Biography of Yulia Levchenko. Instagram of Fedor Smolov's new girlfriend: Ferrari, exotic travel and hot outfits Yulia Levchenko high jump VK

A few days ago the entire enlightened world learned the name of the new chosen one best football player Russia and FC Krasnodar Fedor Smolov - Yulia Levchenko from Novocherkassk. So far, little is known about this girl: she is 26 years old, graduated from the Rostov University of Economics with a degree in financier, and participated in the publication of a glossy magazine in her hometown. There is no doubt that soon they will write about Yulia more often than about Olga Buzova and Sergei Shnurov. And she will definitely make a keynote statement about her relationship with Fedor Smolov on the popular talk show on First. Well, while the beautiful couple’s romance is gaining momentum, Komsomolskaya Pravda took a look at the spectacular girl’s Instagram to see how the main heartthrob’s new passion lives and breathes domestic sports Fedor Smolov.


Stunning landscapes from different parts of the planet leave no doubt that the main passion (besides the magician soccer ball, of course) Julia - travel. Her account is replete with pictures from Munich, the United Arab Emirates (in the Ferrari showroom; what do you think - rented or your own?), Austria and other famous places where probably every taxpayer in our country dreams of visiting.

Here is a brunette drinking coffee on the balcony of an expensive hotel in the Alps overlooking Mountain Lake. A volume of Somerset Maugham lies carelessly nearby, as proof that rest can also be associated with spiritual development. Or must-have shots from Dubai and Paris - against the backdrop of the famous hotel (popularly "Parus") and the Eiffel Tower. Hot photos of Yulia from perhaps the most prestigious Spanish resort of Marbella and the Dominican Republic only emphasize the desire of the Rostovite not to leave room for visas in foreign travel in the near future.


What Rostovite doesn’t like to perform beautifully, so much so that her friends then bite their elbows with envy? Surely, Julia’s joint photo with designer Domenico Dolce (Dolce&Gabbana brand) at the opening of the largest boutique in Europe was a success among her circle. As well as a cute photo from the Muz-TV awards ceremony at the Olympic Stadium. And Fedor Smolov’s new lover was spotted on football matches. It is unknown, however, whether this was before meeting the striker, or after, but the footage of Yulia at the stadium in Cherkizovo at the game “Lokomotiv” - “Spartak”, as well as at the notorious new arena in St. Petersburg at the match of the Russian national team in the Confederations Cup will remain in history. -2017.

But the Rostovite’s wardrobe is really impressive. And no wonder - with such and such a figure! Now the number of outfits the model will probably increase. After all, as we see, Fedya has excellent taste!

Now Yulia Levchenko’s Instagram has almost 170 thousand subscribers. We also signed up. And we don’t regret it at all!

Beauty is motivation and daily work on yourself. In a joint special project with Nike Women The editors of the site talk about girls whose lives were changed by sports. The heroine of the second edition was Yulia Levchenko, champion in high jump at the second Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing (2014) and bronze medalist of the Ukrainian Championship among adults (2015). Julia spoke about big sports, achievements and future plans.

Yulia Levchenko, 17 years old, champion of the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing in high jump

WITH early childhood I was very active, loved to run and jump. Sport started for me with classes rhythmic gymnastics, I gave her several years. Unfortunately, gymnastics didn’t work out in the end, and some time passed without sports at all. IN athletics cited a happy incident: my ability to jump was noticed and examined by a school physical education teacher. He insisted that I start training professionally.

The most exciting thing about competitions– moment of landing. Of course, the dream of every athlete is to stand on the podium and sing the anthem of their country. But by the time the award is given, you usually have already realized what happened and are calm. And the biggest adrenaline rush happens when you just land and see the result number.

In Nanjing I broke my personal record twice, and every time it is an indescribable feeling. In the end, I managed to win a gold medal.

After the Youth Olympics This is my first year on the senior team. This - new height and even more responsibility. At the recent Ukrainian Championship we managed to take third place.

I spend about three hours training every day. Of course, it’s not just jumping as such - there are also cardio exercises and power training. For now, I have to combine classes with school, so usually the day is scheduled by the hour. I try to wake up as early as possible, and in general I am more active in the morning.

Very important not only be purposeful and work on yourself, but also be able to switch gears and get distracted. In big sports, it is more difficult to force yourself not to work, but to rest.

Most motivating friendly atmosphere during training and in the team. Even when I don’t want anything and don’t have the strength to do anything, I know: just come to the gym and everything will disappear as if by hand.

My immediate goal– get to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. It is impossible to say with certainty that I will be ready for this moment. But I will absolutely do my best.

I associate my future with a sports career. Fortunately, in high jumps the athlete's eyelid is relatively long. Therefore, in the near future I plan to completely devote my life to professional sports.

Today sport is becoming really fashionable, and it pleases. I see that now almost every girl goes to the gym. This is a very correct trend, and there are so many options and areas of training that anyone will find something to their liking.

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Yulia Levchenko / Instagram

Ukrainian athletics Yulia Levchenko in an interview after the 2018 World Cup in Birmingham, she spoke about her goals, preferences and her personal life.

“I am often asked why I didn’t become a model. But I just don’t get as much pleasure there. But you won’t go against yourself. People often ask me to get married on the Internet. The funny thing is that no one has ever called in real life. And on social networks everyone is very brave. They go on the attack even without getting to know each other. “Hi, I'm George. Marry me". Everything is clear and to the point. You react to this with a smile. Sometimes I even answer with laughs. But if young people were bolder in life, it would be more impressive. You can write anything on the Internet. And just for fun, try it in reality. They rarely meet each other on the street, but sometimes it still happens. And somehow this is also ambiguous. On the one hand, it’s cool, I wasn’t afraid and came up. On the other hand, well, I don’t have any time. So it's nice, but usually: "Thank you and goodbye." Damn, I'm such a girl! First I say: guys, act. And then immediately - I have no time.

Any chance? If they pleasantly surprise me, who knows. A person should at least be interesting to communicate with. I’m not even talking about romantic relationships, but it’s great to just chat with an extraordinary person, especially if you have common topics.

I don't go to nude photo shoots. And in general, I don’t agree with everything. And when I go, I know that at any moment I can refuse to do something. In this sense, we have an advantage; we are not models and do not owe anything to anyone. And the likelihood of getting into a stupid story that will backfire on you is much less.

High jump is a very unpredictable sport. In our species, a lot of factors must come together for everything to work out. In Birmingham, unfortunately, not everything coincided. The mood was there, the head was working, but for some reason they did not agree with the legs. Lasitskene, despite her youth, is already quite an experienced athlete. And it’s even a shame that people started paying attention to Masha only now. Back in 2014, I began to admire her greatly. She greatly impresses me both as a person and as an athlete. At the same time, she had to go through a lot. Don't think that these victories are easy. This is the result of a lot of work. Lasitskene knows how to cope with himself. In my 20s, it’s still a bit difficult for me in this sense that I don’t always understand what to expect from myself. Now the results in the world have generally dropped significantly, and therefore Masha still looks completely unattainable.

Dream? I want to realize myself as much as possible. I don’t know yet what exactly this will lead to. But at the end of my career I would like to say: “Great, I did everything I could. Now you can go for a sports pension.” I think this will be felt on an intuitive level. It's like a long series, the ending of which is still unknown. I think the main thing is to fight with yourself. When kids come to training, they don’t even know what a world record is. They only think about how to overcome 1.15 m. This is what we need too. Don't worry about 2.10 m, move gradually.

Borsch? I've never tried it before. I hope some inspiration will come in the future. Maybe something edible will come out. But I haven't risked it yet. It's also a matter of laziness. I live with my parents. I come home, everything is ready, no need to bother. I take advantage of these privileges while I have the opportunity.”

Let us remind you that at the World Indoor Championships, which took place in Birmingham, the Ukrainian. However, she herself is Ukrainian.

Ukrainian high jumper, winner of the Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing.


On November 28, 1997, Yulia Levchenko was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. Yulia was a very active and active child, while her peers played with dolls and made sand cakes, the girl frolicked at full speed on the horizontal bars. The parents of the young Energizer, accustomed to such behavior, did not even pay attention when their daughter climbed the bars of the gymnastics wall, which caused wary exclamations from the parents of other children. Little Yulia’s favorite pastime was jumping on a stool; her grandfather came up with such entertainment when he was tired of playing with his restless granddaughter.

The girl’s mother thought for a long time about where to place such an active child and first sent her to an art school, but it was too difficult for Levchenko to sit for several hours concentrating on one thing. For changing art school The dance group has arrived. The girl became interested in the process and devoted herself entirely to training; one day during class she saw a group of gymnasts perform and changed her dance profile. Despite the fact that she made great progress, gymnastics still did not fully satisfy Julia’s desires.

First acquaintance with athletics

A solution to the problem was proposed by a physical education teacher at the school where Levchenko went. The girl always showed excellent results in jumping, so the teacher introduced her to an athletics coach. Yulia came to several training sessions, where she was shown how to jump, how to gain good acceleration and what she had to do. After several attempts she failed bad result, and the coach invited her to participate in the Kyiv competitions.

A huge surprise not only for Levchenko’s parents, but also for the athlete herself was that she won first place. After her victory, Yulia’s coach, seeing her potential, handed the girl over to a more experienced and promising mentor, Irina Grigorievna. The new coach had completely different training sessions, and the girl quickly got involved in the sports atmosphere and began to show good results in a little more than six months. A good incentive for Levchenko were other athletes with whom she shared the gym; more experienced and athletic young people helped her set her bar higher and higher.

Conquering the Olympic peaks

Julia's first championship in the world athletics became the World Youth Championship in 2013. In this championship she took 13th place, clearing a height of 1.70 meters. Despite the fact that she did not even make it into the top five, the girl was noticed in the world big sport. The next goal of the jumper was the Olympics in Nanjing. The coach decided not to complicate the training and slowly but surely prepare Levchenko for a serious competition. At the same time, the athlete’s life faced a choice of further life path. She decided for herself that if she performed well at the 2014 Olympic Games, she would continue to improve her skills as a jumper, but if nothing worked out, she would look for something else. Once at the Olympics, she discovered a different world for herself, everything was not the same as before, now everything was much more serious. She liked the atmosphere that reigned at competitions of this scale, which helped her get ready to win.

When it was time to jump she showed best result 1.89 meters and became the owner of her first Olympic gold. After this Olympics, the girl set herself the goal of winning the European Junior Championships. The most difficult thing was that she played for two teams, an adult and a junior. Perhaps the excitement from such responsibility made itself felt and Yulia jumped 1.83 meters, which was 6 centimeters less than her last jump and led her to sixth place.

Latest sporting achievements

The World Junior Championships, held in 2016, were more successful, and the athlete was able to take bronze. In preparation for the Summer Olympic Games, the girl decided not to overwork herself and trained according to an already established scheme for which she was ready both mentally and physically. Rio de Janeiro became an excellent field for gathering experience because here more experienced jumpers from the senior league trained with juniors, which allowed Levchenko to improve his technique. At the end of the game, Yulia took 19th place, but brought with her many new techniques. In 2017, the girl participated in the European Indoor Championships where, despite very tough competition, she took bronze. Now Levchenko is actively preparing for the 2020 Olympic Games, betting that this time she will take Olympic gold with her to Ukraine.

  • Yulia won her first award for high jump after just two training sessions, surprising not only her coach, but also her parents.
  • The girl successfully showed herself as a model, but when she was given the choice of becoming a model or Athletics, Julia chose sports, considering shooting in magazines only a good addition to her victories.
  • Yulia’s plans are to remain in the world of sports as long as possible, to reveal her potential. The girl believes that she can participate in sports competitions up to 37 years old.
  • A gift from her parents in honor of her victory at the Olympic Games was a Yorkshire terrier, which the girl had dreamed of since she was 5 years old.


  • World Youth Championship (2013)
  • Summer youth Olympic Games– gold (2014)
  • World Junior Championships – bronze (2016)
  • European Indoor Championships - bronze (2017)