What to do in fifa 14. How to score goals easily in FIFA football simulators. Corners and free kicks

Despite the widespread cries of indignant fans that, they say, a new FIFA 14 did not live up to anyone’s expectations, they say, the PC version remained on the old engine, and the new engine migrated only to the console, and so on, FIFA 14 still showed the world several innovative innovations and gameplay solutions, smoothly preparing the armada of fans for the future 15- the th part of this legendary series, which, as usual, will be released in the fall of 2015. In the meantime, all fans and those simply interested are forced to adapt to a number of innovations that are not very typical of the previous parts of the game. One of the most radical innovations lies in some features of the gameplay, in general, and in the implementation of the transfer policy of the football club, in particular. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Buying pigs in a poke.

How did transfers go in the past, over the previous fifteen years? The player entered the appropriate window and set certain parameters for the football player he would like to acquire for his club. The win-win option was this: the options first set the minimum age, which was gradually increased. All the characteristics of the players were as if on a platter. At the same time, sorting young football players according to the amount of talent, 17-19 year old athletes were purchased for pennies, who in a couple of years already cost about three tens of millions of dollars. As a result, during the course of a coaching career, all the most promising football players, one way or another, played under the player. Some of the most beloved personalities migrated from club to club, wherever the difficult and challenging course of their coaching career took them. The sales of football players also took place without any problems. If a player was worth, say, 10,000,000, then he left for that price. This was especially true for older football players, who were often sold below the nominal price. But for the young and talented, European giants shelled out amounts that significantly exceeded the actual cost of the athlete.

And so, in last year's FIFA 13 some scouts appeared. Why and for what purpose is not clear. But they were there, and they had to be taken into account. The management demanded to hire scouts, and the scouts demanded that they be sent to distant and not so distant lands to study the local football gene pool. As a result of numerous business trips, the scouts littered the mail with their useless intelligence. The benefit of this data was reduced to zero due to the fact that the player, at the beginning of the transfer window, could follow the appropriate link himself, set the necessary parameters and recruit as many players as the club could accommodate or had enough money. And then in the fall of 2013 the time came for FIFA 14.

What immediately caught your attention? This is something that the characteristics of football players cannot be positively traced on their own. The list can be shuffled and ordered by age, position and name of the athlete, but not by his playing parameters. Even those players who are listed as free agents were a mystery, shrouded in darkness. This is where these same scouts come to the fore.

Scouts in FIFA 14 are the basis of club development.

This type of football functionary differs in efficiency. Citizen scouts are also divided into talented and lazy. Fortunately, their characteristics can be tracked without difficulty. The more stars, the better the scout. A specialist who has 4-5 stars in both the “experience” and “solution” columns is worth more than ten million USD. But you will have to fork out for this, even if your club cannot be classified as a grand club. By the way, even for the most famous football clubs in Europe, it is quite enough to have one scout at your disposal in order to receive more or less accurate information about the players of interest.

Scouts can only monitor one country at a time. Not a region, as it was in FIFA 13, but a country. Now the game has a “tasks for scout” column. There, in a column, almost two dozen different characteristics that you would like to see in a future purchase are listed. For example, do you need a defender who can effectively connect to passes into the opponent’s goal area during corners and free kicks? This means that in team management we set a higher percentage for crosses into the penalty area, and for scouting tasks we put a bird next to the “Aerial threat” column. If, for example, you need a striker from whom it would be difficult to take the ball, then put a bird in front of the “Dribbler” column, etc. After all the manipulations, we select the desired age, positions and, having saved the instructions, send the scout on a business trip. The whole nuance is that if you overdo it and mark too many points at the same time, then the scout will not be able to find anything, and if you mark too few, for example, one, then the scout will find you about fifty football players and torment you with reports. Therefore, one of the most universal options is to select the position necessary to strengthen the squad by checking the box next to the “Strengthening the squad” column. If a scout is not hired for three pennies, then when searching for potential club newcomers, he will only look for those who can strengthen your main squad. It's a win-win, as they say. It is clear that the characteristics of the players will be different, but they will always be no lower than the average for all the main players.

Cheap blacks and golden youth.

One of the long-standing traditions that can be seen in all FIFA games is that all black football players will cost significantly less than similar white-skinned athletes. In other words, buying a black man is always more profitable than buying a white one. Who else but the Americans and Canadians should know about this. A conditional Drogba or Pogba will be cheaper than Fernando Torres or Schweinsteiger. We cannot help but take advantage of this circumstance, because we are not racists, but we need to strengthen our membership. In general, everyone who is dissatisfied with this state of affairs, that without scouts there is nowhere, begins to buy football players “for old times’ sake” and by famous names. Where are all the star names? That's right: in the European giants. As a result, the player has to shell out 30,000,000 for Chicharito or Muriel, and after purchasing he is surprised to see that their real price is half as much. However, this is where the following innovation comes into play: talented and young football players, as well as those who show good play throughout the season, constantly appearing on the field from the starting minutes, can be sold for a much higher amount than indicated in the dossier. Therefore, it is important that every football player has game practice and receives high scores for each game. Otherwise, its price will drop significantly. At the same time, you can use this feature by buying excellent football players who, for unknown reasons, are in the deep reserves of many high-quality teams. In the dossier of such a player, opposite the “Form” column, there will be “Bad”. But this will not take long to affect his playing condition. For the first few months, such a player will not be able to work the entire 90 minutes, exhausting himself by the break. Therefore, he needs to be given time to adapt.

And now we have smoothly approached the most important thing - working on scout reports. From a large list of theoretical football players, you will need to almost randomly select those who interest you and instruct the scout to “Keep an eye on the player.” To fully study a player, a scout will need 20 days. At the same time, he can study many athletes. The quantity does not affect the speed of learning. Gradually, information about the players will be updated, which the player will be able to see in the relevant statistics. It is very important to search for players on an ongoing basis, and not just when the transfer window opens. If you start studying only for its opening, then the entire transfer campaign will be covered with a copper basin. But if you first take care of searching for potential newcomers, then by the time the window opens the player will already have a list with detailed characteristics ready. At the same time, true data about a football player is often offered in a somewhat vague form. A universal indicator of his class is his cost and salary. It happens that the purchase of a football player, whose most characteristics are marked in green and the attractive numbers are 80-90, ends up being what is called “over the counter”, and another 25-year-old player with a total level of 65 ends up on the bench. -70 points. But for the best football players, scouts still give an accurate forecast. By the way, if you don’t want to study reports or are pressed for time, you can directly contact the club to purchase a particular player. You will, of course, have to overpay, but still complete the deal. Sometimes you can still catch football players whose contracts are about to expire. With proper initiative, you can get them for free by signing a preliminary contract for the future.

As a conclusion, it must be said that in FIFA 14, scouts are an essential part of any club. The entire club transfer campaign is based on their activities. There is no need to be lazy by studying their reports and giving them competent tasks. However, even after several seasons, when studying scouting reports, it is not always possible to read between the lines the truly necessary information. Therefore, the purchase of new football players is always associated with a certain degree of surprise. However, surprises, even if not always pleasant, are exactly why they love football.

Despite the apparent similarity with previous games in the series, FIFA 14 quite a lot of differences. Our tips, I hope, will help you quickly get used to the new gaming realities.

To begin with, it is worth noting that, unlike FIFA 13, defenders have become much smarter and more assertive. Now it’s simply not possible to pass through the center and shoot from outside the penalty area. The opponent's midfield line is now mobile and does not allow long periods with the ball. I suggest passing pressure using a quick short pass (S on the keyboard or A on the joystick) and a pass to move (W or Y). Remember to hold Z or LT for a more accurate pass.

Tactical defense announced and launched in FIFA 13, in the new version of the series has also been revised. Now the central defenders do not run away after the attackers. In three out of five cases, the move pass (Q+W or LB+Y) is valid, allowing fast attackers to break away from the defender. But be careful, after the reception your player will slow down almost immediately and then the defender will quickly take the ball away. To do this, use Z or LT, this will help position your body and keep the ball. You can also throw the ball forward, unless, of course, the goalkeeper comes to the ball.

IN FIFA 14 It became much easier to play on the flanks. This was achieved by reworking crosses (canopies) and crosses, as well as a new system for influencing the values ​​of player strength and heading on the choice of position, preparation for a shot and the actual shot on goal. Now, for example, Sebastian Giovinco will be able to win an equestrian fight against, say, Sergio Ramos only with a violation of the rules or if Ramos is late with the jump.

To win a mid-air fight, wait for the ball to get close enough to your player, then press D or B with the direction. Six times out of ten, your player will hit the goal.

Naturally, if the game through the flanks and crosses works well, then corners will be a good help for victory. IN FIFA 13 this element of the game was not loved by fans of the series, because scoring from a set piece seemed to be quite a difficult task. Having redesigned the engine, EA Sports allowed larger forwards and defenders to connect to corners more often and more successfully. Let's say, with Benteke, Lukaku, Rickie Lambert or Robin Van Persie in attack, you can always expect the player to be on the ball when delivering a corner or cross from the flank. And even if the shot does not end in a goal, you can always play on the finish.

We also noticed that after serves from the flank, the ball is often kicked out from outside the penalty area to the central midfielder with a good long-range strike. Of course, a player of the caliber of Steven Gerrard or Frank Lampard often takes shots at goal in real football. So in FIFA 14 We twice witnessed cool long-range shots from thirty meters away.

Don't forget about the tactical presets available from the very beginning of the match (counterattack, possession, pressing, etc.). IN FIFA 14 they affect the game more than in the previous version of the game.

In addition to a completely redesigned menu, the FIFA 14 There are a lot of innovations. This primarily affected the “Career” mode. Developers from Electronic Arts listened to numerous requests from players and added an important function - scouting.

Now your coaching staff includes from one to six scouts, who can be sent to one of three dozen countries around the world. To help you narrow down your search for the position you're looking for, we'll look at the following aspects: position (from pure forward to attacking full-back), age, number of years remaining on contract, and 15 special characteristics (e.g. aerial threat, set-piece master, up-and-comer or playmaker). With their help, highly qualified scouts will select for your team not only a player who suits the club’s style, but will also choose the most promising one.

The incoming message system has also changed significantly. Now you receive not only news from the world of football, but also invitations to press conferences. The “Inbox” menu is now divided into three tabs: “Email” (new messages are sent here), Conversation with players (player requests come here) and Message Archive (all read messages are sent here after a week).

We also noted that the scouting system for the youth team has also changed. The differences affect the level of stardom of the young players that come from the search, in proportion to the experience of your scout. Simply put, if you have a scout with a 1-star level, then with a 5% chance a player with a good starting skill or high prospects will come to you. Although, in many ways, this also depends on the degree of tolerance of management chosen at the beginning of your career.

7.5 from the editor





  • Publisher: EA Sports
  • Publisher in Russia: 1C-SoftClub
  • Developer: EA Canada
  • Website: Official site
  • Game Engine: Impact Engine EA Sports Ignite
  • Genre: Sport
  • Game mode: Single player, multiplayer
  • Spreading: -

System requirements:

  • Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
  • Core 2 Duo E4300 or similar from AMD
  • 2 GB
  • 256 MB video card compatible with DirectX® 9.0c and 3D or equivalent with support for shaders version 3.0 and higher
  • 8 GB

About the game

FIFA 14 intends to bring innovation to the series with a number of technologies. For example, Pure Shot technology, which adjusts the intelligence of players, their movements and the angle of impact during an attack on goal, is designed to make goals "amazing". Well, the Real Ball Physics system determines the trajectory of the ball, and opens up access to a variety of physically correct types of shots. The players on the field have also become much more realistic. Each of them received several new techniques and improved movement dynamics. Finally, the domino effect whereby a goalkeeper jumping into a full penalty area would immediately cause players to fall to the ground has disappeared. Unnatural acceleration and braking, as well as many other defects caused by insufficient detail of what is happening, are a thing of the past. Among the innovations that first appeared in FIFA 14, we note the new relationship parameter present between team players. It can be described as a kind of “chemistry” that arises between players from countries with related cultures. Good mutual understanding on the field allows such players to carry out combinations on the field faster. But if the players belong to different nationalities, such an understanding, alas, will not arise between them. Also, a mod has appeared in the game that allows players to make independent decisions, regardless of and even contrary to preset parameters.

Team intelligence for both teams on the field has been improved, with players assessing opportunities and making better decisions, which will help both attack and defense. Protect The Ball, Sprint Dribble Turns and Variable Dribble Touches technologies give players new ball control capabilities, improving their technique, allowing them to block other players, turn in any direction at speed, and handle the ball.

This game will introduce a new way of gameplay in career mode, offering the Global Scouting Network feature, which will allow you to develop a network to search for football players, and search for talent all year round, assessing all the traits and advantages of new players. The Sports Football Club service, in turn, will turn FIFA 14 into a real football social network, helping you communicate and find opponents around the world.

Game innovations

Flawless Strike

The system of shots in the game has been changed, now players can change the width of their steps and choose the angle of approach to the ball in such a way as to deliver the most dangerous shot on goal. Players may throw unprepared shots from an awkward position.

Ball control

It's now possible to push defenders away from the ball by moving the ball away thanks to new intuitive mechanics.

Realistic ball physics

Now the trajectory of the ball in the game corresponds to the physics of the flight of a real ball, even more powerful and technical strikes have appeared. Football players can take strong shots from long distance and also spin the ball, just like in real football.

Precision Movements

The path along which football players move and interact has changed, the inertia and landing of the leg are calculated step by step in real time, previously this was done using a specific animation.

Teammate intelligence

Improved decision-making in the game will provide better player supervision and tracking of movements. Defenders will be able to calculate options for securing and tackling the ball. Attackers will have new techniques to deceive their opponents. They will create space in attack, make behind-the-back runs and control the tempo of the game.

Game modes


One of the new features in Career Mode is the addition of a new global network that allows you to hire a scout to scout talent throughout the season from various clubs around the world.

Ultimate Team

Game patterns have been replaced by player teamwork styles, formation change cards (formations, schemes) and morality cards have been removed from the game. The auction has been renamed “Transfer Market”. Now it is possible to assign playing numbers to football players, select performers of all standards and appoint a captain. FUT Seasons will have ten divisions instead of five. 9 new schemes will appear in the mode.

Joint seasons

In this mode, any player can take part in 2v2 ranked online play, teaming up with a friend against two other players and working together to take their team to the first division. Additionally, Match Day has been added to Seasons and Co-Op Seasons, fully integrating online play with the reality of the world's best leagues.

Interesting moments

1 - EA Sports doesn't choose Players of the Year
As you know TOTY(Players of the Year) is a group of eleven players who receive significant boosts to their stats and are given special cards featuring them. However, not everyone knows how and on what basis they are selected. We would like to declare that EA Sports do not choose them based on their preferences, but on the basis of voting on "Golden Ball". The eleven players who receive those special blue cards are chosen by the association "FIFPro World XI“, which includes about 50,000 professional football players.

2 - Players who leave in the first five minutes of the match are penalized
In previous versions Ultimate Team there was a rule in which a player could leave a match without worsening the DNF rate and without spending contracts. The only thing that was necessary was to leave the match in the first five minutes. This was very useful in very high handicap games or between teams with similar players. However, some players used this feature if they were already losing in the first five minutes of the game. IN FUT 14 there is no such. If a player leaves the match, he is punished.

4 - Gameplay items purchased from the EASFC Catalog can be used in FUT14.

« EASFC catalog» is grouped by category. There is a special category for " Ultimate Team“, and there is also a “Gameplay” category with many items. These items can be purchased at the same time for your Ultimate Team. For example, you can buy classic kits by going to UT, you can watch them in your club.

5 – Two players from different divisions can play each other in “FUT14 – Seasons”
I bet you've wondered who I'm playing with in Seasons? With a player from your division or maybe from another? We answer. Yes, it may happen that a player from a higher/lower division will take to the field against you. Your priority opponent is always the one who has the least problems with ping, so that the game is comfortable for you. Then the system sorts what is found by team rating, and only then by the division closest in level to you.

6 - You cannot change the “Game Rating” (Work Rate) in Ultimate Team
This is another myth. Unlike what happens in other game modes, in Ultimate Team It is not possible to change game Work rates. Even through the game control menu. This is why it is so important to choose the right players.

7 — After playing on the New Generation console, you can continue playing on the previous console.
Everyone wants to know how to transfer their progress to Ultimate Team to a PS4 or XBox One console. However, few people know that it is possible, at any time, to return to the current generation console and play Ultimate Team with the same team. Just plug in and play. Every change made on one console can be seen on the other. Naturally, this can only be done between PS3 - PS4 and between Xbox 360 and XBox One.

8 - At any moment in the match, your wingers can change the flank of the game.
At any time, you can change your team's playing style by pressing the left (default settings) analogue of your gamepad. You can instruct players not only to change their flank, but also to force an artificial offside, or have your central defender join the attack.

9 - Porting from current generation platform to next generation is not perfect
Don't be alarmed. You won't lose your players or your coins by switching to a new console. Just check if you are using the same PSN ID or Gamertag on your new console.
There are some problems, that's a fact. First of all, you will lose all added players to Friends. You will have to carry out this procedure again. There are other nuances - the problem with the “Season Ticket”. Yes, you will still receive a gift set every week, but you will no longer have discounts on packs.

Position yourself as close to the gate as possible. Try to only take shots from outside the penalty area. This way you have a much better chance of seeing the ball in the net.

Choose a tactical formation with at least two strikers. It is much easier to score goals after the wall.

Score simple goals by stealing the ball from your opponents when the goalkeeper makes a pass and/or throws in after a deflected shot. Just stand in front of the opposing defender, take the ball and take a shot. Usually the goalkeeper is in the wrong position and misses the ball.

Get in the habit of lightly pressing the kick button rather than holding it down. FIFA games have a very sensitive kick control system, so in most cases, a shot on goal with the button held down will result in a free goal kick.

Play for clubs such as Manchester United, Arsenal, Barcelona, ​​Internazionale and others. Such teams feature the best strikers in the world with high speed, as well as accuracy and power of strikes. Stay in the flow, score easy goals with the best players.

If your opponent plays solid defense, then you can often use early crosses. It's hard to defend against crosses.

Learn the types of shots. In FIFA 2010 there are three types of shots: regular, precision and sweep. A sweep shot works great when the goalkeeper is out of goal. Learn all three types and use them when appropriate. The result in the form of goals will not be long in coming.

If you miss a goal, don’t get upset, just start attacking with renewed energy. Then victory will not escape you.

Work with what you have. A ball rolling on the ground is certainly good, but a lob pass is even better. It is almost impossible to block a ball in the air, plus such passes easily allow you to avoid offside traps. You will easily run away from defenders.

You don't always need to rush at all pores. It's better to slow down during the impact. If necessary, use motion control. The fewer movements, the more accurate the strike will be.

The ability to score goals on different difficulties depends to one degree or another on the opposing goalkeeper. If you are playing against a weak goalkeeper, then you should practice your shots from afar. It's better to press "Q+D" instead of "D". Sometimes the goalkeeper is far out of the goal, in this case you can try to shoot from the center of the field by pressing "Q + D" and putting all your strength into the shot.

When playing against a strong goalkeeper on any difficulty, run with the ball along one wing of the field without changing players. Run all the way to the line. Turn around by pressing the left arrow (Action camera), return to the top corner of the opponent's penalty area. Now, looking at the far post, press "+→+A" (less force) if you are on the right, or "+←+A" if you are on the left. This trick will allow you to score more than one goal.

On Legendary difficulty it is very difficult to score a goal from a free kick if you have a top-class goalkeeper playing against you. When taking a free kick, move the camera all the way to the right, press "Q+D++←" and take a shot with maximum force. When doing this, use a player with the right working foot. This applies to free kicks from the right side. When hitting backhands, everything is done in reverse.

On Xbox?

To do this, you must pay for Xbox Live Gold membership at Microsoft official website .

How to set up controls?

To do this, go to the “quick match”. Select the "customize control" option. In the menu that appears, there are several options: keyboard + mouse, keyboard, gamepad (if connected). Select the option that suits you, then press Enter (A on the gamepad).

How to change keyboard controls?

How to play online?

To do this you need to buy a licensed game in a digital store Origin(PC), PSN(PS3, PS4, PS Vita, PSP), XBLA (Xbox 360), App Store(iOS) Google Play(Android). You will be able to play online automatically.

How to play online?

How do I sign in to Origin?

To do this, you need to register on the official website and download the program. Install it and run it on your computer. Enter the username and password that you specified during registration.

How to set up graphics?

Before starting the game, you can go to the settings. The game will automatically adjust to your computer's configuration and select the optimal settings.

How to create your own tournament?

This is not possible on PS4 and Xbox One consoles. On PC you need to do the following:

  • Create a My Documents folder on drive D or any other;
  • Go to the “Libraries\Documents” section. You need the game folder;
  • Go to "Properties". In the “Location” tab, click “Move” and specify the new path D:\My Documents;
  • After that, start the game, select Extra mode, new tournament. Press Enter and then the number 6 on the NumPad.

How to develop players?

You must release them onto the field from the first minutes of the match. The better players perform and earn high scores, the faster their development occurs.