Without firing a shot: biathlete Glazyrina was suspended from participation in the World Championships. At the beginning there was a report

The Biathlon World Championship, which started with a scandal on the morning of the second day, received the same scandalous continuation. Unfortunately, it is connected with the topic of doping and with an athlete from Russia. But it is not Alexander Loginov.

International Union biathletes (IBU) announced that it had decided to temporarily suspend the Russian athlete Ekaterina Glazyrina based on a report by an independent WADA expert Richard McLaren.

The press release states: “Having collected Additional information and documentation, the working group came to a decision to temporarily suspend the athlete due to samples that may contain prohibited substances. The result of the doping test conducted by RUSADA may have been altered.”

Glazyrina has been suspended pending a final investigation by the IBU. It is noted that the athlete and the Russian Biathlon Union were informed of the temporary disqualification. The athlete will be given the opportunity to speak at the preliminary hearing.

I must say that the decision was made at the last moment. Until the morning of February 10, Ekaterina Glazyrina was announced for the start of the sprint race and was supposed to go into the distance under number 10.

About replacing Glazyrina with Irina Uslugina Russian coaches announced around noon. Head coach of the Russian national team Alexander Kasperovich announced to reporters: “This is a tactical move.” The replacement took place even before the announcement of the temporary disqualification, but the word “doping” immediately hung in the air.

"Victims" of the McLaren report

The fact that Glazyrina might have problems became known almost immediately after the publication of the second part of Richard McLaren’s report, in which 31 Russian biathletes were immediately accused of involvement in doping.

This huge number was largely the reason why foreign athletes signed mass letters calling for tougher penalties for doping. This was not said directly, but it was assumed that first of all it would be about the Russians.

True, not everything is fine with McLaren’s accusations. It turned out that the expert, to put it mildly, worked indiscriminately. To date, all charges against 22 biathletes have been dropped, and in three more cases it turned out that the athletes had already been punished earlier.

There are still six cases of Russians left, on which there is still no clarity. Their names are unknown, but until today it was assumed that Ekaterina Glazyrina was among this number.

“How is this possible! Also a girl!”

The fact is that the McLaren investigation documents contain correspondence from the former head of the Moscow anti-doping laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov with someone Alexey Velikodny. This is the name of the official who held the post of deputy director of the Sports Training Center in 2013.

The correspondence talks about concealing positive doping tests for a certain biathlete. “If it appears at the World Cup stages, it will be a very ugly situation for the laboratory if we ‘found nothing’ in its analyzes at such a concentration,” such a remark sounds in the correspondence. “How is this possible! Also a girl!” — Rodchenkov is indignant.

The correspondence does not mention the surname, but the competitions and training camps in which the athlete participated are indicated. One could assume that we could be talking about Ekaterina Glazyrina.

Who is Ekaterina Glazyrina?

29-year-old Ekaterina Glazyrina made her World Cup debut in 2011. She did not become a winner in individual races, she took 2nd and 3rd places once each, and also stood on the podium of the World Cup stages several times as part of the relay.

Glazyrina was included in the national team for the Olympics in Sochi, where she took 61st place in individual race, but was then included in the relay. However, shortly before the race, the coaching council replaced Glazyrina with Ekaterina Shumilova.

“Not a team, but... Thanks to everyone who has been there these four years. Who shared the joy of victories, supported and encouraged when there were defeats, failures and injuries. Thanks to everyone who believed. Everything will be tomorrow. It's not even about my form. The weather decided everything,” Glazyrina wrote on the social network.

After the Olympics, Glazyrina was first removed from the team, but then returned. In the 2014/2015 season, in the pursuit race at the World Cup stage in Hochfilzen, where, by the way, the current World Championship is being held, Glazyrina showed her best result: 2nd place.

The athlete missed the 2015/2016 season due to pregnancy, but returned before the start of the current one. Like most Russian women, she didn’t show anything outstanding. top scores- 6th place in the individual race in Östersund and 5th place in the relay in Antholz.

And in December 2016, McLaren’s report, mentioned above, was announced.

Arguments, facts and... “concepts”

A logical question: why, under such conditions, was Glazyrina even included in the World Championship application?

Apparently, for the same reason why the IBU’s wording sounds extremely cautious. It can be assumed that evidence against Glazyrina, other than the above-mentioned correspondence, has not yet been found.

As a result, international officials decided to suspend the athlete only at the last moment. Which, of course, doesn’t make the situation any better.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko, quoted by Sport Express, said: “The Federation needs to be more careful. It’s not just that the application is sent there. Plus, you need to establish communication with an international organization. Strange. There is no solution yet, an investigation is ongoing. Katya is not suspended. Why then was the application accepted? But maybe that's right. Better to play it safe. So as not to take away the medal, if something happens.”

But the words of the fourfold Olympic champion, former president of the RBU Alexandra Tikhonova, are also quite logical: “This is a complete disgrace! From McLaren, WADA, IBU. After all, there is not a single legal document that proves anything about Glazyrina. And they dismiss one after another. We need to challenge! Can't be suspended. Where is the reason? Prove it! And so - just words."

Tikhonov is right that recently in sports too much has begun to be done “by convention.” The same persecution of Alexander Loginov has nothing to do with the law: Martin Fourcade with like-minded people suddenly decided that certain “unwritten norms” allow one to behave like... Like the animal to which Fourcade compared

from Hochfilzen


Friday began with another unpleasant incident. First, the International Biathlon Union officially announced that there had been a change in the Russian team and would instead start in the sprint race. Then, a little over an hour later, the IBU press release appeared: Glazyrina was temporarily suspended from participation in competitions based on the information contained in the report, and will remain in this status until the IBU collects sufficient facts to rehabilitate the athlete or completely disqualify her .

On the morning men's training when about disciplinary release IBU was not yet known to the press, Main coach The Russian national team reacted rather strangely to a request to comment on the replacement in the women's team.

We are not planning any replacements,” he said. When did I tell the coach that there was already official information about this that was communicated to journalists? IBU , the coach changed the wording: “Well, yes, we replaced Glazyrina. This is our strategy.”

When a press release appeared in the press center about the Russian athlete’s suspension from racing, there was no one to turn to for comments. Kasperovich himself left the stadium for the track, and the coaches who remained at the turn just shrugged their shoulders: “We don’t know what to say about this.”

The situation looked extremely idiotic. What Glazyrina appears in the McLaren report and sanctions could be applied against her at any time, it has been known since September. At the same time they discussed various options possible actions up to and including recommending that the athlete temporarily retire from biathlon, give birth to a second child and return in a year when everything has calmed down. Instead, they began to take Ekaterina to training camps and stages of the World Cup, and they brought her to the world championship, in which, as it turned out, she was not destined to start in principle.

Simultaneously with the information about Glazyrina, it became known that another athlete of the main team would not make it to Hochfilzen: she was sent to Moscow directly from the training camp in Ridnau. When asked about the reasons for this decision, the senior coach women's team replied that he knew about the situation solely from hearsay. It seems to be in Ridnau, where Dasha drove up from Osrbly immediately after another victory in the cup IBU , the athlete had a stomach ache, and it was decided to send her for examination to Moscow. “I haven’t been to Ridnow myself, so I don’t know anything,” the coach summed up.

In this situation, it was absolutely impossible not to remember in hindsight that shortly before the World Championships, another athlete lost her place on the team in a very strange way. The girl was told until the very end that they were planning her participation in the World Championships, and they did not even include her among the participants in the European Championships. And then the coaches of the main team once again changed their decision and the athlete, who had managed to achieve an excellent functional state by February, was left “out of the woods.”


This is how the four Russian women starting on Friday in the sprint race got Irina Uslugina, which replaced Glazyrin with starting number ten.

Opportunities like these come around so infrequently that you have to grab them with your teeth. Irina grabbed onto it: she passed both of her lines flawlessly and quite briskly as a marksman. It’s just that we all had to suffer a lot of waiting: the 13-second gap of the Russian debutante after the second shooting from the two-time Olympic champion did not mean anything at all: the Slovak athlete made a mistake in the “stand-up”.

It seems like no one knew what to expect from the ski track on this hot, sunny day for winter. Five-time champion world and the fastest representative of world biathlon chose the first group for themselves and received, respectively, the first and fourth starting numbers. Possessor last year's Cup peace Gabriela Koukalova preferred the final group and received the 96th starting position.

The increased responsibility of the first personal race resulted, as usual, in increased stress: the very first milestone recorded a miss Doren-Habert, two - y Mäkäräinen and, the German woman has three. She made three misses in the “stand-up” and three times Olympic champion, and this was extremely annoying, since it completely destroyed the close fairy tale about the beautiful return of an outstanding athlete: before the second milestone, Daria lost to the leader by only 0.8.

The second (and by default the fastest) of the Russian athletes Tatiana Akimova However, she missed in the “stand”, and her potential speed immediately ceased to matter in this race.

69th started. She might not have been on the team at all. In any case, in Arber, where we met with the athlete in mid-January, she was preparing for the European Championships, not really believing that the team leaders would give her the opportunity to go to Hochfilzen, and even more so, to start there. The wards, with whom I trained, finished the European Championship triumphantly, winning six medals in three individual races, including two golds, and retained both mixed relays - classic and single. After this, Medvedtsev himself was sent home to Krasnoyarsk, while fans were left to wonder: would they have enough Sleptsova And Old reserve in order to maintain the gained form for another two weeks - until Hochfilzen.

This was what was to be seen in the sprint.

Sleptsov dropped the second line. Although even without this, it was clear that the athlete no longer had enough “legs”: with zero prone shooting on the first of two lines, she lost to the leader by almost 25 seconds.

At the time of start Koukalova the first three looked in the following way: Laura Dahlmeier she was 21.1 ahead of the Frenchwoman, while the Italian was temporarily holding third. True, the Czech woman already completed her first shooting ahead of schedule Dahlmeier by 5.3, and the second line eloquently indicated that the German would have to move forward completely.

A multi-volume and exciting work could be written about the last shot in biathlon. There is nothing more frustrating than losing chances when the job seemed to have already been done and done well. This is exactly what happened with Old- the fourth and last Russian hope in this sprint. Her final result could perhaps be considered quite good for a debutante who returned to the sport after a three-year absence from competition. But he was unlikely to be able to accommodate the two-time European champion.

1. Koukalova (Czech Republic) - 19.12.6 (0). 2. Dahlmeier (Germany) - gap 4.0 (0). 3. A. Chevalier (France) - 25.1 (0). 4. Vittozzi - 25.3 (0). 5. Sanfilippo (both Italy) - 31.9 (0). 6. Hinz (Germany) - 37.9 (0)… 15. SERVICE - 1.03.6 (0). 16. AKIMOVA - 1.05.6 (1)... 24. OLDYKH - 1.18.1 (1)... 33. SLEPTSOVA - 1.39.7 (1).

From all competitions of Ekaterina Glazyrina. The International Biathlon Union (IBU) published a press release stating that the athlete has been under sanctions since February 10 of this year. The reason was its repeated mention in the second part of Richard McLaren's report. The Russian woman is suspected of passing positive doping tests and fraud with them.

Apparently, Glazyrina is one of the seven athletes against whom the IBU continues to investigate. Initially there were 31 of them, two of them had already received temporary disqualification, but their suspension did not affect the composition of the national team. In January, the IBU announced that 22 athletes had been cleared of all suspicion, but the case against the remaining seven was not yet closed.

The fans guessed that Glazyrina was one of the suspects long before the World Cup. The documents published by McLaren featured a certain Russian athlete with a hidden name and mentioned which training camps and competitions she went to. By all accounts, it turned out that she was a 29-year-old native of the Perm region. Nevertheless, she joined the Russian team for the World Championships in Hochfilzen and was even entered in the sprint race. Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko does not understand how this could happen.

“When making an application, the Federation should be more careful. It’s not just that the application is sent there. A person comes to a competition, and it turns out that she is on the list of athletes who are being investigated. Why send an application then? Katya is not suspended. It may, of course, be right that she is suspended from competition. She will win, and then the medal will be taken away (IBU. - RT). For what?" — Mutko is quoted by “Championship”.

The President of the Russian Biathlon Union, Alexander Kravtsov, was unhappy that he was notified of Glazyrina’s suspension on the day of the race.

“In the situation with Glazyrina, the IBU Executive Committee used its right of temporary suspension. Other federations did the same, so there is no point in arguing. The only thing that caused me genuine indignation was that the procedure takes place several hours before the race. Thank God that there were opportunities and resources to maneuver our athlete Uslugina. I specifically notified the IBU that I am ready to accept the rules of a game in which some people do not play according to the rules. But if such incidents continue, then relations between the parties will move to another level, and not in Sports arbitration court", said the functionary.

Glazyrina now has to wait for the IBU’s decision on her own account and possible punishment if her guilt is proven. For Russian biathlon It would be extremely unfortunate if the athlete is disqualified and her results this season are cancelled. After all, it brought the team a lot of points in the Nations Cup, which will determine the country’s quotas for the next season and Olympic Games in Pyeongchang.

Replacement with Service

While the fans were waiting for the start of the race, the coaching staff of the Russian national team was restless. Glazyrina's suspension was applied to another athlete, who became Irina Uslugina. In the morning she was in the Italian city of Ridnau when she received the command to come to Hochfilzen.

“I did my exercises in the morning, went out for training, and already started it - as they said: “Let’s get ready, run.” I knew that I was in reserve, so this was not surprising news for me; I was mentally prepared. This is even better - I was absolutely calm, there was no jitters, it helped, at least during shooting. I’m happy with myself, I’m just gaining momentum,” said Uslugina on Match TV.

Until the IBU issued a press release, fans could not guess why this castling was needed. The head coach of the Russian national team, Alexander Kasperovich, called it a tactical move; some media reported that Glazyrina was unwell. Only immediately before the race the true reason for the replacement became known.

Ironically, Uslugina performed better than all her teammates. She was the only one to shoot flawlessly and took 15th place, about a minute behind the winner Gabriela Koukalova. The World Championship debutant will now have to stay in Austria, as she will be able to compete in the pursuit on February 12.

Shouts for the Old Ones

For the Russian biathlete Irina Starykh it was the debut race at the world championships. And although the 29-year-old athlete was recruited to the national team back in 2013, she was only able to perform at the main biathlon forum now due to a three-year disqualification for doping. After the competition, in which she took 24th place, Starykh told how the fans greeted her.

“Do I feel sideways glances from my rivals, like Alexander Loginov? I didn’t hear anything like that from my rivals, but on the track today there were some unpleasant, let’s call it, shouts directed at me from the fans. I won’t hide it - it happened. I could be wrong, but it seemed to me that they were Germans. It was unpleasant. But one section of the track can be tolerated, but our Russian fans were everywhere, supporting me as loudly as possible. And it gave me strength,” said the athlete.

Departure Virolainen

Some time after Glazyrina received her suspension, another disappointing news came from the national team. Team location Daria Virolainen. Kasperovich denied various speculations and said that the athlete is experiencing health problems.

“Her old illness worsened, she was sent to Moscow for examination. Now she is in Moscow and will not return here,” the coach told TASS.

Virolainen’s departure was confirmed by RBU President Kravtsov.

“After doctors stated that they were concerned about Daria Virolainen’s health, the athlete was sent to Moscow for examination. Moscow will complete it today or has already completed it, taking into account the time difference. If doctors do not recuse themselves from participating in competitive activity, then Daria will return and, if necessary, take part in official starts. But we are primarily concerned about the state of life and health of the athlete, and not about the ambitions of some specialists. An athlete is a living person, and we are responsible for his health,” Kravtsov said.

There are now only five athletes left on the Russian national team: Irina Uslugina, Tatyana Akimova, Olga Podchufarova, Svetlana Sleptsova and Irina Starykh. They will compete in the pursuit, mass start, individual race and relay. The last two disciplines will influence the distribution of points in the Nations Cup.

"Hysterical" Fourcade

The echo of yesterday's conflict between Martin Fourcade and the Russian team still echoes throughout Hochfilzen. Let us remember that during the mixed race, Fourcade first cut off Alexander Loginov, who was passing his stage to Anton Shipulin, then prevented the Russian from taking the corridor at the finish line, and then emotionally celebrated winning silver. In response, Loginov and Shipulin did not shake Fourcade’s hand, and then he staged a demarche at the award ceremony, leaving it at the moment the medals were distributed to the Russians. Subsequently, Fourcade and Shipulin continued to sort things out at a press conference.

Now Norwegian biathletes have joined the discussion of this whole story. In general, they spoke rather reservedly, but Tarjei Boe did not hesitate to rather sarcastically characterize the Frenchman’s behavior.

“Beau named the Frenchman because of his behavior at the awards ceremony (originally used drama queen. — RT) and said that it was better to discuss controversial issues not in public, but personally with Anton. Emil Svendsen said that he respects Fourcade for his uncompromising stance on doping, but his behavior at the ceremony was not The best way express this position. Ole Einar Björndalen said that both Fourcade and Shipulin behaved inappropriately, although, in his opinion, they are outstanding athletes,” said NRK correspondent Hans Löcken.

Reconciliation between Fourcade and the Russians

The entire biathlon world is now waiting to see how the conflict will end. And although due to this mutual picking, interest in biathlon is only growing these days, the IBU is concerned that this could lead to image losses, and therefore asks the athletes to settle their relationship and shake hands.

“The IBU and the TV crew want Fourcade and Shipulin to shake hands in front of the cameras. According to my information, this will take place on Saturday before, during or immediately after the sprint race,” Russian TV commentator Dmitry Guberniev.

The athletes met on the day of the women's race: they trained on different tracks and did not have the opportunity to cross each other.

The head coach of the Russians, Kasperovich, also advocates for the reign of peace. He invited the French team to a tea party.

“We want a good-natured atmosphere to reign in biathlon again and there will be no sidelong glances. I would like the leaders to make peace. We are thinking of inviting the French delegation to visit. Let's drink tea, let the two teams sit and talk. Let's pour some vodka for the coaches. Kidding. We try to distract the guys, take the blow ourselves, and communicate more with the athletes. But there is a lot of talk around, and the situation is not simple,” Kasperovich said.

Meanwhile, Shipulin’s sister Anastasia Kuzmina, who plays for Slovakia, is sure that her brother will not make peace with Fourcade.

“I think this won’t happen in Hochfilzen. It's a matter of principle. Anton and Martin fought seriously with each other for many years, but exclusively on the ski track. Now the situation is moving to another level. This is very sad and dangerous. After all, we always say that real professionals fight only on the track, and they do it in style fair play. This didn’t happen at the stadium yesterday,” said the SE athlete.

What's next

On February 13, the men's sprint will take place in Hochfilzen and the first set of personal awards will be awarded to representatives of the stronger sex. A year ago, Martin Fourcade won in this discipline, Ole Einar Bjoerndalen took second, and Ukrainian Sergei Semyonov showed third time. The best of the Russians, Evgeny Garanichev, then became sixth, and Anton Shipulin was only 45th.

This season, Fourcade won four out of five sprints, and Austrian Julian Eberhard won once. Shipulin won one silver and one bronze medal. However, due to failures in other races, the Russian is only in sixth place in the World Cup sprint standings. Above him are Fourcade, Emil Hegle Svendsen, Eberhard, Arnd Peiffer and Simon Schempp. Perhaps all of these six, along with the Norwegians Ole Enar Bjoerndalen and Johannes Boe, can be called the favorites for tomorrow's race.

The Russian team will compete for medals at the 2015 World Cup as number eight. A detailed start list for the women's relay and all races of the 2015 World Cup and World Cup, as always, is in the “Biathlon Results” section. The women's relay race starts on Friday at 19:15 Moscow time.

The composition of the Russian biathlon team for the women's relay at the 2015 World Cup in Kontiolahti, March 13

Attention, don’t miss it, watch tomorrow, March 13, the live broadcast of one of the most spectacular disciplines in biathlon, the women’s relay Biathlon World Championships from Finland! The women's relay race starts at 19:15 Moscow time.

Participate in " Forecast competition» - make your predictions for the 2015 World Cup races
Detailed start list for the women's relay Biathlon World Championships, as always in the “Biathlon Results” section
Detailed TV program biathlon live broadcasts, traditionally in “TV broadcast”, on-line translation races: “Live Internet video broadcast”
Let's look live broadcast relay race of the 2015 World Cup for women, we make predictions and loudly cheer for ours!


Elen, I have never been so nervous before a single race of this championship. After all, there was hope for successful performance- that’s scary. Okay, I’ll take out the Corvalol and go to the TV!

Natasha, don’t be afraid of what will happen. this cannot be avoided)). Eh, it’s a pity that Podchufarova is gone.

Eh, girls, good luck to you! I’m already getting jitters, I’m afraid to turn on the TV, but what kind of TV should they use?

Experienced, not just today!
Siberia wins!
And then I’m waiting for a medal in the relay race. I'm sure it will.
Well, for the first “cracker” (2: 0) - the first toast!

To slide and shoot,
So that you can breathe and be able to
To “apple trees and pears..”
rushed over the stands)

Elen, sports.ru

Who knows what the men have there? Has the TS completely jammed or what? Screw up in such a way that you won’t be able to scrape together any good stuff.

“For the second day I’ve been trying to positively assess the situation around me, to get into the shoes of others. It turned out that almost all of them were wearing camouflage” - wow. How's that? More details possible. Otherwise you don’t know what to think. Maybe everything around us is “camouflage”.

The choice has been made, and we are still waving our fists?))

What seems best to everyone is what they gave up (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

The composition, I would call, is optimally experimental, 100% risky. Any of the four participants can present a surprise with a minus sign.
Glazyrina did not run as an individual and will clearly be fresher than Yana, and the bet on clean shooting in the SE did not work. Psychologically, the first stage is the calmest, it can work with Katya, I’ve always seen her at this stage.
Virolainen is in good shape, ready to fight, but we keep in mind that failures in shooting are also possible. If there is not a big lag after the first stage, it may go well and, perhaps, create some kind of groundwork.
Yurlova is a “bun in a bag” :)). On the rise. Problems with the stance may appear, but let's hope that the luck in shooting has not yet been completely exhausted.
Shumilov - the change of stage raises the degree of tension and responsibility. I hope the vacation was beneficial. Considering the shape, it shouldn’t lose much.
Girls, go ahead and good luck!

“... And Glazyrina always looked good at the first stage...” some, I see, dropped out of biathlon for two years...

I agree with Elena about Podchufarova... Well, with the presence of Glazyrina in the lineup, options are possible, but with Romanova - no options, well... with two P...

The line-up option for the race is correct, but as they say above, you can’t jump “Popenhagen”, so we will have bronze.
Only Virolainen will puncture.

Dmitry, but I support Elena even more, who is for Podchufarova. But now it’s too late to rush around.

The race that was postponed (?), on the clock of www.eurovisionsports.tv there is still 1 day before the race..

Dmitry, I don’t believe in Yana, well, she can’t move her legs quickly, and in modern biathlon you can’t win just by shooting))

Just like Elen, I support Dmitry, he doesn’t inspire confidence in the eyes... but I’ll be glad to be wrong, which I reflected in my forecast... It’s better to take cognac before the race.))

Khinskiy, we don’t have another “weather vane” like Glazki in our team, we will rely on the “right wind”...

Dmitry, you are absolutely right. “To whomever possible,” she conceded.
And she was ahead of those who were needed))
Although, according to Glazyrina, of course, not everything is so simple. Either she falls into functional holes, then she feels great, but the skis don’t run, then everything is G...

Dmitry, I’ll support you, Glazyrina doesn’t look any better yet. than Romanova. But it doesn’t inspire reliability.

Elena, yes, analysis of the sprint and GP shows that Podchufarov is generally better than Glazyrina both in shooting and in the course. It was necessary to cast Olga.

Boris, the percentage in a relay race can easily swing both far into + and deep into -. I somehow trust the average percentages more, those that “About nothing” :-))

Dmitry, Glazyrina and Virolainen have a low percentage due to laps.

Boris, the hour is certainly not getting any easier. It turns out that we replaced an athlete with a percentage of 88% with an athlete of equal speed with a percentage of 70%, and... WE ARE WAITING FOR A BREAKTHROUGH! :))
P.s. I went to adjust my forecast, because 70% is completely out of the question...

Well, I don’t know, at the first stage the people running are not the best strong athletes, I I would have put Podchufarova, she shoots quickly, she is psychologically stable, I think she would have done it 100%, we were actually going for the 4th, well, now she’s not very strong for the closing one, but no one can run the first stage more reliably

Khinskiy, in the sprint Glazyrina was inferior in speed to anyone possible

Hello No. 13, general shooting is about nothing, some are completely transformed in the relay, others, on the contrary, mess up.

Shooting performance in relay races of 8 teams - Dahlmeier (90.9), Doren-Habert (89.3), Vitozzi (88.9), Domracheva (88.6), Oberhofer (87.3), Shumilova (86.0) ), Skardino (85.9), Pushkarchikova (85.7), Hojnisch (84.7), Wierer (84.1), Soukalova (83.3), Preuss (82.1), Semerenko (80.8) , Guzik (80.8), Vitkova (80.0), Latuyer (80.0).
The rest are below 80.0.
By the way, Podchufarova has the most high rate- 93.8, for Romanova (87.6), for Virolanen (70.6), Glazyrina (69.6), Yurlova (0.0).

Eugene, I’m not evil, but I’m expressing my opinion on the decisions of our bureaucrats. Now they even gave a percentage for shooting. As expected, this percentage is low for Glazyrina, and her speed is now at the level of Romanova and Podchufarova. How is she better than the more reliable Romanova in the staff?
The points scored at the World Cup are not a serious argument, because... The same Yurlova has even fewer of them, because they didn’t fall for her for a long time. Good performances at the World Championships before the World Championships - this argument applies when choosing athletes for the first races, and now we already know who looks like right here and now.

Hello No. 13, these neurons are already making your head pop, there are more than a hundred billion of them.
One million less, one million more...))

We will never know how the staff would have turned out if we had replaced Glazik with Yana, or changed the stages of Anfisovna and Shumi. And thank God, more neurons will remain alive))

Normal composition. Arrangement? That way the coaches know better. And Glazyrina always looked good at the first stage.
Do you think only our people know how to jitter? :) This is the World Cup, not another stage of the World Cup.

I'll just note a couple of points:
1. In Nature, everything is interconnected, a spiral, our ancestors knew this well (debt is repayable, as it comes back, it will respond), last year’s story was exactly repeated, when Glazyrin was playing at the first stage, but was replaced by Romanova, now it’s exactly the opposite , it’s time to repay the debts)) Whether it’s right or wrong, we will NEVER know, since there will be no evidence that Yana would have run better than Glazyrina, that’s it, the decision has been made, and all the reasoning and speculation, all from the series “If grandma would be grandpa))
2. It was necessary to send all the base to the European Championships, obviously in the form of the main participants of the European Championships: Shumilova, Yurlova, Zhemnyak..., all in medals or close to them))

Boris, we don’t know who is better now, Glazyrin or Romanov, because they didn’t run together at this World Cup.
But we know that in the sprint above Glazyrina, only Hildebrand was the only one of all the main competitors in the stage.
And in terms of speed she was second only to two: Hildebrand and Beskon.

Step-by-step arrangement according to accuracy:
Stage 1
1 N Scardino (BLR) 87.4
2 L Vitozzi (ITA) 87.3
3 T Hauser (AUT) 86.9
4M Heinicke (CAN) 86.4
5 F Hildebrand (GER) 85.3
7 E Glazyrina 84.8
Stage 2
1 Yu Jima (UKR) 88.5
2 T Gregorin (SVK) 87.5
3 G Soukalova (CZE) 86.0
3 M Borson (SWE) 86.0
5 D Zduch (AUT) 85.2
6 D Virolainen 84.2
Stage 3
1 E Yurlova 88.8
2 V Hinz (GER) 83.7
3 V Nowakowska-Zemniak (POL) 82.6
4 I Kryyko (BLR) 82.2
5 A Villancourt (CAN) 81.9
Stage 4
1 L Dahlmeier (GER) 91.4
2 D Virer (ITA) 87.4
3 E Nilsson (SWE) 87.0
4 Valya Semerenko (UKR) 85.8
5 D Domracheva (BLR) 85.3
6 E Shumilova 84.7

Dmitry, I agree that in this moment Glazyrina is not in the best shape and may even be equal to Yana. But why, other things being equal, should Romanova, who ranks 40th in the OP, run, and not Glazyrina (12th place in the OP)? For me, everything is fair. I hope Katya has rested and will cope psychologically.
And I really hope for a medal - such an unexpectedly successful performance by the women’s team should lead all the girls in the right direction and give them strength and confidence! I really want to be hoarse with joy again today.

Dmitry, Yana’s strong point was accurate shooting, but in the IG she made 3 misses - which means a decline is coming. Look what happened to the until recently unmistakable and fast Shemp. Who should I change it to? Glazyrina is now far from the best condition, but Podchufarova is even worse at the moment. :((
All the best for today were nominated, because not only medals but also a quota are at stake. As they say, “what is rich in...”, the hour of X is coming. :))

Dmitry, but we don’t know who is better than Glazyrin or Romanov, for this there is a TS and a comprehensive scientific group.
And mistakes are made with the composition of the relay in other federations, Vyalbe made a mistake in Sochi, and at this World Cup too.

Dmitry, no better than Glazyrin + psychological uncertainty, but men have the same thing: both Garanichev and Malyshko may not cope with shooting. Glazyrina's progress is clear in the GP +2.01, 30th place, at the turn Katya is 17 +19, Yana in IG 55 is a clean move of 3.40, the turn is 4th place +6.7, but in the sprint Glazyrina at the turn lost +38.3 and placed in 65th place, progress in the sprint 48 at 1.36 from the leader, the comparisons are incorrect, but there is no other way to compare. That is, with successful shooting, it is possible that Katya will not lag behind, let's hope for the best!

Bagheera, I also had the same thought about Yana. In addition, the strongest squad does not guarantee a medal, our team is unplayed, Shumilova will run the 4th stage for the first time, and Yurlova will run the relay for the first time. Everything can go very well, but it can fail miserably

Dmitry, you can party however you want. But the fact remains a fact. We do not have a full complement for the relay. We finished the game with thieves and gangsters (. In any case, the deal with Romanova is doomed to failure from the very beginning. What will happen to Glazyrina? Although illusory, it is a chance.

Dmitry, why are you so angry? The relay will take place, we’ll see and compare. Why are you grumbling, our team can win in this lineup.

Bagheera, in which race of the two was Glazyrina better than Romanova? In which component?
But the argument is quite normal - all that remains is to fail the staff miserably and then you can answer for a long time to the fans that they have already been listened to once.
I just can’t get over it - why does everyone think that Glazyrina is now better than Romanova in the staff?

Dmitry, were you sick of making me angry? Do you yourself believe in such an argument? Most likely, Glazyrin is now, after all, in better shape than Romanov, and the relay has finally been formed according to sports principles. Although maybe Yana was on the safe side in time. After all, if the relay failed, she would hardly be able to catch on with the team again. year. And so you look, he will live quietly for another year.

Isay, at this World Cup the Glazik is in disassembled condition. In two races she performed depressingly, and above all with her moves - at the level or worse of Podchufarova. Therefore, if she succeeds in shooting, then she will be able to perform at best like Yana; if she doesn’t succeed, then it will be a double loss - due to the move (no better than Yana) and shooting
Why they chose Glazyrina after two failed races is not clear to me. Probably, so as not to make me sick, I was sick

sly guy, I give first place to the Czech Republic, second to Germany, and there will be a fight for 3rd place, although anything can happen in relay races, the Belarusian team can also win.

The composition is working) we don’t have anyone stronger at the moment. Chances? this season all the relay races failed. But in this relay we believe in a miracle that no one will fail or go into the circle and fall) and if no one fails, then we will fight for bronze. Still, no one except the Germans have an even lineup, and they should win. but silver and bronze are vacant, and France, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Russia will be competing for them. and God forbid these teams make the mistake of letting Belarus or Finland approach them)) I’m not betting on Ukraine and Norway)
Germany France Russia and everyone is happy?))

In the end, positivity comes from everyone. So the result will be

Nobody writes what we are applying for, a medal or flowers?

Today is a special day. The 13th day of the third month is the luckiest day of the year for all witches and wizards (especially if this day falls on a Friday). In addition, today is World Sleep Day, invented in the West, so everyone else, except Russia and Belarus, will be marmots today. Another plus for the lucky coincidence of circumstances for the Russian team is that on March 13 we celebrate the day of the Thai elephant, and this makes us related to the Thais. Russians, like elephants, love to eat, and, in addition, the Thais have the opportunity to feed their elephants deliciously, largely thanks to Russian tourists; he himself left a decent amount a few years ago, thanks to which elephants in Thailand are thriving.
Thus, our sorceresses, who do not know sleep, who have been on relaxation in Thailand and have seen Thai elephants with their own eyes, and who love to eat (perhaps only Virolainen is a little thin), must win today.

The International Biathlon Union (IBU) on Friday, a few hours before the sprint race at the World Championships in Hochfilzen, Austria, suspended Russian Ekaterina Glazyrina from participating in the competition based on data from the report of an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). For another Russian biathlete Daria Virolainen, the World Championship also ended early: she became seriously ill, which is why she urgently flew to Moscow.

At the beginning there was a report

The report of the independent WADA commission, led by Canadian Richard McLaren, consists of two parts: the first was published in July 2016, the second in December. The report states that between 2011 and 2015, Russia allegedly had a special doping program in which 643 doping tests were changed in 30 sports, including biathlon.

Glazyrina’s name also appeared in the report. On December 15, the IBU received a list of 31 Russian biathletes suspected of doping. The cases of Yana Romanova and Olga Vilukhina were transferred to the International Olympic Committee(IOC), and the remaining 29 remained under consideration by the IBU. As a result, 22 Russians were acquitted, and investigations are ongoing against seven.

Amazing belatedness

It was planned that 29-year-old Glazyrina, who did not participate in the mixed relay on Thursday, would compete in the sprint. A few hours before the start of the race, the head coach of the Russian national team, Alexander Kasperovich, announced that 28-year-old Irina Uslugina would take the start instead of Glazyrina, calling this decision a technical move. Soon the situation was clarified by the IBU, which issued an official statement: Glazyrina was suspended from competition based on the second part of McLaren’s report. The union said in a press release that the penalty should be imposed because several samples "may have contained prohibited substances and may have been tampered with."

President of the Russian Biathlon Union (RBU) Sergei Kravtsov called the IBU decision to suspend Glazyrina surprising because of its belatedness. In his opinion, the RRF could have been warned in advance, and not on the eve of an important race.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko expressed the opinion that the IBU should not have accepted Glazyrina’s application at all, since there were questions about the athlete’s doping status. Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov, in turn, said that the department will assist the IBU in investigating the reasons for Glazyrina’s suspension, while admitting that there were no violations on her part.

Two losses in one day

The coaching staff of the Russian national team decided not to call anyone to fill the vacant spot on the roster: Kasperovich noted that the team already has enough biathletes capable of adequately representing Russia at the World Championships.

However, Glazyrina's suspension was not the only problem that the Russian national team coaches had to face. An hour after the IBU decision, it became known that another Russian biathlete Daria Virolainen would not be able to compete at the World Championships due to illness. Thus, after two days of the world championship in the composition Russian team only five athletes remained: Tatyana Akimova, Olga Podchufarova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Irina Uslugina and Irina Starykh. In the event of a recurrence of injury to one of the biathletes or another statement from the IBU, the composition of the women's relay team will have no alternative.