Boxing, practicing punches on a punching bag. How to hit a punching bag correctly

Learn to work with a bag. You don't need to just grind it. Here are 10 tips for bag training to develop boxing technique and punching power.

1. Be careful

The biggest problem with this machine is that you develop bad “visual” habits. When striking the bag, fighters often either look at the bag at one point or do not look at the projectile at all.

Too concentrated look

This intense eye contact is good for a hunter aiming at his target. In the ring, such a look seems to tell your opponent where you are going to strike. Never look down if you are about to throw a punch to the torso. Otherwise, it will be easy to defend against such a blow and counterattack. Do not look at the point of impact, especially since when you hit the body, your head is left unprotected.

Don't look at one point.

When working with a bag, you just need to look forward. Imagine that the bag is your opponent and you need to keep it in your sight. Watch his head and body movements. You hit with precision, but without widening your eyes at the point of impact.

lazy eyes

This is when the fighter does not look at the bag at all. Believe it or not, some fighters cannot even answer the question: “Where are you looking when you punch?” Sometimes you come across boxers who, when delivering strong blows, look at the floor or to the side. Very often, when fatigue sets in, boxers hit blindly.

You don't want your eyes to wander. Lazy eyes make you vulnerable in the ring! Focus and look at the bag. This will give good accuracy and, more importantly, the ability to see the oncoming strike. The best way to cure lazy eyes is to stick squares of tape on a bag (i.e., something to look at) or spend more time practicing with other equipment that allows you to train your visual concentration, such as a pneumatic bulb.

You need to look at the bag, but not “goggle” your eyes at it. The entire bag should be in view, not part of it. Always monitor your distance (the distance from you to the bag).

2. Keep your balance

Throw the punches in the bag, not yourself. Stand on both feet and do not fall over the bag. Maintaining balance allows for a more powerful punch and better footwork when moving around the bag.

Don't hang yourself with a bag. Don't push him with your shoulders - this bad habit allows technical boxers to "fail" you by shifting when you fall on top of them. And under no circumstances push the bag with your head! This is the best way to get an uppercut.

3. Don't push, hit

The bag should not swing much from your blows, but should shake like a paralytic. There is an old saying: “If you want to know who hits the bag correctly, ask a blind man.” This means that it is by the sound that you can determine whether you are hitting correctly or not. You want a pop or slap from the impact, not a thud. For those who don’t know: I wrote an article a long time ago "How to Throw a Whip Punch"

Pushing (not punching) will just push the bag and your arms will get tired quickly. A quick hard blow will barely move the bag. Relax your hands and throw quick, whipping punches. Invest in, but so that the time of contact of your fist with the bag is not too long. As soon as contact occurs, immediately return your hand and throw the next blow. If your hands get tired quickly, then you should not hit, but push the bag. I repeat: contact with the bag should be short-term.

4. When impacting, your feet should be on the floor.

When impact occurs, your feet should be flat on the floor. Standing on the floor means good balance, great power, an accurate strike, and the ability to quickly escape after a hit! You can move as much as you want, but when it's time to hit, put your feet on the floor! If you find it difficult to keep your feet on the floor while moving around the bag, take smaller steps. Professionals hit much harder because they do not lift their feet off the floor even when they move around the ring.

5. When you're not hitting, move your feet.

Move your arms or legs.

As my coach said: “Move your arms, or your legs, or your head.” If your movement is not offensive, then it is a defensive movement. Since the bag doesn't give back, we don't worry about moving the head, but we definitely need to move the legs. When you finish hitting, be sure to move.

Keep distance

Always keep the right distance. Move with the bag and keep it within striking distance at all times. Don't let the bag swing too far or too close. Don't be lazy and work with your feet. Move with the bag, and don’t stand and wait for it to “fly” to you. Move away when the bag comes at you and follow it when it moves away from you. If you can't keep up with the rhythm of the bag's movement with your legs, hit lighter or choose a heavier bag... or train your legs.

6. Don't wait

This is what separates a man from a boy. Watch the professionals at work on the bag and you will see that they are constantly throwing punches. They rest for no more than 2 seconds.

Beginners always take breaks between series (combinations). After the series, they walk for 10-15 seconds, restoring their breathing. Such long periods of inactivity will kill you. In a real fight, there are no 10-second breaks to recover your breathing.

When you stop hitting, they hit you.

The moral of this story is: "Never Stop Hitting". You don't need to hit with all your strength all the time, but you need to throw punches constantly. When you regain your breath and move around the bag, throw light punches and jabs. Once you're ready for some big hits, step up and open fire.

7. Less force, but more breath

When working with a bag, as when running, it is very important to breathe! Don't worry too much about the power of your punches. Concentrate on explosive breathing. To avoid fatigue, relax and control your breathing.

Strength comes from good technique,
endurance - due to proper breathing.

Strength and endurance have little to do with how much effort you put into throwing a punch. Professionals deliver hundreds of powerful blows only through good technique and proper breathing. Proper breathing allows you to remain relaxed and throw many punches without getting tired. Good technique allows you to deliver strong blows without wasting the energy that goes into the blow.

Don't let the bag get you down. The bag works at your rhythm, i.e. in the rhythm of your strokes. Learn to save energy for more serious training (sparring or working with a suspended air bag). If working with a bag tires you, then you are not yet ready for competition.

8. Throw 3-6 hits

A series of 3-6 hits is what you need. Not 1, not 2 or 10. 3-6 hits are enough to damage the enemy and don’t take much time, so you can get away before the enemy throws a counter combination. Combine your strikes into combinations. For example, try common (1-2-1-2, 1-2-3, etc.) and uncommon (1-3-2, 3-1-2-3-3, etc.) . Fights take place in combinations, not single strikes. Hit combinations and keep the rhythm.

Hit high (to the head) and low (to the body). We often see that blows to the head are not thrown high enough. When it comes to the fight, it often turns out that due to the habit of hitting low, the fighter’s shoulders quickly get tired.

9. Active recreation

Everyone gets tired.
It is important to constantly do something.

When you're tired, don't just stand there. Move! If you are going to rest, rest while moving and strike lightly. Don't hang yourself on a bag or try to dance like Mike Tyson. It’s really bad when you stand motionless, like that same bag.

10. Keep your arms high

You need to be careful not to let your strength confuse you.

It's easy to get lazy on defense
after all, the bag does not give change.

You THINK you have your hands high, but the only way to test that is when you get hit. Until it's time to get in the ring, you can spend hundreds of hours beating the bag and reinforcing bad habits without ever realizing how open you are. When throwing a jab, don't drop your right hand. And never drop it when you throw a left hook. Don't just cover your head, but also tuck your elbows in to protect your torso. It's best to have a coach or friend watch your bag workouts and yell at you every time you let your hands down.

Heavy bag training

Such training is aimed at developing effective, but not absolute strength. This is not breaking a brick with one blow. You need powerful punches throughout the fight, not just for one round. Keep your hands high, move around the bag and make sure you throw quick punches. Be careful, keep your balance and hit! If you do it right, it will be easy. Working on the bag will be a good “warm-up” before the real work - in the ring.

Other boxing bag training guides:

Practicing punches on a punching bag - working on a punching bag

Preparing for punch training

The benefits that can be gained by working with a punching bag are enormous and undeniable, not only for maintaining physical fitness, but also for self-defense, and even as a means of relieving stress and negative emotions.

If you already have all the necessary equipment for working with a bag, practicing punches and you can’t wait to start learning techniques for practicing punches on a punching bag, you can skip the introductory instruction by clicking.

Punching gloves

To practice punching with a punching bag, you will first need boxing gloves or mixed martial arts gloves. For practicing punches on the bag, 10-12 ounce gloves are best. These gloves are not very thick and you will feel the blow better in them. It is better to immediately buy leather boxing gloves. Gloves made of genuine leather are much stronger than gloves made of synthetic leather and will last much longer, besides, hands sweat much less in leather gloves.
Along with the gloves, immediately buy special bandages that you will wrap around your hand every time you practice strikes. Boxing elastic bandages will protect your hands from possible injuries.

You can read about how to choose boxing gloves in this article. From our partners you can also buy boxing gloves and bandages of good quality and at an affordable price in the online store.

Along with purchasing gloves, you can immediately buy a punching bag. You can buy a cheap bag, or spend a little more money and get a high-quality leather bag. Prices usually range from 2,000 rubles for the simplest canvas bag and up to 15,000 for a high-quality leather boxing bag. The bags can be filled with various fillers, such as: rags, crumb rubber, sawdust.

Rags and crumbled rubber for stuffing are best because they are durable and will not make the bag too hard, which can cause hand injury.

If you are going to train at home, with limited space and the inability to mount brackets for mounting a punching bag, you will be better off buying a water-filled punching bag for home, which is a projectile with a wide base that is installed on the floor and filled with water. The advantages of water-filling bags are that they take up little space and can be installed almost anywhere in the apartment, without requiring any additional fastenings. Such bags perfectly imitate a potential opponent, giving the opportunity to strike from all sides.

On sale you can find modern air bags equipped with a hydropneumatic valve. Thanks to this system, you can independently regulate the weight of the bag and its rigidity by adjusting the level of liquid inside the projectile.

You can find out more about how to choose a punching bag - here in the online store of boxing equipment, you can buy a punching bag, which will be delivered to your home.

You need to mount the bag in a place that will allow you to freely maneuver around it. For greater convenience and safety, there should be a full 360 degree free zone around the bag. If you decide to exercise on your own at home, this is not always possible, because many people have to allocate only a small space in the room for their workouts. Therefore, make sure that nothing interferes with you and that you do not hit anything when striking the pear. Make sure that the floor surface is free of significant obstructions.

Training safety

Beginner athletes very often experience injuries, and one of the most common causes of hand injuries when working with a boxing bag is incorrect striking technique and poor fighting stance.

Impact surface of the fist

When striking with a fist, the striking surface of the fist should be the bones of the index and middle fingers. The knuckles should point slightly downward so that the two main knuckles are exactly in line with the ulna and radius bones of the forearm. Before you start practicing hitting the bag, be sure to warm up, warm up and stretch your muscles.

Shadow boxing is a good way to warm up. In shadowboxing, you should not just wave your arms, but imagine an imaginary opponent and strike correctly and accurately as you would in a real fight. Also, to warm up your hands and warm up your muscles, push-ups on your fists, on your fingers, push-ups with clapping will be useful, 1-2 approaches will be enough.

Practicing punches on a pear - working on a bag

When throwing a punch, you should use your full body weight, lean slightly forward during impact, and use rotation with your body. Hard work is the goal of punching bag training, not short, sharp slaps.

There are many types and techniques of strikes, but in this article we will pay the most attention to only one. Hook - side kick is one of the most powerful punches. In most cases, it is the hook that causes a knockout when striking to the head. Your body weight also matters, but without proper technique, you won't be able to effectively deliver a powerful, hard knockout punch.

You can apply a side blow either to the body area - liver, solar plexus, or to the head - chin, temple, nose. The chin is the most vulnerable area of ​​the head, because... a blow to it will create a strong rotation - a shake of the head, cut off the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain for several seconds, as a result of which the person loses control of himself and falls. This is a knockout.

Rotating your hips, driving your back, and pushing your legs when throwing a punch are essential to landing a strong punch. During movement, you perform simultaneous actions with your legs and arms.

When throwing a punch, lift the heel of your back foot slightly off the floor and push your toe as hard as possible, further and faster outside of your body, your hip should also be invested in the blow by inertia.

Make sure that your throwing arm is parallel to the floor when it hits the striking surface, and at the same time move your right shoulder forward for greater effectiveness by turning your torso. Your head should be tucked toward your chest and your shoulders should be raised as high as possible to protect your chin and head in general. Turn your chin toward your front shoulder, look from under your foreheads, exposing only your forehead. Exhale sharply from your lungs and strike the bag, then instantly return to the starting position.

Once you have mastered this exercise, begin to move around the bag, taking a step to the left or right each time you throw a punch. At the same time, constantly ensure that you maintain alignment and the specified distance between your legs. Walk on your toes and don't let your opponent get closer to you by using straight punches, such as pushes.

Bag work for beginners should consist of 60-second rounds of three or five sets. More experienced athletes can do 10 rounds, consisting of 120 seconds each. Well, seasoned fighters can perform from 10 to 15 rounds of 3 minutes.

The rest time between rounds may vary depending on your fitness level. The break time should not exceed 1 minute even if you are a beginner, because... Your heart rate can quickly become too slow, causing you to feel weak in your legs and feel dizzy. While you're resting, walk around the room and mentally prepare yourself for the next round.

Working with a punching bag is important and complex and cannot be mastered in one day. Try to practice punching on a punching bag at least three days a week.

I hope our article helped you get enough information about working and training with a punching bag. Don't forget to exercise regularly.

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We wish you success and high results!


Take the position of the left split, hold for 10 seconds, then slowly move into the right. Do about ten transitions to warm up your joints.

  • And the last thing we will devote time to is. Spread your legs as wide as possible and hold in this position. After a few seconds, relax and, as you exhale, begin to slowly lower yourself lower.

With this, you can finish stretching and move on to the technique itself and its development.

  1. In order to master foot technique as quickly and efficiently as possible, I recommend this is a video course

Regular training in this course will turn your legs into truly dangerous self-defense weapons. It contains a large number of combat secrets that will help you finish fights beautifully even against several opponents.

And I will tell you about the so-called classical training.

To develop the correct trajectory, accuracy and speed, regular work in the air will help you; as soon as you master it, then you can move on to projectiles. Decide for yourself which shoes to choose for training, the main thing is that they are comfortable and fit well to the foot.

Let's start with a regular straight kick.

It is divided into two types

  • Spot

A quick, precise blow to one point, usually applied to active points such as the groin, solar plexus, and chin. To apply correctly, you need to master a quick movement of the knee forward and a sharp extension movement.

  • trampling

It has a more powerful pushing force, which is based on the full investment of the hips and the entire body. It breaks through all blocks and can even put the enemy on the floor. But there is one minus in it, if the enemy is tactically competent, then he will fail you and make a sweep, be careful.

Side kicks are also in high demand.

The main areas affected are the legs, ribs and head. The areas are quite delicate and can be damaged even with a light blow.

To begin with, I advise you to master the first two levels: legs and ribs. Head shots need to be worked on as the stretch progresses.

Just like the straight line, it is divided into trampling and point.

Your main task is to understand how to correctly extend the hip and then the knee. Practice will help you best, so grab a partner and go practice!

You don't have to hit him too hard. Make slow, precise strikes, favoring proper trajectory rather than force.

Work through each level for a few minutes and when the blows become more expressive, move on to the punching bag, focusing on strength.

It's simple, stretch, work in pairs and on the punching bag, and after a while you will notice that you can handle your legs no worse than your arms. The next step is to unite them, but this is a completely different topic...

And with this I say goodbye to you. Subscribe to my blog and you will reach great heights! Thanks for the likes and reposts. Good luck to all.

The right leg, while leaning on the left.

When practicing a direct blow, stand straight, chin covered by your left shoulder, left leg one step forward and slightly bent, left hand forward, right elbow covering the liver, right fist at the chin. Sharply throw your left hand forward, while turning the left side of your body, then turn sharply, throwing your right hand forward, turning your body and turning the foot of your right leg, while leaning on your left.

Video on the topic


Under no circumstances work at full strength, hit at a maximum of eighty percent of your strength - this will protect you from unnecessary injuries!

Helpful advice

With every strike, you must remember the rule: when one hand strikes, the other hand protects the chin.


  • Does hitting a punching bag at home give you an advantage in a fight? /rusbody

In all types of combat sports using percussion tactics, a powerful striking force is needed. It is necessary to develop the force of the blow in order for the blows to be both accurate and effective. In order to deliver a strong blow, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and ligaments involved in the blow, as well as the knuckles and grip strength of the hand.

You will need

  • - gym membership


In order to develop directly percussion strength, perform “shadow boxing” and practice exercises on percussion technique using small dumbbells. The point of the exercise is for you to push the dumbbell as hard and as quickly as possible.

Apart from this, one of the simplest exercises is kata. First, you need to take the correct starting position: frontal stance, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, feet parallel to each other, you need to stand not on your toes, but on your entire body. The left hand is slightly brought forward, clenched into a fist, palm down, the striking surface is the knuckles of the index and middle fingers. The right hand is located at waist level, clenched into a fist and bent at the elbow, palm facing up. The exercise consists of rising on your toes, exhaling and standing on your heels and at the same time changing the position of your hands to the opposite - the left hand is moved to the thigh, and the right hand moves forward to the so-called “white line” (center of the body). To gain strength blow can be used . You need to throw it over your back, hold it in your fist, and perform the kata.

Push-ups with fists, rolling of the proximal phalanges, and exercises with boxing “paws” and a punching bag are also useful.


  • In this article we will tell you how to place a hand strike on shells

In the modern world, many guys are interested in martial arts. The most effective method of attack is rightfully considered hit foot. If you want to quickly hit an attacker, you need to strike with the edge of your foot. But to deliver such a blow, you need to train a lot. Theoretical knowledge about the technique of performing a strike will also not hurt.


The main targets of the side kick are the opponent's temple, floating ribs, cervical artery and armpits. However, you can also target the chin, the area under the nose, and the solar plexus.

The technique for performing such a strike is quite simple. There are several tips to follow. The leg should move in a straight line at the moment of impact.

At the very beginning of the impact, the foot should be at the level of the knee of the supporting leg (or rather, its inner side).

The higher you hit, the more you should tilt your body in the direction opposite to the blow.

You need to hit straight, not to the side. Then you can maintain the force of the blow.

When performing a kick, rotate on your supporting foot. This will allow you to perform the hip rotation needed for a more effective attack.

So, if you decide to learn a side kick, you need to use a chair as additional support. Place a chair near your pivot leg (the leg that will remain there after the kick is completed) and lift your active leg. In this case, the foot should be placed above the seat.

Thanks to such exercises, you can become more confident and learn to maintain balance at the time of attack. Among other things, your body must remember how high it is necessary to raise the attacking leg, so that in battle you do not have to think about technique.

Please note that this is just the beginning. In the future, you should learn how to throw side kicks not only from the classic fighting stance, but also from any position. Real masters are able to perform such a technique at the moment when their feet are next to each other, parallel to each other. So all that remains is to train and train again.

Video on the topic

Often, in the absence of preparation, even if you emerge victorious from a fight, you can get injured, from torn skin to dislocated joints. Stuffing is used to prepare drums surfaces take impacts and bear heavy loads. Simply put, so that when struck there is no severe pain. Padding also reduces, if not eliminates, the risk of serious damage.


The first thing you need to understand when doing stuffing is that it should under no circumstances cause injury. Therefore, it is very important to know the “measure”. You can get various injuries, which take a lot of time. Therefore, it is important to approach the filling process rationally and carefully listen to the trainer’s recommendations.

Perhaps the most common method of stuffing is working with a makiwara. This is a simple projectile for practicing strikes, both with hands and feet, and a series of strikes. Also convenient for practicing side and rear strikes. There are many varieties of this projectile, but the simplest is a thin beam dug into the ground and wrapped with cloth in the area of ​​impact.

When stuffing, don’t forget about technique. If the blow is placed correctly, you can safely begin training. The main thing is to do the exercises regularly, gradually increasing the load, so to speak, “without fanaticism.” At the first stage, 40-50 blows with each hand will be enough. Over time, the pain will begin to disappear and the number of strokes can be increased.

Stuffing needs to be done daily. Only regular practice will help you achieve the desired result. It is important to clearly perceive pain sensations. If the pain begins to increase, stop stuffing.

You can also do stuffing at home. You don't need any special equipment for this. Apply light blows to the wall, at half strength (the main thing is not to injure your hands). This will strengthen drums surfaces. Be as careful as possible. It will be difficult to break through the wall, to put it mildly, so any strong blow you make will be reflected in your hand with even greater force. This will inevitably lead to injury. Push-ups on your fists also help strengthen your knuckles. You can stand either on two protruding knuckles or on all four. And so, and so it will be correct.

Video on the topic

The basis of all martial arts is the placement of a straight hand. Without practicing this element, it is impossible to progress and learn something new. It is worth understanding this issue in more detail.

You will need

  • - pear;
  • - gloves;
  • - 2 makiwaras;
  • - sports uniform;
  • - trainer;
  • - partner.


Practice hand placement. To begin, ask your coach to show you how to use your hands when preparing and delivering a direct strike. In the initial position, the hand should be near the face (boxing) or at the belt (). Next, straighten it with a sharp movement and bring your fist forward. Moreover, the hand should be thrown out relaxed and only at the last moment should the fist be clenched. Then the blow will be strong and... Make sure it is completely straight in its final position.

Practice punching the air. Once you have set this element under the guidance of an instructor, practice it. A good place to start is by simulating an air strike. Many people don’t know, but this is a very effective way to practice. Do 100 kicks before your main workout as a warm-up. You will warm up and practice your straight punch technique at the same time.

Strike the bag. After a short time, incorporate hitting the bag or punching bag into your general training. Don't hit too hard at first, work on your technique. The main thing is to minimize injuries when working with the bag. Deliver a sharp, straight punch and hold your fist a few millimeters from the target's surface. Then make strikes, barely touching the pear. Gradually increase the force and speed of the straight punch.

Train with a partner. After practicing your technique and hitting the punching bag with your fists, you can work on your punch speed and overall endurance. For this you will need one more person. Ask the trainer to hold it in both hands. Deliver sharp, straight blows to each makiwara. Do it all while moving. First the enemy moves towards you, and then you move towards the enemy. Practice this element in every workout.

Apply all the acquired skills in sparring. Now fix the line in a real confrontation with a partner or opponent in a competition. Bandage your hands well and put on boxing or hand-to-hand gloves. Deliver devastating direct blows to the retreating and approaching enemy just as you did with makiwaras.

Video on the topic


  • how to putt correctly in 2018

Since childhood, many guys dream of being invincible, mastering techniques and methods of fighting that always ensure victory. Everyone wants to have a strong blow and be very fast in order to avoid the enemy's blow, and instantly deliver his blow. In any fight, victory can be achieved in two ways: the first is to grab the enemy and apply a painful one, and the second is to ensure that the enemy loses consciousness through strong blows.

Some martial arts develop both approaches, but most emphasize the latter. To develop correct and fast strikes, all fighters are trained on bags. They learn how to hit a punching bag, and at the same time this transfers to the concept of how to hit an opponent. Training on punching bags ensures the development of a strong and fast blow, in addition to the endurance of the fighter himself. That is, the role of the pear is quite significant. Let's look at how to hit a punching bag correctly.

But first, let’s get ahead of ourselves, namely, let’s talk about the pear itself. It must be a projectile weighing up to 65-100 kilograms and must have sufficient softness. Fighters must hit the bag with full force without fear of being damaged by its rigidity.

Before training on a pear, you definitely need to stretch your muscles. Warming up and stretching your muscles reduces the risk of injury. That is, you need to thoroughly stretch your hands, the arms themselves, the muscles of the arms, moreover, hitting the pear is not only hitting the pear with your fist, but also working with the whole body. The correct blow comes from the body first. That is, the body makes a movement and then the force of this movement is transferred to the hand and finally through the fist. Therefore, you need to stretch all parts of the body. Hands should always be wrapped in bandages and gloves should be worn. When hit, the wrist may be the first to be injured, so it is worth wrapping it with bandages.

Hitting technique

Next, you begin to practice the strike itself. There are various techniques for striking. You need to practice your shots one set at a time. One approach should be equal to 30 seconds to a minute. More is possible. But you definitely need to take breaks. Taking breaks also when learning an incorrect technique can make the mistake clear. Within one approach, choose one type of strike and repeat it as many times as possible during the approach.

Many types of strikes can be described, but we will focus on developing the right strike. All other blows can be seen on the Internet by watching a video on how to hit a punching bag. There will be a story about body positioning and the sequence of striking.

So, punch with the right hand. With any blow, remember that the maximum effect of a punch is achieved as follows:

  • The fist should be in line with the hand, and the blow should fall on the part of the fist where the index and middle fingers are located. It is this part of the fist that should be on the same straight line as the hand. When you start to twist your fist sideways at the moment of impact, you can injure yourself.
  • So, the forehand, provided that you are right-handed, begins with the movement of the body itself. Once in your fighting position, the support of the body is transferred to the left leg. And you move your body along with your right leg. Immediately after this movement comes the movement of the hand, which carries the force of the body movement. And strike the punching bag with your fist in the fist position described above.

When striking with your left hand, the fist position should be the same. A very important point is not to overload your muscles, because when they get tired, you hit with all your strength and any hitting technique is put on the back burner.

Another important point when practicing your striking technique is that the point of your impact should be a point on the pear that is at the height of your height. In order to avoid injury, there is no need to rush when striking. It is better to strike slowly at first, having developed the correct technique, and then increase speed.

When learning the rules of how to hit a punching bag, another important point is the presence of a partner who will point out your mistakes.