What does gymnastics give to Strelnikova? Moderate sobbing breathing. Exercise for beginners

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin

Breathing gymnastics - traditional and Strelnikov

Brave breath -

Like a trigger platoon.

Man, you are now -

Strelnikovskaya gymnastics -

in arms against the disease!

N.I. Ivanova, Moscow

The truth, as we know, is in comparison. Let's compare the two types of gymnastics to establish the truth.

Common (traditional) breathing exercises suggest inhaling while opening the chest and exhaling while compressing. It is recommended to stretch both inhalation and exhalation for as long as possible in order to take in as much air as possible, and then try to exhale everything that you took in. The exact tempo and rhythm are not established.

Strelnikovsky breathing exercises suggest inhaling while compressing, and exhaling while opening the chest. Take in as much air as you take, exhale as much as you exhale. The tempo and rhythm are set precisely, as in a song or dance.

It is known that “the lumens of the bronchi contract during inhalation and expand during exhalation” (Rabotnov L.D. Study of the physiological and pathological phenomena of the singing voice. - M.: Muzgiz, 1935). And this is understandable: we squeeze the spray bottle to spray it. Nature contracts the airways to push air through, just as blood vessels push through blood. The opening of the bronchi during exhalation is also understandable: the wider the corridor, the easier it is to push something out through it. Consequently, by opening the chest during inhalation and compressing it during exhalation, conventional breathing exercises violate the natural mechanics of breathing, which nature has created for millions of years. Strelnikovsky breathing exercises, on the contrary, support the natural mechanics of breathing, offering inhalation while compressing and exhaling while opening the chest. And therefore it easily restores it if it is broken.

It is known that the body cannot live without a supply of air, that natural exhalation is weaker than inhalation. Otherwise there would be no air left in the lungs. But the active inhalation is short: “It smells like burning” - a sharp inhalation through the nose, or “Ah! Really? - on “Ah”, actively inhale through the mouth. While advocating slow inhalation, generally accepted breathing exercises suggest passive inhalation, while recommending that you exhale everything you have taken in (which, by the way, is physically impossible), it suggests active exhalation. In other words, by disrupting the natural mechanics of breathing, it also disrupts its natural dynamics, in which only inhalation is active.

Strelnikovskaya gymnastics proposes to be based on two rules.

First: “Think only about inhaling! Train only inhale! But not artificial, long and voluminous, but natural - short and active!”

Second: “Do not close your mouth tightly so that after each inhalation the exhalation can go out freely.” This supports the natural dynamics of breathing and therefore easily becomes organic.

Why is it useful to take a breath while bloating as much as you can? Where is the logic? Traditional breathing exercises rape the entire bronchial tree both during inhalation, inflating only the tops of the lungs to the point of exhaustion (this is not at all where it should be), and during exhalation, forcing the vital supply of air to be pushed out.

Strelnikovsky gymnastics excludes violence. She achieves mobility of the airways by movements of the external muscles surrounding them. And he chooses a movement pattern in which the inhalation becomes extremely deep and the shape of the lungs is not distorted. We feel parts of our body when they are sick, tense or distorted. And Strelnikov’s breath is imperceptible to the lungs.

It is known that the rhythm of breathing is inextricably linked with the emotional state and rhythm of the cardiovascular system. Since traditional breathing exercises do not establish its own rhythm and tempo, it obeys the rhythm of the cardiovascular system, and if the heart works irregularly, then breathing is irregular. And Strelnikov gymnastics establishes the strictest tempo-rhythm of breaths from the first lesson. They repeat like a good pulse, like pumping up a tire, like phrases in songs and dances. Consequently, intense and rhythmic gas exchange is created, which subordinates not only the pace and rhythm of the cardiovascular system, but also all biological processes. In a healthy state, biological processes are rhythmic. The rhythm is disturbed only in the diseased link. Submitting to the general rhythm, this link begins to restore its activity and connections disrupted by the disease.

With traditional breathing exercises, the air does not encounter resistance during inhalation. The muscles of the lungs and bronchi are not loaded and, as a result, do not develop. Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, offering inhalation while compressing the chest, forces the muscles of the respiratory organs to actively resist the air, the muscles develop, and development is healing.

If we turn to the gymnastics lesson itself, it turns out that traditional breathing exercises, offering exhalation during turns, bows and squats, leave the body without air at the time of exertion. Signals from all organs go to the heart about a lack of oxygen, it speeds up the rhythm, shortness of breath begins and training stops. Strelnikovskaya gymnastics, recommending inhalations during bows, squats and turns, supplies air to the body in such quantities as it has never received, and organizes inhalation of such quality as it has never taken. There is no shortage, there is not and cannot be shortness of breath, and the number of breaths in the very first lesson easily reaches a thousand. This alone is indisputable proof of the extraordinary organicity and effectiveness of Strelnikov gymnastics!

Strelnikovsky gymnastics restores connections within the respiratory organs if they are disturbed, supports them and develops them if they are normal. Any disease is, first of all, a violation of natural connections within the diseased part of the body and connections with surrounding tissues and organs. Therefore, for diseases of the respiratory system, nothing can help as much as training in correctly organized inhalation. Because inhalation is the movement of air into the body, connecting the tops of the lungs with their base, exhalation is the movement of air from the body, weakening the connections.

Traditional breathing exercises, suggesting an exhalation equivalent to an inhalation, cannot work to restore connections. Strelnikovsky gymnastics, declaring the first rule to think only about inhalation and to train only inhalation, supports and develops the internal connections of the respiratory organs, if they are healthy. And it easily restores them if the respiratory organs are sick.

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Classes should start with the first 3 exercises of the complex.


First exercise « Palms"- warm-up. All exercises are described in the main complex, see below).

During execution, you need to take 4 noisy nasal breaths. Then (3-5 seconds) a pause and again, without stopping, 4 noisy nasal breaths.

This needs to be done about 24 times (4 breaths), in total there are about 96 movements (“hundred” by Strelnikova). Exhalation (invisible and inaudible) occurs through the mouth after inhaling through the nose. Exhalations should not be pushed out or held in! Inhalation is very active, exhalation is quite passive. Just think about the inhalation, noisy, throughout the entire room. Forget about exhaling.

When inhaling, close your lips slightly.

A short, noisy inhalation through the nose is performed with closed lips. There is no need to compress your lips tightly when inhaling; they are closed slightly, naturally and freely.

After a noisy, short inhalation through the nose, the lips part a little - and the exhalation occurs by itself through the mouth (and is not heard). It is strictly forbidden to grimace while inhaling!!! And raise the palate, protruding your stomach.

Don’t think about where the air will go, think about the fact that you sniff the air very briefly and noisily (like clapping your hands).

The shoulders are not involved in breathing, so you should not raise them. You need to keep an eye on this!

You may feel slightly dizzy at the beginning of your workout. Don't be scared! You can do palm exercises while sitting (you need to think about the recommendations for VGSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Second exercise “Epaulettes” 8 breaths are taken without stopping (“figure eight”). Then rest for 4-5 seconds and again 8 breaths. And thus 12 times (also “a hundred” 96 movements.

Third exercise “Pump” you need to do it 12 times - 8 breaths, rest after each “8” for 4-5 seconds. (There are certain restrictions when performing this exercise, which are described in the main complex).

These three exercises require about 10-20 minutes. This lesson is repeated twice a day (morning, evening). And in the evening, performing “Palms”, take 8 breaths of movement.

On the second day add Exercises "Cat"“, 12 times 8 movements.

  1. "Hug your shoulders"
  2. "Big Pendulum"
  3. "Head turns"
  4. "Ears",
  5. "Pendulum head"
  6. "Rolls"
  7. "Steps".

When the exercises are mastered well, their implementation should be increased from 8 to 16 breaths, then 32. Rest is maintained for 3-4-5 seconds, but not after the “eights”, but after the “16” and “32” breaths-movements.

If the exercise is done with 16 breaths, then it is performed 6 times; if 32 breaths, then 3 times. If necessary, the pause can be increased to 10 seconds, but no more.

In the case when you easily take 32 breaths in a row and you are able to take 96 breaths (“a hundred”), it is still recommended to rest for 3-4-5 seconds after 32 breaths. Otherwise, you may get carried away, and Strelnikova’s breathing exercises will no longer help you.

Main complex

Let's consider the main complex. It is worth repeating the rules that must be followed when performing the first three exercises.


  1. Just think about breathing through your nose. Train only to inhale. Inhalation is sharp, short, noisy (clap your hands).
  2. Exhalation occurs after inhalation independently (through the mouth). Do not hold your exhalation or push it out. Inhalation is very active through the nose, exhalation is through the mouth, inaudible and passive. There should be no noise when exhaling!
  3. Simultaneously with the sigh, movements are made, and nothing else!
  4. In Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, movements—inhalations—are performed in the rhythm of a standing step.
  5. The counting is done mentally, and only by 8.
  6. Exercises can be performed in any position - standing, lying, sitting.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova

1. Palm exercise

I.p. (starting position) – standing:

Stand straight, arms bent at the elbows (elbows down), and palms forward - “psychic pose.” While standing in this position, you should take short, rhythmic, noisy breaths through your nose while clenching your palms into fists (the so-called grasping movements. Without pausing, take 4 rhythmic, sharp breaths through your nose. Then lower and rest for 4-5 seconds. Then take 4 more noisy, short breaths and again a pause.

Normally, you need to take 4 breaths 24 times.

This exercise can be done in any starting position. You may feel dizzy at the beginning of the class, that's okay! You can sit down and continue sitting, increasing the pause to 10 seconds.

2. Exercise “shoulder straps”

I.p. – standing, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach at waist level. When inhaling, you need to sharply push your fists down towards the floor (do not strain your shoulders, straighten your arms to the end, reaching towards the floor). Then return the brushes to waist level in IP. Take 8 breaths in a row. Normally 12 times 8.

3. Exercise "pump" ("inflating a tire")

I.p. – standing, slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, hands below (os. – basic stance). Make a slight inclination (reach your hands towards the floor, but do not touch), while in the second half of the inclination take a short and noisy breath through your nose. The inhalation ends along with the tilt. Raise yourself a little, but not completely, and again bend + inhale. You can imagine that you are inflating a tire in a car. The bends are performed easily and rhythmically; you should not bend too low, just bend down to waist level. Round your back, lower your head. Important!! “Pump the tire” in the rhythm of a marching step.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12 times.


Spinal and head injuries, perennial and radiculitis, increased intracranial, arterial and intraocular pressure, stones in the liver, bladder, kidneys - do not bend low. The tilt is slightly noticeable, but short and noisy inhalations are mandatory. Exhale passively after inhaling through the mouth, while not opening the mouth wide.

This exercise is quite effective and can stop a heart attack, liver attack and bronchial asthma.

4. Exercise "cat" (half squat with rotation)

I.p. – o.s. (during the exercise, the feet do not come off the floor). Do a dance squat with your torso turned to the right and at the same time take a short, sharp breath.

Then do the same with turning left. Exhalations are performed spontaneously. The knees bend and straighten slightly (do not squat hard, but lightly and springily). Hands on the left and right perform grasping movements. straight, turn at the waist.

Normal ex. performed 12 times.

5. Exercise "hug your shoulders"

I.p. – standing, bend your arms and raise them to shoulder level. You need to throw your arms very strongly, as if you want to hug yourself by your shoulders. And with every movement a breath is taken. Hands during the “hug” should be parallel to each other; There is no need to spread it very wide apart.

Normally, the exercise is performed 12p - 8 breaths-movements. Can be performed in different starting positions.


Coronary heart disease, previous heart attack, congenital heart disease - this exercise is not recommended for these diseases. It should start with 2 weeks of classes. If the condition is severe, then you need to take half as many breaths (4, or even 2).

Pregnant women from about 6 months (pregnancy) do not tilt their head back in this exercise; only perform the exercise with your hands, stand straight and look forward.

6. Exercise "big pendulum"

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Lean forward, reach your hands towards the floor - inhale. Immediately, without stopping (bend a little at the waist), bend back and hug your shoulders with your hands. Also - inhale. Exhale randomly between inhalations.

Normal: 12 times. The exercise can be done while sitting.


Osteochondrosis, spinal injuries, displaced intervertebral discs.

With these diseases, you should limit your movements, lean forward a little and bend a little while bending back.

Only after you have mastered the first 6 exercises well should you proceed to the rest.

You can add one exercise every day from the second part of the complex until you master all the rest.

7. Head turning exercise

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Turn your head to the right - take a short, noisy breath through your nose. Same thing to the left. The head does not stop in the middle and is not tense.

Important to remember! You need to exhale through your mouth after each inhalation.

Normal: 12 times.

8. Exercise "ears"

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Slight tilt of the head to the right, towards the right shoulder - inhale through the nose. Same thing to the left. Shake your head a little, looking forward. The exercise is similar to the “Chinese dummy”.

Inhalations are performed along with movements. When exhaling, do not open your mouth wide!

Normal: 12 times.

9. Exercise “pendulum head” (down and up)

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Lower your head down (look at the floor) - a short, sharp breath. Raise your head up (look at the ceiling) - inhale. Let me remind you that exhalations should be between inhalations and through the mouth.

Normal: 12 times.


Head injuries, vegetative-vascular dystonia, epilepsy, increased intracranial, intraocular, blood pressure, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

With these diseases, you should not make sudden movements with your head in exercises such as “Ears”, “Head turns”, “Head pendulum”. Turn your head slightly, but inhale noisily and short.

You can do the exercises while sitting.

10. Exercise "rolls"

1) I.p. – standing, left leg forward, right leg back. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg. The body and leg are straight. Bend your right leg and place it on your toes for balance (but don’t lean on it). Sit down a little on your left leg, while inhaling through your nose (the left leg should be immediately straightened after squatting). Immediately shift the center of gravity to the other leg (leave the body straight) and also squat down a little while inhaling (do not lean on the left leg).

Important to remember:

1 – squats are done together with inhalation;

2 – transfer the center of gravity to the leg on which the squat is performed;

3 – after squatting, the leg should be straightened immediately, and then a roll from foot to foot is performed.

Normal: 12 times.

2) The exercise is performed in the same way as described above, only you need to swap your legs.

This exercise is done only in a standing position.

11. Exercise "steps"

1) "Forward step."

I.p. – standing, legs narrower than shoulders. Raise the bent left leg up to the level of the abdomen (straighten the leg from the knee, pull the toe). At the same time, sit down a little on your right leg and take a short, noisy breath. After squatting, the legs must be returned to their original position. Do the same, raising the other leg forward. The body must be straight.

Normal: 8 times - 8 breaths.

This exercise can be done in any starting position.


Coronary heart disease, diseases of the cardiovascular system, previous heart attack, congenital defects.

In the presence of leg injuries and thrombophlebitis, you need to perform the exercise sitting and lying down, very carefully. The pause can be increased to 10 seconds. With such a disease, consultation with a surgeon is necessary!

During pregnancy and urolithiasis, do not raise your knee high!

2) “Back step.”

I.p. - Same. The left leg, bent at the knee, is pulled back, while squatting slightly on the right leg and inhaling. Return your legs to their original position – exhale. Do the same on the other leg. We do this exercise only while standing.

Normal: 4 times – 8 breaths.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova, video lesson

Dear blog readers, if you have performed a set of Strelnikova’s breathing exercises, leave comments or reviews below. This will be very useful for someone!

Many people believe that a person initially needs to be taught to speak, think, write, and read correctly. It is equally important to be able to breathe correctly. The absence of this skill leads to a lot of diseases. “If you take care of your breathing, you will live long and happily,” said the Indian sage. To test this thesis, people often turn to Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

Characteristics of the method of A. N. Strelnikova

Breathing gymnastics was created by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova in 1930–1940. She was a singer, and at some point she lost her voice. A set of exercises was developed by her to restore singing abilities. Singing is one of the most complex functions of breathing, therefore, if it is intended to restore the ability to sing, it can also help to breathe correctly.

The Strelnikova method is a unique complex in which the emphasis is on short, sharp inhalations through the nose. Movements that compress the chest are also used. The result is a sharp response from the body in need of oxygen. Due to the fact that the exercises are performed this way, the internal tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen. Receptors on the nasal mucosa are also irritated, and this, in turn, allows contact with almost all organs. Therefore, the proposed technique has a wide spectrum of action and has a positive effect on many systems of our body.

Doctors know many cases when, after surgery, a person cannot breathe through the nose. This occurs due to the fact that special conditioned reflex connections have been created. To restore normal breathing, you need to practice for a long time. In this case, Alexandra Nikolaevna’s technique successfully helps.

Many consider the gymnastics of A. N. Strelnikova paradoxical, because when it is performed, the chest does not expand, but, on the contrary, contracts. Currently, doctors and specialists in various fields have not reached a consensus on the benefits or harms of the method. One part believes that this is a real panacea for a wide variety of diseases, while others do not recognize the benefits.

Benefits and indications for the technique

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are intended both for the treatment of various types of diseases and for prevention. Many scientists and doctors note the undeniable benefits that exercise can bring. In particular, such positive phenomena are noted as:

  • restoration of organ functions,
  • engaging all the muscles of the body in work,
  • increase in lung volume,
  • breathing apparatus training,
  • overcoming stress,
  • excess weight loss,
  • prevention of asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, chronic diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

A set of exercises will help with the following problems:

  • stress,
  • overweight,
  • respiratory tract diseases,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • stuttering.

After the first exercises, patients’ inhalation volume increases by 15–20%, but with regular exercise it increases several times.

Rules for performing exercises

Before performing the exercises, you need to familiarize yourself with certain rules.

  1. Try to think only about inhalation. There is no need to type as much as possible - this is the main mistake. You need to inhale short, loudly and sharply.
  2. Exhalation is not the main thing in the exercises. You should exhale through your mouth, not your nose. No need for extra stress. Feel your breath.
  3. Try to pace yourself.
  4. Don't exercise forcefully. You don’t need to do an exercise just because you “have to.” If the body is not ready yet, give it time, do not rush.

Basic and additional complex

For Strelnikova’s effective training, a special complex was developed. It consists of a main part and an additional one. The first includes the following tasks:

  • Palms,
  • Shoulder straps,
  • Pump,
  • Head turns,
  • Ears,
  • Small pendulum
  • Cat,
  • Hug your shoulders
  • Big pendulum
  • Riffles,
  • Steps.

The additional part includes exercises:

  • Sit down - stand up!
  • Spring.
  • Raising the pelvis.
  • Metronome.
  • Wiggle.

When performing exercises, it is important to follow all the rules and strictly follow the instructions. When you exercise constantly, your body will get used to this amount of oxygen and it will be easier to work. It is more advisable to first learn the first 3 exercises - the basic ones. Then add 1 new one per day. The technique for performing all exercises is covered in the video.

Video: instructions for performing breathing exercises

When children perform exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova can notice improvements:

  • development of plasticity, flexibility in children,
  • posture correction,
  • development of the body at the required pace,
  • treatment of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is recommended to start classes with children with 3 basic exercises. These are “palms”, “epaulets” and “pump”. These movements will be given to the children as simply as possible and, in addition, will interest them. You can work with children from 3-4 years old. For the starting “lesson” you can limit yourself to 3 tasks. Next, it is advisable to teach 1 new exercise per workout.

It is necessary to explain to the child how to inhale correctly, that there is no need to raise your shoulders or puff out your cheeks.

Remember: if your child suddenly turns red or pale, stop the training immediately.

It is best to exercise 2 times a day: before breakfast and before dinner. If you train after meals, then no earlier than an hour later. Try not to exercise before bed, because a set of exercises will give you a boost of energy, and it will be difficult to put your child to sleep.

Contraindications and potential harm

Like any medicine, any training, this technique has its contraindications. You should not do it if you have:

  • oncological diseases,
  • brain damage,
  • circulatory disorders, bleeding,
  • kidney or liver stones,
  • suffered a stroke,
  • thrombosis,
  • very high blood pressure, severe hypertension,
  • severe myopia,
  • glaucoma,
  • chronic osteochondrosis,
  • acute conditions with elevated body temperature.

There is an opinion that Strelnikova’s gymnastics can increase atherosclerotic tissue damage. The fact is that with such breathing, energetic overexcitation of red blood cells occurs. However, there is a way out: supplement the gymnastics with endogenous breathing according to Frolov. It involves filling the lungs with oxygen through long exhalations.

Opinion of doctors and other specialists

In general, the use of this set of exercises shows good results. Those who practice breathing exercises significantly increase their lung volume and also improve their immunity. Reviews from doctors characterize the technique as a highly effective adjuvant. Clinical studies also confirm the benefits of gymnastics.

Children suffering from asthmatic bronchitis also noted a significant improvement in their condition; only two experienced some exacerbation of the disease due to the addition of acute respiratory infections. Thus, therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova has a positive effect when used in patients with bronchial asthma. When treating the atopic form of bronchial asthma, the greatest effect is observed.

“The use of therapeutic exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova for bronchial asthma in children" V. I. Sedun, N. F. Byzgu, S. S. Nosach, M. S. Myrzak (Materials of the scientific and practical conference in the collection "Topical issues of pediatrics and childhood surgery", Moldova, Chisinau, 1981.

It has long been proven that breathing exercises bring great benefits to the body, because with their help you can get rid of a wide range of diseases. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are very popular among people. At one time, the author developed it for singers to train their vocal cords. Later, gymnastics became an effective general health complex and is still recommended in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment with breathing exercises

Strelnikova’s method is suitable for both children and their parents. Breathing exercises are used to lose weight in the abdomen, for asthma, stuttering or bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. Its effectiveness is explained by the fact that when performing exercises, the functioning of the lungs is stabilized, all human organs are saturated with oxygen. If you are worried about any illness, even a chronic one, be sure to try Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.


  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • asthma;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • curvature, other diseases of the spine;
  • stuttering;
  • diseases of the speech apparatus.


Although breathing exercises in most cases deserve positive reviews from doctors, they are still not recommended for:

  • fever, elevated body temperature;
  • brain contusion;
  • spinal injuries;
  • long-standing osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • severe myopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • heart disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding.

Set of exercises

The basic element of gymnastics is a sharp, short, energetic breath through the nose. You need to exhale through your mouth, slowly and smoothly. If you do this abruptly, hyperventilation will occur. During classes, you must count rhythmically. It is advisable to use the rhythm of march steps and keep a constant pace. While doing breathing exercises, you are even allowed to sit if your body is weakened. When you get used to training, you can double the load.

Strelnikovsky gymnastics is represented by many exercises, but the most common are:

  • "Epaulettes." You should spread your legs wider than your shoulders, clench your fists, and press them to your lower back. Inhaling air, sharply lower your arms, spreading your fingers. Try to stress them out a lot. Do eight approaches 8 times a day.

  • "Palms." Stand straight, bend your elbows, point your palms away from you. Inhaling noisily, clench them into fists. Perform 20 sets 8 times a day.

  • "Pump". Stand, spread your legs, lower your arms freely. As you inhale loudly, make a smooth bend, and as you exhale, slowly rise back up. Do 8 sets eight times a day.

  • "Cat". Spread your legs slightly, extend your arms along your body. Inhaling, squat down and twist your torso to the right. Exhaling, rise up. Accompany the next squat with a turn to the left. Do 12 sets eight times a day.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are a non-drug healing method created at the turn of the 30s and 40s as a way to restore the singing voice. In 1972, the author of the method, phonation teacher Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, received an author's certificate for her development, which went through the registration procedure by the State Institute of Patent Examination.

Since singing is the most complex function of the respiratory organs, gymnastic exercises that restore even the singing voice, on the way to achieving the goal, restore simpler functions, and first of all, normal breathing. As a result, daily exercises help stop asthma attacks, relieve headaches and heart pain, normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, and also increase mental and physical performance.

Indications for the use of exercises are:
- pneumonia and bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- vasomotor rhinitis and sinusitis;
- skin diseases;
— disorders of the musculoskeletal system (spinal injuries, scoliosis, kyphosis);
— disorders and defects of the genitourinary system (enuresis, phimosis, etc.);
- stuttering and diseases of the vocal apparatus;
- various neuroses.

Exercises (exercises for various diseases)

Breathing gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova includes many exercises, but the basic ones are three - “Palms”, “Pogoniki” and “Pump”. These exercises are present in all specialized complexes aimed at treating certain diseases.

1. Exercise “Palms”.

Starting position – standing or sitting straight, arms bent at the elbows, palms facing away from you. Clench your palms into fists while taking sharp and noisy breaths. After completing a series of 8 breaths, take a short break and repeat the exercise (20 series of 8 breaths in total).

2. Exercise “Epaulettes”.

Starting position - standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, hands at waist level, palms clenched into fists. As you inhale, sharply lower your hands, unclenching your fists and spreading your fingers, and at this moment try to strain your hands and shoulders with maximum force. Do 8 series 8 times.

3. Exercise “Pump”.

Starting position – standing or sitting straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Inhale loudly and slowly bend over, and then just as slowly return to the starting position, as if you were pumping. Do 8 series 8 times.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics for bronchitis

With this disease, Strelnikova’s therapeutic exercises help relieve coughing and stimulate the removal of sputum. You should exercise 2 times a day for 30 minutes, doing the following exercises:

1. Exercise “Pump”.

2. Exercise “Hug your shoulders.”

Starting position – standing or sitting, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level. Inhale sharply and at the same time move your hands towards each other, as if trying to grab yourself by the shoulders. As you exhale, spread your arms slightly. For greater effect, it is recommended to alternate inhalations through the nose and inhalations through the mouth - both should be performed 16 times.

3. Exercise "Eights".

Starting position – standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, quickly inhale through your nose and hold your breath, and then, while holding your breath, count out loud to 8 over and over again, trying to get as many eights as possible.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova for weight loss

Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method will also help people who are overweight. Along with the “Palms”, “Shoulder straps” and “Pump” exercises, the main complex includes the “Cat” exercise:

Starting position - standing straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, arms down along the body, and body relaxed. Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down while turning your body to the left. During the turn, your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows and your palms clenched into fists. After completing the turn, exhale and repeat the exercise with a turn to the right. Complete the exercise 12 times, 8 squats each.

The complex ends with the “Hug your shoulders” exercise.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics for asthma

Performing gymnastics using the Strelnikova method is also indicated for patients with bronchial asthma. With the help of special breathing exercises, you can reduce the dosage of medications and learn to prevent asthma attacks. Here are just some of the exercises recommended for this disease:

1. Performed in bed, after waking up. Lying on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees towards your chest while exhaling for a long time through your mouth. Repeat the movement as many times as you can.
2. Place your hands on your waist. While inhaling through your nose, inflate your stomach as much as possible, and then exhale sharply, drawing in your stomach.
3. Breathe alternately through the right and left nostrils. Close your left nostril with your fingers, inhale, then close your right nostril and exhale, then repeat the exercise in reverse order.
4. Sitting, hands on knees. As you inhale, spread your arms to the sides, and as you exhale, pull your left knee towards your stomach with your hands. Repeat the exercise, this time pulling up your right knee.
5. Inhale sharply and jerkily through your nose to the count of “one-two-three”, then exhale through your teeth, pronouncing the sounds “z”, “sh”.
6. Exercise “Lumberjack”. Starting position: standing, hands clasped. As you inhale, raise your arms up, and then, as you exhale, lower them sharply down with the sound “oof” or “uh.”

Strelnikova’s gymnastics for sinusitis

To quickly get rid of the disease, exercises must be done in 4 approaches, taking a short 5-second break between them. The most effective exercises for sinusitis are “Palms”, “Shoulders”, “Pump”, “Cat”, “Hug your shoulders” and “Big Pendulum”. The last exercise is a combination of the Pump and Shoulder Hug exercises: from a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale and bend forward as if pumping, and on the next inhale, straighten up and hug your shoulders.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova for stuttering

To treat stuttering, it is necessary, first of all, to perform the “Pump” and “Hold Your Shoulders” exercises, which allow you to improve ventilation of the lungs and develop extremely deep breathing. As a result of regular performance of these and other exercises from Strelnikova’s gymnastics complex, a person suffering from laryngospasm changes the pattern of breathing and speech, which helps to get rid of the disease. To achieve the best results, gymnastics should be performed daily 2 times a day before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

Breathing exercises by Strelnikova for children

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova can be performed from 3-4 years of age. This type of gymnastics can improve immunity, so it is especially recommended for children who often suffer from colds. In addition, exercises promote the development of flexibility and plasticity, help eliminate postural disorders and generally optimize the functioning of a growing body.

Before learning gymnastics according to Strelnikova, teach your child to inhale air correctly: the inhalation must be abrupt and short, only through the nose. Together with your baby, smell a flower, inhale the aroma of an apple or freshly cut grass, and only then begin to master three basic exercises: “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. Exercises must be done in the rhythm of a marching step (imitating soldiers on the march, walk in place for 2-3 minutes and then you will feel the rhythm).


Breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method are contraindicated in cases of very high blood pressure, a history of a heart attack, a high degree of myopia, or glaucoma.

Reviews from doctors

According to the unanimous opinion of experts, breathing exercises are a highly effective auxiliary method of treating pulmonary diseases. The effectiveness of exercises according to Strelnikova has also been proven by clinical studies, during one of which, in particular, in children from the control group suffering from atopic asthma, a cessation of attacks was noted at the beginning of treatment.

Rules for performing gymnastics exercises by Strelnikova

In conclusion, let us recall the basic rules for performing Strelnikova’s gymnastics. During training, think only about inhaling through your nose - the inhalation should be sharp, short, noisy, and the exhalation through the mouth, on the contrary, should be inaudible and passive. All movements are performed simultaneously with inhalation, and no other way. But the position of the body in the starting position almost does not matter - the exercises can be performed not only standing, but also sitting, and even lying in bed.


1. Russian national gymnastics, special report. Doctor Shchetinin Mikhail Nikolaevich.

2. Strelnikova’s gymnastics, what can’t you do in it?

3. Doctor M. N. Shchetinin on the NTV Morning program. Breathe to get well!

75 comments to the post “Breathing gymnastics by Strelnikova. Exercises, contraindications, videos, reviews from doctors”

    Please pay attention to my question. My son (7 years old) and I are trying to do gymnastics, but after the first or in the middle of the first exercise, he begins to have pain in the sternum and in the heart area on the left intercostal space. We checked the heart - everything is normal. With what it can be connected? Is it possible for him to do this gymnastics? I will eagerly await your response. Sincerely, Natalia

    Natalya, in general, there should be no “side” effects from gymnastics if you do it correctly. Perhaps your son is doing something wrong, since it is more difficult to explain the whole principle to a small child. Gymnastics, even from an adult, requires good concentration while performing it - it’s like yoga :) I myself have been doing this gymnastics for 4 years now, and it seems to me that there is definitely something healthy from it :)
    Maybe your son’s intercostal nerve is simply pinched when he actively inhales. It's not scary, the main thing is to do everything exactly as described in the book.

    Hello. My son is 4.5 years old. Doctors diagnose bronchial asthma. How can you prevent it? We have been sick 4 times already in 2010.
    I look forward to your response and recommendations. Sincerely, Anya.

    Anya, maybe my answer is not helpful, but personally, 2 years ago I was in the hospital for 2 weeks with asthma, now I don’t even remember about it. Although this system may help, it's up to you to decide...

    Anya, these exercises are used as a healing technique and as prevention, only for the purpose of prevention it should be performed

    As a method of treatment: it should be done twice a day: morning and evening, 1200 breaths and movements before meals or an hour and a half after meals.

    As a method of prevention: in the morning instead of the usual gymnastics or in the evening to relieve daytime fatigue.

    this is a quote from the book

    Hello, I'm Yana, I'm 12 years old, I'm having a very severe attack. The nebulizer doesn't help anymore, salbutomol doesn't help, especially what should I do?

    Hello! In the old Soviet book “The Art of Being Healthy,” Strelnikova’s gymnastics exercises are significantly different. Please explain what's the matter.

    Gentlemen, before you give advice, try what you advise yourself! They tell you about the child, and you give him 1200 Inhalations and exhalations 2 times a day. Gymnastics is certainly an excellent means of prevention. But the trouble is that gymnastics does not remove the main thing - DEEP BREATHING! For some reason, many people advise doing Strelnikova’s gymnastics for asthma. BUT! This can be fraught with attacks if you try to relieve them with Strelnikova’s gymnastics exercises. Why do you forget about the Buteyko method? After all, it is patented specifically for asthma and is mathematically justified. The attack is relieved using the method within 3 minutes! And if you combine both Gymnastics and the Buteyko method every day, then this will be a truly amazing benefit!

    Yolki Victor, have you yourself tried to relieve attacks with Strelnikovsky gymnastics? I do! if you know that there is no alternative... that this is the last method...
    As for children, I recommend urgently contacting Dr. Shchetinin (her only student) and consulting directly with a specialist!!
    And the girl Yana will turn to a normal allergist and, in parallel with the course that will interrupt the chick of your bronchospasms (this may take a week or two), seriously engage in Strelnikova gymnastics, I mastered it from a video that I found on the Internet, there Dr. Shchetinin himself demonstrates the exercises, if you are serious about If you react to this, you will see for yourself and you will forget about inhalers altogether...

    Hello, I was diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia. They advised me to do gymnastics using your method. What would you recommend to start with and what will be more effective in my case. Thank you in advance.

    Good evening Tatyana! As for me, in no case should you agree with any diagnoses!!! This is the key not only to health. And the method of Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova is a gift from God for me personally, I just can’t be overjoyed that my mother at one time (this was about a year ago) read Shchetinin’s book (this is Strelnikova’s only student). We started by reading the book, but we were afraid to do exercises because .To. any self-medication is fraught with consequences...)) The person in the book wanted to convey one thing, but we, due to the selectivity of the mind and vision, I don’t know what yet, understand something completely different... So, first I started looking for videos on YouTube, but unfortunately there were only pieces there, then I accidentally found a link in some chat and downloaded the entire one and a half hour video, where he personally shows how to do each exercise and talks about the limitations! Unfortunately I don’t remember the link anymore (unless you find it yourself, which is unlikely) write your home address and I’ll send you the disk or there are file exchangers at worst! In the book, by the way, a lot is written about the very mechanism of vegetative-vascular dystonia, if you not only read the book and do exercises as he says, then one hundred percent you will forget even the name of question d))))) I simply cannot describe what a hefty role it is This gymnastics plays in my life, for me now it’s like brushing my teeth)))) if you found a chat, then you are undoubtedly friends with the Internet)) I wish you good luck

    Lena, you may need my review about breathing according to Strelnikova, there are many people who are sick, they need to be helped. The story is like this. 25 years ago, I was very young then, I fell ill with pneumonia, then I first heard about this breathing exercise and... forgot. Three months ago, I began to experience severe shortness of breath, wheezing, as if an accordion was playing, and a painful cough. All this did not lend itself to any treatment, they could not make a diagnosis, so they sent me to the oncology clinic for a consultation. During this time, I was mentally exhausted, I kept thinking I was recovering. I have a younger son and a friend at home - a staff dog and a puppy. I began to force myself to walk with them. That’s when I remembered Strelnikova’s gymnastics, gymnastics—that’s a strong word, because I only remembered two exercises—bending forward, as if you were doing a press, and how you hug yourself with spread arms. Well, I think - I’m choking, coughing, but now I’m going to “press”, and I began to Inhale - with noise and whistling in the Siberian frost, so I think to you, here’s more. Only I did this exercise only 40-50 times, and not 1200. And so every day, two or three walks a day. And I also started running, which is also too much to say, after running 20-30 meters I’ll stop, walk around, and again 20-30. What’s interesting is that my child is happy - it means his mother has stopped dying if she walks with us, and even runs. And the dog, amazing, when I run slowly and he runs next to me and keeps looking me in the face, as if encouraging me, and maybe helping me, and believe me, there was no shortness of breath from my even tiny runs, because even at rest I was out of breath. It’s like this for a month, day after day, in any weather, and the frost here is even in the thirties, I’ll pull a scarf over my nose and go ahead. The result? after a month, the wheezing and gurgling disappeared, the shortness of breath evaporated, and the cough disappeared. I still think it wouldn’t hurt to be fully examined, because I was never diagnosed, but the fact that I will do Strelnikova’s gymnastics is a fact, and not as I did it, but as Strelnikova recommended. This is how the letter turned out. Sincerely.

    Hello everyone! After purulent pleurisy, the doctor advised me to do gymnastics according to Strelnikova. I started doing it after reading and watching some videos, but I don’t know how to increase the number of breaths at what pace. Two weeks have passed since discharge. Maybe someone has already walked this path and maybe from their own experience knows how to correctly add the number of breaths and add the number of exercises, I started with 3: “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”.

    Evgeniy, you need to start with 3 exercises “Palms”, “Epaulettes” and “Pump”. Each exercise should be done 8 breaths 12 times. Then add one exercise every day. In general, it’s better to read the book)) It says how to do the exercises correctly) The exercises must be done as described in the book) This is very important) And there is also a video with Alexandra Strelnikova’s only student, Mikhail Shchetinin, where he shows how to do gymnastics correctly ) The video is easy to find) On the website VKontakte or Mail.ru.. or on YouTube or download. Gymnastics is amazing, of course!) Alexandra Strelnikova, at 77 years old, did not suffer from any senile disease... and all because she did this gymnastics))

    Good day! I have been doing gymnastics for 11 years. It all started in 2000 with acute allergic rhinitis (allergy to book dust). I suffered for two weeks, then my sister advised me to do Gymnastics by A. N. Strelnikova. After the first classes, the continuous sneezing stopped, then water stopped flowing from the nose and the congestion disappeared. I also completely forgot about vegetative-vascular dystonia (against the background of osteochondrosis). Now gymnastics helps to carry a second baby under your heart (with regular exercise). In general, as far as I am concerned, there are only advantages))).
    But I think that in order to get rid of certain ailments for good, gymnastics alone is not enough; you need a competent combination with the use of other medical treatment methods.

    Natalya, my breathing exercises instructor said that if there were pains in the heart, then it was too much. We need to reduce the number of breaths. For beginners, no more than 4 breaths in a row.

    Hello! My mother is 83 years old, she has high myopia, hence the question: can I practice breathing using the Strelnikova method. Best regards, Gennady.

    Hello! My child is 4-5 years old. They made a diagnosis: adenoids of the 2nd, 3rd degree, the ENT doctor advised us the Strelnikova method, please tell us how to use this technique and how to explain it to the child, or will we practice together?

    Hello. I am allergic to many things (dust, soy, peas, wool, horses, strawberries, carrots). I read on one website that you need to do breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method. I have a rash on my cheeks, a little on my arms and legs; but this rash is getting worse every day. In 2 weeks we are going on vacation, and I need to recover. Will this gymnastics help me? If “no”, then write your advice. Thank you.

    Hello. As I understand it, I have a whole bunch of diseases intertwined with each other, I’ll start from the beginning: for the first time I was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of Chronic bronchitis, pulmonary ablation, in short I couldn’t breathe (shorty shortness of breath), after a course of treatment (10 days) I felt like a newborn, but after month everything started again. The attending physician referred me to an ENT specialist. The ENT doctor said that there was polyposis and after removal everything would be fine - he removed the polyps, there was relief but nothing more. After that they said that I had chronic sinusitis. The ENT doctor again said that it was necessary to do injections and everything would be fine - I did injections 2 times within 3 months - NOTHING, the runny nose was still there. As I understand it, I have allergies. I tried to treat allergic rhinitis - it seemed like something, but still nothing helped, and I washed my nose with sea salt and tea tree oil for 3 months. I’m already confused, I don’t know who to turn to since all doctors treat their own part of the disease narrowly. Now I have a runny nose again (stuffy nose), there is phlegm in my lungs, sometimes it worsens just like the first time (severe shortness of breath), I don’t want air and I can’t breathe, I don’t have a fever, I recently did a fluorography and they said everything is fine.
    They suggested that Strelnokova’s method might help, so I’m writing what you suggest.....
    Thanks in advance.
    (sorry for bad Russian)

    Good afternoon Levon! Sympathize with you. I think Strelnikova’s method will definitely help, you just need to practice it consistently, twice a day. And Levon, my personal advice, turn to the Lord, repent of your sins and ask for healing for yourself - this is a 100% guarantee!!! Be healthy!

    Good afternoon My mother has bronchial asthma of an allergic nature and is on inhalers. Recently they recommended breathing exercises to Strelnikova. I heard that if done incorrectly, exercise can have side effects, including an asthma attack. Where is the best place to start? Help me please!

    Levan! Be more demanding about the fluorography results obtained. I was 30 years old and wrote: Changes in the chest organs within the limits of age-related changes. When I got tired of it, I demanded that it be deciphered. It turned out that there was nothing in my lungs. I have been suffering for so many years, and the doctors see me as imagining their illness. I’ve been doing Strelnikova’s gymnastics every morning for six months (I bought a CD at a bookstore), I got used to it and can’t live without it.

    I had very serious problems with my lungs. And since there was no cure for treatment, I had an operation to remove half of my lung. After the operation, I could not raise my left arm at all. The surgeons held it in a bandage. After being discharged from surgery, I really became afraid that I at the age of 16 I will not be able to raise my hand (at the same time, I played as a forward in volleyball)

    after being discharged from surgery, I started doing these gymnastics every day. The result was stunning. It was as if nothing had happened to me. I also play volleyball and do all the housework. I’m now 20 years old and I continue to periodically do gymnastics. The doctors told me It’s scary to discharge me from the hospital because I still had spots on my lungs. They wanted to give me a group. A year after discharge, I came for follow-up pictures and the doctors were all amazed. My lung is growing back and not a single spot (ugh ugh ugh)

    Hello. I have been doing gymnastics for 3 months. I'm trying to get rid of allergies (rhinitis and asthmatic attacks). I hardly use my inhaler anymore, I quit smoking, but... My lungs have been hurting for 3 days now. It happened before, but it didn’t go away as strongly or quickly. I was kind of scared. What could this be and what should I do? Tell me who has been doing this for a long time.

    I have been teaching Strelnikova gymnastics for about 7 years. The effect is amazing. I don’t know a simpler and at the same time so effective way to restore and maintain health. On the 3-4th day of classes, older people begin to “fly” according to their feelings. Those who are younger also notice the effect very quickly.

    Good evening, will this gymnastics help me improve my voice? I was told it becomes strong and melodic. Tomorrow I'll try to enroll in children's. music school for pop vocals, but I have a problem with my voice after chronic. bronchitis became weak, not melodious and squeaky ((((did it help you in this regard?
    Z.Y.I'm 15

    Hello! Please tell me, will Strelnikova’s breathing exercises help in the treatment of atrial fibrillation? Thank you!

    Good evening, I’ve been suffering from bronchial asthma for 2 years. I’ve been doing Strelnikova breathing exercises for a week now. I feel like it’s become much better. I’ve started breathing through my nose. I don’t use Tizin. I’ll do it every day. God bless everyone.

    Dear people! I live in Magadan. My baggage is many years of weight loss + many years of second-degree hypertension + tremor for 5 years. I have been doing Strelnikova gymnastics for 2 months on my own (I’m not entirely sure which is correct). I do (so far) seven exercises. But here’s what’s interesting As a hypertensive patient, I measure my blood pressure and pulse every day (morning and evening). Previously, it was never less than 140x90 in the evening. A couple of weeks after the start of classes, I measure the pressure immediately after performing the exercises - 120x80. I thought it was a coincidence. No. Every evening after six exercises the pressure is exactly the same. True, the pulse is 70, but this is understandable. But how can I explain the stable pressure after gymnastics, even if I do it after the night shift? But with tremor, no changes. So I think that there is definitely a benefit. I have one regret - there is no person nearby who can teach the CORRECT PERFORMANCE OF THE EXERCISES. Good health and long life to everyone!

    After a series of stresses over the course of one month, I had a nervous breakdown. I don’t sleep well at night, my chest and arms burn (I checked my heart - everything is fine), I shake, etc. But I have to work and raise a child! Strelnikova started doing gymnastics from a video under the guidance of Shchetinin. A week has passed and I still can’t say anything. Can you give me any recommendations?

    Olga, I had something similar. What helped me. In this state, you are no longer able to change your physical state with the power of thought. I started taking sedatives. This is valemidine. Tincture of motherwort + valerian + hawthorn + mint. Then you need to go to the bathhouse (EVERY WEEK) and after the steam room, douse yourself with ice water. SUCH joy no orgasm can compare. This puts all the systems of the body in order very well. THE MAIN THING is every day in the morning on an empty stomach with freshly squeezed juice. Every day. Sprouted wheat, oats, mung bean and whatever you can sprouted + seeds, nuts with oatmeal for breakfast. Our nervous state is not only mental, but it is also chemistry. And nerves can be cured with the help of microelements that will restore and heal our psyche and nerves. Don’t be lazy, it helped me, although I was already on the edge. And my hands were shaking and I couldn’t sleep. Health is everything in our life. Don’t be lazy, your body can recover. And don’t give up if you don’t immediately feel the result, then you will know the great joy that you are healthy again. Dare and do not retreat, your life is only in your hands. And don’t give up gymnastics, it works wonders.

    Anna, thank you for your support! Where do you get wheat, etc.?

    Anna, sorry, one more question. Is the main complex that shows Shchetinin enough or are other exercises added for neuroses?

    My son is 7 years old, diagnosed with pectus excavatum. Breathing exercises are recommended. Does it help with this diagnosis? I would like to communicate with such people.

    Hello, please tell me Strelnikova’s gymnastics helps with STUTTERING???? 23 years old.

    Marusya I don’t know how gymnastics is (in any case, any gymnastics that involves breathing is a plus), but “paradoxical intention” (type it into Google and find out what it is) has helped many people... find books by Viktor Frankl or Vladimir Levi (his is simpler and it’s written more clearly) I think the book is called “Taming Fear” and if I’m not mistaken, there’s also something about stuttering…..try it!!! Good luck)))

    Inhale short and loud, like a shot. Exhale absolutely freely through the nose!
    Breathing is strictly diaphragmatic. Undress in front of the mirror and watch the movement of the muscles. With a minimal inhalation-clap, only the lower ribs move apart, the chest is almost motionless! The effect is the strongest. But it's just gymnastics!
    It is important to breathe correctly every minute at any time of the day or night. It's not easy, but the result is worth the effort. You will have to change as a person. Why deceive yourself - there is simply no other way. Tested it on myself for 10 years.

    Hello everyone! I did Strelnikova’s gymnastics for about 2 months. Then, with active noisy inhalation, strange clicks began to be heard in my nose, I went to the doctor and took pictures, the doctor said that he was healthy! Has anyone encountered this or am I doing something wrong? And is it possible to start doing the entire course almost immediately, i.e. 1200 inhalations and exhalations in the morning and evening? Thank you.

    Hello everyone! I did Strelnikova’s gymnastics for about 2 months. Then, with active noisy inhalation, strange clicks began to be heard in the nose, I went to the doctor and took pictures, the doctor said that he was healthy! Has anyone encountered this or am I doing something wrong? And is it possible to start doing the entire course almost immediately, i.e. 1200 inhalations and exhalations in the morning and evening? Thank you.

    Hello! Periodically, the voice disappears, hoarseness and hoarseness appear. I visited the doctor - a phoniologist. He diagnosed it with SPASTIC DYSPHONIA. He said that although it was neglected, it could be cured, he named the amount………. I don't have that kind of money.
    Is it possible to cure SPASTIC DYSPHONIA using the Strelnikova method? If Yes, then what exercises should be done, how to do it, when to do it, how often to do it?
    Best regards, Vyacheslav.

    Hello! With the help of Strelnikova’s gymnastics, I fight hypertension. And very successful! Reduced the dose of the blood pressure medication. I hope to give up medications completely. Gymnastics helps very well with ARVI and bronchitis. You just need to do it regularly, 2 times a day and the entire course, and this is not always possible due to work. I am 49 years old, hypertension since 38. I advise everyone to do gymnastics if they feel unwell. I've been doing this for six months now and the results are very good. By the way! For fatties - I lost 6 kg. I don't feel like eating after class. Try it! I wish you all good health! Hope, try, and the pain will go away.

    Hello! No one answered my question - Is it possible to cure SPASTIC DYSPHONIA and how to do it?

    Hello, Vyacheslav! I don’t know if I have such a diagnosis; my ENT doctor didn’t give it to me. But the voice often disappeared, there was hoarseness. This has not happened for three months now. Try it, it won't get any worse. After all, these exercises relieve spasms of the larynx and bronchi. Good luck to you and a speedy recovery!

    Hello! My name is Marat, 24 years old. I have been suffering from allergic rhinitis for seven years now and bronchial asthma for two years. Now the doctors have specifically hooked me on hormonal medications, various inhalers, I have plenty of them. I just got out of the hospital, I lay there with asthma, I lay there for a whole month. I almost never have periods of remission; I am constantly out of breath. And what’s interesting is that five years ago I was allergic only to birch and alder, and now I’ve also had strong reactions to weeds, mold, and pet hair, although I was treated for allergies (immune-specific therapy, ASIT), but this didn't help at all. The allergy is progressing. And now, due to asthma, I have lost a lot, including my job. May she be prokleta. I would be glad if this nasty disease stopped on me and no one else suffered from asthma. God forbid someone gets asthma. I used Frolov’s apparatus, breathed for a long time, did everything according to the rules, even kept a diary, and fell ill with purulent bronchitis, although I had never suffered from it before. Maybe someone has somehow alleviated their asthmatic condition with the help of Strelnikova’s gymnastics, please write. I would be very grateful. People, be healthy!

    Here the importance of exhalation is put in the 2nd point, but I would like to note that Shetinin forbids thinking about exhalation. How will he walk back slowly smoothly or something like that? The excess must go through the nose because where else can it go? As for connecting the mouth, this is in case of problems with nasal breathing, as a result of a deviated septum, sinusitis, rhinitis. So that it doesn’t happen that you’ve pumped yourself up to the limit like a balloon.

    Is it possible to get rid of stuttering with the help of this gymnastics? And if anyone could, please sign up.

    Alex, yes, of course it’s possible, I’ve tested it on myself. Especially the figure eight exercise after the main complex, just take the books by the author Shchetinin GYMNASTICS IS UNIQUE!!!

    Thanks Nikolay for the answer and advice. I’ve been doing gymnastics for about 2 weeks and I already feel that it’s become a little easier to talk, although I’m only doing one 30 of each exercise, one of these days I’m going to do it completely. I probably have an average level of stuttering. How long did you practice before you felt the result and did you completely recover from stuttering? Thanks in advance.

    My name is Polina, I am 16 years old. Since childhood, I played the wind instruments and sang in the choir until the phoniologist made two diagnoses: non-closure of the vocal folds and nodules of the vocal cords. The voice is very hoarse, one might say “smoky.”
    In the hospital named after St. Vladimir, where I was examined, they told me to do breathing exercises, but it didn’t really help, I’ve been doing it for about a year.
    Maybe you need to do something specific? Still, I really want to sing without losing my voice the next day. Thanks in advance.

    Please tell me which of all the exercises is the most effective for stuttering???

    Alex, please tell me how many times a day you did the exercise for stuttering and for how long, and what exercise? And how long will it take to see the result? Please write everything in detail))) Thanks in advance*

    Karina, I myself have been doing this gymnastics for a relatively short time, only 3 weeks. I only do exercise 8ka, 4 sets, after the main gymnastics routine. Well, the complex itself 2 times, in the morning and in the evening. Well, the result is still weak, BUT THE MAIN THING IS!

    Please write the name of the gymnastics. .. How much do you do per day? If possible in more detail

    Hello, please tell me whether it is possible to do gymnastics with a 3-year-old child diagnosed with grade 2 adenoids?

    Hello everyone, I'm 14 years old. Previously, in physical training, after the 3rd round of running, I felt sick and short of breath, but after I started doing these exercises, I ran with a big lead ahead of everyone. Thanks for the exercises...

    Please tell me where to buy a disc with a video lesson of Strelnikova’s gymnastics? I’ve been doing it for 5 months and I don’t know if it’s right or not? During gymnastics (I do it in the morning before work at 7 o’clock), sometimes my head will feel temporarily dizzy and I’ll be terribly thirsty or hungry. This is fine? After gymnastics, I don’t feel like eating, but vice versa. The pressure dropped. The dose of the pill was reduced by half. I feel good.

    I just read the article and reviews and only tried the first exercise for 10 minutes. A severe runny nose began. After the exercises, the stuffiness and runny nose completely went away, although I felt a little dizzy. I believe that the effect of gymnastics will be good with long-term exercise. I will try to work with a 7 year old child. She has nervous vocal belching, adenoids, vegetative-vascular dystonia and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Then I’ll write what the results are.

    Tell,. please., and how not to lose count while doing
    exercises? How important is it to do a certain amount?

    Hello everyone and good health.
    I’ve only been doing gymnastics for three weeks. Recently I got a cold in my muscles and it was blowing. I couldn't turn my neck. WELL...you know how it happens. So, if it usually takes several days for the pain to go away, then gymnastics helped me get rid of the pain the very next day! I could not believe that my neck was turning and there was no pain.
    Well, this is, so to speak, a “side” positive effect. In the morning, as soon as I start doing gymnastics, my intestines immediately react. I don’t drink any laxatives at all, but yes, coffee. And here without coffee, just after the first two or three exercises. I wonder if anyone has this reaction?
    I agree that it is necessary to combine Strelnikova’s exercises with Buteyko’s recommendations on establishing proper breathing. But his method is very crude... You need to practice under the supervision of a doctor, at least to begin with.
    Health and patience to everyone. Don't give up gymnastics.

    Svetlana, you are asking how to lose count.
    I use matches. I move it every time I finish taking 32 breaths in three sets. And count during the exercise. The only way. You have to do it with concentration, without being distracted by anything.
    I arrange the matches into three piles of 4 in each. If it’s difficult for me to take 32 breaths, I take 16 and then remove only 2 matches from the first pile. (8+8=16)
    It's not that difficult to do. Because between exercises you still need to rest for 5-10 seconds. Just move the matches. 🙂

    In order not to get lost, I discard the bones on the old accounts (they came in handy) :)

    Svetlana, in one of the books, apparently by Shchetinin himself, it is described how not to lose count: they use the children's counting rhyme “Chizhik-fawn, where have you been?” There are exactly 32 breaths for the whole counting count))) I’ve been doing gymnastics (pulmonary obstruction) for more than two months now, this counting helps me, I don’t get confused. I do three sets of 32 times - one counter facing the window, for example; the second is sideways to the window, the third is with its back. and so on for each exercise. You won’t lose count of the exercise, and you won’t forget the number of approaches (even though there are only 3 of them, if you don’t do this I’ll lose track). As for the gymnastics itself, I do it strictly 2 times a day EVERY day (for those who don’t always succeed over time - you can do it not in the morning, for example, but at lunch, most importantly twice a day). the results are very good, many thanks to the inventors of this gymnastics. and a wish to everyone - people, be healthy! don’t get sick, don’t be lazy to do the exercises (not necessarily Strelnikov’s exercises, for whom it helps), the main thing is don’t hope that the doctor will write you a prescription, you’ll take a pill and you’ll be as healthy as a baby, it doesn’t happen! you have to fight for your health

    I’ve been doing it for about 3 weeks. After the first two exercises, I have almost no strength left for the third and I have a tingling sensation in my hands and for some time my hands shake as if with a hangover. Am I doing something wrong or is this the norm.

    I'm just getting started. Will anything work out?

    Tell me, is it possible to do this gymnastics if you have tuberculosis?

    Good afternoon

    My son, 7 years old, was diagnosed with grade 3 hydronephrosis of the left kidney. An operation is scheduled. Please write whether it is possible to do breathing exercises with this diagnosis. And what are the results? (if there are similar cases). Mostly respiratory diseases are described; there is little information about the kidneys. Thank you.

    Irina, read an excerpt from Shchetinin’s book

    In 1992, in the adolescent department of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, I conducted an experiment. This is what the head of the children's and adolescent department, TB doctor of the highest category, Z.V., wrote about him. Evfimyevskaya:
    “From March to July 1992, on the basis of the children’s and adolescent department of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, an experiment was conducted on the rehabilitation of adolescents with tuberculosis using breathing exercises using the Strelnikov method against the background of standard chemotherapy. There was a significant improvement in the general condition of the patients, improvement in hemodynamics, ECG and respiratory function. Infiltrative changes in the lungs resolve faster and healing of decay cavities occurs.
    Particularly good results were observed in adolescents suffering from vegetative-vascular dystopias in addition to tuberculosis.”

    Please tell me if it is possible to do one breathing exercise in the morning and Strelnikova exercise in the evening. I read the book, it says that you can’t combine. But still?

    Good afternoon, tell me, is it possible to use gymnastics for a cancer patient (lung cancer operated on a year ago)?
    I asked the attending physician, he nodded his head positively, but I got the impression that he was hearing about the technique for the first time.
    really looking forward to your reply

    Hello! My name is Natalya, my child is almost 5, he is diagnosed with stuttering (caused by fear), please tell me how to do breathing exercises with such a diagnosis. And what are the results? And on what site can I download it?

    I was diagnosed: the blood vessels are compressed and blood does not flow to the limbs and to the brain, and I am freezing and the right side is numb. What exercises should I do? I had three manual therapies and acupuncture

    Good day everyone!
    I have vegetative-vascular dystonia, I started doing the first 5 exercises (from Palms to Tight Hugs) and I’m already feeling good! 🙂 As described in the instructions, these are the main exercises for this disease, does this mean that I don’t have to do the rest of the 12 exercises? I also don’t know: is it possible to combine a morning jog with breathing exercises and when is it better to “breathe”: before or after physical exercise? Tell me, please, who knows, I’m very afraid of harm!
    Thank you in advance. Health, patience and good results to everyone!

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