Bilayt side effects. Bilayt for weight loss. How not to buy a counterfeit drug

Tempting reviews force many people to pay attention to the benefits of Bilayt for weight loss in the form of capsules or tablets. The creators of the drug promise to quickly achieve a positive result: powerful appetite suppression, efficient combustion fat, safety, excretion excess liquid from the body. However, advertising does not always meet expectations, so you should understand what this dietary supplement is.

What is Bilayt for weight loss

According to the manufacturer, Bilight is a synergistic mixture of natural ingredients that help stimulate thermogenesis, burn excess fat, and curb food cravings. The dietary supplement for weight loss includes a whole complex of vitamin B, which promotes energy recharging and vigor. Nutrients remove bad cholesterol and improve heart function.

Bilight weight loss capsules do not contain synthetic fillers, additives, sweeteners, flavors, dyes, preservatives, stearates, laurates or sulfates. This product is not granulated and is not irradiated during processing. Bilayt capsules and tablets are made from various plant extracts that do not contain corn starch, eggshells, gluten, dairy products, or peanuts. They help get rid of excess fat by suppressing appetite and speeding up metabolism. The main advantages of dietary supplements for weight loss:

  • weight loss in a short time;
  • control of calorie intake;
  • quick saturation thanks to the herbal complex;
  • relaxing the intestinal muscles and cleansing the digestive system;
  • mild diuretic effect.

Bilayt 96

The Chinese manufacturer offers to lose weight with the help of a dietary supplement developed based on natural ingredients. Harmless to health, Bilayt 96 helps relieve swelling, break down fat layer, forget about the hated cellulite. Its pharmacodynamics include normalization of metabolism and water-salt balance in the body. Thanks to the lotus, which is included in diet pills, the body begins to intensively lose weight without physical activity and diets.

Bilayt 90

This dietary supplement for weight loss helps reduce weight, increases energy, and regulates blood sugar levels. Bilayt 90 capsules allow a person to control the feeling of hunger, due to which quick loss extra pounds. The drug enhances mental concentration and increases endurance. By adding dietary supplements to food, you can get slim figure in just one month.

Beelight Premium

The improved formula of the original helps you lose weight much more effectively. Bilayt Premium acts locally, focusing on areas of fat accumulation: the waist, abdomen, thighs, buttocks. Thanks to the B vitamins and caffeine it contains, the weight loss drug improves the condition of the skin and has a positive effect on the brain centers responsible for mood. The combination of non-synthetic ingredients has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

A dietary supplement for weight loss with an enhanced formula begins to act from the first days of use. Bilayt 40 contains extracts from exotic fruits, citrus fruits, lotus and roses, as well as l-carnitine and caffeine. This set of components helps you lose weight, gain slim stomach, slender thighs, without exhausting yourself with physical activity and fasting. The drug actively suppresses appetite, destroys fat and corrects the figure.

Instructions for use Bilayt

Dietary supplement for weight loss is intended for adults who want to control their diet, burn fat safely and effectively, improve their mood, and feel a surge of energy. How to take tablets/capsules correctly? Instructions for use of Bilight:

  1. You should take 1 capsule (tablet) for weight loss per day before or after breakfast. After an hour or two, you can take another one. For people sensitive to caffeine, 1 serving per day is enough to stay energized. Others may need an additional dose. Duration of admission: 1 month.
  2. Drink more water. Lack of fluid in the body reduces blood glucose levels, which causes weakness and dizziness. To make up for losses, it is better to add more fruits or freshly squeezed juices to your diet.
  3. Don't skip meals (especially breakfast or lunch).
  4. Do not drink alcohol together with bilight for weight loss. Alcohol can neutralize the effectiveness of the drug.
  5. Store Bilayt in a dry and cool place.


Thanks to natural ingredients, the bio-supplement promotes effective weight loss in short term. The main active ingredient is agaricin, which is found in mushrooms. It stimulates the synthesis of liver enzymes and activates its work. Beelight includes:

  • spectrum of vitamins B;
  • lotus leaf;
  • caffeine;
  • Dioscorea root;
  • herbal tea extract;
  • tinder fungus;
  • extract from hawthorn fruits;
  • potassium iodide;
  • organic poria coconut;
  • the inner lining of a chicken stomach.


Manufacturers of the weight loss drug tried to present Bilayt capsules in a favorable light. However, it has its disadvantages that must be taken into account. If complications occur during use, you should consult a doctor. Bilayt contraindications:

  1. Dietary supplements for weight loss should not be taken by children under 18 years of age.
  2. For expectant mothers and breastfeeding women.
  3. People with high blood pressure, heart disease, impaired kidney function, and liver failure.
  4. It is better not to use Bilayt in combination with medications: they reduce its effectiveness.

Side effects

The bioactive additive must provide effective weight loss, judging by the advertising of official manufacturers. However, the lack of clinical studies of its pharmacokinetics and negative reviews ordinary people indicate the opposite. Side effects of Bilayt raise doubts about the safety of the drug. What disadvantages await people when losing weight with its help.

The newest dietary supplement for weight loss can confidently be called Bilight, released by the Chinese company Sun Jiu.

Features of dietary supplements

A person’s figure depends on many factors: heredity, complexion, ratio muscle mass to bones, lifestyle and nutrition. Unfortunately, many of the above factors do not depend on humans - what is inherent in nature is not so easy to correct. However, people who want to constantly improve and have excellent fit figure, will never calm down, but will look for ways to achieve their goal. Change sedentary image life on an active, unhealthy high-calorie diet on a balanced vitamin diet is within the power of every person.

Considering that proper nutrition involves over 600 different substances entering the body, this may not seem like such a simple task. But modern technologies in this area they come to the rescue and offer a huge selection of various vitamin complexes and dietary supplements that replenish the lack of useful substances in the body.

Dietary supplements have become especially popular - extracts of natural food and active substances obtained from raw materials of animal, plant or mineral origin, subjected to chemical synthesis. This is a rather labor-intensive process that requires strict adherence to all technologies. The action of dietary supplements should be to correct all body functions. Fight with overweight was no exception.

A range of dietary supplements aimed specifically at eliminating excess weight, simply huge. Based on their mode of action, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. Dietary supplements that regulate appetite give a feeling of fullness and reduce the feeling of hunger. Because of this, a person simply begins to eat less food.
  2. Fat burning supplements increase the amount of heat in the body, which is necessary for the functioning of all its systems. As a result, much more calories are burned, which come from fat.
  3. Diet modifiers consist of low-calorie proteins, as well as fiber, which swells and creates the illusion of a full stomach.

Considering that they contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements can completely replace regular food.

Effect on the body

The drug Bilayt acts comprehensively in three directions: suppresses appetite, burns fat and reduces body weight. The high effectiveness of using this supplement is the result of a specific process that takes place in the body in stages:

  • At the first stage, appetite is regulated and metabolic processes are normalized, as well as cleansing the body at the cellular level (the first two weeks of using the product).
  • The second stage is due to the active burning of fat deposits and the elimination of lipids from the blood (the next two weeks of use).
  • The third stage is necessary solely to consolidate the effectiveness.

At correct use With Bilayta you can lose up to 5 kg of weight per week without suffering from a constant feeling of hunger. This dietary supplement will be no less effective if excess weight has caused metabolic disorders in the body or hormonal imbalance (during pregnancy, disorders in the endocrine or cardiovascular system). That is, these are all those cases when it is most difficult to get rid of extra pounds.

How does Bilayt affect the human body:

  1. Significantly accelerates chemical reactions in the body necessary to maintain normal functioning (metabolism);
  2. Cleanses the intestines of toxin accumulations;
  3. Dissolves and burns fat deposits;
  4. Thanks to its pronounced diuretic effect, it removes excess fluid from the body;
  5. Dulls the feeling of hunger;
  6. Has a tonic effect, without compromising work ability;
  7. Provides a corrective effect exactly on those areas of the figure that most need it.


Indications for using Bilayt for weight loss:

  • Dysfunction of the liver, spleen;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • The period after childbirth;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Metabolic disorders.


Manufacturers of the product confidently declare that taking Bilayt capsules does not require a person to perform any intensive physical exercise and the use of exhaustive diets. The drug owes its high effectiveness exclusively to a unique formula consisting of natural ingredients:

Hawthorn fruits

They have long been widely used in the manufacture of medicines for various diseases. The fight against weight was no exception. Thanks to a truly huge amount of vitamins, microelements, polyphenols of plant origin (Flavonoids), fat metabolism is normalized and cholesterol concentration is reduced. In addition, hawthorn berries have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: the pulse rate and myocardial excitability decrease. Hawthorn also has a vasodilating effect.

Lotus leaf

Grows in tropical waters. The extract from this plant contains a lot of L-carnitine. This substance breaks down fat cells, converting them into energy for the body. In many similar products it is used as a lipolytic. Many Chinese weight loss drugs contain lotus leaves. In addition, tropical lotus leaves perfectly remove cholesterol deposits from the walls of blood vessels and cells.

tinder mushroom

This is another type of tinder fungus, but only it grows underground, on the roots of pine trees. Poria extract tones, accelerates metabolic processes, water balance and effectively fights slagging in the body. For weight loss, its value lies in the ability to convert food calories not into fats, but into energy useful for the body, thereby preventing their deposition. In addition, thanks to its diuretic effect, it removes unnecessary fluid.

Inner lining of chicken stomach

Has long been used in folk medicine, as an excellent remedy against dysbiosis and diarrhea. It is also actively used in many dietary programs to cleanse the body and lose weight. The active component of the stomach lining is the Creon enzyme, which normalizes the digestive process. A particularly important function of this component is appetite suppression.

Rhizome of Dioscorea contrafolia

This is a plant belonging to the group of perennial herbaceous vines. Its roots contain large stock substances that lower blood cholesterol and have a diuretic effect. Due to the high content of steroid glycosides, rhizomes are highly effective in the fight against obesity - they suppress appetite. It has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time, especially for its tonic properties.

Bilight has been produced for quite a long time, so there is a more modern version of this product. It is believed that its properties are further enhanced. According to many examinations, the potent substance sibutramine was found in this drug. This specific component suppresses appetite and converts consumed calories into heat energy.

Sibutramine is not a banned substance, but its effects are so strong that products containing it should be labeled as drugs, but not as a dietary supplement. Bilayt is not certified in many countries, including America and European countries, precisely for this reason. This is also related to the fact that Bilayt is sold only in online stores.


All components of the composition determine the following properties of the drug:

  • Improving the quality of the skin, eliminating acne from its surface;
  • Good effect on the body of patients suffering from diabetes;
  • Blood pressure regulation;
  • Effective reduction of postpartum weight;
  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Ensuring normal blood lipids;
  • Elimination of fat accumulation in the most problematic areas.

Release form

There is always a possibility of receiving a counterfeit drug. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what forms of Bilayt are actually produced:

  1. Bilight-extra includes three packages of 30 capsules.
  2. Bilayt-2 is a premium drug, its quantity is limited to 72 capsules in a gelatin shell (reduced rate). In this variety of Bilayt, chicken gizzard films are replaced with crushed plum pits. They contain a lot of potassium, ascorbic acid and amino acids.
  3. Bilayt-3, on the contrary, contains 96 capsules of a premium drug.


Like any other remedy, Bilayt has its contraindications. Doctors say that not all people can use this drug without harm to their health. The list of contraindications includes:

  • Diseases and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Allergic reactions to any components of this product;
  • Period breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Children under 16 years of age and elderly people over 65 years of age;
  • Patients with heart and vascular diseases;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Migraine;
  • Neoplasms of various nature;
  • Postoperative periods and rehabilitation after long-term illnesses.

Side effects

The possibility of occurrence cannot be excluded side effects. As a rule, if they are present, they can be noticed already 10-12 days after starting to take the drug. If their severity is too high, then you can try to reduce the daily number of capsules you drink. If this measure does not bring results, then you need to completely stop taking Bilayt and consult a doctor.

Side effects may include:

  1. Some problems sleeping;
  2. Periodic attacks of nausea;
  3. State of general weakness;
  4. Numbness of the face and upper limbs;
  5. Dizziness accompanied by impaired coordination of movement;
  6. Excessive sweating;
  7. Respiratory dysfunction;
  8. Dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, constant thirst;
  9. Changes in blood pressure;
  10. Increased heart rate;
  11. Frequent mood swings, excessive nervousness and depression;
  12. Increased excretion of calcium from the body;
  13. Significant deterioration in appetite to the point of complete loss.


Capsules are taken half an hour before meals, or 1.5 hours after meals. Be sure to wash the capsule down well - you will need a glass of clean water. There are no food restrictions, it is only advisable to reduce consumption fatty foods and sweet dishes. It is undesirable to drink strong tea and coffee, as well as alcoholic beverages - all of this significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

Water should be drunk in large quantities before each meal - intoxication of the body should not be allowed. It is advisable to drink 2 - 2.5 liters of water per day.

Using Bilayt by standard scheme implies a one and a half month course.

  • 1 program lasting only one week with a daily dosage of one capsule. If after a certain period of time the weight comes off, then you can stop with this program. If no positive changes are observed, then you should move on to the second program.
  • Program 2: duration 1 week, dose 2 capsules per day. If the effect is quite satisfactory, then this will be enough. If there is no result, you need to go to program No. 3.
  • Program 3 is a weekly course of three tablets per day. You can no longer take it, since this daily dose is the maximum allowable for Bilayt 3. If the effect is still not noticeable, then there is still a fourth option.
  • Program 4 is 4 capsules per day for a week. It can only be used for Bilayt 2.

It is better to stop taking capsules evening time, since such use causes sleep disturbances due to its pronounced tonic effect.

There are cases when a reduction in the daily dosage is required: if the use of capsules causes discomfort and severe side effects, and also if weight loss is too rapid.


The drug Bilayt cannot be purchased in pharmacies; distribution occurs through Internet sites. The price range depends on the type of drug and ranges from 1500-1800 rubles per package. Due to the high competition that exists in the market for weight loss products, various promotions are often held that allow you to purchase this drug much cheaper. Especially if the buyer orders several courses at once.


  1. Miaozi. This weight loss drug is similar to Bilayt, containing lotus leaves and hawthorn fruits. Its cost is slightly lower and amounts to 900-1400 rubles.
  2. Garcinia forte, in addition to medicinal plants, contains vitamins B12 and C. This is a fairly cheap drug, its price for 80 tablets is 395 rubles.
  3. Golden ball is a weight loss product created on the basis of extracts of various fruits: lemon, pineapple, quince, papaya and others. Price – 300-900 rubles.
  4. Zotrim-plus. To make this product, fiber from pumpkin, watermelon, melon, Jerusalem artichoke and sweet potato is used as a basis. Besides - medicinal herbs. Cost – within 1200 rubles.

It's easy to lose weight without dieting and constant hunger! Because there is Bilayt - effective remedy for weight loss. At what speed does the drug burn fat on the waist and hips, read the article.

The state of a person’s health, including his complexion, depends only one third on genetic predisposition and the level of healthcare, two thirds are determined by a balanced diet. For optimal functioning, the body must receive up to 600 different substances, however, for many people, organizing such an ideal diet is an unrealistic task. That's why they have become so popular these days vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, which contain micronutrients not found in food products.

Dietary supplements are concentrates of bioactive substances isolated from animal, plant or mineral raw materials or obtained by chemical synthesis. The beneficial effect of such supplements is to correct the functioning of the entire body, including the fight against excess weight.

Today there are a huge number of dietary supplements for weight loss; according to the method of influence, they can be divided into three groups:

  • Appetite regulators. These drugs cause a feeling of fullness and dull the feeling of hunger, as a result of which a person unconsciously eats less.
  • Fat burners. By increasing the level of thermogenesis, fat burners force the body to spend more calories, using up fat reserves to obtain them.
  • Dietary modifiers. Consisting of low-calorie proteins and fiber, which swells and increases in volume when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, such dietary supplements, enriched with minerals and vitamins, replace a full meal.

One of the most powerful dietary supplements for weight correction this moment, is considered Bilayt - complex drug, which is produced in the form of tablets and capsules by the Chinese company Sun Jiu.

How does dietary supplement work?

B-lite is designed to reduce volume and reduce body weight, while acting as both an appetite suppressant and a fat burner, which explains its highest effectiveness.

The dietary supplement is intended for step-by-step application, each of which solves a specific problem:

  • Stage 1 – regulation of appetite, optimization of metabolic processes, physiological cleansing of the body at the cellular level;
  • Stage 2 – intense combustion fat, elimination of local fat deposits, lowering blood lipid levels;
  • Stage 3 – strengthening and consolidating the achieved result.

The instructions for the dietary supplement say that with its help you can lose up to 5 kilograms per week without feeling hungry. Bilayt can help if overweight recruited as a result of metabolic disorders, changes hormonal levels after childbirth or was a consequence of endocrine or cardiovascular diseases - that is, in cases where losing weight is most difficult.


Bilayt for weight loss contains natural ingredients - extracts and powders obtained from medicinal plants according to ancient recipes of oriental medicine.

Lotus leaf

Lotus Nelumbo nucifera is a plant of tropical waters. According to recent research published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, lotus leaf extract contains large amounts of L-carnitine. This substance is used in many drugs for the treatment of obesity as a lipolytic - it accelerates the process of breakdown of fat cells with the subsequent release of energy.

tinder mushroom

Poria coconut

Pachyma hoelen is also a tinder fungus that grows underground on the roots of pine trees. Poria extract improves overall tone, regulates metabolism and hydrobalance in the body, and promotes the removal of toxins. Its benefit for weight loss lies in its ability to activate the process of converting calories from food into energy.

Inner lining of chicken stomach

Chicken stomach cuticle is known in folk medicine as a cure for dysbiosis and diarrhea; it is used in diet programs for weight loss and cleansing the body. Creon, an enzyme that improves the digestion process, is obtained from the inner shell of chicken navels.

Rhizome of Dioscorea contrafolia

Dioscorea oppositifolia (Yam) is a perennial herbaceous vine. The root of this plant contains substances that lower blood cholesterol levels and have a diuretic effect. Dioscorea is used in complex therapy to combat obesity due to its high content of steroid glycosides. These organic substances have the ability to suppress appetite.

Hawthorn fruits

Manufacturers include glod or hawthorn (Crataegus sanguine Pall) in many medicinal preparations, including weight loss products. Hawthorn berries contain a rich set of microelements and vitamins, as well as plant polyphenols (flavonoids), which stimulate lipid (fat) metabolism and reduce cholesterol levels.

Component not listed in the annotation – sibutramine

Based on the results of examinations carried out in different countries quality control authorities for medicines and food additives, including Roszdravnadzor, sibutramine was found in bilayt samples, in addition to the components specified in the instructions. This is an anorexigenic synthetic substance that has the ability to suppress appetite and sharply increase calorie expenditure for thermogenesis (heat production). It is not prohibited for use, but it is a potent substance and has strict contraindications and serious side effects. Therefore, a weight loss product that contains it should be positioned as a medicinal product, and not as a dietary supplement.

It is on this basis that in most countries of Europe and America Bilayt for weight loss did not receive a quality certificate (a document required for the right to be sold on the pharmaceutical market). This drug is supplied only to some CIS countries. But if in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan you can buy it in a pharmacy, then in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine this drug is not available for free sale; it can only be ordered in online stores.

Types of drug

Today the manufacturer offers a whole line of B-lite dietary supplements for weight loss. The composition of these dietary supplements is identical, but the concentrations of active ingredients are slightly different. Experts recommend that people with a body weight not much higher than normal take Bilayt Original or Bilayt Premium; for those whose weight is more than 80 kg, the “enhanced” version, Bilayt Extra, is more suitable. Here are short descriptions and costs of each type of drug.

Bilayt Original

3 cardboard boxes of white and pink color, each containing 2 blisters with 16 capsules (96 pieces in total). The cost of the B-lite set is 1450 rubles.

Bilight extra

The dietary supplement package contains 3 white and beige boxes, each containing 3 blisters of 10 capsule capsules (90 pieces in total). The cost of B-lite extra packaging is 1800 rubles.

Beelight 2 Premium

The blue packaging box contains 72 single doses in a gelatin shell. This type of dietary supplement contains plum seed kernels instead of chicken stomach cuticle. In conditions of active weight loss, this component serves as a valuable source of potassium, ascorbic acid and essential amino acids for the body. The price of the B-lite2 package is 1450 rubles.

Beelight 3 Premium

A purple packaging box containing 96 capsules in blisters. The average cost of a B-lite 3 package is 1600 rubles.

Bilayt 36

There are 36 soft gelatin capsules in a white-raspberry packaging box. This is an enhanced version of the dietary supplement, which contains a number of medicinal plants: purple alfalfa, privet, atractylis cangzhu, astragalus, kendyr. The cost of this new modification of the bilight is 1,450 rubles.

Instructions for use

B-lite is available in capsules placed in blisters. On the packaging box there is an original hologram with the name of the drug. Inside the package is small gift- a keychain, a measuring tape or a flashlight, as well as a table with weight and volume data and instructions. The expiration date is indicated in small print at the bottom of the annotation. This data will be useful when purchasing the drug; it will help you avoid buying a counterfeit product, which will not only be useless, but can also be harmful to your health.


The dietary supplement is used to carry out symptomatic therapy for obesity of varying degrees, and can also be used for the following purposes:

  • reducing body volume in local areas (hips, waist, abdomen);
  • elimination of cellulite phenomena;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of water-salt balance;
  • restoration of intestinal functions in cases of dyskinesia, bloating, flatulence;
  • improving skin condition;
  • strengthening hair roots.


Bilayt for weight loss is prohibited from taking:

  • in the presence of serious chronic diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous or digestive system;
  • during the rehabilitation period after surgery or serious illness;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • persons under 16 years of age;
  • with component intolerance.

Side effects

The reaction to the action of dietary supplement components is individual. In some people, Bilayt causes side effects, which, as a rule, disappear on their own after a few days, even if the drug is continued to be taken. The most frequently noted:

  • complete lack of appetite up to aversion to food;
  • dry mouth;
  • rapid pulse;
  • sweating;
  • sleep disorders;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • general weakness.

Regimes and dosage

B-lite capsules are taken 30–40 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after meals with a glass of water. Any food is allowed, but it is recommended to limit fatty and sweet foods. Tea, coffee, and alcohol are prohibited - they reduce the effect of the components of the dietary supplement. You need to drink as much water as possible before each meal to prevent intoxication of the body. The daily norm is 2–2.5 liters per day. The duration of a standard weight loss course on dietary supplements is one and a half months.

When carrying out a weight correction course, you should adhere to the recommended dosage regimens, if necessary, moving from one program regimen to another.

  • Program 1. Duration – 1 week. Daily dose – 1 capsule. If your weight has decreased after a week of this regimen, you can remain on this program until the end of the course. If your body weight remains the same, you should switch to program No. 2.
  • Program 2. Duration – 1 week. Daily dose – 2 capsules. If weight loss is recorded within a week, this program can be followed until the end of the course. If body weight has not decreased, you should switch to program No. 3.
  • Program 3. Duration – 1 week. Daily dose – 3 capsules. This is the maximum dose for Bilayt 3 and Bilayt 36. If weight loss is recorded, follow this program until the end of the course, if the weight has not decreased, go to program No. 4.
  • Program 4. Daily dose – 4 capsules. This program is only valid for Bilayt 2 (72 capsules).
  • "Zotrim Plus". Ingredients: fiber of sweet potato, pumpkin, watermelon, melon, Jerusalem artichoke. As well as flowers of cornflower (popovnik), medicinal alfalfa, colocasia (taro), amorphophallus. The price of a package of dietary supplements is 1200 rubles.
  • "Metaball." Ingredients: green tea, cocoa, green coffee, lemon extracts, chromium picolinate, L-Carnitine, linoleic acid. A package of dietary supplements costs 350 rubles.
  • . Ingredients: lotus leaf, ginkgo (salisburia), cassia (Alexandria leaf), poria, knotweed (fallopia), hawthorn, spirulina (sea kale). The cost of packaging is from 900 to 1400 rubles.
  • "Fitoslim". Ingredients: L-Carnitine, green tea extracts, Paullinia (), vitamin B6, coenzyme Q, chromium picolinate. A pack of Fitoslim of 90 tablets costs about 2,400 rubles.

Bilayt should be taken with caution, monitoring your condition. It is recommended to start the course by taking 1 capsule per day, and if there is no result and you feel well, increase the dosage. After completing the course, you need to take a break for 2 months, after which you can repeat taking the dietary supplement according to the same scheme. During the treatment cycle, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day - this will help the body get rid of toxins in a timely manner, which will speed up the weight loss process.

Composition and release form

The weight loss drug is available in the form of turquoise capsules, packaged in blisters of 10 or 16 pieces. Depending on the type of product, the number of capsules in the package varies. Bilayt 36 is made in the form of a scattering of capsules packed in a plastic container. Each tablet has a gelatin shell and is free of allergens (gluten, glucose, peanuts, corn starch, eggshells) and preservatives.

The principle of action of the drug

According to the manufacturer, Bilight weight loss capsules have a comprehensive effect on the body. The product accelerates metabolism and stimulates the release of energy due to the action of L-carnitine contained in lotus leaves. Carboxylic acid (agartsin) in the tinder fungus activates the production of enzymes that promote the breakdown of fat. In addition, the drug increases tone, optimizes the body's hydrobalance, and Creon, extracted from the inner lining of chicken stomachs, helps improve digestion.

The product acts in stages if taken according to instructions. In the initial phase (1 week), it normalizes appetite, affecting metabolic processes. In the second week, intensive fat burning begins - lipid metabolism is activated in the body, and the weight loss process is activated. During final stage(third week of use) – the dietary supplement reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, blocks the feeling of hunger, optimizes metabolism, consolidating the results obtained. There is a decrease in the volume of the hips, waist, and buttocks.

How to take Bilayt for weight loss

The manufacturer recommends taking Bilayt half an hour before meals with water or milk. The regimen for taking Bilayt for weight loss depends on the type of drug, as well as on individual perception. During the period of taking capsules, you are allowed to eat any food - dairy products, meat, vegetables, fruits, but the food should not be high in calories. The weight loss process is designed for 1-1.5 months, and the dosage regimens can be as follows:

  • Bilayt Strengthened – 1 capsule before breakfast;
  • Premium (2, 3) – 2 capsules (morning and afternoon);
  • Premium 2, Extra – 3 capsules (morning, before lunch and before dinner);
  • Bilayt Extra – 4 capsules (2 in the morning and 2 after 15 hours).

special instructions

Bilayt contains a lot of active components that work comprehensively, forcing the body to get rid of excess. Moreover, the effect of the drug on a person is determined by individual characteristics, health status, simultaneous treatment other medications. When taking capsules, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • strictly follow the instructions, do not exceed the dosage and monitor your condition;
  • The dietary supplement has tonic properties and gives vigor, so it is not recommended to take it before bed;
  • Do not combine the product with other weight loss drugs;
  • You should not combine Bilayt diet pills with alcohol, so as not to weaken the effect of the active substances;
  • You can take vitamins along with the drug - this will help minimize the risk of side effects.
  • At the first sign of discomfort, stop taking it.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug has a number of side effects that do not occur often. Sometimes undesirable effects occur when the dose is exceeded, in people with individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug. The following side effects are noted:

  • morning sickness, vomiting;
  • complete loss of appetite;
  • weakness, lethargy, slowed mental and physical reactions;
  • insomnia;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased blood pressure, headaches.

The instructions list contraindications. If you have one of these conditions, it is not recommended to take Bilayt:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive, endocrine systems(disorders of the thyroid and pancreas);
  • some kidney diseases;
  • during the recovery period after surgical intervention or previous illness;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • childhood up to 16 years old.

Terms of sale and storage

The drug is not sold in pharmacies in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus; it can only be purchased through intermediaries or ordered delivery from an online store. The shelf life of the capsules is 24 months from the date of manufacture; the packaging should be stored in a dark place at room temperature (21 – 27 °C) away from children.


There are many drugs with similar effects, but with other active ingredients. Bilayt's analogues:

  • Xenical capsules. There is only one active substance – orlistat, which prevents the absorption of fats from the gastrointestinal tract. You can take it after consulting your doctor; it is not recommended during pregnancy. Side effects include abdominal pain and loose stools.
  • Eco-slim (effervescent tablets). Active ingredients include fucus algae extract, guarana extract, tropical mint, L-carnitine, caffeine, taurine. The tablets reduce appetite, remove toxins, normalize digestion, which promotes weight loss. Side effects are rare, including palpitations, stool upset, and sleep disturbances.
  • Reduxin (capsules). The active ingredient is sibutramine. This compound suppresses appetite and helps increase calorie expenditure while producing heat. It is a potent drug and has a number of contraindications and side effects (constipation, abdominal pain, neurological disorders). The composition contains dyes and preservatives.
  • Glucophage (tablets). The active substance metformin hydrochloride, which stimulates the absorption of glucose by muscles and inhibits the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine, normalizes lipid metabolism. May help loosen stools. used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus.