What does hand gymnastics do for your fingers? What exercises can you do at home to strengthen your arm muscles? Exercise with an elastic band

Every day our hands work. But we pay so little attention to the health, condition of the ligaments and skin of our hands. This comes back to us with cracking joints, a feeling of tension in the hands and deterioration of the skin. Hand exercises will help solve these problems.

Hand exercises are a solution to problems that have arisen, prevention of diseases of ligaments and joints, and for children they serve as a mechanism for the development of speech, fine motor skills, memory and attention. They are also actively used as a method of rehabilitation after strokes and traumatic brain injuries.

To perform joint gymnastics, no special conditions are required. Exercises aimed at strengthening the hand and fingers can be done even at the table. To increase their effectiveness, adhere to the following rules:

  • perform finger exercises regularly and systematically,
  • perform all complexes with both hands and at the same pace,
  • breathe freely without holding your breath,
  • do 2-3 repetitions of the complex during the day,
  • Don't get distracted, concentrate on the exercises.

Tibetan monks did not start the morning without exercising their hand joints. They recognized it as a miraculous way to restore energy and considered it a source of maintaining vitality. Scientific confirmation of this fact is the presence of many reflex cells on our palms.

Warm-up to relieve fatigue from your hands

Such charging will be especially relevant for those who work at a computer keyboard for a long time or fill out a lot of paperwork by hand. More better exercise for the hands should be performed daily by every person to maintain healthy joints and preserve youthful skin. Let's move on to the exercises.

  1. First, clench your hands into a fist and rotate them 10 times in each direction.
  2. Clench your hand tightly into a fist and hold for a few seconds. Relax your hand. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Pull the brush towards you as much as possible, then away from you. Do 5 times with each hand.
  4. Make a fist, open and close your fingers alternately, making sure that the rest remain motionless.
  5. Place your hands on a hard surface and lift each finger one at a time without lifting the others.

These light exercises serve as an excellent prevention of joint diseases and relieve fatigue from the hands after a hard day.

Exercises to strengthen your hands and fingers

Often people who start playing sports notice discomfort in their hands. For experienced athletes are familiar with this problem, they know the importance of strong hands when doing exercises with dumbbells, barbells and push-ups. The following exercises are aimed at the hands, their strengthening and mobility.

  1. Gently bend your hands, clenched into a fist, at the wrist joint back and forth until you feel a pleasant stretch. Perform 5-10 times.
  2. With your active hand, grasp the palm of your passive hand and move it to the sides, up and down. Perform 5-10 repetitions for each arm.
  3. Cover the palm of the passive hand with the active hand, bend and straighten it at the wrist joint. Do this until you feel a pleasant stretch in the joint.
  4. Place your elbows on the table, palms together. Smoothly lower your palms down, move your elbows in different directions. Do it 10 times.
  5. Place the edge of your palm on a hard surface. Bend each finger as far as possible. Do it 5 times.
  6. Place your palms together in a horizontal position. Bend the fingers of one hand, creating resistance with the other hand. Repeat 10 times.

Various devices will also help strengthen your hands. For example: expander, tennis ball, special elastic bands that need to be squeezed or stretched. Activities such as jumping rope, hanging on a horizontal bar, or modeling from plastic materials act as excellent gymnastics for the fingers.

Gymnastics to improve finger flexibility

Most of the time, joints work monotonously, not realizing their potential. As a result, movements lose speed, flexibility and agility. If you are faced with a loss of former hand mobility, exercises aimed at the hands and fingers will help you regain it.

  1. Perform a light brush massage using cream or oil.
  2. Clench your hands into fists and make circular movements in one direction 10 times and in the other.
  3. Make an imaginary “snap” with each finger. Repeat 5-7 times.
  4. Make circular movements with the pads of your fingers, pressing the pad of one finger tightly against the other. Start with the thumb and index finger and work your way up. Do 7 reps.
  5. Alternately press the pads of one hand onto the pads of the other hand. Do 10 reps.
  6. Smoothly clench your hand into a fist, then slowly unclench it. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Alternately rotate each finger in one direction or the other. Do 5 times.

Children's finger exercises

The development of the hand in a child from 1 to 5 years old is facilitated by modeling from clay or plasticine, tying knots, assembling mosaics, and playing with a ball. With kids school age In connection with preparation for school and the heavy load on the hands while writing, it is important to do exercises for the fingers.

  1. Exercise "Cockerel". Clasp your palms together. With your left hand, press the back of your right hand. You should extend your palm, imitating the comb of a cockerel.
  2. Exercise "Path". Place the thumb of one hand, nail side down, on thumb the other hand, it turned out to be two steps. Next, place all your fingers one by one with your tips on top of each other, simulating walking along a path.
  3. Exercise "Centipede". Place your fingers on the edge of the table and, moving them, run to the other edge of the table.
  4. Exercise "Elephant". The index and ring fingers, the thumb and little fingers are the legs of an elephant. Extend your middle finger like a trunk. The elephant must walk slowly, stepping with each foot in turn.
  5. Exercise "Flanks". Make a fist. Straighten your palm and spread your fingers, clench and unclench them.
  6. Exercise "Dough". We imitate the process of kneading the dough with our hands. The exercise is aimed at developing the hand.

To make finger exercises interesting for children, accompany the lesson funny stories or sounds.

Hand massage

Massage will be an excellent addition to exercises aimed at hand mobility. He produces positive effect on joints, muscles and skin.

When starting a massage, you should apply cream or oil to the skin of your hands. Start with light stroking of your hands. Then in a circular motion massage each finger and joint. Bend your index and middle fingers as if squeezing each finger. Make a circular stroking of the wrist joint. Finish the massage with light strokes.

Massage should be done in the evening, preferably before bed. Contraindications to massage include wounds, cracks in the skin, fungal diseases and increased body temperature.

By performing the exercises described above, you can maintain the health of your joints for a long time, prolong the youth and beauty of your hands. Fresh thoughts and vigor will be a pleasant addition. And our site will provide you with the opportunity to be healthy to your fingertips.

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    What you need

    For many athletes, the arms are noticeably behind in development compared to large muscle groups. There may be several reasons: excessive enthusiasm for only basic exercises or, conversely, too much isolating work on the arms, which already work in all presses and rows.

    If you want to pump up your biceps and triceps, you need to correctly combine the base and special exercises for hands. From the article you will learn about the features of such exercises and correct technique their implementation, and we will also offer several training programs.

    A little about the anatomy of the arm muscles

    Before looking at exercises for developing arms, let's look at the anatomy. This is necessary to understand the specifics of the muscle group in question.

    The arms are a massive volume of muscle, distributed across many small muscle groups. It will not be possible to work on all of them at the same time due to the peculiarities of the structure. The arm muscles are mostly opposed to each other, which requires a differentiated approach to exercises:

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    As a rule, when it comes to arm training, we mean biceps and triceps. The forearm muscles are trained separately or not trained at all - usually they already develop harmoniously together with the arms.

    Due to the small size of muscles and the possibility of cheating in exercises, there are the following training recommendations:

    • Work one arm muscle group per workout. For example, back + biceps or chest + triceps (the principle of training synergistic muscles). This optimizes the workflow and allows you to combine heavy basic movements with special ones. Experienced athletes can specialize in arms, pumping them completely in one day. This approach is not recommended for beginners.
    • If you do biceps after back or triceps after chest, a couple of exercises will be enough for them. If you do 4-5, this will lead to overtraining and your arms will not grow. The same thing can happen if your split is built in the following way: back + triceps, chest + biceps. In this case, the biceps will work 2 times a week, and the triceps will work 3 times a week (another time on shoulder day during presses). It's too much.
    • Work in a multi-rep style - 10-15 reps. This reduces the risk of injury and increases blood flow into the muscles. Small muscles respond better to such a load, since they were not originally designed to lift large weights.
    • Perform exercises with strict technique. Stop cheating professional athletes. It will be much more effective to lift a 25 kg barbell absolutely cleanly on your biceps than to throw 35 kg with your body and shoulders.
    • Don’t get carried away with pumping, supersets and drop sets. Using the example above, again, it will be more effective to lift a 25 kg barbell for biceps for 12 times than to do 15 kg for 20 or 15-10-5 kg ​​for 10 (drop set). These techniques are best used when you reach a certain plateau in weight gain, already having experience behind you. strength training and decent working weights.

    Exercises for arm muscles


    The biceps are a target muscle group for many athletes. Let's look at typical ones. Form an individual complex based on the movements we propose.

    Standing barbell raises

    The most common exercise for this muscle group. Despite the fact that many consider it basic, it is isolating - only the elbow joint works. However, it is quite effective if done correctly:

  1. Take the projectile in your hands. You can use any bar - straight or curved, it all depends on your preferences. Many people feel discomfort in their wrists when lifting with a straight bar.
  2. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  3. As you exhale, bend your arms elbow joint through the efforts of the biceps, trying not to move your back and not move your arms forward. Do not use inertia when throwing the barbell using your body.
  4. At the top phase of the amplitude, hold for 1-2 seconds. At the same time, tighten your biceps as much as possible.
  5. Slowly lower the apparatus without fully extending your arms. Immediately begin the next repetition.

Why can't you fully extend your arms? It's all about the joint resistance that needs to be overcome when lifting again. By lowering your arms completely, you train not muscles, but ligaments and tendons. Another reason is that the biceps will rest at this point. It is better when it is under load the entire time of the approach.

Dumbbell raises standing and sitting

The advantage of dumbbells over a barbell is that you can work your arms separately, concentrating more on each of them. Such lifts can be performed standing (the result is almost an analogue of the previous exercise) and sitting, and on incline bench. The last option is the most effective, since the biceps are under tension even with lowered arms.


  1. Place the bench at an angle of 45-60 degrees.
  2. Take dumbbells and sit down. The grip is supinated, that is, the palms initially face away from the body and their position does not change.
  3. As you exhale, bend your arms at the same time, while fixing your elbows and not moving them forward.
  4. Hold the peak contraction for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Lower the implements under control without fully extending your arms.

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You can also perform this exercise alternately with the left and right hand. Let us also assume the option with neutral grip in the starting position and supination of the hand during lifting.

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Scott Bench Raises

The advantage of this exercise is that cheating is impossible. You press your chest and triceps firmly into the machine, and while lifting, you should not take your hands off it. Thanks to this design, only the biceps work here. To eliminate the help of the forearm muscles, take an open grip (the thumb is not opposed to the rest) and do not bend/extend your hands.

The movement can be performed with either a barbell or a dumbbell. Choose the most convenient option for yourself or simply alternate them from workout to workout.

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Close-grip pull-ups

The only basic exercise for biceps - two joints work here (elbow and shoulder), and the back muscles are also actively involved. It is quite difficult for many people to learn how to pull themselves up using their arms alone, so this exercise is not often found in complexes. Fortunately, for biceps to be successfully worked out, isolation and indirect participation in basic lifts when training your back.

To use the muscle group we need as much as possible, perform pull-ups as follows:

  1. Hang from the horizontal bar using a narrow reverse grip. Since the hands are supinated, the greater load will come to the biceps. No need to use straps. The wider the grip, the more emphasis is placed on the lats.
  2. Pull yourself up by bending your elbows. Try to concentrate on this movement. The chin should be higher than the bar.
  3. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds, tensing your biceps as much as possible.
  4. Slowly lower yourself down.

Lifting the barbell while lying chest down on an incline bench

Another great exercise for biceps. Cheating is also excluded here, since the body is fixed on the bench (it needs to be installed at an angle of 30-45 degrees and lie on your chest). The only thing left to watch is your elbows, which do not need to be brought forward when lifting.

Otherwise, the technique is similar to regular barbell curls. However, the working weight here will be less.

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Concentrated dumbbell curls

A good exercise is usually performed with a light weight, since large dumbbells require enough Strong arms and biceps. It’s better to take a lighter weight, but do the movement clearly and without the slightest cheating - then the load will go exactly to the muscle group we need.

The technique is:

  1. Sit on a bench, spread your legs to the sides so that they do not interfere with the rise.
  2. Take in left hand dumbbell, rest your elbow on the hip of the same name. Place your other hand on your right leg for stability.
  3. Bend your arm using the biceps muscle. Record the peak contraction.
  4. Lower it down under control, without bending it completely.

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Arm curls on the upper handles of the crossover

Many athletes like this exercise, since the arms here are in an atypical position for pumping up the biceps - raised to parallel with the floor. This allows you to load the muscles at a slightly different angle and diversify your training. It is best to do these curls at the end of the workout.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Take both upper handles of the crossover - left in your left hand, right in your right. Stand between the racks of the machine with your side facing them.
  2. Raise your arms so that they are perpendicular to your body and parallel to the floor.
  3. At the same time, bend your arms, while fixing the position of your elbows and not raising them.
  4. At the peak point, squeeze your biceps as much as possible for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Slowly straighten your arms (not all the way) and immediately begin the next repetition.

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Raises on the lower block or in a crossover

Arm curls from the lower block or lower handle of the crossover - a good option to complete your biceps workout. As a rule, this exercise is performed in a fairly high number of repetitions - 12-15 and its main purpose is to “finish off” the muscle and fill it properly with blood.

The technique is simple and similar to a regular barbell lift, only a special handle is used instead of a bar. You need to stand not close to the block, but slightly move away from it, so that already in the lower position the biceps is under load.

The movement can be performed with two hands with a straight handle:

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Or do it one by one with one hand:

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When using a rope, the main emphasis of the load shifts to the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles (as in the “hammer” exercise, which will be discussed below):


To increase the volume of your arms, you must not forget to pump brachialis muscle(brachialis), located under the biceps. With hypertrophy, it seems to push out biceps muscle shoulder, which leads to an actual increase in arm circumference.

The most effective exercises for this muscle - lifting the barbell and dumbbells for the biceps in a neutral manner (palms facing each other) and reverse grip(palms facing back).

“Hammers” is an exercise performed with a neutral grip. Most often it is done with dumbbells - the technique completely copies regular dumbbell lifts, only the grip is different. You can perform it both standing and sitting.

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Also, “hammers” can be performed with a special bar that has parallel handles:

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Reverse Grip Barbell Raises

Another exercise for the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. Identical to straight-grip raises, only the weight will be slightly less.


As a rule, athletes do not have problems with triceps due to the bench press craze. However, other exercises are also needed.

Close grip bench press

Basic triceps exercise. The chest and anterior deltoids are used to a lesser extent.


  1. Sit on a straight bench. Place your entire foot firmly on the floor. There is no need to make a “bridge”.
  2. Grab the bar with a closed grip slightly narrower or shoulder-width apart. The distance between the hands should be approximately 20-30 cm.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the barbell to your chest, but do not spread your elbows to the sides; they should go as close to the body as possible. If you feel discomfort in your wrists when lowering, increase your grip width, try lowering not to your chest, leaving 5-10 cm, or try using wrist wraps.
  4. As you exhale, quickly press the barbell, straightening your arm at the elbow joint to the end.

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The press can also be performed with dumbbells - in this case, you need to take them with a neutral grip and, when lowering, move your elbows along the body in the same way:

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French press

One of best exercises for the muscle group in question, although it is isolating.

The only, but noticeable, disadvantage is that the French bench press with a barbell is almost guaranteed to “kill” the elbows at large working weights (approximately over 50 kg). That is why either perform it at the end of the workout, when the triceps are already hammered and heavy weight not needed, either replace it with a dumbbell version, or do it while sitting.

IN classic version execution - lying down with a barbell and lowering behind the head - the long head of the triceps is most loaded. If you lower it to your forehead, the medial and lateral ones work.


  1. Take a barbell (you can use either straight or curved neck- as it will be more comfortable for your wrists) and lie down on a straight bench, rest your feet firmly on the floor, no need to put them on the bench.
  2. Straighten your arms with the bar above your chest. Then move them, without bending, towards the head to approximately 45 degrees. This is the starting position.
  3. Slowly lower the barbell behind your head, bending your arms. Lock your elbows in one position and do not spread them to the sides. IN lowest point The angle at the elbow joint should be 90 degrees.
  4. Extending your arms, return to the starting position. The movement occurs only in the elbow joint; there is no need to move the shoulders in any way.
  5. Perform the next rep.

To reduce the stress on your elbows, you can perform the same exercise with dumbbells:

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Another good option is sitting. Here the technique is similar, only you don’t need to move your arms back; perform flexions and extensions from the vertical starting position of your arms.

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Triceps style dips

Regular dips on the uneven bars work the chest muscles to a greater extent. However, you can shift the focus to the triceps if you slightly change the technique:

  1. Starting position - emphasis on the uneven bars with straight arms. The body should be positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor (and when lowering/raising too), there is no need to lean forward. If you can change the distance between the bars, for the triceps version of push-ups it is better to make it a little smaller. You can bend your legs if it’s more convenient for you.
  2. Slowly lower yourself down, bending your arms. At the same time, move your elbows not to the sides, but back. Amplitude - as comfortable as possible, but no more right angle in the elbow joint.
  3. Extending your arms, rise to the starting position. Straighten your arms all the way and start a new repetition.

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If it is difficult for you to perform the required number of repetitions (10-15), you can use a gravitron - this is a simulator that facilitates push-ups and pull-ups due to the counterweight:

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Push-ups with your back to the bench

Another basic exercise triceps muscle shoulder Like almost all triceps bases, it actively involves the chest muscles and the anterior deltoids.


  1. Place two benches parallel to each other. On one of them, sit on the edge, rest your hands on both sides of the body, and on the second, put your legs so that the emphasis is on your ankle.
  2. Rest your hands and hang your pelvis off the bench. The angle between the body and legs should be approximately 90 degrees. Keep your back straight.
  3. As you inhale, bend your arms to a comfortable angle without bending your legs. There is no need to go too low - there will be unnecessary stress on shoulder joint. Move your elbows back, do not spread them to the sides.
  4. As you exhale, rise to the starting position by extending the elbow joint.
  5. If it’s too easy for you, place weights from the barbell on your thighs.

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In some gyms you can find a machine that simulates this type of push-ups:

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Narrow push-ups

Classic push-ups can also be done to work the triceps. To do this, you need to stand upright lying down so that your hands are close. At the same time, turn them towards each other so that the fingers of one hand can cover the fingers of the other.

When lowering and lifting, watch your elbows - they should go along the body.

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This is an extension of the arm with a dumbbell along the body in an inclined position. Due to the position of the torso and the arm fixed in one position, the weight here will be small, but the entire load will be correct execution will go to the triceps.

The classic version involves resting on a bench, as when pulling a dumbbell to a belt:

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It can also be done while bending over, simply leaning on the second leg extended forward:

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Another option is from the lower crossover handles:

Finally, kickbacks can be performed with both hands at once. To do this, you need to lie with your chest on a slightly elevated or straight bench:

Overhead dumbbell extensions

This exercise can be called a variety French press, however, it is very common in gyms, which is why it is listed separately. The emphasis here is on the long head of the triceps. It is recommended to insert it into your training plan one of the extension options while sitting or standing with the arm raised up.

Technique for performing one dumbbell with two hands:

  1. Sit on a straight bench or a bench with a low vertical back (a high back can interfere with lowering the dumbbell). Don't arch your lower back.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your hands and lift it above your head, straightening your arms so that they are perpendicular to the floor. In this case, it is most convenient to hold the projectile under the top block.
  3. As you inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head, being careful not to touch it. The amplitude is the most convenient for you, but you need to reach an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. As you exhale, straighten your arms to the starting position. Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides.

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You can work in a similar way with one hand. Secondly, it is advisable to hold the elbow of the working hand so that it does not go to the side.

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Arm extensions on the block

A classic example of a finishing exercise for the triceps. Most often it is performed at the end of a workout in order to pump as much blood into the target muscle as possible. Another option for use is at the beginning of a lesson to warm up.

The main thing when performing this is to strictly fix the body and elbows so that movement occurs only through flexion and extension of the arms. If your elbows go forward, take less weight.

The exercise can be done with a straight handle:

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A variant with a rope handle is often found:

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Another interesting variation is performing with one hand with a reverse grip:

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Try all the options, you can alternate them from workout to workout.

Extensions with rope from the lower block

Another exercise for the long head of the triceps. Performed on the lower block or in the crossover:

  1. Hook the rope handle to the device.
  2. Take it and stand with your back to the block, while raising the rope so that it is behind you at the level of your back, and your arms are raised up and bent at the elbows.
  3. As you exhale, straighten your arms as if doing overhead dumbbell extensions. Try not to spread your elbows out to the sides.
  4. As you inhale, bend your arms again and begin a new repetition.

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Cable forward extensions from overhead pulley

In this case, the rope handle must be attached to the upper handles of the crossover or block simulator. Then grab it and turn your back, similar to the previous exercise. Only now the handle will be higher than your head, since it is not attached to the lower post. Take a step or two forward to lift the weight on the machine, plant your feet firmly on the floor (you can do this in a half-lunge position) and extend your arms from behind your head until you are fully extended.

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The forearms actively work in basic exercises and many isolating ones for biceps and triceps. It makes sense to work on them separately if there is a noticeable lag or if you have some other goals, for example, when performing arm wrestling.

In the general case (not for specific training of arm wrestlers), two exercises will be sufficient:

  • Holding heavy weight.
  • Flexion/extension of the hands in support.

In the case of holding heavy weights, you can use the following exercise technique:

  1. Hold heavy dumbbells or kettlebells without using a safety belt.
  2. Then you can simply hold them for the maximum amount of time or walk, as when performing a farmer's walk.
  3. Another option is to slowly open your fingers while still holding the dumbbells at the tips, and then quickly squeeze. And repeat this several times.
  4. You can make the exercise more difficult by wrapping a towel around the handles of the apparatus. The wider the handle, the more difficult it is to hold it.

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Flexion and extension of the hands in support are performed as follows:

  1. Sit on the bench, take the bar and place your hands with it on the edge of the bench so that the hands with the apparatus hang down. The palms are facing the floor.
  2. Next, lower your brushes down to the maximum depth and lift them up. Repeat 15-20 times.
  3. Then you need to do a similar exercise, but with your palms facing away from the floor.

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Remember that the muscles of the forearms are well worked in almost all exercises. If you are not involved in special disciplines or have not hit a strength plateau, there is no need to develop them separately.

Programs for hand development

In general, for the harmonious development of arms, it would be ideal to use a classic split: chest + triceps, back + biceps, legs + shoulders.

When training at home, combine similar exercises from available equipment.


At proper training It is possible to not only achieve aesthetic balance, but also significantly increase strength indicators, which are so important for CrossFit athletes and powerlifters. Remember that despite your passion for the basics, if you do not plan to use strict specialization within one sport, you need to train your arms from the first/second month of training. Otherwise, there is a risk of encountering the “calf” effect, when the strength of the arms will increase, and their mass and functional indicators will freeze in place.

Hi all!

Do you exercise regularly, but your arms still don't look the way you'd like? Or maybe you just want to lose weight in this area? Change the situation in better side Hand exercises at home will help you. If you have dumbbells at home, take them out; if not, don’t be sad.

As a rule, this problem arises with age, and can affect both women and men. Therefore, if you are embarrassed to wear a T-shirt or short-sleeved dress, then this article is for you. I will try to talk about the reasons for the appearance of excess deposits on the hands and give a set of exercises for acquiring attractive hands.

Extra body fat, saggy and loose skin on the hands - symptoms experienced by half of the population of our planet. After all, usually the muscles of the arms are not so often involved in our daily life.

The main reasons for this problem may be:

  • excess weight throughout the body;
  • age over 20 years;
  • reduction in metabolic rate;
  • lack of physical activity.

Please note that people who are actively involved in swimming, tennis, volleyball or rock climbing always have strong beautiful hands, without any hint of excess fat. And everyone else just needs regular exercises that will keep their hands in good condition.

The whole problem is that as soon as we reach the age of 20, our muscle begins to decrease, and fat begins to increase. Just like bears hibernating in winter. The resulting calories are burned more slowly, because we walk or run less, like in childhood.

About muscle training

Exactly strength exercises will help you put your arm muscles into work, and as a result, find the desired relief, get rid of excess fat or vice versa from thinness.

The following muscles will receive a high-quality load:

But, of course, in addition to the main muscle groups, the back, chest and abdomen will be indirectly involved.

Girls should not be afraid to gain a masculine silhouette by doing exercises at home, because to gain muscle mass needed heavy weights And sports nutrition. But giving muscles tone is exactly what it can give home workout, without going to the gym.

Losing weight or training

There are two options here, depending on what you want to achieve:

  • If your goal is to reduce the girth of your arms and lightly tighten your muscles, then you need to perform the exercises a large number of times (15-30) in one approach, but with a small weight (0.5-3 kg), the pace can be either slow or faster.
  • If you want to pump up your arm muscles, then you will have to work with heavier weights (4-6 kg), doing each exercise slowly for several repetitions, for example 10 times in 3-4 sets. This option is already for advanced ones; a beginner should practice with light weights.

You can achieve the first results within 2 months, but some will have to work out for six months to get fit and toned. strong hands. It depends on age, metabolism, nutrition and other characteristics of the human body.

To make the training as effective as possible, I suggest using the following recommendations from experts:

  1. You need to exercise for 40-45 minutes, but no more than 1 hour.
  2. It is advisable not to eat anything 2 hours before and after exercise.
  3. During exercise, it is better to drink plain water in small sips every 10 minutes.
  4. You need to train every other day, but at least 2 times a week.
  5. Before the exercises, there is a mandatory warm-up in the form of rotating your hands, elbows in a circle, raising your arms, bending your body, or you can jog on or in place.
  6. After training, be sure to stretch to avoid muscle strain. Massage or bathing is also helpful. Such events will save you from unpleasant consequences.
  7. Since the main load goes to the shoulder joint, in order to avoid injuries, it is better for beginners to practice all exercises without using sports equipment, only after this you can begin to perform with weights.
  8. Beginners should use small weights of 0.5 kg, these can be dumbbells; if there are none, then bottles of water or sand, thick books, can also be replaced with an elastic band or a tubular expander. You can also exercise with a butterfly simulator.
  9. The maximum number of times and approaches in an exercise for advanced exercises should not exceed 15 repetitions in 3 sets.

The best exercises for hands

In your training complex you can include the most various exercises, and in fact there are a lot of them. Here I will give exercises both with the use of special equipment, which I wrote above to replace it with, and without it. But first, here's what.

Wrists, hands and fingers

To make your workout more successful and effective, you need to train your fingers, wrists and hands. Working them out will help increase arm strength, and therefore all exercises will be easier, and the quality of execution will be high.

To do this, you will need a wrist expander; it can be in the shape of a ring, a ball or pliers. The main exercise here will be to squeeze and unclench the sports equipment as many times as you can. Just be careful not to overdo it, or your fine motor skills may become impaired for several hours after class.

With dumbbells

No inventory

Video about how to tighten muscles and make your arms slimmer.

How to eat

If you decide to lose weight in your arms, then exercise alone is not enough. Proper nutrition should go side by side with any training. To see at least some hint of relief, you must first get rid of excess fat. Under thick arms, the muscles will simply not be noticeable.

So, in order to start metabolism and increased calorie burning, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Never skip breakfast;
  • Eat small but regular portions up to 4-6 times a day;
  • Drink more liquid, preferably plain water up to 8 glasses per day;
  • In the morning and throughout the day, drink up to 3-4 mugs of green tea;
  • Avoid fast food and others;
  • Reduce sweets, flour and fried foods;
  • Food should be eaten boiled, stewed or boiled;
  • Slow carbohydrates should prevail over fast ones;
  • Eat protein: lean meats, any fish, eggs, milk, dairy products;
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, fiber.

Such balanced diet will make you feel full and will not add to your weight extra pounds fat Also, do not forget about cardio exercises, this can be a fitness workout or a banal climb to the floor on foot without an elevator, or brisk walking along the street.

Contraindications to training

Doing arm exercises may have a negative impact on your health if you have:

  1. hypertension;
  2. asthma;
  3. menstruation;
  4. heart diseases;
  5. pregnancy.

People with spinal curvature and osteochondrosis should also be treated with caution. To protect yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.

That's all for me. Regular exercise and will definitely give results in the form of beautiful toned arms, which you won’t be ashamed to show to others. And most importantly, you will like yourself.

Happy training! See you!

The joints of the fingers are often the first to suffer from arthrosis. Pain in the hands prevents you from doing your usual activities; it becomes very difficult to hold cutlery, write, or use household appliances. Special gymnastics works as a prevention of the disease, and also reduces its symptoms, reducing pain and removing swelling.

A gymnastics complex for finger joints is a special set of exercises that helps improve blood circulation in the hands, develop joints, and increase the flow of joint fluid. These exercises are recommended for arthrosis, osteoarthritis, other joint diseases of the upper extremities.

Basic principles of doing exercises

IN joint gymnastics the main thing is to do no harm. All exercises are performed slowly, without jerking. If pain or discomfort is felt, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of exercise and use painkillers and anti-inflammatory gels and creams.

In the series containing glucosamine. Glucosamine is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory agent. Using this cream after doing gymnastics will help relieve discomfort and relieve swelling.

It is advisable to repeat the gymnastics complex for the finger joints every day, alternating morning/evening.

The exercises take 10-12 minutes. Exercises can be done in transport, at work in your free time.

The exercises are performed with both hands at once. If at first it is difficult to maintain the same pace and intensity with your left and right hands, perform the exercises in turn.

Gymnastics complex for hand joints

The gymnastics complex includes 11 basic exercises.

  1. Make a fist without squeezing your fingers. Thumb on top of the rest. Hold your fingers in this position for 30-60 seconds. Unclench your fist, spreading your fingers so that there is maximum distance between them. Do the exercise 4-6 times for each hand.
  2. Place your palm on a table or other flat surface. Extend your fingers forward, straightening your hand as much as possible. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times for your left and right hands.
  3. Turn your hand with your palm facing you. Squeeze your fingers so that the top pads touch the bumps on the palm under your fingers. Freeze for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise, like the previous ones, 4-6 times.
  4. Exercise with a soft ball or toy. Take a small stuffed toy or rubber ball and squeeze as hard as you can. Hold your fingers in this position for 30-60 seconds. Do the required number of repetitions for each arm.
  5. Again you will need a soft toy or ball. Take the object in your hand and pinch it as hard as you can. Hold the hand in the most tense position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times for each hand.
  6. Place your hand on the table, palm down, and press it down as much as possible. Take turns raising your fingers up as high as you can. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times for each hand.
  7. To perform this exercise, you will need a loose elastic band. Place your palm on the table and press it firmly. Place the elastic band on top of your fingers. Move your thumb as far as you can while pulling the elastic band tight. This exercise is performed 10-12 times for each hand. It can be repeated no earlier than after 48 hours, so as not to overload the thumb joint.
  8. Turn your hand with your palm facing you. Bend and straighten your thumb, touching your palm in the area of ​​the little finger. Hold your thumb in the area of ​​your little finger for 30-60 seconds. Do 4 repetitions of the exercise for each arm.
  9. Bend your elbows and place them straight in front of you so that your elbow and wrist form a right angle. Turn your palms towards you. Bring your thumb and index finger together to form an O. Repeat for your middle, ring and little fingers. Do this complex 4 times for each hand.
  10. Turn your hand with your palm facing you. Stretch thumb alternately to the pad of the index, middle, ring and little fingers. Perform 4 repetitions for each arm.
  11. Classes with plasticine and clay. Modeling from soft materials develops fine motor skills, so remember your childhood and make something out of clay or plasticine.

Warming up the muscles after performing a complex of gymnastics for the arm joints

For the greatest effect and speedy cure of joint diseases, after gymnastics you can warm up the muscles and joints of the hands. To do this, take it, massage it onto your palms and wrists, put on rubber gloves and put your hands in hot water for 5-7 minutes.

You can purchase Collagen Ultra cream and gel, as well as Collagen Ultra dietary supplement for joints and spine on the website

Reading time: 18 min

Every girl dreams of graceful, thin hands without sagging and sagging. And in order to achieve this it is not at all necessary to go to Gym, you can work on slender arms at home.

We offer you the top most effective arm exercises at home for women with and without dumbbells additional inventory, which will help you lose weight in the upper body and tighten muscles.

Rules for doing hand exercises

All you need to train your arms at home are dumbbells. And some exercises don't even require dumbbells.

Before proceeding with the exercises, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing arm exercises, which are outlined below.

1. If you want to work on losing weight and burning fat on your arms without increasing muscle volume, then perform each exercise for 15-25 repetitions with light dumbbell weights. If you want increase arm muscles and give them volume, then perform exercises of 8-10 repetitions in 3-4 approaches with the maximum possible weight (the last repetition in the approach should be at maximum effort).

2. If you are a beginner, use dumbbell weights for arm exercises at home. 2-3 kg. If you are an experienced practitioner, then use dumbbell weights. 4-6 kg with gradual weight gain. You can use dumbbells instead plastic bottles filled with water or sand. Ideally, purchase collapsible dumbbells with weight adjustment.

3. As an alternative to dumbbells, you can use a tubular expander or elastic band. These are very compact options for home fitness equipment, so you can take them with you on your travels.

4. Exercises for the arms involve working on the following muscle groups: biceps(flexor), triceps(extensor), delta(shoulders). Also, during many exercises, the chest muscles, back muscles and abdominal muscles are indirectly involved.

5. Exercises for the arms with light dumbbells at home will not “pump up” the muscles and will not increase the size of the arms, you don’t have to worry about that. High-repetition exercises with light weights are designed specifically for weight loss and fitness.

6. Perform the exercises slowly, trying to concentrate on the target muscles. Hand exercises should be performed not for speed, but for quality.

7. To tighten your arms at home, in addition to training, you need to monitor your diet. Try not to abuse fast food, sweet and flour products, fried and refined foods.

8. You can train your arms using ready-made video workouts. YouTube now offers a large number of effective training for the whole body.

9. If you want to complicate the exercises for the arms, then use the pulsating version. This will give a very high-quality load to the muscles even with a small weight of dumbbells. You can, for example, perform 15 classic repetitions and 15 pulsating repetitions.

Plan for doing hand exercises at home:

  • Perform each arm exercise for 15-20 repetitions, in 2 sets (if the exercise is static, then hold for 30-40 seconds).
  • Be sure to warm up before your workout: Pre-Workout Warm-Up Plan.
  • Don't stretch your muscles after your workout: Post-Workout Stretching Plan.
  • Repeat the set of exercises once a week for 30-40 minutes or 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

This arm exercise plan will help you lose weight and tone up. top part body, giving a slight tone to the muscles. For muscle growth and relief, you need to work with heavy weights. But this is also possible at home if you purchase heavier weight dumbbells.

20 hand exercises at home

Below are the most popular and effective arm exercises at home or in the gym. The exercises are suitable for both women and men. You will be able to work through all the basic muscle groups arms: biceps, triceps, deltoids.

2. Front Raises for Shoulders

3. Raising your arms to the sides for your shoulders

5. Bicep and Shoulder Curls

6. Bent-over raises for arms and back

7. Lateral raises for shoulders and chest

8. Dumbbell Twists for Triceps and Shoulders

9. Biceps Curl

10. Lateral biceps curl

13. Triceps extension

14. Reverse push-ups for triceps

15. Static bar

16. Static elbow bar

19. Dumbbell plank pull-ups