Biography. Stanislav Donets Why the breakthrough in results occurred

The ex-record holder and multiple world champion in short course swimming, in an interview with R-Sport agency correspondent Veronika Gibadieva, explained why he left the sport with a calm heart and how difficult it was for him to return after shoulder surgery.

- Stas, how did you come to the decision to end your career? At what point did you feel it was time to leave?

At the last competitions, at the Russian Championship, when I didn’t qualify for, I swam the last distance, touched the side and sighed with relief because I realized: I don’t need to go anywhere else, I don’t need to start anywhere else.

The last time I started the World Cup stages - there are nine of them in the series - it was hard, my shoulder hurt, my body was tired. Therefore, I decided to end my career.

- Why didn’t you decide to voice it right away?

I’ve been doing this for so many years, it was difficult to suddenly come to the conclusion that it was time to leave. It was necessary to somehow understand it, digest it and decide to voice it.

- What are you doing now? Will you train?

Currently I work as Deputy General Director at the Neutron sports club. And I don’t consider the possibility of coaching.

- So you don’t want to follow in your parents’ footsteps?

No. Don't want.

- You had several “comebacks” after operations. And successful comebacks. How did you do it?

I still don’t understand how I managed to do this: in 2014 I climbed onto the podium at the World Championship, in 2015 I became a prize-winner at the European Championship, and competed at all stages of the World Cup. Even now my right hand works worse than my left.

- In ordinary life?

Yes, in ordinary life. So, I really don’t know how I coped. Rehabilitation after the operations was very difficult, and these were the most difficult moments in my career.

- You are a “late” athlete. Didn’t you really want to give it all up while waiting for the first significant result?

I just really wanted to do something useful for my parents, because they trained me, I swam and swam, but I couldn’t confirm the highest category.

- What caused the breakthrough in results?

I've grown up. Physically I became a strong man - for some this happens earlier, for others later. For example: my weight was less than 80 kg with a height of 1.92 m, and in 2010, when I won in Dubai, it was 90 kg.

- Does your child already swim?

He is two years and three months old. Very active, mischievous, but we don’t go to the pool because there is no pool where such small children would be comfortable. But he swam in the river, swam in the pool at the dacha. He likes water: he didn’t get out of the water in the summer (laughs).

- There are a lot of good spin players in the team now. Are you leaving with peace of mind?

I remember those moments when there were few of us in Russian backstroke in terms of competition. Arkady (Vyatchanin) and I fought each other, and at some point it was clear that he was stronger than me. I hope that I, too, somehow contributed to the fact that we have such healthy competition, high competition. We now have a lot of spinners, the guys push each other in terms of progressing their results, and now we have more athletes capable of winning the biggest competitions. So yes, I’m calm, I can leave (laughs).

Stanislav Donets was born on July 7, 1983 in the city of Dmitrovgrad (Ulyanovsk region), where he currently lives.

I started playing sports early - in elementary school. The swimmer’s first coach was an outstanding mentor, O. Reichman, who managed to bring the athlete to a high professional level and taught him the basics of real swimming.

In 2005, Stanislav Donets was included in the Russian national team, after which he began to take an active part in top-ranking competitions.

In 2007, Stanislav competed at the European Championships and took first place at a distance of one hundred meters. The following year, the swimmer again competed at the European Championships and this time won first place in the 4x100 meter relay and in the combined style.

Also in 2008, the athlete took part in the World Championship and again became the first - gold medalist - in the relay race and in swimming at a distance of twenty-five meters.

In general, the year 2008 turned out to be extremely successful and indicative for Stanislav - in addition to the fact that the athlete showed himself in the best possible way, he was also awarded an Olympic license.

Stanislav Donets deservedly received a ticket to the Olympics - long, hard training and practical performances at competitions were crowned with extraordinary success.

At the 2008 Olympics, Stanislav Donets (together with Arkady Vatchanin) adequately entered the semi-finals. In the preliminary heat of the 200-meter backstroke, the athlete finished sixth with a score of 1:58.68.

Best of the day

The Olympic Games for an athlete turned out to be not only an extremely important sports competition, but also a new stage in their career.

The swimmer is currently on short-term vacation and plans to continue training soon.

The Olympic athlete is confident that in the near future he will prove himself more than once and win a considerable number of honorary awards. Time will tell whether Stanislav's wishes will come true.

In the center and Stanislav Donets - below

Yuri Lvovich Raikhman, Stas’s coach and father, tells our correspondent about Stanislav’s sports path and the prospects for his participation in the upcoming Olympic Games.

YuriLvovich, Youbelievedorknew, Whatwill comesuchtime, when Stanislavwill come inVworldeliteswimmers?

I will say this: we worked to make this happen. And we went to this very hard.

StasHowathleteonformedYou. A lot ofhad todo some work, to"blind"fromhimidealswimmer?

This is the work of many, many years. He learned to swim, as they say, from the cradle, but only when he was seven years old did I see that he SWIM. I would like to note that our daughter Anya also took part in swimming, even at the youth team level. And Stas always said that he wanted to swim better than her. Actually, because of the children, we stayed in Dimitrovgrad in 1992, even when the salary became insultingly meager. And when a video recorder appeared and the opportunity to record reports from swimming competitions, you could often see, going into Stas’s room, that he constantly reviews these records. And he doesn’t just look, but analyzes: “You know, I want to try to perform this element in the same way.” In short, Stanislav took swimming very seriously from his, as they say, young years.

It should also be noted that his physical development was somewhat delayed. He graduated from school with a height of 178 centimeters, and grew up later. Because of this, everything he did was given to him with great difficulty, through overcoming. Although the path to athletic heights is never easy or short, nevertheless, Stas’s example in this regard becomes almost textbook. Moreover, not only in Russia, but also abroad. Coach Turetsky told me: “I’m now telling the story of your Stas to the Swiss national team. There are guys there who don't really believe in what they are doing. And I give them his example.”

Modern swimming, like athletics, is a very medal-intensive and difficult sport, where fifteen-year-old athletes do not show outstanding results, and rare exceptions only confirm this rule.HowlivedAndJobelkcoach, ReichmanWhenStanislavastartedwasalreadyVenroll


In Soviet times, the rule was strict: if an athlete by the age of eighteen had not declared himself with high achievements, which gave him the opportunity to train at a school of higher sportsmanship, then the path to big-time sports was practically closed for him. And by this age Stae had just become a master of sports. Then the rules in this regard became more liberal, and age is not taken into account. And at Neutron no one reproached me for continuing to train at our school. Moreover, his results were constantly growing.AWithwhatof the yearhundrednislavVhitfieldin sightniatrainersnational teamcopussy?


In 2005, he was invited to competitions held in Italy. Stae performed very successfully: he not only showed results that far exceeded his personal records, but also made it to the finals. Since then, he has almost never fallen out of the collections.StasBut at first they didn’t invite me. And I had to look for money myself to go to competitions with his participation. And only when the regional sport was headed by Evgeny Borisovich Sudakov, he began sending me on business trips. However, my fate in this regard is no exception: many collection coaches have gone through this. Now my Olga Alekseevna, who coaches Volodya Bryukhov, is in the same situation: either she is included in the number of coaches of the national team, or she travels at the expense of the region.Onstronglyvliyesfactyour hisonwill be present?

Naturally. Even if you ask one of your trainer friends to “look after” him, it still often happens that he is given something to do that he is not ready for, and he breaks down. You then explain to this coach what his mistake was, and he gives you a bunch of reasons why this happened.

But the real point is that no one wants to raise a rival for their student.UHowyouatpersonalWhentrainerbeenwhether"productionAconflicts"
maintrainersnational teamco?


Only in the cases we just talked about. And when I myself attend training camps or competitions, there is no friction. Behind-the-scenes gossip, like: “Just look at what he’s doing there!”, of course, happened, but here everything is ultimately determined by the results achievedANDAll, orondespiteshinycompletionchampionship, peaceto meBy, Whatit seemedStasonwill be presentspokeNotso, Howonsuccessfullypre...


The fact is that he began to get sick even at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg. This, of course, was my oversight: I didn’t get the necessary flu vaccinations and others on time. For two days his temperature reached 39 degrees. And two weeks later there was the European Championship. However, the national team coaches had no doubt that Stas should start in the final relay. True, Arkady Vyatchanin’s mother had “doubts,” but Arkady himself also believed that Stas should swim. And medals, by the way, were received by all three of our “relay athletes” who successfully competed in the preliminary stages on the way to the final - these are the rules now.HowStas was unable to completely get rid of the consequences of the disease even before the start of the World Cup. By the way, Arkady Vyatchanin also had health problems: on New Year’s Eve, a firecracker exploded in his hands, he inhaled a portion of toxic smoke and scorched his upper respiratory tract.livedStanislavonswimmerincreased, lived"short"waterfirstyouhimsignificantV25- successeswere. meteryouhimwaspoolNowsmooth outVvariesdifferenceonincreasedswimmerresult


swimming poolsWe're getting there. The difference here is that in a “short” course at a hundred meters, a swimmer walks sixty meters under water (start and three turns) and only swims forty meters, while in a regular pool he swims seventy meters above the water. Hence the difference in results - in favor of the “short” water.INinterviewourcompletionnewspaperafterEvropes, WhatonPacknotedshimswimmersAhardrival, AmericanWhatmiThat's whythosegreatstuccoown. In Soviet times, the rule was strict: if an athlete by the age of eighteen had not declared himself with high achievements, which gave him the opportunity to train at a school of higher sportsmanship, then the path to big-time sports was practically closed for him. And by this age Stae had just become a master of sports. Then the rules in this regard became more liberal, and age is not taken into account. And at Neutron no one reproached me for continuing to train at our school. Moreover, his results were constantly growing.ontechnologymichampionshipturnschampionHeconfident, "did"rivalsbuild upwaiyoursonadvantage. exactlycornersHowexplain?

We've been working on this element a lot lately. But it takes years, not even months, to perfect it until it becomes automatic.

Sometimesis createdvpechatting, WhatThe fact is that he began to get sick even at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg. This, of course, was my oversight: I didn’t get the necessary flu vaccinations and others on time. For two days his temperature reached 39 degrees. And two weeks later there was the European Championship. However, the national team coaches had no doubt that Stas should start in the final relay. True, Arkady Vyatchanin’s mother had “doubts,” but Arkady himself also believed that Stas should swim. And medals, by the way, were received by all three of our “relay athletes” who successfully competed in the preliminary stages on the way to the final - these are the rules now.somedelayedonstart...

Yes, such a moment still exists. But here you can’t force it: it’s better to let him linger an extra moment at the start, concentrating on the first fifteen-meter passage under water, than to rush into the water, enter the water unprepared and make a mistake. There is a lot to work on here, and over time he may start to get off to a faster start. But even now his recovery from the first “underwater” fifteen meters is no worse than that of any other swimmer.


Not included. But the prestige of these competitions, which were previously considered “passing”, is growing year by year. And in the last world championship, and there were nine of them, swimmers from 127 countries took part - almost all the strongest swimmers of our time.

Olympic record V swimming higher world or below?

Typically lower.

The psychological burden of these competitions is too great., HowYouspokeI knowljubatsharelivedplansbuildonforecastswill, morespokeButspokeCanaskOof the yearprospectsNislavaVget incollectionnewteamonOlympicRussiaVgamesPe. kineWhichstagesworkcomingto youbeforetimeacceptancefinalistnykhto mesolutionsthis?


Now the main thing is to survive until June, when the Russian Aquatics Championships will be held in Moscow from the second to the tenth - qualifying competitions for participation in the Olympic Games, after which the composition of the country's Olympic team will be announced. The dates were not set by chance: this was done so that after the announcement of the lineup, not a single governor or other VIP athletes would have time to influence the federation’s decision, since the lists will immediately be sent to Beijing, where after June 15, the acceptance of Olympic applications stops. V swimming on As the results of the last competitions showed, Stanislav Donets and Arkady Vyatchanin are undoubted today leaders back, and both have the most Nislava V real chances Olympic team country team. A "under them" there are strong ones rivals capable

"to scrub"

their?And quite a few: in Nizhny Novgorod there is Aleshin, in Altai - Makov, in St. Petersburg - Smirnov, the Far Easterner Komarov and others. And each of them is capable of “shooting” at the Russian qualifying championship.Another thing is that none of them have licenses...What?

The Olympic Committee designates a result, without achieving which the athlete has no right to compete at the Olympic Games. However, they are different for different countries. For Russia, the standard in the 100-meter backstroke is 55.14 seconds. So far only Arkady and Stanislav have swam faster than this time. And now their opponents in the qualifying tournament have to fight not only with them, but also with a stopwatch. And if, say, Ivanov becomes the winner, but shows a time of 55.15 seconds, then it is not a fact that he will go to the Olympics. So we have a chance to participate in the Olympic Games in Beijing
quite decent, which is what we will strive for.

In Soviet times, the rule was strict: if an athlete by the age of eighteen had not declared himself with high achievements, which gave him the opportunity to train at a school of higher sportsmanship, then the path to big-time sports was practically closed for him. And by this age Stae had just become a master of sports. Then the rules in this regard became more liberal, and age is not taken into account. And at Neutron no one reproached me for continuing to train at our school. Moreover, his results were constantly growing.Wewe will"holdfists", toyouUANDhappenedlivedThe fact is that he began to get sick even at the Russian Championships in St. Petersburg. This, of course, was my oversight: I didn’t get the necessary flu vaccinations and others on time. For two days his temperature reached 39 degrees. And two weeks later there was the European Championship. However, the national team coaches had no doubt that Stas should start in the final relay. True, Arkady Vyatchanin’s mother had “doubts,” but Arkady himself also believed that Stas should swim. And medals, by the way, were received by all three of our “relay athletes” who successfully competed in the preliminary stages on the way to the final - these are the rules now.DonetsbecamethirdolimdrinkerVstoriesdimitRovgradskysports. Only in the cases we just talked about. And when I myself attend training camps or competitions, there is no friction. Behind-the-scenes gossip, like: “Just look at what he’s doing there!”, of course, happened, but here everything is ultimately determined by the results achievedspokeJustparticipantOlimpiadas, morelivedonefromherheroes.

From childhood to the present day, he has been training under the guidance of his parents, Yuri and Olga Raikhman (Stanislav bears his mother’s maiden name).

Specializes in backstroke swimming. Seven-time world record holder, multiple European record holder in short pools. Current world record holder in the 4x100m medley relay in short pools - 3.19.16 (St. Petersburg, December 20, 2009, together with Sergei Geibel, Evgeniy Korotyshkin and Danila Izotov) and in the 4x50m medley relay in short pools - 1.31.80 (Istanbul , December 10, 2009, together with Sergei Geibel, Evgeniy Korotyshkin and Sergei Fesikov).

He became one of the heroes of the 2010 World Short Course Championships, winning gold medals in the 50 and 100 m backstroke and setting a European record in the 100 m backstroke in the first leg of the medley relay - 48.95 (missing just 0.01 from the record peace).

Recognized as the best athlete of Russia in December 2010 by voting on the Rossiya-2 TV channel.

Sports results

* set a European record in the 100m backstroke at the first stage - 48.95

World records

(Current records are highlighted)

* - finished at the same time as Arkady Vyatchanin.


Parents - Olga and Yuri Raikhman - swimming coaches. Sister - Anna Raikhman (married to Alexander Testov)

Stanislav Donets is a famous Russian swimmer who achieved his main achievements in short-track swimming pools. Here he became a ten-time European champion and won world championships many times. However, in long water his successes were much more modest; he could not challenge the strongest swimmers of the USA and Australia, being hopelessly inferior to them in speed.

Unpromising student

Many swimming fans are wondering where swimmer Stanislav Donets disappeared to. He has not disappeared anywhere and continues to perform at national tournaments and World Cup stages, but today he is losing competition in the national team to the newly-minted world champion and is not so noticeable. In general, Stanislav Donets burst into the world of swimming as quickly and unexpectedly as he disappeared from it. He was born in Ulyanovsk in 1983 and modestly took up swimming from elementary school, training with his own parents and not showing outstanding results.

Swimming is a sport where talents are revealed already at a young age, but Stas, at sixteen years old, was still a candidate for master of sports and did not even dream of major tournaments. However, his parents, Olga and Yuri Raikhman, continued to believe in their son and did not give up where others would have long ago expelled the unlucky student for lack of prospects.

First victories

After twenty years, serious changes took place in Stanislav’s life, and his sailing business got off the ground. He began to actively progress and already in 2005 he joined the national team, becoming one of the leaders in In 2007, Stanislav Donets for the first time in his life competed in a major tournament, which was the European Short Course Championship. Here he immediately took gold in the 100-meter backstroke, to which he added silver in the two-hundred-meter event and another silver in the medley relay.

A year later, he participated in the continental championship in pools with a standard fifty-meter track. Here his successes were more modest; he was content with one gold medal in the relay, failing to take awards in individual events. Stanislav Donets again demonstrated his best qualities in short-track pools. At the 2008 European Championships, the Dimitrovgrad native took all three gold medals in individual disciplines, and also added silver in the medley relay.

Triumphs and downfalls

In 2008, Stanislav Donets earned a ticket to the Olympics in Beijing. Despite the fact that he showed his best results at distances of 100 and 200 m, the athlete was left without awards, unable to overcome the semi-final barrier. Donets was able to redeem himself for his Olympic failures at the next European Short Course Championships, where he had no equal. Stanislav won all the individual events and helped the relay team win the final heat, thus leaving Istanbul with four main awards.

The athlete himself admitted that he was much more comfortable swimming in pools with short lanes. This was explained by the fact that in his native Dimitrovgrad there were no swimming complexes with fifty-meter lanes. Hence the specific technique, which involved swims with more turns and sections under water than at standard distances.

In 2013, the native suffered a serious shoulder injury and was forced to take a break from his career. Stanislav Donets and his wife devoted this time to organizing their personal lives, and at the same time the athlete underwent a number of operations, after which he recovered for a year and a half. After returning to the sport, there was no longer such a hail of gold awards, but in 2014 Stanislav was able to win bronze at the World Short Course Championships. The swimmer himself said that this award had special meaning for him, and he valued it more than other gold ones.

Stanislav Donets and his wife

Photos of the titled athlete and his wife show viewers happy young people, and there is every reason for this. Not long ago they became the parents of a son, Andrei, whom they had been waiting for so long.

Stanislav’s wife is five years younger than him; at one time she received an education in public administration, but for now she devotes herself entirely to her family. Alina Donets says that she is not going to stop at one child and is ready to give her husband a daughter.