Bodyflex - an effective weight loss system or quackery? What is bodyflex Breathing exercises for weight loss bodyflex

The modern world is a world of fatigue, poor nutrition, obesity and all kinds of diseases that the rhythm of eternal busyness entails. Not every person can afford a complete, healthy diet, and even combine it with constant physical activity. In this case, there is an excellent solution to the problem - bodyflex. If you study this simple gymnastics in detail, you can easily perform bodyflex at home, spending only 15 - 20 minutes a day.

When a middle-aged person begins to gradually get better, without even changing his diet, the question arises: “What exactly is the matter?” Maybe in the thyroid gland? Everything is much simpler - the body slowly ages with age, and metabolism slows down more and more, and to speed up metabolism, aerobic training is usually recommended.

Here's a correction - for some reason it is generally accepted that this is exercise associated with active or passive movements. But in fact, “aerobic” means breathing, and “aerobic” is the saturation of the body’s muscles with oxygen using deep breathing. After all, only oxygen burns fat. But simply losing fat does not guarantee a beautiful figure, rather the opposite, since the volumes “deflate” and simply begin to sag, sagging appears and cellulite increases.

The skin on the body, unlike the face, is elastic, so the skin and muscles can be strengthened, tightened and dried by doing stretching and isometric, that is, with maximum effort, a set of exercises. And if you combine this gymnastic complex with breathing, the result is the most effective set of exercises for beautiful weight loss and vigorous healthy well-being - bodyflex.

Why do you feel hungry after a regular fitness workout? Because if deep enough breathing is not developed, the body does not use fat to burn and release the energy needed for the load. It simply takes glucose and turns it into energy. Post-workout appetite is due to the body's attempt to restore blood glucose levels. A person, as a rule, cannot cope with his appetite, as a result, fat does not disappear, but muscle mass increases, which does not lead to weight loss at all.

The remarkable thing about bodyflex is that thanks to aerobic respiration, the body completely saturates all cells with oxygen, managing to melt fat into such a volume of energy that it is enough not only for the gymnastics itself, but also for the whole day. At the same time, during the day there is no appetite - that feeling when between main meals you constantly want to snack on something.

Few people know that there is also fat in the stomach, between the internal organs. It is necessary for old people with worn-out, non-elastic tissues to keep all these organs in their places and protect the insides from rupture. But a young body does not need it. This fat is not removed by pumping up the press - only by breathing exercises.

Also, this complex highlights muscle relief, dries the body, and develops flexibility. In addition, it strengthens the cardiovascular system, stimulates the intestines and speeds up metabolism. And enough has been said about the benefits of oxygen for the human body in medicine. This is why new oxygen cocktails, therapies, and cosmetics are being created. Oxygen purifies the blood, and therefore is used in the treatment of AIDS, cancer, arthritis, migraines, vascular distance, anxiety and depression.

Bodyflex technique

Since gymnastics is based on breathing, you first need to understand how to breathe correctly when performing exercises. You need to breathe with the diaphragm, that is, with the stomach. A person is born with proper breathing - note that all babies breathe from the belly. The baby needs this in order to digest the volume of milk that he absorbs. In the ratio of the amount of food per body weight, a child consumes a volume of milk per day that is equivalent to a bucket of food for an adult.

To learn how to breathe with your stomach, you need to practice. Lie on your back and place a book on your stomach. As you breathe, it should rise and fall. If the book does not move, it means you are breathing with your chest, even if it seems to you that you are breathing with your stomach. Gradually, you will feel your abdominal muscles so well that the book will no longer be needed. Breathing consists of three stages - exhale, inhale, exhale. Exhale through your mouth, inhale through your nose.

First stage of breathing

Imagine a balloon deflating. You need to exhale, or rather, drain all the air from your lungs - form your lips into a tube and slowly exhale until the last molecule. When you feel that you have blown out all the air, pull your abdominal muscles towards your internal organs or stick your stomach to your spine, if that makes sense. Purse your lips.

Second phase

Imagine that you dived underwater and swam there until you ran out of air. You surface and inhale loudly. Inhale sharply and quickly with your stomach as much air as possible. At the same time, your stomach should be rounded like a ball, and hold your breath for a second.

Third stage

Opening your mouth, exhale forcefully and push out all the air with your stomach, tensing your abdominal muscles and diaphragm, and again pull your abdominal muscles towards your internal organs. You did it right if you made the sound “pa” or “pah” when you exhaled. Having squeezed out all the air, hold your breath and count mentally: “One thousand one, one thousand two...” to one thousand nine.

It is recommended to do bodyflex exercises in the morning and on an empty stomach. While breathing, you may cough; this is normal; the lungs are clearing themselves, especially if you smoke. You may feel dizzy, since the body is not accustomed to such saturation, or rather oversaturation at the moment, with oxygen. If you feel dizzy, sit down and sit until it goes away.

You may even feel a little nauseous - this is because during breathing there is an internal massage of the organs. That is, when you squeeze your diaphragm while exhaling, you also squeeze your stomach. Touching the diaphragm against the stomach wall may cause mild nausea. By the way, by squeezing your stomach, you gradually reduce it each time. He literally shrinks in size.

Bodyflex works the muscles of the body from the face to the feet, which is important, because it is usually overlooked that there are also muscles on the face and neck that need to be tightened. Otherwise, losing weight, they will simply sag. The order of the gymnastics is as follows: starting position – place your legs bent at the knees shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your knees, but do not lean on them. Your thighs should be as parallel to the floor as possible, imagine that you are sitting on an invisible chair. In this position, take a breath: exhale, inhale, exhale, then hold your breath for 8 - 9 seconds (mentally counting one thousand one, one thousand two...).

The exercise is done during this delay. Each exercise is performed three times along with breathing. At first you are unlikely to be able to hold your breath for all nine seconds, hold it as long as you can. Don’t be upset, your lungs will gradually develop and you will do everything as it should.

First exercise "Lion"

This exercise is designed to tighten the cheeks and bags under the eyes. Initial pose, breathing, hold, and while holding, stick out your tongue, trying to reach your chin. At the same time, the upper lip reaches towards the tongue, and the eyes look up at the ceiling. Don't forget to do it three times.

Second exercise

Removes double chin and circular wrinkles on the neck, which show age. Starting position, breathe, hold, and while holding, rise and stretch upward, stretching your neck and kissing the ceiling. In this case, the lips are curled into a tube, and the shoulder blades are connected.

Third exercise

Aimed at lateral stretching. Starting position, breathe, and while holding, stretching your left arm above your head, bend over and stretch to your right side. Do it three times and repeat the exercises on the other side - with your right arm extended, bend to your left side. At the same time, you should feel the lateral muscle stretching.

Fourth exercise

Makes legs slender. Lower yourself to the floor in a knee-elbow position, stretch one leg back on your toes - this is the starting position. Inhale and exhale in this position, and while holding, raise the leg laid back up, higher. Do this exercise three times before switching legs. Do the same for the other leg.

Fifth exercise "Seiko"

This exercise also strengthens your legs. Rise from your elbows to your palms, one leg on your knee, straighten the other to the side on your toes - this is the starting position. Breathe in this position, and while holding, raise the leg taken to the side up. After three times, change legs. In these exercises, keep your legs as straight as possible, do not bend your knees, and do not pull your toes.

Sixth exercise “Diamond”

Will give a beautiful relief to the hands. Starting position: stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, arms in front of you in a circle, as if grasping a large ball. Breathe, and hold a resistance exercise - press with both hands, clasped with your fingertips. Repeat three times.

Seventh exercise “Boat”

Tightens the inner thighs. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs wide. Your back is straight, rest your palms on the floor - this is the starting position. Breathe, and while holding, pull your socks towards you and bend your straight torso forward. You will feel a stretch in the inner thigh muscles. Don't forget to count to one thousand nine and repeat the exercise three times.

Eighth exercise “Pretzel”

Shapes the waist as it stretches the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting on the floor, cross your legs bent at the knees - this is the starting position. Breathe, and while holding, turn your torso back and look at the back wall. You should turn in the direction from which the thigh is higher, that is, the leg is thrown over the other leg, and not under it. Do it three times and switch legs.

Ninth exercise

Trains the back of the thigh and also stretches the tendons and calf muscles. Lying on your back, raise your legs together up - this is the starting position. Breathe, and while holding, step by step - squeeze your buttocks, straighten your knees, pull your toes towards you and, clasping your calves with your hands or a little lower, pull your legs as close as possible to you. The buttocks cannot be lifted off the floor. This is a very difficult exercise, it's okay if you don't count to one thousand and nine, pull your legs as much as you can.

Tenth exercise

Strengthens the upper abdominals. Lying on your back, bend your knees, straighten your arms and raise them up - starting position. Breathe, while holding, lift, straining your abdominal muscles, shoulders and chest as high as possible, pull your arms towards the ceiling, throw your head back. Count to one thousand nine and return to the starting position. You should rise by tensing only your abdominal muscles, keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed

Eleventh exercise “Scissors”

Forms the lower abdominal press. Starting position - lying on your back on the floor, stretch your legs and bring them together, place your palms under your buttocks. Breathe, while holding, raise your legs 10 cm, and swing apart - crosswise. After counting to one thousand nine, return to the starting position.

Twelfth exercise

Relieves the stomach and improves intestinal perilstatics. Get down on four points - knees and palms. Breathe, and while holding, pull in your stomach as much as possible and hold it like that for all nine seconds. Don't forget to repeat 3 times.


If you exercise at full strength and do everything correctly, you will sweat. Usually, after a week of training, the dizziness and cough disappear. It is recommended to do the exercises every day. Gradually, your breathing will become so trained that you will be able to hold it until one thousand fifteen.

Bodyflex is the only gymnastics that produces the greatest results with the least effort. The workout takes only 15 – 18 minutes a day. Even the busiest woman can find 15 minutes in her schedule. Stretching and strengthening exercises without putting stress on the spine are suitable for absolutely everyone. The result is noticeable after the first seven days of classes. Work on your body and see how your life changes for the better.

To keep ourselves in great shape and always be at our best, we are ready to go on painful diets, do grueling physical exercises, take various drugs for weight loss, risking our health. All this either gets boring over time, or the effect does not last long. There is a more affordable way to avoid these problems and build an ideal figure, and its name is Bodyflex.

What is Bodyflex fitness practice?

First of all, you need to find out what Bodyflex is. This is a modern technique aimed at maintaining the body and the organism as a whole in excellent condition.

All problems arise due to improper breathing. As a rule, shallow, chest breathing, which almost every person uses, provokes a lack of oxygen, slows down metabolism, provokes fatigue and strains the abdominal and back muscles.

Bodyflex is the best way to enrich the body with oxygen. Besides, its effect is observed 5 times faster than from running.

  • If you jog for an hour, you burn 700 kcal.
  • If you prefer regular aerobics, then it takes 250 kcal.
  • When you start doing Bodyflex exercises, you burn 3500 calories at a time.

In addition, aerobic breathing triggers lymph flow and provokes a massage of internal organs. In general, the program improves metabolism, and as a result, you are guaranteed excellent health.

About the program

The author of the Bodyflex technique is American Greer Childers. In her opinion, if you practice the Bodyflex program daily for 15 minutes, your waist size will decrease by 10-35 cm. If you use this technique, then long diets and grueling physical exercises are completely unnecessary.

You only need to spend 15 minutes a day and you will always be in shape. In 90 days you can change clothing size 52 to 42! And this is all real.

How are classes conducted?

In total, the Bodyflex technique includes twelve exercises. Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to exercise at home without a trainer? The program author’s answer is that it is possible, the main thing is to follow the instructions. The exercises of this weight loss program are intended for people who may not be physically fit; in fact, the main audience of the author of the system is housewives. You can practice Bodyflex both at home and in the workplace, in sports facilities.

The lesson begins with mastering the Bodyflex technique:

  • We exhale forcefully through the mouth, freeing the lungs from air;
  • We inhale quickly and strongly through the nose, inflating the stomach. This helps spread the lower ribs and increases the flow of oxygen into the lungs;
  • Exhale sharply through the mouth, free the lungs and pull the stomach inward;
  • After exhaling, hold your breath, pull in your stomach for 10 seconds and release the air;
  • Relax and take a breath;

The main aspect of effective Bodyflex exercises is gradualism. Remember to listen to your body, and under no circumstances should you rush.

  • Leo - face, area around the mouth and under the eyes, neck
  • Terrible grimace - neck, chin area
  • Side stretch - waist and sides
  • Pulling the leg back - buttocks, back of the thigh
  • Seiko – treatment area, buttocks
  • Diamond – inner side of hands
  • Lifeboat - inner thighs
  • Pretzel – waist, lower back, outer thigh
  • Hamstring stretch – under the knees, back of the thighs
  • Abdominals - abdominal muscles
  • Scissors – abdominal muscles, emphasis on the lower part
  • Cat – core muscles, spine

What is the Bodyflex fitness practice aimed at?

The main goal of the Bodyflex fitness practice is not weight loss as such, but to tighten muscles throughout the entire figure and ensure excellent well-being. Breathing exercises can be done by people of any age. This practice is used for the following diseases:

  • For arthritis
  • Any injuries
  • Asthma
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Organ prolapse
  • Constipation

There are many external factors, such as medications, that can also affect the outcome of the program. If you use medications to treat, for example, the thyroid gland or take birth control pills, they will slow down a little, but will not completely remove the effect of exercising in the Bodyflex program. The thing is that they contain ingredients that can suspend metabolism. And the Bodyflex program is aimed at speeding it up, so they contradict and interfere with each other a little. But if you practice regularly, you will certainly be pleased with excellent results in the near future.

Now we understand that any isotonic and isometric pose actively promotes tension and stretching of muscles, and a huge amount of oxygen, with the help of breathing, reaches tense places and quickly breaks down fat.

What are the advantages of Bodyflex fitness programs?

  • Acceleration of metabolism
  • Decreased appetite by 2 times
  • Reduce facial swelling
  • Improved skin color
  • Double chin lift
  • Normalization of intestinal function
  • Lymph cleansing
  • Influx of energy throughout the day after exercise
  • Getting rid of shortness of breath

You will be able to notice other positive effects during the actual training process.

What results can you achieve after a month of training?

In a month, you and those around you will notice that your weight and volume have dropped noticeably, and you look much younger and slimmer.

There is no need to weigh yourself every day; it is better to measure your volume with a measuring tape.

An equally important question is, is any level of physical fitness required for the Bodyflex fitness practice?

There is no physical fitness level required for this practice. If you are overweight and have poor physical fitness, you can lose weight very quickly by doing 15-minute exercises at home every day. If you exercise periodically, the results will simply be noticeable after some time.

Breathing exercises are useful for young mothers, but are contraindicated for pregnant women.

This program is ideal for women who plan to regain their figure after childbirth, as well as busy ladies and simply those who want to make themselves ideal. This practice is aimed at burning fat in problem areas and tightening sagging skin. You can’t be fanatical about exercise. After all, during exercise you will have to hold your breath, and high intensity exercise can have a detrimental effect on your health. Therefore, the recommended number of workouts per week can reach up to 5-7 days a week, that is, daily, and the Bodyflex fitness practice training time is 1-2 times a day, for 15-20 minutes, but no more.

For exercise, 15 minutes a day is quite a bit, you can get used to it quickly. In addition, the exercises are very simple and unobtrusive, and most importantly, proper breathing is the key to positive results. But it is important to remember that if you do not practice daily, your effectiveness will decrease and then you will have to start all over again.

There are also medical contraindications for the Bodyflex fitness practice:

  • Hypertension
  • Arrhythmia
  • Myopia
  • Hernia
  • Pregnancy at any stage
  • Heart failure
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Postoperative periods

Facts for skeptics

By studying various relevant literature, you can find out that fat directly destroys oxygen. And for the process to start, you don’t need to run, jump, or play outdoor games. You can increase the flow of oxygen into the body in a simple way, without exposing your body to painful physical exertion.

“Bodyflex” takes only 15 minutes of your time and gives back a unique effect that is noticeable after 7 days. Very often, people who have already become acquainted with this program are faced with mistrust, condemnation and resistance from newcomers. But you just have to look at the results that Bodyflex classes give, at that very moment the questions disappear, and there is a desire to learn about this technique and try it on yourself.

In addition, fitness tours with Bodyflex practice are relevant today. As a rule, such programs go side by side with fitness tours and tours, usually lasting 14 days and aimed at improving health and losing weight. Therefore, if your choice fell on the Bodyflex tour, do not doubt that it will meet all your expectations and you will return home rested, fit, full of strength and inspiration.

The most problematic area for women is the stomach. Despite diets and hard training, not everyone manages to get fit. In order to make their body truly ideal, many women practice breathing exercises. Bodyflex - what is it? This is exactly what the article will discuss.

What is bodyflex?

Bodyflex is a simple and effective method of healing the body, in the form of measured breathing that fills the lungs and muscles, thereby starting the active process of burning adipose tissue.

What is bodyflex? This is a specific therapy that helps fill the muscles with oxygen naturally. Breathing exercises are combined with effective exercises that help stretch muscles and keep them toned.

To feel the results, just 15 minutes of training a day is enough. Doing bodyflex is very pleasant, because there is no need to perform heavy, sudden movements and lift weights. You can master the technique at home. This way you can save your time and money.

How it works?

Many people are familiar with this situation: a person eats little, moves a lot, but still cannot lose weight. Sometimes the weight loss process is suspended, and the weight arrow cannot budge. Most likely, the problem lies in impaired metabolism. As a result, it is observed:

  • swelling;
  • sagging skin;
  • accumulation of fat under the skin;
  • cellulite formation;
  • overweight.

Often such a malfunction in the body occurs due to oxygen starvation. With the help of bodyflex, muscles are quickly filled with oxygen. The technique helps:

  • fight extra pounds;
  • restore metabolism;
  • strengthen the body, tone it;
  • fight weakness and drowsiness.

During training, breathing is held for about 10 seconds. Thanks to this, the blood is quickly saturated with carbon dioxide. The arteries begin to expand, and the body is actively filled with oxygen.

System advantages

The main goal of the technique is to learn to breathe correctly. By changing the type of breathing, a person moves to a completely different stage of supplying the body’s cells with oxygen. As a result, excess fat is burned.

Breathing exercises are performed simultaneously with special exercises:

  • muscles of one group tense;
  • muscles of different groups tense;
  • stretching is performed.

Bodyflex for weight loss has the following advantages:

  • metabolic processes improve;
  • the body learns to absorb large amounts of oxygen;
  • muscles are toned and become more elastic;
  • the fat layer is noticeably reduced;
  • cellulite disappears;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines improves;
  • weight decreases;
  • body contours are improved.

Important! It is difficult for overweight people to play sports. You have to do heavy strength exercises, run and jump. Most people struggle with such activities. Bodyflex helps you get your figure in order without forcing yourself.

Breathing exercise set

The basis of bodyflex is diaphragmatic breathing. You won’t be able to learn to breathe correctly in just a few workouts. This type of breathing will become normal after about a month of daily exercise. The main task is to remove carbon dioxide and saturate the body with oxygen.

To achieve results, you need to start with several attempts and act strictly according to this method. Otherwise, you may experience:

  1. dizziness;
  2. tingling in the limbs;
  3. darkening of the eyes.

Sometimes a person may feel like they are short of breath. Such a state is a transitional period. The body simply gets used to receiving large amounts of oxygen. The most important thing to remember is to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Stages of breathing exercises

Each stage of breathing exercises must be approached with great responsibility; this is the only way to master the bodyflex technique. You need to start doing the exercises like this:

  • lips slightly rounded;
  • move forward as if blowing a whistle;
  • slowly and smoothly exhale air through the mouth;
  • After you have exhaled completely, your lips should be closed.

In the second phase, you need to forget about your mouth and start breathing through your nose. The exercise is performed as follows:

  • the head is raised;
  • you need to inhale sharply through your nose;
  • try to fill your lungs to capacity;
  • if you feel a slight noise effect, it means that all actions are being performed correctly;
  • it is necessary to retain as much air as possible.

If the noisy effect does not occur, it means that the exercise is being performed incorrectly and should be repeated until the desired result is achieved. At the next stage, it is important to get rid of the air that has filled the lungs. Proceed as follows:

  • the abdominal muscles tense, at this moment the mouth is wide open;
  • it is necessary to squeeze the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen at the same time, thanks to which the lungs can easily push out all the air;
  • all this will be accompanied by a characteristic bang or noise;
  • attention should concentrate more on the diaphragm, because it is much more developed than the abdominal muscles.

The final stage

This stage is the most difficult. Now you need to hold the air for 8 beats. The exercise is done like this:

  • you need to close your lips and not open your mouth until the final phase is over;
  • imagine as if you don’t have a mouth or nose at all;
  • focus on the stomach and slightly move the head towards the chest area;
  • the stomach is pulled up and slowly counted to eight;
  • You need to imagine that the internal organs are hiding behind the ribs;
  • the stomach should resemble a large depression.

In the early stages, not everyone manages to count to eight. Most stop at the count of 3-4. But you need to be more persistent and repeat the exercise daily. After successfully completing the exercise, we can consider that this preparatory lesson has been completed, and you can safely move on to the gymnastics itself.

Set of exercises

All exercises for losing weight are performed with holding your breath and retracting your stomach. It is thanks to this that high efficiency of gymnastics is achieved. First, try to learn how to perform the movements correctly, without inhaling. As soon as the exercise is performed automatically, you should move on to full load.

To strengthen the muscles of the neck and face, perform the “Lion” exercise. Side stretches help strengthen your hips and waist. To strengthen the buttocks, perform leg extensions. A large role in breathing exercises is given to stretching and twisting, which helps to quickly tone the muscles. For effective results you need to follow the following rules:

  • perform exercises daily, at least 15 minutes;
  • choose the right exercises that will use all the muscles of the body;
  • bodyflex should become an integral part of a person’s life, only in this case can one always remain slim.

After just a couple of months, you can notice the following results:

  • the waist will decrease by several centimeters;
  • weight will decrease;
  • cellulite will become less noticeable;
  • muscles will become stronger;
  • the person will become more energetic and cheerful.

Mastering this system is not difficult, the most important thing is to be patient. The most difficult exercises are the first ones, when a person is just developing the correct breathing technique. Thanks to simple, non-exhausting exercises, you can significantly lose weight, tighten your body contours and improve your overall well-being.

Regardless of age, marital status and all sorts of life difficulties, every woman strives to look good. Sometimes, in order to achieve the desired result, we are ready to exhaust ourselves with physical activity, go on various diets, but there is always a hidden thought: how can we get the desired shape without having to do anything?

And here bodyflex comes to the rescue

Let's figure out what this miracle method is. A special set of exercises is based on aerobic breathing and is aimed at stretching the necessary muscle groups. Fat burning occurs due to the enrichment of blood with oxygen. Proper deep breathing and tension of a certain muscle group will allow you to burn fat in the right places (waist, buttocks, thighs).

It all happens as follows: you perform special breathing exercises (inhale, exhale, then suck in your stomach and hold your breath, take a stretching pose, count to ten, then inhale and relax as you exhale). As you can see, there is nothing complicated about bodyflex exercises. The main thing here is to master aerobic breathing technique.

The founder of this method, Greer Childers, claims that bodyflex is a universal technique that allows you to maintain the body and the entire organism in excellent condition.

Supporters of the technique

In addition, you get the aerobic effect from bodyflex exercises five times faster than from running. For example, by running for an hour, you burn about 700 kilocalories; by doing aerobics for an hour, you will get rid of 250 kilocalories. And by doing bodyflex exercises for an hour, you will lose about 3,500 kilocalories. And unlike other long-term physical activities, bodyflex exercises do not increase your appetite. In addition, aerobic breathing promotes massage of internal organs and activates lymph flow, which together leads to improved metabolism and general well-being.

As noted earlier, you don’t need exercise machines or special equipment to practice bodyflex; you don’t have to limit yourself in food. The creator of the method promises that by spending 15 minutes a day on exercises, you will lose from 10 to 30 cm in the middle part of your body in the first week.

In addition, all around us we hear rave reviews from women who have tried the technique on themselves. This is all very attractive, isn't it?

but on the other hand

But, as you know, every coin has two sides. So far we have presented the opinions of supporters of bodyflex, let’s listen to the opponents of this method.

For example, Alexey Faleev (master of sports, multiple champion, as well as the author of several books and many articles on weight loss) writes in his articles the following: “What is the basis of the bodyflex method? Hold your breath for ten seconds. This is a method based on breath holdings, and very long ones at that. Not breathing for 10 seconds after exhaling is extremely long! Bodyflex is a breathing practice based entirely on holding your breath and oxygen starvation, which in the long term is extremely dangerous for both the brain and the body. This is dangerous for the brain because a person begins to think worse, becomes inadequate and prone to lies.

This is dangerous for the body because oxygen starvation of tissues can lead to a catastrophic result - the formation of a cancerous tumor.”

This is one of the negative opinions about the bodyflex technique and, it would seem, it can be easily criticized, but let’s do a little research.

The basis of the bodyflex technique is aerobic breathing or, in other words, forced increased ventilation (hyperventilation) of the lungs, i.e. significantly exceeding that necessary for normal metabolism. Divers perform similar breathing exercises before diving into water to increase the duration of voluntary breath holding.

The essence of hyperventilation is not so much the accumulation of oxygen, but rather the removal of large amounts of carbon dioxide from the body. Prolonged hyperventilation can lead to loss of consciousness and involuntary apnea (temporary cessation of breathing due to depletion of carbon dioxide in the blood).

Many researchers argue that during voluntary hyperventilation of the lungs in healthy people, respiratory arrest usually does not occur. But there is no guarantee that you are an absolutely healthy person.

Physiology of apnea

Possible loss of consciousness or apnea during hyperventilation is associated with a rapid decrease in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Even with short-term hyperventilation, the blood vessels of the brain narrow, resulting in a decrease in blood flow by 35%. According to doctors, hyperventilation can pose some danger to humans, so the time it takes is strictly limited (no more than 60 seconds).

Increased ventilation of the lungs, which is carried out for more than 60 seconds, has a negative effect on the body and can provoke muscle cramps. In addition, when used independently, hyperventilation can be dangerous, but can be indispensable for medical purposes (for example, in the treatment of traumatic brain injury).

The use of hyperventilation, even in medicine, requires strict justification, as it can provoke changes in blood flow in the brain. So, before regularly practicing exercises involving holding your breath, you should weigh the pros and cons. And in order to practice breathing and enrich all the cells of the body with oxygen, there is nothing better than jogging through the forest or swimming in the pool.

Conceptual difference between bodyflex and fitness:

Bodyflex - what is it? Various methods and methods of losing weight have already been mentioned many times before. We told you what they are, how effective they are, and what harm they can cause.

But today we will talk about one of the new sports trends, which is actively used by many people around the world for the purpose of losing weight. Not so long ago, an American mother of three children discovered it and, accordingly, became its founder.

She was able to lose a considerable amount of weight and went from clothing size fifty-six to forty-four. Agree that the results are amazing.

Many doctors claim that bodyflex is just physical exercises that help tighten muscles and give a beautiful shape to the waist. To know for sure How effective is bodyflex for weight loss?, let’s try to understand such miracle exercises in general.

Without a doubt, like any sport, bodyflex is aimed at maintaining or bringing the figure back to normal. It helps to tighten a sagging belly and slightly pump up tired muscles. In addition, it perfectly brings the waist into fairly good condition.

And the benefits of bodyflex don’t end there. If we consider the principle of operation of this type of sport, it is a set of exercises that is performed in tandem with special breathing exercises. During this procedure, you must be able to breathe correctly.

This is another benefit of bodyflex - it saturates the human body with oxygen in sufficient quantities. Improves metabolism in the body, blood circulation is also normalized and blood flow improves.

In addition to all this, the muscles are always in good shape, and therefore the figure soon after the start of classes becomes slimmer.

This saturation with oxygen also helps to burn fat faster and the body is enriched with a surge of strength, energy and a considerable degree of vigor.

If you think that this is all the benefit of bodyflex, then you are deeply mistaken.

The list must also be supplemented by the fact that it can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, improve complexion, relieve puffiness, and drive away fatigue and bad mood.

Taking all this into account, bodyflex is like a miracle wand that helps in many ways.

Bodyflex is quite effective in the fight against excess calories. Just half an hour of active exercise will help you get rid of 1800 calories. Not every sport can boast such results, or it is possible only after several hours of grueling training.

In this case, a half-hour period of time spent on physical exercise will not take much energy from you and you will not be exhausted.

Another positive quality of bodyflex is that it is suitable for many people, regardless of their gender and age. Of course, if there are no contraindications from the doctor.

Regarding the reviews of doctors regarding bodyflex exercises, their opinions are somewhat categorical and largely opposite. Experts say that the kind of breathing that needs to be done is diaphragmatic, on the contrary, it only harms health.

During bodyflex exercises, you need to hold it for about ten seconds. According to doctors, this has a very bad effect on brain function, blood pressure worsens and the immune system weakens.

They also claim that the body is not saturated with oxygen, but on the contrary, at that moment it experiences a feeling of oxygen starvation. But many people who do bodyflex say the opposite.

Who should you trust - the opinion of qualified specialists or people who received the desired and positive result from such a thing. You decide.

Bodyflex exercises themselves do not require much effort or expense, both financially, physically and in time.

Fifteen minutes a day is enough for this type of physical exercise.

By their nature, bodyflex exercises are divided into three groups. The first is aimed at working certain muscle groups, the second at working all possible muscles, and the third at their stretching and elasticity.

To begin the exercises themselves, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Breathing should be deep enough and even. It's called aerobic.

You need to do bodyflex exercises by adhering to certain rules.

1. Classes should become regular - and this is the first of them. To achieve the desired and maximum effect, you must systematically perform all the exercises.

If classes are chaotic, then it will not bring any benefit. Regularity is the key to success and good results.

2. According to the second rule, in order to achieve the desired weight loss result, you need to choose exercises that affect all muscle groups. There are several types of bodyflex.

In this case, you need to work with all muscle groups. Because fatty tissues in fat people are distributed throughout the body.

Only when there is a certain result, you can choose classes directly for certain areas of the body with obvious external problems.

In this case, only certain groups of muscle tissue will be involved.

3. The third rule is that you don’t need to exhaust yourself with additional diets. If you do bodyflex correctly and daily, this will be quite enough for weight loss.

Temporary diets will only allow you to lose weight at a specific time, but then it will come back.

Therefore, give your body enough food, and bodyflex exercises will do all the necessary work.

All these rules apply not only when you want to lose enough extra pounds.

Even with regular exercises, for minor correction of the figure, it is worth being systematic, consistent and persistent in your work on the body.

For ladies with beautiful figures who just want to keep them in the same shape, such exercises will also come in handy. After all, in addition to everything, they cleanse the lungs and give elasticity, firmness and natural beauty to the skin.

Bodyflex classes themselves have many options. They can be performed standing, sitting, lying down or in any other position. There are now a sufficient number of examples on the Internet.

But first you need to master the technique of proper breathing.

Correct breathing technique for bodyflex

It consists of five stages.

1) The first is to free the lungs and airways from air as much as possible. To do this you need to exhale strongly.

2) When all the air has come out, you need to close your mouth and inhale the maximum amount of air through your nose with maximum force and speed. You should feel that your lungs are full of oxygen.

3) Third stage: Hold your breath with air inside. At this time, straighten your neck and back as much as possible, and tilt your head back a little. After everything, begin to slowly release air through your mouth.

4) Stage four: when all the air has come out, lower your head down and pull in your stomach. In this position, wait a few seconds (at least ten) and only then inhale again.

5) The final stage is relaxation. Relax your stomach and calmly breathe in oxygen. Even just these breathing exercises will help to slightly tighten your stomach.

It is worth performing all the stages one after another without breaks or even small pauses. It is best to exercise in the morning and on an empty stomach. Then it will be easier to tighten your abdominal muscles and abs.

If you like this method of losing weight or pumping up your abs, like bodyflex, then quickly master breathing exercises and train for pleasure.