Will there be historical battles here? Historical battles. Battle of Kursk

We have received many questions and opinions about the operation of the Historical Battles game mode. A large number of comments and discussions are associated with the imperfection of the game mode and the disagreement of players with the fact that tanks with equipment that is as close as possible to the historical one should participate in battle.

Among the interesting features of historical battles, it is worth noting the use of historical models of modules on combat units. You can only go into battle with stock guns, but first things first...

Players' opinions

What's not to like

I really didn’t like the information security mode. How can you normally play on a helcat with a dead gun against a CT? Or how can you play ISU-152 and KV-1S without normal light against ST and TT? You will say that there were no T-50s and MT-25s in real battles? Well, in real battles, information about enemy positions is not transmitted by fireflies, but by reconnaissance, and during a battle in the bushes, enemy tanks are not made invisible and firing from a tank in a forest is unlikely in a real battle to result in a shell hitting anything other than a tree (I'm talking about the alley in Prokhorovka). Well, actually it’s very annoying that you seem to have a pumped-up tank, but throw it into battle with a stock gun. Well, since you allow yourself to arbitrarily change the configuration of the tank, then in general, make sure that any tanks are available in the information security mode, and not just those in the hangar. Why do I have an ISU-152 with a BL-10, but I have to go into battle with a stock gun, which I don’t have either in the hangar or in the warehouse. At the same time, the stock gun of the SU-152 is better, but I cannot go into battle with the SU-152, because I don't have it in the hangar. Why?


What needs to be added to “Historical Battles”

  1. In historical battles, it is necessary to implement “operations” through the assault mode, then 1 team will actually attack, and the other will defend
  2. It would be a good idea to move the bases so that this place is advantageous for defense, and not equilibrium from a balance point of view
  3. Tiger2 will greatly imbalance the teams, it must either be removed, or against 1-2 you need 6-7 ISU or a whole crowd of smaller tanks (20-25 units). More than 1 Tiger2 per team is too much.
  4. Tanks of low levels are unprofitable to use on Soviet tanks, it is very difficult to fight, if you accidentally meet a tiger2, it will be too difficult to get away from it, not to mention causing damage, because of the maps it is almost impossible to get on board a tiger


Imbalance in “Historical Battles”

The imbalance is terrible - the Germans tear everyone apart without particularly straining or thinking about tactics, the cards are still the same, painfully boring. We need special maps, other environmental sounds, such as gusts of wind on winter maps, etc. I think that after all the balance changes it would be right to “wipe” statistics on historical battles. I play on M4 and Helkat - in the random stats they have 60%+, and in historical ones - 23% - what does this mean? Correct the balance and reset the statistics!


How to make the game mode better?

There is no need to make any infantry guns and all sorts of things, just when balancing you shouldn’t focus on 100% historicity, we play tanks and the historical battle mode gives us a kind of symbiosis of a medium and champion company, but with a separate random setup. Just let people who play tanks set up the setup in teams and not those who write code and make models.

Panther M10 in "Historical Battles"

I would like to note the Panther-M10 in historical battles. This premium has new colors - a historical cannon and an increased amount of HP give excellent chances of winning. Again, farming and the lack of waiting before the battle (since the car is not massive), opponents in the form of level 6 STs - all this makes the result even more predictable. P/S. An entire American can be destroyed even without shots - they die from one ramming of this not the lightest machine)))


Questions about “Historical battles”

Battle of Kursk

I can’t enter the “Battle of Kursk” - it says something like the waiting time has been exceeded. Moreover, I tried to enter as many as 3 tanks T-70, SU-76 and T-34. I read somewhere above that someone encountered a similar problem. What to do? P.S.: I play normally on another map in IB mode...

One of the key innovations of update 9.0 will be historical battles. This is a new World of Tanks game mode dedicated to real historical battles and the vehicles that took part in them. This material will tell you how historical battles work, what features they have and what everyone who is going to take part in them needs to pay attention to.

The historical battle is built on the familiar World of Tanks gameplay. It differs from the standard battle mode in a number of features:

  • Only equipment that fought in reality takes part in historical battles.
  • Each team represents one of the parties involved in the conflict.
  • Equipment goes into battle equipped with those modules (guns, engines, radios, etc.) that were installed on it historically.
  • The ammunition load of the guns corresponds to the historical ones in terms of the number and type of shells.
  • The number of premium shells allowed for use in historical ammunition is limited.
Each historical battle scenario corresponds to a specific battle that took place in reality. In update 9.0. players will be able to choose one of three scenarios: “Balaton Operation”, “Ardennes Operation” and “Battle of Kursk”. In the future, the list of historical battles will be supplemented. Players will have access to a certain number of historical battle scenarios in each period of time. The list of scenarios will change periodically.

The range of equipment allowed to participate in each scenario corresponds to historical data.

In order to take part in the battle, the player must have a combat vehicle in the hangar from the list of those taking part in the scenario.

Historical battles take place on maps that are as close as possible to the real terrain and time of year in which the battle took place.

In order to take part in the historical battle, the player must select this mode from the list. After this, the window for historical battles will open. At the top of the window there is a scenario selection carousel. When selecting any of the currently available scenarios, the player will see an information window. It displays the following data:

  • Name of the battle.
  • A brief description and a button, when clicked, the player will be able to read detailed information about the battle.
  • The map on which the battle will take place.
  • List of equipment taking part in the battle.
Combat vehicles in the list of available vehicles are sorted in such a way that at the beginning of the list the player can see the tanks that he has in his hangar and are ready to participate in the battle. Then comes the equipment that the player has, but is not ready for battle (incomplete crew, needs repairs, the tank is in battle). Last on the list are vehicles that the player does not have in the hangar.

Historical battles take place in the “Standard Battle”, “Encounter Battle” or “Assault” modes. In Assault mode, it is indicated which side is attacking and which is defending. For each scenario, a specific battle mode is established.

The player can take part in historical battles if he has a tank in his hangar that is suitable for a specific scenario.

As mentioned above, a tank taking part in a historical battle must be equipped with the same modules that it was equipped with in reality. For the player’s convenience, the tank is re-equipped automatically when you press a button To battle!

Historical modules are installed on the tank even if the player has not yet researched them. After the end of the battle, all modules with which it was equipped before entering the historical battle will automatically be returned to the player’s tank.

When entering the mode of historical battles with a tank, a number of changes occur:

  • emblems are replaced with standard ones;
  • clan emblems are hidden;
  • If the tank does not have a suitable type of camouflage applied, the tank goes into battle without camouflage.
If inscriptions were applied to the tank, they remain unchanged.

The ammunition for the historical battle corresponds to the real one, both in the number of shells and in their type.

Historical ammunition is purchased automatically when you press the Battle! The cost of ammunition is displayed in the tank maintenance window and when you hover over the information line in the historical battle window.

Shells can be purchased only for credits, only for in-game gold, or for credits and gold, depending on the type of shells.

If the player does not have enough funds to purchase ammunition, he will be warned about this by a special message.

After the end of the battle, the player is returned funds (game gold or credits) for unused ammunition.

The duration of a historical battle is standard - 15 minutes. The victory conditions are also standard: capture the enemy base or destroy all enemy tanks.

If a historical battle takes place in the “Standard Battle” or “Encounter Battle” mode, then the teams are randomly distributed among the bases. In the Assault mode, bases are assigned to the parties to the conflict in a strictly defined manner.

There are no changes to the tank crew in historical battles. Crew experience accrual and skill effects remain the same as in any other mode.

Gaming experience and credits in historical battles are accrued in the same way as in standard mode. Player statistics for historical battles are calculated separately, and can be viewed by selecting the appropriate item in the “Statistics” tab of the “Achievements” screen.

Balancing of game battles differs from the standard one. The formation of teams occurs depending on the balance weight of specific combat vehicles that participated in a given battle.

In update 9.0, you can only take part in historical battles alone; the ability to play in a platoon will be added in one of the next updates.

Standard battle chat is available without restrictions.

The “Historical Battle” mode is available to every player. The gameplay of the mode corresponds to the usual gameplay in standard battles. At the same time, the features of balancing vehicles, the composition of teams and the historical configuration of combat vehicles will allow World of Tanks players to develop many new tactics and take a different look at their favorite game.

The “Historical Battle” game mode is a battle with restrictions on technology and modules, and most importantly, with the division of sides into nations.

The equipment participating in the battles is divided into temporary stages according to the year of production.

Special achievements have been introduced for this mode.

How to get into a historical battle

You can enter the “Historical Battles” mode from the battle mode selection menu. If the player is in a platoon, the “Historical Battles” item is inactive. In the main menu, you can make a preliminary selection of a historical battle and equipment, as well as load ammunition before going into battle.


To conduct historical battles, special maps are provided that are close to historical ones.

You can find out more detailed information about the battle in the “Historical Information” section.

Three historical battles will be available in update 9.0:

  1. Battle of Kursk;
  2. Ardennes operation;
  3. Battles at Lake Balaton.

Game modes

Historical battles can take place in the following battle modes:

  1. Standard battle;
  2. Meeting engagement;
  3. Storm.


You can also choose the vehicle on which you want to participate in this historical battle, and the side for which you will fight.

You just need to click on the field of the desired tank, and it will be automatically selected if it is present in the hangar.

Those tanks that are not in the hangar will be darkened and unavailable for selection.

USSR: T-70, T-34, T-34-85, KV-1S, IS, SU-76, SU-85, SU-100, SU-152, ISU-152;
Germany: StuG III, Tiger I, Tiger II, Panther, Pz.Kpfw. IV, Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther.
USA: M10 Wolverine, M18 Hellcat, M36 Jackson, M4A3E8 Sherman, M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo;


Before entering the battle, you can see the cost and detailed information about the ammunition of the historical battle.

It is worth noting that the ammunition cannot be changed and it is paid in full upon entering battle.

Funds spent on unused ammunition will be returned after the battle.


The choice of tank configuration is not available in this battle mode.

When you hover over this menu, information about the configuration of the tank in a specific battle is displayed.

Even if the player does not have some modules open, they will be installed on the tank for free and will not affect the tank’s configuration in other combat modes.


After pressing the “Battle!” button The player will be taken to a balancing screen, just like in other types of battles. However, it is worth noting that in historical battles the balancer works on a different principle. The main parameter for selecting a team in this mode is the balance weight, which is individual for each tank available in historical battles.

Team compositions may vary in number and levels of equipment, but are always equal in balance weight. Only after balancing the teams by balance weight does the balancer send them into battle.
