Bjoerndalen and Domracheva: is it worth believing in talk of a novel? Ole Einar Bjoerndalen: “A new life awaits Daria and me” Norwegian biathlete Bjoerndalen personal life

The same post was published by Domracheva, who will now probably bear the surname Bjoerndalen. Although there has been no official information on this matter yet. Perhaps Daria will continue to perform under her previous surname or under a double one.

Nothing is known yet about where the wedding took place. The couple did not seek publicity in this matter, preferring a quiet ceremony among family and friends.

Daria really has no time for wild celebrations now, because she is due to give birth to a child in October. This became known in April. The biathletes held a special press conference at which they announced that Domracheva was pregnant.

“I have always had a good relationship with Daria, and in recent years they have become closer,” said the eight-time Olympic champion and 20-time world champion. “In the end, we came to the conclusion that we will soon become parents. We are looking forward to this event. Everything was well planned. In general, being a father is extremely interesting. I have a large and family home where children will be comfortable. I am very happy about this period in my life.

How to combine raising children with performing? We are not the first to find ourselves in such a situation; others have succeeded, and so can we.

Can Daria and I become a biathlon team? We can work together and train, but we won’t be a separate team.”

The good news did not become a sensation, because Ole Einar and Daria, according to rumors, had been dating for several years, although they did not advertise their relationship. Both kept the topic of personal life strictly taboo. Nevertheless, photos of the couple together left no doubt that they were united by something more than just one sport.

It is already known that after the wedding the couple will live in Minsk. Domracheva has been building a house in the capital for a long time, and the project will soon be completed.

“Construction is going great. Daria has been building this house for many years. This big project will be completed next year. It will be great to spend a lot of time in Minsk. It’s a beautiful city, we feel good there,” Her og nå quotes the biathlete as saying. --

It is absolutely certain that our child will speak two or even three languages. You need to know several languages, this is useful. I don't speak that much Russian, I just understand a little. I think I’ll teach it together with my child.”

At the same time, the happy newlyweds do not yet know what name they will choose for their first-born, agreeing only that it should be “good and euphonious.” It is not clear what citizenship the child will receive, but it is possible that he will have two passports at once - Belarusian and Norwegian.

As for Domracheva’s sports career, it will not end with the birth of her first child. Daria announced her readiness to return to training immediately after giving birth.

Moreover, the Belarusian woman does not pause in her studies even during pregnancy. Now she is working with a French coach who helped another young mother of the world biathlon, Marie Doreen Habert, keep in shape.

The 42-year-old Bjoerndalen himself not only does not intend to retire, but also intends to compete at the 2018 Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, which could be his seventh!

Note that Domracheva and Bjoerndalen are far from the first married couple in biathlon.

Thus, four-time World Cup winner Frenchman Raphael Poiret got married to Norwegian biathlete Liv-Grete Shelbraith in 2000. Subsequently, the couple had three daughters.

Unfortunately, in 2013 the couple announced their divorce.

And Bjoerndalen himself was married to his Italian colleague Natalie Santer from 2006 to 2012. They never had children.

Other news, materials and statistics can be viewed on biathlon, as well as in the sports department groups on social networks

The 42-year-old eight-time Olympic champion gave an exclusive interview to SE during his visit to Moscow.

Bjoerndalen moves as quickly in life as he does on the track. Just the day before, at a press conference in Norway, he announced two news: one, quite predictable, about continuing his career at least until the 2018 Olympic Games in South Korea; and the second, unexpectedly pleasant one, that she and the Belarusian biathlete Daria Domracheva will become parents in October.

The very next day, Bjoerndalen presented his own watch collection in Moscow together with the Certina company. The Norwegian was true to himself: an impeccable classic suit, thoughtful and extremely correct answers to any questions. At the same time, Bjoerndalen cannot be denied a sense of humor and self-irony: for example, before the start of the interview, he suggested vacuuming the hotel carpet, because there may be germs there. And then he defiantly extended his hand to the TV journalist - here, they say, is proof that in fact I do not suffer from paranoia and calmly shake hands with strangers, without thinking about potential viruses.

But the topic of personal life still remains taboo for Bjoerndalen. The great Norwegian admitted that he and Domracheva are a couple and are expecting a child. But he did not intend to go deeper and warned in advance that it was better not to ask him questions on this topic.


After a brilliant performance at the home World Championships in Oslo, you apparently had almost no doubts about whether to continue your career. Or did this decision cost you several sleepless nights?

- No, this time the decision was not as difficult for me as it was two years ago, in 2014 after the Olympics in Sochi. Now I feel the strength and desire to run, my results last season were simply fantastic: I won four medals at the home World Championships, won and was on the podium at the World Cup. Although, of course, I still had something to discuss with the people closest to me: family, coaches, doctors.

- Do you see any disadvantages for yourself in staying in biathlon for at least two more years?

- Of course I see! There is a fairly big chance that in one of the next seasons I will not be able to achieve results and will perform catastrophically poorly. And people say that you should quit sports when you are at the top. And if I left now, I would be guaranteed to do so, without any risk.

- But you really didn’t want to leave now?

- To be honest, I still enjoy playing sports. It’s not even about the result; I enjoy the process of achieving it. The case when the path is more interesting than the goal. Therefore, biathlon is a hobby for me, not a job. Work is, for example, what I do now: sponsorship events, interviews and the like. And in my free time I can do what I want, that is, go to train.

You mentioned the day before that you are no less motivated now than you were 20 years ago. But surely today's incentives are very different from those that were in the past - a beginner athlete is one thing, and an eight-time Olympic champion is another?

- Perhaps motivation should change over the years, but for me it doesn’t. Both then and now I did biathlon because I like it. Of course, I am aware that sooner or later the day will come when I will have to leave the sport. I have to feel this moment with my heart. So far, it seems to me, he has not come.

It seems to me that even when you stop competing, you will continue to train as before - because you simply cannot do without it?

- Of course, if only because suddenly stopping training is dangerous to your health. I will reduce my loads, but very gradually.

- Tell us about your training - how does it change as you age?

- Now I train a little less than at the beginning of my career. But I focus on quality, speed work, and various technical aspects. I have never paid as much attention to this as I do now.

You were never afraid of experiments - you changed your skiing technique several times, performed with curved poles. Should we expect something similar in the future?

- Yes, sure. I'm collaborating with a ski company and we're preparing something interesting. Also next year, the service person we worked with throughout my career is leaving my team. He said he was tired and wanted to spend more time at home. Although he will still help me during the preparatory period. I'm sorry, but this is my friend and I have to respect his decision.

- People around you get tired and leave, but you stay...

- Of course, it’s not easy to work with me. I can be demanding and persistent. But my results are largely the result of the work of my team.


Your compatriot, two-time Olympic champion skier Petter Northug is looking forward to how you will celebrate the good news in your personal life together at the “Race of Champions” in Tyumen. You are ready?

- Petter is my good friend, we have a great relationship. I would love to celebrate everything with him, but I can’t do it. When it comes to partying, Northug is a true pro, a champion. I don’t know how to have fun like that, I’m much more modest here. I also like holidays, I like to relax a little, but I’m far from some.

You run no worse than young people, but in life you behave like a mature man - from the classic style of clothing to the refusal of wild parties. How old do you feel?

- It’s hard to forget that I’m already 42, but I feel much younger. Well, maybe 25 years maximum. I like the feeling that I can still compete on equal terms with guys who are 21-22 years old, and even beat them. I'm old enough to be the father of Johannes Boe, so what? This makes me feel young and strong like before.

In 2007, when we did an interview during the World Ski Championships in Sapporo, you said: “Little children often get sick, and I can’t afford it. Two professional athletes with children is not an optimal option.” Apparently your opinion has changed since then?

- I don't remember these specific words. It seems to me that in general this topic is just another story that is written about me and which has no relation to reality. I never said that I don’t want and don’t like children. The infection can be caught anywhere; the more people around, the greater the likelihood. But that’s not a reason not to communicate with anyone, right? You just need to take certain precautions, such as washing your hands before eating.

- How are you and Daria Domracheva going to combine raising a child and active performances?

- This will be a new life, very different from the one we led before. Daria wants to start competing in January, and I'm looking forward to that moment. Apparently, it will not be easy to combine everything, but we are not the first to follow this path.

- How are you doing in learning Russian?

- No way, I practically don’t understand or speak a word. Although it would be great to learn a little: for example, here in Moscow, I would like to get behind the wheel, but as soon as I saw a noisy intersection and realized that I didn’t know the language at all, I changed my mind.

Ole Einar BJORNDALEN in Olympic Sochi. Photo by Fyodor USPENSKY, "SE"


- Have you heard anything about the latest doping scandals involving Russian athletes?

- Yes, but I don’t think I have the right to give any comments on this topic.

- Have you personally ever been offered doping?

- No. I lived in Austria, Italy and Norway and was always and everywhere extremely careful with the drugs I took. Sometimes you have to double-check everything several times until you find a familiar tool that you are confident in. But this is entirely the responsibility of the athlete, because in case of a mistake, you will expose not only yourself personally, but also your team.

- How do you feel about the Frenchman Martin Fourcade being called “the second Bjoerndalen”?

- Martin is a fantastic biathlete and of course he will be the first Fourcade, not the second Bjoerndalen. At the moment Fourcade is the best in the world. What I like is that he is not only physically strong, but also a very smart athlete. It’s difficult to explain how it works, but it is this intelligence that helps him cope with difficult situations from which not everyone can get out .

Our Olympic champion Olga Medvedtseva said that when you finally end your career, she will cry. How often do you have to deal with such manifestations of feelings?

- Often. I'm glad that people think that way, but I can't draw motivation from such words. It is somewhere inside me, not outside.

At the 2009 World Championships in Pyeongchang, Korea, where the next Olympics will be held, you won four gold medals. But that tournament was also remembered for your offensive mistake, when in the pursuit race you missed the right turn and accidentally cut off a few meters...

- That championship turned out to be one of the best in my career, despite very difficult conditions - constant wind, rain, lack of snow. As for that incident, I actually mistakenly drove on the bridge, and not under it. It's my fault, although the route markings weren't done in the best way. I think the appeal jury made the right decision then, leaving me with gold, since I was the strongest athlete in that race. But I am aware that there are people who think differently. I will be glad to return to Pyeongchang in good shape in two years and try to repeat the same thing, but without mistakes.

There are a large number of sports in the world, but if you divide summer and winter sports, then in terms of popularity among summer sports, football will take the first place, and among winter sports, biathlon will undoubtedly take the first place.

Biathlon fans enjoy watching the ups and downs of the fight on the track; sometimes the winner is determined only after shooting at the lines or in the last centimeters of the race. It is not for nothing that this sport is gradually “displacing” ski racing and becoming the most popular winter sport.

In the list of biathletes of the last 20 years, such as Michael Greis, Raphael Poiret, Martin Fourcade, the Be brothers, the first place rightfully goes to the outstanding Norwegian athlete Ole Einar Bjoerndalen. He is often called the "King of Biathlon". This will be discussed in the article.

Biathlete Bjoerndalen: biography

The future champion and biathlon “King” Ole Einar Bjoerndalen was born on January 27, 1974 in the Norwegian city of Drammen. My childhood years were spent in Simostrand. The parents ran a farm; they had five children in the family, three sons (Ole Einar is the middle one) and two daughters. Zodiac sign - Aquarius, according to the eastern horoscope - Tiger.

As a child, the future champion spent more time not studying, but playing sports in sections. He was interested in football, cycling, athletics, and javelin throwing. He achieved good results in the 3,000 m race. But then, at the age of 10, he decided to follow in the footsteps of his older brother Doug, who was already involved in biathlon.

Ole Einar even then differed from his peers in his fast skiing and was immediately noted by the coaches, who sent the guy to study at the Norwegian Sports Academy. He is a member of the Norwegian biathlon team from 1992 to the present.

How old is the biathlete? There is no need to ask Bjoerndalen about this, since he does not like to talk about personal matters. But it is easy to calculate that Ole Einar is currently 42 years old. The athlete weighs 65 kg and is 179 cm tall. In addition to Norwegian, he knows three more languages: Italian, English and German.

Sports career

In the 90s, biathlete Bjoerndalen, as a member of the Norwegian junior team, competes in various biathlon competitions and at the World Championships in Ruhpolding (1993) becomes a three-time champion. Based on such successes, he was invited to the country's national team. His debut season was 1992/1993, which was marked by the athlete’s performances at the highest level competitions (World Cup and Olympics in Lillehammer). 7th place is the best result.

The first podiums came in the 1994/1995 season, where Ole Einar rose to second place and twice to third place. He finished first as a member of the relay team. The Small Crystal World Cup (MCWC) (sprint) was included in the list. He became the fourth biathlete on the planet according to the results of the World Cup standings.

The first personal victory in the 20-kilometer individual race came the following season. In addition, 1995/1996 gave the athlete three more awards (2 silver and bronze) at the World Cup stages.

The 1996/1997 season was quite successful, when 13 medals were added to the biathlete’s collection, including bronze and silver at the World Championships. As a result of this period, he became the second biathlete in the world and received the MHCM in the sprint races.

The rise of the “King of Biathlon” took place in the next season - Olympic gold, two World Cups (overall and sprint).

The 1998-2001 seasons were quite successful for the biathlete. The numbers speak for themselves: 45 prizes, 2nd place in the overall standings and 3 MKM.

In the subsequent seasons 2002-2016, biathlete Bjoerndalen is at the pinnacle of fame. He is already perceived as a favorite, as the leader of his team, despite the death of his parents, constant injuries and divorce from his wife. Over the years, it was he who became the “King of Biathlon”.

By participating in biathlon competitions, Ole Einar proved that he can also successfully perform in freestyle cross-country skiing at different distances. Over all this time, he took part in 17 competitions at the Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cup stages. At the same time, he personally took one gold and two silvers, and as part of the relay team - a silver and

Biathlete Awards

U. Bjoerndalen is the most titled athlete in So, he won 13 medals, 8 of them gold; won 20 first places at the World Championships; at the World Cup stages he took first place 95 times. He also won the Big Crystal Cup 6 times based on the results of the World Cup stages.

Outstanding Achievements

At (1998) U. Bjoerndalen won two sprint races in a row (the results of the first were canceled due to weather conditions).

Over two seasons, 1999-2001, Ole Einar stood on the podium 34 times, 13 of them in the individual competition and 4 in team racing.

Ole Einar maintains an unsurpassed and fantastic record: he climbed the steps of the podium 10 times in a row, of which 8 times to first position (seasons 2005-2007)!

At the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, he conquered all four peaks of biathlon, becoming the absolute and only Olympic champion in this sport on the planet.

At the age of 40, the great Norwegian biathlete Bjoerndalen won two victories (sprint and mixed relay) at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

Following the results of the 2014 Sochi Olympics, Bjoerndalen was named one of the best athletes of the Olympics. In addition, he was officially elected to the IOC Commission.

Personal life

05/27/2006 Ole married Belgian biathlete Nathalie Santer, they lived together for 6 years, there were no children.

2016 was a year of changes in the athlete’s personal life. At the beginning of the year, there was talk behind the scenes about a warm relationship between Bjoerndalen and back in Sochi (2014), the athletes were often seen together. Daria is a three-time Olympic champion in Sochi 2104 and competes for the Belarusian biathlon team. On July 17, 2016, biathletes Bjoerndalen and Domracheva got married; their wedding took place in Oslo. In addition, Ole Einar is going to become a father this October. Biathletes Bjoerndalen and Domracheva, whose photos you see in the article, are truly a wonderful couple. It is worth wishing happiness to the young family!

Ole Einar is a versatile athlete. In addition to biathlon, he enjoys rock climbing and cross-country. Biathlon for him is primarily a hobby, not a job.

Biathlete Bjoerndalen devotes a lot of time to sponsorship events.

Currently lives in the Austrian city of Obertilliach, where Daria also plans to move.

Our champion takes great care of his health, protects himself from viruses and maintains cleanliness everywhere, so he always takes a vacuum cleaner on trips and very rarely shakes hands. He picked up the habit of carrying this device from his older “collectors.”

In April 2014, to prevent unexpected illnesses, create optimal conditions for the training process and recuperate, he bought a 20-ton van. The cost of such a mobile home was estimated at 2 million crowns.

In 2016, in Moscow, our hero, together with the Certina company, presented his own collection of watches.

By his nature, he is distinguished by modesty and phlegmatism. He has a sense of humor and self-irony.

The principles of Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

At press conferences and official events, Bjoerndalen sticks to only the classics - an impeccable classic suit.

He imposed a taboo on all topics that concern the family.

Ole Einar is categorical about doping and believes that it is better to double-check a particular medicine several times. If you make a mistake, you fail not yourself, but the team. He doesn't drink alcohol.

In athletes, he values ​​not only physical fitness, but also intelligence. Thus, thanks to his thinking, Bjoerndalen believes, M. Fourcade can cope with difficult situations from which not every experienced athlete can get out.

Future plans

At a recent press conference, Bjoerndalen said he plans to continue his biathlon career for at least two years. He wants to compete at the Olympic Games in South Korea, which will be held in 2018. In addition, he is looking forward to the time when he and Daria will compete together. D. Domracheva plans to participate in competitions from January 2017. collected all the personal news from famous biathletes that happened during the off-season.

Malyshko got married

And his bride Ekaterina became parents in 2015, but they decided to postpone the wedding ceremony for a year. The event took place last summer in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, for which the Olympic champion competes. Guests at the wedding were biathlete Anton Shipulin, skier Ivan Alypov, skeleton athlete Olga Potylitsyna and other famous Russian athletes.

Soukalova got married

One of the most charming biathletes in the world, who won the Big Crystal Globe, got married at the end of the season. Her chosen one was the Czech badminton player Petr Koukal, with whom Gabriela dated for several years. The couple did not pay attention to the signs and got married in May on Friday the 13th, trying to make the ceremony as private as possible. The Koukalov couple asked their guests - and there were about 120 of them - not to give gifts for the wedding, but to send money for the treatment of a little Czech boy and his mother who had been in a car accident. In honor of supporting the charity, the guests, led by the newlyweds, took photos with red clown noses.

Duborezova laughed at rumors about her husband

In the Belarusian national team, two athletes tied the knot at once. married a Finnish citizen named Kinnunen. At first, everyone decided that we were talking about the coach of the Finnish national team, but Duborezova laughed at this assumption. The duo celebrated the occasion with a joint morning training session the next day. And now Duborezova will perform under a new name.

Domracheva and Bjoerndalen became parents

The main headliners of the off-season are another Belarusian and. Journalists spent the whole season torturing the Norwegian whether he would end his career in 2016 or not. However, Bjoerndalen revealed the main surprise without pressure from the press - in early April he announced that he would become a father. His relationship with Domracheva had lasted for several years, but only the news of pregnancy became the reason to officially announce the love of the two strongest biathletes in the world. In July, the international duo posted the only photo from their wedding. Apparently, it took place in Minsk, where Domracheva chose to stay throughout her pregnancy.

And on October 1, the Belarusian woman gave birth to a daughter, Ksenia. Bjoerndalen was present at the birth and supported his wife.

The Norwegian will start the season alone, but in 2017 Domracheva plans to join him at international competitions.

Semerenko and Nowakowska-Ziemniak became mothers, Fak became father

Who entered her name into Olympic history in 2014, has not pleased fans with her performances for a long time. First she treated her injuries, and then she was expecting a child. At the end of September, 30-year-old Vita and her husband, former football player Andrei Patsyuk, became the parents of little Mark. He was born in Canada. The press, in the best traditions, first attributed motherhood to Valentina Semerenko. However, the sister denied this information and wished her closest relative and nephew good health. Valentina, by the way, like Vita, will miss the upcoming season due to health problems. Both promise to return to action for the Olympic season.

She will definitely not forget the birth of her first child - a daughter. He was training on a significant day and during the race the athlete was bitten on the lip by a wasp. Fak's mouth was swollen and he had to finish the workout with a huge ice pack on his face. Suddenly the bell rang: the baby was about to be born! The Slovenian rushed to his wife and helped her endure contractions while his face grew and grew in size. “This is a very special event,” Fak shared about the birth of his daughter. - I forget about biathlon while holding Mila in my arms. No problems are important at these moments.”