Business in cities with bicycle wheels. Bicycle sales business: how to open and manage. How to choose premises for a bicycle store

A bicycle selling business can generate a stable income. Bicycles are bought by people who not only love cycling, but for some this sport is a professional activity or way of life, so even the most expensive bicycles find their buyers. There are different types of bicycles: city, mountain, road, sports and others.

When organizing a bicycle store, you should think about opening a workshop at the same time. It requires additional equipment worth at least 50 thousand rubles, premises, the rent of which is 15 thousand rubles, and a mechanic with a salary of 30 thousand rubles. However, the payback period for the workshop is lower, and it will attract additional customers to the store.

The store will require a premises of at least 50 square meters. In addition to bicycles, you can sell spare parts for them, accessories, and equipment. You can also think about renting bicycles. A parking lot and a bicycle path should be created in front of the store for the convenience of customers. The premises can be rented in a residential area, so you will save on rent, and the client will even travel a few extra kilometers to a good store.

The following personnel will be required: at least two salespeople, a cashier, an accountant. Employees who will sell the product must understand the operating features of bicycles, their designs, and components. The purchase of goods should also be left in the hands of a professional; the product must be of high quality, since buyers often understand it no worse than sellers.

The cycling season is February-November, but it is better to purchase goods in the autumn, because by the beginning of the season, large shopping centers buy almost everything from suppliers, and small firms have to be content with the leftovers.

The store should have good advertising. Various leaflets, promotions and advertising on the Internet on thematic forums will tell potential customers about the store. Many cities have cycling clubs whose members organize friendly competitions, and your store can sponsor such competitions and provide prizes for the winners. And if there is no such club in your city, feel free to organize it. Perhaps this kind of advertising will be the most promising.

So, the price of a bicycle is 25-30 thousand rubles, the markup is 25-50%, for related products - 50%. About 500 thousand rubles are needed to purchase goods, rent of premises and equipment - 200 thousand rubles, staff salaries - 60 thousand rubles.

The payback period for a business with good sales is from one to one and a half years.

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Cycling has been and remains a popular and favorite sport and active rest. Bicycles are actively used not only for going out into nature, but also for traveling around the city, avoiding traffic jams and congestion.

As a rule, there are sections with bicycle goods in large sports stores and hypermarkets, but in most cases, inexpensive models for children and teenagers from little-known manufacturers are presented there. Meanwhile, high-quality bicycles from leading manufacturers come in several types (road bikes, hardtails, dual suspension, etc.), have different purposes, and some of them can even be compared in cost to the prices of domestic cars. Despite this, such bicycles are in great demand among cycling enthusiasts who compare riding a branded and cheap bicycle with riding a racing car and "Zaporozhets".

The target audience, although quite narrow, is nevertheless ready and able to pay for a quality product with the possibility of warranty repairs and maintenance. Therefore, if your city still does not have a separate “bike showroom” with a bicycle workshop, you should think about opening one.

To do this, you need to choose a premises for the store.

How to choose premises for a bicycle store

The main condition is that the retail area must be at least 50-60 square meters. m. Bicycles are oversized goods.

In addition, you will need space for display cases with related products, equipment, protective equipment, spare parts and accessories.

You can’t do without warehouse space where goods, packaging, and warranty documentation will be stored. It is quite expensive to rent such an area in the city center in a place with high throughput, so it is better to rent premises in one of the “dormitory” areas.

If your assortment is wide enough and your prices are reasonable, the long distance to the store will not scare off your potential customers. But to make access easier, it is advisable to arrange a bicycle path and parking for bicycles in front of the store, because your customers will need to leave theirs somewhere vehicle while they are shopping.

Cycling store staff

It is better to entrust the purchase of goods to a specialist (or even several). These should be people who are not just interested in bicycles, but are well versed in their types, manufacturers, equipment, accessories, equipment and spare parts. Mistakes due to ignorance of demand can result in large expenses and the accumulation of inventory items. Please note that it is better to purchase goods in the fall, since closer to the beginning of the season, popular models are quickly sold out by retailers and there will be nothing left to choose from. In addition, the turnaround time for your order may take a couple of months, which is also something to keep in mind. The cycling season lasts from February-March to October-November.

In addition to the purchasing manager, your staff will include an accountant, a lawyer (preferably), a cashier and at least two salespeople.

Related sources of income for a bicycle store

At the opening stage, consider whether you will now or in the future open a bicycle workshop at your store. Its rental and equipment will require additional costs: rent - from 15 thousand rubles/month, tools - from 50 thousand rubles, wages for bicycle mechanics (at the rate of one per shift) - from 40 thousand rubles. But compared to the total budget for opening a store, these expenses are not so large, and the payback period is much shorter. In addition, a bicycle service will attract additional customers to your store, and free first bicycle maintenance can be an additional bonus for your customers.

Use everything to promote your store available options- outdoor advertising (especially in the area where the store is located), handouts (flyers, mini-catalogs, etc.), radio advertising and promotions.

Amateur and professional cyclists usually gather in clubs and often organize joint rides and friendly competitions. If there is such a community in your city, take part in its life, act as a sponsor providing prizes to the winners sports competitions and arrange them yourself. If there is no such community, organize and lead it.

As additional sources of income, you can offer bicycle rental or airbrushing services on bicycles.

Cost of opening a store

To purchase the first batch of goods you will need from 500 thousand rubles. and higher. For rent, renovation and arrangement of premises for a store, prepare from 200 thousand rubles. The staff salary will be from 60 thousand rubles/month.

The retail markup on bicycles, as a rule, is no less than 25-50%, from 50% on equipment, on accessories and consumables it can reach 200%.

The average retail price of a “budget” bike is 25-30 thousand rubles. The payback period for such a store is from 1-1.5 years.

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Bicycles exist today different types. You can find many different models in stores. These bicycles, as a rule, differ in purpose and function. Bicycles are very popular look transport. And if you start selling them, you can make a good profit. And if you are interested in such a business idea, then in this article we will tell you how to open a bicycle store.

If you have the desire and starting capital, then in addition to the store you can open a workshop where bicycles will be repaired. And if you plan to open a workshop, then remember that you will need equipment for it. But you will have to purchase equipment and you must prepare at least 50 thousand for this. If the workshop space will be rented, then you should also set aside 15 thousand rubles a month for this business. A mechanic will be in charge of repairing bicycles, which means that you must prepare money to pay for his labor.

A bicycle store as a business, in turn, will not require large investments. Moreover, this business has a quick payback. And in order to attract new customers, offer them pleasant services. For example, after purchasing a bicycle, perform its first service for free.

We are looking for premises

In order for the sale of bicycles as a business to bring good income, you need to organize such a business correctly. Of course, in order to start selling bicycles you will need a premises. Bicycles are considered big things. Therefore, you need to find a spacious room to accommodate them.

Typically, entrepreneurs sell associated parts and accessories along with bicycles. And such items are usually placed in display cases. It follows that it is worth finding a place not only for bicycles, but also for display cases. The premises for a bicycle shop should not be small. And in addition to the salon itself, there should be free space for a warehouse where bicycles and other goods will be stored.

In general, if you decide to start selling bicycles and decide to rent a large premises, then remember that the rent in this case may not be small. And if you do not have a large amount of starting capital, then first rent a room with a small area. The rental amount also depends on the location of the premises. Naturally, a premises located in the center of the area will have a high rent. But a room that is located in some residential area will not differ in this indicator. And in order for the buyer to come to your store, which is located even in the most distant area, you need to make sure that your establishment has favorable prices and a wide range of bicycles.

Also, for the convenience of customers, you should arrange a comfortable parking lot near your store and install a bicycle path.

We select personnel

In order for your bicycle store to always be popular, you need to select competent staff specifically for it. Indeed, your store’s salespeople should be well versed in this area and provide competent advice to your visitors. It is worth saying that recruiting personnel is a responsible task, and if you hire an incompetent specialist, you may face quite large losses.

In addition to a sales assistant in your bike shop, you should accept:

  • experienced lawyer;
  • an experienced cashier;
  • knowledgeable accountant.


It is better to make purchases for a bicycle store in the fall. At this time, you will encounter low prices and a large assortment. If the purchase time is postponed to the summer, then be prepared for the fact that all the bicycles will simply be snapped up by large organizations.

Advertising campaign

Like any other business, a bicycle shop also needs advertising. And you can advertise such a retail outlet with the most different ways. To advertise your business you can print:

  • Flyers;
  • make a banner;
  • run a promotion in your store.

Another good advertisement is participation in the cycling community. If there is one in your city, then you can become an active participant. For example, you can hold special promotions or be a sponsor of such a community.

You can also easily use the Internet to advertise your business. Post advertisements about your store on thematic forums, or in in social networks. And to significantly increase your sales, create your own website, where you will find all the necessary information and high-quality photos.


We talked about all the nuances and main tasks of this business above, now it’s worth talking about specific numbers.

  • So, the price of one bicycle is 30 thousand rubles. It follows that you must spend 500 thousand rubles to purchase one batch.
  • It costs 200 thousand rubles to rent and re-equip the premises.
  • Monthly expenses for employee salaries amount to 60 thousand rubles.
  • If we talk about the markup, then when selling bicycles at retail the markup will be 50%.

In order to earn extra money, offer another service to your clients - bicycle rental. Also in your salon, do some airbrushing.


If you pay due attention to organizing such a business, then all expenses can pay off within a year of your work. And as soon as things go well, open a bicycle and car repair shop. In your workshop you will not only repair equipment, but also sell auto parts. And this will mean that your sales business will only improve and bring you good profits.

Current ideas for making money

Business plan for a bicycle store

Ride On Bike is a retail bicycle store located near a major university.

The owner of the company has extensive experience in the sales of sporting goods and is the exclusive dealer of famous brands of cycling products within a 50-mile radius of the store's location.

Ride On Bike's range includes all types of bicycles - from cruisers (beach bikes) to MTB ( Mountain bikes). In addition, the store offers all the necessary accessories, equipment and spare parts, as well as installation services in its own service department with certified mechanics.

The store is located in the heart of the campus, where 20 thousand students live. They constitute the primary group of consumers. In addition, since the company is the exclusive dealer of four major bicycle manufacturers, its potential buyers are the entire local population (including students from three other colleges) in the amount of 100 thousand people.

There are three competing bike shops in the area, but none of them carry the brands that Ride On Bike offers.

The company's owners place their greatest hopes on students living on the campus where the store is located. The university promotes active image life. Students and the store will work together to develop a variety of cycling programs and events. The business owner has already entered into several partnerships with suppliers and experts in the field. All this will contribute to rapid success.

Ride On Bike's first year of sales is expected to be $500,000. By the start of the second year, the company will be profitable, with low overhead and minimal debt. During the first five years, its owners expect to repay all previously taken loans and credits.

On this moment To open a business, it is planned to obtain a loan of $175 thousand from the Small Business Administration. This money will be used for repairs, the purchase of equipment, goods and marketing campaigns. The owner is investing $25,000 in cash and $20,000 in equipment and tools into the project.

download a Western business plan on how to open a bicycle store

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Well, what’s next is another business idea with a seasonal product, which sells quite well, but many are frightened by the fact that the product is relevant only five months a year. We will talk about the business of selling bicycles. Due to the rise in fuel prices and the updating of ideas of environmentally friendly transport, the bicycle is becoming one of the leaders in this niche. Moreover, cycling is very good for health and many people buy them to keep their body in good shape. Let's look at how you can start selling bicycles and where to go to develop your business.

Business format and selection of premises

Bicycle retailing does involve... various options activities. Everything will depend on the initial capital and the willingness of the entrepreneur himself to work with seasonal goods.

Here are the two main formats of a bicycle sales business:

- trading on the market. It represents the rental of a certain retail space in the market during the season.

— opening a full-fledged store, for example, somewhere in a shopping center or a separate building.

  1. Minimum investment in renting premises. Since the premises itself will need to be looked for large enough, from 50 sq.m., then the rent will not be small. This is why market trading is more profitable for a beginner.
  2. There is no need to invest huge amounts of money in promoting your store. Clients will come due to the popularity of the market in which you operate.
  3. Flexibility to work during seasonal periods. We completed the season and returned sales for the next season. In the case of a store, you will need to look for another way out, or invest money in winter goods- skis, sleds, etc., and at the same time spend money on advertising all this, or also cover the trade, but only with payment of rent during downtime.

It is all these factors that hold back entrepreneurs from opening a bicycle store, and encourage them to work in more different conditions. But at the same time, in big cities, in the bicycle market, there are major players who have already adapted to this seasonality and are able to conduct business more thoughtfully, and most importantly, profitably. Perhaps it’s worth learning from them and adopting some of the techniques for “survival” during the off-season.

It doesn’t matter what trading format you choose for your business selling bicycles, you will need to purchase some equipment:

— sales tables for the sale of spare parts and components.

— racks and devices for displaying bicycles in a store window or market retail space. During market trading, during the season, you will also need to rent a warehouse for storing bicycles or buy vehicles to transport them. Since the product is large, this is also a rather large expense item.

Assortment and suppliers

In fact, the business idea for selling bicycles is not limited only to this product and you need to include various additional product groups in order to minimize the risks of the money invested.

Here is a list of the main assortment:


  • mountain
  • urban
  • comfortable
  • highway
  • women's
  • children's
  • balance bikes
  • scooters


  • wheel parts
  • transmission
  • steering
  • forks, shock absorbers
  • saddles
  • brake systems and more


  • lubricants
  • washers, cleaners
  • repair kits
  • mounting posts
  • pullers
  • keys
  • tool kits


  • bicycle seats
  • lighting
  • cycling computers
  • pumps
  • luggage racks
  • locks
  • bags and more

Cycling clothing

This list can be much wider; in fact, each category has its own subcategories of goods.

The assortment is very impressive, but at the same time, a lot of parts, consumables and components allow everyone to make good money on this, since the level of markup on all this is quite high.


A separate area is the bicycle repair business. If you have the opportunity to do this or hire people and organize a business in this area, then you will be able to provide your customers with the maximum level of service, offering them to buy not only bicycles, spare parts and components, but also to service the technical parts of their “iron horses” . This will increase your credibility as a seller and at the same time maybe additional source income.

The main thing here is to find smart workers who are ready to work and motivate them with monetary rewards in the form of bonuses.


Marketing steps in a bicycle business are a range of promotional activities. For example, to promote a retail outlet you can:

  • distribute leaflets with discounts and pleasant bonuses in the form of gifts.
  • hang some banners in the area where you work.
  • advertise in the media, the Internet, and social networks. This will allow you to reach the maximum level of the target audience.
  • order a bright sign, business cards.

There is also an option to open an online bicycle store and connect contextual advertising or order search engine promotion, but competition in this segment is very high.

How much money do you need to start?

To create a good business plan for a bicycle store, you will need to make all the calculations of the costs of starting a retail outlet. Of course, everything will depend on the format of trade and the pricing policy of the store, but the investment will be considerable.

  • Renting premises or a retail outlet on the market
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Salary for a bicycle repairman: $250
  • Initial purchase of goods – $20,000 – $30,000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$2000 – $2500
  • Advertising - $500 (+ advertising on the Internet).

How much can you earn?

Earnings in a business selling bicycles will directly depend on the level of competition, pricing policy, customer service, availability of goods in stock, and other things. It is also difficult to estimate due to the fact that the business is very seasonal and the earnings received during the season must be divided over the whole year to get an average value per month.

The average markup on bicycles is 10% – 30%.

Markup on spare parts and components – 50% – 70%.

On accessories – up to 120%.

Also, if you decide to do repairs, you need to take into account the income from the work of the service center. To operate it, you don’t have to rent a huge room, but even work in your own garage.

Conclusions. The bicycle sales business is a very difficult niche that requires large investments and is very seasonal. It will be difficult for beginners to start in this direction, but great desire and interest in this topic, you can try.

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