Alternation of nutrition. Protein-carbohydrate alternation: menu for every day. Vegetables and greens

What is a rotation diet? Why did she become so popular in last years among not only athletes, but also ordinary people? Let's figure it out now. The alternation diet is a nutrition system that is divided into several stages. As a result, nutrient intake alternates in stages. In this article we will look at different types such diets. We will also describe the most common recipes that will not harm your body.

Carbohydrate rotation

So, what is a diet? Now let’s figure it out. The alternation diet is becoming very popular today not only among athletes. We all know that when we sit on one food system for a long time, our muscles become sluggish. Since the absence of carbohydrates deprives them of elasticity. Although these microelements are necessary for our body just like others, but only in moderate quantities. And if we exclude all fats from our diet, our body will weaken and will not be able to tolerate physical activity. This will also lead to brittle hair and loose skin.

On top of everything else, a low-carb diet isn't fun. Eventually you will stop losing weight. Then your body will no longer look toned and your skin will no longer look healthy. Do not forget that a low-carbohydrate diet is contraindicated for obese people due to the fact that they produce a large amount of insulin in the body.

Diet. Alternating days (protein and carbohydrate). Basic principles

It got its name due to the fact that during its course there is manipulation with carbohydrate products. The diet is divided into several cycles. One can last four days or more. During the cycle, you need to strictly regulate the amount of food you eat. In the first 2 days, carbohydrate intake should be half as much as usual. On the third day, the amount of carbohydrates can be increased up to three times. But at the same time it is necessary to reduce the amount of proteins. On day 4, protein and carbohydrate intake should return to normal. Now they need to be consumed in equal doses.

In the first two days, your body stops receiving glycogen and its reserves are depleted. At the same time, it begins to intensively consume already accumulated fats. And by the end of the second day they reach full production within the allotted period. But remember that you should never abuse such a diet. Otherwise, exhaustion may begin. It can also happen that the body begins to experience stress. Then the remaining fats will accumulate “in reserve.” In this case, the body will begin to spend muscle mass to expend its activities. As a result, the body may lose its relief.

That is why on the third day of the cycle, carbohydrate consumption reaches its maximum. This is necessary to accumulate them in the body. But it is impossible to replenish the amount of lost glycogen in one day. Therefore, on the fourth day, although the amount of carbohydrates decreases, it still remains moderate.

Exercise on an Intermittent Diet

Diet increases metabolic processes, and the body does not have time to get used to any one calorie system. It is also thanks to this principle that you can allow physical activity. This will significantly increase the tone of the body. But you should choose the right day when you need intensive training. Many experts believe that it is the third. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. Since during this period you are just starting to saturate your body with carbohydrates after a two-day fast. It is best to start intensive training by the end of the fourth day. During this period, the body is saturated with carbohydrates and can safely waste them, turning them into muscle mass. If you are striving for a sculpted, pumped-up figure, then consuming carbohydrates is a must. During training, this will allow you not to waste muscle mass, but, on the contrary, to build it up by consuming stored fats.

Menu for the first two days

Now let's look at the alternating diet menu. At first, there should be at least six meals per day. In the morning, you can eat a vegetable salad that does not contain starch, adding one tablespoon of oil to it.

With this dish you need to eat three yolks and four whites. During the second dose, you can drink a protein shake. Prepare it only with low-calorie milk. For the third meal, eat chicken breast. Also consume one grapefruit. For the fourth meal, boil yourself some beans and a piece of beef. For the fifth meal, eat a salad, the same as you prepared for the morning. Also add white fish fillets. And for the sixth meal, drink the same protein shake. For those who don’t know how to cook it, we’ll tell you now.

First, take two hundred grams of cottage cheese, two hundred milliliters of milk, some oatmeal and add your favorite fruits. If you wish, you can also add spices, such as cinnamon. But this is optional. Beat all ingredients well in a blender until smooth. That's all, the cocktail is ready. So, as described above, you should eat for the first two days.

Menu for the last two days

The third day of the diet is high-carbohydrate. The number of meals is limited to five. So you can eat it in the morning rolled oats porridge with three proteins. For the second meal, you can cook yourself a plate of any rice with chicken fillet. Plus a piece of coarse bread. During the third meal, eat solid pasta. On the fourth, a handful of boiled rice and half of the boiled chicken fillet will do. For the evening, prepare a few pieces of bread and white fish fillets.

On the fifth day, carbohydrates should be consumed in small doses. Meals will also be no more than five. In the morning, cook yourself oatmeal with raisins and three proteins. The next meal is a protein shake with three slices of bread. Next, boiled rice, chicken fillet and vegetable salad. During the penultimate meal, you can eat a vegetable salad, fish fillet and three pieces of bread. For the latter, only a protein shake is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages

The four-day rotation diet is not an absolute dogma. The number of days can be selected individually for yourself. Many athletes take five days of protein, and in the last two days they load the body with carbohydrates. You can do it differently.

The alternation diet has another undoubted advantage. It lies in the fact that with such a nutritional system, the mental state remains normal. Many who have been on low-carb diets know that they have to give up their favorite foods. Which is undoubtedly very depressing. And with carbohydrate alternation, you only have to endure it for a few days. Then you will be able to indulge in your favorite sweets, but, of course, in moderation.

Well, and the most important thing is that the diet really works, and not only for athletes.

If we talk about the disadvantages, then such a diet can cause headaches and nausea. Also, the BUCH food system can provoke the development of various diseases, such as diabetes or heart and kidney diseases.

Protein system

A diet alternating protein foods works on the principle of carbohydrates. Only the emphasis is on foods high in protein. Such food contains a large amount of amino acids.

They help break down accumulated fats. Thanks to this diet, the muscles become more elastic and stronger. But it is worth remembering that large amounts of protein foods contain a lot of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to choose products with minimal content.

These include chicken white meat, low-fat milk, chicken proteins, and sea fish fillets. This diet is suitable for young people who lead an active lifestyle. Meat lovers will feel good with this food system.

Nutrition according to the Dukan system

The Dukan diet is a nutrition system in which you can think through the menu yourself. Everyone can choose dishes individually for themselves. But remember, no matter what diet you choose, the amount of clean water consumed per day should be at least two liters. The second phase of the Dukan diet is called alternation. It consists of alternately taking protein and protein-vegetable foods. You can choose the alternation scheme for yourself, depending on the characteristics of your body. One day can be a protein diet, the second - a protein-vegetable diet. You can alternate two after two. The recipes for the Dukan Diet “Alternation” are simple (we will look at some below).

During this phase, you should not eat foods that contain starch. Any cereals, pasta, potatoes, and all legumes are prohibited. You are allowed to eat cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, greens, carrots and beets, but only in small quantities due to their high sugar content. You can also eat zucchini and eggplant. It is recommended to season salads with olive oil or low-fat sauces. When you prepare food, use sweeteners. It is allowed to add spices to dishes.

Citrus fruits can be eaten in any quantity. Eating grapes, bananas, avocados and other high-calorie fruits is prohibited. You can drink tea, coffee, but only without sugar. It is strictly prohibited to eat any dried fruits. You can add soy sauce to salads.

During the second phase of the diet, you can increase the amount of bran or buckwheat (whoever likes what) up to two tablespoons per day. Buckwheat can be boiled in milk, in water, or simply steamed. If during the diet you feel that constipation is beginning, then try to eat a spoonful of bran once a day.

The diet allows the consumption of dairy products. But you can’t be overzealous with them, so that stagnation does not begin in the body. Therefore, no more than one kilogram per day is enough. Be sure to include a daily walk for at least half an hour in your daily routine.

If you choose this diet, then be prepared for the fact that you will lose weight slowly. Few people know that eating vegetables leads to moisture retention in the body. Protein foods, on the contrary, remove water from the body well. There may be a slight pause in weight loss, but don't worry. Since protein days will speed up the process.

Dukan. Diet "Alternation": recipes

First, let's tell you how to prepare white fish in Taso sauce. For cooking you will need:

  • seasoning for fish;
  • 0.5 kg white fish;
  • Art. a spoonful of Taso and soy sauce;
  • teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of sugar substitute.


  1. Gut the fish and cut into pieces.
  2. Prepare the marinade. Mix sauces and juice. Add sweetener.
  3. Pour the marinade over the fish. Place in a cool place for 60 minutes.
  4. Then sprinkle with seasoning. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Now let's look at another recipe. Let's tell you how to prepare cottage cheese casserole. To create this dish you will need:

  • two tbsp. spoons of oat bran;
  • five eggs;
  • 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • coconut shavings for decoration,
  • 2-3 teaspoons of natural sweetener.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. We won't need the latter.
  2. Dissolve the sweetener in warm milk.
  3. Then beat the resulting mixture and cottage cheese with a blender. Beat the whites to peaks.
  4. Then carefully add them into the total mass.
  5. Pour the mixture into the mold. Place in the oven for fifty minutes.
  6. Decorate the finished product with shavings.

Pink salmon cutlets

Continuing to describe the recipes for the Dukan “Alternation” diet, we’ll tell you about pink salmon cutlets. For cooking you will need:

  • 150 grams of smoked chicken;
  • one can of pink salmon;
  • one egg;
  • Art. spoon of soy sauce;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • 125 grams of tofu.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a blender.
  2. Make balls from the resulting mass.
  3. Microwave for five minutes.
  4. Serve with soy sauce.

What is worth knowing for those who are interested in Dukan, the “Alternation” diet (the menu will be discussed below)?

During the diet, as we have already found out, you will have to eat a large amount of vegetables. As we know, raw foods contain beneficial substances. But you won't be able to sit on them for long. Therefore, it is allowed to subject vegetables to any heat treatment except frying.

In general, it is not recommended to fry any other foods while on a diet. Allowed only to boil, stew or steam. Of course, it is advisable to load your body with exercise in the gym. Otherwise, weight loss will occur much more slowly than you would like. If you don't have time to go to the gym, you can devote time to physical activity at home. This will also help you lose weight faster.

With the Dukan diet there are no restrictions on the number of meals per day. The nutritionist and founder of the diet is confident that you can eat as many times as your body requires. But you can't overeat. Otherwise, you will not lose weight, but gain it.

BUTCH menu

We figured out what “Alternation” is. Let's look at the menu now. Designed for 4 days. You can adjust it by increasing or decreasing the days.

1st day. Vegetable. Cottage cheese in the morning. Then stew the cabbage and sausage. During the day you can have two sweets. In the evening you are allowed to eat chicken with vegetables.

2nd day. Protein. Cottage cheese in the morning. For lunch, chicken fillet with low-fat kefir. After a couple of hours, prepare the cottage cheese casserole. For the evening, make a salmon fillet cutlet and cottage cheese casserole.

3rd day. Vegetable. Porridge at your discretion. In the afternoon with salad. For an afternoon snack, you can drink tea without sugar with profiteroles. For the evening, sweet peppers with two sausages and tea with profiteroles.

4th day. Protein. In the morning, low-fat cottage cheese, coffee with a sausage and cheese sandwich. During the day, you can bake chicken pancakes and consume half a liter of kefir. After a couple of hours you are allowed to drink tea with two sausages. In the evening, chicken broth with a sandwich.


To sum up, we can safely say that the protein-carbohydrate alternation diet (PCA) is the most optimal for those who want to quickly lose weight and gain beautiful toned body without much stress on the body. It is important to remember that the key to success is to strictly adhere to the system. And, of course, physical activity is mandatory.

In question effective weight loss Professional athletes have achieved considerable success.

This is especially clearly seen in bodybuilding, where athletes cannot afford a single gram excess fat under the skin during competitions.

One of the techniques they use is called protein-carbohydrate rotation (PCA).

In this article we will look at it in detail, find out the principles and rules, and also give an example of the corresponding menu.

Features of the technique

Initially, BUCH gained recognition among professional athletes, since this nutrition system allows you to get rid of excess fat mass and tone your muscles in a short time.

Only after some time, BEACH became popular among people who simply strive for beautiful figure and good appearance. Unlike strict fasting or low-carb diets, BEACH allows you to eat by eating food that contains all the essential nutrients.


  • nourishing and nutritious meals, no “hungry” days;
  • considered one of the most effective and safe food systems;
  • excess weight goes away as a result of burning fat reserves, and not muscle mass;
  • the menu uses simple and affordable products;
  • alternation allows you to maintain a good level of metabolism and even speed it up;
  • compatible with heavy physical activity, since nutrition provides both energy (carbohydrates) and material for muscle development (proteins).


  • It is not recommended to follow the diet for more than 3 months. The rest period should be equal to the period of following the protein-carbohydrate alternation system;
  • the presence of carbohydrate days does not imply eating your favorite sweets and desserts;
  • the need to follow a rather strict rotation system, while it is difficult to adjust the menu “to suit you”;
  • It is no more effective than classic diets.


If you have any questions, you should seek advice from a specialist.


The effect of the diet lies precisely in the alternation of days and cycles. If the diet consists mainly of proteins for a long time, then the body gets used to this regime and begins to store fat again instead of burning it.

Alternating protein days with carbohydrate days will allow you not only to eat foods that contain essential substances, but also to give the body a supply of glycogen (to preserve muscles) and energy for physical activity.

The results depend on the initial parameters.

BUTCH is ideal for obtaining an emphasized relief (“dryness”) and getting rid of excess fat without harming the muscles. When assessing the results, it is better to compare volume parameters, for example, chest - waist - hips. Many who strive for certain proportions also track changes in the girth of the biceps, thighs separately, etc.

Results such as improved well-being, good physical fitness and lack of constant feeling of hunger.

Diet rules

The basis of the power system is in the name. Its essence is alternating days with eating protein, carbohydrate or mixed foods. Usually this is from 2 to 5 protein days, 1 to 2 carbohydrate days and 1 to 2 mixed or low-carb days.

The required amount of food is calculated individually and depends on the number on the scales that you want to see. For 1 kg you need:

  • 4 – 5 gr. carbohydrates on carbohydrate days;
  • 3 – 4 gr. protein on protein days;
  • 2 – 2.5 gr. carbohydrates and 1.5 - 2 g. protein on mixed days.

The following foods are allowed on protein days:

  • lean meat (such as chicken or turkey);
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • nuts in small quantities.

For a side dish, you can use some raw or steamed vegetables.

On a carbohydrate day It is effective to focus on “healthy” carbohydrates – ingredients with a low glycemic index. These are various cereals, fruits and vegetables, TSP pasta and grain bread (or crispbread). Various desserts and other “empty” calories are prohibited.

On mixed days In the menu you can combine products from two groups.

The training regime for weight loss must be adjusted to your diet. Heavy physical exercise It’s better to do it on carbohydrate days, and on protein and low-carb days - take a rest or do cardio or light exercises with a restorative effect.

The daily calorie intake fluctuates around 1200-1500 , but definitely no less 1000 . It is better that the nutrition schedule includes 4 – 6 small meals to maintain the body’s metabolic processes in the desired mode.

It is also necessary to control the amount of water consumed and drink about 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Allowed drinks also include tea, sometimes coffee, without sugar or with a substitute.

The ratio of protein and carbohydrate days

BEACH has many modifications - options that differ from each other in the ratio of protein and carbohydrate days and calorie intake. Some of them:

Days 1 and 2 are protein days.

Day 3 – carbohydrate.

Day 4 – mixed.

The duration is usually at least a month, the number of days following the diet should be a multiple of 4 (for example, 28, 36 or 48).

30 day BUCH

The diet lasts for 30 days. In this case, the cycle consists of 3 days: first carbohydrate, then low-carbohydrate and finally protein.

Powell cycle

BUCH, scheduled for the week. The main difference between the days is the proportion of calories consumed; carbohydrates and proteins (about 1 to 2.5). It is noteworthy that before following the diet, it is recommended to spend a day loading and during it eat food for 2500 calories.

Then begins a week of rigorous calorie and nutrient tracking.

For example, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday you should eat more carbohydrates (calorie content 1500 ), on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - more proteins (calorie content 1200 ), and on Sunday arrange a loading day with a diet of any products for 2 thousand calories.

The maximum period during which it is allowed to follow the BCH according to this scheme is 12 weeks.

BUTCH from E. Malysheva

This type of diet was invented as an emergency way to lose weight, for example, before an important event, and is more harmful to health compared to other modifications.

The alternation consists of 2-day cycles: in the first you can eat 1 boiled

Carbohydrate cycling is a type of low-carb diet interspersed with periods of high/moderate carbohydrate intake; carried out to improve your own form. Many people believe that a low-carb diet is good for them, but this belief is false and not based on anything. The main problem with low-carb diets is that they are temporary, they deplete reserves of strength and energy and are by no means the best method losing fat and maintaining muscle. You can't eat this way forever. Your body needs carbohydrates to fuel its own functions.

There are also individuals who simply swear by high-carbohydrate diets. But while high-carb diets are good for increasing your metabolic rate, they won't help you burn fat or shed extra pounds.

The ideal is carbohydrate alternation. It takes all the good things from low- and high-carb diets and works in a zig-zag manner to both burn fat and preserve muscle.

How it works

Carb cycling provides enough fuel to keep your metabolism high while creating a calorie deficit for fat loss. Alternate between high-carb days, medium-carb days, low-carb days and no-carb days.

According to this diet, there are 3 diet options per day:

  • High carbohydrate diet
  • Low or medium carbohydrate diet
  • No-carb or low-carb diet

Typically, each diet is given for three days, but some people use other schemes.

Example: 4 low carb days and then a high carb day; 2 low-carb - no-carb - high-carb; 2 low carb - 1 medium carb - 1 high carb and so on. Your diet needs to be constantly adjusted to help you achieve your goals.

This type of diet works best when you schedule a high-carb day on your heaviest training day, and a low-carb, no-carb day on your no-training day. This plan is based on a system of 6 meals a day. An acceptable alternative is 5 or 7 meals. Align your plan with your goals and training schedule. Keep your diet roughly the same no matter which plan you choose, eating a little more per meal for 5 meals a day and a little less for 7 meals a day.


Protein is the basis of a carbohydrate rotation diet. Considering that you eat approximately six times a day, protein should still be 1/5, 1/6, or 1/7 of your daily protein needs for each meal, regardless of the amount of carbohydrates.

Example: If you eat 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, a 100 kg man should eat at least 33 g of protein in each of his meals. If the same man eats 5 times a day, he should eat at least 40 g of protein for each meal, and 28 g of protein if there are 7 meals. Of course, depending on your goals, the protein may be a little more or a little less. On a low-carb day, you can increase your protein intake to 3 or even 4 grams per 1 kg of body weight.


Raise the amount of fat in your diet on low-carb days and lower on high-carb days. Many people generally separate the sources of fats and carbohydrates in their diet completely.


Carbohydrates are, of course, the most important part of this diet. There are only three types of nutrition days in this diet, and they differ in the amount of carbohydrates. There is a low/medium carb day, a high carb day, and a no/low carb day.

Low carb day

To achieve greater results, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of carbohydrates to fats and proteins. In the low-carbohydrate phase, the amount of protein taken should be higher. Women need to multiply their weight in kilograms by 2.4, men by 3. This number reflects the number of grams of protein required per day; multiply that number by 4 to get the number of calories you'll get from protein. To calculate the number of grams of fat, a woman needs to multiply her weight by 1, and a man - by 1.6. Multiply the result by 9 and get the number of calories that you will take from fat. Find out the number of carbohydrates in grams by multiplying your weight in kilograms by 1.2 (women) and 1.8 (men). The resulting number, multiplied by 4, will show the number of calories that you will “get” from carbohydrates. Add all three numbers to get your total calories for that day.

High carb day

The diet on a high-carbohydrate day follows the same principle, but in this case, increase the amount of protein and carbohydrates and accordingly reduce the amount of fat. To calculate the amount of protein and carbohydrates, a woman needs to multiply her weight by 2.8, and a man - by 3.4. The amount of fat is found by multiplying by 0.6 for women and 1.2 for men. Using the scheme “1 g of protein - 4 calories, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 calories, 1 g of fat - 9 calories,” determine the total number of calories for this day. The largest amount of calories on this day should be received before and after training. Distribute the “remaining” daily calories approximately the same as on a low-carb day.

No carb day

A day without carbohydrates is simple, but quite expensive physically and mentally. Everything is as it is called - carbohydrates are canceled. You will get some carbohydrates from green vegetables, but they will be very small.

Remember that you will achieve results if you can overcome yourself and spend carbohydrate-free days without breaking down. Some people have an easier time with no-carb days, while others have a harder time. Only through experience can you find out at what minimum amount of carbohydrates you can function normally and even exist.


The recommendations below are standard and can be adjusted to suit your goals. Multiply your weight in kilograms by the numbers below or your own number to find out how many grams of protein, fat and carbohydrates you'll eat per day. To determine the number of calories, multiply proteins and carbohydrates by 4, and fats by 9.



Example of a menu using protein-carbohydrate alternation

  • 6:30 - Meal 1: 250g chicken/turkey or 12 egg whites without yolks, or about a cup of oatmeal
  • 9:00 - Meal 2: 250 g turkey, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 1 cup spinach
  • 11:30 - 12 - Meal 3: 250 g turkey, 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter, 1 cup spinach
  • 1:30 - 2:00 - Workout/immediately after - 1 scoop of protein isolate
  • 2:30 - 3:00 - Meal 4: 200 g tilapia, 3 slices of bread
  • 5:30 - 6:00 - Meal 5: 200 g tilapia, 1 cup broccoli
  • 8:00 - 8:30 - Meal 6: 250 g chicken, 1 cup broccoli
  • 10:30 - 11:00 - Meal 7: 40 grams of protein, 2 tbsp. spoons of peanut butter

Vary this diet according to the previous scheme.

Examples of alternation by day:

  • Monday = no carb
  • Tuesday = low carb
  • Wednesday = high carb
  • Thursday = low carb
  • Friday = low carb
  • Saturday = high carb
  • Sunday = low carb
  • Monday = low carb
  • Tuesday = no carb
  • Wednesday = low carb
  • Thursday = high carb
  • Friday = no carb
  • Saturday = high carb
  • Sunday = low carb

The famous protein-carbohydrate alternation is a diet for the most advanced. Actually, it is difficult to call such a food regime a diet: rather, it is a special nutrition system.

Principles of protein-carbohydrate alternation

The basis of the BEACH diet is alternating high-protein and high-carbohydrate days. The contrast between the intake of proteins and carbohydrates in the body swings metabolic processes and ensures high result diets. The higher this contrast, the more significant weight loss the arrows on the bathroom scale will show every day.

On protein days, they are completely excluded from the diet. carbohydrate products: bread, pasta, fruit. A small amount of carbohydrates is allowed due to their natural content in protein foods. However, you cannot mindlessly eat meat alone. Exceeding the allowable amount of protein overloads the kidneys and can cause serious harm to health.

The protein-carbohydrate alternation diet consists of alternating four-day cycles:

The first day is protein;

The second day is protein;

The third day is carbohydrate;

The fourth day is mixed.

This is one completed cycle. From the fifth day it should be repeated. How many such cycles you will have to do depends only on how many kilograms you want to lose weight. Well, how much willpower is enough, of course!

Calculation scheme for BUCH

There is a simple calculation scheme that must be used. Protein-carbohydrate alternation is a precise diet, compliance with all its requirements is mandatory.

For a protein day, the amount of protein should be three grams per kilogram of desired weight. Let's say a girl plans to weigh 59 kg. Multiply this figure by three - we get 177 grams of protein. This is the daily norm. Protein standards, not the weight of protein foods, such as chicken breast! To find out how much of this allowed amount is contained in a piece of white chicken meat, you need to find out its composition. There are 21 grams of protein per hundred grams of breast.

All that remains is to get the required amount of protein. Is it necessary to do this? Necessarily. The fact is that if the protein norm is less, the body will begin to consume muscle along with fat. This is not the result you should strive for. The secret of the popularity of protein-carbohydrate alternation is precisely that this regimen allows you to lose fat while completely maintaining muscle mass.

Now all that's left to do is count permissible quantity carbohydrates. For a protein day, the norm is 20-25 grams, no more. The ideal option is if this figure can be reduced. Fat is also under control: the permissible value is still the same 25 grams.

After two protein days comes a carbohydrate day. The amount of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight is four, maximum five grams. For girls actively involved in fitness, this norm is five to six grams per kilogram of desired weight.

On the mixed, fourth day of the cycle, the intake rates for protein, carbohydrates and fat are as follows:

Protein – two grams (maximum three);

Carbohydrates – two grams (maximum three);

Fats – 30 grams for the whole day (maximum forty grams).

Important notes on BUCH

The question of the number of calories during protein-carbohydrate alternation is relevant. Do we need to count them? Need to. For protein days, the calorie corridor will be from 800 to 1100 kcal per day. On carbohydrate days, the number of calories will increase, and here it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of your body.

When increasing the amount of carbohydrates to the norm, you cannot exceed your individual calorie peak. For some it is 1200 kcal per day, for others it is 2000 kcal. Much depends on whether there is exercise stress during these days. But in any case, reducing daily caloric intake below 1100 kcal is unacceptable, otherwise metabolic processes will slow down and weight loss will stop.

Most often, weight comes off well after protein days. The fact is that squirrels actively drive water. Swelling goes away, weight decreases.

The effectiveness of the BUCH diet is also explained by the fact that you not only have to count BZHU (proteins-fats-carbohydrates), but also calculate the daily calorie content. And if you strictly follow all the principles of the cyclic regime, it will tend to decrease.

If you're too lazy to count calories, you can use method of visual portion assessment. It is important to follow the regime of fractional five meals a day. The portion should be no larger than the palm of your hand.

On carb days Whole grain porridge and plenty of greens are preferred. Servings of bread or cereal are a great substitute for fruit. It’s great if you can accompany each meal with green vegetables or herbs.

Fruits are not allowed on protein days. Vegetables are permissible only to the extent that they do not exceed the total amount of permitted carbohydrates. The maximum you can allow yourself on protein days is a medium cucumber or lettuce leaf.

During the first few days you will have to read the labels on the products very carefully. So, kefir, for example, which is generally considered a protein food, contains almost as much carbohydrates as proteins. Moreover, sometimes the amount of carbohydrates per gram is greater than the amount of protein! Therefore, it is better to leave kefir and milk for mixed days. If you really want dairy products in the first two days of the cycle, their quantity should not be more than one hundred grams per day. Cheese is also not allowed on protein days, as it contains a lot of fat.

In order not to harm your health, required condition following a diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation - physical exercise. You don't have to go to the gym, just getting at least active exercise a day is enough. Walk, swim, do some spring cleaning or repairs, spin a hula hoop. Anything to help the kidneys remove excess urea.

Drinking water during protein days is a must. You need at least one and a half liters of clean still water.

Products for the BUTCH diet

Choosing a diet is quite simple. However, you need to remember that frequent meals are one of the basic principles of the system. The body can absorb no more than forty grams of protein in one meal. This figure should definitely be taken into account when creating a menu for protein days. In addition, fractional meals speed up metabolism.

List of some foods for protein days(plus the amount of protein per hundred grams of weight):

Chicken breast – 21;

Pollock, cod, hake, pangasius - from 16 to 18;

Shrimp, mussels, squid, other seafood – 18;

Natural canned tuna – from 21 to 23№;

Egg – 7;

One egg white – 3;

Low-fat cottage cheese (up to 2%) – 18.

Carbohydrate days should not be taken as permission to indulge in bread, cake, candy, chocolate, and sweet fruits. These are all simple carbohydrates, which have a very, very high glycemic index. If, after two practically carbohydrate-free days, you start eating all of the foods listed, your blood sugar will rise very strongly. As a result, all carbohydrates will be converted into fat. All that fat reserve that was burned on protein days will return. You won't be able to lose weight.

That is why For carbohydrate day needed complex carbohydrates:

Whole grain cereals (buckwheat, rice, eggs, legumes, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet, lentils);

Pasta, but only from durum wheat;

Whole wheat bread;

Non-starchy vegetables (cucumbers, all types of cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, green beans, onions, radishes, spinach). If you don’t have fresh vegetables, you can use store-frozen ones, but without potatoes;

Some fermented milk products (ryazhenka, bifidok, kefir, natural unsweetened yogurt). You can consume whole milk, but be extremely careful – it contains a lot of simple carbohydrates and protein;

Unsweetened fruits are acceptable, sweet ones are not. You can eat one (maximum two) servings in the morning. Apples, tangerines, and grapefruits are allowed.

Options for nutritional plans based on the protein-carbohydrate alternation system

The four-day cycle is the classic “two plus two” pattern. However, she is not the only one. There are a lot of scheme options:

  • three protein days – two days carbohydrate loading;
  • two protein days – one carbohydrate (excluding mixed days);
  • five days on protein foods – three days on carbohydrates;
  • three days of pure protein - one day high-carbohydrate, one day mixed;
  • three protein days – one carbohydrate;
  • the equilibrium option is two plus two plus two.

The choice of a specific nutrition plan depends only on individual preferences. The main thing is to give the body a shake-up, alternating the intake of protein and long-term carbohydrates and not exceeding the calorie intake. What is good about the classic scheme? It is easier to tolerate.

And yet you should not do more than three protein days - this has practically no effect on the result. There is no need to give up mixed day. One day is not enough for the body to restore glycogen in the muscles. After a full two-day recovery on carbohydrate foods, the levels of protein days will be better.

Sports activities on the BUC diet are mandatory. Wherein aerobic exercise Best given on protein days(a minimal amount of carbohydrates causes fat to burn more strongly), and strength – on a carbohydrate or mixed day.

Menu of protein-carbohydrate alternation for four days

Protein day

Breakfast: omelet with seafood.

Second breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch: boiled or baked chicken breast without oil with herbs or cucumber.

Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: boiled or baked fish or seafood salad.

Before bed: a little cottage cheese.

Carbohydrate day

Breakfast: steamed oatmeal with an apple.

Second breakfast: sugar-free oat muesli with kefir and apple.

Lunch: 150 grams of boiled rice, buckwheat, pasta and a slice of lean meat, fish, chicken. Salad of fresh or stewed vegetables.

Afternoon snack: fresh vegetables, kefir, five to six unsalted nuts.

Dinner: a portion of fresh or stewed vegetables with baked fish or boiled chicken.

Before bed: kefir.

Mixed day

Breakfast: oatmeal on water with an apple, boiled eggs, tea or coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: a portion of unsweetened fruit.

Lunch: fresh vegetable salad or a serving of stewed vegetables. Boiled or baked meat, chicken, fish with a side dish of cereal or pasta.

Afternoon snack: Greek salad or cottage cheese with nuts and dried fruits.

Dinner: casserole with vegetables or salad of vegetables and seafood.

Before bed: kefir.

Having mastered the principles of calculating BZHU, you can create a menu yourself, focusing on your taste preferences. It's quite simple, especially if you calculate the amount of proteins and carbohydrates per serving of your favorite dish.

The duration of the diet depends on the initial weight.

In two weeks you can get rid of eight kilograms of excess weight.

A huge advantage of protein-carbohydrate alternation is that the diet is very easily tolerated, balanced, and has no contraindications.

You won’t have to starve, which means the effect will be achieved in any case.

It is most effective to lose weight within one to two months, and then take a six-month break. After five to six months, you can return to the BUTCH diet and set about creating your ideal figure with renewed vigor.

Idea for efficient combustion fat is permanently relevant among athletes who need to maintain constant shape. Protein-carbohydrate alternation (abbreviated as butch) aims to combine mutually exclusive principles for the consumption of meat and carbohydrates.

Proponents of one theory argue that any menu without protein simply will not provide the necessary muscle growth. On the other hand, carbohydrates are no less necessary, and especially for brain function.

However, the concept of “carbohydrates” does not at all mean that we are talking about consuming sweets or baked goods. The body will receive them every week from cereals, fruits and vegetables. The same is true for those protein-carbohydrate days when you're leaning toward protein. Consume protein foods, but with little fat.

The main advantage that this diet has, unlike many others for weight loss, is that it does not require a complete rejection of any of the essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates. And the special principle on which your menu is built allows you to get rid of excess fat at the same time.

Other strengths of the 21 day butch nutrition system:

  • Metabolism does not slow down, as often happens if the diet is low-carbohydrate or without carbohydrates at all, while fat reserves are burned evenly;
  • the described diet allows you to maintain good vitality and mood, because it’s no secret that any strict diet causes a feeling of depression and unhappiness;
  • excellent combination with sports loads, since both energy and carbohydrates are supplied.

The emergence of a separate alternating technique

The inventor of the BUTCH nutrition system for weight loss and health improvement is recognized as nutritionist from the USA Jason Hunter, who has long been known for his work in the field sports nutrition. If you follow the necessary recommendations, weight loss can range from 7 kg or more.

Wherein, this diet is more useful even to those who have managed to gain significant body fat. In addition, protein-carbohydrate alternation should also be beneficial for people suffering from diabetes, subject to prior consultation with your doctor.

The basis of this nutritional technique is the consumption of foods such as lean meats, vegetables and fruits rich in all kinds of nutrients, foods rich in carbohydrates and fiber, large amounts of refined or mineral water without gas. If to the human body limit the intake of carbohydrates, then he will have to switch to storage and economical spending mode.

Weight loss stops due to a slowdown in metabolism. Any refusal of a diet leads to a depressive state of the patient, which is associated with a mode of saving carbohydrates and glucose. If the bias is made towards protein, then this leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the kidneys.

How does this happen?

The widespread spread of fast food does not bring anything good except speed dial fats and clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol. But you should still include certain fats in your menu every week, since not all of them are harmful.

The most important argument in favor of fats, primarily unsaturated fats, is that the body, which is yearning for them, returns it at record speed. weight lost subsequently. According to the research and conclusions reached by Jason Hunter, it is carbohydrates that are involved in supplying energy to our body. It is necessary not only for physical activity, but also for everyday life.

And on those days of our 21-day diet when the consumption of protein is prescribed, the pancreatic hormone rids us of excess fat cells, preventing poor health or muscle weakness.

So, the BUTCH weight loss scheme can be represented as the following alternation of days:

  • carbohydrate day aimed at seriously activating metabolic processes;
  • low-carb day for protein processing;
  • protein day, only protein food with a small amount of vegetables (non-carbohydrate).

What foods can you eat?

Then the entire diet of protein-carbohydrate alternation for 21 days is repeated according to the same scheme. Mr. Hunter draws attention to the fact that on any day of your new diet, the condition of consuming 1.5-2 liters of clean water is mandatory. In order to lose weight intensively, eat proteins and carbohydrates in small portions 5 to 7 times during the day. This way, calories will be burned evenly, maintaining the optimal metabolic rate.

Choosing carbohydrate menu, we will not talk about all kinds of sweets, but about products with a low glycemic index. They will ensure the slow absorption of starches and the slow release of glucose into the blood.

So, among a similar menu with carbohydrates for weight loss, we recommend:

  • cereal-type porridges (preferably pre-soaked);
  • vegetables containing starch;
  • whole grain bread;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • various fruits.

If we are talking about the day when it falls protein menu for 21 days, then focus on the following products:

  • low fat meat;
  • fish and seafood;
  • various nuts (almonds, pine);
  • chicken eggs;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses).

You can supply your menu every week with leafy greens and fresh cucumbers. Even the leanest of foods have a low fat content, and this is not something to be afraid of, since our body needs fat, including muscles. Therefore, the 21-day diet is quite suitable for seasoning with vegetable oil to provide us with unsaturated fats.

We repeat the cycles correctly

Additionally, it will help to get rid of accumulated fat reserves positive attitude and faith in good results, as well as feasible physical activity during BUTCH weight loss for 21 days. True, if you haven't had long experience sports activities, then dose the loads on initial stages, since this will become a real stress for the cardio system.

Perhaps, in your case, the best solution would be aerobics or feasible fitness classes. If you still remain of the opinion that the diet should be combined with weightlifting, then try to do the most intense loads on carbohydrate days.

It’s not for nothing that the 21-day protein-carbohydrate plan for losing weight and gaining muscle mass is so revered by athletes, because it makes it possible to eliminate fat and, on the other hand, receive the energy necessary for training. Therefore, those who have already successfully tried this system on themselves are even taking the path of developing their own individual plan activities and nutrition, in which calories from proteins and carbohydrates are counted in their own way, taking into account the load. Hunter's 4-day cycle diet, which is distinguished by increased protein consumption, has also become widespread.

In this case, the weight loss menu will alternate as follows:

  • days 1-2 – protein, from 3 to 4 g of protein per kilogram of body weight;
  • day 3, carbohydrates, an additional glass of milk in the morning and a protein-rich dinner in the evening;
  • day No. 4 is a joint day, in which 2 g of protein and 2 g of carbohydrates are taken for each kilogram of weight.

Such a BEAM cycle can be repeated no more than 12 times in a row. The priority products remain the same as for the 3-day course. Only vegetable oils, preferably olive, can be consumed as fats.

Fast diet

There is a protein-carbohydrate alternation for 21 days, scheduled for a week at once. At the same time, carbohydrates and proteins can even be part of the menu every day, but in strictly designated proportions. In these cases, the total number of calories consumed is limited. And the very first day involves absorbing 2500 kilocalories at once, which is necessary to start metabolism.

In the domestic space of dietetics, Elena Malysheva’s BEACH diet has become famous. It is believed that it gives the opportunity to lose weight by 5 kg in the first 10 days of a new diet. It is very convenient to prepare in this way for some important event or trip.

So, alternating days for proteins and carbohydrates occurs as follows:

  • on the first day we have breakfast with one boiled egg and a glass of water, during the day we eat a whole boiled chicken, which is cooked without salt and also separated from fat and skin;
  • dish next day– this is a special cleaning salad consisting of carrots, beets and cabbage, each of which we take about half a kilo;
  • You can season the salad with lemon juice;
  • Drink 2 liters of water every day on a diet for 21 days or less.

For a person who does not engage in sports, it will be enough to consume 1-1.5 g of protein every day. Mostly, it should be animal proteins. On carbohydrate-heavy days, you can consume as much as you want, but it is important that these carbohydrates are not classified as simple carbohydrates. This could be potatoes and other vegetables, cereals, pasta and bread. Forget about baked goods, sweets and fruits with a high sugar content. And do not consume such sweets with fatty foods.

Examples of dishes during a diet

Protein day:

  1. Breakfast.
    Omelet based on 2 eggs, a glass of tea;
  2. Lunch.
    Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), tea;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g steamed fish, cucumber;
  4. Afternoon snack.
  5. Dinner.
    Chicken breast (200g), tea.

Vegetable day (carbohydrate):

  1. Breakfast.
    Salad of bell peppers with tomatoes, bread, a glass of tea with a spoon of honey;
  2. Lunch.
    Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) with bananas or apples;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g boiled chicken breast, a portion of rice;
  4. Afternoon snack.
    Yogurt with nuts or dried fruits, tea;
  5. Dinner.
    Steamed fish, cabbage salad with tomatoes and herbs, tea.

Day on cereals (carbohydrate):

  1. Breakfast.
    3 tablespoons of oatmeal with a spoon of nuts and a glass of yogurt;
  2. Lunch.
    Rice boiled in milk (100 g), tea;
  3. Dinner.
    100 g of boiled chicken breasts, 200 grams of buckwheat;
  4. Afternoon snack.
    Homemade cocktail – 300 ml kefir, a spoonful of honey, 3 tbsp. oatmeal;
  5. Dinner.
    Oatmeal cooked in water (100g), kefir.

The functioning of the body at this time

Let us once again summarize how the body behaves during the alternation of protein and carbohydrate diets. During low carb days, glycogen stores are almost completely depleted.

To cover these energy costs, the body begins to release and consume accumulated fats. However, even in this case, you need to be able to stop in time, because in the event of too strong shocks, the body will stop wasting fat cells, and will switch to spending muscle tissue to maintain vital functions.

A day containing high carbohydrates in food is precisely what is provided for this in the 21-day diet. Carbohydrate consumption increases significantly on this day, but the number of calories is still limited. We will have to minimize the amount of protein and fat we consume. In this case, it continues to consume fat cells as vital energy, and accumulate other ingredients in reserve. On day 4, we continue to take carbohydrates, but in more moderate amounts, to build up glycogen stores again.

When is the best time to train?

During carbohydrate depletion, you can safely lose a kilogram of weight. Despite the return of lost kilograms on the 4-5th day of losing weight, everything that you compensated for is no longer fat cells, but only water. As soon as the body’s water retention stops, the results of the diet will be obvious. With the help of the BEAM system, you can easily promote metabolic processes in the body, without being tied to certain calorie indicators of the menu. At the same time on high level Physical tone remains, thanks to which you can train intensively.

It is optimal to train with heavy loads on days rich in carbohydrates. However, if the body has previously been carbohydrate starved, expect glycogen depletion in the muscles. Therefore, you can hardly count on a big surge of energy and great impact in the gym.

If you periodically add carbohydrates to your diet, this will not allow your body to consume muscle cells as fuel. The BUTCH diet actually works effectively, and you can adjust the selection of products, the frequency of their intake and calorie content taking into account your life needs.