Anthropometric data of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Celebrity parameters. Celebrity diets How much did Schwarzenegger lift his biceps?

Everyone knows perfectly well who Arnold Schwarzenegger is. Surely every person has watched at least one film with him. He is known and loved all over the world. However, almost no one has any idea what Arnold Schwarzenegger was doing at age 16. The early years of the outstanding actor, athlete, politician and writer will be discussed in this article.

short biography

Arnold was born in the summer of 1947 in a small Austrian village called Tal.

From an early age, the athlete’s relationship with his family was very difficult. For his parents, the most important thing was compliance with generally accepted rules and regulations. For the future Hollywood star, freedom of choice and action remained above all else. Therefore, since childhood, Arnold dreamed of living in America.

The father insisted that his son play football, but the boy quickly realized that he was more drawn to bodybuilding. Therefore, from the age of 14 he began to engage in bodybuilding.

Bodybuilder career

The future actor began building a professional career in bodybuilding when he was 15 years old. The greatest difficulties on the way to his final goals in this sport arose in only one issue - theoretical knowledge. Bodybuilding in those days was considered a relatively new trend.

Arnold Schwarzenegger's idol at the age of 16 was actor and bodybuilder Reg Park.

The athlete wrote in his book “The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding” that he managed to achieve considerable results in the first year of stable training in the gym. The young man’s total muscle mass increased by approximately 9 kg over 12 months, which can be called a very good result. However, he also mentioned that he used anabolic steroids. Having learned about their harm to health, he immediately refused further use.

At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger managed to achieve considerable results in bodybuilding. This is also evidenced by his physical indicators.

Young Arnie's determination was high. Even on weekends, when the Liebernauer gym, where the young man worked out, was closed, he went up there through the window and trained there, as they say, until he sweated.

Anthropometric data

Arnold Schwarzenegger's height at age 16 was approximately 183 cm. When he grew older, he stretched out a little, becoming 5 cm taller.

At that time, the young man did not yet have such a muscular body as in his heyday. Arnold Schwarzenegger's weight at 16 years old was approximately 78-80 kg. Given his height, this is not too much body weight for a bodybuilder. Considering the fact that at the age of 15 he weighed only 70 kg, one can see the guy’s considerable success in building muscle potential.

The girth of Arnold Schwarzenegger's biceps at the age of 16 was about 40.5 cm. For a young man of his age, this was a very high result. By the age of 19, “Iron Arnie,” as he was later called, already had 48-centimeter biceps. In the peak years, this parameter was 56 cm.

His arms have always been a particularly striking part of his body, standing out even against the background of his general muscles. Perhaps this is why in his books, where he talks and draws up a training program, a special place is given to the arm muscles - biceps and triceps.


At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger was not yet a world-famous actor, bodybuilder, politician and businessman. However, even then he could be called an incredibly purposeful and disciplined young man. These qualities subsequently allowed him to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.

Only 5 years have passed from the moment he began his planned training in the gym until the day he was awarded the first Mr. Universe title. At the age of 16, Arnold Schwarzenegger already dreamed of becoming the most outstanding bodybuilder and bodybuilder in the world. In fact, he succeeded. He achieved his greatest fame in cinema. In fact, he can be proud of his unprecedented success in cinema thanks to his muscles and sports activities.

Schwarzenegger is an outstanding personality. He is a true example of how determination and fortitude help a person achieve any goal. The young man, born in a small village, could not even imagine that he would ever achieve such fame and recognition. However, his systematic training and desire to realize his dream allowed him to get something that he could not even imagine in his fantasies. He became one of the greatest bodybuilders in the world, as he dreamed of since his youth.

Thus, Schwarzenegger’s maximum working weight in the bench press reached 220 kg in a one-time maximum. At the same time, his bench press technique was seriously different from that of powerlifters, in which he did not use a bridge, bands and other attributes of a powerlifter bench press.

Barbell curl

Training biceps was A. Schwarzenegger's favorite activity in the gym. It was from him that the concept of “cheating” came. And Arnold almost always used it to pump up his biceps. The maximum working weight for barbell curls was:

  • 125 kg for 4-6 reps
  • 100 kg for 6-8 reps

In addition, Schwarzenegger tried to further increase the intensity of the workout using drop sets: he performed all the repetitions with the maximum working weight until failure, after which he asked his partner to remove several weights from the barbell, and performed another 2-3 repetitions, then asked him to remove more weight and also tried to do 2-3 repetitions. Thus, he achieved complete muscle failure, when the biceps could no longer do a single repetition.


Squats were one of Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises in the gym. When performing them, he used a very specific execution technique, placing small blocks under his heels and squatting as deep as possible. This technique seriously increased the severity of the exercise and differed from the powerlifting technique, which, however, did not prevent Arnold from reaching a working weight of 240 kg for 8 repetitions.


The deadlift was also one of Schwarzenegger's favorite exercises, but he set a record in it only once - this was at the powerlifting championship, where Arnold managed to overcome the working weight of 330 kg (1 repetition). However, what is noteworthy is not so much the fact of lifting 330 kg, but Schwarzenegger’s age - at that time he was only 19 years old.

The time has come to tell about a living legend, a strongman, a weightlifter, bodybuilder, actor, screenwriter, director of cool films, and in general a person who was able to inspire billions of people to play sports. Perhaps all athletes on earth know who he is - Arnold Schwarzenegger.Height – 188, weight– 94 kg. In this article we will tell you about sports life terminator.


  • Height – 188 cm;
  • Competition weight – 109 kg;
  • Weight in the off-season – 119 kg;
  • Chest – 146 cm;
  • Biceps – 56 cm;
  • Waist – 86 cm;
  • Hip -71 cm;
  • Shin – 51 cm;

Arnold first started lifting weights at the age of 14. What encouraged him to engage in bodybuilding was the famous at that time bodybuilder Steve Reeves, and the famous Soviet weightlifter Yuri Vlasov.

In 1961 Arnold Schwarzenegger started training in the gym. But in Austria, bodybuilding was not popular and many people did not understand this sport. There was no one to tell me the secrets for gaining muscle mass. Since Arnold trained with weightlifters. It was from weightlifting training that Arnie built his foundation, which later resulted in a strong increase in muscle mass.

Arnold I trained very hard and purposefully. He used all known methods that gave results - even anabolic steroid. True, many attach great importance to this.

The first competition in which Arnold Schwarzenegger performed was “Mr. Europe”. Arnie performed with virtually no special knowledge about this sport. He didn't have makeup or special swimming trunks. Posing was also bad; he learned to pose from photographs of bodybuilder Park Reg.

At the age of 20, in 1967, Arnie wins the most prestigious tournament for bodybuilders - “ Mister Universe" After the resounding victory, Arnold began working as a trainer in the gym. But the coaching job didn't last long. A year later, Arnie moves to the USA, California, by invitation Joe Weider.

Arnold still thought Joe was the best bodybuilder in the world. He lost his first competition in the USA Frank Zane. Schwarzenegger carefully analyzed the reason for the defeat, and devoted himself entirely to preparing for the next tournament. Mr. Olympia" Preparation for the competition lasted a year. Throughout the year, Arnie trained hard and improved his form every day. However, Arnold failed here too. He lose Sergio Olive- two-time champion.

Iron Arnold was so angry after the tournament of the best bodybuilders in the world. Offended and furious, he vowed that he would never lose to anyone again. He did everything to be the first, looked for flaws in his form, looked for the best coaches. Since then, he has never lost in a bodybuilding tournament.

In 1970, Arnold wins the Mr. Universe title. From 1970 to 1975 he never lost. An oath is an oath. After 5 years of victories, he said: “I have achieved everything in the world of bodybuilding, my next goal is cinema.

Having tried himself in cinema, Arnold made the right decision. In 1977 the famous film “ Pump Iron" The film is about the training of bodybuilders, preparation for competitions, it was this film that made bodybuilding popular.

After the successful release of the film, many began to invest money in bodybuilding. In 1980, Arnie decided to try again to perform on " Mr. Olympia" Preparation for the tournament lasted only four months. And Arnold Schwarzenegger wins. There are still rumors about Arnold's 1980 victory.

In 1988, Arnold Schwarzenegger organized his own bodybuilding tournament - “ Arnold Classic" At first only bodybuilders performed there. But today, there are many sports there - strongman, powerlifting and others. The Arnold Competition is very popular, as it is the second most important tournament after “ Mr. Olympia" But for fans of Arnold Schwarzenegger, it would be interesting if Arnie would now meet on the same stage with the best bodybuilders in bodybuilding.

– one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, he won the Mr. Olympia title seven times. And he really could lift incredible weights. But how incredible? Today we will tell you about his records in various strength exercises.

1. Weightlifting snatch

This is an indispensable exercise not only in the world of bodybuilding and weightlifting: this technique is mastered and developed by mixed martial arts, MMA fighters, javelin and discus throwers. The snatch is one of the main exercises in almost any speed-strength sport. Arnold lifted 109 kg off the floor and, in order to show the world his personal best, went AWOL to take part and, of course, win the European young bodybuilder competition. True, for this he was sent to a bunk in a military prison for a week.

2. Weightlifting clean and jerk

Another classic and brutal weightlifting exercise used for fat loss or explosive strength - it all depends on diet. The strength record for Mr. Olympia in this exercise is 119 kg.

3. Clean and jerk

Arnold took 136 kg on his chest. He probably would have gained that much weight if he had decided to lift Denis DeVito sitting on the Ektorp sofa from Ikea. In the 1977 documentary-educational film Pumping Iron, there is footage of Arnie calmly smoking marijuana. He later commented on this shot: “This is not a drug. It's just grass. My drug is iron."

4. Bench press

The world record for bench press is about 454 kg. And even if Arnold didn’t install it, we won’t respect him any less for that. Schwarzenegger's personal record, set shortly after intensive training for the film "Conan", in this strength exercise was 220 kg. This was witnessed by the judges and participants of the 1980 Mr. Olympia, where Arnold won.

5. Squat

We have a good article regarding this - you can read it or refresh your memory with theoretical material. Although, of course, it’s better to drag your swollen ass after the holiday to the gym and put this knowledge into practice. So, Schwarzenegger squats 247 kg. It's like putting a hot tub on your shoulders and squatting down. What weight do you squat with?
before other strength training. Well, if you need to lift five tanks of beer, call Arnold. His body will not tremble or bend even from a weight of 322 kg.

In general, if you have already fully realized your inferiority and the frailty of your dry-haired body, do not forget to go straight to the rocking chair after work. Don't upset Arnie!

How tall is Jeremy Renner?

On the domestic Internet, the famous actor who played roles in The Avengers is credited with a height of 178 cm. And in foreign sources, this actor is stated to be 172-173 cm. To understand this issue and find out who is mistaken and who is telling the truth, we will find photographs with this actor, that he will stand next to other famous people and based on these photos it will be clear how tall he really is.

Here we can see Jeremy Renner next to Tom Cruise, whose height is about 170-172 cm. Obviously, this photo should already make one wonder whether our celebrity really is 178 cm tall.

And in this photo, Jeremy Renner, whose height is supposedly 178 cm, and next to him is Mark Wahlberg, with a height of 173 cm. You can find countless similar photos, where the height of our celebrity will be in the region of 172-173 cm. It is obvious that in RuNet people are mistaken about Jeremy Renner’s height.
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How tall is Doutzen Kroes?

The famous Dutch supermodel and actress of Frisian origin is credited on the Internet with a height of 178 cm. But is this really so? Foreign information resources have a different opinion and attribute a height of 172-176 cm. To understand the reliability of scattered data, we will use a comparison of the heights of celebrities from photographs. We will simply take a photo where our model stands next to other famous models and compare her height from these frames. Based on the data, we will understand where the information is correct and where it is not.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes with an alleged height of 178 cm and Adriana Lima with similar data. Only now we see that our model is shorter than she is credited with.

In this photo we can see Doutzen Kroes and Maggie Grace with a height of 175 cm. As we can see, both celebrities are the same in height. Based on these photos, it turns out that Doutzen Kroes is clearly not 178 cm tall, but closer to 175 cm.

German film, television and voice actor, film director, screenwriter and producer. The pinnacle of his acting skills is considered to be the role of Martin Brest in the crime comedy Knockin' on Heaven's Door by Thomas Young, also known for his roles in the films Where's Fred?, Inglourious Basterds, This Means War.

Til Schweiger's height is 178 cm

American actor, producer and screenwriter. Winner of an Oscar and two Golden Globe awards, as well as a BAFTA nominee. The most famous films with the participation of Matt Damon: the drama “Good Will Hunting”, “Saving Private Ryan”, “Dogma”, the crime drama “The Talented Mr. Ripley”; three parts about the adventures of Ocean's friends: "Ocean's Eleven", "Ocean's Twelve", "Ocean's Thirteen"; the Jason Bourne tetralogy: The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason Bourne; as well as the films "The Departed", "Interstellar" and "The Martian" and "Ford v Ferrari"

Matt Damon's height is 178 cm


Megan Fox was born on May 16, 1986. She is an American actress and model. Foxx began her film career in 2004 in the film Teenage Drama Queen. Her first famous film was the blockbuster "Transformers" in 2007. After Transformers, she won many Teen Choice Awards. She has eight famous tattoos on her body, which include her ex-boyfriend's name "Brian" and Marilyn Monroe's face on her forearm. Fox said she has a Marilyn Monroe tattoo because: "She was one of the first people I saw on television. Marilyn was a big influence on me."

Megan Fox's height is 163 cm

Megan Fox's weight is 49-51 kg

How tall is Kristen Stewart?

For some reason, the famous actress from the Twilight saga is credited with a height of 165 cm in RuNet. Although the celebrity herself in her controversial interviews said that her height is 5 feet 8 inches, which is equal to 167 cm, and that she feels like she is 173 cm. But many eyewitnesses say that We saw the actress live near us and noted that her height was hardly higher than 160 cm. To figure out what is true and what is not, we will find photographs where the celebrity will be near people whose height is similar in their data.

Three photos show Kristen Stewart, who states that her height is as much as 167 cm; Dakota Fanning, with a real height of 163 cm. As we can see, our celebrity, with a stated height of 167 cm, turns out to be lower than 163 cm, which means that her parameters do not correspond to reality in reality her height is about 161 cm. This phenomenon is very common among Hollywood stars, when they talk about one thing, but in reality everything is different.