The butterfly is a simple exercise for stretching and health. Butterfly exercise. Develops breasts? Exercises on the butterfly machine for the pectoral muscles

Sometimes in stores you come across knives that do not look like ordinary ones. They have two parts of the handle, between which the blade is hidden. And they are called “butterfly”. They received such a strange name for a cutting tool because when rotated they leave a mark reminiscent of the flight of this beautiful insect. Sometimes people buy it because it opens easily, sometimes because it is original. And some people buy it to demonstrate various tricks.

Learning the tricks of a butterfly knife involves opening and closing both parts of the handle, while rotating in the air - flipping (from English “turning over”). The most simple techniques- vertical opening and closing of the knife.

Video training “Learning butterfly knife tricks”

When starting to use a knife to perform tricks, you need to pay attention that each half of the handle has its own name. The handle with the hook is called dangerous, and the second is called safe.

Ventilation is the simplest of the rotation methods:

  • grab it by the safe handle;
  • lower the second part of the handle down and fold your fingers into a tube-like position;
  • rotate it between your fingers and hand, pressing it slightly in the arc of your thumb and index finger.

Second trick

We take the knife by the dangerous part of the handle on which the latch is located. We place our fingers in the position between the handles, holding the second part of it. The thumb should be almost at the very top, at the junction of the handles, but not touching the screws and rivets:

  • we practice moving in a semicircle in an arc downward, forward, and at a distant point we sharply pull our arm horizontally;
  • we master the technique of opening the safe part of the handle: it should open when moving the hand down and forward;
  • when both halves open into one horizontal line, release the dangerous handle;
  • we catch the knife.

Simple rotation

The simplicity of the trick is indicated by its very name:

  • take the knife by the safe part of the handle;
  • four fingers are working, and the thumb is in a free state;
  • by moving the hand we change the direction of rotation;
  • we throw the knife behind the middle one, and remove the index finger in the direction of the safe part of the handle;
  • after opening the “butterfly”, hide the index finger;
  • by rotating the hand we make a full revolution of the knife;
  • at the point of connection of both parts of the handle we remove it from the blow thumb.

Making tricks more difficult

We throw the knife clockwise, it rotates around the thumb and the “butterfly” opens. This trick is more difficult to perform, but it looks much more impressive.

There is a variation of the previous technique, it is called double rotation. We throw the knife, catch it and throw it again. Or you can further complicate the previous option:

  • throw open the knife;
  • we intercept it by the safe handle;
  • and throw it in again.

In this position the knife usually closes.

A more complex, masterful trick is a throw with a knife turn using two hands:

  • take the knife with your left hand;
  • we throw it to a height so that it has time to open;
  • and we catch it with our right hand.

As you can see, the tricks are not difficult, the main thing is to master the movements of throwing a knife.

To get rid of the fear of getting hurt by a knife blade, you can wrap the edge of the knife with material or tape during your first training sessions.

The butterfly should be thrown to a height that will allow the knife to make the required number of revolutions and after that it will be convenient to intercept it in flight.

These are just some tricks with a butterfly knife. Having mastered them, you can come up with your own and surprise your friends and family with your knife skills.

This exercise owes its name to the most beautiful insect on Earth - the butterfly. Indeed, the movements of an athlete performing a butterfly strongly resemble flapping wings. The butterfly stroke is designed for isolated work on the central part of the chest. Despite such a narrow focus, the “butterfly” is popular in many gyms in our country. Now we have to figure out who should turn it on and why this exercise into your training program.

Muscle groups involved

Active muscle groups when performing the “Butterfly” exercise

Basic: the pectoralis major muscle, or rather its middle part. This area works in conjunction with the shoulder muscles and is responsible for bringing the arms to the body.

Auxiliary: anterior deltoids, serratus anterior muscle.

Stabilizers: pectoralis minor, latissimus, trapezius, rotator cuff muscles.

Description of the “Butterfly” simulator

"Butterfly" does not refer to basic exercises, so not every room has equipment for it. To perform it, you will need a pack-deck strength machine. What he really is? The “pack deck” consists of a bench with a vertical back, a rack with weights and two “levers” with vertical handles, which you have to move.

The simulator comes in two types: for working with bent elbows and with outstretched arms. The difference between them is that different amplitudes are used when performing the exercise.

Execution technique

Approaches: 3-4

Repetitions: 10-12

Before starting the exercise, adjust the pack-deck to your height. Sit on the bench and place your hands on the handles. Look: your shoulders should be parallel to the floor, and your forearms should be perpendicular. There should be a right angle between them. If these conditions are not met, then change the height of the seat (or the height of the handles - it all depends on the model of the simulator).

So, let’s start “flapping our wings”:

6 reasons why you should do the exercise

The “butterfly” gives the bodybuilder the following advantages:

  1. The pectoral muscles become more proportional (for many Bottom part chest is more developed than others due to bench presses horizontal bench), a clear relief appears, separation of the right and left pectoral muscles.
  2. Deep areas of the chest are worked out that other exercises cannot reach.
  3. When performing butterfly, the pectoral muscles are well stretched, which increases blood circulation in them and, accordingly, accelerates their growth.
  4. The load in all phases of the “butterfly” is uniform, in contrast to exercises performed with free weights.
  5. "Butterfly" is good exercise to restore the tone of the upper body after injury.
  6. Butterfly can also be useful for the fair sex, because it can tone the breasts and make them more elastic.

Many inexperienced athletes spread rumors that the butterfly is a completely useless exercise. We don't want you to fall into this misconception.

Fly in the ointment, you can’t live without it

First, let's figure out what goals you want to achieve at this stage of bodybuilding. If you are a beginner (less than 1 year of experience), then you shouldn’t even waste time sitting down at the “peck-deck”. In your thoughts about training, there should be only the “golden three”: bench press, deadlift and squat. The “butterfly” is not at all intended for building up bulk: it is an isolating exercise for the chest muscles.

The butterfly exercise is a tool for professionals who want to “polish” their large, but not yet processed, mountain of muscles.

Now that we have eliminated all the ambiguities, we can move on to considering the shortcomings:

  • The trajectory of movements in the pack deck is strictly fixed, which does not always allow you to work the pecs at the desired angle.
  • The maximum liftable weight of simulators for hand reduction is in the range of 100-120 kg. This may cause some inconvenience for experienced bodybuilders.

“Butterfly” is an indispensable exercise for the formation of evenly developed and prominent pectoral muscles. It is suitable mainly for professionals and athletes undergoing recovery from injuries.

Video: Bringing your arms together in the butterfly simulator

It is also useful for beginners to master the butterfly technique - these skills will be useful to them in the near future. To exercise safely and effectively, remember to follow our tips. Powerful training to you, friends!

Be sure to read about it

Summary of the 15-minute peer-to-peer training I did at work last Wednesday. My super useful and vital fifteen minutes.
Having not come up with anything sensible to teach my colleagues in 15 minutes, I decided to teach at least something interesting.
I want to talk about a piece of my vast pool of useless skills - tricks with folding balisong knives. This is a hobby that I am currently mastering. I don’t know too much yet, but I was glad to teach at least some of this.

A piece of history. According to the most common legend, the balisong or, as they also like to call it, the butterfly knife came to us from the Philippines. The compact and safe knife when folded was invented by local fishermen for their needs.
The balisong was originally a double-edged sword. But later it occurred to someone that they could not only cut, but also perform all sorts of wonderful tricks. This is probably why almost all models are now produced with one-sided or, in extreme cases, one-and-a-half sharpening.

Example of double-edged balisongs

Safe handle and Bite handle. The butterfly knife has two handles. At first, you can distinguish them for yourself by the fact that one of them has a dangling tail-fastener, and the other does not. The one without a tail is safe to hold on to. In this case, no matter how you twirl the knife, the worst thing that threatens your fingers is a blow to them with the second handle or the blunt side of the blade. (In fact, sometimes you can quite unpleasantly pinch some part of your hand and get a mountain of discomfort and a tiny bruise that takes a long time to disappear.) This handle is called a Safe handle. Because it's safe.
The other handle should be held with caution, because the hand on it is between a hammer and an anvil. The blade faces your fingers with its sharpened side and, if you swing it carelessly, it will joyfully slam shut on them. “It will bite.” That's why the handle with the clasp is called the Bite handle.

Anatomy of a balisong

The point is this. Most tricks for beginners are designed so that we don't let go of the Safe handle. The one I showed is no exception. This is perhaps one of the simplest and most controlled magic tricks you can find on the internet. At the same time, it looks impressive and, in my opinion, is ideal for starting a hobby, because it allows you to quickly feel like a young man.

I'm attaching a great tutorial from YouTube here. The person who makes them explains them very well, gives tips, talks about the subtleties and possible mistakes. He has the highest quality video training on flipping.

As you can see, Basic Twirl can be divided into 3 movements. 1 -- open the knife and place your index finger on top. 2 -- throw the knife over your index finger. 3 - with your middle finger, slightly lower the safe handle and, placing your thumb behind it, push it sharply, giving enough momentum to make an ≈270-degree rotation (180 due to its own hinge and a little more than 90 on the hinge of the second handle) and end up at you in hand. These movements can be learned by repeating them individually, but in order for everything to look beautiful in the end, you will have to manage to perform them as one long and continuous gesture. Therefore, I still recommend doing this: learned 1. Learned 1-2. Learned 1-2-3. Showed off in front of friends.

Basic Twirl, if performed correctly, does not endanger your fingers at all, since all manipulations are carried out exclusively with the Safe handle. Possible critical error- at the very beginning it is wrong to take the knife by mixing up the handles. Then at the beginning of the second movement the blade will land on the index finger. The result is thousands of bloodshed, but what’s even worse is a negative experience, because of which the weak-willed may completely lose the desire to learn.
The second theoretically possible mistake is if you somehow magically manage, when closing the knife, to place your fingers on the sharpened side of the blade and they will be slammed on top by the landing handle. Theoretically, it is possible. Practically, it is difficult to achieve. Do not do that.

Today Balisongs come in all shapes and sizes.

How to start a new hobby. To get started and see if this hobby is close to you, it will be enough to buy some Viking Nordway for 200 Russian money and a fabric patch at the nearest travel equipment store. Next - make a volitional decision where we will glue the patch. You can stick it on the sharpened side of the blade once. Otherwise, we will repeatedly seal up the holes in our fingers that will inevitably appear during training.

You can order pointless and merciless “training tools” on the Internet. It is worth noting that good producers They make holes in the blade for a reason, but to maintain weight balance. Training balisongs have a much thicker blade than real ones. The holes are needed so that such a knife weighs the same as a non-practice one. Having played with the toy enough and picked up a similar model with a sharp edge, the sensations should be familiar. This is critical for tricks like Spinning. In them we rely a lot on momentum, torque and do not hold the knife as securely with our fingers as is usually the case in Twirling.

Pointless, merciless Training and Practice Tool

More meaningful, but no less merciless

The best knives for flipping are Benchmade balisongs. The average model will cost 200-400 US money.

Popular model Benchmade Balisong 42

It should also be taken into account that knives of this design with a blade length greater than 9 cm illegal in this country. Those ordered over the hill could easily get stuck at customs and not arrive.

Play safe! All the best.

Don't kill the living!

Hi all! And the butterfly's wings are clack-bang-bang-bang, and behind it the sparrow is jumping-jumping-jumping-jumping:)... No, the author of the project has not lost his mind, it’s just that today we are waiting for a technical note about the butterfly exercise of the same name. As usual, we’ll get acquainted with the muscle atlas, its advantages and, of course, practical tricks and secrets of performing hand contractions in the simulator.

So, take your seats, let's start broadcasting.

Butterfly exercise. What, why and why.

In almost any gym There are power machines that male and female representatives like to get stuck on. If we take, for example, young ladies, then usually this is a simulator for bringing the legs together and, for guys - traction-block units and often a butterfly exercise in the appropriate simulator. Lately, I have begun to notice that it is the male population that is trying to stake a claim on the “butterfly” chick and are zealously working on her pectoral muscles. In general, the popularity of the hand-bringing machine can be understood - this is the simplest and most intuitive movement that does not require the athlete to be smart. In addition, trainers often load their players with the butterfly, declaring that it develops the chest well and can add mass to them. Is this really so, and in general, we have to find out all the ins and outs about the joining of hands today, let's go.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Anatomical atlas

The exercise is so named because it resembles the flapping movements of a butterfly. It is aimed at the development of the pectoral muscles, in particular at the center - the middle strip of the pectoral muscles. Home acting muscle is the sternal portion of the pectoralis major muscle. This muscle makes up most of chest wall, and not only adds volume to the chest, but also works the shoulder muscles to rotate the arm in and out.

Three synergistic muscles work together with the sternum to complete the butterfly exercise:

  • clavicular region of the pectoralis major;
  • anterior delta;
  • short head of the biceps.

As for stabilizer muscles, these include:

  • long head of biceps;
  • brachialis;
  • triceps;
  • wrist flexors.

A complete anatomical atlas of hand reduction in the butterfly simulator is the following picture:


Performing hand raises in the simulator gives the athlete performing them the following advantages:

  • clearer relief and balanced shape of the pecs in men;
  • the exercise helps to engage small areas of the chest and thus develop it throughout its entire volume;
  • develop inner part chest (middle stripe) and get a visible separation of the left and right chest;
  • allows you to tone/tighten the pectoral muscles in women and thereby improve the bust line;
  • provides good stretching of the chest and filling them with nutrients - all this improves blood circulation in the upper body;
  • helps to rehabilitate after a chest injury;
  • provides additional support and stability to the shoulder muscles, which protects them from various injuries;
  • Due to the fact that the exercise is isolated, it forces the pectorals to work exclusively without the involvement of auxiliary muscles, this provides the best stimulus for growth.

Let's move on to the practical part.

Execution technique

It would seem that the exercise is simple and should not cause difficulties or confusion in its implementation, but you can often see how it is performed incorrectly. Therefore, let's look at its technical side step by step. So, correct technique execution involves completing the following steps.

Step #0.

Go to the butterfly machine and adjust its height by moving the seat up or down. Also set a comfortable degree of initial chest stretch/comfortable starting position hands, changing (if the design allows it) the position of the guides themselves. This is done by installing the handles closer through the upper slot-holes. Load the machine, sit in it and press tightly with a straight back. Grab the handles and make sure your shoulders are parallel to the floor. Spread your legs slightly and place them firmly on the floor, looking forward. This will be the starting position.

Step #1.

Inhale, and as you exhale, begin to bring the handles of the exercise machine closer together. At the end point of the trajectory, bring your arms together, squeeze your chest and hold in this position for 1-2 count while holding the peak contraction.

Step #2.

Slowly and under control, return your arms to the 1st position until you feel a slight stretch in your chest. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, all this disgrace looks in the following way:

In motion like this...

To obtain maximum effect from the exercise, follow these practical tips:

  • you don’t need to fully straighten your arms, leave them slightly bent at the elbows throughout the entire movement;
  • powerfully statically squeeze your pecs, straining them at the end point during the contraction and stay in this position;
  • do not throw the weight when raising, but slowly bring it to the sides;
  • the mixing phase must occur in 2 times faster than dilution;
  • do not lower your elbows; always keep your shoulders parallel to the floor;
  • the exercise is best included at the end of a chest workout, as a finisher (applicable to men);
  • if your left half of the chest lags behind the right, then you can perform the abduction in the simulator with only one hand;
  • recommended number of repetitions 10-12 ;
  • Heavy/moderate weights should be avoided in the exercise for people with shoulder injuries and an unstable, weak rotator cuff.


Versions of this exercise can be different, it all depends on the design of the simulator, in particular, whether it has special soft rollers or just handles.

Is the butterfly exercise ineffective?

You can often hear some trainers say that this exercise is effective, while others do not. Who to believe? You need to believe facts and logic. As for the facts, many studies have been conducted regarding the effect of the butterfly on the growth of the pectoral muscles. The conclusion is that this exercise does not increase their mass, it is “grinding” and is aimed at improving shape.

In other words, if you are a guy and you still have a flat chest, then bringing your arms together in the exercise machine will not add volume to your chest. On the other hand, if available muscle mass, but it lacks shape and beauty, then bringing your hands together in a butterfly will help with shape problems. As for ladies, the exercise has a tightening lifting effect and can make the breasts (in combination with other exercises) more

One of the significant advantages of the butterfly exercise over free weights (such as) is that the resistance remains constant throughout the movement. In the case of dumbbells, the resistance decreases at the top of the trajectory.

Those who like free weights can try doing a butterfly with dumbbells. Its meaning is to move your arms, like in a simulator, but in your hands you hold dumbbells and bring your hands together with them. When spreading your arms, exhale; when bringing your arms together, inhale. In addition to stretching the pecs, the deltoids are non-illusively loaded.

Well, that’s probably all I would like to talk about. Let's take stock and say goodbye.


Today we analyzed the butterfly exercise. Now you know how to improve your pectoral muscles and what tool to use for this. Therefore, we blow into the hall and improve, improve and improve!

That’s all, I was glad to write for you, see you later!

PS. Do you use this exercise in your training program?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.