Treadmill error e5. How to Extend the Life of Your Treadmill: Lubricate the Belt. Loose drive belt

The treadmill is your faithful friend: it is an assistant in daily training, a guarantee of a beautiful figure, and a training device for preparing for a variety of competitions. We rush to the treadmill after holidays or vacations to get rid of extra pounds on our sides and stomach. We return to it in March to prepare for the beach season. It helps us become more resilient and fight stress, and can even become the reason for long-term friendships - joint jogging on neighboring paths brings people together.

But unfortunately, like any equipment, it can break. And if the errors of treadmills in fitness clubs must be resolved by local administrators and repair specialists, then in the conditions of home training you will have to save the treadmill yourself.

Do-it-yourself treadmill repair is a task for advanced users. In most cases, it is much easier to call a specialist, especially if the warranty period of the simulator has not yet expired. But you can try to fix many common breakdowns yourself if you have a minimal set of tools.

The main malfunctions of treadmills:

If there are no manufacturing defects, treadmill malfunctions can occur due to improper operation of the machine, exceeding the maximum permissible user weight, or power problems. The main malfunctions include:

  • problems turning the machine on or off;
  • unexpected switching off of the track during class;
  • knocking and other strange sounds;
  • problems with engine operation when the console is on;
  • slippage and other problems associated with web movement;
  • errors on the track display.

If you see an error on the treadmill screen, don't panic. First, try repairing your treadmill yourself. But act carefully so as not to further damage the simulator. If all your attempts to fix treadmill problems have failed, don't go any deeper and don't try to fix the electronics or fix major mechanical problems yourself.

Before you begin any repairs, make sure you have the necessary tools. As a rule, a basic set will be sufficient: a set of wrenches and hex keys, flat and Phillips screwdrivers of different diameters, and pliers. In most cases, you won't even need these tools, but be prepared to use them if necessary.

Make sure you know everything about your treadmill in advance. Study the operating instructions: it can describe both the technical structure of the simulator and its features, as well as ways to eliminate the most common problems. Also study the warranty conditions of your simulator: it may turn out that your unprofessional intervention will lead to loss of the manufacturer’s warranty - in this case, it is better to immediately contact the official service department.

Subtleties of repairing mechanical treadmills:

A mechanical treadmill is the easiest exercise machine to use. Its canvas moves due to the efforts made by the user. The absence of a network connection, complex electronics, and additional sensors makes such tracks easy, safe and inexpensive. They are often chosen for home exercises.

The design of mechanical treadmills is not complex, and errors on such treadmills are usually associated with improper operation. Problems with a mechanical treadmill can include belt loosening, noise or squeaking, belt slipping, or jerky movement.

If the treadmill has problems with the belt, such as slippage, check the belt tension. Ideally, when lifting the tape in the middle part, the gap should be 5-7 centimeters. If it is larger, tighten the running belt; if it is smaller, loosen the tension. To do this, read the operating instructions for the track. In case of severe wear, the running belt can even be replaced with a new one.

If the floor is uneven and the tension of the canvas is uneven, it may move from the center. You will notice that the movements on the track have become uneven. Be careful not to attempt to train in these conditions as it may cause injury. Stop the walkway and adjust the moving belt according to the instructions.

Mechanical treadmills require regular (at least once every three months) lubrication of moving parts and removal of dirt and dust. Do not forget to also check the track parts before use - they should not hang, squeak or knock. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the environment: mechanical treadmills are susceptible to excessive air humidity and high or low temperatures.

Subtleties of repairing electric treadmills:

The belt of an electric treadmill moves due to an electric motor. On such tracks you can set any speed within the limits determined by the motor power. These are simulators with a complex device. Errors in these treadmills can be due to either mechanical or electronic failure.

One of the most common causes of electric treadmill malfunctions is dust. It accumulates static energy. Treadmills definitely require regular cleaning. Do not forget to vacuum the machine and wipe it with a dry towel, as well as wet cleaning the room in which your treadmill is located.

Electric treadmills, like mechanical ones, cannot be used in conditions of high humidity and at very low temperatures. If you decide to put the treadmill on the balcony, this is a bad idea: yes, this way you will exercise in the fresh air, but it will not benefit the treadmill.

We have already described solutions to treadmill errors associated with broken mechanical parts. If the problem is related to an electrical fault, we recommend that you first completely turn off the power to the simulator for 10-15 minutes. After that, try turning it on: after such a reboot, the track may return to normal operation.

If this does not happen, check the power cord. It must be connected tightly and without changing the polarity, otherwise it may damage all electronics. Don't forget that voltage surges are just as harmful to treadmills as they are to any other electronic device: if such surges are common in your home, try to protect the treadmill by connecting an uninterruptible power supply.

Subtleties of repairing magnetic treadmills:

A magnetic treadmill is a common type of exercise machine for home use. Such tracks are affordable, easy to use and, most importantly, reliable. Common errors in magnetic treadmills can be easily resolved on your own without contacting repair specialists.

Malfunctions of the magnetic treadmill may be due to improper maintenance and operation. Most of these exercise machines have restrictions on user weight. Exceeding the maximum permissible weight may cause the structure to tilt and break mechanical parts.

If you notice the machine leaning, check the floor for unevenness, tighten bolts and adjust parts according to the manufacturer's instructions. The runner should be placed on a rug to avoid damaging the floor covering.
Magnetic treadmill errors may also be due to the need to replace the batteries in the display: remember to do this regularly. Also, do not forget about maintaining the simulator - lubricate the treadmill components and carry out weekly cleaning.
If you have problems with belt tension or loss of alignment of the walking belt, adjust the belt and tension it according to the operating instructions.

Magnetic treadmills are considered quite reliable and durable. But we must not forget that any simulator has limitations on its use. Don't forget about temperature and humidity. Select lubricant according to the manufacturer's instructions or purchase a special silicone-based composition. Before starting your workout, check that the treadmill has no external defects: do not stand on the treadmill if it is askew, makes unusual sounds, or has other noticeable defects.

Excessive use will cause the treadmill to quickly break down. This is why professional exercise machines differ significantly in price from treadmills for home: they are designed for a more serious load. Buy a machine according to your actual needs - this way it will last longer.

Treadmill Display Errors

Treadmills from different manufacturers usually have the same error coding, so we can give some universal tips for eliminating treadmill errors that appear on the display after turning on.

The easiest one to fix is ​​the treadmill error, which is coded as E0. This error indicates a missing security key. Check that the key is securely attached to the console. If you are confident that the key is locked securely, but treadmill errors continue to appear, this may indicate a problem with the entire console.

Error E1 means the treadmill speed sensor is faulty. It often appears after careless transportation of the simulator due to the loss of the magnet fixed in the flywheel of the front shaft. You can open the engine compartment cover and check the location of the magnet. If it is OK and the treadmill errors continue to appear, you may need to replace the reed switch or check its connection to the board.

Treadmill Error E2 indicates problems with the motor. The track does not move with this error. Check the engine for breaks and short circuits and call a specialist: repairs should be carried out using special equipment, and doing it yourself is not recommended.

E3 – error in matching the speed of the web to the specified speed. It may be due to either poor attachment of the speed sensor or problems with the treadmill mechanism. Try lubricating the moving parts of the machine and wiping them of dust - this may solve the problem. Electrical faults associated with error E3 mean the need to replace the motor or motor brushes. Leave repairs to a professional.

Incline errors (E-4, E-6) can occur due to faulty wiring, power board controller connectors, motor and incline motor.

An overload protection error (E-5) may be caused by a faulty motor or worn-out walking belt. But very often this mistake does not have serious consequences. Try turning off the track from the network and wait 10-15 minutes - after rebooting, the error may disappear.

An error in the electrical part of the controllers (E7) occurs when the current transformer fails and the wires are defective.

The drive control error (E8) can be eliminated by tensioning the drive poly-V-belt or replacing the drive.

A position error (E9) may be due to a faulty drive, but can often be corrected by simply restarting the machine.

An engine error (E10) is a serious problem that requires professional attention and may require replacement of the engine or control console.

Some treadmills have their own special error coding. Check the instructions for the simulator, they should all be described. Often the instructions also describe the simplest solutions to problems. If you understand that your qualifications are not enough to repair the treadmill yourself, or you need to replace a part or an entire unit of the exercise machine, contact the service department.

Treadmills are a great addition to your home gym, providing an effective and relatively safe cardio workout. Exercise machines in the home segment have a low price compared to commercial-class models, but the safety margin is an order of magnitude lower. They are not designed for everyday intensive use, nor for long-term maximum load.

It is worth remembering that sellers often indicate inflated prices, which ultimately leads to premature failure of the track. This is especially true for the maximum user weight and engine power. Even if these parameters correspond to the nominal value, then you should buy the track with some margin (+ 20-30%).

In most cases, it is possible to repair the simulator only after contacting a service center. Having such a center in your region can significantly reduce all the negative consequences of a bad purchase.

The design of the moving part of the treadmill consists of two shafts (rear and front), along which the tensioned belt rotates. The larger the diameter of the shaft, the less likely it is for the blade to slip or move jerkily. This is especially true if the user’s weight is above average.

Can't always solve the problem. There may be several options for solving the problem. Most often, mechanical damage and improper operation of the simulator are the cause of malfunctions. There are cases of incorrect operation of the engine, which is controlled by the power board.

The electric motor is connected to the front shaft by a poly-V belt. On the other side is the power board.

Sliding surface wear

The deck and running belt require proper care of the rubbing units (cleaning, adjustment). Wear on the sliding surface can lead to increased friction and significant heating. The load on the engine increases significantly. Static voltage also often appears, which can easily damage the console controller. In cheap models, microcircuits do not have good noise protection circuits.

Loose drive belt

The second reason for the uneven movement of the treadmill belt is the weakening of the tension of the drive belt, which is located in the front of the machine in the engine compartment. This occurs due to mechanical stretching of the poly V-belt during operation. This is especially true for the most budget models, which use low-quality components. The engine compartment should only be opened after the treadmill has been completely unplugged. Adjusting the belt tension does not take much time; for this purpose the mechanism has adjusting screws.

Slipping of the running belt

To check the tension of the canvas, lift it in the middle. The gap should be approximately 5-7 cm. Otherwise the belt is too tight

Any running belt (standard or wear-resistant) has its own service life. The friction created by the deck leads to wear on the sliding surface of the blade. Severe wear on the inside of the belt can lead to a decrease in adhesion to the front shaft, which can rotate relative to its own axis (especially when starting the engine) and cause uneven movement of the running belt. In any case, it is worth checking the tension of the canvas, for which you should lift it in the middle. The gap should be approximately 5-7 cm. Otherwise the belt is too tight.

Treadmill Electrical Problems

It is recommended that you completely disconnect the power to the treadmill for 15 minutes before attempting to troubleshoot electrical problems. An error that occurred during operation of the simulator may disappear and normal operation of the treadmill will resume.

The treadmill console consists of a board on which microcircuits (controllers) are located.

The electrical part of the treadmill includes the following elements:

  1. Management console controllers
  2. Power board controllers
  3. Console screen
  4. Electric motor
  5. Heart Rate Sensors
  6. Motion Sensor
  7. Motor temperature sensor
  8. Magnetic security key
  9. Buttons, connectors, harnesses

Power board failure

While studying user complaints, cases were noticed when incompatible components were installed on the treadmill by the manufacturer. We are talking about the power control board and the motor. If the power board is not designed for a more powerful engine, then over time it will quickly fail. If we recall our electrical engineering lessons, we can say that the current strength depends on the load. The higher the load, the higher the current values, which can result in heating and melting of the electrical elements of the power board. The opposite case of power board failure is the low quality of Chinese motors, which is typical for the cheapest treadmill models. Such motors very often burn out, taking the controller with them to the bottom.

Display problems

In most cases, the console controller is not repairable; all electrical elements are filled with a compound, which serves to protect the microcircuits from aggressive environments (moisture, sweat, salt). Normal static voltage can damage the control circuit. The solution to this problem is to replace the entire console. If this happened during the warranty period of operation, then this problem is easily resolved in favor of the applicant, although in some cases the service center may refuse a free replacement if the operating requirements of the simulator are violated. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to use sockets with an additional grounding circuit, as well as voltage stabilizers. Well, don’t forget about caring for the running belt (cleaning, lubricating, adjusting).

The simplest reason for console failure may be loss of electrical contact in connectors and connections, or broken wires in the harness. Having a regular ampere-volt-ohmmeter at home, you can easily test the wires by first disconnecting all connectors. If you have problems with the display, first check the power cord and other visible wires for breaks along their entire length.

Motion sensor malfunction

The treadmill motion sensor detects the actual rotation of the treadmill belt to protect the motor when the front shaft is locked. In the event of an emergency stop of the treadmill, the sensor stops sending a motion signal to the power board controller, which ultimately disconnects the engine from the load. The reed switch sensor is installed on the frame of the simulator, next to the front shaft. A regular permanent magnet is attached to the front shaft pulley. When the pulley rotates, it moves near the sensor, closing the contacts. A common case of sensor failure is when the magnet falls off the pulley.

In some cases, it is necessary to replace the motion sensor. It is easy to check:

  1. Set the tester to wire testing mode.
  2. Rotate the shaft.
  3. At a certain moment, when the magnet approaches the sensor, a sound signal should occur.
  4. If the sensor is faulty, then any reed switch will do. Its cost is cheap, replacement is not difficult: the sensor is easily removed from the connector.

Engine temperature sensor malfunction

The temperature sensor is not installed on all models. As a rule, it is located in the engine itself and serves to protect the motor from overheating, as well as from short circuit currents. The sensor consists of bimetal contacts that, when heated, open the motor circuit. After stopping and cooling, they close again. Frequent operation of the temperature sensor is a consequence of wear of the running belt, or an intra-turn short circuit of the motor rotor.

Motor fault

The more powerful the treadmill motor, the more reliable it is. A DC motor consists of a stator (fixed part) and a rotor (moving part). The stator is usually made of a permanent magnet, and the rotor is a coil of copper wire around a metal core. All turns are insulated from each other. It is precisely because of the violation of the insulation between the turns that the rotor stops working normally. Insulation failure occurs due to overheating of the windings. The diameter of the wire is simply not designed for such a load.

It is worth saying that the load when walking is much higher than when running fast, since there is no flight phase and the engine has to pull the user all the time at low speeds at high current values.

Error Messages (E) on the Treadmill

  1. There is no information on the screen:
    Check the power cord, power button or toggle switch. The console's separate power button may not be working. If the overload protection has tripped, you should wait 10-15 minutes. Next, you need to check all connectors, connections, and wiring harnesses.
  2. Failed connection error (E-1):
    We check the electrical wires of the controller and console, as well as the serviceability of the connectors. In the case of defective wires, they should be replaced with analogues.
  3. Mains voltage mismatch error (E-2):
    Changing the mains voltage rating by 30-50% results in the treadmill turning off. A possible cause may be poor motor circuit contact. We check the engine compartment, inspect the wires and connectors. It is possible to receive such an error if the engine is faulty.
  4. Belt motion sensor signal error (E-3):
    If the sensor signal does not pass through, then we check the motion sensor itself and the magnet that is attached to the pulley.
  5. Walking belt tilt error (E-4, E-6):
    The optional tilt motor is faulty. We check the wires, connectors of the power board and console controllers, and the tilt motor. The tilt motor may need to be replaced. Check the wires of the voltage regulator, tilt motor, voltage regulator.
  6. Overload protection error (E-5):
    It may be a consequence of a malfunction of the electric motor, as well as when the treadmill belt is worn out, and when the treadmill is used by a user whose weight exceeds the maximum allowable. If it doesn’t help, then turn off the track from the network for 10-15 minutes and try to start it again.
  7. Error in the electrical part of the controllers (E-7):
    We check the wires going from the computer to the lower power control board. Possible reasons: failure of the current transformer, faulty connectors, defective wires.
  8. Drive control error (E-8):
    Check the tension of the drive poly-V belt. Drive fault.
  9. Position error (E-9):
    We unfold the simulator, then restart. Drive fault.
  10. Engine Error (E-10):
    The motor does not rotate. Checking the connecting wires between
    controller and console. We check the magnetic key: it may not be inserted into the connector. Incorrect control console power values. The console may need to be replaced.

Our article is not about the mistakes that runners make, but about the main types of failures in the operation of home cardio equipment.

Failures are usually identified by an alphanumeric identification code. When something is wrong with the mechanism, a code is displayed on the on-board computer display.

How to understand what the problem is?

The letter "E" stands for "error". In combination with numbers signaling a problem, this is what is most often used.

Here are the main signals of problems.

Treadmill Error Codes

E-0- safety signal; for some reason the key does not work - it is either not connected to the console or is broken. Check that the connection is correct. If you have done everything as you should and the error persists, clean your console.

E-1- the reed speed sensor is faulty; it does not receive a signal. In most cases, breakdown occurs as a result of inaccurate movement of the simulator (the sensor reacts to a magnet fixed in the flywheel, and the magnet can move due to a sharp push). You need to open the engine compartment and adjust the magnet. It also happens, however, that the sensor itself breaks down - it has to be replaced.

E-2- the motor is not in order. Possible explanations for the failure are breaks, winding defects, failure of the control controller. We strongly do not recommend that you resolve the E-2 error yourself; it is better to contact a service center. The engine contains explosive components.

E-3- the track tape does not move at the speed requested by the user. The malfunction is very common. It is caused by damage both purely mechanical and related to the operation of the electric motor. Make sure the deck (the board underneath the canvas) is intact and level. Lubricate the track - see If you are friendly with technology, evaluate the serviceability of the bearings. A burning smell indicates a motor defect.

Attention: the numerical designations of errors on individual track models differ from the standard ones. To avoid confusion, find the “native” instructions for the device.

Soberly assess your strengths. If you break a device that is still under warranty, you will deprive yourself of the right to receive free professional help.

A treadmill is one of the most popular exercise machines for training at home. Proper operation of the simulator and compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations will help avoid breakdowns for a long time. An important role is played by maintaining cleanliness, stable humidity in the room, a flat and hard surface under the simulator, the presence of a special shock-absorbing mat is welcome.

If no manufacturing defect was detected during operation of the treadmill, and the exercise machine was operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, then a frequent cause of breakdown is careless handling of the exercise machine, exceeding the permissible recommended weight, improper use, lack of grounding and fluctuations in the power supply voltage. Some errors when operating the treadmill are shown on the display.

Let's look at examples of some problems and ways to solve them:

If the display shows E0, it means that you have not installed a security key. It’s easy to solve this problem; you just need to put it in the appropriate slot on the console.
Error E1 on the console indicates a malfunction of the speed sensor. First, you need to check the contacts of the power cable, turn off and on the power using the button next to the power cable connection socket, and if that doesn’t help, then you need to contact the service department. Often such a mistake is a consequence of exceeding the maximum allowable weight of the athlete. And, if there is no mechanical failure, then try to cure it as described above - turning off/on the power button of the simulator on the back panel of the casing.
If the simulator shows E2, then this means problems with the operation of the engine or electric drive. To solve this problem, you also need to check the cable contacts, turn it off/on and, if that doesn’t help, then contact customer service.
Treadmill with fault code E3 reports over speed. You need to adjust the speed sensor yourself, but it is best to contact a specialist.
If the problem is that the management console does not turn on, then you need to check the console's power cord. It must be connected correctly until the latch clicks and be in the correct position. Changing the polarity if the wire is connected incorrectly or upside down can lead to the failure of expensive electronics. Do not forget about the treadmill switch on the casing, to which the power wire from the outlet is connected, it must be set to “ON”.
If during training the treadmill belt stops moving, then you need to get off the treadmill and check its functionality while standing on the floor, in order to avoid injuries caused by a sudden and unexpected start of the treadmill belt. If the voltage in the network is stable, there are no extraneous sounds or smell of burnt plastic, and the wire is securely inserted into the plug and socket of the simulator casing, and rebooting the system did not help, then the problem may be caused by insufficient voltage in the network, which can be caused by a large number of consumers connected to the network electricity or using a household extension cord. The solution to this problem is to turn off unnecessary devices and refuse to use the treadmill extension, choosing a different place for training.
If the running belt of a treadmill moves relative to the center during operation, then you need to check the floor, make sure that the machine is placed on a flat surface, and that the running belt is tensioned correctly and evenly. For detailed information in this case, you need to study in detail such a section of the simulator instructions as adjusting the running belt.

During operation, do not forget to periodically lubricate the back of the running belt in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations from the simulator’s data sheet. Damage to the integrity of the simulator deck coating caused by debris getting under the belt will be aggravated by the lack of lubrication and can lead to damage to the deck and belt, followed by costly repairs.

Proper maintenance of exercise equipment at home.

The cause of most breakdowns of sports equipment is non-compliance with operating rules and lack of timely maintenance of the equipment. Preventing a disease is easier than treating it, and this applies not only to human health, but also to breakdowns of exercise equipment.

Following simple rules for maintaining equipment will save you money:

Each exercise machine is designed for a certain user weight and continuous operation time. Read the manufacturer's recommendations in the instructions.
Lubrication of moving parts prevents premature wear of parts. Initially, the simulator is already lubricated, but over time the oils dry out, which leads to deformation and destruction. It is recommended to check and, if necessary, lubricate the main components of the simulators at least once every three months. For exercise bikes and orbitreks, it is necessary to check the presence of lubrication on all axes. Treadmills are lubricated with silicone oil under the belt.
Room temperature and humidity. One of the reasons for breakdowns of the simulator is excessive humidity and high/low air temperatures. This leads to drying out of the drive belts, metal corrosion and electronic failure. Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. For example, you should not place the exercise machine in damp areas of basements, or on an unglazed balcony.
If noise, creaking or loose parts of the simulator appear, it is necessary to promptly find the cause and eliminate it. Otherwise it will cause damage.
Maintenance of the battery compartment of the simulator. If your exercise machine model runs on batteries, replace the elements regularly to prevent them from oxidizing in the battery compartment. It is not recommended to use cheap batteries.
Dust is the main enemy of electronics. A common cause of breakdowns of electrical exercise equipment is dust, which accumulates static energy. This is especially true for treadmills. When servicing the machine, do not forget to thoroughly vacuum it and wipe it with a dry towel.
Check the condition of power station cables. If you find a partially damaged cable, replace it with a new one to avoid damage to the simulator when the load breaks.
These simple recommendations will extend the life of your exercise equipment.

Home treadmill repair.

In this article, we will look at the most common treadmill breakdowns and methods for eliminating them.
Sports equipment, like any other mechanism, includes a lot of mechanical and electronic mechanisms that require periodic maintenance and care.

Treadmill repair at home.

In order to repair the simulator yourself, you must have:
A set of suitable tools and equipment
Ability to use the tool
And, of course, technical knowledge of how treadmills work.

The tool kit should include:
Hex key set
Flat and figured screwdrivers, different sizes.
The above list is the minimum set of necessary tools, without which you should not start repairing treadmills. There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to use these tools, so we will not focus on this.

Before we begin repairing the treadmill, let's take a closer look at its structure and operating principle.

Any electric treadmill consists of two sets of mechanisms: mechanical devices and electronic (electric). Mechanical components include:
The drive belt, which is responsible for transmitting torque from the engine to the shaft.
The front and rear shafts drive the treadmill belt.
The treadmill belt is the main mechanism that allows a person to run in one place at a given speed.
The deck is a board made of synthetic fiber, which is located under the canvas.
Treadmill frame.
The drive motor drives the treadmill belt.
The tilt motor allows you to change the tilt angle of the blade.
Console - control panel.
Power controller - a board that controls the motors.
Let's look at the most common breakdowns and methods for eliminating them:

1. The treadmill does not turn on.
Modern exercise machines are equipped with an automatic fuse that protects against voltage surges. This fuse is made in the form of a button, which is located at the bottom, next to the switch and the power cord. When switched on, the safety button must be pressed in. If such a fuse is missing or is in the on state, you need to check the fuse on the power controller. The power controller is located under the cover, at the front bottom of the machine.
2. The treadmill turns off while running.
Such problems are most often associated with worn brushes of the drive motor, or an over-tensioned blade. If the brushes are weakly pressed against the commutator contacts, then it’s time to change them. Check the tension of the canvas; you need to lift the left or right edge up with your hand; if the canvas does not rise more than a couple of centimeters, then it is too tight. With normal tension of the canvas, it rises to 10-15 centimeters.
3. The treadmill starts and immediately turns off.
In 99% of cases, this is due to a failure of the reed relay or a magnet falling out of the engine flywheel. Often, during improper transportation, the magnet simply falls out of the flywheel.
4. The canvas has moved to the side.
To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to adjust the position of the rear shaft vertically, so that the web is tensioned evenly along the entire length of the shaft.
5. While running, the belt slips.
During operation, the canvas stretches, which leads to a weakening of its tension. It's quite simple to tighten the rear shaft.
6. Knocking while running.
As a rule, such breakdowns are associated with wear of the motor bearings or shaft.
7. The console starts at startup, but the engine does not work.
Most often, the cause of such breakdowns is the failure of the motor power controller.