Boxing titles. Which Russian boxers have championship belts? Symbolism and decoding of names

Hello, friends. How many awards do you think there are in boxing? And what status does the WBC belt have?

First you need to figure out why it is called that, what its history and features are.

It is named after the organization that created it - the World Boxing Council (in English abbreviated as WBC). This Council has a huge list of all kinds of titles and belts in all weight classes. A main feature WBC boxing belt is that it is not subject to weight class criteria. And there is no strict need to protect it. This is a tribute to the best fighters.

The history of the WBC belt began in 2009. Then, in September, the WBC diamond belt appeared. This is a prestigious award, which was awarded to the winner of the historical fight. This fight pits two elite boxers against each other.

The decorations that make up this belt are as follows:

  1. Almazov - 598.
  2. Emeralds – 196.
  3. Rubies - six in total
  4. Other jewelry - 150.
  5. Gold coating. Material sample – 750.

The total price of the regalia is $50 thousand.

Here is a photo of the WBC belt.


WBC was the first to receive the Diamond Belt Manny Pacquiao. He became the best in the world in five different weight classes. On November 14, 2009 the battle took place. It consisted of 12 rounds. Cotto lost in it.

Subsequent WBC Diamond belt holders are as follows:

  1. 2011: Bernard Hopkins (light heavyweight) and Sergio Martinez (middleweight - SC).

  1. 2012: Floyd Mayweather Jr. (first SK). Nonito Donaire (lightweight class).

  1. 2014: Jean Pascal (light heavyweight).

  1. 2015: Sergey Kovalev (light heavyweight), Leo Santa Cruz (featherweight).

  1. 2016: Saul Alvarez (SC). Jorge Linares (light class).

As you can see, there is a Russian on this list.

Sergey Kovalev received the WBC diamond belt by defeating. The fight lasted 8 rounds. In the final round, thanks technical knockout won Russian boxer. So he defended the world champion titles according to WBA, WBO and IBF.

Also worth mentioning is Adonis Stevenson. This Canadian light heavyweight received the WBC champion belt in 2015. He defeated his Australian opponent in 12 rounds. This fight turned out to be quite simple for the Canadian. He didn't spend much effort. He behaved carefully. Knocked down his opponent twice.

In the same year, he won in a similar style. And on November 23 of the same year, the belt was taken away from Adonis according to the Ring organization. The reason is that the fighter has not fought with opponents from the top five of the rating for two years.

Physical features of the belt

What is the WBC Diamond Belt? First of all, this is a prestigious award, a certificate the highest craftsmanship boxer And then it’s already a luxurious and expensive product.

The main color of the WBC championship belt is green. The WBC member flags are displayed around the circumference of his buckle. This is 161 countries. In the middle is the abbreviation of the name of the Council. Above it, between the depicted hemispheres, is a fighter. He lifted up right hand. It is surrounded by the flags of the first 12 members of the WBC. The words “World Champion” are also written here.

There are many jewels in the decoration of the belt: diamonds, emeralds, rubies. The product is also trimmed with gold of the highest standard. The craftsmen also arranged rhinestones from Swarovski here - 180 pieces. It turned out to be a very chic, even glamorous thing.

Who is pictured on the WBC belt? These are portraits of the first boxers who competed for this title. That is: Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto.

The head of the WBC, Jose Sulaiman, said then that his organization would not take funds from these boxers. Although athletes usually pay when they participate in a title fight.

All designated belts have the same appearance. Weight class does not affect this aspect.

A little about the WBC organization itself

It has 9 regional branches, for example:

  1. North American.
  2. Oriental.
  3. Pacific.
  4. European.
  5. African.

In 1983, this association decided on compromise measures. The number of rounds in fights was increased from 15 to 12. This measure was carried out for the safety of the athletes.

The list of recognized WBC winners includes legendary figures, for example: Muhammad Ali, Juan Laporta, Mike Tyson, Lennox Lewis and Vitali Klitschko.

The WBC also legalized women's boxing matches. Lucia Rijker and Christy Martin were recognized as candidates for world trophies.

Belt of lower rank

The diamond honorary item, which appeared in 2009, created its own resonance. And the Council decided to issue a lower rank award - the WBC silver belt.

The year of its appearance is 2010. Its first owner was revealed on April 16. He was played by Justin Savy and Cyril Thomas. The first one won.

WBC silver what is it? This is an award that replaces a temporary title. Its distinctive feature from its diamond counterpart is this: its owner does not receive the absolute title of “exempt champion”.

The significance of WBC silver can be assessed in different ways. On the one hand, this is also a prestigious title. On the other hand, this is just an intermediate rank.

And the Council recognizes both of these options.

International affairs

The designated “Silver” belt is a secondary award. There is also WBC international silver. These are titles of regional significance, but awarded under the auspices of the Council.

  1. INTL: triumphant international championship.
  2. COMM: British Union winner.
  3. ORBF: Winner of the highest award in the Eastern and Pacific region.
  4. EPBC: winner in the Eurasian Pacific region.
  5. America: triumphant on the American continent.
  6. CISBB: holder of a high title in the CIS and Slavic states.
  7. EBU: Triumphant in Europe.
  8. USBBC: National State Championship Winner (USA)
  9. USNBC Silver: silver winner item 8.
  10. INTL Silver: international winner with silver title.
  11. BBB C: holder of the highest title in the British Union of Control
  12. NABF: champion title in the North America zone
  13. Latino: winner of the championship in Latin America.
  14. ABU: rank best boxer on the African continent.
  15. Youth Interc: championship title at an international youth competition. On it, athletes have an age limit of 23 years 11 months.
  16. South America: triumphant in the “South America” zone
  17. Youth: world title winner youth championship. Age limit, as in paragraph 15.
  18. Facarbox: the highest award in the Central America zone.
  19. Asian: the highest award in the Asian Union.
  20. Asian Continental: triumphant of the Asian continent.
  21. Asian Silver: silver winner p.19
  22. Baltic: winner of the highest title at the Baltic States Championship.
  23. Baltic Silver: silver triumph p. 22
  24. Cabofe: winner in the Caribbean.
  25. Fecombox: The highest title in professional boxing in Mexico.
  26. Francpphone: winner of the highest award of the Francophonie. This is a geographical area where one of the main languages ​​is French. It includes 50 countries.
  27. Mediterranean: triumphant in the Mediterranean zone
  28. Hispano: the highest title in the championship of countries where the main language is Spanish.

In practice, not all designated points are direct divisions of the Council. That is, there is local government in the field of boxing. Over all the years of its fruitful work, the WBC has established its divisions in the following areas:

These are the above points with numbers: 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14

Examples of fights for the international Silver belt

  1. Vyacheslav Mirzoev (Russia) – Anthony Settoul (France). Date: June 3. The fight turned out to be very difficult and intense. Its organizers were the Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, the Department holding and Sky Boxing.

Number of rounds -10. Mirzoev turned out to be stronger and retained the international winner’s belt.

  1. Mikhail Aloyan (Russia) – Hermogenes Costillo (Nicaragua). This is a fight in the lightest category. The fight took place on December 9, 2017 in Kemerovo. Aloyan won in 10 rounds.
  2. Fedor Chudinov (Russia) – Ryan Ford (Canada). The location is the same. Chudinov needed 12 rounds to defeat his opponent on points.

There are many similar examples. The victorious matches of Russian boxers were indicated here.


The Diamond Belt, created in 2009, is the destiny of the world boxing elite. The silver analogue is one of the steps to it.

Boxing is one of the oldest species sports People follow the careers of boxers with interest, attend professional fights or bet on the victory of athletes. You can even do this through It is interesting that the sport is divided not just into professional and amateur, but in each of the types there are more than a dozen weight categories and there are even special titles for which athletes fight. Let's talk about them in more detail.

What are titles?

In pro boxing, there are 4 main versions according to which ratings of athletes are compiled. The most successful boxers occupy the top positions of the lists and have the right to fight for the championship title. Usually, it looks like a leather belt with an abbreviation of several letters.

Each of these 4 versions is curated by its own organization or associations. The presidents of these groups are involved in organizational issues and take part in compiling ratings. They always have the key word in the decision to include an athlete in the list of contenders for the championship title or not. Moreover, there is also a hierarchy among the main 4 versions. The most important and oldest is, then the WBC, IBF and WBO.

Symbolism and decoding of names

WBA – World Boxing Association. The main title of the version is a black leather belt with a tin medal, which is decorated with semi-precious stones and plated with gold. Each champion boxer who owns it can keep it by paying $760 to the Association's treasury.

The WBC can be deciphered as the World Boxing Council. The title arose in 1963 of the last century. On this moment the belt is made of green leather and decorated with ceramic details self made. In the center there is a gilded medal with embossing, an inscription and 150 miniatures of flags different countries world, which are members of the Boxing Council. Also attached to the sides are photos of the most outstanding professional boxers who held the title - Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali. The cost of the belt is $820.

IBF literally means “Intercontinental Boxing Federation”, organized in 1983. The belt has not changed its design for more than ten years. It is made of red leather, the medal is made of tin and plated with gold. It depicts an eagle and a globe with inscriptions around it. Interestingly, each champion has the right to add his own saying to this list. You need to pay $750 for it if you want to keep the title.

WBO - World Boxing Organization title, is a brown belt from genuine leather, weighing 3600g. The gilded medal depicts a globe with a red circle, in the center of which there is a boxing ring and the inscription “World Champion” on English language. Its cost is 660 dollars.

Every professional boxer who has ever owned at least one of the 4 belts is already becoming a famous person. And an athlete who has collected at least 3 titles at the same time is called absolute champion world and goes down in history forever.

Currently professional athletes 4 main boxing belts are recognized according to the following versions: IBF, WBA, WBO and WBC. A boxer who owns three belts receives the title of absolute world champion. Such an athlete will definitely go down in the history of world boxing.


Championship titles are the highest award for any boxer. All fighters, without exception, dream of winning a champion boxing belt. But few people know how exactly the tradition of presenting this award began.

In the middle of the 19th century, a boxing match took place in London, England. heavyweight. After defeating his opponent, the fans presented the winner, Benjamin Count, with a red velvet belt, which was decorated with silver. This is how the tradition of awarding boxing belts to champions arose.

Presenting the belt to the champion is an important part professional boxing. There are a huge variety of boxing belts, and any federation can hold championship fight. But many belts do not have much weight and are not valued by athletes at all.

Any fan knows that at the moment there are only four major boxing belts in importance. In organizations that present the main championship belts, athletes receive large fees for fights. For example, for your best fights received more than $100 million.

The main belts are established by large organizations and are awarded for fulfilling certain conditions. Although these associations perform similar functions, their traditions differ significantly. Each of these federations has its own belt, which differs in appearance from the others.


The World Boxing Association was founded in 1921. According to the rules of this organization, a boxer who has combined the title of champion of the WBA and one of the main associations receives the title of “super champion”. A boxer holding this title has the right to defend the belt in a fight with a challenger from other organizations. After such a fight, the main title becomes free. Its owner is determined in a battle of candidates.

The WBA has a practice of splitting titles. Each weight category has:

  • “Super Champion” - must defend the title against a challenger from any organization, who does not have to be the title holder in one of the main versions.
  • “Regular Champion” - must defend the belt in a fight against a challenger selected by the association.
  • “Temporary champion” is the first number in the association rating, is not a mandatory contender for the main belt, but has its own title. This system is also used in other boxing organizations.

The WBA belt is considered more valuable than the rest; the association was formed earlier than others; its title is more important in terms of seniority. But many managers and athletes consider the association's methods of dealing with many issues to be incorrect.

The WBA belt is made of leather. In its center is a gilded medal, which is decorated with a crown and precious stones. Inside the medal there is an engraving with the organization's emblem and two figures of boxers. On the sides are smaller medals made of polished brass. The championship belt weighs 3.6 kg.

Over the history of this belt, its appearance has changed several times. A boxer who wins a belt can keep it for himself, paying a symbolic price. This award was held in the hands greatest boxers: Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Lenox Lewis and others.


The World Boxing Council was founded in Mexico City in 1963 as an international association. The main goal of the WBC was to create an association that would provide control over world boxing. In 1983, the council made an important decision - to reduce the number of rounds in a boxing match to 12. This was done to ensure the safety of the athletes.

The WBC belt contains the flags of the 161st state. The 12 founding countries of the association are depicted in the center of a circle of gold. For a long time, the WBC's relationship with other associations was difficult, but currently the situation is improving, and many experts are talking about the possible merger of several organizations. During its existence, the WBC belt has gone through several modifications.


The World Boxing Organization was founded in San Juan in 1988. Some media still do not recognize the WBO and do not consider its boxers to be champions. The WBO was created as one of the divisions of the WBA to control the rules and resolve issues with the organization of fights. Initially, this union did not have a special status, but currently the WBO title is quite popular.

On the brown belt there is a medal plated with 24-karat gold. Belt weight 3.6 kg.


The International Boxing Federation was formed in 1976 as the United States Boxing Association (USBA). In 1983, an international division (BASH-M) was created in the federation. A year later, BASSH-M was renamed MBF. The IBF's reputation suffered significantly in 1999 when its head was accused of corruption.

The IBF belt is made of red leather. In its center is a tin and gold medal decorated with the image of an eagle. The belt weighs 4.1 kg.

The Ring

Ring magazine regularly publishes ratings best boxers in various weight categories. If in one of the fights the first and second rating numbers meet, the magazine gives the winner its boxing belt. The champion's photo appears in the next issue of the magazine. The title, according to The Ring magazine, has been awarded since 1922. There are several ways to obtain a title according to this version: defeat the holder of the championship belt, combine the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, or win in a fight that is held between the first and second numbers of the Ring rating. Only in the following cases can a champion lose a title: losing a fight for the championship title, moving to the next weight category or ending your career. After the change of owner of the magazine, the prestige of the Ring rating dropped significantly.

Boxing championship titles are the highest goal of every boxer. Absolutely all professional boxers dream of winning a championship title. However, few people thought about where this tradition came from. In the mid-19th century, a fight took place in London between two boxers, one of whom was heavyweight Benjamin Count. After knocking out his opponent, Count's fans gave him a red velvet belt decorated with silver. Since then, the tradition has begun to award champions with a special belt.

IN modern boxing The tradition of presenting a championship belt has become an integral part of professional boxing. Although there are now a huge number of belts and each organization can organize and conduct a fight for the title of champion according to their version, however, today there are four champion versions exclusively in professional boxing. As a rule, most boxing professionals consider and recognize as true champions only those athletes who are holders of so-called belt titles. Today there are only four belts: IBF, WBA, WBO and WBC.

Back in the distant twenty-first year of the nineteenth century, a good National Boxing Association was successfully created in America, which continues to be active today sports activities, but under a different name: World Boxing Association, WBA. This belt weighs approximately three and a half kilograms and is made only of high quality black leather, and the medal located in the center of the belt is made of strong tin and, on top of that, is beautifully decorated with precious stones, and also covered with beautiful gilding. Each world champion has every right to keep the received belt personally, but at the same time pay only 760 US dollars for it.

The championship belt of the WBC version, which was named after the world boxing council. It was founded in the 63rd year of the 20th century with the help of eleven national boxing organizations. Very famous and popular according to this version were such boxers as: Mohammed Ali, Vitali Klitschko, Mike Tyson, who is probably remembered by many boxing fans and fans, as well as other athletes.

This interesting belt has gone through 5 different modifications. Composition: high-quality green leather, handmade ceramics, gold-plated medal. The price to keep this belt is to be, first of all, a champion of this version and have 820 US dollars available. By the way, on the sides of the belt there are original photographs of famous professional boxers previous years.

The IBF version of the championship belt is the next belt to consider. It is named after the famous international boxing organization IBF, which was formed in the 83rd year of the 20th century. Today it is the most disciplined and at the same time well-organized boxing federation, which conducts qualifying championships only among the best contenders for this title and, accordingly, organizes mandatory annual title defenses.

The design of the belt has not changed for about 10 years. It is made of excellent quality red leather, and the amazing-looking central medal is made of strong gilded tin, there is an eagle on the belt, and interesting notes around the globe. Each champion, without exception, has the right to put his own inscription on this belt. In order for the champion to keep this belt, he must pay an amount of 750 US dollars.

The latest WBO championship belt is named after the 4 most important professional boxing organizations. The federation office is located in Puerto Rico. This organization was created by prosperous businessmen and, as you can see, continues to exist today. The belt is made exclusively of brown leather, its weight is about three and a half kilograms. There is an image of the globe, and in the middle there is a red circle, and inside it you can see a beautiful boxing ring. Champions pay an average of $660 to keep this belt. True, this belt is less prestigious than other previous versions of the belts.

For the first time in 12 years, boxing has an absolute world champion. Who is he

Undefeated American Terence Crawford beats Julius Indongo in less than 10 minutes and collects four belts from leading boxing organizations in the junior welterweight (up to 63.5 kg) weight.

What is an absolute champion?

In November 2001, Kostya Tszyu defeated Zab Judah and became the undisputed welterweight world champion, winning three of the most prestigious belts (WBA, WBC and IBF). In 2017, at a press conference before the fight with Julius Indongo, Terence Crawford recalled this, emphasizing that it was really important for him to surpass the Russian’s achievements and become the first man in this weight and only the third in history to collect four belts at once.

In Tszyu’s time, it was not necessary to win four titles to be considered an absolute world champion; three were enough. The WBA, IBF and WBC recognized the WBO as an equal organization after 2004. Since then, only Bernard Hopkins has managed to collect all the belts, in September 2004. In July 2005, Hopkins would lose to Jermain Taylor, the titles would go to him, but at next fight Taylor will emerge with only three belts, having lost her IBF strap for unsportsmanlike reasons.

Crawford became the third person in the 21st century to become the undisputed four-belt world champion. More recently, Vladimir Klitschko and Sergey Kovalev were close to this, each had three belts, but they never got the opportunity to collect four major titles in boxing. Now three belts are held by Andre Ward and Gennady Golovkin.

Who is Terence Crawford

Six days before the most important fight of his life, Terence Crawford filmed a video in which he parodied Conor McGregor's open training before his fight with Floyd Mayweather. A popular pastime for modern boxers.

At the end of last year, Terence Crawford was sentenced to 52 days in prison for the destruction of a car service center. Crawford decided he could take his car without paying the owner. And these were not the most big problems in the life of a boxer. On September 4, 2008, Terence went to play craps in his neighborhood, finished the game, sat in the car, someone didn’t like it, and Crawford was shot in the head with a pistol. The bullet went tangentially, Terence himself came to the hospital. Two months later he won his fifth professional fight. In general, in 2008, Crawford planned to be at the Beijing Olympics, but was unable to qualify for the Games. Nine years later he will meet with the winner of that Olympics, Felix Diaz, and beat him in ten rounds.

His story is the story of a modest guy from the provinces. Crawford was born in Omaha and quickly became interested in boxing. Almost all the men in his family boxed. Unfortunately, no one taught Crawford to speak brightly, and even when his statistics were around 19-0, Crawford’s main income came from working as a sparring partner for Timothy Bradley (former WBO champion). 2013 will be a turning point. Crawford will begin to win fights, the significance of which can be explained in one line: three previously undefeated opponents were beaten (Viktor Postol, Andrey Klimov and Yuriorkis Gamboa), an away victory and a championship title were obtained (Ricky Burns was knocked out in Scotland), beaten Olympic champion Diaz and John Molina, who just defeated Ruslan Provodnikov.

On May 21, Terence Crawford beat Felix Diaz and turned out to be a boxer with statistics of 31 victories, 0 defeats, and he lacked two titles to become an absolute champion: WBC and IBF, which were held by Julius Indongo.

How did the fight for four championship belts turn out?

Crawford remained not very interesting to the public. On May 20, 2017, Floyd Mayweather was only interested in Conor McGregor, and a little earlier, 50 thousand paid broadcasts were sold for the fight between Crawford and Viktor Postol (for comparison, 500 thousand broadcasts sold is considered the average figure for a UFC tournament). The boxer’s Instagram has 150 thousand followers. Terence was desperate for a truly meaningful achievement.

On August 19, 2017, Russian Eduard Troyanovsky could have entered the ring at Pinnacle Bank Arena, but on December 3, 2016, Troyanovsky decided to defend his belts in a fight with Julius Indongo from Namibia. Before his first amateur fight, Indongo trained without gloves, but as soon as they appeared, people began to get upset. The Megasport Arena, for example, was completely upset when, already in the first minute, Indongo knocked out Troyanovsky, took the Russian’s belts and left in a certain direction.

Indongo did nothing like this in the fight with Crawford. If Julius resembled Leicester in the box, that August morning was the second season with the sacking of Cdaudio Ranieri. Crawford saw all the blows and knew what Julius would do even before the Namibian himself understood it.

When there was a minute and a half left before the end of the third round, Julius Indongo suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, his lungs stopped working, and instead of his opponent, the audience and the blue flooring of the ring began to spin before his eyes. He will watch the replay and understand that his liver was ambushed by Crawford’s fist, tightly packed in a dark blue glove.

So Terence Crawford ended up with four of the most important championship belts, and now it remains to understand who needs them most.

Text: Vadim Tikhomirov, Bogdan Domansky