Four-week diet on eggs and oranges. Egg-orange diet for weight loss. Authorized for consumption

There is an opinion that it is impossible to lose weight by eating fruits. But the egg-orange diet smashes these prejudices to smithereens. It allows you not only to quickly get rid of hated kilograms, but also to do it with relative pleasure. Of course, unless you are an ardent hater of one of these foods or a “lucky” owner of an allergy to citrus fruits.

Who can benefit from the egg-orange diet?

Eggs - great helper in diet

Anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds. The convenience of this diet is that you can choose the option that suits you. For example, if you want to lose weight for your high school reunion in a week, seek help from a 7-day diet variation. If you want to lose weight by the beginning of the swimming season, and there is only a month left, try the egg-orange diet for 4 weeks. In addition, the choice of option also depends on how many kilograms you plan to remove.


Mono-diets, to which this diet belongs, despite the presence of only two food products in the diet, are among the most “strict”. When a girl boasts that she lost 5-7 kg in just a week, most likely it was this type of diet that helped her achieve such results.

  • For 5 days. The most aggressive option. Involves very little food for five days. Initially, the menu of this diet was designed for 3 days, but hunters for protruding cheekbones and thin waist endure hardships longer. However, it is not recommended to stretch such a diet for more than 5 days. As a result, not only excess weight can “escape”, but also your health along with it. Typically, about 3 kg are lost on this diet. The figure doesn’t seem that big, but it’s quite enough to fasten the lock of your favorite jeans without half an hour of torture, dancing around the apartment and tears of regret in the mirror.
  • For 7 days. A more gentle option that will allow you to get rid of 7–9 kg of weight. It is surprising that the difference in duration between the first and second options is only two days, but the results obtained are simply amazing. Probably the fact is that some girls resort to cunning and stay on this diet longer than expected - not one week, but two.
  • For 4 weeks. The most effective in terms of the number of kilograms lost, and the most gentle diet, as it implies a gradual transition from careful restriction to normal nutrition. Although not every woman can control herself and follow all the instructions for a whole month. But with this diet you can lose as much as 15 kilograms of body weight.

What makes the egg-orange diet so effective?

It is rare that a diet can produce the results it promises. And egg-orange is one of them. What is her secret? There is an opinion that it is a matter of combination of products. Allegedly, the egg and orange provoke certain reactions in the body, leading to an acceleration of metabolism.

It is not known whether this is actually true, but chicken eggs have long won one of the first places in the ranking of dietary products. It's all about their low calorie content: one chicken egg accounts for about eighty kilocalories. That is, with a relatively small amount of calories, the human body receives a good amount of food.

Orange is different in that it effectively stimulates digestive processes and “cleanses” the intestines. Thanks to the large amount of fiber it contains, this citrus helps to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

In addition, both food products are rich in a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to function normally and carry out all internal biochemical processes.

And, of course, one of the decisive factors is the low calorie content of the foods consumed. In total, when following the egg-orange diet, a person receives about 1000–1200 kilocalories per day (depending on the type of diet chosen). To help you feel the difference, the normal daily calorie intake for a healthy person leading a moderately active lifestyle is considered to be 2400–2600 kcal for women and 2800–3000 kcal for men. Children and adolescents are not taken into account, since diets are contraindicated for a growing body. And a moderately active lifestyle means half-hour fitness classes three times a week, active weekends (biking or skiing) and similar ways to “stretch your bones.”


Chicken eggs are the main product consumed as part of the diet Oranges are a healthy and tasty addition Vegetables “come into play” in the second week of the diet So the fruits have arrived! Chicken meat has long been recognized as dietary A little low-fat fish will not harm you Green tea helps saturate the body

For 5 days

During the day you need to eat only three oranges and three soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs (as you prefer). And so that your stomach does not cry out for help every time you smell the attractive aroma of buns or fried meat, try to stretch these foods into six meals. That is, every time you should eat exactly half an orange and the same amount of eggs. Get ready for the fact that during the day you can only think about food. But if you pass this test, you will be able to wear the most breathtaking dress when going to a corporate event. Encourage yourself with this and don't stop. However, remember that initially this option was designed for a three-day period, and stretching this style of eating for more than 5 days can be dangerous for your health.

For 7 days

This diet option, although it lasts only 2 days longer than the previous one, is more tolerable. When following this diet, you are allowed to eat as many as 6 oranges and 6 eggs per day. Although here, too, some who want to achieve an even greater effect do not consume whole eggs, but only their whites. Also, sometimes this diet is followed for two weeks, but in this case it is permissible to drink a glass of kefir before bed so that you do not faint from hunger right at your workplace.

For 4 weeks

Few modern beauties are willing to sacrifice a whole month without sweets or any variety in their diet for the sake of a chiseled figure, but sometimes such people still exist. Having enough time and wanting to achieve best result, they fearlessly, and maybe even with apprehension, turn to the help of the egg-orange diet for 4 weeks. And this is what awaits them on this difficult path.

First week menu. 6 eggs and 6 oranges per day.

Attention! If you eat only egg whites, their quantity can be increased to 9 pieces per day.

Second week menu. You also have vegetables at your disposal (any vegetables except potatoes and beets).

Now you can distribute the food as follows:

  • First breakfast: 2 eggs.
  • Second breakfast: 2 oranges.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs and a couple of cucumbers.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 oranges.
  • First dinner: 2 eggs and a medium sized tomato.
  • Second dinner: 2 oranges.

Menu for the third week. Fruits are added to everything you ate during the first two weeks.

You eat the same way, but now you add some other fruit to the required two oranges, for example, an apple. At the same time, remember that it is advisable to consume fruits in the first half of the day. Your third week menu might look like this:

  • First breakfast: 2 eggs.
  • Second breakfast: 2 oranges and 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 2 eggs and a couple of cucumbers.
  • Second dinner: 2 oranges.

Menu for the fourth week. Oh, happiness! Now you are also allowed to eat a little lean meat or fish (of course, if you are not a vegetarian).

Meals this week can be organized as follows:

  • First breakfast: 3 eggs.
  • Second breakfast: 2 oranges and an apple.
  • Lunch: 1 egg and 200 g of lean fish.
  • Afternoon snack: 2 oranges and 1 kiwi.
  • First dinner: 2 eggs and a tomato.
  • Second dinner: 2 oranges.

Please note that you can change the menu for the second, third and fourth weeks at your discretion. They are given as samples that you should adhere to. But on Monday you can eat exactly as written here, and on Tuesday, for example, instead of a tomato for dinner, eat boiled carrots. The main thing you need to remember is: leave the table slightly hungry. This is a universal rule when losing weight.

This diet, like most, has its own subtleties that will allow you to achieve the best results.

  • Drink about 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day. It can be green tea or plain water. The fact is that orange has a diuretic effect, and when consumed in such quantities it can even cause mild dehydration of the body.
  • Don't get too involved in sports. If you are used to doing exercises in the morning, do not deny yourself this. But here are the active activities in gym and similar loads require large energy expenditures from the body. And you won’t have too much energy due to a poor diet. Therefore, you will have to either temporarily abandon regular classes exercise or reduce the load as much as possible, or give up the diet or try to rearrange it to suit yourself.
  • If you've already gotten tired of oranges, and desired result not yet achieved, try replacing the orange with grapefruit. It is no less effective as a component of the diet.
  • Another acceptable relaxation in the matter of dietary components is the consumption of not all eggs, but only their proteins. As a result, you will receive much fewer calories, but you will still feel full.
  • In addition, to add at least some variety to the menu, you can also eat leafy greens and occasionally drink a glass of kefir at night. Just don’t get too carried away so as not to increase the number of calories you consume per day too much.
  • It is advisable to eat 6 times a day. Of course, if you are working, this is unlikely to be feasible. In this case, try to distribute the food you are entitled to at least 3-4 times.
  • Don't try this diet too often! As mentioned earlier, it is very low in calories and with a large difference in the food entering the body, the metabolism can be “lost”, and you will gain weight faster and easier, but getting rid of it will be more and more difficult each time. Don't dig yourself a hole.

Side effects

Any action usually entails some consequences. Dieting is usually expected to result in a decreasing number on the scale. But the immutable truth is that any diet, even the most lax, is stress for the body. And even more so, the egg-orange one, which rather falls into the strict category, carries with it a number of consequences.

  1. By eating citrus fruits in excess, you may suddenly develop an allergy to them. Even if before you could eat a kilogram of tangerines at once, and you had nothing. Therefore, carefully monitor your body’s reaction to changing your diet. As soon as you notice itchy red spots, which usually appear on the cheeks or neck, stop eating oranges immediately.
  2. It may seem funny, but some people, after eating chicken eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for four weeks, developed a persistent dislike for them. Once they had successfully lost their 15 kg weight, eggs became their most hated food of all. Be prepared for the fact that after following this diet you will be disgusted by the mere smell of a boiled chicken egg.

If above the second side effect You can still laugh, but take the first one very seriously.


You should stop using this diet if:

  • you are allergic to any food product included in the main diet of this diet (in this case, oranges);
  • you are pregnant or a nursing mother;
  • you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or excretory system.

These contraindications are common to most diets.

And we spend our evenings in the gym, giving up our favorite sweets and can no longer look at vegetables and buckwheat. And it's all in vain - overweight stay with us, do not betray or change their usual place. This only says one thing: you are doing everything wrong. It's time to change that!

Egg-orange diet called a protein mono-diet. It has become popular for quite a long time, and all because its results are always pleasing to the eye. You can lose 1 kg in a day of eating this way. And that's just the minimum. But I need to warn you right away: don’t overdo it. Prolonged adherence to this diet leads to, so stay on the diet for up to 2 weeks, no longer. And if you are allergic to the main components, completely abandon the idea of ​​losing weight this way.

Eggs and oranges - a strange but strong tandem

Why is egg considered one of the main products of this diet? Such familiar food is a source of 12 vitamins and protein. When compared with dozens of other products, its calorie content is ridiculously low - 157 kcal per 100 g. Lecithin, which is in abundance in eggs, has a good effect on the functioning of the whole body.

With all this, during such a diet it is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Nutritionists talk about a volume of 2 liters. It should be normal still water or unsweetened green tea.

Weekly menu


  • Oranges (until saturated) or 150 g of salad with vegetables and herbs, 150 g of boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 grapefruit for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • 200 g of salad with vegetables and herbs, 150 g of boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit, 200 g and herbs, toast for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Toast, 1 tomato, 50 g (until full) or 200 g cucumber salad, 150 g boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 150 g boiled chicken breast, 2 hard-boiled eggs, grapefruit for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Oranges until saturated or 200 g, 200 g of boiled vegetables for lunch.
  • 200 g of vegetable salad, 150 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 hard-boiled eggs for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, any boiled vegetable for lunch.
  • 150 g of boiled fish, orange, 150 g of vegetable salad for dinner.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Oranges (until saturated) or 150 g of boiled meat, 3 tomatoes for lunch.


  • Half an orange and 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast.
  • Orange, 200 g steamed vegetables, 150 g boiled chicken breast for lunch.
  • 200 g of vegetable salad and 150 g of boiled chicken breast for dinner.

Quitting the diet is not necessary. But experts still insist that products that were not included in the list should be introduced gradually. To prevent the body from being damaged and the kilograms not to return in the same volume, start the eighth day with a light vegetable soup or porridge. During the first week, choose only lean meats. The results of losing weight will please you and will definitely not disappear. Tell all your friends about the new weight loss option! After all, they also want to show off their dream figure.

At the same time, without causing a feeling of hunger, which makes it quite simple to implement.

Main product egg diet are chicken eggs. Eggs contain a lot of complete protein, good vitamin complex, they have an excellent mineral composition and content of bioregulators. A good plus The egg diet is that you can eat citrus fruits and other fruits and vegetables along with eggs. Due to this composition, there is no need to take additional vitamin complexes during the egg diet.

For achievement good result don't change egg diet menu: follow all recommendations and rules and do not forget about contraindications.

General rules for the egg diet.

  • You must eat 3 times a day, exclude snacks and night meals.
  • Eggs should be soft-boiled without salt (unless otherwise stated).
  • If the quantity of a product is not indicated, it means that it can be eaten in any quantity.
  • We do not add salt or oil to salads.
  • Grapefruit and orange can be swapped.
  • Meat should be cooked without fat, chicken without skin; Lamb and fatty pork should not be eaten.
  • You need to drink a lot: at least 2 liters of water/unsweetened tea.
  • You should start eating with citrus fruits - they cause contraction of the stomach muscles, which temporarily reduces its volume.
  • During the egg diet, an allergy to eggs or citrus fruits may develop, the skin condition may worsen, and weakness and dizziness may appear. Fitness calculator.
  • If you are intolerant to one of the products of the egg diet, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or in the presence of severe chronic diseases, the egg diet cannot be used. If you are prone to flatulence, you should take into account the likelihood of increased intestinal dysfunction.

Egg diet for 2 weeks.

For two weeks, breakfast on the egg diet should be the same: ½ orange (or grapefruit) and 1-2 eggs. For lunch and dinner, use the table below.

Egg diet menu for 2 weeks:

Reviews about the egg diet lasting 14 days, they say that you can lose 4-7 kg.

Egg diet for 7 days.

Egg diet for 1 week- this is a lighter version and is applicable to anyone who doubts that they will not be able to endure long-term food restrictions. Meat prepared for this menu can be slightly salted.

Egg diet menu for 1 week:

An egg diet for 1 week will not give as great results as a longer option, but it will still allow you to lose 3-4 kg.

Egg diet for 4 weeks.

An egg diet for 4 weeks allows you to lose 8-15 kg. Please note that for weeks 3 and 4, a list and volume of products have been compiled, which are distributed in any order into 3-4 doses.

Egg-orange diet.

Egg-orange diet recipe very simple: in 1 week you are allowed to eat 9 eggs and 6 oranges per day; in the next 2 weeks they will be added to the menu raw vegetables, fruits and greens. You cannot use salt; we drink water in any quantity. Oranges can be replaced with grapefruits.

To speed up the results, use a forced version of the egg-grapefruit diet, lasting 1 week. In this case, the daily portion of food is reduced: take 6 eggs and grapefruits/oranges.

There is only a month left before a trip to the sea, a birthday or another significant event, but you need to radically change your figure? Reduce the volume of your hips, buttocks and get rid of a bulging belly? In this case, it will come to the rescue easy technique weight loss - four-week egg-orange diet. The main components of the diet, as the name implies, are eggs and oranges. This diet It is quite simple, but this does not in any way affect its effectiveness. It is designed so that a person does not feel hungry, and therefore does not dream of breaking the prescribed diet as soon as possible. And this is precisely the main key to a slim figure.

Why is the egg-orange diet effective?

The egg-orange diet is based on combining two benefits for human body product – egg and orange. To understand the principle of its action, it is necessary to study its main components in more detail.

Eggs are an amazing and completely natural product. And it is surprising for its rich composition. In addition to easily digestible protein, it contains vital components that carry out the construction of new tissues in the body. These include amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins, choline, biotin, enzymes, bioflavonoids and many others.

Eggs also have another very significant advantage - they are low in calories, which means that they are a dietary product. Despite this, eggs are perfectly satiating, as they are digestible by 97–98%! As a result, metabolic processes are accelerated and overall well-being improves.

Oranges are no less useful. They, like eggs, include bioflavonoids, macro- and microelements, and vitamins. They also contain limonoids, fiber and folic acid.

The benefits of orange for weight loss are in many ways similar to the benefits of the second main component of the diet: this fruit contains a small amount of calories and does not burden digestive system and due to dietary fiber, swelling in the intestines, it dulls hunger. Scientific research have proven that regular consumption of oranges prevents obesity. The red Sicilian orange is considered the most effective for getting rid of extra pounds.

Considering all of the above, you can be 100% sure that the egg-orange tandem will help cope with figure imperfections.


Allergies to eggs and citrus fruits are far from uncommon. Therefore, people who are especially sensitive to these products will be forced to abandon this method of losing weight. This diet is not suitable for those who have high cholesterol and stomach acidity, or who suffer from chronic diseases. And pregnant and breastfeeding women should not resort to such a diet.

In the absence of contraindications, you can safely begin the fight against extra centimeters without fear for health, since in most cases the egg-orange diet is well tolerated by people of different ages. However, experts advise using this method of losing weight maximum once a year, not more often.

Diet features

To achieve high results from this diet, you will need to strictly follow the prescribed rules.

  • On the egg-orange diet, you need to monitor your drinking regime. You need to drink a day daily norm. It is very simple to calculate: women should multiply their weight by 31, and men by 35. For example, a woman whose weight is 50 kilograms should drink 1,550 liters. On days of intense training, the norm increases slightly - from 0.5 to 1 liter. This is important because water helps remove impurities from the body, which has a positive effect on your figure. For convenience, you can drink one glass of water every 1–2 hours. In addition to water, on this diet you can drink milk, green tea and coffee without sugar.
  • Salt should be completely excluded from the diet at the time of the diet. The same goes for oils and fats. You should also avoid drinking alcohol, as it is high in calories and increases appetite.
  • For cooking, use lean beef and white meat chicken.
  • Vegetables and meat must be cooked in water or steamed. You can also bake food without oil. As for seasonings and spices, their use is allowed, even in the required quantities.
  • Since weight loss on the egg-orange diet occurs not only due to calorie reduction, but also from chemical reactions that occur when the main components are combined, excluding one of the products is undesirable. The maximum that can be done is to replace the orange with grapefruit.
  • In case of hunger, you are allowed to snack on carrots, cucumbers or lettuce, but only 2 hours after the last meal.
  • On the egg-orange diet, it is also important to follow the diet prescribed in the menu. That is, you cannot swap breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • And last but not least important rule, is that the eggs must be soft-boiled. And you need to eat them whole, with the yolk.

Menu for a four-week egg-orange diet

As is already clear, eating on the egg-orange diet consists of three meals. Breakfast is always the same. It includes 2 boiled eggs and ? orange Therefore, only lunch and dinner will be described in the menu.

You should also pay attention to one nuance: foods for which the exact amount of consumption is not indicated should be eaten not as much as you like, but until you feel full.

Week #1

1st day:

  • We have lunch with one of the types of fruits.
  • We have dinner with a vegetable salad with boiled meat.

2nd day:

  • We have lunch with low-fat cheese and toast with tomatoes.
  • We have dinner with low-fat boiled fish with vegetable salad and orange.

3rd day:

  • We have lunch with white skinless chicken meat with boiled vegetables and orange.
  • We have dinner with two eggs with a portion of salad and toast.

4th day:

  • We dine on any type of fruit we choose.
  • We have dinner with boiled beef and lettuce.

5th day:

  • We have lunch with two eggs and boiled vegetables.
  • We have dinner with boiled fish, always low-fat varieties, lettuce and orange.

6th day:

  • We dine on one type of fruit.
  • We have dinner with stewed meat with lettuce and boiled vegetables.

Day 7:

  • We have lunch with skinless poultry, tomatoes and orange.
  • We have dinner with boiled vegetables.

Week #2

8th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled meat and lettuce.
  • We have dinner with a couple of eggs, a vegetable salad and an orange.

9th day:

  • We have lunch with stewed meat and cucumber.
  • We have dinner with citrus fruit and two eggs.

10th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled fish with vegetable salad and orange.
  • We have dinner with two eggs and lettuce.

11th day:

  • We have lunch with low-fat cottage cheese with two eggs and boiled vegetables.
  • We have a couple of eggs for dinner.

12th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled low-fat fish.
  • We have a couple of eggs for dinner.

13th day:

  • We have lunch with boiled skinless chicken, tomato and citrus fruit.
  • We have dinner with a fruit salad consisting of melon, peach, apple and orange.

Day 14:

  • We have lunch with boiled or stewed meat, boiled vegetables, orange and tomato.
  • We have dinner with products identical to lunch.

Week #3

15th day:

  • You can eat any fruit all day, with the exception of bananas, figs, grapes, mangoes and dates.

16th day:

  • During the day you need to eat boiled vegetables, except potatoes.

17th day:

  • We have lunch with fruits or boiled vegetables.
  • We have a vegetable salad for dinner.

Day 18:

  • We have boiled fish for lunch.
  • We have dinner with cabbage salad with boiled vegetables.

Day 19:

  • We have lunch with stewed or boiled chicken.
  • We have dinner with boiled chicken meat and boiled vegetables.

20th and 21st days: one type of fruit throughout the day.

Week #4

Day 22:

  • We have lunch with no more than 400 grams of boiled chicken meat and three tomatoes.
  • We have dinner with four cucumbers, toast, boiled fish and an orange.

Day 23:

  • We have lunch with no more than 200 grams of stewed meat and three tomatoes.
  • We have dinner with four cucumbers and toast, an apple or an orange.

Day 24:

  • We have lunch with a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese and a small amount of boiled vegetables.
  • We have dinner with two cucumbers, two tomatoes, toast and citrus fruit.

Day 25:

  • We have lunch with boiled or stewed poultry.
  • We have dinner with a cucumber, three tomatoes and an orange.

Day 26:

  • We have lunch with two eggs and lettuce.
  • We have dinner with an orange and three tomatoes.

Day 27:

  • We have lunch with boiled breasts (2 pieces), 150 grams of yogurt or feta cheese.
  • We have dinner with two cucumbers, two tomatoes and a citrus fruit.

Day 28:

  • We have lunch with a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese and 200 grams of boiled fish.
  • We have dinner with boiled vegetables with two cucumbers and two tomatoes, an orange.


People who have tried the egg-orange diet achieve amazing results in most cases. Some people lose more than 10 kg in 4 weeks of this diet. overweight– and this is not the limit! Moreover, many claim that the weight does not return for a long period of time.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of your diet, then include regular physical exercise. In this case, you will always remain slim and attractive.

Questions for a specialist

How to properly use the orange diet for weight loss

The orange diet is an effective way to lose weight. This result is associated with the unique composition of the fruit. Citrus contains essential vitamins and elements, enzymes that can fight free radicals, maintaining health and beauty. Due to the presence of acids and enzymes in the fruit, the digestive process is improved, thereby promoting the active breakdown of fat deposits.


Orange contains many vitamins and microelements, amino acids, and approximately 60 flavonoids. The fruit also contains dietary fiber, which stimulates digestion and saturates the body. This is what promotes weight loss. Thanks to fiber, the intestines are better cleansed of accumulated toxins.

Orange is valuable for weight loss because it has low calorie content. This figure for the fruit does not exceed 90 kcal per 100 g. Thanks to this characteristic, a diet based on oranges is healthy, safe and effective. There are different variations of this weight loss technique. They become methods of dealing with overweight based on the main component and additional products:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • apples

The diet based on eggs and oranges is very popular, reviews of the results of its use are very positive. To solve this problem, nutritionists offer an orange diet for 7 days, 3 days or three weeks. When choosing any method of losing weight, you need to consider several factors. You cannot use only this citrus product in your diet. For the body to function properly, it needs fats and proteins.

Lack of protein intake causes loss muscle mass, not fat. Fat deficiency will cause poor absorption of certain vitamins, which will provoke the development of vitamin deficiency. The correct orange diet for weight loss is based on using different products in the menu and taking into account the calorie needs of the person losing weight. When losing weight, oranges need to form the basis of the diet for a certain period.

Preparing for the event

When starting a diet on oranges and eggs, you must first organize the preparation process. Such actions will help to avoid negative phenomena and get the desired effect. The day before the event you should not eat too much. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of your favorite foods to a minimum throughout the week. This action will protect the body from stress.

The orange and egg diet should be based on the use of only ripe and high-quality products and fruits. Eating green fruit can negatively affect your health. Before losing weight, be sure to test for an allergic reaction to citrus fruit. To do this, you can eat 1 fruit for several days and observe the body’s response.

Diet on eggs and oranges

The essence of such nutrition is explained by the minimal presence of carbohydrates in the menu and the absence of kitchen salt, which helps solve the problem of excess fluid in the body. Hard and fast weight loss methods include a three-day diet. Nutritionists do not recommend using this technique to combat excess weight for more than 3-5 days in a row.

The menu is designed to include three fruits and the same amount of chicken eggs in the daily diet. The amount of food should be divided into 6 meals and food should be consumed at equal intervals. In this way you can rid yourself of 5 kg of excess body weight. Nutritionists attribute this effectiveness to the loss of fluid and the removal of toxins from the intestines. But during this period the body is not able to get rid of the fat layer. The three-day weight loss option is convenient for correcting your figure before a corporate event or holiday.

Egg-orange diet for 7 days – efficient technique weight loss, with which you can rid yourself of 9 kg excess weight. During the week, breakfast should consist of one medium orange and 1-2 eggs. Other foods should be served for lunch and dinner.

Day of the weekDinnerDinner
Mondayone type of any fruit in unlimited quantitiesstewed or boiled meat
Tuesdaychicken stew1 boiled egg, cucumber, carrot, tomato, pepper salad, quarter of a flatbread, orange
low-fat cheese, toast, tomatoesmeat (stewed)
Thursdayrepeating the diet for the first dayboiled lean meat, lettuce leaves
Friday2 eggs, boiled zucchini or carrotsbaked fish, salad greens, 1 orange
Saturdayfruits to choose frommeat with lettuce
Sundaylean meat without skin, green peas, tomatoes, 1 orangeboiled carrots and zucchini

Thanks to such a diet, a person quickly loses weight and does not feel hungry. After eating the fruit for 4 hours, a person experiences a feeling of satiety, which is quite important in losing weight. Unlike chocolate, chips and similar foods, orange does not cause hunger. And there are several times more calories in candies compared to citrus fruits. Harmful particles are present in sugar and fat base.

A diet of oranges and eggs is carried out for three weeks. With this diet you can lose 9 kg of weight. For the first week, you need to consume 2 boiled eggs, 1 kg of exotic fruit and 2 liters of clean water every day in random order. In the next week, you are allowed to include grain porridge in your diet, also in unlimited quantities. Dishes must be prepared without sugar and salt, drinking 2 liters of water daily and eating 1 kg of citrus fruits. In the third seven-day period, leave 1 orange, vegetables and fruits on the menu. All vegetables are allowed in the diet, with the exception of potatoes, as well as fruits (except grapes and bananas). Drink plenty of water – without limitation.


The egg and orange diet has its limitations. It is forbidden to resort to this method of losing weight in case of the following pathologies:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum;
  • gastritis with increased level secretion;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • allergic reaction.

This diet is contraindicated during pregnancy. breastfeeding. It is not advisable to use this method of losing weight for people suffering from problems with bowel movements. Due to eating a large number of chicken eggs, a person who is losing weight increases their cholesterol levels and develops constipation. This menu is not suitable for people who lead active life. Athletes may experience unpleasant discomfort:

  1. weakness;
  2. loss of consciousness;
  3. dizziness.

An excess of citrus fruits in the diet negatively affects the appearance, as it provokes the appearance of rashes, acne, and hair loss.

How to get out of a diet

Oranges have beneficial effects on weight loss positive impact subject to the correct nutritional regimen. An important point is the correct actions to return to a normal diet. Products that were excluded during the diet must be added to the menu little by little.

It is better to start eating with porridge made from oatmeal, buckwheat, cutlets cooked in a steam bath, and weak broths. When the body has fully adapted to regular culinary dishes, add your favorite foods:

  • soda;
  • chocolate.

Stick to fractional meals, maintain water balance.

Repeated weight loss

Nutritionists believe that it is reasonable to resort to such a technique to combat excess weight, but the duration of such nutrition should not exceed 5 days.

If tolerated, the orange diet can be used once every month to a month and a half. The seven-day diet is best used once every two months. Weight loss that requires longer-term use can only be repeated four times a year.