Morning jogging along the seashore. Beach joys: running on the sand, low tides, driftwood, ocean currents. Tell us about your training before the marathon

But this time let's come from the running side. Today's conversation will boil down to the beneficial properties of running on the beach.

We will also tell you how to properly run on the beach, and what dangers lurk in this matter.

Running on the beach. Benefit

Let's start with useful properties. There are a lot of them, and the full benefits of this event have not yet been fully studied. Let us highlight only the main ones:

  • for athlete's health. Running only enhances its properties;
  • Swimming in the sea after a run speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and almost all vital systems of the body. Swimming will significantly enhance the effect of jogging;
  • Improves brain function. Thanks to the intensive consumption of clean air, the brain seems to be cleansed of dirt in which it could bathe for years. Problems seem petty, but fresh, productive thoughts come to mind;
  • The sea improves your mood. Jogging along the sea is the maximum of happiness hormones. Running and the sea in isolation are sources of dopamine, endorphins and other compounds that make us happy. If you add sunny weather to this, you will be in a great mood for the whole day!;
  • Energy increases. Due to good mood and constant improvement in health, with every run on the beach your energy increases. This indescribable feeling of omnipotence just needs to be experienced for yourself;
  • The condition of the mucous membranes improves. In particular, many ENT diseases are treated. Chronic runny nose is best treated by running along the beach and swimming in the sea;
  • Metabolism accelerates. Clean sea air has a positive effect on metabolism.

The main benefit of running on the beach is happiness. You become a happy person who enjoys being in your own body.

Don't believe me? Just try it!

Running on the beach. Harm

The sea makes all body systems work with increased efficiency. The body is cleansed of harmful substances that may have accumulated in it for decades.

But the beach also has its drawbacks. There are not many of them, but the harm of running on the beach lies in the following points:

  • Possibility of getting hurt if you run without shoes. We choose a sandy beach and look under our feet
  • People who suffer from serious diseases of the cardiovascular system should not tempt fate. Running is a strain on the heart, and swimming is a double workout. Squats with a 50 kg barbell will help most men, but will injure a 120 year old man. Running on the beach is similar;
  • Running too often can lead to painful leg bones. Especially if the running surface is inclined. The author of this material experienced this problem himself when he ran along such a beach 6 times a week. With the change of beach and reduction of running training to 5 days, the problem disappeared.

How to properly run on the beach?

We provide you with the following rules:

  1. The optimal time for running is early morning or late evening. Early morning is good from the point of view of the absence of people, cleanliness of water and air;
  2. It is best to run on an empty stomach. Either 4+ hours after eating;
  3. Alternating running with swimming is a great option. More details below;
  4. We choose empty beaches or places with a minimum number of people. This will save you from unnecessary obstacles. You should also avoid beaches that are heavily visited by dog ​​walkers;
  5. We run along the sandy beaches. On a different surface you can injure your leg;
  6. Girls should use sports top. Running in a standard swimsuit is not the best idea;
  7. Don't run too fast before exploring the beach surface. Accelerating on sinking sand is very dangerous.

Perfect option

It is advisable to complement running on the beach with swimming in the sea.

The topic of biohacking is trending now. So, running along the beach and swimming in the sea is one of the best biohackings of our time.

Swimming after running is an element of the contrast procedure. First, the body warms up, and then we cool it with the sea. This trains blood vessels and prevents the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, from which 75% of people over the age of 40 die.

We alternate 10 minutes of running on the beach with 2-3 minutes of the sea. Thus, in an hour of running we get 6 baths for a total of 12-15 minutes. During this time, the body is saturated with minerals from the sea air, blood circulation and brain activity improve.

Running on the beach and swimming in the sea is the best thing a modern person can do for his health.

Have you tried running on the beach? What benefit or harm did you experience? Share your own experience in the comments to this article!

I’m not a fan of running along the sandy beach: once in Cyprus I started with just 100-200 meters along the beach, and since for me this was only the very beginning of running, when my lungs were burning, expanding when breathing, and there was no endurance, then I did not have the most pleasant impressions of running along the sea along the line of waves. Nevertheless, I happily ran along the beach, and in general, running along the sea or ocean is a symbol of 2012 for me.

What is possible, rather on ocean beaches, rather than on sea beaches, which are short and built up. By the way, I have lost the habit of the concept that the beach strip can belong to private individuals or hotels, as on the Russian Black Sea coast: neither in Cyprus nor in the USA have I yet encountered such ridiculous restrictions as fences extending into the sea, indicating private property.

Whether you live near the beach or are visiting the sea or ocean for vacation, there's nothing quite like running on the soft sand of a beach with a stunning view of the sea.
But running on sand is not so easy, especially in deep sand, at best it can be compared to running on trails.

Here are some tips for running along the beach, try to take them into account for your next run by the sea:

Consider the tide patterns

Low tide reveals a flat, mostly compact strip of sand that makes it easier to run along. The water compacts the sand so much that it can be compared to an ordinary path. Ideally, it is best to run during low tide, or an hour or two after, and run as close to the wave line as possible, but so as not to get your feet wet. After high tide, you will only be left with a strip of dry, soft sand, and the dense strip of sand will already be covered with water. Tide times are usually published in local newspapers in beach towns, and there are several websites with tide schedules, such as

Some beach strips of sand have a noticeable slope towards the water, even the flattest ones - and they still usually slope towards the sea. Typically, the higher the tide, the steeper the angle of the beach sand. This is not very useful for running, so try to alternately load one leg and then the other (for example, run first in one direction, then back). And if you feel even the slightest pain in your hips or knees, you better get back on the roads, sidewalks or trails.

We work on the sand
Let's say you were unable to capture the moment of low tide and run through the dense sand. But you have the opportunity to properly work out your leg muscles by running on dry sand. Sand, like snow, adds additional load to each step, so even a short run on soft sand is already a good exercise.

Be sure to apply sunscreen. Running along the water means double rays of the sun, given the reflection from the water, plus the possibility of overheating. Glasses and a baseball cap or visor are also useful, they make it easier to run with. If you often run on sand, it is better to choose sneakers with thick fabric rather than mesh, so that the sand does not clog. It is better to choose synthetic socks - getting sand or water into sneakers is most likely inevitable, and with synthetic socks the likelihood of getting blisters is reduced. If you know that clothes or body parts chafe when running, then it is better to use lubricants for long runs along the beach.

Take a dive into the waves.
Nothing is as refreshing as throwing yourself into the sea waves after a run in your running clothes; in terms of energy boost, it's not quite the same as an ice bath, of course, unless you're running on the beach in winter in the north, but it's still invigorating.

On my own behalf, I would like to add: if you have never run on the beach before, BE CAREFUL!
Step softly, do not hit your heel: the fact that you have sand under your feet will not help you to soften the impact on your feet.

If you are not much of a swimmer, and the shore has a sharp slope into the water: stay away from the water, otherwise, you know, there is such a phenomenon: Rip Current - currents offshore, which can accidentally “drag” you into the water if you fall into it. (alas, in our company one Indian employee was on vacation in Cuba, he died - he was walking along the seashore, the sand crumbled, the man fell into the water, he knew how to swim, but he got caught in the current and couldn’t cope)

April issue of the magazine "Ultramarathons" ULTRARUNNING featured a photo on the cover from a 50 mile or 50K race in Destin, Florida, this past February. Back in February, when I was preparing for a marathon (road) along the beach in Myrtle Beach, I thought: well, how can you run 50K+ on an uneven beach with a slope in one direction?

The long-awaited summer vacation by the coast beckons you to relax to the fullest and forget about your usual training schedule. But a real athlete Even relaxation will turn to your advantage, because being by the sea and not trying running on the sand is simply a crime. We will tell you what pitfalls can lie in wait for you at the low tide line and how to properly prepare so that your training is effective and gives only vigor and positive emotions.

The benefits of jogging on sand

The soft sand challenges your body every step of the way. It is very difficult for an untrained runner to cope with this constantly changing structure. But learning to run on sand is necessary for several reasons:

  1. The work of all muscles of the body becomes stronger and more complicated. Sand absorbs “free” energy, which on a normal surface helps you move forward. As a result, the work of the whole organism is aimed at maintaining a constant pace
  2. Proprioception skills are honed. At first, you are constantly focused on where it is better to place your foot so as not to stumble. However, as you get used to the unstable surface, your body will learn to navigate on its own, without any effort on your part. This will help prevent falls, sprains, or sprained ankles in the future.
  3. Coordination of movements improves. When in contact with sand, your body makes many last-minute micro-movements to keep your feet stable and propel you forward effectively. As your sense of balance improves, your running speed increases.
  4. The impact load on joints and bones is reduced. The natural property of sand absorbs impact force and dissipates return energy.
  5. The body is being trained. To continue moving on the sand, you need to use more strength and energy. Running on an unstable surface increases the load on the muscles several times. The main load is borne by the tendons and muscles of the foot, lower leg and thigh, so they become stronger, stronger and more resilient
  6. The cardiovascular system is being developed. Since the body is under severe stress, it is forced to work more actively. The blood circulation process accelerates and has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems
  7. The correct running technique is developed. If you land on your heel, your feet will sink into the sand with every step and you will quickly become tired. The structure of the sand dictates its own movement conditions, close to natural running: landing on the forefoot, frequent short steps with light touches of the surface
  8. Your mood improves. Fresh air, picturesque views, sun rays at sunset or dawn and deserted spaces - all this promotes relaxation and helps relieve stress

Features of running on sand

Before we move on to the technique and safety rules for sand running, we suggest you familiarize yourself with some of the features of such training.


If you are going to run along a dense line of sand at the water's edge, you must take into account the timing of the tide. It's best to run within an hour or two or just after low tide. Sand is so compacted by water that you will not feel much difference between such a surface and a dirt road. You can check the tide schedule at, or just watch the time and create your own training schedule.


The further you move from the water, the softer and more crumbly the sand will be. Accordingly, it will be impossible to run along it at the same speed. But you can independently regulate the degree of load by running alternately on dense and soft sand.


You can run barefoot on the sand, which no other place will allow. However, for the inexperienced runner, there is a certain risk of developing calluses. If you're just trying out sand running, invest in a pair of natural running shoes.


No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to run at your usual speed on the sand. Therefore, focus not on the length of the distance, but on the training time. In an ordinary half hour you will cover less distance than at the stadium, but you will spend much more more effort. Don’t overwork yourself, watch your feelings and run for fun.

Safety regulations

Runner safety is about more than just preventing mechanical injuries. You must also follow basic rules to protect yourself from overheating and other troubles.

  • Usually jogging along the sea is carried out in the warm season. Don't wait until late morning or afternoon, when the thermometer rises above 20°C and the beach is filled with vacationers. Go out for training around 6-7 a.m. or at evening time when the sun is already setting. This way you will avoid danger sunstroke, as well as distractions.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen to your face and open areas bodies. The sun's rays, including those reflected from the surface of the water, can cause irreparable damage to the skin.
  • Even if you don't run in the heat, keep a water bottle with you. Don't wait until you start to feel thirsty. Drink little and often throughout your workout to prevent heat stroke.
  • Consider the coastal slope. It may be minimal and completely unnoticeable, but it is present near any body of water. If you always run in one direction, an imbalance in running occurs, as a result of which one side of the body is loaded more than the other. The consequences of such frequent training sad: inflammation of the ligaments and tendons in the ankle and knee joint. To avoid this problem, change the direction of running, loading the joints of both legs equally.
  • Choose clean beaches if you plan to run barefoot. The sand on city beaches is often richly “fertilized” with garbage and glass. Even if there are no vacationers nearby, there is a risk of cutting your foot with the sharp edge of a shell or injuring yourself on a large stone. For your purposes, a long deserted coastline is suitable, on which only small pebbles are found - they are easily pressed into the sand and cannot harm you.

Sand running technique

Running on the beach helps develop a natural running technique. But if you're used to hard surfaces and highly cushioned running shoes, these runs can be dangerous. After all, on an unstable surface, the risk of twisting your leg or dislocating your knee increases. To prevent this from happening, use our recommendations:

  1. - the first stage, as in any other type of training. Do squats, swings with your arms and legs, stretch all muscle groups one by one. The warmer your muscles are, the lower the risk of injury.
  2. Start with a short run at minimal intensity. Add five minutes to your total workout time every day.
  3. If you feel that your breathing is short and it’s hard to run, switch to race walking. Take long, clear steps with vigorous arm movements.
  4. To get used to it faster, alternate running on soft sand with running along the surf line and shallow water. For example, jogging for 1-2 minutes on loose sand, then 3-5 minutes on hard sand to recover. 15-20 minutes a day is enough.
  5. Natural running technique is ideal for running on sand. It is easier to master it if you train barefoot. Land on the ball of your foot, then lower your heel. The legs should always be slightly bent at the knees - this makes it easier to get used to landing on your toes, while the body naturally seems to fall forward. Do not throw your leg forward; it should touch the ground directly below the center of gravity of the body. Take short, frequent steps - up to 180 per minute. It's as if you get burned when you step on the sand, and then immediately lift your foot off the surface. If you are used to running with your heels, switching to a new technique that is unfamiliar to you can take up to several months.
  6. Pay attention - walk at a relaxed pace, do a few of your favorite exercises.

Choose shorts and a T-shirt at your discretion. The main condition is that the clothing must be made of synthetic or mixed fabric and have good moisture-wicking properties. Fabrics such as polyester, viscose with lycra, polyamide and elastane have proven themselves to be excellent. Usually on the labels of such clothes you can find the RUN mark. Editorial advice : Sports shorts with pockets are suitable for, a T-shirt with mid-length sleeves will protect you from the sun's rays, and neon inserts on the clothing will help you stay visible even at night.

Do not dress warmly, even if the air temperature is low. The clothes are chosen correctly if you feel cool at the beginning of the run, and warm and comfortable at the end.

Girls of any build and breast size must wear a sports top under a T-shirt. Unlike a regular bra, it supports your chest and back muscles and prevents excessive breast movement while running.

Chunky, heavy sneakers are not suitable for running on sand. The best option is minimalist models. They have a flexible thin sole, a drop from 0 to 4 mm, light weight, a wide toe box and no aggressive cushioning. Thanks to these features, you will feel almost barefoot.

Lightweight socks made from moisture-wicking fabric will help keep your feet dry. Be sure to wear socks when running on sand, as without them you risk chafing your feet.

For added sand protection, use running shoe covers. These are a kind of covers that are put on the shin over the sneakers and secured to the shoes with special straps.

Glasses are needed to protect the retina from sunlight, including those reflected from water. Glasses also protect your eyes from midges and sand. In addition, some models fit so tightly to the face that they prevent sweat from getting into the eyes.


When choosing a headgear for running, focus on your individual characteristics: the rate of sweating, the amount of body fat, the rate of heat generation during exercise, etc. For example, the less hair, the more reliably the head should be protected from direct rays.

For jogging in sunny weather, choose baseball caps made of thin fabric in light colors. An additional advantage will be perforation and a sewn-in strip made of natural fabric to collect sweat. The cap should fit tightly on your head, not twist or slide off when tilted.

If there is a strong wind outside, the cap may be blown off your head. Try a bandana or sugar, and complement your sporty look with sunglasses.

The visor is suitable for you if it is hot in the cap and your hair is long enough. Girls often use a visor to support their hair while running. When choosing an accessory, pay attention to its size: if the visor puts pressure on your head, you will have to interrupt your workout due to a headache.

A headband is the best choice for jogging in cloudy weather. The soft terry fabric absorbs sweat so you don't have to worry about wiping it off every time.

First thing after training

After you finish your cool-down, take a walk along the beach. This walk helps strengthen your leg muscles. If you have been running in shoes, take them off and soak your feet in cool water. You can take a contrast shower, but if the water temperature allows, you can cool off in a pond. Swimming will invigorate you after a hard workout.

Restore the water-salt balance using or regular mineral water. Try not to drink a lot at once, just a few sips every 15 minutes.

If you don't feel like eating, don't eat. The body itself will tell you when it needs to replenish its resources. You can snack on fresh fruit or dairy products. Exception - individual plan nutrition during professional training.

Sand running equipment

Men's shoes

Men's sneakers New Balance Minimus 40 Trainer

This model successfully combines the characteristics of classic sports shoes with a natural running mechanism. The main feature of the sneakers is a flexible rubber sole with a 4 mm drop and Vibram® technology, which provides excellent grip on any surface. The model has less weight due to the REVlite midsole. The sneaker's breathable synthetic upper helps keep feet dry even during long workout. The sneakers give you the incredible feeling of running barefoot while protecting your feet from damage.

Nike Free RN Flyknit 3.0 By You Men's Sneakers

You will have to wait four weeks to go to training in these shoes because they are made to order. But you have three advantages available to you:

  • choose a thinner sole for full surface contact
  • create your own unique bright design
  • highlight your individuality with an inscription

The Flyknit material provides a snug fit, while the sock-like design creates optimal pressure on the instep.

Buy men's Nike Free Run Flyknit 3.0 sneakers

Altra Escalante men's sneakers

These sneakers will help you adapt to minimalist footwear. The Altra Escalante is a strong representative of the Zero Drop series, but its design includes a midsole with Altra EGO technology. It returns energy and helps you move forward during high-intensity workouts. Other nice features include a wide FootShape toe box for complete toe freedom and a knit upper with varying levels of weave.

Buy men's sneakers Altra Escalante

Female sneakers

Merrell Pace Glove 3

Minimalistic hardcore sneakers with a super thin 4mm sole and zero drop. They are so light that you hardly feel them on your feet and give the impression of running barefoot. The outsole perfectly follows the movements of the feet, and Vibram® technology makes them stable on any surface. The upper is made of dense, fine mesh that wicks moisture away and ensures air circulation. By the way, such sand running shoes will last 2-3 times longer than models with a high degree of shock absorption.

Buy women's Merrell Pace Glove 3 sneakers

Hiitave Aleader women's sneakers

Sneakers will help you smoothly transition away from highly cushioned models. Everything about this pair is perfect: a stylish appearance, a thin sole made of elastic durable rubber, a square tread for better grip, a wide toe, light weight and a budget price. The zero-drop shoe still provides lightweight support with a cushioned, breathable footbed. They are easy to care for and can be worn in everyday life.

Buy Hiitave Aleader women's sneakers

Joomra Women's Sneakers

An elegant female model that is distinguished by its low weight, variety of colors and flirty appearance. The rubber outsole of these shoes is designed to provide full traction even when your foot turns. The design of the shoe follows the anatomical features of the foot, providing it with comfortable arched support. Additional fixation is provided by rubber pads for the lacing system.

Buy women's Joora sneakers


Adidas Own The Run

The classic cut T-shirt with short sleeves and a round collar fits lightly to the body, providing the necessary freedom of movement. Excess moisture is effectively removed thanks to Climacool technology, which is represented by mesh inserts in the upper back and sides. The T-shirt is made of polyester. This fabric is easy to care for: just wash the product in cold water in a washing machine. Brand logos reflect light from any angle.

Buy Adidas Own The Run T-shirt

Nike Dri-FIT Miler

A bright T-shirt made of mixed fabric with an unusual cut in the style of surfer equipment will give you a boost of energy and a great mood while jogging. An inspiring slogan on the front and a signature logo on the back. The T-shirt is so thin and light that it is almost imperceptible on the body. Dri-FIT technology wicks moisture away so you can focus on results. The model is presented in four colors so that each athlete can choose a T-shirt to suit her taste.

Buy Nike Dri-FIT T-shirt


Adidas C40 Climacool Cap

The white sports cap is made entirely of polyester mesh fabric. The necessary thermoregulation is provided by Climacool technology. The interior has a Climalite absorbent tape that effectively absorbs moisture. You can adjust the size using the clasp strap. UV protection 25+ will help avoid overheating even in the sunniest weather.

Buy Adidas C40 cap

Visor Fila

The case when sports equipment 100 percent cotton is appropriate. A rigid, curved visor with a laconic design will protect your eyes from the bright sun. The volume is adjusted around the head using Velcro. WITH inside The visor has a fiber strip sewn into it, which prevents sweat from getting into the eyes. Let nothing stop you on your way to the record!

Buy Fila visor

Artengo headband

The headband is made from a mixture of cotton, polyamide, elastodiene and viscose. Thanks to this composition, it perfectly absorbs moisture, and its elasticity allows it to adapt to any head circumference. The bandage can withstand frequent washing and even machine drying.

Buy Artengo headband

Uvex Sportstyle 218 glasses

The lens filters on these glasses protect your eyes from the entire range of ultraviolet radiation, including UVA, UVB and UVC spectrums. Stylish streamlined glasses sports uniform They stay securely on the face thanks to non-slip arms and a stop made of hypoallergenic materials.

Buy Uvex Sportstyle glasses

Kalenji running shoe covers

Elastic universal shoe covers are suitable for any sneakers. The shoe covers are securely fixed around the sole using durable clasps and a silicone strap. Additional fixation is provided by an elastic hook that clings to the laces. Durable shoe covers are made from a mixture of elastane and polyamide, making them easy to wash and dry quickly.

Buy Kalenji shoe covers

Nike Dri-FIT Lightweight No-Show Tab Socks

Non-staining socks made from technical synthetic fabric ideally wick away moisture and provide ventilation. The arch of the foot is optimally supported thanks to compression in this area. The socks are anatomically correct landing. The heel and toe areas are reinforced for longer wear.

Buy Nike Dri-FIT Socks


Garmin Forerunner 935

This sports watch has many important features: 24/7 activity tracking, smart alerts, built-in profiles for various types sports But we will dwell in more detail on those that will help make your running training more effective:

  • The ability to record and compare the results of recent workouts. The device not only analyzes the data, but also suggests the optimal load level.
  • Measures important running metrics such as stride frequency and stride length, ground contact time and distribution, vertical oscillation and vertical oscillation ratio.
  • Grade physical fitness and running technique using the optional Running Dynamics Pod.
  • Track distance, time and pace based on GPS data.
  • Get extra motivation and upload your personal bests with real-time Strava segments.
Buy Garmin Forerunner 935

Garmin Forerunner 945

All the above functions are successfully implemented in the updated flagship model. In addition, new interesting and useful options have been added:

  • Garmin Pay™ contactless payment system, which will help you pay for purchases without cash or a bank card.
  • Ability to load up to 1000 into the device’s memory or synchronize it with music services.
  • Colored maps on the screen will help you navigate unfamiliar areas.
  • Search and calculate popular routes using Trendline™.
  • Opportunity to be in touch in social networks, as well as send automatic emergency messages thanks to the accident detection function.
Buy Garmin Forerunner 945

Polar Vantage V

A daily motivator, a personal coach, an automatic training diary - all this is about the V device, the main functions of which are implemented using mobile application PolarFlow. The Polar Precision Prime heart rate sensor monitors your data 24/7. Based on these scores, a fitness test can be administered to measure aerobic fitness. The watch has a built-in optical heart rate sensor, which will allow you to save on purchasing a separate gadget.

Buy Polar Vantage V

Making a packing list for your summer vacation? Don't forget to add new sneakers and shoe covers. And while others are sunbathing and taking selfies on the beach, you are striving for your next record!

What is the main difficulty in running on sand?

The main difficulty is the unsteady surface. Careless movement of the knee can lead to unique sensations. The technique of running on sand is generally special. It is recommended to place your entire foot on the sand and immediately remove it, as if you were getting burned. Well, the density of the sand in this race is different in different areas. There is a section where you run as if on the spot. It's like running up a mountain in the snow. When everyone gets tired, they start walking sideways. In general, due to the fact that I am loaded with a full backpack, sometimes this competition has a very indirect relation to running. In reality, this is not running, but endurance training.

Tell us about your training before the marathon.

Preparation for the Marathon des Sables is not all about running. These are the most different physical exercise- starting from a banal plank and ending with jumping. For example, you run 5 km, and then start moving by jumping. Naturally, general physical training 3 times a week. It is also important to pay attention to running on the descent, contrary to the belief that this is the easiest part of the route. It is on the descent that you can get very tired and your muscles can become clogged. When training downwards, you realize that in some ways it is even more difficult than running up. Due to the fact that the running speed in the desert does not exceed 7-8 minutes per kilometer, endurance here is more important than running qualities.

Firstly, there are approximately 3 types of surfaces at the Marathon des Sables. These are large cobblestones, small cobblestones (the most unpleasant thing that can happen) and actual sand, dunes. Therefore, shoes should be trail shoes - with wide soles. In addition, special gaiters are put on top to prevent sand from getting in. You understand that a pebble that gets into a shoe will turn your foot into a huge bleeding wound by the end of the stage. And, of course, the upper of the sneakers - the lighter the better. I represent the adidas team and they provided me with some great Terrex Agravic by adidas sneakers.

What's the hardest thing about the Desert Marathon? What bothers you the most?

I would prefer to answer this question after finishing the marathon. But if you believe the people who have been there, the most difficult thing is to stick to your goal. Some, showing good starting results, suddenly abandon their goal and simply reach the finish line on foot. This competition has no analogues, it is harder than Iron Man. Plus, complete autonomy: the organizers provide only water, and you run with a heavy backpack with food and are forced to only eat it for a whole week. You are overcome by melancholy and despondency. And, of course, the famous fourth stage, when you need to run 90 km. Here everyone separates: some sit down at the 60th km, start preparing food, and then crawl as best they can. But there are also those who gather their will into a fist and run from the last. The 90km sand run is what scares me the most right now.

What is the daily routine? How long does the actual running take?

Running itself takes about 5 hours a day. But everything changes in the final 90-kilometer stage, when you're running 18 hours a day. In general, the start is always at 8:30 - everyone gathers to cheerful music, lines up and starts running. But you need to get up 2-3 hours before to have a normal breakfast. Then, when you come running in the evening, it seems like there is a lot of free time, but in reality there is none: for example, you need to collect firewood. Imagine collecting firewood in the desert! You need to light a fire, cook food, and then you lie in your sleeping bag, exhausted, first hot and then cold. There's not much time to rest. And they say one of the problems is boredom. There is nothing to do - and you lie there, thinking about the eternal...

What if you take your tablet with you?

What a tablet! It weighs a kilogram, no tablets! You can take a smartphone, but it needs to be charged. Where to charge in the desert? Need to take solar battery, which also weighs something. Communication facilities there are very poor, although the organizers allow you to send 1 email per day. What do you eat on the route? This is a special concentrated food made in France. A packet can weigh 100 grams but contain up to 700 calories. It may be called "spaghetti" or "fondue", but in reality it is harsh chemical concentrates. Plus you eat the bars; for breakfast - oatmeal. You need to eat a lot, otherwise, if you start very quickly, then at the 30th km there will be a surprise. It's better to start slow and eat well. And some even break down at the first stage: “Lord, where have I ended up! And so on for another 6 days!” I would like to avoid this.

Having decided to start running, any person has many questions, one of which is determining where to run. To understand where you can run, you need to compare your physical condition with the nature of the area that surrounds your home.

Running on asphalt, concrete or paving slabs

For many, the only place where they can jog will be the sidewalk or, at best, the embankment. Running on hard surfaces is quite comfortable. Firstly, it is most often smooth, and secondly, there is no dirt even during or after rain.

Moreover, almost all world running competitions long distances They pass exactly on asphalt surfaces, so you shouldn’t be afraid of it. But you need to know a few rules regarding running on hard surfaces.

1. Try to purchase one with a shock-absorbing surface so as not to hurt your feet.

2. Look carefully at your step, as you can fall even out of the blue if you bump into some small pin or stone. A fall on the asphalt can have serious consequences.

3. Follow correct technique running, especially. Otherwise, you can not only sprain your legs, but, under a “successful” combination of circumstances, even get a concussion.

4. Choose places to run where there is less traffic to keep the air cleaner. This is especially true when the asphalt itself melts from the heat and emits an unpleasant odor. If the city has an embankment or park, then it is best to run there. This is a fairly obvious rule, but many do not follow it, believing that while running the lungs work so intensely that they are not afraid of harmful impurities in the air. This is far from true.

Running on a dirt road

This kind of running can be called the most attractive for training. The relatively soft surface does not hurt your feet, and at the same time, the surrounding trees, among which the primer most often passes, create a wonderful atmosphere saturated with oxygen.

In small towns you can run out to the outskirts and run in the nearby woods. In big cities, it is best to find a park and run in it.

Running on a rubber stadium

Running on rubber is ideal for your legs. It is almost impossible to beat them off on such a surface, and every step of the run will be pleasant. But running like this has its downsides. Firstly, such stadiums are most often packed with people, and you can’t run around there calmly, especially if at that moment they are training there professional athletes. And secondly, you can quickly get bored with the monotony of the landscape, and in such terrain, after a couple of weeks you will want to change the landscape. Therefore, in any case, you will have to run out either onto the dirt road or onto the asphalt.

Sand running

Running on sand is very useful and at the same time very difficult. If you live near a large beach, you can run there. It is advisable to do this barefoot. Although you can wear sneakers. This kind of running trains your feet well and will not let you get bored. However, you won’t be able to exercise on such a surface for a long time, and you won’t be able to find a long distance of sand, so you’ll have to run in circles along the beach.

Running on uneven surfaces and rocks

Running on rocks and uneven ground is strongly discouraged. This is especially true for those who have not yet had time to sufficiently strengthen their legs. When running on uneven surfaces, you can easily twist your foot and then spend two weeks at home with a swollen foot. And the stones will painfully dig into the sole and gradually “kill” your feet. In addition, they can cause you to trip or even slip.

In any case, you will not get pleasure from such a run, but it is easy to get injured.

Running on mixed surfaces

The best, in terms of variety, would be running on a mixed surface. That is, run wherever your eyes look. For example, you ran out of the house, ran along the sidewalk to the park, found a dirt path there, and ran along it. They ran out onto the asphalt, ran to the stadium, did laps on it, then ran down the street, ran to the beach and then came back. This route will be the most interesting for running. Without focusing too much on the quality of the surface, you can draw any path for yourself at any distance. The main thing is to follow the correct running technique and use your imagination.

To improve your results in middle and long distance running, you need to know the basics of running, such as proper breathing, technique, warming up, the ability to do the right approach for race day, do the right strength work for running and others.. For site readers, video lessons are completely free . To receive them, just subscribe to the newsletter, and in a few seconds you will receive the first lesson in the series about the basics correct breathing while running. Subscribe here: . These lessons have already helped thousands of people, and they will help you too.