Swimming pool under polycarbonate recreation area. Canopy for a polycarbonate pool: advantages, types, do-it-yourself or it is better to contact a specialist. Greenhouses can have a variety of shapes

The appearance of your own pool in your summer cottage can be compared with the materialization of thoughts after watching Hollywood films. If you think about it, such an element of the landscape can radically change the appearance of the territory, making it visually brighter. In this article, we will consider what a pool in a polycarbonate country house is, and also learn how to make its bowl.

It must be admitted that although our country is rich various types reservoirs, but not everyone and not always can treat themselves to swimming in them. Therefore, if "the mountain does not go to Mohammed ...", then you can turn your own site into a kind of lake shore.

The polycarbonate pool is one of the most simple ways achieve this. At the same time, it should be understood that we are talking not only about the bowl, but also about sheltering the structure from atmospheric influences.

Why do we need a pavilion

Thanks to this design, you can really improve the performance of the pool.

  • protect the summer pond from debris, in particular, branches and leaves from trees in the area, which will reduce the number of cleanings;
  • will make it possible to use it even in rainy or very windy weather. Often a heater is placed in the room, warming the bathers even in the cold season;
  • allows you to extend the life of an artificial reservoir, keeping it from the summer heat and saving it during conservation in the winter;
  • will not let the water cool down quickly, which will give great savings in electricity;
  • protect against ultraviolet radiation during water procedures;
  • will become another place protected from prying eyes to relax.

Tip: if it is not possible to make stationary pool, find out on our website how to install the inflatable.

Pros of polycarbonate

Of course, you can make a bowl from different materials and the industry is ready to contribute to this. However, many experts are inclined to believe that the most good option is polycarbonate.

Below we consider its positive characteristics:

  1. Weather resistant.
  2. Resistant to biological influences, it is noticed that algae and harmful microorganisms do not grow in such structures.
  3. The price of arranging the pool depends on the size of the structure and will not exceed $10,000 excluding the pavilion. For example, a concrete bowl will cost $85 per sq. m, and from propylene - for $100.
  4. You can do all the work yourself and in a short time.
  5. The material is light and does not present difficulties for its delivery to the construction site.

Tip: to solve the problem of uninterrupted power supply to the country house, renting a diesel generator for the country house will help.


Above the pool, you can install various structures that differ from each other in the degree of protection. There are two main areas:

Also, the structures differ in height above the pool:

Another structural feature of shelters, their ability to be:

  • sliding, when convenient operation occurs due to the fact that the sections are installed on rails. Such structures are difficult to manufacture, but are in good demand. This is due to the mobility of the structure;
  • stationary, when shelters are installed above high artificial reservoirs made of polycarbonate.

The design of the protective structure depends on the pool bowl and can be:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • combined, used for non-standard bowls;
  • domed - usually over a round bowl;
  • arched or pitched, where there must be vertical walls and arched roof. Usually such structures are large in size, capable of accommodating a recreation area in addition to the pool, and even a small front garden.

Tip: if there is no desire to build a house on a suburban area yourself, ready-made country houses from block containers with all amenities are offered.

How to make a pool yourself

Below is the process instruction:

  1. Choose a site that should not be the lowest in the territory and located no closer than 15 m from a residential building. Also, make sure that the crowns of trees do not obscure the future structure, and that there are no power poles nearby.
  2. Clean it up and mark it up.

  1. Dig a pit. Try to make the walls even and dense.

Tip: if the ground in the area is too soft, deepen the hole to a hard layer so that groundwater does not damage the building.

  1. Make drainage, for which, not far from the pit, dig a hole deep below the pool. It is designed to drain water from an artificial reservoir. Prepare a drain pipe for this, install one end of which in the lower part of the wall of the structure, and lead the other into a drainage tank.
  2. Make a frame from dried pine wood, which must first be treated with an indelible antiseptic.
  3. Treat the lower parts of the timbers approximately 500 mm with bitumen to protect them from decay and pests.
  4. Dig in the corners of the pit with your own hands and along the perimeter of the prepared pillars, watching their horizontal level.
  5. Backfill the bottom of the pit and tamp down with layers of gravel and sand.
  6. Fill from above with a cement-sand screed 100 mm high.
  7. After the mortar has hardened, tie the posts together with boards.

Tip: you can play it safe and put an awning fabric that does not let water through on the bottom before installing polycarbonate, choosing the right color.

  1. Install the polycarbonate base over the entire frame area. Due to the good flexibility of the sheets, you can make a pool to give the desired shape in a short time.

  1. Seal the ends of the sheets with special adhesive tapes for polycarbonate.
  2. Carry out decorative work around the pond by installing non-slip slabs or similar materials around the edges. Don't forget the stairs for easy access to the pool.


From the article, you learned what artificial reservoirs are in a polycarbonate country house, as well as what structures are used to protect them from atmospheric influences. It was also told how you can independently dig and equip pools in the country.

The video in this article will help you find more information on this topic.

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instructions, work steps, photos and videos

Today, a pool in a summer cottage is an affordable luxury. But it is important not only to design and build this element of landscape design correctly, but also to properly care for it. Sooner or later, the owner of the site has the idea that it is necessary to build a polycarbonate pool canopy with his own hands. This design will keep the pool clean and transform the local area.

Benefits of a polycarbonate pool cover

A pool covered with polycarbonate is practical and beautiful, because:

  • the water in it is not polluted so quickly, respectively, the tank can be cleaned less often;
  • you can use the pool during rain, strong wind and other adverse weather conditions;
  • the canopy provides protection from ultraviolet radiation, so when swimming, you can not be afraid of getting burned or irradiated;
  • the cost of electricity for heating water is reduced;
  • water from the pool evaporates less intensively;
  • the harmful effects of weather conditions in the autumn-winter period are reduced by the design and water systems of the pool.

Polycarbonate has recently become the most popular material for the manufacture of canopies due to the fact that it has the following advantages:

Classification of polycarbonate canopies for the pool by type of construction

There are two types of covers for the pool, fundamentally different in their design:

  1. Stationary.
  2. Telescopic, or sliding.

A pool under a stationary canopy can be safely called an indoor one, since the structure of the canopy is monolithic, it is installed on the foundation and, as a rule, occupies an area slightly larger than the water tank itself. It turns out a kind of separate building in which you can place furniture for the pool, bar, etc. Electricity and heating can also be connected to this room.

A telescopic canopy is a mobile structure that expands as needed and covers the pool in whole or in part.

Other classifications of polycarbonate pool awnings

Practical polycarbonate is the dream of any landscape designer, because with the help of this material you can make canopies, canopies and pavilions of any shape in any existing style. In addition, polycarbonate is perfectly combined with other materials. Coverings from it for the pool are obtained each time different in height, shape and color.

For example, it depends on the height of the structure whether the canopy will serve only as a shelter for water and communications (usually the structure rises about 1 m above the ground) or a full-fledged pavilion (the distance from the ground to the ceiling of the cover is 2 m or more).

The shape of the dome of the cover is:

The design, which is a synthesis of a metal supporting frame and a translucent polymer covering, would seem to fit perfectly into the high-tech style concept. But polycarbonate canopies over the pool are in amazing harmony with the classic, English and other styles of landscape design.

How to build a polycarbonate pavilion over the pool with your own hands

Design, procurement of materials and tools

Before proceeding with the actual process of constructing a covering, it is necessary to determine its shape, size and design. A design project can be created using a computer program, or you can simply draw a diagram on paper, not forgetting to display the dimensions in it. Then it will be easy to calculate the approximate consumption of materials.

You need to go to the construction market for the following materials and tools:


Despite the relative lightness of polycarbonate, the volumetric cover made of it for the pool will turn out to be very heavy. This design is installed on a concrete foundation with a depth of about 50 cm. After the foundation base has dried, it should be tiled, creating additional protection from moisture.

Usually, for polycarbonate structures, a frame is made of wood or metal. Near the pool, where water constantly evaporates, it is better to use metal. The creation of the frame, especially if the profiles need to be bent for an arched covering, is best left to a professional welder. If you have the appropriate skills and self-confidence, you can try to make the supporting structure yourself.

  1. Profiles are thrown across the pool, forming arches. They are bolted to the foundation.
  2. Next, you should stretch the arcs at a distance of 1 m from each other, and mount stiffeners between them.
  3. You can connect the structural parts with bolts, or simply weld them to each other.
  4. Metal parts must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent before sheathing.

Polycarbonate sheathing

Ongoing Canopy Maintenance

Despite the fact that polycarbonate is weatherproof and durable, it is necessary to monitor the hygienic condition of the pool cover, as well as take care of its metal frame. In order for the shelter to last for a long time, it is recommended to treat the frame with an anti-corrosion agent once a year.

Book a canopy?

We make canopies from polycarbonate and glass. At prices there are promotional canopies - a turnkey carport 3.6 x 6.3 = 63.000 rubles!!! a turnkey carport for 2 cars 5.7 x 6.3 = 128.000 rubles!!!


Do-it-yourself polycarbonate pool in the country: how to build?

For everyone, rest is a different concept. But almost everyone likes to spend their free time near the water. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to go to an open reservoir, therefore people try to equip a swimming pool in their country house or near a private house.

To build a separate building for the pool, you will need a lot of expensive materials, hire highly paid workers to carry out the work and a lot of free space. Not everyone can have such resources, and one has to look for alternative, more acceptable options.

It is easy to equip a pool with a polycarbonate canopy on private territory with your own hands.

See also: Building a swimming pool in the country with your own hands

Why do you need a polycarbonate pavilion

An indoor pool has many advantages over an open one:

  • canopies protect the pool from getting into the water of various debris from trees and other natural sources;
  • it will be possible to swim in the pool under the protective structure even during bad weather: rain, strong wind;
  • if you install an infrared heater in the room, you can really use the pool even in cold weather;
  • shelter prolongs the life of an artificial reservoir;
  • the pavilion will save energy, even in comparison with the fundamental building. Since lighting is not needed during the day, polycarbonate is a light transmitting material. You will not have to spend a lot of energy on heating water, as it will cool more slowly;
  • in summer, a polycarbonate shelter will protect swimmers from harmful UV radiation;
  • next to the pool you can place a recreation area.

Types of polycarbonate structures

Polycarbonate is a very plastic and strong material that has a wide range of applications in construction. various designs in construction.

For a pool in the country, these types of polycarbonate structures are suitable:

  • partial canopies, having only an upper canopy or also several side ones;
  • closed pavilions.

There is also a classification according to the height of the structure:

  • low - up to 1 meter high above the surface of the pool. Designed solely to protect the pool from debris, while the pond is not in use;
  • combined - part of the shelter is raised high, and the rest is located much lower. Suitable for pools that are used throughout the year;
  • high - are divided, in turn, into those erected around the perimeter, close to the bowl or with a margin of space for a recreation area.

Typing by type according to the features of the frame made of polycarbonate:

  • Sliding or telescopic - mostly low structures, very convenient to use. For proper functionality, the sections are mounted in special rails. A rather complicated design, compared with a simple canopy, but, despite this, it is very popular. With her help, without special efforts you can make the pavilion open or closed;
  • stationary - it is this type of construction that is installed not by specialists, but by the owners themselves. This is a simple and intuitive type of structure.

The general view of the polycarbonate canopy over the pool depends on the type of bowl:

  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • domed;
  • asymmetric;
  • pitched with two vertical walls.

Tips for those who do not have much experience in the construction of pools and similar structures made of polycarbonate:

See also: What is the best way to paint concrete

Some owners put an awning fabric under the polycarbonate base to be sure of the strength and waterproofness of the container.

Top part- a canopy or a pavilion - is performed depending on the type of structure chosen and the shape of the water tank.


Do-it-yourself polycarbonate pool canopy: photos of interesting solutions

Today, swimming pools in private homes have become a luxury available to many. However, it is important not only to build it correctly, but also not to forget to follow it, while maintaining the proper appearance. The ideal means of protecting the pool is a canopy.

Why is it worth making a polycarbonate canopy over the pool?

A canopy for a polycarbonate pool is one of the main elements of its protection. The specific type of roof will help prevent water pollution from dust, insects, birds, foliage, trees and shrubs. Also, if you build a partially closed structure above the pool, then in rainy and windy weather it becomes possible to use it without any obstacles.

Classification of polycarbonate canopies over the pool

Any structure on a metal frame is currently technologically advanced and is popular among buyers. Canopies over the polycarbonate pool are divided into two types:

  • Stationary fixed;
  • Retractable awnings.

Stationary polycarbonate pool cover

This is a structure that is not removed and is fixed on a certain part of the pool. On average, the height of the structure is from one and a half to two and a half meters. The main advantage of this type of structure is the preservation of heat without connection. additional source heating.

Retractable polycarbonate pool canopy

Telescopic (sliding) - a canopy over the frame pool (and round), which is used only in the hottest months of summer. The big advantage of this design is its functionality: the roof can have a manual or electric control panel. Its significant disadvantage is its small height and lack of space for building when folded.

Each canopy has its pros and cons:

Canopy for a polycarbonate pool step by step

Although the presence of structures for pools is presented in large numbers in specialized stores, some seek to create a structure on their own. In this case, if you figure out how to make a canopy over a polycarbonate pool with your own hands, you can significantly save your money.

First you need to choose the appropriate type of structure for further construction. After that, it is important to choose necessary material and measure the length and width of the pool for drawing up drawings.

The choice of polycarbonate for a canopy

The definition of the type of plastic depends on several factors, basically, a specific coating is used for each type of canopy. Polycarbonate is divided into several types: cellular and monolithic.

A monolithic panel has more weight than a honeycomb panel, because. it is complete, so the price is much higher.

The main advantage of a monolithic coating is its service life, which exceeds the wear resistance of a honeycomb product by 3 times. The downside is its strength: the ability to damage cellular polycarbonate during operation is the highest.

An important condition when choosing the type of coating is its appearance. If you want your gazebo to look like glass, then you should choose a monolithic polycarbonate. Also, this material allows you to create canopies of various and unique shapes.

A convenient and practical canopy over a round pool without any special design can also be made of cellular polycarbonate. Its feature is the presence of several layers interconnected by stiffeners. Their light weight will completely lighten the load on the entire structure. The cost of a honeycomb panel is lower than a monolithic one.


The time has come for the most complex and time-consuming process of creating a building. At the stage of drawing up a project for a canopy over a polycarbonate pool, it is necessary:

  • calculate in detail how much material will be required for construction;
  • calculate a convenient height and width;
  • determine the depth of the foundation that can be built on the site, depending on the soil;
  • determine which structure will be delivered, stationary or sliding.

Required Tools

For construction you will need:




For stability and security at the very first stage, you need to prepare the foundation. The durability of the structure largely depends on its reliability, since any subsidence entails the appearance of cracks, which contributes to the rapid destruction of the canopy.

The foundation for the ground canopy above the pool should only take the load from the metal pipes and the polycarbonate used, without any additional load. If the foundation of the canopy is located close to the base of the walls of the house, it is necessary to separate their bases with an interval of 4-7 centimeters.

As a rule, such a structure is installed on a concrete base with a depth of 50-70 centimeters, but this depends on the bearing capacity of the soil in a particular area.

It is very important that in any case the foundation should stand on the mainland non-subsiding soil, but for a heavy canopy (mostly retractable), the depth of the foundation trench should be made below the point where the soil freezes through.

The foundation for a canopy over the pool with your own hands made of polycarbonate is mainly erected from concrete or bricks. In order to do this:

  • the bottom of the trench is leveled;
  • crushed stone is compacted dry;
  • the trench is poured with a solution of cement;
  • if the base is made of stone or brick, the masonry is laid in even rows, taking into account the gaps in the seams. Usually, a row is laid outside with a mortar under a spatula, the inner surface is filled with backfill;
  • several layers of cement mortar are applied to the upper area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe base and well leveled, this will require a building level;

The laying of any foundation should be completed below the level of the finished floor by 160 millimeters, approximately two rows of brickwork. At the same time, waterproofing can be laid using two layers of roofing material or by choosing a special material that has such properties.

After the work has been completed, the foundation should be tiled around the perimeter. This way of decoration will protect it from moisture and strengthen the foundation for the future canopy.

In most cases, such an element is made of wood or metal. For greater strength and durability of the frame, it is best to choose metal.

Before sheathing the frame with polycarbonate, we recommend treating it with an anti-corrosion agent.

After we made the frame of the future canopy for the pool with our own hands, it's time to start covering it.

  • At the beginning of work, the coating sheet should be marked in the places where it is attached to the pipes. In the future, these marks will need to drill holes for fasteners. They should be made larger than the diameter of the screws, because. in the sun, polycarbonate can expand.
  • We cover the finished structure with our coating. It is best to fix the sheets with self-tapping screws, but you need to remember the main rule: always put washers under the caps to completely close the hole.
  • Joints and fasteners should be treated with sealant.

Canopy Maintenance

Despite the fact that polycarbonate is considered a practical and wear-resistant material, its hygienic appearance must be monitored.

In order for the canopy to serve for a long time, owners are advised to treat the frame with an anti-corrosion agent twice a year and, if necessary, use detergents from the development of the fungus.

Calculation of the price of cellular polycarbonate


A fixed or retractable polycarbonate pool canopy is a simple design that will pleasantly transform your site. Having understood and selected the necessary project, tools and materials, you can do all the work yourself, without resorting to the help of professionals.


Do-it-yourself pool canopy

Nowadays, many can afford to have a pool in the courtyard of a private house or cottage. But it should be noted that building a pond in your yard is one thing, but caring for it is another. You need to install filters, constantly clean and remove debris that accumulates on the surface of the water and at the bottom. To simplify the task for the owner, you can make a canopy over the pool, which will protect it from pollution. You can buy them ready-made, or you can make your own, saving a decent amount on this. So, this article will look at what types of canopies are, what they serve for and how to make them. Let's look at all these questions in detail.

What is the canopy over the pool for?

Debris protection is far from the only purpose this design serves. It is multifunctional and allows you to solve many problems.

Having built a canopy or pavilion for the pool, you can get the following "bonuses":

  • Water will evaporate less, which will reduce water supply costs.
  • The ability to significantly reduce heat loss, and, accordingly, the funds that will be needed for heating water. Moreover, the duration of the swimming season will increase significantly.
  • It will not get precipitation, debris, dust and leaves that the wind can cause. This will allow the owner to save on water filtration and purification. chemicals(only if the canopy is pavilion type).
  • The ultraviolet, which will affect both the pool and the people bathing in it, will already arrive in a refracted form, as it will collide with an obstacle. Thanks to this, its effect on the bottom and walls will no longer be so destructive, which will help preserve your tank and the materials from which it is made. And what is important, people will also be saved from its harmful influence.
  • It can be used even when it is raining or strong wind is blowing.
  • AT winter time the air temperature in the pavilion is slightly higher than outside, so the pool will not be tested by very low temperatures. This ensures that the entire system and materials do not become unusable too quickly.

As you can see, by spending a little money on such a simple shelter, you can save a lot of money, preserve the health of yourself and your loved ones, and extend the service life.

What should be the roof

So that the canopy over the pool is not built in vain and fully fulfills all its tasks for which it was erected, some requirements must be observed during the construction of such a building. First you need to determine for what purposes it will be intended. After all, the choice of the material itself, as well as the strategy and technology of the work depends on this. One thing is for sure - the future roof has a design familiar to us and will practically not differ from other similar ones.

The following are the main requirements that must be observed when choosing and installing a structure:

  1. Reliability and structural strength. It is clear that such a building will be subject to various external factors, as it will stand all year round. The coating must be strong enough to withstand both gusts of strong winds and the thickness of snow that will settle on the roof. In this regard, the frame for the canopy must be rigid and reinforced.
  2. Moisture resistance. This is an important requirement, since we are talking about a place with high humidity, where water directly hits the frame. This suggests that stationary structures based on a wooden frame are not at all suitable, since their service life will be short. The most optimal option for the construction of the frame would be a painted profile pipe.
  3. If we talk about the pavilion, then an important requirement is its tightness. Dust, insects, rain and melt water must never get into the pool. For this purpose, you need to use a material that will not get wet, it must be solid or with sealed joints. It is inappropriate to use polyethylene or fabric in our case. Ideally, corrugated board or polycarbonate will cope with this task.
  4. Ease of use. It is important that the future canopy meets your needs and performs the main tasks.

Depending on the size and other features of the pool, there are several types of structures installed above the tank, which are intended for various purposes. Among them:

  • a stationary visor that resembles a roof for an ordinary gazebo;
  • removable canopy, the frame of which is equipped with a rigid, durable covering material that can be removed and installed manually, depending on the need;
  • telescopic or retractable design, which is easy to remove and put in place. It is built only when there is room for a rollback;
  • pavilion that completely covers the pool. It visually resembles a greenhouse. This design completely protects from external factors.

Based on these design features, structures can be divided into the following types:

  • closed;
  • open;
  • low;
  • high.

In addition, they all differ in shape. Some are made rectangular or round, others are trapezoidal, others are cylindrical or asymmetrical. It all depends on what you expect from your shed, how big your pool is, and how big the deck is.

Planning and preparation for construction

The first thing to do if you want to build such a shelter: the type, shape, height, design and purpose of the building - all this must be thought out in advance. For small pools, a stationary canopy is suitable, which will cover it in bad weather and protect swimmers from the scorching sun. If the size is large, and the area allows you to place a pavilion, then you can build it. It all depends on your choice and needs.

It is advisable to design the future canopy, indicating the dimensions and all the features in order to navigate during construction. This can be done both on paper by drawing a detailed diagram, and by creating a project using a construction program on a computer. Then you can calculate the approximate consumption of materials. If you don't know much about it, look for detailed plans on the world wide web and choose the one that suits you best.

Now it's time to bring to life everything that is written on paper. For example, we will look at how to build a stationary pool shed. To do this, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • material that will serve as a coating;
  • profile pipe with a square or rectangular section;
  • concrete mortar;
  • bolts and screws;
  • shovel;
  • sand and gravel;
  • rope and stakes;
  • welding machine;
  • concrete mixer;
  • roulette and level;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal and electric jigsaw;
  • ceramic tile.

It is better to use polycarbonate sheets as a coating material. It is becoming more and more popular and is often used to make swimming pool covers. And this is no accident, since it has a number of such advantages:

  1. Light weight and strength.
  2. Ease of maintenance and durability of the material.
  3. Corrosion resistance, to various weather conditions.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. The ability to transmit sunlight by scattering it.
  6. democratic value.

When you have prepared the material and all the necessary tools, you can begin work on the construction of your polycarbonate cover.

Canopy base

Despite the fact that polycarbonate is a fairly light material, the whole structure will have a decent weight. Therefore, it is better to install such a canopy on a solid concrete foundation, the laying depth of which is 50 cm, and the thickness is 20 cm. A frame will be installed on such a blind area. Then you can tile the edges to make everything more attractive and protect the base from moisture.

You will need a shovel, tape measure, level, rope and pegs. First, mark the area with pegs and rope. Stick to exact measurements. Along the perimeter, focusing on the markings, you need to dig a trench 60 cm deep. Watch for the evenness of the bottom of the trench and walls. After that, fill the bottom with sand with a layer of 5-10 cm, tamp it down and again pour a layer of crushed stone and sand 5-10 cm. Make a formwork that is a multiple of one or two ceramic tiles (depending on their size) blind area. Now mix the concrete mortar and pour the foundation. It remains only to wait until the concrete gains strength, namely 1 month.

Another version of the foundation is when the supporting pillars are simply dug into the ground, then there is no need to make a foundation. This type is suitable in this case, when the soil is quite dense. It is necessary to deepen the pillars by at least 60 cm.

Frame manufacturing

After that, it's time to make a frame, which will eventually be sheathed with polycarbonate. It will be made from a profile pipe, which must be treated with an anti-corrosion agent before use. The roof can be made flat or arched. In this case, the profile should be cut in three places, bent and welded with a welding machine. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust such work to a professional.

  1. First you need to install support pillars in increments of about 1 m. They either go deep into the ground or are attached to the foundation with anchor bolts. The top is tied.
  2. Now you need to weld or bolt transverse profiles, flat or arched, to the strapping and mount stiffeners between them.

Which design you will have depends on your choice. Its size and design is chosen by you personally. It is important to adhere to exact dimensions and check the evenness of your design.

Sheathing frame with polycarbonate

The last, final stage in the construction of a canopy is its sheathing. To complete it, you need:

  1. Mark the polycarbonate sheets, making notes where it will connect to the frame itself. In those places you need to drill holes for self-tapping screws. Do not remove the film from the material yet, so as not to damage it. The hole for the screw should be slightly larger than the screw itself. This is because polycarbonate can expand when exposed to heat, if you make a hole the same diameter as the self-tapping screw, the material can crack when expanded in the sun.
  2. Now you need to sheathe the frame (roof) with sheets butt-to-butt. Using a screwdriver, connect the sheets with self-tapping screws. Be sure to substitute galvanized washers under their hats that will close the holes.
  3. Treat the joints of the sheets and the attachment points with silicone sealant.

Now your pool and you are protected from the effects of rain and sun. But what if you need to cover your tank completely to keep out debris, wind and it is protected from all sides? We need to make a pavilion. The manufacturing principle is similar. The only difference is that more material is needed, since the frame must be fully sheathed. It can be of any height and shape, depending on your desire.

Everyone can build such a canopy, the main thing is to show imagination, make a detailed drawing, purchase material and follow the recommendations for construction. To summarize, the whole work can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Design selection and plan preparation.
  2. Procurement of materials and tools.
  3. Foundation preparation.
  4. Frame construction.
  5. Sheathing the frame with the material of your choice.


How to install a sliding structure, see below:

Owners of country cottages and summer cottages very often think about building a pool on their territory. However, an outdoor pool implies constant care and cleaning of various debris. In addition, very often climatic conditions allow the use of this structure for a rather short period of time. Therefore, the most relevant and practical is the construction of an indoor pool, for example, right in the greenhouse.


Caring for this design is much simpler and easier, it can be used throughout almost the entire spring, summer and half of autumn. Many owners install special heaters in the pools, this allows you to use the structure in almost any weather. It should be noted that the construction of such a structure requires large financial costs, and not everyone can afford it.

Therefore, polycarbonate pools in greenhouses have become an alternative option for many.

These closed structures have many advantages.

  • A polycarbonate greenhouse can be purchased ready-made and the right sizes. Therefore, installation will not take much time.
  • The design reliably protects the interior from prying eyes.
  • You can use and enjoy the pool in almost any weather.
  • Thanks to the polycarbonate coating, the water will warm up much faster and more evenly.
  • In such a structure, protection from various insects is always provided.
  • In the manufacture of this structure, environmentally friendly materials are used.
  • Installation of the structure can be done by hand, which can significantly reduce financial costs.
  • In indoor pools, much less water evaporates.
  • The cost of these facilities is quite democratic.

Absolutely all family members can use the pool, the polycarbonate coating will reliably protect against various atmospheric precipitation and temperature changes. Thanks to the frame treated with special means, the design will delight for many years.

Advantages of polycarbonate

Until now, glass has been a very popular material for covering walls and roofs of greenhouses, but this is a very fragile material. Products differed in the big weight, besides glass possesses high thermal conductivity.

Thanks to the latest developments, a material such as polycarbonate has appeared, with excellent technical specifications:

  • light weight;
  • strength and reliability;
  • transmits light well;
  • the sun's rays are evenly scattered inside the structure;
  • due to the good flexibility and elasticity of the material, you can create any shape;
  • increased resistance to atmospheric precipitation and influences;
  • the material is absolutely waterproof;
  • is resistant to mold and fungus;
  • the material has a high resistance to fire;
  • easy to sanitize;
  • has a long service life;
  • a huge variety of models made using a rich color palette.

Forms and models of the structure

The choice of a greenhouse for the construction of a pool must be approached thoughtfully. High humidity in the structure implies the use of materials with good resistance to corrosion and moisture.

Frames made of galvanized and stainless steel, aluminum, steel profile with polymer coating have enhanced technical characteristics and are resistant to various influences. It is not recommended to purchase frames made of wood and ordinary steel. These structures are exposed to high humidity and have short term services.

An important role in choosing a greenhouse is played by the shape of the product. It is necessary to choose a structure that can withstand significant loads during winter period, strong wind.

Greenhouses can take a variety of forms.

  • Arch structure. A distinctive feature of these models is excellent aerodynamic properties. The most popular and widespread option, the shape of the product provides unhindered snow cover.
  • For round pools very often use a dome-shaped design. A stylish and interesting building will decorate any personal plot. A distinctive feature of this design is the complex installation.
  • Greenhouses with single-pitched and double-pitched roofs. These structures are characterized by low resistance to precipitation in the form of snow and strong winds. Installation of these structures will not cause any particular difficulties, you can do it yourself.
  • asymmetrical designs. The frame of this greenhouse consists of one straight side wall and a semicircular one.

When choosing a particular design, it is necessary to take into account the parameters, all the features of the land plot and climatic conditions, the number of family members, etc.

Also, the designs of polycarbonate greenhouses are divided into two types.

  • Low. These structures are mainly used to protect the pool from various debris. Structures are divided into two types: reclining and sliding.
  • High. The height of the structure allows you to be inside the structure, walk, sit, and so on. In such facilities, you can install furniture, special heaters. The building is equipped with doors.

Installation work

Swimming pool

The parameters and dimensions of the pool should be selected individually. Models are divided into two types: in-depth and mounted on the surface. To avoid building high vaults over the pool, it is better to opt for in-depth models.

There are two options for installing a pool.

  • The first option is to make a pool bowl with your own hands. To do this, you need to dig a pit. Its dimensions are individual. Next, you need to install the formwork inside the pit, prepare a sand cushion and reinforcement. Then you need to pour concrete. After it hardens, the surface is finished with tiles. This process of making an artificial reservoir takes a lot of time and effort.
  • In this case, the pool bowl is selected and purchased at a specialized outlet. The modern market represents a huge range of different models of these products. They differ in size, shape and material from which they are made.

The most popular models are made of propylene. These products are distinguished by excellent technical characteristics, increased resistance to temperature extremes and various mechanical and chemical influences. Products made of propylene withstand the movement of the soil, they are quite strong and reliable.

To install the bowl, it is also necessary to prepare a pit. The dimensions of the pit should exceed the parameters of the bowl by about thirty centimeters.

Before lowering the bowl into the pit, you need to carefully tamp the bottom and lay a layer of geotextile to avoid washing out the soil. Next, it is necessary to prepare a pillow of sand, only after all the manipulations are completed, the bowl for the reservoir is lowered into the pit.


You can install a polycarbonate greenhouse over the pool with your own hands, without involving specialists.

To do this, you need to choose a greenhouse model that is suitable in shape and parameters, then all work is carried out in several stages.

  • It is necessary to fill the foundation with concrete and reinforcement. The depth of the foundation base should be about fifty centimeters.
  • Next, you need to assemble the structure, exactly following the instructions.
  • After that, you need to carefully fix the frame on the foundation. To do this, use special bolted connections.
  • Then it is necessary to carefully fix all the arcs and stiffeners with the help of special fasteners.
  • After performing all the manipulations to fix the structure, the frame should be treated with special anti-corrosion agents and painted in the desired color.
  • Upon completion of the staining, you can proceed to the sheathing of the structure with polycarbonate, following the previously prepared drawings.

The pool in the country with a polycarbonate roof is reliably protected from pollution. In addition, the canopy provides comfortable conditions for vacationers. If the construction of a font is a difficult task that requires experience, then every summer resident can put a roof over it.

Pros and cons of a pool under polycarbonate

To figure out whether a roof is needed over the pool, you need to carefully analyze the positive and negative aspects of the structure.

  1. The open canopy partially prevents water pollution by leaves, bird droppings and other large debris. If the polycarbonate roof smoothly passes into the walls, forming a covered structure, then the pool is maximally protected even from dust blowing by the wind.
  2. The canopy allows you to use the pool in inclement weather. Closed buildings provide favorable conditions for recreation in the country, even in the autumn.
  3. The polycarbonate roof transmits light, scatters it and blocks UV rays. Under a canopy in the country, you can safely sunbathe for a long time.
  4. The closed type of a canopy reduces intensity of cooling of water in the pool. The owner of the dacha reduces the cost of heating it.
  5. The roof reduces the rate of water evaporation. The pool will need to be refilled less frequently.
  6. The canopy, even if it is open, protects the pool from precipitation in the country in winter and autumn.
  1. To cover the pool with polycarbonate, additional investment will be required.
  2. The roof needs extra care. If snow is not removed in winter, polycarbonate will fail under heavy weight. The procedure is often impossible, since no one lives in the country house in winter. It is necessary to come specially after each snowfall.

Despite two serious drawbacks, the canopy has more advantages. Because of the minuses, you should not refuse to build a useful structure in the country.

Important! The roof reduces the likelihood of the harmful effects of snow and rain on the bowl, communications and pool equipment.

Types of canopies over the polycarbonate pool

All canopies are conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Stationary building. It is a capital building on a foundation. The roof often blends seamlessly into the walls, forming a complete pool enclosure. The area of ​​the stationary canopy is larger than the dimensions of the pool. Under cover, they organize places of rest, install furniture, flowerpots with ornamental plants. If heating is carried out inside the closed type canopy, then the pool in the country house can be used all year round or until severe frosts.

  2. The telescopic roof is considered a mobile structure. The canopy consists of several sections different size. They move along the guide rails. If necessary, the pool can be fully opened, partially opened or closed. During opening, each smaller polycarbonate section slides under the larger section.

In turn, stationary and telescopic canopies are divided into two more groups:

Roofs of the closed type smoothly passing into the walls. Above the pool in the country house, a full-fledged indoor structure made of polycarbonate is obtained. The resting place is completely protected from wind and precipitation.

Open canopies are the simplest polycarbonate structure without walls. The only protection for the pool is the roof. Sometimes the canopy is made partially open with one wall, which is placed on the windy side.

Of the secondary classifications, the next difference is height. The owner of the dacha maintains this parameter at his own discretion. Low canopies are created only to shelter the pool from pollution. People can move under tall structures.

Distinguish roofs by shape. Usually they repeat the outlines of the font. For example, a polycarbonate canopy for a round pool has a similar circle shape. The roof itself is made single or gable, arched, asymmetric or another type. Depending on the polycarbonate used for glazing, the canopies differ in color. Transparent roofs are considered classics, but if you wish, you can put it in the country in color, for example, blue.

Advice! Shelter made of polycarbonate over the pool shape and color should be in harmony with the architectural ensemble, harmoniously fit into the landscape design.

Which polycarbonate is better for the pool

Polycarbonate for canopy glazing should be chosen at the design stage of the structure. The design of the crate will depend on this. There are two types of material:

  1. Monolithic polycarbonate, has no cells. Externally, the material resembles glass. Sheets are distinguished by increased strength, will last 3 times longer than their cellular counterpart. At a cost, the material for the owner of the cottage will cost more. Due to the greater weight, a reinforced crate will be required. Monolithic polycarbonate is optimal for glazing canopies that have a flat plane of slopes, but can be used for roofs of complex shapes. From the side, the pool shelter in the country house will resemble a glass structure.

  2. Cellular polycarbonate consists of many longitudinal channels. They are shaped like a honeycomb. Hence the name "cellular polycarbonate". The material for the roof of the pool is budgetary, has long been popular among summer cottage owners. Polycarbonate is lightweight, low cost, but short service life. Due to the voids inside, the sheets can withstand a small load. Large accumulations of snow fail the cellular polycarbonate if the owner of the cottage does not clean the roof in time. Sheets have good flexibility, ideal for glazing arched and round canopies.

To build a reliable shelter for a polycarbonate pool with your own hands, you need to correctly select the material in thickness. Here, the snow load characteristic of a particular region, the shape of the roof, the size, and the parameters of the crate are taken into account. For roof glazing, sheets with a thickness of 8, 10 and 16 mm are used. If the canopy in the country house is closed, then you will need more material for glazing the walls. Due to the minimum load, polycarbonate 6 mm thick will go here.

On the video, the rules for choosing polycarbonate for a canopy:

Color of polycarbonate for a canopy under the pool

Polycarbonate is produced in different colors. There are no special requirements for selection. The owner of the dacha, at his discretion, glazes the roof with yellow, red, blue, green or other color sheets.

Transparent material is considered a classic. It is most often preferred for awnings as it does not distort natural light. Under a roof made of colored polycarbonate, you can get a special atmosphere. For example, relaxing near the pool, where the space is illuminated with blue or red light, is hard. Eyes quickly get tired, presses on the head, a feeling of discomfort is created.

Sketches of polycarbonate pool awnings

How to make a canopy over a polycarbonate pool with your own hands

It is better to create a simple canopy on your own in the country. Initially, a project is developed. A drawing is required, where all dimensions of the roof are indicated, the shape, connecting nodes are displayed. If you have a diagram, it will be easier to make an estimate.

Foundation preparation

When building any type of polycarbonate pool canopy, they lay the foundation with their own hands. The type of foundation depends on the design of the roof, its weight. If you put the simplest open-type canopy in the country, it is enough to simply concrete the metal poles in the ground. To do this, markings are applied around the perimeter of the area near the pool, holes are dug 80 cm deep. A layer of crushed stone 10 cm thick is poured into the bottom. The pillars are installed in the holes, leveled, fixed with large stones. Each hole is filled with a liquid concrete solution.

Under a heavy canopy, a closed structure or a telescopic roof, you will need a reliable foundation in the form of a concrete strip. The process of its creation involves digging a trench 80 cm deep. The parameter was not taken by chance, but is focused on the average level of soil freezing. The width of the tape depends on the type of roof. If a stationary structure is installed above the pool in the country, 20 cm of the base width is sufficient. In telescopic canopies, sections are shifted along rail guides laid parallel to each other on the foundation. The width of the tape will depend on their number. Typically, a set of rails is placed on a 60 cm wide base.

To fill the tape along the perimeter of the trench from the boards, formwork is placed. A pillow of crushed stone and sand 20 cm thick is poured at the bottom. The walls of the trench are covered with roofing material. Reinforced carcass is connected from reinforcement with a thickness of 10-12 mm. Pouring with concrete mortar with crushed stone is carried out in one day. The foundation is given time to harden for about 1 month.

Frame construction

When the concrete base has completely hardened, it is time to close the pool with polycarbonate with your own hands, but first you need to build a frame. The design is the skeleton of a canopy. Polycarbonate sheets will be attached to it.

For giving, a common construction option is timber. However, it is not practical to use it to create a frame. A large evaporation of moisture comes from the pool. Wood rots quickly. Such a frame from the owner of the cottage will last 5-6 years. It is optimal to use a profile pipe.

Advice! In order for the metal frame of the roof of the pool to be protected from corrosion as much as possible, a pipe or profile with a galvanized coating is used during construction.

The assembly of the roof frame begins with the lower trim (if the design is the simplest without walls, the trim is done only at the top of the racks). The profile according to the drawing is cut to the desired length. The blanks are laid on the foundation (if a concrete tape is poured), a frame is welded from them. The structure is attached to the base with anchors. Racks are vertically welded to the bottom trim. If the supports were simply concreted in the ground without pouring the tape, then the frame of the lower trim is welded to them. From above, the pillars are connected by a similar strapping.

Farms are made for the roof itself on the ground. They are lifted onto the frame, welded to the profile of the upper harness. The frame is reinforced with jumpers. All farms are interconnected by longitudinal elements. The finished frame of the canopy is treated with an anti-corrosion agent, painted.

Polycarbonate sheathing

When the frame is ready, it remains to hide the pool in the country house under the polycarbonate, that is, it is time to do the glazing. Work starts from the roof. Polycarbonate is applied to the trusses, marked with a marker, mark the places of holes for self-tapping screws. If honeycomb material is chosen for a canopy in the country, then the sheets are arranged with cells perpendicular to the ground.

Sheets are cut with a jigsaw. Under the self-tapping screws, holes are drilled 1-2 mm larger in diameter. In the profile itself, holes are drilled similarly, but of a smaller diameter than the thickness of the self-tapping screw, so that it is tightly screwed in. When the fragments are ready, the polycarbonate is laid on the frame, fixed with self-tapping screws with sealing washers with a pitch of 20 cm. The sheets are connected with a docking profile. The ends are closed with plugs to prevent dirt from entering the polycarbonate cells. When the roof is glazed, the walls are made according to a similar principle (if they are provided for by the canopy design).

Caring for a polycarbonate pool cover

The main enemy of an indoor pool in a polycarbonate country house is snow and dirt. In the first case, large snow accumulations in winter can fail the roof. After each snowfall, it is cleaned with a soft scraper, whisk or other device.

Dust settles in dry weather in summer. Polycarbonate loses its transparency. It gets dark under the canopy, and the roof looks ugly. Remove dirt with plain water. You can add a little detergent without abrasive particles. During washing, polycarbonate is wiped with a brush or rag attached to a fixture with a long handle.


The pool in the country house with a polycarbonate roof will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family. Guests can gather here. The canopy will protect from bad weather during a family celebration.