How can you replace hanging leg raises in the gym (exercises for the “lower” abs). Raising legs from hanging on the bar - loading the abs to the fullest! Leg raises on the horizontal bar

Exercising on the bar will allow you to get abs of steel. It is on the horizontal bar that you can optimally pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, and in addition, the spinal column is aligned. At regular training up to 3 times a week, the result will appear in the form of an elastic belly, toned sides, straight posture. This is already a reason to include exercises for pumping up the press on the horizontal bar in your training program.

What muscles work

  • Besides are included in the work: deltoid, pectoral, brachioradial, latissimus muscles.
  • Will load: biceps, triceps, shoulder girdle.

Historically, men work on the horizontal bar, although for girls, practicing on the horizontal bar is no less effective. Classes will help not only to get closer to the treasured six-pack, but also to destroy gender stereotypes in sports.

For your training to be productive, it is useful to learn a few rules:

  1. Before performing exercises on the bar for the press, we warm up the muscles and ligaments. We bend over, swing our legs, squat, rotate our heads and hands.
  2. To avoid injury, it is important to grip the horizontal bar correctly. We grab the bar with an overhand grip, placing our hands shoulder-width apart. We fix the position thumbs below.
  3. We follow the rhythm of breathing: as we exhale, we raise our legs, and lower them synchronously with the inhalation.
  4. Avoid sudden movements, body swaying.

For beginners It's better to start with . We place a support under the crossbar so that the chin is above the stick. We climb on top, bend our knees and elbows, and lower ourselves. We try to stay suspended for 30 seconds. On a high horizontal bar, you can work with a partner who will hold your hips, helping with the rise. If after 2 weeks of training he still can’t do a pull-up, buy one.

It is important to strengthen your grip strength. We place our hands in a comfortable position, hang for 15 seconds (4 sets). We are constantly increasing our time. After the muscles have adapted, you can attach a weight to the belt. We select the number of approaches based on personal feelings. The values ​​given below are indicative. For the first time, girls need 3-5 pull-ups, men are better off starting with 12 reps. Between sets we pause for 2-3 minutes.

Top 6 exercises on the abdominal bar

1. "Frog"

Classical technique exercises for the lower abs on the horizontal bar.

  • It will get rid of folds on the stomach and tighten the buttocks.
  • Stimulating blood flow in the pelvis promotes erection.


  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar, bent legs pull to the stomach;
  2. after a 3 second pause, slowly raise it to the chest.

Making it more difficult: after the next delay, we move our knees to our chin and try to stay longer.

  • Men commit 15 times in 4 approaches.
  • Girls 2 times less.

With each workout, increase the number of pull-ups by 1 rep.

2. Hanging Leg Raises for Abs

Exhausting practice for the lower abs.
Recommended for experienced athletes as an alternative to knee raises.

  1. We cling to the crossbar. If your grip is weak, the straps will come in handy.
  2. With a strong movement from a free hang, we pull straight legs horizontally upward to the optimal height. To increase tension, we lift together with the pelvis.
  3. After a pause, return to the starting position.

If you get bored, pull your knees up until they touch elbow joints.

No body swaying! Movements are performed only by the abdominal muscles.

When the body relaxes, a burning sensation should be felt throughout the body. To “finish off” the abs, hold the “corner” until your palms begin to unclench.

Girls perform with bent knees. To comfortably go through the lifting phase, first slightly move the limbs back.

We remember that the abdominal muscles begin to work intensively after crossing the 45⁰ mark.

This technique on the abdominal bar is performed at the beginning of the program.15-20 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

3. U-turns

Standard hanging crunches pump up the oblique abdominal muscles.

  1. We pull our knees to our chest like in a “frog”;
  2. We turn the body to the left and right sides.

Practice is irrelevant for girls, because it smoothes out side curves and the waist becomes flat (30 x 3).

4. Pirouette

Advanced exercise for men to develop strength and abdominal muscles.

  1. We cling to the crossbar with a medium straight grip;
  2. raise the body until the chin crosses the bar;
  3. throw our legs up;
  4. We perform a lift with an inversion, hanging on outstretched arms.

5. Exercise “Windshield wipers”, “bicycle” or “tick-tock”

  1. In the canopy position, we raise our legs at an angle of 45⁰ (to the pelvic line).
  2. Alternately move the left and right to the sides without holding your breath.
  3. Alternative– imitation of cycling. Don't forget to increase the amplitude of your swings.
  4. We pull the body up, crossing the limbs (“scissors”) as we go.
  5. Option for the prepared- We stretch our toes towards the bar.
  6. We leave one brush on the bar, the other on the side stand. The lower the hand position, the more difficult the work. We are trying to raise our legs with a “corner”.

6. Upside down

To load upper press hanging upside down.

  1. We press the bar with our knees.
  2. We are trying to pull the body towards them.
  3. At the point where the body bends, we pause for a second.
  4. With your hands folded at the back of your head, you can make turns to the sides.

For athletes with muscles of steel There are special devices that allow you to hang upside down and lift your torso from the bottom position.

For greater effect, dress up. The main thing is not to overexert yourself, to maintain consistency in increasing the pace.


How quickly you can pump up your abs using just a horizontal bar at home depends on each individual; do hanging exercises regularly during training and the result will come in the form of strong abdominal muscles and a beautiful figure.

October 26, 2016

Everyone knows that the best and most significant exercise for the abs is the horizontal leg raise. In each gym you can find a specially equipped exercise machine with an elbow support, which is designed for this exercise.

However, what to do if it is not possible to go to the gym, but have a durable and relief press still want it? In this case, it is necessary to find a replacement for this exercise.

While it's not that easy, there are still ways you can add variety to your ab workout at home without sacrificing effectiveness. So let's get started!

If you are the happy owner of a horizontal bar, then you can perform this exercise no worse, and even better, than in the gym. The core muscles work much better when your body is as stretched as possible, which is facilitated by hanging from a bar.

Therefore, even if you visit the gym, it is better to give preference not to a machine with an elbow grip, but to a regular horizontal bar. This will make your abdominal workout more effective.

If you don’t have a horizontal bar, then you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time, because leg lifting can be done not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal plane.

IN the latter case the load will be slightly less, which can easily be compensated for by an increased number of repetitions.


  1. Constantly maintain tension in the press;
  2. Perform leg lifts with the force of the press, and not due to inertia;
  3. Avoid body swaying;
  4. Perform each movement at a slow pace, pausing at the highest point for 1 second.

When doing abdominal exercises correctly, the maximum number of repetitions will be from 12 to 20, after which the burning sensation will not allow you to perform even a few additional lifts.

This is one of the best static exercises, which will make your abs not only sculpted, but also healthy. The strap allows you to make your waist narrower, “tighten up” internal organs and develop deep muscles that are almost never used in regular exercises.

It is often considered as "exercises" lower press", Although …

... in fact, in human physiology there is no concept of upper, lower or middle abs. This is a solid layer of muscles that are intertwined so closely that it is impossible to pump only one section.

Therefore, the bar allows you to simultaneously load all the abdominal muscles.

Since it's not dynamic exercise for the press, it is very important to time it correctly. IT IS NECESSARY TO FINISH THE APPROACH ONLY IF when the burning sensation is simply unbearable, and all the muscles tremble as if you are being electrocuted.

It is under such conditions that the plank no longer becomes just an exercise from school physical education, but a powerful tool in pumping up your abs.

Don’t forget about progression, so try to add time with each new day, or week by week.

It's pretty simple but effective exercise, which will strengthen your abs.


  1. you need to lie on the floor;
  2. fix your hands behind your head;
  3. raise your legs slightly (floor angle 45 degrees);
  4. alternately perform movements simulating cycling.

Since this exercise allows you to perform a fairly large number of approaches, YOU NEED TO ORIENT THE TIME AND THE BURNING SENSATION.

These exercises are quite enough to make your abdominal workouts at home varied and useful, without depending on the gym equipment. Anyone can perform these movements, which is great for those who have not previously trained and are just starting to get acquainted with the sport.

Hanging leg raises can rightfully be called one of the most effective exercises on the press It is performed on a horizontal bar or crossbar, it is classified as advanced and is suitable for people who have good sports training, for whom simple twists are no longer so interesting. The exercise has three variations, differing in level of difficulty - raising the knees, raising the legs above parallel with the floor, and, finally, raising the straight legs to the bar itself.

Features of the exercise

Raising your legs while hanging on the bar perfectly works the entire abs, maximizing the load on the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. As a rule, it is bottom part the press is the most difficult to work out, and if the cubes on top are drawn quite quickly, then a beautiful relief from below is not such a trivial task.

In addition to the rectus abdominis muscles, the external and internal obliques are also used. If you do hanging leg raises, adding twisting of the body to the sides, that is, turning your knees to the right and left, you will increase the load on these muscle groups. The hip flexor muscles are also involved in the movement. They raise their legs from the bottom position to 30–45 degrees. And after 45 degrees the press is already actively turned on.

Besides the abdominal muscles static load are tested on the arms, shoulders and back. To perform the exercise, you must have a fairly strong lower back. If your hands are weak (the grip quickly weakens), you can use special straps to secure your hands to the bar.

Any special contraindications for performing this exercise no, if you have not had any injuries that cause pain while performing the movement. In this case, it is better not to experiment and replace the hanging leg raises with, say, reverse crunches on the floor or on.

Regarding the location of hanging leg raises or knee raises complex training on the abs, then this exercise is performed first, as the most difficult and tiring. Then you can do crunches, lifts of the body and legs while lying down in different variations.

Execution technique

As already mentioned, the exercise has three degrees of difficulty: simpler (lifting legs with bent knees), classic (legs straight or slightly bent) and more difficult (straight legs raised all the way to the bar).

Let's consider the universal technique of performing the movement, and each athlete determines which variation to choose, depending on his level of physical fitness.

  1. Starting position – hanging on a bar or horizontal bar with straight arms and legs. The height of the crossbar should be such that your feet either lightly touch the floor or (better) not touch it at all. When performing the exercise, the hands play the role of coupling with the crossbar, that is, they do not participate in the movement. Twist your tailbone slightly forward, feeling that your abs are tense.
  2. As you exhale, lift your legs and twist your pelvis forward. The angle between your torso and your hips should be less than 90 degrees, regardless of whether you raise your knees or straighten your legs. That is, the hips rise above parallel with the floor, and the pelvis twists forward. By the way, it will be extremely difficult to lift your legs completely straight if you have insufficient stretching back surface hips Therefore, as a rule, most athletes lift their legs not completely straight, but slightly bent. At the top point, hold for a couple of seconds.
  3. If possible, slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions.

The higher you raise your legs, and the straighter your legs are, the greater the load on your abs. Maximum tension of the abdominal muscles will require lifting the legs to the bar itself. In this case, all areas of the rectus abdominis muscles, and not just their lower region, receive significant load.

If you want to additionally load the oblique muscles, add side-to-side trunk crunches, that is, turn your knees to the right and left with each lift.

Aim for at least 15-20 reps in 3-4 sets. This will be difficult at first, so do as many repetitions as you can.

You can move your legs back a little lowest point, to make it easier to overcome the initial phase of raising the legs, when it is mainly the hip flexors that work, and not the abs. But strong swinging and throwing your legs up by inertia will make the exercise a waste of time.

The following points can also be noted:

  • Raise your hips above 90 degrees, that is, above a position parallel to the floor.
  • Don't forget to tuck your pelvis forward when performing the exercise. It is these additional crunches that will help you maximize the use of your abdominal muscles.
  • Work on stretching the back of your legs. This will allow you to perform the exercise with greater amplitude.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any abdominal exercise, be it hanging leg raises, crunches on the floor, in a machine or on a Roman chair, will give an effect if you perform them regularly and until you feel a strong burning sensation in the muscles. Arm yourself with patience, work on yourself and then success will certainly be achieved!

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Despite the abundance of abdominal exercises, crunches are truly effective. All other movements are just one of the variations of twisting. The article will tell you about hanging leg raises, as an advanced version of reverse abdominal crunches.

Reverse crunches: features of the exercise

The rectus abdominis muscle is a solid, flat muscle that runs from the sternum to the lower abdomen. The treasured cubes are formed due to the transverse intersection of the rectus abdominis muscle with tendons. The main thing is that IMPORTANT What you need to understand is that any muscle (including the rectus abdominis) cannot contract partially.

You can often hear such nonsense as “lower abs” exercises. They say that certain movements load this particular part of the abs that is difficult to pump.

It is really difficult to pump it up due to the fact that there are fewer nerve endings there than in the upper part, which means the brain cannot generate the same strong signal (order) to contract. Plus, this area is chosen by fat cells to replenish energy reservoirs (it’s easier to accumulate fat here), which makes it difficult to see well-developed muscles.

Physiologically you can twist top part torso to pelvis, as in the variation, or pelvis to the upper torso, as in reverse crunches. What is the difference? In the load and difficulty of execution, plus performing different variations of twisting, you make the workout more varied not only for yourself, but also for your muscles.

Hanging leg raises are an advanced variation of reverse crunches. The more vertical the body, the harder it is to twist the bottom of the body (pelvis) to the top. That is why the position of the legs AT ALL does not affect the performance of the exercise. The press does not lift your legs up (this is done by other muscles that you train if done incorrectly), the press twists the pelvis to the chest (and the chest to the pelvis).

You don't have to think about raising your legs as high as possible. You should think about raising your pelvis as high as possible.

The legs can be bent at the knees (it’s easier to do this), straight, or crossed with each other - it doesn’t matter, but the higher the pelvis is, the more complete the contraction of the rectus abdominis muscle will be.

A few words about the execution technique

Lifting legs while hanging is, in principle, not a difficult exercise if you understand that your task is not lifting the legs (terrible nonsense in the name of the exercise), but lifting the pelvis. It can be performed in a hanging position on a bar or in a special simulator, resting your elbows and forearms on pillows, and your back on a soft backrest.

Take your starting position and straighten up completely. As you exhale, begin to lift your legs up, as if twisting your body from the pelvis into yourself. I hope this figurative comparison will help to better understand the nuance of movement.

The higher the pelvis is, the better the rectus abdominis muscle will contract and the more work it will do. Don't think about your legs. Here, definitely don’t chase the number of repetitions. Quality is important. Slow pace lifting will force you to consciously and under control perform the correct contractions. Think about twisting your core and contracting your abs.

From the top point, while inhaling, also smoothly begin to lower, as if spinning the body from top to bottom. Don't let your muscles rest at the lowest point. Maintain tension throughout the entire approach. Sink to the bottom and immediately begin to twist upward.

After completing the set, stretch your abdominal muscles. Hanging on the bar and touching the floor with your feet, arch your back and push your stomach forward, stretching your abs as much as possible. 15-20 seconds is enough to release the muscles, stretch the muscle fascia and improve blood supply to the area.

Reverse crunches: video

For a better understanding of how to perform reverse abdominal crunches, Denis Borisov’s video will tell you about the nuances of execution.


By performing hanging leg raises and straight abdominal crunches, you can already develop. To enhance the aesthetics of this area, you will have to have a low fat layer, and this is already a task.

And to achieve the appearance of six-pack abs on your stomach has already been written a lot. But there is still, perhaps, one of the most effective abdominal exercises - this hanging leg raise on the horizontal bar. This exercise is primarily known for primarily targeting the lower abs, which is a region that lags behind in many people. Also, most of the load goes to the rectus abdominis and external oblique abdominal muscles, and at the beginning of the movement the non-target muscle, the rectus femoris, works.

There are many different variations of this exercise, but we’ll talk about them later, but for now let’s talk more about the technique. Leg raises will produce results if done correctly, i.e. control all movements, lift your legs by force, and not by swinging, and also slowly lower them by force, and not throw them down. At first, to prevent the body from swaying, you can perform it on wall bars or ask a friend to hold you in the lower back area.

Hang on the bar, arms shoulder-width apart, elbows straight, legs and back straight. It is important here that the horizontal bar is of sufficient height so that your feet do not touch the floor. Tightening your abs, raise your legs as high as possible. The higher you raise your legs, the more effort press. You can raise your legs a little higher than to waist level or higher so that your toes almost touch the bar, but this option is more difficult. The legs can be raised either straight (or almost straight) or bent at the knees. In this case, you need to try to raise your knees so that you practically press them to your chest. Now you also need to slowly lower your legs using your press. Thus payload pressure on the press occurs not only during raising the legs, but also during lowering them.

Now about the options for performing this exercise. The key point is the height of the horizontal bar. No matter how high the horizontal bar is, you should not touch the floor or ground with your feet. In my case, the IronGym bar does not allow me to hang with straight arms because it hangs in the doorway, which is low for such an exercise. Therefore, to begin with, I pull myself up, and already in this position (hanging on bent arms) I raise and lower my legs. This option is even harder, because just hanging in this position already strains the abs, plus you also need to raise and lower your legs, so the load increases.

You can also raise your legs bent at the knees alternately to the right and left side. This makes the oblique abdominal muscles work more intensely.

If you are faced with the fact that your grip begins to get tired before your abs, then you should use straps. This will help solve the problem of a weak grip for this exercise, but it is still worth training your grip strength at least with the help of expanders.

If there is no horizontal bar or just some kind of crossbar, leg lifts can also be done on the uneven bars, just so you will hang not with straight arms on the crossbar, but in support on the uneven bars with straight arms or on your forearms.