What are the benefits of playing table tennis? Interesting facts on physical education on the topic: About the benefits of table tennis for a child’s health. Strengthening the immune system

Every year, Sotsium hosts a table tennis tournament. Fans of this game gather at the tables during breaks and after work. In short, in our group of companies it is a corporate sport. No wonder: playing table tennis trains not only the body, but also qualities that are very useful in work.

Natalya Gorbovskaya

The corporate sport has a new fan - Natalya Gorbovskaya, head of the FEO “KB-1”, recently joined the ranks of tennis players. She prepared this material.

Table tennis like fitness and professional skills training

It turns out that playing table tennis is useful not only for maintaining good physical shape and health. This game helps to hone skills that are useful in the professional sphere and difficult life situations.

The ability to quickly make decisions and instantly react to a situation are the qualities of avid ping pong players.

Table tennis was invented by the British; in Russia they learned about this game towards the end of the 19th century. At that time, all over the world it was looked at solely as entertainment. In 1988, table tennis was included in the Olympic events sports

During the game, it is also important to “deceive” the enemy, confuse him with the help of deceptive techniques and feints. And the most important thing is not to lose your composure for a second, otherwise you will end up losing. So the pattern of a battle at the tennis table can easily be projected onto any professional activity.

Table tennis develops attentiveness and stress resistance. After all, the game is played in an extremely fast pace- up to 173 beats per minute (this is the world record set in 1993). U professional athletes the ball flies through the net at a speed exceeding 160 km/h!

On average, 200-500 kilocalories are burned per hour of play. Table tennis consumes even more energy than basketball. The movement of players around the table can be compared to jogging over a distance of 4-7 kilometers, depending on the intensity of the match.

Drive of excitement, strengthening of cardio-vascular system, excellent form, training the qualities necessary for a successful career - that’s what table tennis is! And for this game there is no age restrictions: It's never too late to learn how to play ping pong.

Among the common people, another name has been assigned to this sport - “ping pong”. Despite the fact that professional players do not welcome this name, it has existed for more than 100 years and has become firmly established in everyday use. This is an onomatopoeia that reproduces the impact of a ball on the table, like other, already forgotten names of table tennis: “wim-vam”, “flim-flam”.

Tennis players of "Socium"

I am very happy that this sport is popular in our holding.

The first table tennis tournament among employees of the Sotsium group of companies was held in December 2015.

If among men the third year in a row the first place is firmly held by Gennady Sergeev(PSC "VPK-Security"), then among women the primacy passed from Lydia Neretina(JSC "SOCIUM-A") to Ksenia Popova(LLC "SOCIUM-CONSTRUCTION") and back.

When choosing a sport for your child, be sure to consider table tennis. It has a lot of advantages; compared to the big one, it is not so tedious and complicated, but still helps to cope with overweight and put your body and thoughts in order.

Table tennis for children

In this sport there is no distinction between boys and girls; it suits both equally. As for age, the section accepts different children, distributing them into appropriate groups.

Children can play table tennis from the age of 6

The ideal age to start training is 6-7 years old. It is not recommended to come to the group earlier - this is due to the low ability to concentrate on a subject and the slow reaction of young children. In addition, the ping pong tables are standard, there are no special children's options. Therefore, the baby will not be able to learn the technique normally, but will only suffer.

If you and your child have no plans to engage in this sport professionally, he can start later at any time, in any case it will be good for his health. But with some exceptions. There are some contraindications to classes:

  • Scoliosis.
  • Myopia and retinal diseases.
  • Hypertension.

The danger of spinal curvature is associated with tension in the muscles of the working arm. With a weak degree of myopia, classes are permitted. But if you have a weak immune system, they will be very useful. Check with your pediatrician before letting your child participate in sports.

The benefits of practicing ping pong

In addition to general strengthening of the body, improving immunity and physical fitness, the following advantages of “little” tennis can be noted:

  • Prevention of vision impairment. Constantly focusing on an approaching and receding object trains eye muscles, which is useful for reducing the risk of myopia, and also helps with its mild degree.
  • Reaction training and good coordination of movements. This can also help in other sports, such as boxing.
  • Development of mental abilities. During the game, the child learns to choose tactics, apply them in practice, and calculate moves.
  • Formation of personal qualities such as determination, perseverance in achieving goals, hard work, and the ability to make quick decisions.
  • Development of fine motor skills, strengthening of hand muscles. It improves the kidneys and helps with drawing.

To relieve tension from your back muscles, you need to visit the pool. This will prevent spinal curvature. It is also good to periodically take your child for massage sessions.

Modern sport today represents a huge variety of different disciplines and areas, each of which has its own characteristics. One of these sports is table tennis, which has long become popular among many people. different ages. This sport game has many advantages, among which the most significant is the benefits of table tennis, which made it so widespread.

Energetic game

Like other sports, table tennis is an energetic game that allows you to always be on your toes and keep yourself in shape. Moreover, it has virtually no age restrictions, so you can play table tennis at any age. So, anyone can take advantage of this game and benefit from it.


Today this board sports game is especially widespread among children. The benefits of table tennis for children are numerous. First of all, it is the development of gross and fine motor skills, improving coordination and reaction in children. In addition, table tennis is always a movement that is necessary for physical development child.

However, table tennis is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

In this case, the advantages of this board game are even more numerous and varied. Table tennis requires a lot of energy, so while enjoying this game you can easily maintain good health. physical fitness. Table tennis has huge health benefits for the player. This game allows you to improve your respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which is important at any age. Thanks to the mobility of playing table tennis, the respiratory system begins to function even more intensively, while saturating the entire body with oxygen. Wherein this game develops attentiveness, coordination and reaction in the player.

Disease Prevention

In addition, table tennis is recommended for people suffering from various visual impairments, including farsightedness, nearsightedness and others. In this case, the benefit of table tennis lies in the constant training of the eyes - by watching the tennis ball, the player’s eye muscles gradually relax, which relieves fatigue and helps improve vision. Table tennis is also useful for hypertensive patients - a gradual improvement in blood circulation allows you to stabilize blood pressure. Regular games of table tennis help improve overall health, and also allow you to stay fit and get a lot of positive emotions while playing. At the same time, regardless of the player’s level of training, there is always a benefit from this game.

Table tennis is a sport for both professionals and amateurs.

The benefits of table tennis no one doubts it. This game is not only useful for a person’s physical development, but it is also very exciting and exciting. It is impossible to appreciate the powerful psychotherapeutic effect that table tennis brings to life, and its impact on human systems and organs helps to maintain excellent physical shape into old age.

You don't need a lot of equipment to play table tennis. It is enough to have a racket, a ball and a comfortable tennis table, which can be purchased from the manufacturer at the company Billiarde.com.ua Requirements for tennis tables may vary from player to player.

For example, the higher the tennis table, the easier it is to play ping pong. Tennis tables can be installed indoors or outdoors, tables for adults, children, etc. The company’s specialists will help you choose a tennis table in accordance with your skills and needs.

The fastest, most dexterous and flexible in the world are professional table tennis players. With a ball speed of 120-150 km/h, opponents have to make a decision and respond with action literally in a matter of moments. MERIT will help you purchase shoes for sports and more. The company's online store offers a huge selection of men's and women's shoes of excellent quality at affordable prices.

To develop the vestibular system and train it, doctors recommend playing ping-pong, and vision training, thanks to exercises, is the most advanced of all known. Ophthalmologists advise everyone who has a variety of vision problems to play table tennis, including in the postoperative period.

In addition, intense uniform exercise stress on the entire body as a whole leads to improved blood circulation, normalization of blood pressure, trains endurance and is a form of aerobic exercise due to the large volume of oxygen consumed.

As it turned out, table tennis develops fine motor skills, promotes the development of artistic abilities and calligraphic handwriting. This sport is indicated for children who do not read and write well.

The fact that table tennis develops muscles, forms a beautiful and thin waist, and also promotes weight loss, everyone knows. A huge number of turns and movements, a tense stance during the game, its rapid pace, small pauses put this type of game in 5th place in terms of energy costs.

That is why benefits of table tennis is complex training body, in addition, it is a fun, exciting game that also promotes psychological health and helps to overcome.