Arnold Schwarzenegger: height, weight and brief biography of a celebrity. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets Arnold Schwarzenegger's strength records

Anthropometric parameters of Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Schwarzenegger's height:

Schwarzenegger's height is 188 cm. Arnold Schwarzenegger's height is the subject of frequent debate - some say he is shorter and some say he is taller. Moreover, in the latest photographs with Russian President Medvedev, Arnold’s height was visually 170 centimeters. However, this is nothing more than an illusion of photography. If you look at official sources - Arnold's encyclopedia, Arnold's interviews and many others, you can find out that Schwarzenneger's height was always about 188 centimeters (with an error of 2 centimeters throughout his life).

Schwarzenegger weight:

Arnold Schwarzenneger's maximum weight in competition form was 107 kg, and in the off-season - 115 kg. Of course, these numbers changed throughout life, and it would be stupid to talk about an exact gram-to-gram correspondence. It happened that Arnold, during the period of rest from training, weighed less than 90 kilograms. But at the peak of his bodybuilding career, Schwarzenneger’s weight was always over 105 kilograms.

Schwarzenegger's biceps:

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The size of Schwarzenegger's biceps was 54-57 centimeters, depending on the form and time of the athlete's performance. There are still disputes that the volume of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps is not 55 centimeters, but less than 49. These rumors were started by Arthur Jones, who claimed that when he measured Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps, he received exactly these results. However, given the athlete's height, this is very unlikely. Then again, Jones may have measured Schwarzenneger's biceps while the bodybuilder was resting from training.

Schwarzenegger's chest:

Arnold's chest volume was 135-145 centimeters. It is this part of Arnold’s body that is the reference and most developed. The two huge plates on Arnold's chest are still references.

Other anthropometric indicators of Arnold:

waist – 87 cm, hip – 72 cm, lower leg – 50 cm.

Schwarzenegger's strength indicators:

Schwarzenegger press:

Arnold performed the bench press with a maximum weight of 220 kg at one time. But basically, he used multi-repetition and multi-approach techniques in his training, and pressed in a clean style, with maximum concentration on the chest. For such a technique, Schwarzenegger's bench press of 220 kg is truly admirable.


The maximum deadlift that Arnold performed was 330 kg per repetition. He achieved this result at the powerlifting championship while still very young - he was only 19 years old. This is a fairly high result, even today. Later, Arnold was not so keen on conquering new weights, but paid more attention to the harmonious development of the body. Therefore, I no longer set records in the deadlift.


Arnold used a rather unique technique for squats, which is now used quite rarely. He placed a block under his heels and squatted very deeply, with a large amplitude. Using this technique, he reached a working weight of 240 kg for 8 repetitions.

Other exercises:

There are many rumors about Arnold, like any other great personality, including both about the athlete’s incredible strength and weakness. Which bodybuilder doesn’t know the expression of envious people: “all the muscles are puffy and there is no strength in them.” However, it is reliably known about Arnold’s fairly high strength indicators in many other exercises - such as flyes, donkey lifts (an exercise for the calf muscles, which Arnold performed with a weight of more than 300 kg, and the weights were performed by 2-3 athletes sitting on Arnold’s back) .

Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose height, weight and biography will be revealed in this article, was born near the city of Graz (Austria) in 1947. This is a unique person who has achieved success in several areas: bodybuilding, cinema, politics and business. His total fortune is $200 million.

Childhood and youth

Under the influence of his father, Arnold began to play football, but at the age of 14 he decided to switch to bodybuilding. He was inspired by such famous bodybuilders as Reeves and Park. The boy constantly watched films with their participation. Arnold went to the Liebenauer gym every day. And on weekends, when the hall was closed, he climbed up there on a stepladder through the window. At that time, the young man tried anabolic steroids for the first time.

Army service

In 1965, Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose height is above average, went to serve in the Austrian army. There he received the profession of “tank driver-mechanic”. Despite his busy schedule, the young man always found time to train and ate a lot of meat.

For the sake of participating in the Mister Europe competition, Arnold even decided to go AWOL. Naturally, he won it, and then spent two months in a military prison.

Moving to Munich

In 1966, Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose height is known to all his fans, returned from the army and went to Munich. There he began working as an instructor in a fitness club. At that time he was experiencing serious financial difficulties. The young man even had to spend the night in the gym. After some time, Arnie began to manage the hall, but this did not bring significant profit.

Bodybuilder career

Arnold's bodybuilding career began with participation in the Mr. Universe competition. Schwarzenegger took 2nd place there, although he himself was counting on sixth or even seventh. In 1967, the young man won this title. A year later, Arnold moved to America and began training at the Gold's Jim gym (Santa Monica) under the supervision of Joe Weider. In 1970, Schwarzenegger won the Mr. Olympia competition. He held this title for the next five years and retired from bodybuilding undefeated.

Film career

Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose height was never short, began acting in films during his bodybuilding career. The initial problem was his strong German accent and large muscle mass. For some roles, Schwarzenegger needed to significantly reduce weight. Arnold regularly worked on improving his accent and took acting classes.

Schwarzenegger gained fame after the release of the 1977 documentary “Pumping Iron.” Arnold played a “reinforced concrete” character in it who refused to come to his father’s funeral due to his busy training schedule. In the final shots of the film, the former bodybuilder smoked marijuana. This was a breakthrough in Schwarzenegger's acting career. He became known to people who were far from professional sports.

The film "Terminator", released in 1984, brought Arnold even greater fame. Schwarzenegger played a cyborg who speaks only 5-6 phrases throughout the entire film. But it was precisely with them that he captivated the public. The actor's fee was $75 thousand. Subsequent parts of the film brought Arnold much more money. So, for the third part of “Terminator” he received $30 million. The fourth part of the film dates back to 2009, and the fifth film will be released in the summer of 2015.

Career politician

In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose height you will learn below, was elected governor of California. In his activities, he encountered serious opposition, which took up arms against the politician and launched a campaign of incriminating evidence against him. In this regard, Schwarzenegger's rating fell. However, in 2006 he was re-elected for a second term. The politician's powers expired in 2011, and under the California Constitution he was no longer eligible to run for office.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: height, weight and other parameters

There are many inaccuracies regarding the parameters of a film actor. And several sources indicate different numbers. We will fix this by providing the most reliable information.

So, how tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger? In his youth, he was 188 cm. At the moment, Arnold is two centimeters shorter. Here is a quote from an early interview with the actor: “My height is 188 cm. There are many rumors that in real life I am no taller than 167 cm. This is funny! Most people look up to me. And not at all because of my position in society.” And just recently, Arnie said that his height is now 186 cm. Acquaintances and friends of the “Terminator” have repeatedly confirmed this data in their interviews.

Also, many sources state that Arnold Schwarzenegger's height is 183 cm. And this is also true. The only clarification: the bodybuilder had this height at 15 years old.

As for weight, at the moment it ranges from 86 to 95 kg. The maximum weight was 104-108 kg. At the age of 15, the actor weighed 70 kg.

And finally, here are a few parameters of Arnold’s figure in his youth: biceps - 57 cm, waist - 87 cm, chest - 145 cm.

Everyone knows perfectly well who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Surely every person has watched at least one film with him. He is known and loved all over the world. However, almost no one has any idea what Arnold Schwarzenegger was doing at age 16. The early years of the outstanding actor, athlete, politician and writer will be discussed in this article.

short biography

Arnold was born in the summer of 1947 in a small Austrian village called Tal.

From an early age, the athlete’s relationship with his family was very difficult. For his parents, the most important thing was compliance with generally accepted rules and regulations. For the future Hollywood star, freedom of choice and action remained above all else. Therefore, since childhood, Arnold dreamed of living in America.

The father insisted that his son play football, but the boy quickly realized that he was more drawn to bodybuilding. Therefore, from the age of 14 he began to engage in bodybuilding.

Bodybuilder career

The future actor began building a professional career in bodybuilding when he was 15 years old. The greatest difficulties on the way to his final goals in this sport arose in only one issue - theoretical knowledge. Bodybuilding in those days was considered a relatively new trend.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's idol at the age of 16 was actor and bodybuilder Reg Park.

The athlete wrote in his book “The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding” that he managed to achieve considerable results in the first year of stable training in the gym. The young man’s total muscle mass increased by approximately 9 kg over 12 months, which can be called a very good result. However, he also mentioned that he used anabolic steroids. Having learned about their harm to health, he immediately refused further use.

At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to achieve considerable results in bodybuilding. This is also evidenced by his physical indicators.

Young Arnie's determination was high. Even on weekends, when the Liebernauer gym, where the young man worked out, was closed, he went up there through the window and trained there, as they say, until he sweated.

Anthropometric data

Arnold Schwarzenegger's height at age 16 was approximately 183 cm. When he grew older, he stretched out a little, becoming 5 cm taller.

At that time, the young man did not yet have such a muscular body as in his heyday. Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight at 16 years old was approximately 78-80 kg. Given his height, this is not too much body weight for a bodybuilder. Considering the fact that at the age of 15 he weighed only 70 kg, one can see the guy’s considerable success in building muscle potential.

The girth of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps at the age of 16 was about 40.5 cm. For a young man of his age, this was a very high result. By the age of 19, “Iron Arnie,” as he was later called, already had 48-centimeter biceps. In the peak years, this parameter was 56 cm.

His arms have always been a particularly striking part of his body, standing out even against the background of his general muscles. Perhaps this is why in his books, where he talks and draws up a training program, a special place is given to the arm muscles - biceps and triceps.


At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger was not yet a world-famous actor, bodybuilder, politician and businessman. However, even then he could be called an incredibly purposeful and disciplined young man. These qualities subsequently allowed him to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Only 5 years have passed from the moment he began his planned training in the gym until the day he was awarded the first Mr. Universe title. At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger already dreamed of becoming the most outstanding bodybuilder and bodybuilder in the world. In fact, he succeeded. He achieved his greatest fame in cinema. In fact, he can be proud of his unprecedented success in cinema precisely because of his muscles and sports activities.

Schwarzenegger is an outstanding personality. He is a true example of how determination and fortitude help a person achieve any goal. The young man, born in a small village, could not even imagine that he would ever achieve such fame and recognition. However, his systematic training and desire to realize his dream allowed him to get something that he could not even imagine in his fantasies. He became one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world, as he had dreamed of since his youth.

Legendary bodybuilder, 7-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger I began my training at a time when bodybuilding was just groping for standards and almost every athlete could become a pioneer in any discovery, be it an exercise or extreme development of a muscle group. Schwarzenegger won his first Mr. Olympia title in 1970, being one of the most muscular athletes of that time and significantly superior to the bodybuilders of the 60s. Arnold developed such amazing muscles, especially his arms, chest and back, that his image became a symbol of the Golden Age of bodybuilding.

In the early 70s, another outstanding athlete performed on the Olympia podium - Sergio Oliva, who was famous primarily for his super-wide back and huge quadriceps. Oliva by that time was already a 3-time Olympia champion (1967-69), who had reached the peak of his form and was striving for new victories. It was he who became the most dangerous rival in Schwarzenegger’s career, largely thanks to whom, by the way, Arnold developed his muscles so that his form remained unsurpassed for a very long time. Their stubborn confrontation at such tournaments as Mr. World and Mr. Universe became a bodybuilding classic, and the psychological struggle of the two titans before the competition was the stuff of legends.

In 1972, after losing two years earlier at the 1970 Olympia and being disqualified in 1971, Sergio Oliva made a desperate attempt to regain the championship title. He prepared as much as possible and got into the best shape of his career. Naturally, Arnold, who had already secured this title, understood that in order to resist the Cuban Myth (Sergio Oliva’s nickname) and defend the title once again, he would need to improve his muscle development. Arnold modified the muscle groups, making them even more voluminous, but at the same time became much more prominent. Thus, Schwarzenegger achieved improvements in two criteria at once. It looked very hard, with excellent muscle separation and gigantic volume. First of all, this is a phenomenal development of the arms and chest, as well as excellent detailing of the quadriceps.

As a result, the 1972 Mr. Olympia tournament in Essen (Germany) turned out to be one of the most fiercely competitive and controversial in the history of these competitions. On the one hand - the current champion Arnold Schwarzenegger with an amazing muscles, excellent aesthetics and symmetry, on the other hand, Sergio Oliva, an athlete with an incredibly powerful and wide back and overdeveloped quadriceps, and in combination with a narrow waist, the look was simply unreal! Disputes about who won the competition did not subside long after its completion. With great difficulty, Schwarzenegger won and this moment became decisive in his future career as a bodybuilder and, later, as an actor. Arnold managed to overcome the most difficult obstacle that separated him from super-achievement in the future. After his final victory over Sergio Oliva in Essen, Arnold became even stronger and stronger in a physical and psychological sense. Now he was ready for new achievements. In 1973 and 1974, he continued to improve his form, already far surpassing all of his childhood athlete idols, whom he so strived to be like. Arnold opened new standards in bodybuilding.

His best result, which has become one of the all-time benchmarks, is the 1975 Mr. Olympia tournament in Pretoria, South Africa. Preparations for this competition are shown in the film “Pumping Iron,” where other outstanding bodybuilders participated along with Arnold. It was then that he achieved the most balanced muscle development in combination with their relief in his entire career. With this form, he could win for many more years, setting an incredible record for the number of Evgeniy Sandov statuettes won. Arnold's amazing achievement was largely due to his difficult fight with Sergio Oliva at the beginning of his journey at Olympia, as well as his constant desire to make himself better, and then even better, at all costs.

In 1975, after his sixth victory in a row, Arnold Schwarzenegger ended his career as a bodybuilder and did so, as they say, on a high note, leaving at the peak of his form and an undefeated champion. He began a new path - a career as an actor, which later made him world famous. In turn, Arnold opened the world to bodybuilding, which from an almost underground form and competitions with a small audience has turned into a large-scale sports industry and an entire fitness culture of our time.

In 1980, Arnold Schwarzenegger returned to competitive bodybuilding and won the Mr. Olympia tournament for the 7th time, held in Sydney (Australia), but this was rather nostalgia for the old days. At that competition, Arnold looked great, but in general his form was not quite the same as in 1975 in Pretoria, which is not surprising, because for that result he trained for years, improving himself over and over again, and here 5 years have already passed without competitions and serious training. Although, in principle, the muscle definition and aesthetics were still at their best, in the style of Arnold. In the end, he won, but with great difficulty, and at that time became the absolute record holder for the number of Mr. Olympia titles won. He once again shook up the world of bodybuilding by winning the main title in bodybuilding, where he once began his path to the top.

Arnold Schwarzenegger - anthropometry (competitive form):

height - 188 cm
weight - off-season - 115 kg, competition - 107 kg
chest - 145 cm
biceps - 56.7 cm
waist - 86 cm
hip - 73.5 cm
shin - 52 cm

Schwarzenegger's height: Schwarzenegger's height is 188 cm. Arnold Schwarzenegger's height is the subject of frequent debate - some say he is shorter and some say he is taller. Moreover, in the latest photographs with Russian President Medvedev, Arnold’s height was visually 170 centimeters. However, this is nothing more than an illusion of photography. If you look at official sources - Arnold's encyclopedia, Arnold's interviews and many others, you can find out that Schwarzenneger's height was always about 188 centimeters (with an error of 2 centimeters throughout his life). Schwarzenegger's weight: Arnold Schwarzenegger's maximum weight in competition form was 107 kg, and in the off-season - 115 kg. Of course, these numbers changed throughout life, and it would be stupid to talk about an exact gram-to-gram correspondence. It happened that Arnold, during the period of rest from training, weighed less than 90 kilograms. But at the peak of his bodybuilding career, Schwarzenneger’s weight was always over 105 kilograms. Schwarzenegger's biceps: Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps The size of Schwarzenegger's biceps was 54-57 centimeters, depending on the form and time of the athlete's performance. There are still disputes that the volume of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps is not 55 centimeters, but less than 49. These rumors were started by Arthur Jones, who claimed that when he measured Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps, he received exactly these results. However, given the athlete's height, this is very unlikely. Then again, Jones may have measured Schwarzenneger's biceps while the bodybuilder was resting from training. Schwarzenneger's chest: Schwarzenneger's chest Arnold's chest volume was 135-145 centimeters. It is this part of Arnold’s body that is the reference and most developed. The two huge plates on Arnold's chest are still references. Schwarzenegger's strength indicators: Schwarzenegger press: Arnold performed the bench press with a maximum weight of 220 kg at one time. But basically, he used multi-repetition and multi-approach techniques in his training, and pressed in a clean style, with maximum concentration on the chest. For such a technique, Schwarzenegger's bench press of 220 kg is truly admirable. Deadlift: Deadlift by Arnold Schwarzenegger The maximum deadlift that Arnold performed was 330 kg per repetition. He achieved this result at the powerlifting championship while still very young - he was only 19 years old. This is a fairly high result, even today. Later, Arnold was not so keen on conquering new weights, but paid more attention to the harmonious development of the body. Therefore, I no longer set records in the deadlift. Squats: Arnold used a rather unique technique for squats, which is now rarely used. He placed a block under his heels and squatted very deeply, with a large amplitude. Using this technique, he reached a working weight of 240 kg for 8 repetitions. Other exercises: There are many rumors about Arnold, like any other great personality, including both about the athlete’s incredible strength and weakness. Which bodybuilder doesn’t know the expression of envious people: “all the muscles are puffy and there is no strength in them.” However, it is reliably known about Arnold’s fairly high strength indicators in many other exercises - such as flyes, donkey lifts (an exercise for the calf muscles, which Arnold performed with a weight of more than 300 kg, and the weights were performed by 2-3 athletes sitting on Arnold’s back) .