Running with high hip lift technique. Running in place at home: the benefits of exercise. Improving running efficiency

There are many physical exercises aimed at safe and effective weight loss. Running in place is considered one of the most popular, as it does not require the use of equipment and can be performed by people in any physical form. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this exercise, the correct technique for performing it, and also outline the benefits for the body and energy efficiency.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important! Carry out training in special sportswear. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase one, dress in a light, natural T-shirt and shorts, and wear sneakers or sneakers with non-slip soles.


Thanks to the ability to regulate the training process independently, this task causes the least number of problems.

When asked what exactly running in place does and what advantages it has, you can hear the following answers:

  1. This is a low-intensity load that has low trauma and can be used by people of any age.
  2. The training process does not require a special place to conduct classes. You can run both at home and outdoors, without having professional equipment.
  3. Regular jogging quickly produces noticeable positive results, even if you devote only a small amount of time per day.
  4. In addition to strengthening various muscle groups, this exercise is considered a good cardio workout. It increases endurance and strengthens the heart muscle.
  5. Stimulates metabolism, helps rid the body of waste and toxins, and removes excess fluid.
  6. Does not have a destructive effect on the spine due to the shock absorption of the ankle and knees.

Did you know? Running is the earliest sport that was first included in the Olympic Games in the 11th century BC. The first ancient Greek athletes competed naked at the Games, thereby glorifying the cult of a healthy body. Only men were allowed to compete and watch the Games; women were forced to train only to strengthen their bodies and have healthy children.


Despite its obvious benefits, this exercise is not suitable for all people. And that's why:

  1. This is a rather monotonous activity that can get boring if done regularly.
  2. The load provided by running in place may seem insufficient.
  3. Constant jerking movements of the lower extremities can lead to excessive pumping of the calf muscles and pain in the knee joints.
  4. Since this exercise is most often practiced indoors, there is no flow of fresh air to the lungs.

What muscles work

First of all, the muscles of the calves, thighs and ankles are involved in running. Running helps pump up the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and spinal stabilizer muscles. The muscles of the core, abs and biceps are less actively involved in training.

What are the benefits of running in place?

Those who doubt whether running is good for your health and do not know whether it helps you lose weight will be interested in the following information.
Compared to long runs through the streets or stadium, this exercise has more significant benefits for the body than some people think:

  • all muscles and joints of the musculoskeletal system are involved;
  • blood circulation is stimulated, body tissues are supplied with oxygen, metabolism is more active;
  • running cardio exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle, prevents pre-stroke and pre-infarction conditions;
  • the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood decreases, toxic substances are eliminated through sweat;
  • endurance increases, mood improves due to intense endorphin production;
  • exercise performed in the evening strengthens night sleep, and a daytime “jog” gives the body a charge of vigor;
  • The functioning of the nervous system is stabilized, memory is improved, and depressive and anxiety states are eliminated.

How many calories are burned

It is generally accepted that an hour-long workout burns 500 calories. In fact, the number of calories burned depends on the intensity of the activity, the person’s weight, and the ambient temperature.
Thus, running at interval speed (alternating fast and slow paces) helps to lose more than 600 kcal, about 300 are spent on slow running, and training in a cool room takes another 70-90 additional calories. Overweight people lose more energy than those who are not overweight.

The importance of warming up

Many amateur athletes ignore the warm-up and immediately move on to the training process. Warm-up should be performed regularly, because it helps to smoothly switch the body into intensive work mode.
It gradually increases the volume of blood pumped by the heart, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack. A warm-up is a warm-up before a workout. It improves coordination, which allows you to control your body more skillfully.

How to properly run in place

There are several types of this exercise, which differ in the technique of execution and, accordingly, in the level of load on the body.

Important! If you feel discomfort in your leg joints after exercise, check whether you are performing this exercise correctly. Incorrect exercise technique increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of training.


Before training, be sure to ventilate the room to improve the oxygen supply to the body. If you wish, turn on upbeat “running” music - it will allow you to keep up with the set pace.
This exercise simulates regular jogging at a slow pace. If you don’t yet know how to run in place, try the following sequence, resting your palms against the wall.

Stand up straight, extend your arms along your body. Place your feet next to each other so that they are parallel. Keep your back straight, slightly arch your lower back, look straight ahead. Slightly bend your knees and elbows, and from this position begin a movement that imitates slow walking. Try to land not on your toes, but on your heel, as when running normally. Gradually increase your running pace until you reach your limit, and then gradually reduce your speed until you come to a complete stop.

Video: regular running in place with your palms against the wall

Raising your knees high in front of you

The question of whether running in place is effective can be answered in the affirmative. The most energy-consuming exercise, which should be performed in sets of 5 minutes maximum, is considered running with high knees.

Stand up straight, raise your left leg bent at a 90° angle in front of you and move your left arm back. Bend your right elbow, raise your palm to chest level. From this pose, change the position of your arms and legs to the opposite, then repeat the sequence again. You will run in place, lifting your knees high.

Video: running with high knees in front of you

Running with shin sprains

It is performed in much the same way as a classic exercise. It differs in that when running you do not bring your foot to the level of your knee, but raise it higher, touching your buttock. The starting position is level; Make sure that your lower back is not arched and your gaze is directed straight. Bend your elbows or place them on your buttocks with your palms facing outward - this will make it easier for you to control the number of touches. During the exercise, control the movements of your feet; they should strike clearly in the center of the buttocks, without moving to the outside.

Video: running with shin sprains

Mixed running technique

It is a set of exercises aimed at increasing the training load. Start your workout by walking slowly in place (3 minutes). Smoothly switch to jumping, first on two legs, and then on each one in turn (1 minute). Run at a fast pace (2 minutes) at a medium speed (3 minutes), do a crunch exercise (3 minutes) and a high knee raise (2 minutes). Finish your workout with a slow one-minute jog followed by a gentle walk (3 minutes).

Did you know? The longest and most difficult marathon in the world is the New York Ultramarathon, which is 5,000 km long. The competition takes place in a stadium with a total running track length of just over 800 m and lasts more than 50 days! This marathon is aimed primarily at testing mental rather than physical qualities. That’s why it’s called “Self-Overcoming.”

Running in place is an effective exercise for losing weight, the regular implementation of which produces positive changes after three to four weeks of exercise. This exercise has many advantages, the main one being the accessibility of the workout for people of any body type. There are many exercises based on classic running. Alternate them during your workout to achieve better results.

Many people remember that in physical education classes they often taught exercises called - or abbreviated as SBU. Why these exercises are so important for the development of running technique and physical fitness and what basic exercises are used for these purposes, we will learn in this article.

General and special exercises

There are two terms in the classification of physical activity and exercise: general and special exercises or load.

The first term means that an exercise or load is given to develop general physical fitness, that is, not related to a specific sport. Special exercises or load, on the contrary, affect those muscle groups, functional systems, or form motor skills and abilities that determine success in the sport in which we practice.

Based on this provision, it can be assumed that “Special running exercises” will contribute to the growth of special physical and technical training required in running, and this is true.

We have already talked about the anatomy of running, and said that running involves many muscles that perform different functions. To increase the strength or endurance of these muscles, we can use various weight training exercises in the gym, but in this case, our muscles work in conditions other than running.

In order for the muscles not only to receive physical activity, but also to form the correct structure of movements, “Special running exercises” were developed. Each of these exercises is a separate element of running, be it a hip lift or a foot push, but with an emphasis on strengthening its execution. Thus, in specific running exercises, we still move forward as in running, but in each exercise we focus on different technical elements of running.

Modes for performing special running exercises

Specific running exercises can be used for several purposes:

1. Firstly, as part of a warm-up, to activate and warm up target muscle groups. In this case, the total volume and intensity of special exercises will be small.

2. In the second case, as a means of correcting running technique. The dosage of special exercises in this case will depend on which aspect of the technique is being affected. If this is a correction of physical deficiencies, then the volume will be increased, but if the structure of movements is being corrected, then the volume and intensity will be less, since it is necessary that the practitioner be fresh enough to form the correct technique.

3. Thirdly, special running exercises can be used as a means of special physical training for a runner. In this case, the dosage and intensity will also differ depending on what physical quality is being developed. If, for example, we develop strength qualities with the help of the “Multi-Jump” exercise, then we can limit ourselves to performing 10 jumps with maximum intensity. And if we want to develop strength endurance with the help of the same exercise, then we correspondingly reduce the intensity and increase the number of jumps, for example, up to 30-40 in one approach.

10 special running exercises

So, after we have figured out what, when and where it is used, we can move on to analyzing the exercises themselves. For this case, we have prepared for you 10 special running exercises that you can use in your training. Once again we thank the school RunLife for assistance in filming the video for this article.

1. Running with high hips.

The main purpose of the exercise- impact on the muscles of the anterior thigh, feet, hip flexors, improving intermuscular coordination.

Running with high hips will also be useful for runners who do not lift their hips enough when running or have too much shin overlap.


Standing high on the foot, we alternately begin to bend our legs at the hip and knee joints, while moving a little forward.

In this exercise, the thigh rises parallel to the surface, and when landing, the leg is elastically placed on the support. Accent in the exercise should be aimed at removing the leg from the support, and not at placing it.

In this exercise, the torso takes a vertical position, and the arms work in the same way as when running.

Possible mistakes:

1. Thigh not parallel to the ground.
2. Poor posture and hand function;
3. Lack of elasticity or sagging in the foot;
4. Emphasis on placing the leg on the support, instead of emphasizing raising the hip.

2. Running with shin choking.

This exercise mainly aimed to warm up the knee joint and the muscles of the back of the thigh. The exercise will also be especially useful for runners with weak hamstrings.


In this exercise, we perform a kind of elastic running, alternately bending our legs at the knee joint, throwing the shin back to the buttock.

The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms work the same as when running. Don't forget that your shoulder girdle should be relaxed, as excessive tightness will then have a bad effect on your running efficiency.

When performing the exercise, pay attention to the soft and silent removal of the leg from the support.

Possible mistakes:

1. Lack of elasticity when placing the foot;
2. Excessive tilt of the body;
3. Bringing the hip forward beyond the vertical when folding the leg;
4. Incomplete folding of the leg;
5. The shoulder girdle is tight, the hands are not working properly.

3. Heel-to-toe rolls

the main task in this exercise, feel the muscles involved in pushing.


As the name suggests, in this exercise we perform heel-to-toe rolls. Starting from the heel, we apply force through the big toe and then push forward, after which we land again on the pushing foot and perform a new push with the other leg.

The torso takes a vertical position during the exercise. The movement of the arms can be performed in two ways: perform arm movements as in running, or straighten and relax your arms and maintain balance only through small rotations in the shoulders.

When performing the exercise, also remember to land softly.

4. Multi-jumps

Exercise, at its core, represents jumping from foot to foot and, as a result, develops the muscles of the back of the thigh and calf muscles well. Multi-jumps are often used in the jumping training of athletes and serve as a good means of developing strength endurance.


When pushing off, we fully straighten the pushing leg, while the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is carried forward. When landing, the foot is planted with an active raking movement using the entire foot. Hands work differently, thereby helping to maintain balance. The torso is also in an upright position, possibly with a slight forward tilt.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel

3. Sticking your leg under yourself.

5. Multi-jumps (Multi-jumps through a running step)

The exercise is similar to regular multi-jumps, but has several differences and is also one of the most commonly used exercises in training jumpers.


As in multi-jumps, we perform an active push-off and lift the hip forward upward, however, after landing, we do not jump onto the other leg, but take a normal running step.

This is a more complex exercise in terms of coordination and you will have to spend a little time to perform it correctly. Thanks to the alternation of a step and a jump, we learn to alternate between relaxation and tension of the muscles, so try to monitor the active participation in the push-off after the step.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel
2. Weak push forward
3. Sticking your leg under yourself.
4. Violation of the stride structure

6. Jumping with step setting

In this exercise, the main emphasis is on the flexor muscles of the foot and leg, which produce repulsion.


The exercise is somewhat reminiscent of a heel-to-toe roll, however, in this exercise the push-off occurs starting from the front of the top, and not from the heel. Having pushed off, we slightly bend the thigh at the hip and knee joint and lift it up a little.

Landing occurs on almost two legs at the same time: first on the pushing leg, and then actively on the swing leg, after which we again perform an active push-off.

Possible mistakes:

1. Performing a roll instead of pushing off

2. Weak shock absorption when landing

7. Running on straight legs.

Running on straight legs works well on calf muscles, as well as the muscles responsible for adducting and abducting the hips. This exercise is also used to correct weak push-off in running.


When performing this exercise, we perform an active “raking” placing of the straight leg on the support and a quick extension of the swing leg, at approximately an angle of 45°. Our foot must actively meet the support in order to propel the body forward.

The torso is in an almost vertical position, the arms perform active work, as in running.

It should feel like we are moving forward with small elastic leaps.

Possible mistakes:

1. Sluggish, inelastic repulsion;
2. Deflection of the body back;
3. Incorrect hand operation.
4. Bent legs;

8. Running backwards

Besides that this exercise perfectly improves coordination of movement, trains our peripheral vision and hearing, it also strengthens our buttocks, the back of the thigh, as well as the abdominal and back muscles.


To perform this exercise, take a stance with your back facing the direction of movement. Bend one leg at the knee and take a step back. The landing starts on the toe and then rolls back. Without waiting for a full roll, take a step back with the other leg.

Keep your torso upright. Leaning your body too far back can cause you to fall. Don't forget to also turn your head occasionally to assess your surroundings.

The arms are also bent at the elbows. The movements are the same as when running, but with a slightly smaller amplitude

9. Cross-step running

Cross-step running can be a good exercise for developing mobility in the hip joint, strengthening the muscles of the foot and the adductor and abductor muscle groups of the hip. If a runner has low mobility in the hip joint, then this exercise is well suited for correcting this deficiency.


This exercise must be performed on both the right and left sides. Do not forget to perform the exercise in each direction, as in this case you will achieve more harmonious and symmetrical development.

As an example, let's look at a cross step with the right side

The exercise is performed on a high foot. Take a step with your right to the right side, and then a step with your left back behind your right leg. After this, again take a step with your right to the right side, and then a step with your left but forward with your right foot, etc.

When performing this exercise, you must maintain balance, which is achieved by alternately twisting the torso. At the same time, do not deviate your torso from a vertical position.

During a cross step, the arms are raised to the sides to shoulder level. You can perform the exercise either with straight arms or with alternate bending of the right and left arms to maintain balance.

Possible mistakes:

1. Low hand position.
2. Lowering onto the heel.

10. "Wheel" or "Bicycle"

This exercise often used I am used to teach running technique, as well as to strengthen the muscles of the foot, hamstrings and hip flexors.

This exercise is already quite complex and requires more physical effort.


The exercise itself reminds many of running. The leg bends at the knee joint, the thigh rises parallel to the ground. Then the shin is brought forward and the leg, with a raking motion, begins to lower down onto the support under the center of gravity. After pushing, the pushing leg whips back and the movement is repeated, but with the other leg.

To improve your running, it's not enough to just run. By doing specific exercises like the ones listed here for 20 minutes at a time, you can significantly improve your running form, running economy, and speed. They can be performed as a dynamic warm-up after a 10-minute easy run and before the main distance, or after the main workout.

Perform these exercises three to four times a week, making sure to use proper technique. You can add other exercises, for example, acceleration, the most important thing is systematicity.

Lapped shin backwards For what: Works the quadriceps, emphasizes the recovery phase of the running stride cycle How: Perform the exercise in place, try to maintain a more or less neutral hip position, instead of using hamstring strength, think about how best to “pick up” your leg, should work the quadriceps, glutes and hip flexors, and then “drop” it back to the ground under center of gravity. The body must remain straight. This exercise helps improve dynamic range of motion. Perform two to four repetitions 15 times with each leg.

Running with high hips For what: This exercise helps improve the functioning of the knees, glutes, and quadriceps, which are important for running speed and efficiency, and running in place emphasizes the need to lift the foot off the ground instead of pushing off forcefully to initiate a new step. How: Running in place is performed at a very high pace, the hips alternately rise up, forming a parallel line with the floor. Make sure that the landing on your foot is soft and springy, and do not put your entire body weight on your foot. Perform 2-4 repetitions 15 times with each leg.

Running with accentuated push-off (jumping running) For what: Jumping strengthens the muscles of the feet, calves and quadriceps. They also help develop stability on one leg. How: On flat or slightly hilly terrain, alternate jumping up, the pushing leg is straight, the leg goes up, performing an exaggerated galloping movement. It is important to focus on a powerful jump and perform the exercise at a fairly high speed. The movement of the hands is in antiphase. Stand straight for a moment between jumps. Perform three or four repetitions 10 times with each leg.

Crossing legs For what: This exercise relaxes the hip flexors and gluteal muscles, improves the mobility of the hips and buttocks, and strengthens the lateral thigh. How: Stand up straight and start moving to the right, placing your left leg in front of your right. Then, moving in the same direction, cross your left leg behind your right. The same thing in the other direction. Perform two, four repetitions of 50 meters to the right and left.

Slow jumps For what: This exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your calves and feet. It also stimulates neuromuscular function for high-paced running. Perform 2-4 repetitions of 50 meters.

Jumping to the side For what: This exercise strengthens the lateral surface of the thigh and develops dexterity, helping to better maintain balance. An exercise for the muscles of the buttocks, hip flexors, tensor and abductor muscles, and the muscles of the lower back, which are not used when running forward. How: Stand up straight, move to the side with side steps. You may find it more comfortable to do the exercise with your hands behind your head to maintain balance. Perform 2-4 repetitions of 50 meters to the right and left.

Swing your feet forward For what: This exercise improves leg mobility, quadriceps and gluteal muscles, which are responsible for your speed and proper technique. How: Keep your body straight, alternately lift your straightened leg forward and at the same time bring your opposite arm forward, trying to reach the tip of your foot. Technique is more important, not speed. Perform two to four sets of 10 times with each leg.

Running on straight legs For what: This exercise helps improve neuromuscular function for running at a fast pace, as well as correcting poor foot placement. How: Straighten up, legs straight, toes pointing forward, start moving forward at a fast pace without bending your legs. Don't lean your body back. Perform 2-4 sets of 50 meters.

running back For what: Running backwards strengthens the gluteal and quadriceps muscles, as well as the abdominal and lower back muscles. How: It will feel strange at first, but still try to perform the same movements as when running normally. The work of the arms and feet is approximately the same, but the quadriceps and core muscles will perform a different task. It's the form that matters here, not the speed. Perform two or four sets of 50-100 meters.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

17 Mar 2017

Many novice athletes underestimate this exercise, undeservedly excluding it from their training program. The fact is that running in place is even very productive. Learn about the pros and cons, as well as the features of this exercise.

How to replace a treadmill at home

Not everyone can boast of a personal gym, so among craftsmen the idea arose of creating equipment with their own hands. The idea is not bad, but it is not at all suitable for people on limited means. At the same time, the problem of how to run at home without a treadmill can be solved in another way. Some lovers of an active lifestyle with a lack of free time prefer to train by dynamically moving from window to window of their own apartment or performing exercises that do not require any movement at all.

What are the benefits of running in place?

In terms of its properties and effects on the body, such physical education has much in common with ordinary jogging. The benefits of running in place are due to the gentle load on the leg muscles. In addition, during exercise, you land on your toes, which helps absorb shock to the spine and joints. Running can be performed at any time convenient for the athlete. No natural phenomena will interfere with the training. The benefits of home jogging include the following effects:

  • activation of the process of removing toxins;
  • adaptive effect on the heart and vascular system;
  • improving the shock-absorbing properties of the musculoskeletal system;
  • indirect positive effect on the kidneys;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • improving posture;
  • increasing the body's endurance.

What does running in place do?

According to reviews from athletes, you should start the exercise only after gaining some training experience. The essence of the problem is to control the correct landing (on the toes). Ignoring this point can provoke a traumatic situation. In addition, running at home in place for weight loss is also very effective. It must be said that good results can only be achieved with regular training.

How many calories does running in place burn?

Exercises help to effectively warm up the body, which requires accessory energy consumption. In this case, fat deposits are involved in the process. When answering how many calories are burned when running in place, experts give different numbers. So, with the most intense exercise, an athlete can burn up to 100 kcal in 10-15 minutes. Dumbbells and special weights help improve the quality of your workout.

When running with aids, the body can easily burn about 300 calories in one hour of exercise. At the same time, by changing the pace and direction of movement, you can significantly increase the number of kilograms lost. Plus, during exercise the body is actively saturated with oxygen, which has a positive effect on the process of losing weight.

Disadvantages of running in place

As a rule, regular jogging in the park in the fresh air provides much more significant physical activity. Running at home takes place on a completely flat surface. Many people get tired of such monotony and monotony of the actions performed. However, some particularly active individuals involve the balcony and all the rooms in the apartment in the process.

Meanwhile, when discussing the dangers of running in place, experts focus on the correct technique for performing it. Experienced athletes generally know that they should only land on their forefoot. The load on the calf muscles requires special attention. This area is considered problematic in terms of correction, for this reason, more than one intensive training will be required to develop it.

Technique of running in place

Learning to do the exercise is not at all difficult. To do this, the athlete should stand facing the wall and slightly tilt the body forward. Then you need to place your palms on a vertical surface and begin to raise your legs one by one, bending them at the knees. Remember that it is not recommended to fully extend the joint connecting the femur and tibia. Foot control means landing firmly on your toes. In addition, the technique of running on the spot at home for weight loss may involve the following variable forms of exercise:

  • Shuttle running is a good option for indoor training.
  • Without jumping - involves a quick change of legs of the runner. Landing is done from heel to toe.
  • Running with high knees

    Exercise helps you burn extra calories effectively. Running in place with your knees raised high increases the contractility of the heart no worse than regular jogging. During exercise, you should maintain your normal running pace. It is necessary to raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor. You can only breathe through your nose. It is recommended to run with short-term slowdowns or accelerations. If desired, classes can be supplemented with jumping with high knees.

    Running with shin sprains

    The exercise improves dynamic range of motion. During training, you need to keep your hips neutral, your shoulders relaxed, and your body straight. Running with the shin swept back helps to effectively warm up the muscles of the back of the thigh and knee joint. You can avoid sprains and injuries by properly holding your chest and tightening your abdomen (abs).

    Muscle work when running

    Home exercises help strengthen the calf muscles. This disadvantage can be compensated for by adding other types of loads to the training regimen. So, when combining the main exercise with exercise on a treadmill, you can lose a couple of extra pounds in 1-2 weeks. At the same time, do not forget about proper healthy nutrition. You can lose weight only with an integrated approach to the problem. In addition, when answering which muscles work when running in place, experts call the quadriceps. The endurance and stability of the body depend on the latter.

    Running time in place

    Home workouts are best done in the morning. However, the time spent running in place is limited only by the capabilities of the athlete himself. It is important to note that you should not eat anything an hour before your workout. You are allowed to drink water during classes. It is extremely important to comply with these conditions. If they are ignored, running can lead to a deterioration in the athlete’s health due to the development of gastrointestinal diseases. It is better to spend the first lesson no longer than 5-7 minutes. If there are no negative manifestations, you can gradually move on to half-hour training.

    Video: How to run at home without a treadmill

    People who are simply keen on jogging do not warm up before running, and there is a good argument for this - slow running is a way to warm up. But in the process of in-depth study, everyone will certainly come across such a concept as special running exercises or SBU.

    Special running exercises are a set of exercises aimed at developing those physical qualities that are basic when running. In other words, SBU performs the same role as a set of exercises for the gym.

    In addition to training physical abilities, SBU can act as a means of mastering technical elements. Therefore, experienced coaches can include the SBU complex even in the warm-up, and analyze in detail every movement of the athlete.

    General and special running exercises

    In sports, in addition to the SBU, there are OBU or general special exercises that are performed by athletes for the harmonious development of all physical qualities. So, if the athlete’s main distance is the 100-meter run, then the key work will be done to increase speed and strength qualities. But to obtain maximum results, it is necessary to develop all physical qualities and for this there are training equipment. Often, OBU is also used as a way to warm up and tone muscles before a workout.

    There is a relationship in which the percentage of OBU and SBU changes towards the second as the runner’s level increases. Thus, SBU acts as a narrowly focused exercise that affects the most important qualities of an athlete, which are absolutely necessary for successful performances in competitions.

    Total exists three tasks, which can be solved using SBU:

    1. If you stick to a low dosage of exercise, then SBU can be used as part of a warm-up to warm up those muscles that will be involved in active work during training.
    2. A selected set of special running exercises can help correct inaccurate movements or correct running technique. It is worth noting that the use of SBU to correct technique should occur at a low dosage, since the athlete must perform each approach specifically for technique without overcoming fatigue.
    3. The task of the SBU may be to train a specific physical quality that a runner needs to improve athletic performance. For example, if we are training speed-strength qualities, we will run 30-60 or 100 meters lasting 10 approaches at about the maximum pace.

    Typically, in a training session, up to two problems out of three proposed are solved. At the same time, it is not recommended to perform tasks 2 and 3 during one workout.

    9 special running exercises

    We propose to consider exactly 9 exercises that are basic and used by runners around the world. This is a kind of base that every runner who is focused on results in running should know. If you are not in the mood to read, then watch the video at the end of the article.

    1. Running with high knees– the exercise is aimed at the muscles of the front surface of the thigh, and due to the fact that it is performed on the toes, there is an additional effect on the muscles of the lower leg.

    This exercise will help correct the common mistake of not lifting the hip high enough. Additionally, the athlete gets used to running on his toes, which is important for short and medium distances.


    While performing the exercise, watch your back, which should not be slouched, and your torso should be only slightly tilted forward. The arms are bent at the elbows 45 degrees and work oppositely with the legs. The knee is raised to a height at which it forms a straight line with the pelvis or slightly higher. When performing, the emphasis is on the technique of movements and only then on intensity.

    1. Running with shin sprains– the exercise is aimed at the back of the thigh. That is, ideally it should be performed before or after raising the knees.


    Hands work as in the previous exercise. The gaze is directed 5-10 meters ahead. During execution, the heels should lightly touch the buttocks. The exercise is performed without placing the heel on the surface (on the toes). It is necessary to monitor the accuracy of the movements and only then increase their frequency.

    1. Heel-to-toe rolls– the exercise warms up the muscles and ligaments of the foot, as well as the Achilles tendon. Additionally, the muscles of the thigh and lower leg contract.


    The essence of the exercise is to slowly alternately roll from heel to toe. In this case, it is necessary to focus on the toe, trying to rise as high as possible. You can do it at a fairly fast pace, but be sure to “try” the exercise initially. To better understand the technique watch the video at the end of the article.

    1. Multi-jumps- These are jumps from foot to foot with an emphasis on length, which are designed to stretch (and with long repetition strengthen) the quadriceps femoris and triceps ankle muscles.


    When pushing off, the pushing leg straightens, while the swing leg is bent at the knee. Landing occurs on the entire foot with an emphasis on pushing forward. After pushing off, the pushing leg straightens, and the fly leg bends at the knee joint. The arms work in a similar way to running.

    1. Jumps- These are short jumps from foot to foot with an emphasis on height. Their goal is to train the foot flexor muscles.


    If you can roll from heel to toe without much difficulty, then mastering jumping will not be a problem. In essence, the same heel-to-toe roll is performed, but the movement ends with a gentle upward push. For a better push when planting your foot, you need to slightly bend your leg at the knee joint, which will create a spring effect.

    1. Running on straight legs is an exercise that can be similar to a static exercise in relation to the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.


    The arms are bent at the elbows and work similar to running. Running occurs entirely on straight legs and with an outstretched toe. The foot is placed “flat”. For effective advancement, it is necessary to push off the surface with the pushing leg as quickly as possible.

    1. Running backwards used to improve coordination abilities, as it forces the body to act under unusual circumstances. Peripheral vision is trained, and the muscles of the legs and back are strengthened.


    Stand with your back to the treadmill. Bend your leg, take it back and place it on your toes. Perform a push-off and repeat with the other leg. Control your pushing force. If you push too hard, you may lose your balance and fall. While performing, look over your left and right shoulder to avoid colliding with an athlete running towards you.

    1. Cross-step running involves several muscle groups in active work: the back, pelvic muscles, as well as the muscles of the thighs, lower legs and arches of the feet.


    The exercise is performed with the right and left sides alternately. The arms are extended forward and remain motionless during the execution, since only the torso and legs are working.

    Stand with your side to the path and take a step with your left to the left, then move your right foot behind your left leg. Next, take a left step to the left side, and then a right step, but forward with your left leg. The exercise is performed exclusively on your toes.

    1. Bike or wheel running is a special exercise in athletics because it almost completely corresponds to the movements that occur during running. It is similar to running with knee raises, but in this case the movements are performed over a longer period and the knee height is higher.


    The movements of the knees are performed in the same way as when running with high knees, but with the difference that after the knee reaches the highest point, the shin moves forward. After extending the shin, the leg is lowered onto the toe and the next push-off is performed using a raking movement. Hand movements are fully consistent with running technique.

    The given exercises are the basic component on the basis of which the rest of the training process is built. There are many more narrowly focused exercises that are tailored exclusively to a specific sport or distance.

    Video about special exercises for running

    To better understand the specifics of performing the exercises, watch the video, which presents the described complex. A visual example will allow you to better understand how to perform the exercise. And for the theoretical part, refer to the description of each individual exercise.