Plane crashes of USSR football teams. Tragedies in the sky: cases of football teams dying in plane crashes. Are there any survivors

Torino were big in the 1940s Italian football. The best for that confirmation - three championship titles"Squadra Grenade" from 1946 to 1948. On May 4, 1949, Torino football players were returning from an away match with the Portuguese Benfica to Turin on a three-engine Fiat plane. The plane made an intermediate landing in Barcelona for refueling, during which the Torino players talked with the Milan players who were transferring to a flight to Madrid. The Rossoneri were the last to capture the Turin team alive.

Closer to five in the evening, when only a few kilometers remained from Turin, the airliner entered a dense strip of fog. The pilot lost orientation, the plane descended and the left wing touched the fence of the Superga Basilica located on the hill. The car spun and crashed into the ground at high speed. All 18 football players on board, including the captain of the Italian national team Valentino Mazzola, were killed in the disaster. Fate favored only one Torino player - Lauro Toma. Due to injury, he was forced to stay at home. By the way, “Torino” with its youth team retained the first place in the standings.

"Manchester United". February 6, 1958

On this fateful day, British European Airways charter flight BE609 from Belgrade to Manchester stopped to refuel in Munich. On board were 21 representatives of the English football club Manchester United, who were returning home after the second leg of the Cup quarter-final match European champions from Red Star Belgrade.

The pilots made two attempts to take off, but both times were stopped due to engine problems. However, not wanting to fall behind schedule, they decided to give it one more try. The snowfall that started couldn't stop them either. Irish striker Liam Whelan responded to the pilots' eagerness: "It may be death, but I'm ready for it."

The pilots desperately tried to lift the plane off the ground, but it, having driven its wheels into the snow porridge, continued to rush along the runway. At a speed of almost 200 km/h, the plane rammed a fence and crashed into a private house.

By luck, the residents were not injured, but of the 44 people on board the plane, 23 were killed and another 19 were injured. Manchester United lost eight players (including Liam Whelan) and three members of the coaching staff in the disaster. Among the survivors was Bobby Charlton, future star English football, - at the time of the accident he was thrown out of the cabin along with the seat.

"Strongest". September 26, 1969

On the evening of Friday, September 26, 1969, the Bolivian football club Strongest was returning by plane to La Paz after a friendly game. This was the best period in the history of one of the oldest football clubs Bolivia.

After several hours of flight, the Douglas crew stopped communicating. At this time, a snow front hit the Andes, and dispatchers hastened to declare an emergency. Only a day later, in the heart of the Andes, not far from the town of Viloko on the slope of Mount Choquetanga, a group of miners discovered the wreckage of the plane, and a day later a search team arrived there.

It was never possible to establish the cause of the disaster. But it is worth noting that the tragedy happened on the day when a military coup took place in the country. All 74 people on board died, 19 of them were players and coaches of the Strongest club. Five years later, the updated “Strongest” again won the Bolivian championship.

"Pakhtakor". August 11, 1979

One of the worst disasters in the history of Soviet aviation occurred in the skies over the Ukrainian Dneprodzerzhinsk on August 11, 1979. On that day, due to the fault of air traffic controllers (however, the version of a training missile hit is also tenable), two Aeroflot TU-134 passenger aircraft collided. One of the planes was flying Voronezh - Chisinau, the other - Tashkent - Minsk. The latter carried the Pakhtakor football team, popular in the USSR, for the next national championship match with Dynamo Minsk.

None of the 178 people on both planes survived. If the plane heading to Chisinau immediately disintegrated in the air, then the plane flying to Minsk, having lost its tail, part of the right wing and one of the engines, still tried to make an emergency landing, but at an altitude of 4 kilometers entered a steep dive and crashed to the ground. There were 14 players and three representatives of the coaching staff of the Tashkent Pakhtakor.

The Yak-42 plane with the Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hockey team on board crashed a few kilometers from Yaroslavl a few minutes after takeoff, barely managing to rise to a height of about 10 meters.
According to representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, during the crash the Yak-42 broke into two parts: the bow collapsed into the Toksha stream, and the tail remained on dry land. The airliner was flying to the capital of Belarus - Minsk. The plane disappeared from radar screens at 15.50, almost immediately after takeoff.

P.S. The post is updated regularly!

(13 photos + 3 videos)

The Yak-42D aircraft, registration number RA-42434, made its first flight on October 1, 1993. It was operated by the following companies: Orel-Avia (93–97), Bykovo-Avia (97–2005), Aero-rent (2005–2009) and Yak-Service 2009 - 2011. manufacturer - Saratov Aviation Plant (SAZ), serial number: 4520424305017.

1. The aircraft was assigned a resource: 15,000 flight hours (42% used), 7,000 landings (43% used). Airworthiness period - 18 years (until October 1, 2011) (100%). Accordingly, after October the aircraft was supposed to have its service life extended, which means it was to be sent for repairs. The plane was not even halfway through its service life, so it had to be in good technical condition. The aircraft was approved for international flights (international air routes) and was equipped with all modern systems BRNAV, TCAS, GPWS, RVSM.

2. Two people survived the Yak-42 crash near Yaroslavl, a representative of the information department of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations told RIA Novosti.
“According to updated data, two people survived the crash,” the agency’s interlocutor said. According to a source in law enforcement agencies, the pilot and one of the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv hockey players survived. In total there were 45 people on board.

3. Forward of the Russian national hockey team, 26-year-old Alexander Galimov, was taken to the intensive care unit of the Yaroslavl city hospital with burns and fractures. Alexander Galimov has been playing for Lokomotiv in the Super League since 2004, and then in the KHL: silver medalist in 2008 and 2009, bronze medalist in 2005 and 2011.

4. Athletes from Germany, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus and Sweden played for the Lokomotiv hockey club. The team's coach was Canadian citizen Brad McCrimmon.

5. Embassies confirm the death of their hockey players who were part of the Lokomotiv club. According to Interfax, the death of the captain of the Slovak national hockey team Pavol Demitra and three Czech players - Josef Vasicek, Jan Marek and Karel Rahunek - have been confirmed.
Pavol Demitra was called an icon of Slovak hockey. “Everyone knows him, he was almost like a hero... This is a huge tragedy for us,” said Rastislav Moito, third secretary of the Slovak Embassy.

6. The site is temporarily closed hockey club"Locomotive"
On the main page of the site there is an inscription: “Dear users! The site is temporarily closed due to an emergency."

7. The list of those killed in the Yak-42 plane crash near Yaroslavl has been published. As of 20.00 Moscow time, rescuers recovered 36 bodies from the wreckage of the liner. According to Life News, the updated list of victims includes:

Solomentsev Andrey Anatolyevich, commander
Zhivelov Igor Konstantinovich, 2nd pilot
Zhuravlev Sergey Vasilievich, flight mechanic
Elena Aleksandrovna Sarmatova, flight attendant
Maksumova Nadezhda Murzafarovna, flight attendant
Shavina Elena Mikhailovna, flight attendant
Matyushin Vladimir Yurievich, flight mechanic


Anikeenko Vitaly Sergeevich
Bakhvalov Yuri Alekseevich
Belyaev Alexander Vladimirovich
Balandin Mikhail Yurievich
Vasyukov Alexander Sergeevich
Vasicek Josef
Vyukhin Alexander Evgenievich
Dietrich Robert Genrikhovich
Demitra Pavol
Zimin Andrey Valerievich
Kalimulin Marat Natfullovich
Karpovtsev Alexander Georgievich
Kalyanin Alexander Igorevich
Kiryukhin Andrey Anatolievich
Klyukin Nikita Sergeevich
Korolev Igor Borisovich
Krivonosov Nikolay Ivanovich
Kunnov Evgeniy Gennadievich
Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
Liv Stefan Daniel Patrick
Marek Jan
McCrimmon Brad Byron
Ostapchuk Sergei Igorevich
Piskunov Vladimir Leonidovich
Rachunek Karel
Sidorov Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Skrastins Karlis Martinovich
Snurnitsyn Pavel Sergeevich
Sobchenko Daniil Evgenievich
Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich
Trakhanov Pavel Sergeevich
Urychev Yuri Olegovich
Churilov Gennady Stanislavovich
Shuvalov Maxim Alekseevich
Yarchuk Artem Nikolaevich

8. FHR President Vladislav Tretyak expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in a plane crash near Yaroslavl, in which a Yak-42 crashed with Yaroslavl Lokomotiv hockey players on board.

9. “We express our condolences to both the families of the victims and the club. In the hockey world of Russia, this is a very strong loss, because a lot of strong hockey players played in Yaroslavl. We will do everything to understand the causes of the tragedy, and, of course, we will support the families, so that hockey Yaroslavl does not die,” Tretyak said.

You will remain in our memory forever. May I rest in peace 🙁

Five years ago, on September 7, 2011, the hockey “Lokomotiv” crashed. The official results of the investigation into the plane crash, which killed 44 people, were announced in October 2014. Deputy General Director of Yak-Service Airlines Vadim Timofeev was found guilty. Immediately after the verdict was announced, he was amnestied. Relatives of the victims believe that the true cause of the tragedy has not yet been established.

The pilot hit the brakes

The investigation lasted about a year. According to the findings of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), the aircraft commander or co-pilot unknowingly pressed the brake pedals during the takeoff run, and the speed during the final stage of takeoff was lower than necessary.

List of representatives of HC Lokomotiv killed in the plane crash

1. Vyukhin Alexander Evgenievich, 38 years old
2. Liv Stefan Daniel Patrick, 30 years old


3. Anikeenko Vitaly Sergeevich, 24 years old
4. Balandin Mikhail Yurievich, 31 years old
5. Dietrich Robert Genrikhovich, 25 years old
6. Kalimulin Marat Natfullovich, 23 years old
7. Rachunek Karel, 32 years old
8. Skrastins Karlis Martinovich, 37 years old
9. Trakhanov Pavel Sergeevich, 33 years old
10. Urychev Yuri Olegovich, 20 years old
11. Shuvalov Maxim Alekseevich, 18 years old
12. Saley Ruslan Albertovich, 36 years old


13. Vasyunov Alexander Sergeevich, 23 years old
14. Vasicek Josef, 30 years old
15. Demitra Pavol, 36 years old
16. Kalyanin Alexander Igorevich, 23 years old
17. Kiryukhin Andrey Anatolyevich, 24 years old
18. Klyukin Nikita Sergeevich, 21 years old
19. Marek Jan, 31 years old
20. Ostapchuk Sergey Igorevich, 21 years old
21. Snurnitsyn Pavel Sergeevich, 19 years old
22. Sobchenko Daniil Evgenievich, 20 years old
23. Tkachenko Ivan Leonidovich, 31 years old
24. Churilov Gennady Stanislavovich, 24 years old
25. Yarchuk Artem Nikolaevich, 21 years old
26. Galimov Alexander Saidgereevich, 26 years old

27. McCrimmon Brad Byron (head coach)
28. Igor Borisovich Korolev (senior coach)
29. Karpovtsev Alexander Georgievich (coach)
30. Nikolay Ivanovich Krivonosov (coach)
31. Sidorov Evgeniy Vladimirovich (trainer-methodologist)

Technical staff

32. Bakhvalov Yuri Alekseevich (technician)
33. Belyaev Alexander Vladimirovich (technician/massage therapist)
34. Zimin Andrey Valerievich (doctor)
35. Kunnov Evgeniy Gennadievich (masseur)
36. Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich (massage therapist)
37. Piskunov Vladimir Leonidovich (administrator)

Serious shortcomings in the retraining of crew members on the Yak-42 aircraft were indicated as related reasons (in the emergency flight, there was a negative transfer of Yak-40 control skills to the Yak-42 on takeoff, expressed in the incorrect position of the feet on the pedals during the take-off run); lack of control on the part of the airline over the level of crew training; errors and failure to follow technological procedures made by the crew during preparation and calculation of take-off parameters, as well as during the take-off run; uncoordinated, uncoordinated actions of the crew in the final phase of the take-off run.

In addition, phenobarbital, a sedative drug that is essentially a sleeping pill, was found in the blood of one of the pilots. Flights under the influence of this drug, as well as in the presence of diseases in the co-pilot (problems with sensitivity in the legs), noted based on the results of the analysis of medical documentation, are prohibited by Russian aviation legislation.

The only defendant in the case was Vadim Timofeev, who was the person in charge who controlled the crew’s admission to the flight. In particular, he was responsible for organizing flight work, maintaining the qualifications of flight personnel, improving their professional level, conducting training and testing of pilots.

Having studied all the circumstances and facts that preceded the tragedy, investigators established that it was Timofeev who allowed the crew to fly, who did not have the right to do so, since they had not completed retraining to fly the Yak-42. In addition, the ship's commander's clearance was issued on the basis of falsified documents.

The accused had previously violated security rules - he did not control the passage professional studies pilots, regularly recalled them from training events and, despite the unfinished program, illegally allowed them to fly.

The investigation revealed that the commander who died in the crash had made serious mistakes during other flights. At the same time, according to the Investigative Committee, Timofeev practically did not analyze the data from the flight recorders that recorded these errors, and did not take any measures. In addition, the two pilots and the flight mechanic of the deceased crew were only performing their third flight together.

“The causes of the disaster have not been established”

In October, Timofeev was sentenced to five years in prison, but was given amnesty in the courtroom. He never admitted his guilt. “I believe that the main cause of the plane crash was a violation of the alignment (position of passengers and luggage - approx. ""). The crew was highly qualified, but the situation was beyond them. I'm not sure that another crew would have handled this situation. The geography of these guys’ flights can be the envy of many professional pilots,” Timofeev said.

Timofeev rejects the explanation of the disaster as an involuntary pressing of the brake. "I don't believe the pilots slammed on the brakes for that long, and none of the pilots do," he says. According to him, the deceased crew was well trained and before the disaster the pilots had flown at least 60 hours on the same plane, making flights to Makhachkala, Tomsk, Riga, Aktyubinsk.

Relatives of those killed in the plane crash also consider Timofeev innocent and petitioned to send the case for further investigation. In September 2015, mothers dead hockey players Artem Yarchuk, Alexander Vasyunov and Ivan Tkachenko announced their intention to seek justice. “The main case of the death of our children has not yet been completed by the Investigative Committee,” said Anzhelika Yarchuk. “We will apply for the appointment of new examinations, since, in our opinion, the causes of the disaster have not been established,” added Lyubov Vasyunova.

They demanded repeated examinations of the audio conversations of the deceased crew, video recordings at Tunoshna airport on September 7, 2011, examination of the runway in Yaroslavl and the front landing gear of the crashed Yak-42. They also don’t believe in the IAC version of involuntary pressing of the brakes. “So far, the Investigative Committee has not informed us about how the investigation is going and when it may be brought to court,” Yarchuk noted.

The victims did not receive adequate compensation. In December 2015, the Moscow City Court upheld the amount of insurance compensation for the relatives of the hockey team that died in the plane crash.

The bulk of the payments came from the Lexgarant insurance company, which insured the aircraft's comprehensive insurance and air carrier liability for approximately $1 million. The amount of payments for each deceased passenger amounted to 2 million rubles.

In addition, all hockey players were insured against accidents by the SOGAZ insurance company as part of the insurance of the Kontinental Hockey League teams. The total amount of payments under the package exceeded 90.5 million rubles. Additional accident insurance for the players of this team was provided by the UralSib company, the insured amount was 100 thousand rubles for each.

According to the results of an independent investigation into the causes of the plane crash, the tragedy was not caused by the actions of one of the pilots, but by design flaws of the crashed airliner and disruptions in the work of the Yak-Service airline. At the request of the relatives of the deceased hockey players and crew members, an analysis of the tragedy was carried out by test pilot, pilot 1st class Vladimir Gerasimov, leading Russian expert on air crashes Valentin Dudin and test pilot 1st class Alexander Akimenkov.

Experts came to the conclusion that the crash was caused by the design and aerodynamic shortcomings of the Yak-42 aircraft. According to experts, one of the pilots could indeed press the brake pedal, but the reason for this should be sought in the imperfect design of the pedals, as well as in the lack of recommendations for correct position the pilots' feet on the pedals of these airliners.

The authors of the investigation believe that since the pilots managed to lift the plane into the air, then initially there was no catastrophic or even emergency situation. Gerasimov stated that the immediate cause of the disaster was the lack of lateral control of the aircraft, that is, the Yak-42 simply fell on its side in the air.

For almost 23 years sports world did not declare mourning due to plane crashes in which members died football teams. Brazilian club Chapecoense, which was supposed to transport team members and journalists to the match with Atlético Nacional in the Copa Sudamericana. There were 72 passengers and 9 crew members on board the plane. Rescue operations are currently underway at the crash site. According to preliminary information, six passengers managed to survive. The South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL) has suspended all matches under its auspices. We look back at other cases of air disasters that have affected the world of football.

1. May 4, 1949. "Torino"

In the late 40s of the last century, Torino was one of the top clubs in Italy, ahead of even its neighbors Juventus in fame and popularity. From 1946 to 1948, the Bulls won the championship three times under captaincy Valentino Mazzola, father of the legendary Sandro Mazzola.

On May 3, 1949, Torino played a match with Benfica in Lisbon, which ended in defeat - 3:4. The players' spirits were lifted by a meeting with friends from Milan in Barcelona. The Turin plane landed at the local airport to refuel, while the Milanese were transferring to a flight to Madrid. As it turned out, the Rossoneri were the last to see the Torino players alive. The team's plane entered an area of ​​increased fog, the pilot lost orientation in space and his left wing touched the fence of a basilica built on a hill. The plane turned around and hit the ground with force. Everyone on board died. The only player left was Lauro Toma, who did not fly to the match due to injury.

2. February 6, 1958. "Manchester United"

One of the most resonant disasters in the history of world sports. The Busby Babes have forever entered the annals of English football and left an indelible mark on the hearts of fans around the world. The tragedy that occurred on February 6, 1958 at Munich Airport became even more terrible. Despite the fact that air travel was considered a high risk at the time, Manchester United flew throughout Europe, combining performances in England on weekends and European Cup matches on weekdays. The club booked a charter flight for the match with Red Star in Belgrade. The problems began in Munich, where the plane landed for refueling. After two unsuccessful take-off attempts, the crew was ready to reschedule the flight, but in the end a third attempt was made, which ended in tragedy. The plane did not have time to take off in time and rammed a house with a hangar in which a car with fuel was parked. 21 people died instantly, including eight United players. In 1960, a clock with the date "6 February 1958" at the top and the words "Munich" at the bottom was installed in the south-east stand at Old Trafford, and remains there to this day. Every year on February 6, when their hands show the time of the plane crash - 15 hours 4 minutes, a minute of silence is announced at Old Trafford in memory of the victims of the Munich disaster.

A dark date in the history of Manchester United

51 years ago, a plane carrying football players returning home from an away European Cup match crashed at Munich-Riem airport. English club"Manchester United".

3. July 16, 1960. Denmark national team

In the early 60s there was no professional football in Denmark as such. Players were prohibited from even playing for foreign clubs under threat of not being called up to the national team. Nevertheless, the Danes were diligently preparing to compete for entry into Olympic Games in Rome. From Copenhagen Airport to Herning for the match national team Eight players were eliminated. The plane crashed 50 meters from the coast due to bad weather conditions. Only the pilot and football player survived Sig Vindelov, which was found by fishermen near the shore. The other player was lucky too - Eric Dureborg, who was removed from the flight due to disgusting behavior at the airport. The Danish team seriously considered withdrawing from the tournament, but ultimately won silver medals in Rome.

4. April 3, 1961. "Green Cross"

A year later, another football team crashed in a plane crash. Green Cross, which played in the first division of the Chilean championship, took off from Santiago airport for the next round match. The players were not destined to reach the place - the entire crew and passengers died after the plane collided with the Las Lastimas mountain range in the Cordillera.

5. September 26, 1969. "Strongest"

On September 26, 1969, a military coup took place in Bolivia. However, this event also faded into the background when, on the same day, the largest plane crash in history occurred in the country. The passenger airliner collided with a mountain in the Cordillera massif. All 74 passengers, including 16 football players and coaching staff best team countries "Strongest", died. The South American Football Federation declared mourning and allocated $20 thousand to the club. Many players who previously played for Strongest returned to the club at a reduced rate. Five years later, the club again won the Bolivian championship.

6. December 31, 1970. Air Liquid

A few months later, the plane carrying the Algerian Air Liquid team to Spain for a friendly tournament did not reach its destination. All passengers and crew members were killed.

7. August 11, 1979. "Pakhtakor"

One of the most terrible things happened in the late 70s sports tragedies in history Soviet football. Tashkent Pakhtakor, flying to a match in Minsk, was involved in a plane crash, which became one of the largest in the history of the country. Two planes collided in the sky over Dneprodzerzhinsk - none of the passengers on both aircraft managed to survive. Among the 178 dead were 17 members of Pakhtakor. Due to the fact that the team was popular in the country, it was impossible to keep silent about the tragedy. All members of the football team were buried in Tashkent at the Botkin cemetery of the city, where a monument was erected to them. And Pakhtakor itself, according to the rule introduced into the regulations, retained its place in the elite division THE USSR.

The first Russian football publication and Dick Advocaat's debut in the Russian national team. What else is August 11 remembered in the history of football?

8. December 8, 1987. "Alianza Lima"

In December 1987, 43 people - football players, managers, coaches and fans of the Peruvian team Alianza Lima - died in a plane crash. Their plane, carrying passengers home after a national championship match, crashed into the sea six miles north of the country's capital, Lima.

9. June 7, 1989. Dutch football players

The football world could have lost Frank Rijkaard And Ruud Gullita at the height of their football glory. Fortunately, both stars did not travel to their historical homeland in Suriname to participate in a tournament with three local clubs. Rijkaard, Gullit, Aron Winter And Brian Roy refused the flight, citing the desire to properly prepare for the new season. This decision saved their lives. The pilots of the plane, taking off from Amsterdam, made a mistake when landing in Paramaribo and hit a tree with its wing. As a result of the crash, 11 people out of 187 survived. All 15 football players on board died.

10. April 27, 1993. Zambia national team

The Zambian Air Force organized a special flight to take their country's national team to Dakar, where they were scheduled to play a 1994 World Cup qualifying match against Senegal. During the first refueling, problems were discovered with one of the engines. However, the pilot decided to continue the flight. As a result, a few minutes after takeoff, the engine caught fire and the plane fell into the water 500 meters from the coast. All passengers died. Of the Zambian team, only the one who traveled independently from the Netherlands survived Kalusha Bwalya and an injured goalkeeper Charles Musonda.

It's hard to remember this. But fate cannot be changed. Six years ago, at 16.00, a Yak-42D airliner crashed into the bank of the Tunoshonka River. That's how she died hockey team"Locomotive".

I remember that day as if it were now.

The season opened in Ufa, where the match for the Opening Cup took place between Salavat Yulaev and Atlant. An hour before the game, a press conference was held by the KHL president and sponsors. Everyone was in high spirits, because we had gathered for the holiday.
A quarter of an hour before the throw-in, we went to our places. Headed over to the computers...
And suddenly the terrible news began to spread like spilled ink on a white sheet of paper.

-Have you seen it? The plane carrying Lokomotiv crashed...

- Are you kidding! How…

— What if there’s a mistake? Did someone launch a duck?

- There are no such ducks...

- Call someone from the team!

But the phones were silent. And the news was falling. Details, facts. It was very painful.

“At 16.00 near Yaroslavl, during takeoff from Tunoshna airport...”

All this happened in the room where the commentators sit. And below on the ice there was a game going on. Salavat Yulaev defender Andrey Kuteikin fired a beautiful shot from the blue line and scored the first goal of the season.

There, behind the glass, life was still in full swing. It was hockey. Maybe we were played a ridiculous prank after all?
But a cold whisper had already spread through the stands. The match was stopped. A pale Alexander Medvedev appeared near the owners’ shop. I will never forget his speech. And I can’t imagine how difficult it was to announce this to the whole world.

“Today a terrible tragedy happened. A plane carrying Lokomotiv hockey players, administrators and coaches of the club crashed. Of the 37 people, only one survived. We will decide whether to continue the match or not during the break. I ask you to honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

Everything inside completely turned upside down and flew down somewhere. Many hockey players cried like children. They were taken to the locker rooms.

The Atlanta players went to church. Jan Marek, who competed in the final of last season, crashed. He moved to Lokomotiv so quickly that they did not have time to award him a silver medal.

The Swedes Fernholm, Zakrisson, Andersson cried - their friend Stefan Liv died. Slovakian Radivojevic lost Pavol Demitra. Alexey Kovalev was left without Alexander Karpovtsev and Igor Korolev. Konstantin Rudenko played for Lokomotiv, but in the off-season he moved to Mytishchi. This saved him...

It was terrible in Ufa, and Yaroslavl generally turned black from disaster. The torrential rain late at night was forever etched in the memory of the colleagues who were there. And the flashing lights of cars near the morgue of the Solovyov hospital, where the charred bodies of the players who were taken out of the river were brought. Identification was underway...

And hills of flowers grew next to Arena 2000. Photos of the guys, burning candles. No amount of rain could extinguish them.

There was a glimmer of hope that Alexander Galimov would survive. He was terribly burned and doctors tried to save him. Transportation to Moscow. But the miracle did not happen. Sasha left five days later...

That plane crash affected everyone, split the lives of families and many people into a spreading crack. Citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Sweden, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, and Canada died on that plane. Nine countries. And everyone was united by a common grief.

We need to remember September 7th. That's it, in detail. Come to the Leontievskoe cemetery in Yaroslavl. To other places where the guys found their final rest.

What can we give them now? Only memory. And respect. So, I can’t imagine why a school named after Ivan Tkachenko has not yet been built in Yaroslavl, over which the poor father of the Lokomotiv captain has been struggling for many years. The results of the investigation into why the plane crashed also raise questions. The tragedy was overgrown with rumors that turned into myths. But there is no clear answer...

Live for the sake of the living. And don’t forget the team that crashed on takeoff on that black Wednesday.

Everlasting memory.

"Lokomotiv" -2011

Goalkeepers: Alexander Vyukhin, Stefan Liv.

Defenders: Vitaly Anikeenko, Mikhail Balandin, Robert Dietrich, Marat Kalimulin, Karel Rakhunek, Ruslan Salei, Karlis Skrastins, Pavel Trakhanov, Yuri Urychev, Maxim Shuvalov.

Forwards: Alexander Vasyunov, Josef Vashichek, Alexander Galimov, Pavol Demitra, Alexander Kalyanin, Andrey Kiryukhin, Nikita Klyukin, Jan Marek, Sergey Ostapchuk, Pavel Snurnitsyn, Daniil Sobchenko, Ivan Tkachenko, Gennady Churilov, Artem Yarchuk.

Trainers: Brad McCrimmon, Alexander Karpovtsev, Igor Korolev, Nikolai Krivonosov.

Staff: Yuri Bakhvalov, Alexander Belyaev, Andrey Zimin, Vyacheslav Kuznetsov, Evgeny Kunnov, Vladimir Piskunov, Evgeny Sidorov.

On September 7, 2011, Yaroslavl Lokomotiv was heading to Minsk for a match of the regular championship of the Kontinental Hockey League with the local Dynamo. The game, scheduled for September 8, was supposed to be the first for the Yaroslavl team in the new season.

The Yak-42 aircraft took off at Yaroslavl Tunoshna airport. The airliner was unable to reach a safe altitude (it rose 5-6 meters), crashed into a lighthouse antenna 435 meters from the runway and crashed to the ground. There were 45 people on board the plane, 43 died on the spot.

Among the dead were three Belarusians: hockey players Ruslan Salei And Sergey Ostapchuk and also a physical trainer Nikolay Krivonosov.

The Minsk publishing house “Medisont” published a book in September 2012 sports journalist Sergei Olekhnovich about the Belarusian hockey player Ruslan Salei “Simply the best. Simply the Best." True, its author did not live to see the publication of the work, leaving this world on July 27, 2012 at the age of 45. He managed to submit the book for printing and receive an advance copy.

May 25, 2014 during the 2014 World Hockey Championship in Minsk former captain Ruslan Salei was a member of the Belarusian national team (IIHF).

Sergei Ostapchuk and Nikolai Krivonosov were buried on September 11, 2011 at the capital's Kalvariyskoe cemetery. In memory of Sergei Ostapchuk, a youth hockey tournament is held annually in his homeland in Novopolotsk.

Sitting in the back of the cabin were 26-year-old railway striker Alexander Galimov and aviation and radio-electronic equipment engineer Alexander Sizov. Both were not wearing seat belts, and during the crash they were thrown into the Tunoshonka River. When the athlete was found, he was conscious and was able to give his name to the police. He was hospitalized at the A.V. Vishnevsky Research Institute with burns to 90 percent of his body. Five days later he died.

Sizov was hospitalized with burns to 15 percent of his body, fractures of both hips, calvarium, ribs and injuries chest. On the day of the tragedy, he and Galimov were transported to Moscow on an Emergency Situations Ministry plane. At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, the victim was put into medicated sleep to avoid shock. Sizov recovered and then worked as an aircraft technician at the Yakovlev Design Bureau in Zhukovsky.

Lokomotiv was forced to spend one season in the Supreme hockey league(VHL), after which he returned to the KHL.