How can casein be harmful to the body? Casein rich products Micellar casein is the best casein with low efficiency and stability

Of course, the most convenient source of casein protein is a concentrate (for example), which can be purchased in sports nutrition stores.

But, circumstances may arise such that an athlete needs to find a source of casein at home: for example, if you have a biased attitude towards sports nutrition (“come on with this chemistry”) or for economic reasons, or simply because you can buy sports supplements in your place residence is problematic (although in this case you can buy sports nutrition online and receive it by mail/courier).

So, what can we replace casein protein with?

What foods contain casein?

Most casein is found in dairy products: milk (both cow's and goat's), cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, and yoghurt. Casein is also found in chocolate (because chocolate contains milk), in some baked goods (cheesecakes with cottage cheese, muffins with cottage cheese, etc.). But the percentage of casein to the total mass of the product in all “substitutes” is different.

Casein in goat milk

Milk casein makes up approximately 80% of the total protein contained in milk (i.e., about 3% by volume of milk).

Casein in cottage cheese

I think it’s no secret that cottage cheese contains milk, and therefore casein. In addition, cottage cheese is a fairly dietary product (especially low-fat), which makes it the best replacement for casein at home.

How much casein is in cottage cheese?? - Approximately 14-18% of the total mass of cottage cheese. This is a slightly lower number than the protein content in cottage cheese, because... In addition to casein, cottage cheese also contains other types of protein. In any case, the mass of casein in relation to cottage cheese is quite significant, which makes cottage cheese indispensable in an athlete’s diet.

Is there casein in kefir?

Yes, sure. Casein in kefir makes up about 3% of the total product.

Does cheese contain casein?

Yes, it is. The percentage of casein in cheese depends greatly on the type of cheese. If we take the “average temperature in the hospital”, it will be about 15%. However, remember that most cheeses are high in saturated fat, which makes cheese not the most convenient source of protein.

Protein is the basis of our life. It is he who helps our body recover from illnesses, and it is he who is so needed for the growth of our muscles. An important protein in milk, casein, thanks to the special amino acids it contains, can meet most human needs. But what foods contain casein? This is what we will talk about.

Why is casein needed?

The abundance of phosphorus and calcium makes casein special and irreplaceable, because it is a natural source of vitamins. Pepsin breaks it down in the stomach, but this is done slowly, so the feeling of fullness is ensured for a long time, this is a plus for people who are losing weight, because in this way they avoid overeating. And for athletes, this protein is important for gaining muscle mass; it works better than whey protein. Vegetarians also face the problem of protein deficiency, so casein is an excellent solution, because there are enough products containing casein.

Casein in dairy products

Good news for anyone who is lactose averse or intolerant: casein itself is lactose-free. Accordingly, no diarrhea will overtake you, rather the opposite. Both children and adults need this protein; they need about 20 g of casein per day; especially for athletes - for them the norm is 40g of casein per day, and most importantly, it is cheaper than many other proteins. Casein is found in large quantities in goat's milk, as well as in cow's milk. Just imagine, three percent of the volume of milk you drink is casein. Less - in donkey, sheep, buffalo, but they are more difficult to get. There is a lot of it in hard cheeses: Cheddar, Kostromskaya, Parmesan, Roquefort, Bonbel, Gouda, Mozzarella, Mascarpone, Ricotta. In low-fat cottage cheese, the amount of casein reaches 20%, and it is suitable for daily consumption, but fatty cheeses are not, because they can cause serious weight gain.

Other high casein dairy products:

  1. Kumis
  2. Sour cream
  3. Cream
  4. Yoghurts
  5. Ryazhenka

And, of course, all their derivatives: cheesecakes, pancakes with cottage cheese, casseroles, cheesecakes and even chocolate, but they naturally contain less protein. These products are also high in another protein - protein. It is better to consume products containing casein at night, since it takes a long time for it to be broken down by gastric juice. Or during the day's rest, if it is long enough.

Sports nutrition

Gaining muscle mass quickly seems impossible, but not with casein. Most sports nutrition mixtures contain casein, because it satisfies the feeling of hunger, therefore, a person does not overeat. Casein powder can be mixed with water or milk to make shakes that are consumed several times a day, but not during training. Micellar casein is gaining popularity, but it takes longer to digest, and its benefits have not been scientifically proven. The difference is that calcium caseinate is obtained by treating milk with acids, and micellar casein is obtained by ultrafiltration of milk; it is a lighter protein. Consumers say that it is better accepted by the stomach. You should also not consume whey protein and casein at the same time, as they have opposite effects.

Baby food

The immunity of any person is established when a mother feeds her child with her milk. It contains about 37 percent casein. But if for some reason the mother cannot give her milk to the baby, then she has to switch to artificial feeding. Almost all infant formula contains casein, because it is important for the growth of the child. The children's body produces an enzyme that breaks down lactose, so it is beneficial for children to drink milk. But as people grow older, they develop lactose intolerance, so milk should no longer be consumed; it is better to replace it with fermented milk products. Preschoolers can and should drink 2 glasses of milk a day; this will help increase the child’s concentration and well-being, as well as prevent a number of diseases by strengthening the immune system. Some manufacturers extract casein from milk by treating it with acids and alkalis, but such casein is not suitable for children and athletes; it can be harmful to health.

Which casein is better to buy?

There are many brands that make casein, but not everyone can afford to pay that much money for the protein. Therefore, loose casein will be an excellent solution for people on a limited budget. It costs at least twice as much as the branded one, but not everyone trusts it, and thoughts arise: “what if it’s not casein?” Some people prefer to pay more for “quality”. But is everything so great even among large manufacturers? Of course not. When buying casein in bulk, you do not overpay for packaging, the “name” of the manufacturer, etc., just read reviews of a specific product, online store. Many people are still concerned about the lack of taste, because they want something tasty and healthy. But flavorings and flavor enhancers only do harm, and certainly do not add anything good. Moreover, purchasing in bulk will only increase the discount. Exercising is not a cheap pleasure, so why not save money wisely?

What and when to drink casein with?

You need to drink casein several times a day, divide the daily intake into several doses and drink it in the form of cocktails, or simply with water between main meals. This protein has a high calorie content, so don’t discount it when counting calories. Taking 100 grams, you consume about 350 kcal. Please note that drinks such as tea, milk, coffee reduce protein absorption, so it is best to mix the powder with water. Just don’t overdo it, there are plenty of enthusiasts who drink a can of casein a day, counting on a wow result, but no one has canceled the various side effects. Excess protein in the body primarily affects the kidneys, and then the liver. It’s clearly not worth drinking more than forty grams at a time.


There is no way without this. Before taking this protein, it is better to consult with a specialist, because if it turns out that you are allergic to products containing casein, then you can run into “trouble”: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, vomiting, and so on. It is better to avoid all this by going to the doctor. Unfortunately, it is children who are most often allergic to casein. But it can and should be cured. To do this, you should exclude all dairy and fermented milk products from the diet of both mother and baby. After 1-2 years, in most children, the allergy simply disappears.

Bottom line

From this article you learned which products contain casein: the most casein is in milk, dairy and fermented milk products. But powdered casein makes it possible to avoid consuming extra calories that come from food. It is better to choose loose casein to save money. Baby food is also enriched with this protein, because casein is indispensable for the human body, but you need to carefully monitor the baby’s body’s reaction in order to cure allergies in time. Never overdose on casein.

It is very difficult to imagine your life without dairy products. When we are born, our first food is mother's milk. Over time, in addition to vegetables, fruits and other products, a variety of dairy products appear in the human diet: yoghurts, cheeses, kefir, cottage cheese, etc.

Rarely, hypersensitivity to milk may develop, which may lead to exclusion of such foods from the diet. Then, in such cases, is it possible to get rid of allergies forever, and what to do if hypersensitivity to casein occurs in an infant? You will find answers to such questions in this article.

Why does an allergy to casein occur in infants, children and adults?

A response to any dairy products can develop in two cases:

  • if, after eating a meal containing milk proteins, the immune system produces antibodies, this process causes an allergy;
  • if there is casein intolerance - a genetic disease that cannot be treated, and any products containing casein are harmful to humans.

Casein - what is it?

Often people, and especially young mothers, ask the question: “Casein – what is it?”

Casein is a protein found in all dairy products. Its value lies in the fact that it contains a large amount of calcium, as well as phosphorus, which is very important for maintaining the proper functioning of the human body. Therefore, the presence of such products in a child’s diet is very important.

Where to look for protein, what foods does it contain?

If we talk about which products contain casein, then the presence of protein is noted in all dairy products, namely:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream;
  • ice cream;
  • cream;
  • most infant formulas;
  • milk chocolate, etc.

What's the harm?

If a person is allergic to casein, depending on their sensitivity, complications of symptoms may occur. Any negative response causes disturbances in the body.

Casein intolerance and allergic reaction - is there a difference?

It is necessary to distinguish between concepts such as intolerance and allergy. If you are diagnosed with casein intolerance, you should understand that this is not the same thing as an allergy. Although the symptoms of these diseases are similar, their causes are completely different.

Casein intolerance, as described above, means a genetic disease that consists of a lack of the lactase enzyme or its complete absence. It is lactase that is responsible for the breakdown of protein. People may have partial tolerance to casein.

The phenomenon of an allergic reaction most often occurs in children, and in older age, as a rule, disappears.

Is there a connection to gluten?

Both gluten intolerance and casein intolerance are caused by a defect in the gene. This, in turn, affects the synthesis of an enzyme that breaks down protein:

  • a nonfunctional enzyme may be produced;
  • or enzyme synthesis is blocked altogether.

It is impossible to be completely cured; such a disease lasts a lifetime. Treatment involves taking medications that contain an enzyme that helps break down protein.

How does the reaction manifest itself?

The symptoms are the same as for most other allergies. Therefore, diagnosing hypersensitivity in some cases is quite difficult.

Symptoms in infants

  • Manifestation of problems with the side of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea or constipation, bloating, flatulence) when breastfeeding.
  • Cough and difficulty breathing due to mucus in the respiratory tract.
  • The baby has poor sleep and cries often.
  • Regurgitation after eating.
  • Newborns experience weight loss.

Signs in a child

An allergy to casein in a child is accompanied by the appearance of various kinds of rashes, as well as gastrointestinal upset almost immediately after taking dairy products. A sign may be swelling of the airways.

Manifestations in adults

In addition to the main symptoms, there may be a response in the form of rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, jaundice and conjunctivitis appear.

How to identify an allergen?

To identify allergens as soon as possible, you need to seek help from an allergist. However, this can be done at home, but it will take much more time, which can negatively affect your overall health.

Diagnosis of a baby

Since infants do not have their full immunity even before the age of 6 months, and the blood contains the mother’s immunoglobulins, any tests to determine the presence of antibodies will not be indicative. To identify the allergen in young children, it is recommended to keep a food diary with clear monitoring of what type of food was consumed and what symptoms appeared. It is such a diary that will help the allergist determine the true allergen.

Detection of pathology in children

If we talk about children, then, starting from the age of three, they can do skin tests, as well as take a blood test for the presence of specific antibodies to a particular allergen. It is at this age that the child has an already formed immune system, which reduces the likelihood of a false positive or false negative result.

Methods of examination of adults

A skin test or antibody test can quickly determine the cause of an allergic reaction. This is the main way by which any allergy is diagnosed, both in adults and children.

What to do if you are allergic to casein?

The first thing you need to do is to abandon the product that contains casein. And only after consulting a doctor can treatment with medications be started.

What can't you eat?

If you have an allergy, you should not eat any cow product. In the case when the body is not too sensitive to this protein, then you can consume casein, which is found in small quantities in foods.

The following foods should be avoided in the diet of an allergic person:

  • milk;
  • any cheeses;
  • sour cream;
  • kefir and cream;
  • ice cream and other dairy products;
  • milk chocolate;
  • any food containing casein in small quantities.


Following a diet helps in the fight against allergies. When the manifestation of an allergic reaction is insignificant, then you can eat those products containing a small amount of casein in their composition.

Diet for babies and mothers

In the event of an allergy in a baby, a nursing mother should avoid products that contain casein. Then the allergen will not enter the baby’s body during feeding through mother’s milk. If this does not help eliminate the symptom, then breastfeeding is stopped, and the baby is fed with artificial formulas not containing casein.

What to feed the child?

The baby must follow a special diet, which involves the absence of any casein product. If the allergy is severe, a strict diet will be required. As a rule, this helps get rid of the allergic reaction, and it does not appear in adulthood.

Since the casein product is rich in calcium and phosphorus, a child whose body is actively developing and growing needs to compensate for the daily norm of these elements. To do this, you need to increase the amount of consumption of seafood, nuts, and legumes.

Diet for an adult

Allergies in adults very rarely have a complex form, so most often it is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet. The diet may contain foods with a small content of casein, but you should be careful and stop eating such foods at the first symptoms.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment involves therapy with antihistamines. Symptomatic treatment is also necessary using various ointments that help eliminate signs of allergy.

Medicines for babies

Treatment with any antihistamines is not advisable for infants. Medicines are prescribed only in cases where the allergy has a complex process. At the same time, they are prescribed to a nursing mother, and the active substances will enter the baby’s body with breast milk.

However, to relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to use ointments, as well as lotions that help relieve irritation.

Products for children

For children, in addition to symptomatic treatment, the doctor may prescribe therapy with second or third generation antihistamines. They are the safest for the developing organism and practically do not cause any adverse reactions. To combat gastrointestinal upset, it is recommended to take activated charcoal.

Medicines for adults

Since the adult body tolerates medications more easily, treatment with first-generation antihistamines (Claritin, Zotex) is allowed. Symptomatic treatment involves taking activated charcoal or Smecta to eliminate nausea and diarrhea.


To prevent an allergic reaction, you must follow a diet. Therefore, when purchasing food products, you need to carefully study their composition. Allergy sufferers should follow a balanced diet. It is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, avoid stressful situations, and also correctly alternate between work and rest.

Casein is a protein that is very important for our body. But quite often at an early age an allergy can develop to it, so there is a need to follow a special diet, as well as the need to compensate for it with other products. This allows, in most cases, to get rid of allergies in adulthood.

This condition is in most cases congenital. Innate means determined by genes that a given individual inherits from previous generations or acquires as a result of genetic mutations. Protein coming from outside, for example, with food, is a very valuable component. However, protein can also be very dangerous - be a toxin, part of the shell of a dangerous microorganism, etc. Therefore, our immune system always checks every protein coming from outside for safety. And if your immune system has decided that this milk protein is dangerous, then it will not be able to convince it of this under any circumstances.

In our practice, we have occasionally encountered the condition induced casein intolerance. Induced means caused by something other than a genetic predisposition, such as a gluten-induced condition. And when such a provoking factor is eliminated, a person can again begin to consume products containing the milk protein casein.

Let us repeat, in most cases, intolerance to the milk protein casein is a congenital condition. Based on this, this food lifelong.

Before deciding to follow this diet, it is better to undergo research. For example, we have perceptual fascial testing. This will provide comprehensive information about her need to use this diet. Modern laboratory diagnostics make it possible to obtain reliable data regarding 3-5 varieties of casein, and out of more than 30... And as a result, a person receives a negative test, only because this type of casein was not considered.

A little about chemistry. Casein is a huge molecule. This is a proteid. And it includes more than 30 types of simple proteins (proteins), which are called casein fractions. They differ from each other in the number and sequence of amino acids in the chain, their reaction to rennet protein and the ability to be precipitated by calcium. Chemists designate these fractions with letters of the Greek alphabet. Moreover, each faction has subspecies, which are designated by letters of the English alphabet. As a result, it turns out that to determine in laboratory conditions intolerance to the milk protein casein, it is necessary to check several dozen options, and possibly hundreds...

All milk, regardless of origin (meaning any animal that produces milk, including human breast milk), contains ALL fractions of casein. The number of each faction may vary, but again, they will all be represented. Therefore, ANY milk and ANY dairy products are excluded, regardless of origin.

For recovery, it is necessary to exclude ALL dairy products made from ANY type of milk (cow, goat, camel, horse, including breast milk...).

List of products containing milk protein - CASEIN

  • Milk (with any percentage of fat content)
  • Milk (lactose-free or lactose-reduced)
  • Baked milk
  • Condensed milk
  • Powdered milk, including whole milk
  • Milk serum
  • Cream
  • Sour cream
  • Kefir
  • Curdled milk
  • Ayran
  • Ryazhenka
  • Kumis
  • Cottage cheese
  • Butter (especially 72.5% fat, but in butter with 82.5% fat there is the least likelihood of the presence of milk protein - casein)

It is necessary to carefully study the composition of finished products. If you are intolerant to milk protein (casein), you should exclude from your diet foods containing the following ingredients:

  • milk (any)
  • baked milk
  • condensed milk
  • powdered milk, including whole milk
  • whey
  • cream
  • sour cream
  • kefir
  • curdled milk
  • ayran
  • ryazhenka
  • kumiss
  • cottage cheese
  • butter0
  • milk protein
  • sodium caseinate (chemically and thermally processed casein)

The food industry began to produce milk substitutes. We are talking about plant proteins. As substitutes for traditional dairy products, you can use:

  • soy milk
  • oat milk and cream
  • coconut milk
  • rice milk
  • almond milk
  • corn syrup

I would especially like to mention the use of sports nutrition and dietary supplements for milk protein intolerance. Practice shows that often the proposed mixture of amino acids actually contains milk protein. The most honest manufacturers use whey proteins from cow's milk, which is safe. However, there is a high risk of buying a product that contains proteins from the casein group. In general, nutritional mixtures from the sports range and various dietary supplements designed to meet the needs for proteins and amino acids can actually be sources of problems. For people with intolerance to proteins (casein, soy lectins, gluten), they should be consumed with extreme caution, as they may contain these proteins. Also, it should be borne in mind that these products are practically sterile. This may seem like an ideal option. However, a person needs to constantly interact with microorganisms and consume them internally for optimal functioning and protection of the body. Remember that we live among them, not they live among us. And in conclusion, it is worth noting that the sweeteners included in ready-made protein mixtures (sucrolose, aspartame) have a very negative effect on our health (see).

However, we would like to note that there are 3 ingredients of dairy origin contained in finished products that can be consumed if you are intolerant to the milk protein - casein:

  • Milk fat is the only valuable ingredient in all dairy products. And it is presented in its pure form in GHI oil (butter melted until completely transparent and strained).
  • lactic acid - LACTATE
  • milk sugar - LACTOSE

Many patients worry about eliminating dairy products as a source of calcium from their diet. There are many sources of calcium, This:

  • Canned fish
  • Green vegetables (parsley, spinach, cabbage, celery, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin)
  • Fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit)
  • Nuts (sesame, almonds, Brazil nuts)
  • Fennel seeds
  • Legumes (white and red beans, soybeans)
  • Herbs and spices (basil, dill, thyme, cinnamon, rosemary, cloves, garlic)
  • Wheat, rye (in the absence gluten-induced pathology)

*If you also have a gluten-induced pathology, there is a selection of products that do not contain gluten, casein and lactose.

Meeting with Marva Ohanyan in Shanti Green. Casein is a particularly complex type of protein found in cow's milk. It does not break down in the human digestive tract and clogs blood vessels, depositing in the body in the form of mucus that poisons the body.

Meeting with Marva Ohanyan in Shanti Green

Casein is a particularly complex type of protein found in cow's milk. It does not break down in the human digestive tract and clogs blood vessels, depositing in the body in the form of mucus that poisons the body. That is why many nutrition systems recommend giving up drinking milk once and for all.

Naturopathy guru, biochemist, author of numerous books on health, Marva Ohanyan, at the “Conversations on Nutrition” on November 12 at the raw food buffet Shanti Green, told in which dairy products casein is transformed into proteins that are easily digestible and healthy for humans. Take note!

So, there are a number of dairy cultures and enzymes that break down casein.


To obtain this “drink of youth,” milk is fermented at a certain temperature. The basis for matsoni is whole homemade milk. Milk heated to 90°C is cooled to 50°C. Next, a starter is added, which consists of lactic acid bacteria, discovered by the scientist Mechnikov in traditional Bulgarian sourdough. The finished mixture is placed in a dark and warm place for 3-4 hours. Thus, the milk sours and acquires a thick consistency. Lactic acid bacillus suppresses the development of putrefactive microflora in the human intestine.


Properly prepared kurunga is a pleasant, foamy, effervescent drink with a sourish wine taste and an unusual aroma. This bacterium not only breaks down casein, but also prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines, and also has a whole list of other beneficial advantages over other fermented milk products. Kurunga truly holds the record for the number of species of bacteria and yeast that are comprehensively contained in one probiotic. For its endless range of healing properties, this bacterium is classified as a medicine, and it is sold in pharmacies.


It is surprising that the acidophilic lactic acid bacteria lactobacilli narine, the medicinal properties of which many have heard, have not taken root in the daily diet. But with the help of this starter you can make both yogurt and kefir. Narine synthesizes vitamins in the body (B1, B12, C, E, P, nicotinic and folic acid, biotin, thiamine, riboflavin); synthesizes lecithin from milk fat, which protects the liver from excess fat; enriches milk with organic acids, increases the absorption of calcium, iron and other microelements; normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of leukocytes in the blood and reduces leukocyte intoxication; helps restore metabolism, increases the body's resistance to infections. Bacteria can be purchased at the pharmacy.


Rennet can often be found in homemade cheeses, feta cheese, and sometimes in Adyghe cheese and cottage cheese. However, it is worth knowing that it is extracted from the stomach of a calf, which is designed by nature to digest mother's milk. Ethically speaking, dairy products containing rennet are not suitable for vegetarians.

At the meeting in Shanti Green, Marva Ohanyan also recalled that there is also everyday milk that is familiar to us, which in principle does not contain protein: cream, butter and sour cream. The benefits will come from moderate consumption of these high quality village products. published