Safety during physical education. Safety precautions when exercising at sports facilities. Rules of conduct when doing gymnastics

Safety regulationswhen doing physical exercise

During physical exercise, safety rules should be followed. Of great importance is the preparation of training places, the availability of properly prepared sports equipment and inventory. Sports grounds for physical exercise and outdoor games must be located at a distance of at least 10 m from educational buildings and other premises. The surface of the sites must be smooth, without stones or other objects.

Special requirements for the equipment of sports halls. The floor of the hall should be equal, painted, which allows for quick wet cleaning. At the beginning of classes, the floor should not only be clean, but also dry. On a wet surface, you can get stuck, especially in sports and outdoor games, when running and jumping.

To avoid injuries, you need to exercise in shoes with rubber soles. Shoes with leather soles are slippery even on dry surfaces.

Sports equipment and equipment must be undamaged and meet hygienic requirements. When performing physical exercises, equipment must be in a fixed position. Circle anthem. shells and you should definitely put gymnastics under them. During a fall or slip they prevent various damages.

When running short distances, you must not cross into the adjacent track, this can lead to a collision between students. All running competitions are carried out while moving in one direction.

When jumping, you must strictly adhere to the execution order. Throwing requires special care. You cannot be in the area where a ball or grenade lands. It is strictly forbidden to violate discipline in all classes and perform exercises without the permission of the teacher.

Safety rules for physical exercise.

The following rules can be considered common to all types of activities:

Maintaining discipline during classes (when performing with classmates, be attentive and careful, do not interfere with each other, do not push, do not shout).

Follow the class schedule and arrive to class on time.

2. Study only with a teacher or his assistant, be sure to fulfill all their requirements (it is prohibited to perform complex and unknown exercises without a teacher).

3. Mandatory warm-up to help warm up the main muscle groups.

4. Do not leave the place of study without the teacher’s permission.

5. Perform exercises only on working equipment; treat inventory and equipment with care; Having finished performing exercises with equipment (balls, sticks, jump ropes...), put it in the place where it is stored (specially designated place).

6. Compliance of sportswear and shoes with physical education classes, weather and other conditions. Shoes must be clean and have non-slip soles.

7. Clothes and shoes for physical education must be brought with you in a bag (package). Before you start exercising, you must put on a tracksuit and shoes. After finishing classes, you must take off your tracksuit and shoes, put on your school uniform (or other clothes and shoes), and wash your face and hands with soap.

8. Do not litter on the sports ground and in the gym, and keep it clean.

9. Participate in classes only if you feel well.

10. Everyone exempt from physical exercise for health reasons must be present at the lesson.

11. Students who fail to comply with or violate labor safety instructions are held accountable.

Safety requirements during athletics

During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane (straight). The track must continue for at least 15 m beyond the finish mark.

To avoid collisions, avoid stopping suddenly.

While running, do not push or use steps.

Before performing throwing exercises, check to see if there are people in the throwing sector.

Do not throw without the permission of the teacher, do not leave sports equipment unattended.

Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for throwing equipment without the permission of the teacher.

Do not throw a projectile (ball, grenade) to each other.

Do not perform jumps on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping.

Carefully loosen the sand in the jumping pit - the landing site, and check that there are no foreign objects in the sand.

When performing long and high jumps with a run-up in a stream (one after another), maintain a certain distance, start the run-up only after the jumper in front leaves the landing site (jumping pit), do not cross the path of the person performing the run-up, do not leave shovels in the jumping pit, rakes, other equipment.

Safety requirements during gymnastics classes

Before the lesson, it is necessary to check the reliability of fastening the crossbar, fastening the supports of the gymnastic horse and goat, and fastening the locking screws of the parallel bars.

Place the required number of gymnastic mats in the places where the equipment comes off so that their surface is smooth and there are no gaps between the mats.

It is prohibited to perform vaults, as well as exercises on other gymnastic equipment without insurance.

It is prohibited to slide down a rope or pole.

It is prohibited to be in the vicinity of the gymnastic apparatus if another student is working on it (only the belayer is allowed to be there).

When performing acrobatic exercises, strictly follow the interval and distance specified by the teacher.

When performing jumps and dismounts from sports equipment, land softly on the toes of your feet, squatting springily.

When conducting outdoor games, it is necessary

Start the game, make stops in the game and end the game only at the command (signal) of the lesson leader.

Strictly follow the rules of outdoor games.

Avoid collisions with players, pushes and hits on the arms and legs of players.

If you fall, you must brace yourself to avoid injury.

Listen carefully and follow all commands (signals) of the lesson leader.

Safety requirements for basketball, football, volleyball games

It is necessary to remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets, earrings, etc.). Fingernails should be cut short.

Check the serviceability and reliability of sports equipment and equipment (balls, stands, rings, nets, condition of sports fields and football fields, etc.).

Start and end the game only at the signal (command) of the referee.

Do not violate the rules of the competition, strictly follow all commands (signals) given by the game referee.

Avoid collisions with other competition participants (team partners or opponents), and avoid pushing or hitting their arms and legs.

If you fall, you must brace yourself to avoid injury.

During the game, there should be no unauthorized persons or objects on the sports ground or football field that could cause injury. All protruding objects must be covered with gymnastic mats or fenced.

Safety precautions during ski training classes

1. Safety requirements before starting classes

Wear light, warm, non-restrictive clothing, wool socks and gloves or mittens. When the air temperature is below - 10°C, wear swimming trunks.

Check the serviceability of the ski equipment and adjust the ski mount to the shoes. Ski boots must be selected according to the size of your feet.

Check the preparedness of the ski track or track and the absence of hazards in the training area that could lead to injury.

2. Safety requirements during classes

Maintain an interval of 3-4 m when skiing, and at least 30 m when descending the mountain.

When descending the mountain, do not point your ski poles forward.

After descending from the mountain, do not stop at the foot of the mountain to avoid collisions with other skiers.

Keep an eye on each other and immediately inform the teacher (teacher, educator) about the first signs of frostbite.

To avoid abrasions on your feet, do not ski in shoes that are tight or too loose.

3.Safety requirements in emergency situations

If ski equipment is broken or damaged and it is impossible to repair it on the way, inform the teacher (teacher, educator) about this and, with his permission, move to the location of the institution.

At the first signs of frostbite, as well as if you feel unwell, inform your teacher (teacher, educator).

If an injury occurs, immediately provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical facility and inform the administration of the institution about this.

4. Safety requirements at the end of classes

Take your inventory to the designated place.

Change into dry clothes.

Safety precautions when conducting classes in the gym .

Check the serviceability and reliability of the installation and fastening of all exercise equipment.

Start performing exercises on the simulators and finish them only at the command (signal) of the teacher (teacher, coach).

Do not perform exercises on faulty, loosely installed or loosely secured exercise equipment.

Maintain discipline and strictly follow the rules for using exercise equipment, taking into account their design features.

Listen carefully and follow all commands (signals) of the teacher (teacher, coach), and do not take any action without permission.

Follow the established schedules of exercise and rest.

Return all simulators to their original position and check their serviceability.

Safety precautions during sporting events .

Participants in sports competitions are required to comply with the rules of their conduct.

During sports competitions, participants must follow the rules of wearing sportswear and sports shoes, and the rules of personal hygiene.

If you feel unwell, stop participating in sports competitions and inform the competition judge about this.

If a competition participant is injured, immediately inform the competition judge, provide first aid to the injured person, and, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical facility.

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Lesson topic: safety precautions when engaging in physical education and sports Subject “Physical Education”

Compliance with safety precautions and the joy of playing sports without injury or discomfort

Violation of safety precautions injuries, pain, discomfort

General safety requirements: undergo a medical examination and study in the medical group to which he belongs for health reasons; have a neat sports uniform appropriate to the weather conditions and the topic of the lesson; after illness, provide the teacher with a doctor’s certificate; attend the lesson if the doctor releases you after illness; treat sports equipment and equipment with care and use it for its intended purpose; have short-cropped nails;

Students are not allowed to: open doors abruptly, touch electrical equipment (lights, sockets, wiring) in the locker room, gym; drink cold water before and after class; exercise on wet ground, slippery and uneven ground.

Requirements for sportswear: The uniform should not restrict movement and should be sufficiently elastic. Sportswear made from breathable materials is preferable. Shoes must have non-slip soles (sneakers, sneakers). When choosing clothes, consider the temperature conditions of the class location (hall, open area, time of year). At the same time, clothes should not be too warm; a person who sweats during exercise may get sick. During physical education and sports, the following are strictly prohibited: watches and massive jewelry - rings, bracelets, earrings, etc. You may injure yourself and others. This rule is especially important when participating in sports games. belts that interfere with blood circulation, tight, constricting clothing.

Safety requirements during classes The student must: listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher’s instructions; take sports equipment and perform exercises with the permission of the teacher; while moving, look ahead, maintain sufficient intervals and distances, and avoid collisions; perform exercises with working equipment and exercise on working equipment. Students are not allowed to: leave the place where the lesson is taking place without the permission of the teacher; pushing, tripping in formation and movement; climb on basketball trusses, hang on hoops; chew chewing gum; interfere and distract when explaining tasks and performing exercises; perform exercises with wet palms; abruptly change the direction of your movement.

General rules of behavior when performing any exercises, playing any kind of sport, playing sports games: Before performing exercises, warm up and warm up your muscles. Failure to do so will result in injury. Do not exercise on a full stomach after a heavy meal. If your doctor determines that you have contraindications for any activity, be sure to notify your teacher. If you feel unwell, visit your doctor's office; you may need to limit your physical activity today.

Rules of conduct when practicing gymnastics: Exercises on sports equipment during physical education lessons are performed only with the permission of the physical education teacher. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher or his assistant, or without insurance. When performing jumps and dismounts from apparatus, you should land softly on the toes of your feet, squatting springily. You cannot stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing exercises. You cannot perform exercises on sports equipment with wet palms. When practicing independently without a teacher or coach on sports equipment, make sure that there are gymnastic mats in the places where you jump off the equipment; their surface should be flat. Check the reliability of the fastening of the crossbar, the fastening of the supports of the pommel horse and goat, and the fastening of the locking screws of the parallel bars. In this case, do not perform exercises in which you do not feel 100% moderate; do not do it alone, without the support of your friends.

Safety requirements before and during sports games: Sports games are held on sports grounds and in halls that are sized to meet the requirements of the rules of the game. Classes must take place on a dry area. If the game is played in a hall, the floor must be clean and dry. Make sure you know and understand the rules of the game. During classes, you must strictly follow the rules of the game and discipline, follow the requirements and instructions of the judge, teacher, coach, and team captain.

Safety requirements before and during athletics classes: When long jumping: carefully loosen the sand in the jumping pit - the landing site, check that there are no foreign objects in the sand. Do not jump on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping. When jumping high: make sure that the landing site is equipped correctly (special foam cubes). Carefully follow the technique of high jumps, practice it at a low height that is familiar to you. When throwing projectiles: wipe the throwing projectiles (discus, cannonball, grenade) dry. Make sure there are no people in the throwing sector. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher (teacher), do not leave sports equipment unattended. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for projectiles without the permission of the teacher (teacher). During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane.

Safety requirements before and during ski training classes: Check the serviceability of skis, bindings, ski boots, if necessary, adjust the ski binding to the boots indoors. Keep an eye on your comrades and if signs of frostbite appear (white skin, loss of sensitivity in open parts of the body - ears, nose, cheeks), immediately notify the teacher. If during class you leave the race for some reason, be sure to warn your teacher or friend. Listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations, maintain an interval when skiing at a distance of 3 - 4 m, when descending at least 30 m. When descending, do not put your ski poles forward, do not stop at the foot of the mountain, remember that a friend is following you. Do not ride without gloves (mittens).

Safety requirements in case of accidents and extreme situations: if you are injured or feel unwell, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher; with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance; if a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an organized manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits according to the evacuation plan; by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.

Safety requirements at the end of classes: under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas; leave the location of the lesson in an orderly manner; change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes; wash your hands with soap.

Test, question No. 1 If a fire occurs, you must first: Call a fire truck by phone, make sure that they accepted the call, and wrote down the address of the fire correctly. Immediately leave the fire scene and call the fire brigade from a safe place. Correct answer:

Test, question No. 1 If a fire occurs, you must first: Call a fire truck by phone, make sure that they accepted the call, and wrote down the address of the fire correctly. Immediately leave the fire scene and call the fire brigade from a safe place. Correct answer: Immediately leave the fire scene, call a fire brigade from a safe place.

Test, question No. 2 When doing physical education outdoors in the cold season, you should dress: A little warmer than you usually dress in this weather, since you will be running and you will be cold. Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical exercise, the body temperature rises and the person sweats. Correct answer:

Test, question No. 2 When doing physical education outdoors in the cold season, you should dress: A little warmer than you usually dress in this weather, since you will be running and you will be cold. Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical exercise, the body temperature rises and the person sweats. Correct answer: Dress a little lighter than you usually wear in this weather, so when doing physical education, the body temperature rises, the person sweats.

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer:

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and others

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and those around you. b) Is it true that when doing physical education you should wear a tight belt? Answer:

Test, question No. 3 a) What are the dangers of massive jewelry during physical education and sports? Answer: You can hurt yourself and those around you. b) Is it true that when doing physical education you should wear a tight belt? Answer: No, blood circulation must be free.

Test, question 4. a) Is it true that when practicing on the uneven bars you should wet your palms? Answer:

Test, question 4. Is it true that when practicing on the uneven bars you should wet your palms? Answer: No way! Hands must be dry when exercising on gymnastic equipment!

Test. Question 5. Is it true that all difficult, unsuccessful exercises should be practiced after lessons on your own? Answer:

Test. Question 5. Is it true that all difficult, unsuccessful exercises should be practiced after lessons on your own? Answer: No, it is extremely dangerous! You cannot perform exercises that are difficult for you without reliable insurance. You can independently analyze the technique of performing the exercise using the example of famous athletes (videos are available on the Internet) or using diagrams. And regularly engage in exercises to develop strength, agility, and endurance.

In the process of self-study, measures must be taken to prevent injuries. The causes of injuries may be violations in the training methodology, failure to comply with the methodological principles of accessibility, gradualism and taking into account the individual characteristics of those involved, unsatisfactory condition of equipment and equipment, poor preparation of training sites, ignorance and non-compliance with self-insurance measures, overload of training grounds and halls by participants in comparison with the area standards for one student, poor sanitary and technical condition of study areas, lack of lighting, slippery floors, lack of ventilation, lack of discipline among students. It is necessary to take into account the internal circumstances leading to sports injuries. These include: exercising in a state of fatigue or overwork, individual characteristics of the body’s health, compliance of clothing and footwear with temperature and natural conditions.

There are certain conditions and requirements that must be observed when conducting physical education and sports classes. The walls of the sports hall to a height of up to 1.8 m should not have protrusions, and those of them that are determined by the design of the hall should be covered with panels or other protective materials. Heating devices must be covered with nets or slabs; they should not protrude from the plane of the wall. The floors of gyms are made elastic; they must have a smooth and non-slip surface. Adequate safety nets or assistance are required when performing exercises. During exercises on gymnastic apparatus, you must ensure that the gymnastic mats are laid near the apparatus. Gymnastic mats must be laid with tight joints, without gaps between them. Sports grounds must have a flat surface, cleared of foreign objects. The sites cannot be fenced with grooves or built with wooden or brick edges. There should be no trees, poles, fences or other objects that could cause injury for at least 2 m around the site. Treadmills must be specially equipped and not have bumps, depressions, or slippery areas of the ground. Beyond the finish line, the track must continue for at least 15 m.

It is strictly forbidden to bring detergents in glass containers into the showers at the pool. Entry into the water, as well as exit from the water, is permitted only with the knowledge of the trainer; jumping from the side is prohibited. You cannot hold on to the dividing paths, throw swimming boards from the side into the water and from the water onto the tiles, enter the tower and jump from it without the permission and supervision of the teacher, bring foreign objects into the pool, create unnecessary noise, give false signals to help a drowning person, etc. dive into the water, push, cross onto someone else's path. All these violations of the rules can lead to accidents.


sports activity safety

Classes in a gym, at a stadium, on special grounds - in a word, wherever sports facilities are installed, require a serious approach from a teacher or other organizer of classes and strict adherence to safety rules. To organize safety precautions, organizational and technical safety methods must be implemented. The main content of safety measures is the prevention of injuries, or the prevention of accidents in the classroom. It is not correct to consider injuries in classes only in connection with the perfection of structures and the rational organization of classes. No less important in the occurrence of accidents is the impact of environmental factors on the human body, that is, the state of the air environment. In general, these are humidity, temperature, dust contamination, as well as the level of illumination of the training area.

Consequently, the conditions and safety of physical education and sports are determined both by the perfection of the facilities used and the organization of classes, and by the sanitary and hygienic environment surrounding those involved. No less important is the regulatory regulation of safety precautions in physical education and sports, the availability of special instructions for participants and personnel, conducting briefings and passing an exam or test on safety precautions.

1. Causes of injuries during exercise at sports facilities

The causes of injuries and their relationships are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Relationship between the causes of injuries during exercise at sports facilities

Let's consider sequentially what each of the reasons can be expressed in. Poor organization of classes can be caused by a small or insufficient number of gyms, playgrounds, and swimming pools; due to this, physical education lessons are held in recreation, that is, a section of the school corridor that is wide enough, but not equipped for classes.

As a result, teachers have to conduct a lesson for two classes in the same room or with the older and younger classes at the same time.

This may also be the result of poor-quality preparation of the educational schedule, which leads to crowding, and this, in turn, to the impossibility of full control.

The low quality of the material base can be expressed in the fact that there is moral and physical wear and tear of equipment, defects in sports equipment, equipment, and the presence of sports equipment that has not been tested for strength. There are often dilapidated floors, water leaks, poor lighting, and defects in the sports field, that is, loose boards, gates, and fencing nets.

The low level of qualifications of physical education teachers is possible due to the shortage of teachers and the replacement of the position by a teacher who is not prepared to conduct such classes. This depends both on the management of the educational institution and on the availability of personnel. But in this case, the degree of danger of injury increases in the same way as with weak medical control - the teacher, like the doctor, is not ready or competent to check all compliance with regulatory requirements.

We can conclude from the first part of the work that safety measures at sports facilities are highly dependent on the availability of personnel, technical equipment and the proper level of control.

Legislative sources on safety precautions at sports facilities

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states that an educational institution is obliged to create conditions that guarantee the protection and promotion of the health of students, as well as provide premises with proper conditions for the work of medical workers. It is also legally stipulated that medical care for students of educational institutions is provided by health authorities.

The legislation on the approval of the federal training program also states that improving the organization of the educational process in order to preserve and strengthen the health of students, normalizing the educational load, creating special conditions for receiving education by persons with limited health and developmental disabilities.

The federal law guarantees the rights of citizens to equal access to physical exercise and sports, talks about the promotion of physical culture, sports, the basic knowledge of physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle, popular physical education and sports programs, physical exercise complexes, and in the interrelation with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” prescribes that educational institutions, taking into account the created conditions, standard and special regulations, for the sake of the interests of students, independently determine the forms of physical education classes and means of education, types of sports in sections, types of physical activity, methods, forms and duration of training sessions , but exclusively on the basis of federal state educational standards and physical fitness standards.

Chapter III of the Russian Federation Law on Physical Culture and Sports refers to SanPin standards. To comply with safety regulations, the gym should be located on the 1st floor in an attached room; its dimensions should ensure the implementation of a full physical education program and create the possibility of extracurricular sports activities.

The areas of sports halls according to the standards are 9X 18 m, 12X24 m, 18X 30 m with a height of at least 6 meters. Sanitary standards stipulate that the number of seats in the gym should be set at the rate of 0.7 m2 per student.

The air temperature, depending on climatic conditions, should be in gyms and rooms for sectional classes - 15-17 degrees, in the gym locker room - 19-23 degrees, in doctors' offices - 21-23 degrees, in recreation - 16-18 degrees above zero .

Relative air humidity according to SanPin must be maintained within 40-60 percent, and in the gym itself, in its training rooms, showers, and toilet rooms there must be exhaust ventilation. The requirements for sportswear and shoes are that students exercise in sportswear and shoes in warm weather, at a temperature of plus 15 degrees and above in shorts and a sports T-shirt, at a lower temperature in a training suit, and in the open air in sportswear. clothing that suits the temperature conditions and type of activity.

Classes are also held up to a certain temperature limit, that is, first grade - up to -10°C, second-fourth grades up to -12°C, fifth-ninth grades up to -15°C, tenth-eleventh grades up to -18°C.

Be sure to take into account sports shoes that are non-slip, have an instep support, and have a locking coating, that is, sneakers, half-sneakers, sneakers, sneakers, ballet shoes, and always socks.

Sports halls must be provided with two-way side natural lighting and combined, that is, top and side, while artificial lighting in sports halls must be at least 200 lux.

The walls of gyms must be made smooth, even, they must be painted in light colors, with paints that can be cleaned with a wet method. The paint itself must be shock-resistant, not crumble, and not leave marks after touching it, and the heating appliances must be closed, and there must be no open hooks or protrusions; windows must have bars or mesh.

The floors of sports facilities must be free of cracks, elastic, and have a smooth, non-slip surface.

According to the standards, the physical culture and sports areas of an educational institution are located at a distance of at least 25 meters from the building, behind a mandatory strip of green space. Such a zone should not be located on the side of the building windows.

The equipment must ensure the implementation of physical education training programs and the work of sports sections, as well as the conduct of recreational activities.

Sports and playgrounds are equipped with a hard, even surface, and the football field is equipped with grass. Classes are not held on uneven, potholed or damp areas.

All sports equipment and equipment must be in full working order and secured. As a result of mandatory tests of inventory and equipment, the reliability of their installation must be checked, which will be recorded in a special journal. Defective equipment must be removed from the site.

Compliance with all of the above standards should ensure safety precautions when practicing at sports facilities with proper supervision by the teaching, administrative and medical staff of the educational institution.


We can conclude that it is the school administration that is responsible for the preparation of premises and equipment for classes, for compliance of conditions with SanPin requirements, for compliance with building codes and regulations, requirements for the lesson schedule and compliance of the number of seats for students with the very area of ​​the gym, that is, it is responsible for the quality educational process.

Medical workers are required to conduct constant sanitary supervision during the educational process in physical education, as well as draw up lists by health groups, because they are responsible for carrying out treatment and preventive measures in the prescribed manner, for providing first aid in case of injury;

The physical education teacher is responsible for protecting the life and health of students, compliance with safety rules for classes, the use of reliable and high-quality equipment, sanitary and hygienic conditions of the places where classes are held in accordance with SanPin, the school physical education program, and the standards of the educational process for physical education.


1. Law of the Russian Federation (RF) “On Education” dated June 25, 2002 No. 71-FZ, Art. 51, paragraph 1, 4 - System Garant-Student 2011

Law of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Federal Education Development Program” dated April 10, 2000 No. 51-FZ, section III, clause 1 - Garant-Student System 2011

Law of the Russian Federation “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” dated January 10, 2003 No. 15-FZ - - Garant-Student System 2011

Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture, textbook for physical education institutes. - M.: FiS, 2001. - 543 p.

Neverkovich S.D., Aronova T.V., Baymurzin A.R. Pedagogy of physical culture and sports. Textbook for students. Higher Textbook Establishments. Ed. S.D. Neverkovich. Academia 2010 - 543 p.


  • Self-control during physical exercise (Document)
  • Galkin V.V. Economics and management of physical culture and sports (Document)
  • Nutrition for sports (Document)
  • Davydov V.Yu., Kovalenko T.G., Kiselev P.A., Popova G.N. Safety measures in physical education lessons (Document)
  • Epifanov V.A., Apanasenko G.L., Fonarev M.I. and others. Physical therapy and medical supervision: Textbook (Document)
  • Abstract - Prevention of sports injuries (Abstract)
  • Maslennikova I.S., Vlasov E.A., Postnov A.Yu. Life safety (Document)
  • Safety standards for electrical installations of coal mines (Document)
  • n1.doc

    1. Sports injuries. Characteristics, causes of injuries and measures to prevent them………………………………………………………………..3

    2. First aid for injuries……………………………………………...5

    3. Safety instructions when conducting physical education classes in various sports sections…………………………..6

    4. Subject, goals and objectives of hygiene. ………………………………………….12

    5. Sports hygiene……………………………………………………….13

    5.1. Hygienic requirements for sportswear…………………….....13

    5.2. Hygienic requirements for sports shoes………………………...14

    6. Hygiene of sports facilities and sports equipment………….14

    7. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………..17

    8. Literature…………………………………………………………………………………..18


    Physical culture is part of a person’s lifestyle - a system of special exercises and sports activities aimed at developing his physical and spiritual strength. It is based on scientific data about the physical and mental capabilities of the body, on a special material and technical base that contributes to their manifestation and development. Physical culture, as part of general culture, is aimed at the harmonious development of all natural essential forces and the moral spirit of man. In the system of comprehensive personal improvement, it constitutes an important basis for full-fledged life activity: active work, normal family life, organized recreation and full creative self-expression.

    “Physical culture” most fully carries out its educational and developmental functions in the purposeful pedagogical process of physical education, which is based on the basic general didactic principles: consciousness, visibility, accessibility, systematicity and dynamism.

    The purpose of physical education of students is the formation of physical culture of the individual.

    In the process of physical education of students, the following main tasks are solved:

    Understanding the role of physical culture in the development of personality and preparing it for professional activity;

    Knowledge of the scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;

    Formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

    Mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and promotion of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities.

    In hygiene, the human body and its environment are considered as an inextricable whole, elements of a single system “organism - external environment”. It is on the basis of studying the characteristics of the influence of various environmental factors on the human body that specific hygiene recommendations, sanitary norms and rules are developed to ensure the creation of favorable working conditions, living conditions, recreation, physical education and sports for various categories of the population.

    Hygiene of physical culture and sports is the science of the influence of various factors associated with physical culture and sports on the health of those involved.

    1. Sports injuries. Characteristics, causes of injuries and measures to prevent them

    The issue of preventing sports injuries is not a purely medical problem. They apply to everyone who provides educational and training sessions in physical education, i.e. teachers, coaches, judges, technical staff. The fight to reduce sports injuries in physical education classes is one of the most important responsibilities of the teacher, department head and medical staff.

    In sports life, there are various injuries that damage the tissues of the limbs or individual organs: this incapacitates a person and prevents him from engaging in work and sports.

    To prevent sports injuries, it is necessary to know the causes and mechanism of injury, as well as effective ways to prevent them. This will preserve the full professional and sports performance of every athlete and those who love sports.

    There are two main groups of causes of sports injuries: a group of “external” and a group of “internal” factors.

    The first group of factors includes:

    Disadvantages of the technical condition of training places and equipment.

    Incorrect organization of the educational and training process.

    Adverse weather conditions.

    Violation of competition rules by the panel of judges.

    Non-compliance with diet.

    The second group of “internal causes” factors, depending on the athlete himself, include:

    Insufficient physical and technical preparedness of the athlete.

    Participation in competitions and training after a long break in training sessions.

    Participation in competitions in a state of overfatigue and overtraining in the presence of illnesses or untreated injuries.

    Lack of warm-up or improper warm-up.

    Undisciplined behavior of those practicing or competing (rudeness, violation of rules).

    Measures to prevent injury are as follows:

    An athlete’s training load or competition load must strictly correspond to the functional capabilities of the body, that is, the degree of preparedness.

    Before training or competition, a thorough warm-up should be carried out, especially in cold weather.

    In the interval between exercises (gymnastics, jumping), measures must be taken to maintain muscle heat. To do this, you need to dress appropriately (warm training suit).

    The educational and training process must be properly organized, crowding and close proximity of gymnastic equipment must be avoided, reliable insurance must be provided for those involved, and discipline must be strictly observed.

    The presence of a coach during training for inexperienced and novice athletes is mandatory!

    Sports grounds and sports equipment during competitions and training must be in good condition.

    It is necessary to wage a tireless fight against all manifestations of rudeness and unsportsmanlike behavior during competitions, especially in games.

    Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, a worthy attitude towards each other and towards the enemy.

    Regardless of whether you are new to the sport or an experienced athlete, train only under the guidance of a trainer, and do not start working on apparatus without providing insurance.

    Of great importance for the prevention of sports injuries are the choice and condition of sportswear and shoes, which must fit well, this is especially important when practicing winter sports (skis, skates). We must remember that tight shoes lead to scuffs and frostbite. To prevent abrasions, you should wash your feet daily with soap, and when wearing rubber shoes, wear woolen socks.

    Football players must wear protective pads under their socks, a bandage under their shorts, and padded underpants for goalkeepers, knee pads, elbow pads and gloves.

    Hockey players must wear gloves, shin guards on their shoulders and shins, and a helmet on their head.

    Divers, wrestlers and boxers must also wear braces. Weightlifters must wear wristbands to prevent sprains of the ligamentous apparatus of the wrist joint, a wide leather belt to protect against overextension of the lumbar spine, and use magnesium to prevent slipping of the hands.

    A common injury among gymnasts is the breakdown of calluses on the palms.

    If the ligamentous apparatus is weak, elastic bandages should be used during training and competitions.

    Warm-up before training or competition is of great importance: it is done to prepare the body for increased load and mobilize the attention of athletes. Timely examinations by a doctor play a major role in the prevention of sports injuries.

    When training or performing in a painful state at competitions or immediately after an illness, an athlete can overexert or overwork, which in most cases leads to disturbances in coordination of movements and, as a result, to injury.

    The doctor will help the athlete and coach to understand correctly and prevent undesirable consequences. You should know that even a minor sports injury, if not treated in time, can later lead to a chronic disease that is difficult to treat. The athlete and coach must carefully analyze each case of sports injury in order to rule out its cause in the future. This will be helped by timely and accurate analysis and recording of injuries, both mild and severe.

    2. First aid for injuries

    The health-improving effect of physical education classes is especially significant when the teacher or coach has a certain amount of medical knowledge. The importance of properly organized mutual assistance for sports injuries is very important. Everyone involved in physical education and sports should be trained in the rules of first aid for injuries.

    For sprains and ligament tears

    You can guess that a person has problems with ligaments by the sharp pain in the damaged joint. If at the same time the joint is swollen or blue, it is difficult for them to move, and when palpated, the pain becomes simply unbearable - it looks like a sprain or even rupture of the ligaments (although a fracture is also possible, see below). Without delay, apply a bandage to the damaged joint that will limit its movement, and apply ice or a cold compress on top. Place the injured limb on an elevation.

    For dislocations

    A dislocation can be recognized by the unnatural position of the limb and the almost complete immobility of the joint. Of course, the victim feels severe pain. Swelling of the joint and bleeding into it may also occur. Under no circumstances should you adjust a dislocation yourself! Try to fix the dislocated limb in the most comfortable position for the victim (bandage) and apply ice.

    For bruises

    Place a cold compress on the site of the bruise; a fixing bandage will not hurt.

    For fractures

    You can accurately understand whether it is a fracture or not only by taking an x-ray. While you only have a suspicion about it, be careful. Urgently (and at the same time carefully) apply a splint using improvised means and an elastic or regular bandage to the injured limb. It is necessary to limit the movement of the bone in the area of ​​damage, and it is desirable to fix not only the damaged bone, but also the above and underlying joints. For open fractures, a sterile bandage is first applied to the wound before applying a splint.

    If a fracture of the spine is suspected, the victim must be laid on a hard, flat surface: a board or boards. In case of fracture and dislocation of the cervical vertebrae, the bones are fixed using a wire splint, which is applied from the back.

    For wounds

    If the wound is deep, rinse it thoroughly with running water (about 5 liters). Do not remove deeply embedded foreign bodies from the wound. Stabilize the foreign body with a bulk dressing and immobilize with splints as needed.

    If there is severe bleeding, try to stop it: squeeze the damaged vessel above the wound site, apply a tight bandage or tourniquet. Do not forget that in the warm season the tourniquet can be left in place for 1.5 hours, and in the cold - 1 hour. After the specified time, the tourniquet must be loosened for 5 minutes, after first pressing the damaged vessel above the wound with your finger, and then tightened again.

    Treat the edges of the wound with sterile gauze or a cotton ball moistened with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol (vodka, cologne). Clean the skin around the wound thoroughly. After this, lubricate the edges with iodine without touching the wound itself. Apply a dry, clean bandage.

    Light abrasions and scratches can be completely rubbed with peroxide or an alcohol solution and lubricated with iodine, and then applied with a bandage.

    When compressed

    Free the victim from the rubble, ruins, or vehicle as quickly as possible. Apply a tourniquet to the base of the compressed limb. Secure the limb with a bandage, using available means, and give it an elevated position. The patient needs to drink plenty of fluids - mineral or soda water.

    For frostbite

    Warm the frostbitten area as quickly as possible, but under no circumstances rub it with snow - this will only increase the risk of complete tissue necrosis. You should not warm frostbitten areas with dry heat; it is best to immerse them in warm water (just above 40 degrees). Touch the skin in affected areas as little as possible.

    For burns

    If there is severe pain, the victim is given painkillers (analgin). The burned limb can be immersed in cold running water. To relieve pain, spray Panthenol spray well on the burn area; For minor burns, you can use Rescuer ointment. If you suspect a serious burn, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    3. Safety instructions when conducting physical education classes in various sports sections

    1. Students who have passed a medical examination and safety instructions are allowed to participate in gymnastics classes.

    • when performing exercises on faulty equipment, as well as when performing exercises without insurance;

    • when performing exercises on contaminated sports equipment, as well as when performing exercises on equipment with wet palms.
    3. The gym must have fire extinguishers and a first aid kit equipped with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid to victims.

    Safety requirements before starting classes.

    1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles.

    3. Check the reliability of the fastening of the crossbar, the supports of the pommel horse and the goat, and the fastening of the locking screws of the parallel bars.

    4. Place gymnastic mats in the places where the equipment comes off so that their surface is flat.

    1. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment without a teacher, teacher or his assistant, as well as without insurance.

    2. When performing jumps and dismounts from apparatus, land softly on your toes, squatting springily.

    3. Do not stand close to the apparatus while other students are performing exercises.

    4. Do not perform exercises on sports equipment with wet palms.

    5. When performing the exercises in a stream /one after another/, maintain sufficient intervals so that there are no collisions.

    1. If during classes you experience pain in the joints of your hands, redness of the skin or abrasions on your palms, as well as if you feel unwell, stop classes and notify your teacher.

    2. If a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop classes, evacuate students from the hall, report the fire to the nearest fire department and begin to eliminate the fire using fire extinguishing equipment.

    3. If a student is injured, immediately provide first aid and, if necessary, transport the victim to the nearest hospital.

    Safety requirements at the end of classes.

    1.Put sports equipment into storage areas.

    2. Wipe the neck of the crossbar with a dry cloth and sand it down.

    3. Take off your tracksuit and sports shoes.

    4. Take a shower or wash your face and hands thoroughly with soap.

    Safety instructions for ski lessons

    General safety requirements

    1. Students who have passed a medical examination and safety instruction are allowed to take ski lessons.

    2. Risk of injury:

    • when falling while descending a mountain or ski jumping;

    • with unreliable ski fastenings;

    • frostbite when exercising in winds of more than 1.5 - 2.0 m/s and at air temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius.
    3. During ski training classes there must be a first aid kit equipped with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid to victims.

    Safety requirements before starting classes.

    1. Wear light, warm clothing that does not restrict movement, woolen socks, gloves or mittens (the latter is preferable). To protect from the wind, it is advisable to wear a light raincoat jacket on top.

    2. check the serviceability of the sports equipment and adjust the ski mounts to the shoes.

    3. Check the preparedness of the ski track or route.

    Safety requirements during classes.

    1. Maintain an interval when skiing: at a distance - 3-4 m, when descending from a mountain - at least 30 m.

    2. When going down the mountain, do not put your ski poles forward.

    3. After descending from the mountain, do not stop at the foot.

    4. Observe each other and immediately report the first signs of frostbite to the teacher.

    5. To avoid scuffs, do not wear tight or too loose shoes.

    Safety requirements in emergency situations.

    1. If ski equipment breaks down or is damaged, which cannot be fixed on the way, inform the teacher about it and, with his permission, move to the ski base.

    2. At the first signs of frostbite, as well as if you feel unwell, stop classes and inform the teacher about it.

    3. If a student is injured, immediately provide him with first aid; if necessary, transport the victim to the nearest hospital.

    Safety requirements after classes

    1. Check the list for the presence of all students.

    2. Remove sports equipment to its storage areas.

    3. Take a shower or wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap.

    Safety precautions during gymnastics

    1. You are allowed to wear sportswear in the gym. Clothes should be comfortable for classes, clean and tidy.

    2. Before performing exercises on apparatus, it is necessary to check their serviceability.

    3. Exercises on apparatus are performed only in the presence of a teacher.

    4. Before practicing gymnastics, you must inform the teacher about your health status.
    Safety and sanitation requirements for educational venues and sports equipment.

    A. Requirements for indoor sports facilities, gym.

    1. The premises of gyms and the placement of equipment in them must meet the requirements of building codes and regulations, as well as the Rules on electrical safety and fire safety for secondary schools.

    2. The number of seats in the gym during classes should be set at the rate of 0.7 m per student. Filling the hall beyond the established norm is prohibited.

    3. The floors of sports halls must be elastic, without cracks and sastrugi, have a flat, horizontal and non-slip surface, painted with emulsion or silicate paint.

    4. The floors should not be deformed from washing and should be dry and clean by the start of classes.

    5. The payload on gym floors should be no more than 400 kg/m2.

    6. It is allowed to equip a landing place on the floor of the gym in accordance with regulatory documentation after jumps and dismounts.

    7. The walls of gyms should be flat, smooth, painted in light colors over the entire height of the panels with paints that make it easy to wet clean the room. The paint must be resistant to ball impacts, not crumble or get dirty when touching the walls.

    8. The walls of the sports hall to a height of 1.8 m should not have protrusions, and those of them that are determined by the design of the hall should be covered with nets or shields and should not protrude from the plane of the wall.

    9. The opening connecting the gym with the equipment room must be at least two meters wide and high and not have a protruding threshold.

    10. The window openings of the sports hall should be located along the longitudinal walls, the glazing of the windows should have a protective fence against ball impacts, the windows should have transoms that open from the floor and sun protection devices.

    11. As light sources for the halls, either fluorescent lamps such as ceiling lamps, equipped with silent ballasts, or lamps with incandescent lamps of fully reflected or predominantly reflected light distribution should be used, while the use of lamps with protective angles of less than 30 degrees is not allowed.

    12. Ventilation of indoor sports facilities should be carried out by natural cross-ventilation of the hall through windows and transoms, as well as with the help of special ventilation supply and exhaust devices, while the devices must always be in good working order, subject to scheduled preventive maintenance, periodic technical and sanitary testing . The test results are recorded in a special journal.

    13. Ventilation and heating must provide the ability to turn off the lighting installation. For this purpose, the electrical network supplying the gym must be equipped with a switch or two-way switch. The switch must be controlled and installed outdoors - in the corridor, on the landing, etc.

    14. For mechanical cleaning in the gym, at least two plug sockets must be provided in two opposite corners of the hall. Safety plugs must be installed on all socket outlets.

    B. Requirements for open areas.

    1. Open sports grounds must be located in the sports zone at a distance of at least 10 m from educational buildings.

    2. The sports area must have a perimeter fence 0.5-0.8 m high. It is allowed to use shrubs with non-poisonous, non-thorny and non-dusting fruits as a fence.

    3. The area for outdoor games must be of the established dimensions, level, clear of stones and other foreign objects.

    4. Sites cannot be fenced with grooves, or wooden or brick edges must be installed. There should be no trees, poles, fences or other objects that could cause injury for at least 2 m around the site.

    5. Treadmills must be specially equipped and not have bumps, holes, or slippery soil. The track must continue for at least 15 m beyond the finish mark.

    6. Jumping pits should be filled with sand loosened to a depth of 20-40 cm. The sand must be clean and the soil leveled.

    7. Places intended for throwing are located in a clearly visible place, at a considerable distance from public places

    8. The location of ski training classes - slope profile, terrain, distance and conditions must be carefully selected and strictly correspond to the age characteristics and physical fitness of the students.

    9. The training area for initial skiing training must be protected from the wind and have a slope of no more than 4 degrees. The size of the area is chosen in such a way that the constant distance between moving skiers is at least 10 m.

    10. The training and training slope must have compacted snow without any hidden rocks, stumps or trees, deep holes and potholes that form jumps. The slope should be free of ice and bare areas.

    11. Rinks with artificial ice coating must have an ice thickness of at least 15 cm, and the slope must be no more than 10 mm/m. The thickness of the ice on a natural body of water equipped for ice skating lessons must be at least 25 cm.

    12. Rinks and skating tracks must have a smooth surface without cracks or potholes. Any damage to the ice surface that occurs is immediately repaired. Skating rinks and skating tracks must have areas of at least 8 square meters per student.

    13.Illumination of outdoor sports grounds must comply with the standards.

    Requirements for sports equipment and equipment.

    1. All sports equipment and equipment installed in indoor or outdoor training areas must be in full working order and securely fastened. The reliability of the installation and test results of inventory and equipment must be recorded in a special journal. The main dimensions and testing methods for gymnastic apparatus are given in Appendix No. 4.

    2. Gymnastic apparatus should not have any backlash, swings, or deflections in the units and joints; fastening parts / nuts, screws / must be securely fastened.

    3. The poles of the bars must be repaired along their entire length every time before the start of the school year. If cracks are found, the pole must be replaced.

    4. Before performing exercises and after completing them, the bar of the crossbar must be wiped with a dry cloth and sanded. The plates for fastening the guy wires must be screwed tightly to the floor and sealed flush.

    5. The gymnastic beam should not have cracks, burrs on the beam, or noticeable curvature.

    6. The supports of the gymnastic goat must be firmly fixed in the boxes of the body. When extending, the goat's legs must be freely installed and firmly secured in a given position.

    7. Gymnastic mats should be placed closely around the gymnastic apparatus, providing an area for a dismount or intended fall and fall.

    8. The gymnastic bridge must be lined with rubber to prevent slipping when pushing off.

    9. Medicine balls are used strictly by numbers in accordance with the age and physical fitness of the students.

    10. The weight of sports equipment for throwing must be appropriate for age and gender in accordance with the competition rules.

    11. The placement of equipment must provide a safe area around each gymnastic apparatus.

    12. Ski equipment must be selected in accordance with the height and weight data of the students and adjusted individually:

    13. Sticks should be light, durable and comfortable, and have loops for gripping with your hands. Point for emphasis, restrictive ring;

    14. The surface of the skis should not have distortions and lateral curvatures, cracks, burrs and bevels; the sliding surface should be tarred and lubricated with special ointments in accordance with weather conditions.
    4. Subject, goals and objectives of hygiene

    The purpose of hygiene is the primary prevention of health problems and the occurrence of various diseases in humans.

    The subject of hygiene is the influence of various environmental factors, including physical activity, on the functional state of the human body, the state of his health and performance.

    In hygiene, the external environment is understood as a complex of natural, social, household, industrial and other factors in which human life (work, study, rest) takes place.

    Main tasks of hygiene :

    – development of preventive measures aimed at preventing the impact of adverse environmental factors on humans;

    – increasing the resistance of the human body to the adverse effects of various environmental factors;

    – maintaining and strengthening the state of health, physical development, increasing the performance of various groups of the population.

    A hygienic standard is an acceptable maximum or minimum quantitative and (or) qualitative value of an indicator established by research that characterizes a particular environmental factor from the standpoint of its safety and (or) harmlessness to humans.

    Hygienic problems are solved through the use of a set of specific hygiene products that provide primary prevention of violations of individual and public health. Basic hygiene products include:

    – improvement of living conditions;

    – improving the conditions and organization of work, study and recreation;

    - balanced diet;

    – optimization of motor activity;

    – hardening.

    In hygiene, when solving private hygienic problems, a wide range of different research methods is used. During the existence and development of hygiene, a set of special methods for studying the external environment and its impact on public health has been developed.
    5. Sports hygiene

    Hygiene as a branch of medical science includes environmental hygiene, food hygiene, hygiene of children and adolescents, occupational hygiene, radiation hygiene, military hygiene, social hygiene, hygiene of physical culture and sports.

    Based on the study of the influence of various factors associated with physical exercise, hygienic recommendations, norms and rules are developed to ensure the creation of favorable conditions for physical education and sports, increasing their health-improving effectiveness, as well as increasing general and special (sports) performance, the level of sports results provided that the health of those involved is maintained and strengthened. The goals of hygiene in physical education and sports are the prevention of various diseases associated with the effects of factors of physical culture and sports on individuals involved in physical exercise, increasing the health-improving effectiveness of classes based on the creation of optimal conditions, organization and content of physical culture and sports classes.

    Without compliance with the appropriate hygienic standards and requirements in the process of physical education and sports, it is impossible to provide optimal conditions for normal physical development, preservation and strengthening of the health of those involved in physical exercises, and to increase sports achievements.

    5.1 Hygienic requirements for sportswear

    Sportswear and footwear are clothing and footwear specifically designed for various sports. They are part of individual equipment.

    Sportswear and shoes should provide favorable conditions for the functioning of the body during intense physical exercise and sports in various meteorological conditions. In this case, the specific features of sports and the rules of competitions must also be taken into account. The design features of clothing and shoes must not only take into account sports and technical requirements, but also comply with hygiene rules.

    Sportswear should maintain optimal thermal balance of the body during physical exercise and sports, provide effective sports activity, protection from injuries and mechanical damage. It should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement, and correspond to height and fullness. Modern sportswear is characterized by a high degree of fit to the body, without allowance for loose fit, which is associated with the better aerodynamic properties of tight-fitting elastic clothing.

    The heat-protective properties of clothing, its hygienic properties, as well as the hygienic properties of the fabrics from which it is made (air permeability, vapor permeability, evaporation, water capacity, hygroscopicity, flexibility, wrinkleability, etc.) are important.

    It is unhygienic to use sportswear in everyday life.

    5.2 Hygienic requirements for sports shoes

    Hygienic requirements for sports shoes largely coincide with the requirements for sportswear. Sports shoes should be comfortable, light, durable, soft and elastic. It must have good water resistance, sufficient ventilation, and after moistening it must not lose flexibility and not change shape and size. Sports shoes must be suitable for weather conditions and the characteristics of various types of physical exercise and sports.

    Shoe materials must be durable, have poor thermal conductivity (for winter shoes), good breathability, and protect from dampness, cooling, frostbite and mechanical stress.

    The shape of sports shoes is important. It should fit the foot evenly, fix its shape, and not squeeze the soft tissues of the foot; do not cause pain both at rest and during movement; do not limit movement in the joints, and also ensure maximum freedom of movement.

    Various materials are used to make sports shoes: leather, its substitutes, fur, rubber, thin tarpaulin, canvas, etc. The best material for the upper of shoes is considered to be genuine leather. It is durable, quite soft and elastic, protects well from dampness and mechanical damage, has low thermal conductivity, provides the necessary evaporation of sweat, and has the ability to retain its shape and size after moistening and subsequent drying.

    6. Hygiene of sports facilities and equipment.

    Sports facilities must comply with established sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards. Particularly high demands are placed on the hygienic requirements of sports facilities, since the health-improving effect of physical exercise and sports depends on their sanitary condition. After the sports facility is put into operation, employees of the sanitary-epidemiological station and medical and physical education dispensaries, as well as specialists in physical education and sports, must systematically conduct ongoing sanitary inspection of these premises. Comments and suggestions from representatives of sanitary inspection authorities are recorded in a sanitary journal, which must be available at all sports facilities. In addition, each sports facility must have internal regulations agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological station. Responsibility for non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, rules for the maintenance and operation of sports facilities lies with the administration of this facility. If sanitary and hygienic norms and rules are violated, the administration is held accountable.

    Hygienic requirements for indoor sports facilities. Sports facilities (halls, arenas, swimming pools) can be located in special ones or be part of public buildings (educational institutions, clubs, etc.). Service premises in a sports facility must be interconnected in such a way as to ensure the movement of those involved in the following sequence: a vestibule with a dressing room for outerwear - locker rooms for men and women (with showers and toilets) - a gym. Detailed placement eliminates the oncoming traffic flows of dressed and undressed athletes.

    Interior decoration is of great hygienic importance. The walls must be smooth, without protrusions or moldings, resistant to ball impacts and allow for wet cleaning. Central heating radiators should be located in niches under windows and covered with protective grilles. Doorways should not have protruding frames.

    When painting walls, one should take into account the degree of light reflection and the influence of light on psychophysiological functions: green color calms and has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision; orange and yellow invigorate and evoke a feeling of warmth; red color excites; blue and purple are depressing. When using oil paint, it is not recommended to completely cover the walls and ceiling with it, as this interferes with the natural ventilation of the room. The floor must be level, without potholes or protrusions,

    Non-slip, elastic, easy to clean.

    Of particular hygienic importance is the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions in the halls: the air temperature should be maintained at +15 (C, relative humidity - 35-60%, air speed - 0.5 m/s. In the halls for wrestling and table tennis, the speed of movement air should not exceed 0.25 m/s, and in showers, locker rooms and massage rooms - 0.15 m/s. To ensure the necessary air exchange, a central supply and exhaust ventilation system is provided with a supply of outside air of at least 80 m3 per hour per person student and 20 m3 per hour - per spectator. If this is not possible, decentralized artificial ventilation is arranged with maximum ventilation of the premises through transoms and vents. Gyms should have direct natural light whenever possible; artificial lighting in the halls is carried out by diffused or reflected light lamps. Lighting must be uniform and provide the required level of horizontal and vertical illumination in accordance with established standards. The medical center is located in close proximity to the gym. There should be arrows in visible places indicating the location of the medical station. Gym equipment and supplies must be in good working order and meet certain standards in terms of shape, weight and quality of materials. They are also subject to a number of hygienic requirements aimed at preventing sports injuries, eliminating air pollution from dust, and matching the equipment to the age of the athletes. All this creates conditions for a normal educational and training process. In gyms, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning daily, and once a week - general cleaning with washing of floors, walls and cleaning of equipment. A special sanitary and hygienic regime is established for artificial indoor swimming pools. The air temperature in them can vary from +24 (to +27 (C), water - from +26 (to +29 (C) (the air should always be 2-3 (above the water temperature). The water must meet the requirements for drinking For this purpose, water samples are taken every 2 hours and analyzed in the laboratory. To prevent possible water contamination, only persons who have undergone a preliminary medical examination are allowed into the pool. Smoking is strictly prohibited in indoor sports facilities, as well as exercise not in sports uniform.

    Hygienic requirements for outdoor sports facilities. These structures, located outdoors, can be separate or complex. Outdoor flat sports facilities must have a special coating with a smooth and non-slip surface that does not collect dust in the dry season and does not contain mechanical impurities that can lead to injury. The grass covering (green lawn), in addition, must be low, thick, frost-resistant, resistant to trampling and frequent cutting, as well as to dry and rainy weather. The coating must have slopes to drain surface water. Drinking water fountains must be built on the territory of outdoor sports facilities (service radius no more than 75 m). Toilets should be located no more than 150 m from outdoor sports facilities. When designing an artificial lighting system on sports grounds, it is necessary to ensure optimal illumination not only of the surface of the court itself (horizontal illumination), but also of the space within the flight of the ball (vertical illumination). Lighting should be uniform.


    Security measures are security measures carried out by government and public organizations, enterprises and individuals on the basis of the laws and regulations in force in the country. Rules of safe behavior - a procedure for the safe performance of work, developed on the basis of current safety measures.

    A personal security and survival system is an end in itself, it is a tool for safe life. It is not created in one day and is constantly improved throughout a person’s life.

    Physical culture and sports are areas of human activity in which safety rules play an important role.

    Safety rules when performing physical exercises are of great importance for the effectiveness of such exercises.

    It is equally necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular type of sports activity and the type of physical activity. Some sports have their own special requirements for those involved. Their characteristics can lead to injuries specific to these sports. Different types of physical activity also place different demands on participants.

    The introduction of hygienic requirements into life is carried out through sanitary, i.e., legislation aimed at improving health, sanitary supervision, and sanitary education.

    By its nature, hygiene is a preventive science, its main task is to prevent the harmful effects of any unfavorable factors on the human body.

    The state cares about the health of citizens, about creating the best conditions for their life, work, and everyday life. It is emphasized that caring for one’s health and the health of other members of society is the responsibility of every citizen of our country. And this is absolutely fair. The fact is that the favorable conditions for people’s lives created by the state cannot in themselves ensure a high level of their health. What is important is how citizens themselves feel about their health, whether they have a sanitary culture and the necessary hygienic skills.

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    4. Vinogradov P.A., Dushanin A.P., Zholdak V.I. Fundamentals of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle. - M., 1996.

    5. Dubrovsky V.I.: “Therapeutic exercise and medical supervision”; M., “Medical Information Agency”, 2006.

    6. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports. M.: publishing center "Academy" 2000. -264s.

    7. Kosmolinsky F. P. Physical culture and performance - M.: 1983.

    8. Laptev A.P., Polievsky S.A. Hygiene: a textbook for institutes and technical schools of physical culture. - M., 1990.

    9. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture: Textbook for the Institute of Physics. cult. - M.: FiS, 1991.

    10. Kholodov M.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methods of physical education and sports. M.: publishing center "Academy" 2000. -480s.

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    Safety measures in physical education and sports classes.

    Hygienic requirements and standards