Tennis for children. Dancing tennis for kids

Teaching tennis to children helps your children develop agility, reaction speed, strength and mobility. Training takes place on courts with optimal lighting and professional Deco Turf surface based on Supreme Court, which is used at world-class tournaments. This is how our students get used to the conditions of serious competition from an early age.

We employ only professional trainers with extensive teaching experience. They find an approach to each young student depending on their learning goals. After all, some parents want to raise a professional athlete, while others simply want to instill in their child an interest in a useful and exciting game. Therefore, the intensity of the load is determined individually.

Advantages of learning tennis at the Kolomensky sports club

How are children's tennis lessons going?

Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, from the very first lessons the child:

  • learn the correct positioning of hands when playing;
  • learns all the basic blows;
  • will play educational mini-matches.

Our employees find an approach to every young athlete, even during group training. Children enjoy going to classes and are often willing to study beyond the allotted time. The coach must discuss the purpose of training with parents and take into account the level of load depending on age, experience and physical fitness.

At what age is it better to start training?

If you want to raise a professional athlete, it is better to start training from an early age. We accept children from the age of 4 to the tennis school. The classes are held in a fun, playful way, so kids really like them. More serious preparation begins at the age of 6-7, when the child already understands the meaning of such lessons.

However, we accept children of any age to teach tennis. If classes interest you mainly as a way of sports and intellectual development, but you do not intend to turn your child into a pro, you can start classes at any time.

How many times a week should you exercise?

At the age of 4 years, 2-3 training sessions per week are enough for children, and from 9 years old it is advisable to attend them 3-5 times (depending on the purpose of the visit). This is a serious, but feasible load for a young athlete, since the intensity is accurately calculated by the coach.

What training programs does the center offer?

Tennis training for children in Moscow on the basis of our sports club is possible according to a group or individual program.

If parents dream of raising a professional athlete, they cannot do without training with an experienced coach. But usually it is advisable to start them only at 10 years of age.

Group lessons involve 2-4 students. Children are grouped based on age, experience and abilities. This way, children feel more comfortable among their peers and learn to develop a spirit of healthy competition.

What do you need to start learning?

To learn tennis, you will need: rackets with a short handle and a large head. It is not necessary to buy expensive equipment, as it breaks down quickly. Moreover, some amateur racquets are much easier to control. But you shouldn’t skimp on sports shoes. It should fit exactly in size and not put a lot of stress on the ankle.

Schedule and cost

Our tennis club is open 7 days a week from 7 am to 11 pm. You can sign up for classes at any convenient time. The cost of teaching tennis to children depends on the number of people in the group, the number of visits per week, the time you choose and the category of the coach (category 1 or 2). Additional information about training or rental conditions for tennis courts can be found by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

There was a time when tennis was considered only for royalty. Today, tennis has firmly taken its place among the most promising, beautiful, noble sports.

By participating in our sports section, your children will develop, developing strength, agility, mobility and reaction acuity.

Gambling sports competitions develop strong-willed character and desire to win in young athletes. Professional trainers with extensive experience in coaching work with children.

Coaches find an individual approach to each child. Children enjoy attending tennis classes; they are often ready to train beyond the allotted time and are always eager to rush to the next training session.

In our sports complex we teach tennis not only to children, but also to adults, we invite you to take classes.

At what age is it advisable to start learning tennis?

The tennis school for children at the Prometheus sports complex accepts children from the age of five. Such children are already able to master the basic fundamentals of playing technique on the court. We form groups taking into account the age of the children and their abilities. This way, children feel more comfortable among equal competitors, strengthen relationships, and develop a spirit of healthy competition.

This approach allows us to admit children with different levels of physical abilities to the school. Our trainers teach classes from the basics for beginners, but also pay enough attention to those who are already improving their skills.

Tennis classes for children include:

  • Teaching basic strategies and game psychology.
  • Setting up the striking technique.
  • Conducting competitions.
  • Individual and group training.

The benefits of tennis for children's health

By playing tennis, kids primarily improve their physical health. During regular training, children develop all muscle groups. Arms and legs become stronger and gain strength, and blood circulation becomes more intense. With age, a child acquires beautiful, correct posture and becomes more resilient.

Achieving success in studies

Healthy competition and the desire to achieve goals create and strengthen character. Little tennis players not only strive for victories on the court, but also want to be among the best academically, and this is worthy of respect.

Making real friends

At our tennis school, a child will not only become a good athlete, but will also acquire a wide circle of friends and like-minded people.

Tennis section at the Prometheus Sports Complex

In the Prometheus sports and recreation complex you can exercise with the whole family. While your child is in theoretical classes or on the court, you can spend useful time in the gym, at the skating rink, or just drink coffee in a cozy cafe.

Classes for young tennis players are organized in groups with a schedule convenient for you.

We help you choose equipment and sports equipment. It is especially important for beginner tennis players to start training in high-quality shoes and clothing.

The tennis school is pleased to invite children from 4 to 15 years old - beginners and those who already know how to play tennis - to classes.

Benefits of teaching children tennis

1. Training at our children's tennis school is exciting, varied and very interesting.

2. Classes combine gaming, imitative and competitive forms of training

3. During classes, equipment specially selected for the child is used - children's rackets, lightweight balls, special exercise equipment

4. Maintaining elasticity and flexibility of all muscles

5. Formation of skills of responsibility and decision-making, formation of a “champion” character

The benefits of playing tennis for children

Tennis classes for children are aimed at the general strengthening of the child’s body and include separate classes in basic and special physical training - the development of coordination of movements, agility, flexibility, strength and speed. There is no doubt that the development of these skills is very important for preschoolers and children of primary school age. During the period of personality formation, systematic tennis lessons can be very important for adolescents to relieve tension, relax, develop skills of responsibility and make independent decisions. An “adult child” who regularly devotes time to sports and physical activity will certainly prove himself in the future and develop a champion’s character.

Children's tennis groups

Groups for teaching children tennis are completed taking into account the child’s age, his tennis playing skills and general physical development:

  • - development of special skills for tennis, ball school, outdoor games;
  • Sports and recreation - initial and further tennis training;
  • Sports - improving the playing level;

Classes in subscription groups (preparatory, physical education and sports) are held from 1 to 3 times a week, the duration of the lesson is 1 hour or 1.5 hours.

Based on the number of students, groups are divided into:

  • Mini-groups and sports skill groups - up to 4 people;
  • Physical education and recreation - up to 8 people;
  • Preparatory - up to 10 people.

Tennis schedule for the 2019/2020 academic year

Play Tennis Ostankino, VDNH metro station

Group type Day Time
Children 4-6 years old (tennis + general physical training) Monday
Children 4-6 years old (general group) Tuesday
Sunday 10:00-11:00
Children 7-10 years old
(initial training)
Children 7-10 years old
(intermediate training)
Sunday 11:00-12:00
Children 7-10 years old
Children 11-15 years old
(initial training)
Children 11-15 years old

Play Tennis Atlant, Volgogradsky Prospekt metro station

Group type Day Time
Children 4-6 years old (initial training) Saturday 10:30-11:30
Children 4-6 years old
(intermediate training)


Children 7-10 years old
(initial training)
Wednesday 16:00-17:00
Saturday 11:30-12:30
Children 7-10 years old


Saturday 12:30-13:30
Children 11-15 years old
(intermediate training)
Thursday 17:00-18:00
Saturday 13:30-14:30

Cost of tennis lessons for children

Type of activity Validity Class hours Price
Groups (children and adults)
- from 5 to 10 people
30 days 1 1 500 ₽
30 days
4 5,000 ₽
30 days
6 7,000 ₽
30 days
8 8 500 ₽
60 days
9 10,500 ₽
60 days
12 12,500 RUR
60 days
15 15,000 ₽
Mini groups (children and adults)
- from 3 to 4 people
30 days 1 1,750 RUR
30 days
4 6,000 ₽
30 days
6 8 500 ₽
30 days
8 11,000 ₽
60 days
9 13,000 ₽
60 days
12 15,500 ₽
Individual with a trainer
30 days 1 4,000 ₽
30 days 8 28,000 ₽
Split training with a trainer
30 days 1 RUB 2,250
30 days 8 16,000 ₽

The price indicated is for 1 person.

Individual tennis lessons for children

Individual tennis training for children is carried out with the goal of achieving high results in a shorter time. In individual lessons, a tennis coach has the opportunity to work more carefully with a child on his technique or tactics, and prepare the athlete for competitions. Very often, tennis lessons in groups are combined with individual lessons.

Sign up for a tennis group

To enroll a child in a tennis school, you must provide a medical certificate stating that the child has no contraindications for playing tennis, fill out an application for enrollment and issue an athlete insurance policy valid for the period of training and competitions. Sample documents can be downloaded from our website.

Admission to sports groups is carried out based on the results of preliminary testing. The number of children in a sports group, the number and duration of classes are determined by an individual training program.

Classes at the Play Tennis children's tennis school are taught by professional trainers and teachers who have specialized education, experience working with children, as well as sporting achievements and titles. The coaching staff of the tennis school works according to a training program using uniform methodological materials, which ensures the integrity of the training process at all sites of the school.

Tennis is a sport in which two players or two teams of two people compete against each other. The players stand on opposite sides of the net, and the point of this game is to use a racket to send the ball to the opponent so that he cannot hit it back before the ball touches the tennis court more than once. You can learn this sport by enrolling in a tennis section.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the Tennis (tennis) section for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all tennis sections, tennis clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place to practice tennis in Moscow can be done directly on the map or using the list of represented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for subsequent enrollment. For each of the sports sections, the following are available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

What are tennis lessons like for children?

In our tennis school for children, the main principle is an individual approach, even in group lessons. Some people set a goal for their child to become a professional; for others, tennis is simply a useful and extremely interesting activity. Therefore, the degree of load and intensity is determined by the trainer.

All training is carried out in accordance with the “tennis 10s” program implemented by the International Tennis Federation (ITF). You can familiarize yourself with it in detail.

Main features of the program

  • Trainings are conducted in small groups
  • For training with children, smaller rackets and special soft balls are used.
  • During training, additional equipment is actively used, which allows you to develop not only racket handling skills, but also improve physical fitness and develop the motor system, coordination and flexibility.

What will a child get from playing tennis?

By training in the tennis section for children, your child will receive:
  • Benefit for health
    Tennis lessons for children bring enormous benefits to the child's health. Since activity during training is very high, exercises contribute to the development of the entire muscle corset, all muscle groups are involved, and correct posture is formed. Not to mention strength and endurance.
  • Benefits for studying
    The competitive style of training not only encourages the child to take active action, but also develops the spirit of competition and the desire to achieve goals. All this creates excellent conditions for character building. Young athletes achieve victories not only in training, but also in the educational process.
  • Communication and new acquaintances
    Expanding a child’s social circle is one of the most important stages of social development. In tennis lessons, children not only learn new movements, but also actively interact. Many students make new friends

At what age is it best to start playing tennis?

The official opinion of the Global Tennis school of tennis for children is that it is best to start playing tennis at the age of 5 years. This age is optimal to begin serious preparation for future competitions.

If your goal is not to raise a professional athlete, then age is not so important, and you can send your child to tennis later, because in addition to sporting victories, children get tremendous pleasure from playing and communicating with peers. Children are taught tennis in a relaxed atmosphere that promotes all-round development.

Do I need to buy special equipment for my child?

To train children, special racket models with a short handle and a large head are used. We took care of all the equipment ourselves - we have rackets of all sizes for any age. However, if a child wants to take up tennis on a regular basis, we recommend buying a personal racket, be sure to consult with a coach.

How many times a week should you exercise?

Undoubtedly, everything depends on the child’s level of preparation and goals. But we recommend training children at least 2 times a week so that the child does not lag behind his peers in skills and does not have to “catch up” with them.

Why do clients choose us?

  • There are more courts in Moscow within walking distance of the metro. All sites have high-quality coverage and various types - summer and winter. Tennis for children in Moscow with Global Tennis is convenient for both parents and children.
  • Staff of professionals. Our trainers are qualified and award-winning specialists with many years of experience, which guarantees a competent approach to building your child’s training. Tennis lessons for children under the supervision of a good coach are the best choice if you are thinking about which section to send your child to.

Sign up for training