DIY wooden compound bow. Some tips on how to make a bow and arrow with your own hands. What does it consist of?

Elizaveta Rumyantseva

Nothing is impossible for diligence and art.


How to make a bow is of interest to many people. Indeed, archery is one of the most exciting sports. You don’t have to practice it professionally to enjoy hitting targets. You can go out into nature with friends and shoot at homemade targets at a short distance. For these purposes, you may well need a homemade bow.

How to make onions at home

First, prepare all the materials necessary to create a bow. You will need the actual piece of wood from which the future base for the bow will be made. For these purposes, ash, white acacia or maple are best suited. To make a bow, you need to use high-quality dried wood, without any knots or other defects. Also prepare a bowstring, which can be made from lavsan or twisted linen thread. Any bow structurally consists of two parts - the handle and the limbs. The handle is the central part of the bow; it is from the protrusion of the handle that the flight of the arrow begins.

Depending on the length of the arms, the length of the bow and arrow also changes. If a person’s arm span is 137-150 cm, the length of the arrow should be 55-60 cm and the length of the bow should be 137-152 cm. For people with an arm span of 150 to 165 cm, you need to select a bow with a length of 152-160 cm and arrows with a length of 60-66 cm. People with an arm span of 167-180 cm usually choose a bow with a length of 160-180 cm, while the arrow length is 66-70 cm.

How to make your own onions

We begin to cut out the body of the future bow. To do this, an arc is cut out of wood, which in the future will become the frame of the bow. Approximately in the middle of the arc, provide a handle for the bow; in the future it will be more convenient for you to use it. You also need to make rounded grooves for the taut bowstring. It is most convenient to cut with a rasp. Then, on the back of the bow, two layers of veneer with an average thickness of 0.5 mm should be glued. Now round the ends and make small grooves for the bowstring.

A little about the bowstring. If the tension force is less than 16 kg, twisted linen threads, which are used in saddlery, can be used to make the bowstring. If the tension force is more than 16 kg, you need to use a thread made of lavsan. Now we proceed directly to attaching the bowstring. To correctly calculate the length of the bowstring, subtract 4-5 centimeters from the length of the bow. The resulting figure will be the length of the bowstring in centimeters. You can more accurately determine the length of the bowstring using practical tests.

To make a bowstring you need to do the following. We take a long block and drive two nails into it at a distance of 150 cm from each other. Now the free end of the thread without a knot should be secured to one nail of the device, and the thread should be wound in a circle. On average, make 5-6 turns for linen thread, and 50 turns for lavsan thread. When winding the thread, make sure that it goes without sagging and is evenly tensioned.

In the future, the resulting bowstring will serve you much longer. Then cut the thread and tie the loose ends, then divide the thread into two strands. At a distance of 8-10 cm, the middle of each formed strand should be wrapped with a dense nylon thread, after which, without removing the bowstring, wrap its ends. This way, you will have two loops with which the string is attached to the bow. Once the loops are completed, make sure that the length of the string matches the length of the bow.

On average, the distance from the handle to the bowstring is 20-21 cm.

After the bowstring is tensioned, you need to check the bow on the stand. To do this, you need to fix it on a vertical surface, and check the tension force and bending of the arms. Gradually increasing the tension of the bowstring, you need to check the reliability of the manufactured bow, while you need to monitor the uniformity and symmetry of the bend of its arms. You especially need to make sure that the ends of the limbs do not bend too much, otherwise the bow may break.

When checking the tension of the bowstring, you need to ensure that the bowstring is installed correctly. If the string deviates from the axis of the bow, this may mean deformation of the bow. You can try to correct the deformity by planing the opposite shoulder to the deformed one. After adjusting the bowstring, you can notice the tension of the bowstring using a dynamometer. The bow draw weight should be 10-12 kg for a beginner archer and 16-17 kg for an adult and experienced athlete.

After all the procedures for tuning the bow, you can finish it. First of all, you need to make it more convenient - for this you need to give the handle the most optimal shape. To do this, you need to attach a guide protrusion to the left side of the handle, the length of which should be 20-30 mm and the width should be 10 mm. The shape of the protrusion is a small inclined semicircle - this way the arrow will not jump off.

After making the bow, you can start making arrows. To make arrows for a bow, dried wood is used - spruce, pine, birch. The arrowhead is made of solid steel. For balance on back For arrows, you need to glue a plate made of plastic or textolite, in which a slot is made corresponding to the diameter of the bowstring. The plate dimensions are width 2 mm, length 7 mm. To optimize flight, you need to attach a stabilizer to the rear tip of the arrow - usually a goose, eagle, swan or turkey feather.

When the arrow is ready, you need to center it. If the arrow's center of gravity is closer to its tail, its flight will be unstable and the arrow will wobble. On the contrary, if the center of gravity is too shifted to the front part, the arrow will, as they say, “nod off.”

You can center the arrow like this. First you need to find the middle point of the arrow, and then at a distance of 1 cm from it towards the tip on the arrow you need to make a mark. This will be the center of gravity. To ensure that the front and rear of the arrow have the same weight, the mass of the arrow can be changed by changing the weight of the arrow tip.

You can see how to make a bow with your own hands at home in this video.

That's all, now you know how to make a bow.

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Since childhood, many of us have dreamed of mastering archery techniques so that, like Chigachgook, Robin Hood and other famous characters, we can accurately hit a target from a long distance. For some, these dreams are still alive to this day.

Nowadays, onions can be bought quite easily in the store. But it’s much more interesting to make it yourself. This way you can take into account all the individual features so that the projectile is as convenient as possible for you.

In addition, such a creation will certainly become a source of pride for you and will increase the rating of your personal achievements. This article contains the clearest and useful instructions and a photo of how to make a bow yourself.

Varieties of bows

First, let's look at what classifications of these weapons exist.

In terms of design, bows are:

  • Solid;
  • Block;
  • Collapsible.

In terms of application, bows are divided into:

  • Hunting;
  • Fishing;
  • Sports.

Based on the material, the following types of bows are distinguished:

  • Wood;
  • Metal;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Combined.

In the vastness of Russia, the simplest and most economical material is wood. Next you will find a master class on how to make a solid shooting bow from ordinary wood at home.

Design Features

Regardless of the material, type and purpose, the following parts are distinguished in any bow:

  • The handle is the central part from which the flight of the arrow begins;
  • Limbs are the curved ends of the bow onto which the string is attached.

The optimal length of a bow and arrow depends on the height of the shooter. To calculate the ideal proportions of your future bow, measure the span of your arms and use the table that can be found on the Internet.

Preliminary preparation

The process of making a bow takes quite a long time. What can you make onions from at home? Which tree is better to choose? What tools will you need? By following all the recommendations, you can build a bow that will last you more than one season.

The base branch for the future onion is cut down in winter at a good sub-zero temperature. This is necessary to keep the tree sap inside the trunk.

The length of the future base is on average about 2 meters (the length of the bow that suits your height plus 30 centimeters), the diameter is about 4-5 cm. Choose straight branches with a minimum number of knots and growths. Deciduous trees are suitable for our purpose, and in particular: acacia, apple, ash, oak, hazel or juniper.

The cut areas must be coated with paint or a special oil impregnation.

We hang the branches in a vertical position and leave them to dry until the weather warms up (recommended drying time is 3-5 months at room temperature)

Manufacturing process

There are a few simple tricks that will tell you how to make a quality bow and arrow. When our base is completely dried and ready for further processing, we determine the natural bend of the tree.

To do this, we press the branch to the floor, and it automatically turns with its curved side down. When subsequently shaping this base, take into account the natural curves of the wood to avoid breaks and cracks.

Step-by-step instructions for making a bow:

As soon as our branches have dried, we begin to form the bends.

Bend Formation

Steaming. Using wooden blocks, fix the arms of the future bow in the desired position and spray them with a generous portion of water steam.

ATTENTION! Both arms must be sent at the same time, otherwise you will not avoid bending the structure. Without removing the bars, leave the base in this position for another week until the wood is completely dry.

Thread tension. Prepare a special board with cuts and place it in the center of the future bow, perpendicular to the base. Connect the ends of the bow with a strong thread and thread this thread into one of the cuts on the board.

Slowly unroll the board, gradually bending the base of the bow. Be extremely careful not to crack the wood. In this position, leave the structure to “get used to” for 5-7 days.

Using a sharp knife or hatchet, we clear the dried base of bark and trim off the excess wood with a plane. The bow should be about 3 cm thick. In the central part, mark the handle and make a recess for the arrow.

Adjust the length of your bow. At the ends of the arms, stepping back about 3 centimeters from the edges, we make indentations for the bowstring about 3-5 mm deep.

Sand the resulting onion mold using sandpaper and coat it with wax or varnish. Leave to dry.

Making a bow string

The first requirement for a bowstring is strength. Therefore, it is very important to choose high-quality, strong material.

Base options:

  • Nylon or Kevlar;
  • Nylon;
  • Fishing line;
  • Leg-split.

The length of the string should be made less than the distance between the arms of the bow so that it remains in a taut position at all times. To measure its exact size, bend the bow until the discrepancy between the indentations in the shoulders and the center of the bow reaches 15-17 cm. This is the optimal distance between the handle and the bowstring.

In this position, measure the distance between the gaps on the arms and get the length of your future bowstring. For further work you will need a board measuring 200 by 10 cm and 2 large thick nails.

Step-by-step production of a bowstring:

Hammer the nails into the board, leaving a distance of about 150 cm between them. Unwind more of the base you have chosen and secure it to one of the nails without tying a knot (you can wrap it many times).

Make several turns of thread from one nail to another, maintaining tension. The number of turns depends on the chosen material (2-3 turns are enough for nylon thread, five for linen thread, and at least fifty for lavsan thread). Tie the ends of the threads together.

We make a protective winding on the ears of the bowstring (those places where it will be attached to the bow). About 10 cm from the nail, we divide the turns into two strands and insert a spacer between them.

We tie a knot on one of the strands and begin a tight, careful winding with nylon thread. We try to make the turns as tightly and close to each other as possible. The duration of such a wrapped area is 15 cm.

Using a similar method, we wrap the middle of the bowstring - the place where you will hold on with your fingers. It is also recommended to make a saddle - a seal for the bowstring on both sides of the place where the arrow will rest. This will save you from having to adjust a moving arrow while aiming.

Putting on and checking the bowstring

Now we need to check the tension of our bowstring. Secure the bow to any vertical surface, place one eye over your shoulder, bend the bow slightly and pull the other eye.

After this, we begin to slowly pull back the string, observing the behavior of the bow. Make sure that the arms bend evenly, both relative to each other and relative to the entire body of the bow.

Making arrows

Arrows are made from spruce, birch or pine wooden blanks.

We take well-dried solid boards (we determine the length of the future arrow using the table at the beginning of the article). Using tools, we cut them into bars and give them a round shape at the end. The diameter of the arrow should be about 6-8 mm.

We attach a triangular steel tip to the arrow. In the back of the arrow we make a cutout corresponding to the diameter of the bowstring. We sand its inside and reinforce the starting point of the cut with thread to avoid delamination of the arrow.

The constant attribute of any arrow is the feather at the end. It plays the role of a stabilizer during flight. Crow or goose feathers are suitable for this purpose.

Now you have all the instructions on how to do it good bow. But it is very important not only to make it correctly, but also to maintain your creation in the right conditions so that it for a long time retained its original shape and excellent characteristics.

Here are some valuable tips for storing onions at home:

  • Keep the bow upright
  • Remove the string after each use. Don't keep it tight.
  • Each time before use, make several smooth bends of the structure. This procedure will help “warm up” and help avoid breaks.
  • Do not keep onions in the sun for a long time. It should be stored in a dry, dark place.

That's all! You can get down to business.

Photo of a homemade bow

We will tell you how to make a bow and arrows at home, from scrap materials. The article not only tells you how to choose the right rod for a bow or arrow, but also shows it in pictures. We'll give a lot useful tips, if followed, you will get a real bow and arrows. If you find yourself in the forest and urgently need to make some kind of fishing device, then again we advise you to read our material, it will be extremely useful.

Making a bow

A long time ago, the bow was the main weapon of people. for hunting and fighting, modern bows no doubt superior to their predecessors, but if you have to hunt for food, then the bow can be very useful.

1. It is necessary to choose a large rod for our bow. Don't forget to take into account when choosing:

  • The stick must be strong and dry, there should be no cracks on it. It is worth choosing from hardwoods such as yew, oak, acacia, and lemon tree. The optimal length is 1.8 meters.
  • The rod we chose should be very flexible, for example juniper. You can even use young bamboo (it is flexible and durable), the main thing is not very thick.
  • You should choose already dry twigs; they will give much more strength than green ones.

2. We make grooves to install the bowstring. Using a knife, we make notches on each side of our rod. The distance at which they need to be done is approximately 3-5 cm from the end of the bow. They should look like a crescent and be located on the outside of the bow. Make the notches in such a way that they are not very deep (so as not to make the bow very thin in these places) but also not very small so that the string does not fly off.

3. Being in nature, you will have to try very hard to find a suitable material for the bowstring, you can use:

  • Fishing line.
  • Leg-split.
  • Skin flaps.
  • Laces.

4.Install the bowstring. Make secure knots on the bow string on both sides. Don't forget that the string is shorter than the bow, so that both the bow and the string are taut.

5.Check that the bow bends evenly. Be sure to check the bow's flex evenly as you adjust it properly.

Making arrows

1.For arrows we need to find suitable branches. You need dry, straight and even branches. Remember, the arrow size (length) should not exceed half the length of the bow. Let's look at the types of wood that can be used for arrows:

  • If you only find green branches (this is not the worst thing), they need to be given time to dry a little. Otherwise, the juice contained in them may catch fire while drying over a fire.
  • The best option for arrows is goldenrod, which can be found in the field. It has even, straight and strong branches.

2. Shape the arrows. We clean the branches until they are completely smooth. To straighten a branch, you can dry it over coals, then hold it straight until it dries. At one end of the arrow we make a cutout for the bowstring.

3.Make a sharp tip. In the forest it is difficult to find material for making a full-fledged arrowhead, so the most affordable option- this is simply to sharpen the end of the arrow with a knife, and then, to give it hardness, burn it on coals (the main thing is not to burn the arrow).

4. If possible, make full-fledged arrowheads. With some effort, you can make tips from, for example, stone, or glass, or from a tin can. We split the tip of the arrow a little and insert our tip there (for example, made of glass), you can secure it with a rope.

5.If possible. Feathering is necessary to give stability to the flight of the arrow, but you can do without it.

  • You can fish with a bow, make allowances for the refraction of the rays, so shoot a little lower than the fish.
  • When fishing with a bow, tie a rope to the arrow to avoid losing it.
  • The fletching of an arrow in a difficult situation (you are in the forest) is not at all necessary.
  • You should only check the tension of the bowstring with an arrow, otherwise the bow will very quickly become unusable.
  • Wrap the bow handle in wet leather and let it dry, this will give the bow more speed.
  • Test your bow for strength, bend it with your own hands, if it cracks and is about to break, it means it is not strong enough.
  • Make a cutout on the bow to make it easier to place the arrow.
  • To increase the power of the bow, you can make 2 completely identical bows and tie them to each other, the string should only be on the 1st.
  • The size of the bowstring should preferably be about 1.5 m.
  • Holes can be made in the arrows to make them lighter.
  • This bow will not last forever, but you can easily make a replacement for it.

Our warnings

  1. You need to know how to use a bow, and doing it quickly for hunting is very difficult.
  2. It is better to plan onions only with inside, otherwise it may lose its properties.
  3. It is better to take a bowstring with you on hikes; it is very difficult to make or find it in nature.
  4. The more often you use an onion, the faster it will deteriorate, and it can do this at the most inopportune moment.
  5. Handle the bow with care, it is a weapon after all.
  6. Keep bow and arrows away from children.

For making a bow and arrow with your own hands we will need:

  1. An elastic rod is about 1.8 m long and 12 cm in diameter, the most suitable tree is oak or yew.
  2. Bowstring: sinew, rope or fishing line.
  3. Woodworking tools: knife, file, axe, sandpaper if possible.
  4. Straight branches for arrows. About 80cm long, they can be straightened over coals.
  5. Feathering if possible. Feathers can be taken from a bird.
  6. Tip. You can use plastic arrowheads, or make your own.
  7. Steel wool sponge. It can be used to treat green branches.

Making a bow with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to have a general understanding of how to make it. There are quite a lot of methods, today we will look at three main ones. If you don’t have much time or don’t want to bother for a long time, then we have information for you. Also if you want to make it from skis or spend at least half a year making it. In a word, everyone will choose the right option for themselves.

I would like to tell novice archers that the bowstring should not stretch, but the shoulders should spring back. Therefore, the first step is to select the most suitable material for manufacturing. homemade bow, its wooden part.

If you do everything correctly, the larger your rod, the stronger the tension force will be.

The choice of material for the base should be taken seriously; not every bush or tree branch is suitable for this task.

  • Birch
  • Ash
  • Hazel

The main advantage of these trees over others is that they are elastic, which is extremely necessary for us, because when the bowstring is pulled on the rod, a fairly serious load will be applied.

When choosing, it is very important to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The rod must be free of unevenness and cracks; knots will also only get in the way. Take your time with the choice, look for the highest quality rod possible, this will save you from further problems.
  • Having found a suitable rod, cut it so that its size is 1.5 m
  • Since you will be cutting from a living tree and not from dead wood, the workpiece should be dried before further use. Very important point- this is to dry it to a certain moisture content, and not to dry it to complete dryness. Otherwise, it will lose its properties and become unsuitable for further use.

For example, you didn’t find an excellent, straight stick, and it’s crooked, don’t be upset right away. Take an iron container and place it on the fire (or use a boiling kettle at home).

After the water boils, steam will begin to release abundantly.

By holding your workpiece over steam, you can change its bend in crooked places.

Manufacturing method requires patience

If you want to do everything according to the rules, then this method will take a lot of time. Find or look for a suitable tree with the right branch (or better yet, even with several suitable branches, there will be a spare part).

Next, you should wait until winter, when the air temperature is around 10-15 degrees. The thing is that at this time of year the sap of the tree will stand, and as a result the rod will turn out to be of the highest quality (analogy with winter forest for the construction of wooden houses).

I will warn you if you are preparing the base in winter time, then cut the rod 20-30 cm longer than the expected length of the bow. During drying, the ends of the rod may crack, and if the length is too short, you will not be able to correct this flaw.

Let's move on to drying. After cutting off our workpiece, we perform the following procedures:

  1. We do not remove the bark.
  2. Lubricate the ends of the twig with oil (or some other) paint. This will create favorable conditions for uniform drying of the future onion (moisture will not escape through the ends too quickly).
  3. We hang the not yet finished product in a vertical position.
  4. Depending on the % humidity, we dry the part for 2-5 months.

After this time, we give the rod a more finished look: we remove (remove) part of the material to give it the shape shown below in the picture. The only thing to consider is that the handle should be several times thicker than the arms of the bow.

At this stage, maximum concentration, clarity and uniformity are required from you. Remove excess wood gradually, because both arms should be identical, the same length, diameter and thickness. If one of the arms is thinner, then there is a chance that it will simply break under load.

Next, add the desired bend. Since we will not use special solutions (after all, we have a home version, not a professional one), we proceed to steam treatment in order to give the desired bend. If our part was overdried, then at this moment the workpiece will absorb the missing moisture (not in large quantities).

See the photo below to see what kind of bend should be given.

We take a board and nail the bars to it in the order indicated below in the photo (the nailed bars are indicated in black). This device is called a slipway, we need it in order to place our part in it after steaming and it will begin to acquire the curves of a bow, freeing itself from moisture (drying).

After placing it in the slipway, you should wait 7-10 days for the result to consolidate and take its final form.

After 7-10 days, we take out the curved part and impregnate it with wax so that moisture does not escape anymore.

We make cuts for the bowstring and, if desired, wrap the handle so that the hand does not slip. The homemade bow is ready.

It remains for a new bow and you can go to the shooting range.

Old skis make a great base for a bow

As you already understood, our shoulders will consist of 2 old skis, which we will attach to the handle.

We recommend making the handle from a suitable wooden block, which you grind to your size and preferences. But if there is none, then part of the same ski can be used, which will act as a handle.

This method has several very significant advantages:

  • Same shoulder size
  • Same thickness
  • Same dryness
  • Same shape
  • Same bend

The material of the skis in this case does not play a big or decisive role; both wooden and plastic ones are suitable. It should be borne in mind that in this option you should not make the arms too long, as you will lose tension and, as a result, the power of the bow will decrease. The optimal size is 1.4 m.

Once upon a time, the bow was the main weapon of most peoples of the earth. Onions are the most ancient weapons fighting and hunting on the ground, and although modern weapons are superior in power, a simple bow can be extremely useful for survival in nature if you have to hunt for food. In addition, you can always show it off to your friends. Read on and you will learn how to make a bow and arrow yourself.



    Select a large bow rod. There are a few things to consider when choosing a rod:

    • Find a strong, dry stick with no cracks. Hardwoods such as lemonwood, oak, yew, locust or teak will good choice for the rod. The rod should be about 1.8 m long and should be free of knots, twists and branches.
    • The rod you choose should be flexible, like juniper or mulberry. You can also use bamboo wood or reed; The main thing is that the rod you choose is not too thick. You can use young bamboo, which is both strong and flexible.
    • Green twigs can be used, but should be avoided as they are not as strong as dry twigs.
  1. Find the natural curve of the stick. Each stick has its own curve, even if it is difficult to notice. You'll want to consider the natural curve of the stick when you start making your bow. To find a natural bend, place the stick on the ground and press it with your hand at the top. With your other hand, press the stick into the ground in the middle. Now its natural curve should be facing you.

    Define the edges of the bow and its handle. This is very important in the bow making process. To find where you will hold the bow, make marks on the bow above and below 7.5cm from the center point of the bow. What is in the middle of these marks is where you will hold the bow.

    Shape your bow. Place the bow on your leg and hold it on top with your hand. With your other hand, press down on the bend to determine where your bow is more flexible. Using a knife or similar tool, scrape away any knots or other rough edges from the middle of the bow. The top and bottom of the bow should be almost identical, so plan away any excess wood if necessary. Once the bow is smooth and the top and bottom are mirror images of each other, you can move on to the next steps.

    • A thicker and stronger bow should be exactly where you will hold it.
    • Be careful when handling onions, as too much pressure and even slight damage to the structure can lead to breakage.
  2. Make notches to attach the bowstring. Using a knife, make a notch at each end of the rod. Their distance should be from 2.5 to 5 centimeters from the tip. The notches should resemble a crescent moon and should be outside Luke. The notches should not be too deep so as not to damage the bow, but, on the other hand, deep enough to hold the bowstring.

    Select a string. If you're outdoors, you'll have to search hard and try a variety of materials to find the right bowstring. Suitable materials for the bowstring:

    • rawhide;
    • thin nylon cord;
    • hemp rope;
    • fishing line;
    • strands of cotton or silk from caterpillars;
    • ordinary twine.
  3. Arrows

    1. Find branches for arrows. Arrows should be made from straight, dry branches. The length of the arrow should not exceed half the length of the bow. It is even better that the length of the arrow does not exceed the length of the bend of the bow, since there is no point in arrows that cannot be drawn. Here are some types of wood that can be used as arrows:

      • Green twigs aren't a bad choice for arrows, but you'll want to give them some time to dry as the sap can ignite if you dry them over a fire.
      • Goldenrod is great for making arrows because it has strong, straight branches. It can be easily found in the fields.
    2. Shape the arrows. You will need to scrape the branch until it is smooth. To straighten a branch, you can lightly heat it over the coals and keep it straight while the tree cools. Make notches at one end of the arrow so it can catch on the string.

      Sharpen the tip of the arrow. The simplest tip is the pointed end of an arrow. You can sharpen the arrow with a knife and then lightly burn it over warm coals to stiffen the arrow (again, be careful not to burn the arrow).

      If possible, do arrowheads(this is an optional step). Tips can be made from metal, stone or glass. Use a hammer or stone to slightly split the tip of the arrow and insert the tip there. The tip can also be secured with rope.

    3. Make fletchings for the arrows (optional). Although fletching contributes to the stability of arrow flight, you can do without it. Find the feathers and glue them to the back of the arrow. You can also split the back of the arrow and insert the fletching into the groove, then wrap it tightly with thread (you can use thread from your clothing). If you use this method, you can use anything as fletching.

      • The fin acts like a rudder on a ship or small plane, as it guides the arrow through the air with greater precision.
      • Fletching also improves the arrow's range of use.
      • However, plumage is not that easy to make. If your weapon is intended to be a survival weapon, the fletching is not that important.
    • First try making a bow from a branch. This bow will not be dangerous and is suitable for beginners.
    • Learn to shoot a bow.
    • Always keep the bow away from your face.
    • Use smooth wood whenever possible. Rough wood can scratch your hands and damage your feathers, making it difficult for you to hit your target.
    • If you are checking the tension of the bowstring, do not release it without an arrow, otherwise there is a high chance of damaging the bow over time.
    • If you are going to fish with a bow, try to aim slightly lower than the fish due to the refraction of rays in the water. When fishing, plumage may be unnecessary.
    • If you're bowfishing, tie a string to one end of the arrow so that when you hit a fish, you can pull it out.
    • It is not necessary to fletch the arrows when making them. You can simply cut a few shavings from your arrow and leave them hanging on one side.
    • To start a fire with a bow, you will need to collect dry moss, dry fiber or any other tinder, find a piece of hard wood the size of your palm, and a piece of soft wood (softer than your arrow). Make a cut in a piece of soft wood about 3 centimeters deep and place the tinder over the cut. Make a small hole no larger than 10 centimeters in the solid wood to accommodate the arrow. Wind a pointless arrow into the bowstring and place the back of the arrow in a hole in hard wood. Be careful that the arrow does not jump out of the hole and injure you. Place the end of the arrow into a notch in a soft tree. Begin to draw the bow back and forth in an even motion. The soft wood will begin to heat up and smoke, and at some point, embers should begin to appear. These coals will fall into tinder. If you gently blow on the tinder, you will create a fire!
    • Wrap the bow handle tightly with wet leather and let it dry. This way you will have a stronger bow and your arrows will fly out faster.
    • To test your bow's strength, bend it. If you feel it breaking, it is not strong enough.
    • You can cut the handle 1 cm deep and 2 cm high so that you can keep the arrows level when pulling the bowstring.
    • To increase the power of a bow, you can make two identical bows and tie the front of one to the front of the other, so that when viewed from the side you get the letter "X". They should be tied at the ends, and the string should only be on one bow.
    • It is better if the string is about one and a half meters, so as not to make a mistake with the length you need. The excess string can be cut off.
    • Instead of a notch (to keep the arrows level), you can wrap the handle in deerskin. For a better grip on the bow, glue or tie it.
    • Make holes in the arrows to make them lighter.
    • The onions described in this article will not last forever and are only a temporary solution. Luckily, replacing it is easy.


    • Always wait until everyone has finished shooting before collecting arrows.
    • You should take a bowstring with you when you go camping as it is difficult to make from natural materials.
    • The more you use a bow, the more likely it is to break. Replace onions every 3-5 months.
    • Bow and arrows are dangerous weapons! Be careful when training with him and never aim at someone you don't want to hurt.
    • The bow is not a simple weapon, and it takes a lot of practice to learn how to use it. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to hunt to survive, it's best to make traps.
    • Be extremely careful with knives and axes.
    • Keep bow and arrows away from children.
    • When shaping the bow, chip only on the inside of the bow. If you chip from the outside, it is likely that the bow will break the first time you use it.
    • If the arrows are too short, pulling them can injure your hands.
    • Before shooting, protect the hand that will hold the bow. When you release the bowstring, it hits your hand hard.

    What you will need

    • hard rod: about 1.80 centimeters in length and 12 centimeters in diameter. A good tree is yew or oak.
    • Inelastic bowstring: nylon rope, sinew, fishing line and so on.
    • Woodworking tools: axe, special knife, sandpaper, plane (large and small), file.
    • More or less straight arrow branches. They should be about 80 centimeters. Straighten them using fire. You can make arrows from wood or planks. Cut 1cm square pieces and use special cutters to make almost perfectly round arrows.
    • Feathers for plumage. Use feathers from the bird's tail or wings. If you are using wing feathers, try not to mix left and right wing feathers. The fletching gives a good spin to the arrow.
    • Flint tips: metal 1–2 mm thick. Use a lathe to cut and sharpen the tips. You can use plastic tips.
    • Steel wool for processing green rods.