Amazonian guarana powder how to use. Guarana: benefits and harm to the body, use in sports nutrition and for weight loss. Unique properties of drinks with guarana

Guarana is the name of a wild exotic vine that grows in Brazil and Venezuela. The local Indian tribes were the first to learn about the high medicinal properties of this plant. They used vine seeds in the treatment of various diseases and general health of the body. Local residents still call this plant the elixir of youth, given by God.

Until now, they use the vine to treat intestinal disorders, improve memory, activate the brain, and also improve body tone. Guarana seed extract is considered a powerful aphrodisiac. In addition, it is a component of many medicines.

How is the plant useful? How is Amazonian guarana used for weight loss, side effects, uses, what are its effects? Let's figure it out:

What are the benefits of the Amazonian guarana plant?

Liana seeds contain useful substances that, interacting with each other, have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The use of the plant activates the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, in particular dopamine and adrenaline.

As a result, brain activity increases, mood improves, and fatigue disappears. In addition, regular intake of guarana strengthens the body’s defenses, increases physical activity.

Many people compare the effects of guarana on the body with the effects of ginseng. Therefore, it is often called Brazilian ginseng.

The stimulating, invigorating properties of the extract can be compared to the effect of coffee. But, unlike it, the guarana drink has a longer lasting effect. The invigorating effect of drinking a cup lasts up to 6 hours.

It should also be noted that the extract from the plant has antioxidant properties, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of blood clots, and has a mild, diuretic effect.

About losing weight with Amazonian guarana

The vine contains caffeine and saponin. These substances prevent the formation of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Amazonian guarana has the properties to normalize and improve metabolic processes, promotes the active burning of fat deposits.

Many consider this plant to be the most effective in combating overweight. Pharmacies and sports nutrition stores offer drugs (dietary supplements) based on it, which promote weight loss. You can purchase guarana seed extract tablets, capsules, or liquid extract. Experts recommend using weight loss medications along with green tea.

How should Amazonian guarana be used? Application of the plant

Despite the fact that guarana is effective means for weight loss, without physical training there will be no weight loss effect. Simply taking this dietary supplement while maintaining your usual lifestyle will not reduce your weight - it is a waste of time and money.

Therefore, fitness experts recommend taking preparations with guarana immediately before starting a workout in order to increase energy expenditure. At sports exercises the body begins to release energy from accumulated, own fats. Thus, active fat burning begins. With the help of guarana and active physical training, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg per month.

To whom is Amazonian guarana dangerous? Side effects, harm

Typically, plant-based products are well tolerated by the human body without causing side effects. However, sometimes some unpleasant manifestations may still occur. They are basically similar to all the side effects of caffeine. For example, insomnia, sleep disturbances, nervous anxiety, and overexcitation may occur. With an overdose, these manifestations only intensify.

In addition, loss of appetite, intestinal pain, nausea, vomiting and dizziness may occur. Sometimes tachycardia occurs. If this happens, the dosage should be reduced or even discontinued.

The use of guarana can be harmful to people suffering from heart disease (tachycardia, arrhythmia). It is not recommended to take products based on liana seeds when high blood pressure, nervous diseases. Do not take guarana during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Be healthy!

Guarana is a shrubby vine native to the Amazon.

The plant gained its fame thanks to its amazing berries, which have unique properties, including the ability effective reduction weight. In the countries where they grow, the fruits are valued as highly as tea or coffee.

Benefits of Guarana for Weight Loss and Health


Eating berries gives a powerful invigorating effect, since the fruits and seeds contain the biologically active chemical ingredient guaranine, which has a similar chemical structure to caffeine, but which is 4-7 times stronger than caffeine and can provide the body with sustainable energy.

The fruits directly stimulate the central nervous system.

To combat fatigue and increase activity levels, they can be taken in small doses, the effect lasts for 3-4 hours.

Today, popular energy drinks and sports nutrition are produced based on the berries.

Weight loss

For weight loss, guarana is important, first of all, for its fat-burning properties. Weight loss after consumption is mainly due to the thermogenic effect of guaranine.

Thermogenesis is a vital part of metabolic processes, the consequence of which is the body's production of heat to maintain a constant body temperature and ensure the functioning of all its systems, therefore, by stimulating the process of thermogenesis, we increase energy expenditure, which helps burn calories.

The product is able to speed up a person's basic metabolism by up to a record 80%, which only happens during intense physical activity. In a month of taking supplements based on fruit extract, you can get rid of 4-5 kg ​​in just a month excess weight, and without harm to health.

In addition, berries have excellent diuretic properties, helping to get rid of excess fluid in the body. Another benefit of guarana for weight loss is its appetite suppression. Research conducted in 2011 showed that the fruits of the Amazonian vine help treat metabolic disorders in older people.

Nutritional supplements and dosage

Many weight loss products contain guarana extract alone or in combination with other herbal ingredients. Since products containing these berries are powerful neurostimulants, they are best taken in the morning or before lunch. At night, supplements are taken to improve alertness to avoid, for example, falling asleep while driving. The usual dosage is 2-4 grams per day.

Effects of using Amazonian berry supplements

Activate fast burning fat,

Significantly increase concentration and improve memory,

Dramatically reduces the feeling of fatigue (synergy with ginseng),

Increases strength and endurance (synergy with ginseng),

Fight drowsiness, especially while driving,

Stimulates the nervous system and blood circulation,

Increase the body's resources (short-term effect),

Tonic effect during sports (synergy with spirulina),

Strengthen immune system, lower cholesterol.

Fat-burning dietary supplements with guarana contain important amino acids, enzymes, guaranine, theophylline, vitamins A, E, B1, B3, PP and microelements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, as well as selenium and strontium. All nutrients are harmoniously balanced.

Possible side effects

According to experts, guarama used for health and weight loss is not harmful product for consumption. However, in high doses, berry extract can cause insomnia, nervousness and anxiety, stomach irritation, nausea, increased heart rate and breathing, increased blood pressure, diuresis and headache.

It should also be noted that the severity of side effects depends to some extent on individual sensitivity to caffeine and age. Ultimately, when supplements are used correctly and wisely, there are no side effects. Although there are several groups of people for whom consumption is unsafe.


Pregnant and nursing mothers,

Neurological disorders (depression, panic attacks),

Bleeding disorders


Hypertension, diseases cardiovascular systems s, atherosclerosis.

In the fight against excess weight, humanity not only invents new methods - personalized diets, branded exercise equipment, physical activity systems. The current trend is to lose weight along with nature, using its priceless and unique treasures. Amazonian guarana for weight loss is a trend, a hit of modern dietetics. Why has this strange fruit won the sympathy of those losing weight? Isn't this a marketing gimmick? Let's try to understand the nature of the guarana craze and determine the extent of its fat-burning properties or lack thereof.

Guarana - historical background

Liana from the Sapindaceae family grows in Brazil, Paraguay, and can be found in Peru and Colombia. The fruits of this plant are small in size - no more. The outside of the fruit is covered with a dense skin of rich yellow or gray color. Once fully ripe, the skin bursts, revealing a purple or black seed.

Undoubtedly, the natives were well acquainted with the plant and its fruits long before the German botanist Christian Paulinni discovered it (18th century). The Amazonian Mahue people called this type of vine warana - “fruit like the eyes of people.” But in this case we are not talking about poetry. The history of the name is reminiscent of a dramatic thriller. A certain evil deity killed a child, the favorite of the Maue tribe. The good deity cut out the child's eyes as a consolation. One eye was planted in wild forests, the other in the village, which served as an incentive to develop a wild plant. Still, it’s difficult for us to understand these savages...

The natives used guarana as a psychostimulant and energy drink. Because a person in his natural form, living in harmony with nature and himself, does not need drugs for weight loss, for depression and hemorrhoids. Another thing is the 20th and subsequent centuries. An era of progress, a time to reap the benefits of your own importance. But that was later, in 1906, humanity had not yet thought about the results of the development of nature. But individuals showed business acumen in using the surrounding resources. For example, the doctor Luis Barreta, who organized a plant to produce soda from guarana. It is quite obvious that the product was used for fun; there was no talk of losing weight at that time.

Realities of modern times in the context of Guarana

Amazonian guarana - the market for weight loss drugs was once again shocked by a unique novelty. Glossy magazines and online displays screamed heart-rendingly about the incredible fat-burning properties of the product. An irrefutable argument is invariably the presence of guaranine in the composition, as well as the experience of using this substance in sports practice.

The product “guarana” really benefits sports nutrition. But in what capacity? That's right, as an energy drink, a stimulant. To increase endurance, cheerful state of mind, improve reaction. Activating the activity of the whole organism is a pressing issue for an athlete. A euphoric state, high concentration of attention - there is no way to do sports without this. But to help the body convert fats into muscles, athletes use completely different means. And if we are talking specifically about drugs that promote this process, they have nothing to do with guarana.

But marketers are stubborn people. They clearly feel the needs of the majority and are ready to weave any story from any arguments. Gurana extract has been presented to a specific category of consumers—those concerned with excess weight—as an ideal weight loss product. Natural, unique, safe and effective. Some manufacturers have reported one to one weight loss (7 kg in 7 days).

To a person suffering from obesity, just serve this overseas drug with a tasty sauce. Guaranine, theophylline, theobromine - these gentlemen will really help me. This is what everyone thinks who doesn’t look further than the manufacturer’s business card website. What are the gentlemen really hiding?

Guaranine is synonymous with caffeine, but it contains at least 2 times more caffeine, which enhances its invigorating properties. Like caffeine, guaranine has a number of effects on the human body:

  • stimulates brain activity,
  • prevents drowsiness,
  • exacerbates all reactions,
  • increases concentration,
  • improves memory,
  • It has ,
  • has a mild analgesic effect.

In today's busy business life, these qualities are worth their weight in gold. Some coffee or tea consumers note the ability of these products to somewhat reduce appetite, which is not without common sense.

  • normalizes respiratory function,
  • helps saturate the blood with oxygen,
  • increases heart rate,
  • moderate diuretic.

The main direction of action is the bronchopulmonary structure. And finally, theobromine:

  • dilation of blood vessels,
  • stimulation of the central nervous system,
  • diuretic effect,
  • effect on the muscles of the bronchi.

So, all three components of guarana, with guaranine at the top, are excellent stimulants of mental and physical activity. It is these properties of the plant that have been exploited by the natives for centuries. But modern guarana, reviews of which indicate incredible results in the field of weight loss, is apparently a hybrid. Guarana hybrid with marketing. Synthesis of needs and means of its implementation.

Amazonian guarana – how to use and is it worth it?

Guarana in the pharmacy can be presented in the form of tablets, dietary supplements, teas, and drinks. Liquid chestnut It is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to purchase it in a pharmacy chain. The aura of exclusivity and inaccessibility provokes the client to get what he wants by any means and by any means. And it usually costs a lot. Coffee, guarana - caffeine has built a good career, hasn't it?

If you are determined to consume caffeine in this form, purchase any of the certified products and use according to the instructions. To enhance the effect, you should absolutely not exceed the dosage. If the dose is not observed, the following symptoms are noted:

  • anxiety, nervousness,
  • tremor of the limbs,
  • nausea or vomiting
  • diarrhea,
  • strong diuretic effect,
  • increased heart rate,
  • epileptic seizures,
  • myocardial infarction.

Do not forget that caffeine and its analogues cause mild, but still drug addiction. Contraindications for the use of guarana and preparations based on it are:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • hypertension,
  • diseases of the stomach and digestive tract.

There is no need to talk about the indications for using guarana again. But in the list of recommendations, the ability to “remove” excess weight, if present, is at a modest level. last place, in the back rows sit fat-burning properties. However, there is one delicate point that may well justify the modern interpretation of the plant’s effectiveness. If you skillfully take advantage of the stimulating effect of guarana and at the peak of the action of the active components, go to Gym– minus a certain number of kilograms will be a reward for diligence. Another trick will also affect your weight. As soon as guarana begins to circulate in the blood, do not interfere with it, do not eat food, do not interfere with the weight loss effect.

The combination of guarana with physical activity and a moderate diet can really get your weight off the ground.

What does the consumer say?

Guarana for weight loss collects different reviews - custom and real. Basically, the consumer chooses (or follows the recommendations) the drug in powder, which must be diluted with water.

“Action is invigorating. Replaces your morning dose of traditional coffee without any problems. If you drink it in the evening, insomnia is guaranteed. Regarding weight loss, the situation is the same as with. If you give him physical activity, things will get better. And if you just use it like that, you will gain nothing but vigor. By the way, this surrogate vivacity can actually cause a narcotic effect. When the action passes, you realize that something is missing.”

But there is another effect of guarana (whether it is related to the poor quality of the drug or to individual intolerance is unknown).

“No cheerfulness. Eyes are like glass. Apathy. I’ve only been taking guarana for a week, but instead of excitement, I have a wild desire to sleep and do nothing at all. A state of complete suspended animation. The weight is in place."


Guarana, reviews of which should be sifted through the sieve of reason, is undoubtedly a useful product. If you use it adequately and as needed. And the measure of necessity in this case may be a state of fatigue, drowsiness, bad mood and reluctance to deal with excess weight and other problems. Guarana in some cases can trigger the activation in the brain of the thought “don’t eat, go to yoga.” But she is unlikely to cope with the utopian delusion of getting results without effort. The Amazon tropics are fertile ground for cultivating hope. But the true fruits of the exploitation of these lands are money trees in completely different places.

In Venezuela and Brazil you can find a wild exotic liana called guarana. Since ancient times, the wonderful healing properties of this plant have been used by local residents - Indian tribes. They used the seeds of this amazing vine not only to improve the health of the entire body, but also to treat various ailments. Until now, residents of Venezuela and Brazil call guarana the elixir of youth, gifted by God himself.

Use of a medicinal plant

This amazing liana is widely used today. Alternative medicine recommends it to improve memory, get rid of intestinal disorders, activate brain activity, and also improve body tone.

Guarana extract, produced from the seeds of a medicinal plant, is a very strong aphrodisiac. In addition, it is included as one of the components in many medications.

Benefits of guarana

The seeds of the Amazonian liana contain useful substances that, when in contact with each other, can have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. When using the plant, the production of neurotransmitters and hormones, in particular adrenaline and dolamine, is activated. As a result, mood improves significantly, brain performance increases and fatigue disappears. If guarana extract is taken regularly, its active components will increase physical activity and strengthen the body's defenses.

The effect of the healing vine can be compared with the effect that occurs when taking ginseng. That is why guarana has a second name. It is often called Brazilian ginseng.

Guarana extract also has invigorating and stimulating properties. Reviews from people taking this amazing remedy often compare its effect to coffee. However, unlike this invigorating drink, guarana produces a longer lasting effect. A person feels the effects of drinking a cup for up to six hours.

Amazonian liana seed extract has antioxidant properties. As a result of its intake, the condition of the cardiovascular system improves, the risk of thrombosis is reduced and it has a mild diuretic effect.

Elimination of extra pounds

Guarana contains saponin and caffeine. These substances protect the walls of blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol deposits on them. Taking the healing Amazonian liana not only normalizes, but also improves metabolic processes in the body, which helps to activate the process of burning fat deposits. That is why guarana is recommended for those who want to lose weight without tiring physical activity and fasting. Reviews from patients who have already used it confirm that this unique remedy can help anyone who is dissatisfied with their weight. The biggest advantage is the following: you can lose weight easily without experiencing any suffering. Without hunger, stress and breakdowns, the process of getting rid of excess weight takes place if guarana is used for weight loss.

Reviews from numerous users confirm that this healing plant reduces appetite, tones, gives vital energy, and increases vitality.

How does the Amazonian medicinal plant affect the body? It makes a person energetic and cheerful, reducing his appetite. This allows you to take large amounts of food without hunger or fatigue. physical exercise. Without experiencing food cravings, a person is able to significantly reduce the amount of food in his daily diet without suffering mentally. That is why guarana is recommended for weight loss. Reviews from patients confirm that weight loss with this wonderful herbal remedy is combined with a surge of vigor, strength and energy.

Forms of the drug

Amazonian guarana contains guaranine in its seeds, a substance that is a derivative of methylxanthines. In terms of its chemical composition, this component is close to caffeine, which has invigorating properties. However, guaranine has its benefits. Its effect on the human body is much stronger than that of caffeine. Guaranine not only invigorates to a greater extent. It helps the body break down fats, affecting metabolism. You can take guarana at various types. Products that contain Amazonian liana seed extract include:

Energy and sports drinks;
- pure powder made from guarana seeds;
- sports nutrition;
- tablets with guarana;
- Dietary supplements for tone and weight loss;
- vitamin and mineral complexes, which contain guarana;
- instant teas;
- liquid extract.

Taking a unique remedy

How is guarana used for weight loss? Reviews from experts recommend a daily dose of two hundred to six hundred milligrams per day, in two doses. It happens that drinking guarana in the evening causes insomnia. In this case, you should take it only in the morning.

At daily doses below 200 milligrams, body weight improves but does not decrease. When consuming more than 600 mg of guarana per day, there is a high likelihood of side effects. Therefore, you should definitely stick to the recommended daily dose. Only in this case there will be no harm to health.

How many tablets containing guarana should you take per day to achieve weight loss effects? This question is quite complicated. The fact is that the plant is included in many drugs and supplements. However, the manufacturer does not always indicate on the jar of dietary supplements the number of components included in the drug. If the instructions for a particular product do not indicate the amount of guarana it contains, then you should take the tablets according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The required dosages are indicated in the annotation.

Despite the fact that guarana is very effective for weight loss, patient reviews recommend taking it simultaneously with physical training. Taking this dietary supplement alone will not be able to reduce a person’s weight. It will only be a waste of time and money. That is why fitness experts advise taking medications containing guarana immediately before training. Reviews from patients confirm the fact that in this way you can get rid of three to five kilograms within a month. The drug helps to increase energy consumption, which is released from fat accumulated by the body during training. Guarana should be taken 30-60 minutes before the start of classes. It is not recommended to use it after 17:00, as nervous overexcitation will not allow you to sleep peacefully.

"Guarana Active"

The substance, obtained from the seeds of the Amazonian vine, is often included by pharmaceutical companies in various drugs intended for weight loss. One of them is the drug “Guarana Active”. Reviews from patients confirm that taking this drug relieves stress, increases not only mental but also physical activity, and also improves body tone. The instructions for the drug "Guarana Active" do not indicate that it can be used to eliminate extra pounds. However, on the official website of the manufacturing company it is advertised as a weight loss drug. The instructions indicate that Guarana Active produces a catabolic effect and helps reduce appetite. The main active ingredients of the drug are the following extracts:

Guarana (350 mg);
- lemongrass (25 mg);
- gotu-kola (25 mg).

Each of these substances activates the central nervous system. Caffeine, which is contained in guarana, and gotu-kola helps speed up metabolic processes in organism. The dose of the drug helps to obtain a therapeutic effect. As a rule, the drug is used as a stimulant. However, due to the fact that guarana is recommended for weight loss, this drug can be used to eliminate extra pounds. It is worth remembering that the desired effect can only be obtained in parallel with physical exercise.


This drug is intended to eliminate extra pounds. The drug has two main active ingredients. This is Belomorskaya

As for the extract from the seeds of the Amazonian liana, it increases metabolism at the cellular level, enhances activity (both mental and physical), and also stimulates metabolic processes. Guarana extract has hemostatic, vasodilating, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

White Sea algae has positive influence on the digestive process. This component restores metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, improves functioning thyroid gland and neutralizes fats. According to the instructions, the drug is taken in the morning and afternoon, one capsule.

Fucap-Guarana also has some contraindications. Reviews from patients note that taking the medication is often accompanied by side effects such as hypertension and excessive nervous excitability. The medicine is not recommended for use by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should not take the drug if you have an individual intolerance to one of its components.

"Turboslim Express Weight Loss"

The drug also contains Amazonian guarana. Reviews of the use of this remedy indicate a good therapeutic effect. The drug "Turboslim Express-weight loss" is produced by the company "Evalar". Guarana is the main active ingredient of this medication. One capsule contains 100 mg of valuable component. The drug costs about 420 rubles. and is very popular among those who want to lose weight.

Olimp Guaranax

The package of this drug contains sixty capsules, each of which contains four hundred milligrams of guarana extract. The cost of this supplement is low. The price of the package is only 290 rubles. Take one capsule per day. Thus, the package lasts for two months.

Power System Guarana Liquid

The supplement contains a liquid extract obtained from Amazonian guarana seeds. This form has an advantage over tablets or powders because it is absorbed faster. The cost of one package containing 20 ampoules is within 800 rubles.

The contents of the ampoule should be added to any drink for consumption immediately before training.

Harm of guarana

Due to the presence of caffeine, the described herbal remedy may cause the following problems:

Increased blood pressure;
- rapid heartbeat;
- nausea;
- insomnia;
- pain in the abdominal area;
- appearance of anxiety.

Amazon guarana should not be taken by those who suffer from peptic ulcers or heart disease or hypertension. It is not recommended for older people either. As for the young and healthy body, then this substance does not pose any threat to him.

Amazonian guarana (paulinia or simply guarana) is gaining more and more popularity. However, is taking medications and drinks with extracts and powders of this plant really effective in reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat? Will this do more harm than good? And what are the conclusions about its effectiveness based on? Let's figure it out.

Amazonian guarana fruits on a tree.

The effectiveness of guarana for weight loss

Manufacturers of guarana preparations justify the benefits of its use by several factors:

  • The presence in the fruits of this plant of a specific substance - guaranine, which speeds up metabolism, has an stimulating effect and helps burn fat.

    In fact, the mysterious guaranine is the term applied to the regular caffeine extracted from guarana, which, of course, is identical in all respects to the caffeine extracted from the coffee fruit. The only difference between eating guarana and guarana for weight loss is that the concentration of caffeine in guarana fruits is on average 2-3 times higher.

    Caffeine, which is familiar to us, has a number of names that indicate the source from which it is obtained, but do not in any way determine the presence of specific properties. So, for example, caffeine extracted from tea is called theine, and from mate - matein, but all this is caffeine and nothing more.

  • Content of additional substances, which enhance the effect of guaranine for weight loss. In addition to caffeine, guarana does contain some other active substances that affect the body. In particular, theobromine and theophylline, which are pacemakers. However, the content of these substances in a normal portion of guarana is quite insignificant for a healthy person, and for people with heart disease, the use of foreign cardiostimulating substances, especially in unpredictable concentrations, is strictly contraindicated.

    To be fair, there are no proven cases of heart attacks associated with guarana consumption. However, according to some data, excessive consumption of guarane-containing energy drinks in adolescence may lead to the development of epilepsy due to the combination of taurine, caffeine and theobromine.

  • Content of vitamins A, E and group B. The average inhabitant of the Earth with income that allows him to buy preparations with guarana in our latitudes, as a rule, has no shortage of vitamins of these groups. The deficiency of most vitamins in modern urban residents is associated with liver problems and digestive system caused by unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits. Guarana in any quantity will not help you solve these problems until you give up unhealthy food, smoking, alcohol and start going on hikes and walks more often.
  • Availability of research proving the effectiveness of guarana for weight loss. In fact, research results on guarana are quite contradictory. The only internationally recognized laboratory that has seriously studied the benefits of guarana is the US Food and Drug Administration. And, according to the results of their research, this plant is quite harmless and can be used as food supplement, but there is no reason to consider it a medicinal product, because guarana has no pronounced medical properties, including for weight loss.

    Manufacturers often talk about human studies in 2001 in the USA, which resulted in an average reduction in body weight of 5 kg over a month and a half. However, in reality, the object of the study was not guarana, but a mixture of popular caffeine-containing plants, the caffeine in which could actually lead to weight loss by increasing metabolism. Other studies conducted since 2001 have shown the effectiveness of guarana only in combination with other drugs (such as linoleic acid), diet and exercise.

What is the result?

Thus, there is reason to believe that guarana helps improve the results of exercise and calorie reduction. However, by itself it will not help you gain harmony.

Not to mention that almost a quarter of the people on the planet are caffeine-resistant, meaning guarana is completely useless for them.

  • Antioxidant effect of guarana. Many plants are antioxidants to one degree or another. This is necessary for the normal functioning of almost any plant organism that has a need to preserve fruits. Introducing a large amount of fresh, citrus, and other fruits into the diet is much more effective and, often, cheaper and healthier than consuming guarane-containing energy drinks.
  • Contains substances that impair appetite. This mysterious substance is still caffeine. Recommendations to replace meals with a guarana drink are no different from advice to “wash down” hunger with two cups of coffee.

    If the cause of your excess weight is uncontrolled overeating, then most likely this is a consequence of a lack of vegetable protein in the diet or the development of food neurosis. Guarana will not help you in either the first or second case. If increased appetite is a consequence of harmful eating habits, then systematically increased caffeine consumption will simply become another one.

    In any case, uncontrolled overeating should be dealt with by a good nutritionist or psychologist, and not by a nutritional supplement manufacturer.

  • By adding additional substances, which make cocktails and guarana-containing products more effective. More expensive and more effective guarana products tend to actually contain “something else.” Since 2001, several fat-burning energy drink companies in the United States have been caught adding ephedrine to export shipments. In addition to the fact that this combination in large doses is deadly for patients with cardiovascular disorders, ephedrine is also addictive and, upon withdrawal, can lead to prolonged depression, overeating, nervousness and other unpleasant consequences.

Side effects

All contraindications of guarana are typical for caffeine-containing products and are mainly associated with overdose. Excessive caffeine consumption typically results in headaches, increased nervousness, sweating, painful photosensitivity, insomnia and increased blood pressure. In some cases of serious excess of the permissible dosage, heart rhythm disturbances may occur.

However, in moderate quantities, caffeine is not only harmless, but also improves metabolism, improves mood and, when consumed systematically, improves cognitive function.


Taking caffeine-containing drugs is contraindicated for insomnia, a number of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, hormonal disorders associated with mood swings, and mental disorders.

Dosage should also be taken with caution during pregnancy and severe cases of obesity.

The effect of guarana is based on the action of caffeine, which is contained in large quantities in the fruits of this plant. The high cost of guarane-containing products is due solely to advertising costs and playing on the exoticism of the product. In fact, growing, transporting and processing guarana fruit is much easier and cheaper than producing high quality coffee.

Despite the fact that taking guarana under certain conditions (including physical training and diet) does help increase the effectiveness of weight loss measures by accelerating metabolic processes, you can achieve a similar effect by drinking a cup of strong coffee without sugar 20-30 minutes before training. lemon and another cup of coffee in the morning.

Guarana is added to almost all energy drinks.

Overdose should be treated with caution. If you follow the instructions on the package, it is quite difficult to exceed the dosage, but you should not deliberately take a “loading dose” of caffeine and mix the use of guarana with other high-caffeine products, as this is fraught with headaches, insomnia and constipation.