Do-it-yourself automatic weapons. Making a homemade speargun for spearfishing

Hello, dear lovers of homemade weapons. By visiting this page, you probably expected to see information on making homemade air rifle? I have to disappoint you - there is no such thing here now. No, of course, it was there before, and we talked in detail about how you could make an air rifle with your own hands at home, but, as always, unexpectedly a notification came from Roskomnadzor, demanding to immediately delete all information on making an air rifle from our website. Frankly, I was somewhat surprised by this requirement. After all, pneumatics have nothing to do with what is prohibited in Russian Federation, making homemade firearms and explosives. Although maybe I missed something? And now even homemade pneumatics fall under the category of prohibited information? It seems that the fight against terrorism has gone beyond the bounds of reason and is taking the form of absurdity.

Just recently, I had to remove information about a homemade flamethrower. Well, at least this can be explained somehow. After all, the flammable mixture used in a flamethrower can be bottled, making a battery out of Molotov cocktails. I didn't find any more reasons why it would be worth deleting this information. Okay, let it be that the flamethrower itself is a terrible weapon of a terrorist, which he will definitely use, having read my instructions, instead of, say, a homemade bomb, or a Kalashnikov assault rifle, so I deleted everything without any questions. But pneumatics! Who did she bother? Honestly, it’s easier to kill with than with the air rifle design that was described on this site.

I expressed my bewilderment in a letter to Roskomnadzor, but have not yet received a response. Review of the court's decision requires a wait of three months. If, after this time, they decide that a homemade air rifle design is oh-so-dangerous for publication, then, to my deep regret, you will continue to read these lines.

Well, in the meantime, dear friends, you may be interested in other designs of cold and cold throwing weapons by clicking on the links below, or by pointing your cursor at the corresponding button in the upper left.

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Wood is the simplest and most common material. Many interesting things were made from it, including weapons. And if wooden spears and swords are ancient and not particularly dangerous weapons, then bows and crossbows are still serious and fascinating. And therefore the question of how to make a weapon with your own hands usually comes down to them. Let's dwell on the second, namely, a homemade combat crossbow made of wood.

A crossbow is a device for launching an arrow or bolt along a guide using a bowstring stretched by an elastic arc. It consists of a body with a handle on which an arc is attached. The design also provides for a trigger mechanism. The main difficulty is the large amount of woodwork and the rather complex design of this mechanism.

We will need the following to work:

  • body (strong piece of wood about an arm's length or a little longer, without knots);
  • arc (several glued pieces of plywood or iron);
  • bowstring (nylon or Kevlar strong thread of sufficient length);
  • trigger mechanism (dural or wooden);
  • tools from a carpentry workshop;
  • glue.


Let's start manufacturing by cutting out the body. There should be a groove cut into it on top for the arrow. An arc will be attached at one end, the other will become a handle. Approximately at a distance of one third of the length from the end of the handle, a cavity is made in the body for the trigger mechanism. The rest of the processing depends on the desire of the owner - the butt, turning and handle are made individually for the one who decided to learn from his own experience how to make a weapon from wood.


If the arc is made of wood, then the most suitable design is several glued sheets of plywood, from which the arc of the desired shape is cut and bent. This option is simpler and lighter, but the arc will provide less force and may crack. If you take a steel arc, you will need tools and skills to work with metal. The ideal option is that it will give the greatest acceleration of the arrow. It is necessary to cut an arc of the desired shape from steel and make holes for the bowstring at the ends. After manufacturing, the arc is attached to the body.


Before making a weapon out of wood, you should tighten the bowstring. It is attached to the arc so that it passes close to the body without touching it. Its length is adjusted depending on the size of the “launching pad” of the arrow and the required tension. The main thing is that it should launch the arrow evenly and strongly.


Its main task is to grab a tense bowstring and abruptly release it. The structure can vary within a very wide range: from a simple bow to complex system hooks The quality of work and ease of shooting depend on its structure. All its parts must be strong and reliable, because even though the weapon is made from wood with your own hands, it actually shoots.


Do not forget that a crossbow is not a toy. Before making a weapon from wood, you need to fully understand the responsibility for its use. In addition, it would not hurt to obtain permission to store and use such a device.

Now it’s clear how to make weapons from wood. It's pretty simple. Almost as simple as, for example, making a bed out of wood or another object, because the main thing is desire.

Beginning underwater fishing enthusiasts need to know how to make a homemade gun. This can be done even without special skills, professional tools and precision equipment. There are several key types of underwater guns, differing primarily in the method of throwing the striking projectile - the harpoon. The element that imparts acceleration to the striking projectile and imparts the energy necessary to overcome the resistance of water can be a spring, a special rubber band, vacuum and pneumatics. In addition, hydropneumatic, powder, gas guns and even double-barreled shotguns are produced industrially and made by numerous home-made craftsmen. But since to manufacture most varieties it is necessary to have experience in such work, a variety of materials and drawings to maintain exact dimensions, you should know how to make the simplest homemade underwater gun - an improved version of the so-called Hawaiian.

Beginning underwater fishing enthusiasts will be interested in a way to make a homemade gun without special skills, professional tools or precision equipment.

The Hawaiians, which appeared, as the name suggests, on the islands of Oceania, had an extremely simple structure. Initially, they consisted of a pole with a harpoon tip and a rubber band with a diameter of 10-15 mm, rolled into a circle. Hooked rubber band behind thumb hands, the hunter pulled the rope back to the elbow with the back end of the pole, after which he grabbed the pole closer to the middle with his hand. After that, all that remained was to aim and unclench your hand so that the compressed rubber band would forcefully push the harpoon towards the target. However, the described method of catching fish is not very convenient for hunting, since holding the harpoon in the “cocked” state requires constant tension of the hand. This drawback can be easily corrected without complicating the design fundamentally, but simply by equipping the Hawaiian with a home-made trigger mechanism. Now let’s talk about exactly how to make a gun for hunting underwater - it’s extremely easy to make, effective and at the same time easy to use.

In addition to sporting interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will be happy to offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow. In addition, a tool made to your taste will allow you to enjoy both processes - manufacturing and the hunt itself. Before you make your own underwater gun, you will need to stock up on the following:

  • aluminum tube with an outer diameter of 10-15 mm and a length of 150 cm;
  • PVC pipe 25-30 cm long, the inner diameter of which is slightly larger than the outer diameter of the aluminum tube;
  • a rectangular steel skewer;
  • M4 bolt 20-25 mm long with a nut, metal and rubber washers;
  • M4 bolt 40-50 mm long;
  • steel rectangle measuring 40×15×2 mm;
  • three self-tapping screws 70-100 mm long;
  • fishing rubber;
  • ring-shaped elastic band;
  • nylon thread;
  • cutting boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • epoxy glue.

Also, to make a gun for hunting aquatic life with your own hands, you will need the following tools: a screwdriver, pliers, a hammer, a chisel, a vice, wrenches, a rasp, a drill, hacksaws for wood and metal.

In addition to sporting interest, making such a homemade product also makes economic sense, since a specialized hunting store will be happy to offer you the simplest harpoon gun for the price of a crossbow

Separate a 20 cm long fragment from the skewer, clamp it in a vice so that 10-12 mm protrudes from the jaws, and bend the protruding section at a right angle. Having taken the resulting L-shaped part out of the vice, bend it in the direction opposite to the short part of the letter “L” so that you get an arc - a sector of an imaginary circle with a diameter of 50 cm. Drill a 4 mm hole in the middle of the part. In the center of the short tube, drill 2 opposite holes - with diameters of 5 and 4 mm and 2 - with a diameter of 5 mm, 1 cm from the edge. Also, in a short tube at a distance equal to the length between the hole and the bend of the L-shaped part, make a transverse slot measuring 8x2.5 mm. A centimeter from the edge of the aluminum tube, drill 2 opposite holes of 8 mm each, and then make a transverse slot measuring 8x2.5 mm in the center of the tube. From fishing rubber, make a tourniquet 1 cm thick, 40-45 cm long, and every 5 cm, tightly rewind it with nylon thread. From the board, cut a round plug corresponding to the inner diameter of the long pipe and drill a 4 mm longitudinal hole in it.

Gallery: homemade speargun (25 photos)

How to make a speargun (video)

Assembling the gun

Now you need to assemble a gun from the kit prepared in this way. To do this, screw the L-shaped part with a short M4 bolt to the PVC pipe, inserting a rubber washer between them so that the short part of the L-shaped part fits into the cut in the pipe wall. The bolt head should not protrude above the inner surface of the tube wall, otherwise it will interfere with shooting. Additionally, secure the L-shaped part in the cut area with a ring-shaped rubber band.

Externally, this springy structure vaguely resembles a bicycle hand brake lever and serves as both a trigger and a sear - a part used to cock the weapon.

First, you need to insert a cut wooden plug, after lubricating it with epoxy glue, into the end hole of the aluminum tube. Then weld 3 self-tapping screws on one side and an M4 bolt on the other to the metal plate so that you get something like Neptune’s trident, where the M4 bolt is the shaft of the trident. Lubricate the M4 bolt with epoxy glue. The resulting trident should be screwed into the hole of the wooden plug. The homemade harpoon is ready.

The aluminum tube must be inserted into the PVC tube, and a rubber band must be passed through the 8 mm diameter holes drilled in the aluminum tube. The free ends of the harness are inserted into holes with a diameter of 5 mm drilled in the PVC pipe and carefully fixed there with nylon thread. This is how, without any special qualifications, in a maximum of 1 hour you can make an excellent attribute with your own hands active rest- speargun.

DIY spearfishing gun (video)


To tension the rubber and prepare the gun for firing, it is necessary to move the PVC tube, which acts as a cocking handle, forward to the tip of the harpoon until a characteristic click is heard, indicating that the metal part that has fallen into the slots of both tubes has fixed the gun in the cocked state. Now pressing on the protruding arc of the metal part will disengage it from the harpoon and a shot will occur. Tests carried out in water show that from a distance of about 1 m the harpoon confidently penetrates a wall filled with water plastic bottle, and it is quite difficult to remove it back because of the screw threads.


This is the simplest diagram of an underwater weapon and the shortest instructions on how to make an underwater gun with your own hands. In addition to the described method, there are many more circuit diagrams and manufacturing methods. It is possible to make, for example, a pneumatic gun, in which the harpoon is driven by the force of compressed air, a spring gun, etc.

You should know that homemade means for catching fish under water, like any weapon, require careful adherence to safety rules when handling. There are more than enough cases of careless injury to oneself with this weapon, and the time spent on recovery will be irretrievably lost for fishing, hunting and other healthy hobbies.

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Finding yourself alone with nature, you have to survive by getting food using improvised means. It’s good if you have a bladed weapon or a hunting rifle with you. If you find yourself in a situation where you have neither one nor the other, you can make a weapon out of wood with your own hands.

Almost any weapon can be made from wood: a bow, a crossbow for hunting, a knife, a spear, a spear, a slingshot, an ax and even a gun. More details on how to make weapons from wood are discussed below.

Homemade knife, wooden

The choice of material for making weapons is a very important task.

  • Birch is a strong and unyielding material; it is best used to make batons.
  • Aspen, poplar and pine are softer and lend themselves well various types processing.
  • But the most suitable wood for homemade wood is oak. Oak wood is well processed, light in weight, durable, and does not lose its characteristics over time.

Before making a workpiece, you need to select a material that does not contain knots, rotten areas, distortions, or heterogeneity of fibers, then dry it without exposure to direct sunlight. When the material is ready, weapons preparation is made.

DIY wooden slingshot


The simplest wooden weapon is a slingshot. With the help of this throwing weapon you can hunt birds and small game, and for production you need a minimum of materials - a strong elastic band or a tourniquet, and a branch with a fork (it is better to use hazel).

The fork is cut off from the main part of the trunk the right size, sanded, a tourniquet is attached to both ends. For reliability, you can make small cuts at the ends of the slingshot so that the tourniquet does not slip off.

Wooden club

A similar simple weapon is a wooden club. The disadvantage of this projectile is that to use it you must comply short distance, which can be very difficult during hunting. To make a club, you need to use a young tree, cut down closer to the root, where the wood is most durable. The bark and all the knots are carefully removed from the surface of the workpiece, it is soaked for a day in water, then dried over a fire until black, which is then removed by sanding with sand and grass. This procedure must be done several times, resulting in a durable club that does not rot.

DIY wooden knife

Wooden knives

An equally complex homemade weapon is a wooden knife. It can be cut in one piece from a wooden block, or it can be made from two components. To do this, you need to draw a sketch of the workpiece on wooden blocks, then cut it out with a hacksaw. After this, both parts are glued together into a single whole. If the manufacture of a wooden knife is carried out in hiking conditions, then, as a rule, there is nothing to glue the component parts together with. Therefore, it is cut from a single block.

The blade is well sharpened and carefully polished, after which it must be fired over a fire, giving it strength. If possible, you can varnish the knife, then it will not be afraid of moisture.

Wooden bow and crossbow

Bow or crossbow - effective weapon in the forest, made of wood. There are many video examples of crossbow making that describe the entire process in detail. First, the crossbow body with a groove for the arrow is cut out. An arc will be attached to one end of the body, and a trigger mechanism will be made at one third of the other end. It is better to make an arc from several layers of plywood glued together, which bend after drying. You can make it out of metal. At both ends of the crossbow arc you need to make holes for attaching the bowstring. The arc is attached to the body using a strong rope; if it is not at hand, using wire. The bowstring is attached to the bow in such a way that it passes closely over the body, but does not touch it. The task of the trigger mechanism is to capture the bowstring and sharply release it. The design of the mechanism can be made in the form of a wide arc or a complex system of hooks.

Arrows for crossbows are made of elastic wood, they are given a cylindrical shape, after which they are polished. The tip can be made of wood, metal or stone.

Not only “cold” weapons can be made from wood. You can make something like a pistol or shotgun, but you need to understand that it will not last long. The algorithm for making a pistol is simple: you need to make a frame from wood to which the barrel is attached, as well as a trigger mechanism with a striker, you can add a magazine. A metal tube is used as a barrel.

It is difficult to make a full-fledged pistol from wood, but you can make a dart shooter, which will become a full-fledged hunting projectile. In order to make it, you need to cut a cylinder from an empty aerosol can into which a piston cut from wood is inserted. To ensure normal friction force, a rubber skirt is attached to the piston. Next, the rod is made using a large nail and a spring. Inside the wooden frame you need to make a hole into which a cylinder with a piston is placed. The trigger mechanism is made in the same way as a crossbow; more detailed installation process can be found in the video. The barrel of the dart thrower needs to be made using a metal pipe, and nails for the darts.