tomorrow. This way you will save time, but will not give up on classes.

Stretching is a very good rest. Your body will happily accept it after a few hours spent in the office or after a long shopping trip.

Warming up your muscles before exercise

Any stretching workout begins with a 15-minute warm-up to warm up the muscles. This way you will reduce the risk of overstretching and getting injured, and the exercises will be easier for you.

The following warm-up methods are possible:

  • jumping with a rolling pin;
  • squats;
  • swing your legs;
  • dancing.

To refuse to warm up means to increase the risk of injury and to lose classes for the next 2-3 months.

Do the exercises conscientiously: the muscles must be well warmed up in order to stretch easily.

Have you long dreamed of learning how to do the splits? Watch the video and do these stretching exercises, your dream will come true very soon!

To improve the results of your workout, take a hot shower some time before you start.

A set of stretching and flexibility exercises

During training, pay attention to your technique. A common mistake is a bent back. Because of it, you will not achieve any results or will be forced to deal with lower back pain. Also keep your knees straight: otherwise the workout will lose 80% of its effectiveness.

To perform exercises, use a fitness mat: the covering will make the exercise comfortable. Pleasant music will help you relax.

Be careful

When trying to do the splits, try not to make sudden movements. Stretching through pain, jerking and rocking can lead to injury. If you overdo it, stop the workout immediately, apply ice to the injured area, and minimize the number of movements you perform. When you start studying again, be careful and take your time.

Remember to warm up before each attempt to do the splits.

Contraindications for training are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • joint problems;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • uterine prolapse;
  • muscle injuries.

When trying to take the cherished pose, distribute the load evenly on both legs. Don't bend your knees and back: your goal is not to do as many repetitions as possible, but to achieve results.

Little tricks

During exercise, pay attention to whether the muscles on the right and left are stretched symmetrically. If you notice a distortion, put more load on the problem side: over time, the difference will be eliminated, and you will train the body evenly.

If some muscle groups stretch less than others, give them extra attention. Take the time to work on tight areas, even if it makes your workout longer. When you can relax these areas, you will feel the position you assume become more comfortable.

Choose the right workout clothes: stretchy leggings and trowels work well. The body should be as closed as possible: this way you will eliminate the risk of muscle hypothermia.

Increase the load gradually, from session to session. You should not perform exercises through pain; the maximum that is acceptable is slight discomfort. A decrease in muscle tension indicates that movements can be made with greater amplitude.

An unusual stretching exercise. A real way to do the cross splits.

You can combine stretching and moderate strength loads: lunges with dumbbells, squats or swings with a weight of 1-2 kg. After them, flexibility exercises become more effective.

Different people have different flexibility, so stretching may take you longer than a couple of weeks to complete. Do not despair if you do not get quick results and do not stop training under any circumstances.

Splits are available to everyone, not just professional athletes and ballerinas. You can increase your flexibility in one month if you exercise regularly and follow the recommendations of professionals.