Alexander Emelianenko official page. Alexander Emelianenko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Problems with law

The two “bad guys” of Russian MMA are again on the front pages of news sites and the media. Do you think this fight is real? Forecast for the fight Vyacheslav Datsik vs Alexander Emelianenko. Vyacheslav Datsik has a record (5, 7, 0), in this moment is on a streak of 1 win, his last fight was on 06/01/2006. His opponent Alexander Emelianenko Forecast for the fight from our expert system.

Francimar Barroso vs Mikhail Mokhnatkin fight announced at RCC 5

The fight between Francimar Barroso and Mikhail Mokhnatkin has been announced. Francimar Barroso has a record (21, 8, 0), is currently on a streak of 1 defeat, his last fight was on 10/05/2018. His opponent Mikhail Mokhnatkin has a record (11, 2, 2), is currently on a streak of 2 victories, his last fight was on 07/09/2018. Fight forecast from our expert system.

Today it became known that he will miss the RCC5: Russian Cagefighting Championship tournament due to a recurrence of an old injury elbow joint. Instead of him, another Russian fighter, Mikhail Mokhnatkin, will fight with Francimar Barroso.

WFCA champion Evgeny Goncharov challenged Alexander Emelianenko

The fight Evgeny Goncharov vs Alexander Emelianenko has been announced. Evgeny Goncharov has a record (11, 2, 0), is currently on a streak of 7 victories, his last fight was on 08/18/2018. His opponent Alexander Emelianenko has a record (27, 7, 1), his last fight was on 08/18/2018. Fight forecast from our expert system.

“Yes, I challenged Alexander Emelianenko, offered him a fight in December or January, at the next WFCA tournament, to which he did not answer anything, blocked me on Instagram. His actions surprised me greatly, I didn’t insult him in any way, didn’t hurt him, I just invited him to have a fight, said that he was worthy of challenging me championship belt. Well, this is of course his business, he can do as he sees fit, but I think that a fight with him would be interesting not only for me, but also for the public. Lately we know that he has improved very well physical training, conducts all fights brightly, I also wanted to say that my fights are bright, and our fight could turn out to be very spectacular"

Alexander Emelianenko is a professional fighter, multiple champion of Russia and Europe in different types struggle, born on August 2, 1981 in the small town of Stary Oskol.


Alexander grew up in rather difficult conditions. His father was a simple worker, and he had to work hard to feed a large family of four children. The mother also worked at the factory, but even in the absence of parents, there was very strict discipline in the family, which was established by the elder brother.

He brought little Sasha to the gym for the first time, because he did a lot of sambo and did not want to miss training in order to sit with his brother. The coach saw that Fedor had excellent prospects and did not oppose the baby’s appearance in the gym. But with one condition - he doesn’t just sit there, much less play around, but tries to repeat the exercises of his elders.

The boy really liked this agreement - he immediately felt very big. So little by little he began to get involved in training, and when he grew up a little, the coach immediately enrolled him in middle group– the boy managed to pick up a lot in the couple of years he had already spent in the gym.

Just like his brother, Alexander turned out to be hardworking, capable and with excellent physical characteristics. Moreover, Fedor was an example and unquestionable authority for him. And one resounding victory after another appeared on his account. Sasha tried very hard to keep up with his brother and this was his main incentive.

Sports career

At the age of 18, Sasha passed the master standard in judo, and a year later he won championship title on European tournament in sambo. But he received the title of master of this wrestling only in 2003. After graduating from school, Alexander followed in his father's footsteps and acquired the profession of an electric welder. But he failed to work in his specialty - he went into professional sports.

Since 2003, Alexander begins to compete in professional mixed martial arts fights. He won his first few victories with a slight advantage. But soon, thanks to the experience gained in performing in such competitions and the support of his older brother, he began to confidently put his opponents in the ring.

However, my brother still remained one step ahead all the time. While Alexander was honing his skills in mixed fights, Fedor had already retrained and entered the boxing ring, where he began to win no less confidently. Alexander followed his example, and it was a very reasonable decision. Since the Pride club, for which he played, soon went bankrupt.

With brother Fedor

Fedor patronized his brother, and the famous boxing club M-1 took him under its wing. For just over three years, Alexander confidently performed in the ring, knocking out his opponents with hard blows. But, feeling like a star, he increasingly began to behave inappropriately, be rude, rowdy, and conflict with management.

In November 2011, he shamefully lost the fight in the 23rd second, and a year later after another scandal, M-1 terminated the contract with him ahead of schedule.

Realizing that he almost destroyed his own life, Alexander retires to a monastery, where he finds peace of mind and the support he needs so much. With the blessing of his spiritual mentor, a year later he returns to the ring.

He managed to win several more victories over opponents who were obviously weaker than him. But when he met with a serious opponent, Dmitry Sosnovsky, who at that time did not have a single defeat, he lost again and decided to retire.

Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of Alexander Emelianenko. He was married. I met my wife Olga in 2004, when I moved for intensive training in Saint-Petersburg. When it turned out that Olga was expecting a child, the young couple filed an application and officially registered the marriage. In 2007, their daughter was born.

With wife and children

But Alexander was increasingly absent from home and even when he was there, he began to behave aggressively - star fever was taking its toll. In 2011, Olga filed for divorce, and by court decision the marriage was dissolved.

Then followed a whole series high-profile scandals with the participation of Alexander, as a result of which he was expelled from MMA membership. In 2014, an investigation was launched into a statement by Emelianenko’s housekeeper, who accused him of rape.

The athlete’s guilt was proven, and he received 4.5 years in prison. In the pre-trial detention center, he entered into a new marriage with Polina Seledtsova, who at that time was only 22 years old. Alexander is currently on parole.

The trial regarding the so-called Emelianenko case has been going on for more than two months now. We examined the testimonies of the parties in detail and found a lot of contradictions.

27 year old Polina Stepanova, who was cleaning the 32-year-old athlete’s apartment on the night of March 3-4 of this year, contacted law enforcement agencies and said that Alexander had forced him to have sexual intercourse and also stole her passport. Moreover, according to her, Emelianenko filmed the entire action with the camera of his mobile phone.

A criminal case was opened against the athlete under two articles Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Art. 132(“Violent acts of a sexual nature”) and Art. 325 (“Theft or damage to documents”).

investigative committee The Russian Federation notes that the fighter is hiding from the investigation and did not appear at the appointed time for questioning. Alexandra declared a federal wanted list. He faces a penalty of imprisonment from three to six years.

Advocate fighter Kakhaber Dolbadhe in an interview with the NTV channel, he denies this fact; moreover, he calls this whole situation absurd: “As soon as Alexander receives the summons, he will immediately appear to give evidence at the appointed time.”

Was there really rape on the part of Emelianenko, or does the girl simply want to “cut” a certain amount of money, as was the case with the hockey player’s girlfriend Semyon Varlamov- currently unknown. Law enforcement agencies will have to work hard in the near future to get to the bottom of this case. Stepanova underwent a medical examination, which confirmed the fact of sexual intercourse. The victim was also tested for a lie detector, which confirmed that she was telling the truth. Emelianenko refused this procedure.

However, Emelianenko’s lawyer retorts on the air of the “Let Them Talk” program: “The device on which Stepanova was tested is not exactly the same. And it is forbidden to conduct these experiments on Emelianenko, since the fighter had two severe skull injuries in the past, and how the effect of the device on the human brain in this case is unknown. Stepanova was examined by doctors, but no one checked Alexandran. Although, they were obliged to do it. He is accused of rape, first of all it was necessary to check whether a person’s sexual organ works at all. They didn’t do that.”

The lawyer talks about Emelianenko’s head injury. In this case, one may wonder, is it even possible for Emelianenko to enter the ring with such an injury? I remember that on the eve of the mixed martial arts tournament in Tyumen, local doctors presented a certificate that it was not advisable for the athlete to fight - it was dangerous to health. And even earlier, Sergei Kharitonov, a famous heavyweight, said that Emelianenko has hepatitis C, so no one wants to deal with him in the ring.

It seems that the athlete’s health situation is being carefully hidden. But sooner or later everything becomes clear. With the right and professional approach to the criminal “Emelianenko case”, all the “black” sparks can burst out, like lava from a volcano.

This case is shrouded in mystery. But, obviously, there are several inconsistencies that will certainly help to understand the difficult situation.

Inconsistencies on the part of the accused

Where the fighter went and why he didn’t get in touch is a big question. According to some sources, Emelianenko went to Belgorod to solve personal problems, according to others, he went to his homeland in Stary Oskol for a new passport, which must be restored at his place of registration. Head of the fight promotion company "Colosseum", which is based in St. Petersburg, Oleg Raevsky in an interview with Sovetskysport, he said that the fighter is innocent of anything and is calmly preparing for a fight against the American Jeff Monson. However, no one knows about the scheduled fight; the fight has not been announced anywhere.

There is also a version that Emelianenko never left, but was in Moscow - he is hiding from the shipping authorities. But if he is “clean” before the law in this situation, why was he hiding?

Inconsistencies on the part of the victim

It is not entirely clear who Polina Stepanova really is, what she does and how she ended up in the fighter’s apartment that night. She is not a regular cleaner famous athlete On March 3rd I visited him for the first time. Toliona works as a seller of water products from Moscow stores, or cosmetics, it’s unclear. How did she get into Emelianenko’s apartment? The girl claims that her friend (who really is Alexander’s cleaner) asked her to replace her because she was busy with other things.

While Emelianenko is out of existence, citizen Stepanova, with tears in her eyes, talks on federal television channels about what happened that night. But some of her testimony does not agree, and sometimes even contradicts each other. So, in one of the interviews, she initially stated that she did not know which person she was going to clean, but literally a few minutes later she refutes her words: “A friend told me that it was fighter Alexander Emelianenko and asked me to replace her.” Many people know the scandalous reputation of a fighter who can cause trouble on an airplane and fight with a pensioner in a Moscow cafe. To agree to come at night (!) to a person whom you have never seen... To a person who has a “stigma” hanging on him - a brawler, a rowdy and a drunkard - you must either be very brave or have no head on your shoulders.

Something else is unclear. Initially, Stepanova contacted the authorities and wrote a statement. Then she abruptly changed her mind and decided to take the statements back, but the police did not allow her to do this. And now, with a new grip, she is eager to punish the athlete.

No matter how the matter ends, it has long been clear that Alexander Emelianenko is done with sports. The last fight against the little-known young fighter Dmitry Sosnovsky proved this. Even before the fight it was clear that the once excellent fighter Alexander Emelianenko was not himself. He was out of shape, his face was swollen, as if a person had been on a bender for a week, or maybe two, instead of hitting projectiles and beating the hands of his sparring partners. Yes, we can assume that on the eve of the fight he caught the virus. But this is not the first time that Emelianenko shows his lack of professionalism. First, he was removed from tournaments twice for allegedly unsportsmanlike behavior and alcohol intoxication, and then he was completely beaten by a guy who had been practicing martial arts for at most a year.

If the rape case can be hushed up, Alexander can return to the sport, but obviously he is not the same! He got lost, drowned himself in the swamp of his own hell, and there was no one to help him get out of there. One gets the feeling that he doesn’t know why he lives. As the famous journalist Otar Kushanashvili noted, the only clue is not his brother or family, but his seven-year-old daughter Polina. The only and last hope!

Website visitors trust a fighter more than a cleaning lady


Has Emelianenko already been in prison?

Judging by the tattoos, he has been convicted twice.

Kakhaber Dolbadze, Alexander Emelianenko’s lawyer, officially confirmed for the first time: the fighter had already served a prison sentence. Emelianenko himself regularly denied this.

- Was he sitting? Yes, but everyone made mistakes when they were young.. It was for a minor. He was 18 years old, unlucky. This was before he started competing in mixed martial arts. What did you sit for? For a deliberate crime. This has nothing to do with women,” Dolbadze said.

We asked experts what some tattoos on a fighter’s body mean.

1. Church domes

The number of domes indicates the number of convictions, and the number of windows in the church indicates the period. According to the tattoo, Emelianenko was convicted twice - for a period of three years and one year.

2. “Give me a return ticket to my youth, I paid for the trip in full.”- trapezius.

A very popular aphorism in juvenile colonies.

3. Grave cross

It must be pinned not on its own, but as part of the “composition”. Indicates that while the prisoner was serving his sentence, someone close to him died.

4. Executioner

The bearer of this tattoo thirsts for revenge and sacredly honors the law of thieves.

5. Pirate

He fiercely hates prison activists and has a penchant for hooliganism and robbery.

Alexander Emelyanenko. Photo: Ilya SMIRNOV (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”)

Private bussiness

Alexander Emelyanenko - Russian fighter mixed style, ex-world champion according to ProFC, multiple Russian and world champion combat sambo, Master of Sports of Russia in Sambo and Judo.

He had 31 fights in the professional ring (24 wins, 7 losses)

Alexander Emelianenko became widely known in the early 2000s when he took part in mixed martial arts tournaments in the Japanese organization Pride . He is the middle brother in the Emelianenko family. The eldest is Fedor, the youngest is Ivan. The most tattooed athlete in Russia. Among the tattoos there are tattoos on the knees in the form of stars. Recently he has been famous for his scandals.

Alexander is a fighter who strikes fear into many with his appearance as a cold-blooded killer covered in ominous tattoos every time he steps into the ring. Alexander has an impressive track record in both Sambo and MMA. He spent most of his career with the now defunct Pride FC. The future lies in his powerful hands if he focuses on achieving his goals.


Alexander Emelianenko was born on August 2, 1981 in Stary Oskol. In the family of teacher Olga Fedorovna and gas-electric welder Vladimir Aleksandrovich Emelianenko, this was the third child in addition to the eldest Marina and Fedor; later, in 1988, Ivan was born. There is no need to talk about Fedor, but Ivan is still training, gaining experience, and it is unknown whether he will decide to devote his life to professional sports. On July 30, 2007, a daughter, Polina, appeared in the family of Alexander and his wife Olga (married on April 8, 2007).

How it all started

Alexander's first acquaintance with the world of Martial Arts occurred at a tender age. Fyodor often had to look after his young brother, since his parents had to constantly work to feed their children. Fedor, because he did not want to miss sambo training, took Sasha with him, and he watched the training of his older comrades. Soon, Sasha became interested in the exercises and began repeating them after others, doing squats and push-ups and learning the magic of sambo. The door to the world of martial arts began to slowly open.

Alexander began studying sambo while studying in primary school. Already at that time he was head and shoulders ahead of children of his age. At the age of 16 he received the title of Master of Sports in judo. In 1999, he won gold at the European Combat Sambo Championship. Alexander continued to train with his old sambo coach Vladimir Mikhailovich Voronov and Fedor until June 2006.

Alexander began his career as a member of the Russian Top Team, training with the first generation of Russian RINGS fighters such as Wolf Khan and Andrey Kopylov. Shortly after Fedor won the Pride championship belt in heavyweight, there was a breakdown in relations between the brothers and the management of RTT. According to Fedor Pogodin, who is also the vice-president of the World Sambo Federation, tried to keep under full control careers of fighters, threatening the brothers and delaying the awarding of both the titles of Masters of Sports. Emelianenko left the Russian Top Team, choosing the Red Devil team located in St. Petersburg, whose manager is Vadim Finkelstein, as their new home.


Alexander fought his first fight in Pride at the age of twenty-two. His opponent was Ashuerio Silva, an experienced Brazilian fighter who at that time had two victories in fights according to Pride. Although Alexander was unable to finish the fight ahead of schedule, throughout the fight he looked better than the Brazilian, carried out throws, strikes in the standing position and, in the end, won by decision of the judges. By the way, it is known that Alexander took part in some little-known tournament even before the Pride, where he easily won.

Alexander had his second fight at the Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2003 tournament against another Brazilian, Angelo Araujo. Araujo had 3 victories at Meca Vale Tudo tournaments, and was also a finalist in the IVC 14 tournament. Unfortunately, I did not see the video of the first round, so we will immediately move on to the second. In it, Alexander, with a powerful right hand, covers the Brazilian who is rushing to the ground and begins to gradually attack Araujo, who is lying on his back. With 30 seconds left in the round, the referee lifts the fighters up to check on Araujo's severe cut and stops the fight, awarding the victory to Emelianenko.

Alexander’s next fight was in 2004 at the PRIDE Bushido 3 tournament. His opponent was Matt Foki, champion of the Australian version of the mixfight Spartan Reality Fight. The fight began with the Australian, having missed several punches, entering the clinch. Alexander took the fight to the ground, where he dealt his opponent a series of blows, after which the fight again went into a standing position. Not for long - having lost ground, Foki again entered the clinch and was again taken to the ground and choked.

In August of the same year, Alexander met with the famous Croatian fighter Mirko Cro Cop. While Alexander was a promising but beginning professional fighter, Cro Cop at that time had more than 35 fights in the K-1 and PRIDE championships. Alexander started the fight in an aggressive manner, constantly hitting with his hands and knees, but Cro Cop skillfully avoided most of the attacks; counterattacked himself and, in the end, when Alexander reduced his ardor, he knocked him out with his signature high-kick (a kick to the head).

Already in October, Alexander entered the ring again - as part of a superfight at the Mix-Fight M-1 Middleweight GP championship, he met with the experienced Brazilian Carlos Baretto. Barreto was famous in his time and quite strong fighter, Universal Vale Tudo champion, PRIDE, UFC veteran, although in 2004 his career was already in decline. This fight took place mainly on the ground, where Alexander dominated. After the time of the fight had expired, all the judges rightly gave victory to the Russian fighter.

Alexander returned to Pride that same month. His opponent was the English fighter James Thompson. There’s probably no point in talking about this fight - Alexander won it, knocking out Thompson in the first seconds. Alexander also won the next two fights, with IAFC 1 champion Ricardo Morais and Dutch kickboxer from Peter Aerts’ team Rene Roose, within 30 seconds.

At PRIDE Shockwave 2005, Alexander already met with a more dangerous opponent - Olympic champion in judo 1996 Pavel Nastula. In this battle, Alexander had to work hard - the Pole turned out to be, although not experienced, a worthy fighter. Several times it seemed that he was about to be able to perform a wrestling move and win, but each time Alexander escaped from the most dangerous situations. Towards the end of the ten-minute round, when Nastula was broken by fatigue and his fruitless attempts, Alexander himself performed a choke hold on the Olympic champion.

The following year, 2006, Alexander took part in the Pride Grand Prix. Already in the first fight he faced a serious opponent - Josh Barnett. Looking ahead, I will say that he entered the Grand Prix final. In the first round, the fight took place entirely in a standing position - Alexander looked preferable, but it was clear that he was tired. Barnett, although he took more shots (including a broken nose), looked clearly fresher. In the second round the fight went to the ground, where Barnett held painful hold and won.

A few months later, in September, Alexander Emelianenko met with his former teammate and sparring partner Sergei Kharitonov. This fight took place at the final stage of the 2006 Grand Prix. There is information that if one of the remaining participants in the Grand Prix were injured during the semi-final battles, it would be the winner of this battle who would replace the eliminated participant. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to check it for sure, because none of the participants dropped out during the tournament due to injury and in the final of the tournament, Mirko Cro Cop (for the third time in total) defeated Josh Barnett. But let’s return to the Kharitonov-Emelianenko fight. It started in a standing position with a mutual exchange of blows. In the third minute of the fight, Kharitonov knocked down his opponent and tried to finish him off. He failed, and soon the referee took the fight to a standing position. The second half of the fight also began with an equal exchange of blows and ended with Kharitonov missing two powerful right blows in a row. Sergei lost his balance, fell, and was very quickly finished off. Fight with Sergei Kharitonov, one of the top ten best fighters peace, was last fight Alexandra in PRIDE…

Shortly after this victory, Alexander travels to Holland, where he prepares for the 2H2H Pride and Honor tournament. Initially, heavyweight Antonio Silva was considered his opponent, but then the opponent changed to Werdum. Fabrizio Werdum is a typical representative of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, who at one time trained with Mirko Cro Cop. Unfortunately, Alexander's preparation in terms of fighting turned out to be weak. The fight almost immediately went to the ground, where the Brazilian first landed several blows and then successfully carried out a choke hold.

After the unfortunate defeat, there is a pause in Alexander’s performances. Although information appeared on the official website that Emelianenko would take part in the 33rd Pride (according to rumors, the elder Nogueira was supposed to be his opponent), it never came to fruition. In addition, Alexander, according to him, would like to try his hand at professional boxing, but these plans have not yet found opportunities for implementation.

In 2007 best fighters Red Devil teams took part in the April Battle of the Nations tournament, held in St. Petersburg. The tournament was organized by bodogFIGHT and M-1 MFC federations and broadcast on Pay-Per-View in the USA. It was attended by Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi. Alexander got Eric Pele, who weighed 150 kg. The American heavyweight's track record included several famous names, including an early victory over Antonio Silva, but he did not pose a strong threat to the top fighters. Alexander was in complete control of the fight and ended it in the fifth minute of the first round by knockout.

In the summer of the same year, again in St. Petersburg, a major tournament was held, organized by M-1 MFC. In the main fight of the evening, Alexander Emelianenko and Gilbert Ivel (no need to introduce him) were supposed to fight. However, a few weeks before the tournament, which became known as the Battle of the Neva, Ivel injured his hand in a fight at the K-1 World GP and withdrew from the fight in St. Petersburg. They had to look for a replacement, and as a result, the Dutchman Jesse Gibson entered the ring, and managed to knock his opponent down at the very beginning of the fight and occupy a dominant position for some time. However, this did not affect the result of the fight - in the fourth minute, Alexander performed a kimura (reverse elbow knot) and won.

Alexander's next fight took place in Canada, at the Hardcore tournament Championship Fighting– Title Wave in October. Initially, Wesley Correira was listed as Alexander's opponent, but he somehow mysteriously disappeared from the organizers' sight. UFC and PRIDE veteran Dan Bobish agreed to replace the missing Correira. The fight lasted a little over a minute: the opponents exchanged a couple of blows. Alexander confidently stopped Bobish’s takedown attempts, and in one of them he took Dan to the guillotine, forcing him to capitulate.

Alexander’s last fight to date took place on April 3rd as part of a superfight at the M-1 Challenge, held in St. Petersburg. Once again, luck abandoned the Russian fighter, and the names of the alleged opponents changed one after another over the course of several weeks. So the last fighter to refuse a fight with Emelianenko was the Brazilian Fabio Maldonado. Finally, Alexander’s future opponent has finally become known. It was Silvao Santos, who did not pose a real threat to the Russian. Be that as it may, it is not easy to go into a fight without a clear strategy, without knowing what to expect from an unknown opponent. So, the super fight took place in Ice Palace. After a short reconnaissance, Alexander goes on the offensive, however, to the credit of the Brazilian, it should be noted that he withstands a barrage of attacks, but immediately, trying to make a pass to the legs, receives a strong counter blow and Alexander finishes him off on the floor.

At the moment, Alexander is waiting for his next fight at HCF Canada in May. The name of the enemy will soon be known.

MMA record

As of September 2008, Alexander’s professional record includes 13 victories and 3 defeats, of which 7 victories were by knockout and 4 by submission.

Honorary titles and titles

3-time World Champion in Combat Sambo (2003, 2005, 2006)

European champion in Combat Sambo 1999

Russian champion in judo

Fighter mixed martial arts Alexander Emelianenko is the most tattooed Russian athlete. His body is a small art gallery. And very peculiar. With his appearance, Alexander perplexes the entire criminal world.

“Is he a thief in law, a criminal, an authoritative tramp? Why don’t we know anything about him then?” - “authoritative people” make inquiries about the fighter.
The fact is that for professional criminals, tattoos are like identification. From them, those who know can determine the entire “glorious path” of a person. So on Emelianenko’s body, along with a couple of fashionable salon tattoos, there are many criminal tattoos. And very eloquent ones at that. It seems that the athlete made several trips to the zone. However, Alexander Emelianenko refutes assumptions about his criminal past. He says he doesn't know what his tattoos mean. And he did them only with the sole intention of making them more terrible and having a terrifying effect on his opponents. Strange argument. After all, Alexander’s opponents are mostly foreigners and do not understand Russian thieves’ symbols. It looks like the fighter isn't saying something.

I’ll try to decipher the secret meaning of the tattoos on the body of Alexander Emelianenko

Stars and web

The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the characteristic thieves' stars. Moreover, they were applied not in an amateurish manner, but in “ in the right places" There are four stars on Emelianenko's body - two under the knees and two just below the shoulders. The former in thieves’ language means “you can’t bring me to my knees.” The second ones are also pinned according to all thieves' rules - not on the shoulders, but a little lower. (Now Alexander has these tattoos interrupted by some clouds, sort of hidden) Because the stars on his shoulders are already shoulder straps. And not a single self-respecting guy would inject a “cop symbol” in this place. But instead of shoulder straps, the athlete has another clear symbol on his shoulders - a thieves' web, symbolizing prison bars.
“If you follow the truth, you will wear yourself down to your ass,” the inscriptions on the soles of the feet are a typical criminal lotion. It’s surprising that this particular phrase appeared on Alexander Emelianenko’s feet, and, for example, not another, also quite common - “step on the cop’s throat.”

Church domes

Everything is simple here. The number of domes indicates the number of convictions, and the number of windows in the church indicates the term. If you believe the tattoo, Emelianenko was convicted twice - for three years and a year. I wonder why? Other tattoos can answer this question.


A very common tattoo in not so remote places, it informs that its owner fiercely hates prison activists and has a penchant for hooliganism and robbery.


Also a symbol representing a robber. And besides, he expresses hostility towards cops, prosecutors and judges.

grave cross

It must be applied not on its own, but exactly as Alexander Emelianenko did - as part of an “artistic composition”. Indicates that while the prisoner was serving his sentence, someone close to him died. We don’t know who and when Alexander passed away. My condolences.


Again, according to Zonov's canons, he is depicted exactly like Alexander Emelianenko - always with an ax and a hood thrown over his head. With this drawing, the athlete tells those in the know that he is seeking revenge. And besides, he admits that he sacredly honors the law of thieves.

"Gott mit uns"

A popular saying in the world of thieves. Translated from German - “God is with us.” This phrase was the motto of the SS. Criminals inflict it along with the swastika, thereby denoting their hatred of the state.

“Give me a return ticket to my youth, I paid for the trip in full” on trapezes

A very popular aphorism in juvenile detention centers.

Child wearing a crown

Another sign indicating that the owner of such a tattoo was imprisoned in a juvenile correctional facility.

If you didn’t know about Alexander Emelianenko’s sporting merits, but just looked at the tattoos on his body, I would have concluded that this man has two criminal records. Most likely for hooliganism and robbery. And in early youth. It is “in the youth” that the thieves’ romance is felt most strongly. It is there that the contingent most often gets prison tattoos. True, later, having freed themselves and matured, many regret these arts - they cannot go to the beach, they cannot undress. And you'll be tormented to bring it together. Therefore, the majority tries to replace Zonov’s tattoos with some others - now tattoos are in fashion. There are a couple of such “peaceful” patterns on the body of Alexander Emelianenko. In general, the tattoos on his body are typically criminal. I will never believe that this person does not understand their meaning.

But he is a brilliant fighter.


Emelyanenko Alexander Vladimirovich was born in the city of Stary Oskol, Belgorod region August 2, 1981.

Father: Emelyanenko Vladimir Alexandrovich. Mother: Emelyanenko Olga Fedorovna. The family has four children: sister Marina, older brother Fedor and younger brother Vanya.

In 2004 he moved to St. Petersburg. In 2007 he got married. Wife - Olga Emelianenko. On July 30, 2007, daughter Polina was born.


From 1987 to 1996 he studied at a secondary school.
In 1999 he graduated from a professional lyceum with a degree in Electric Welding.
In 2009 - graduated from Belgorod State University, Faculty of Economics.

Sports career

In 1988 he began to practice judo.
In 1998, he fulfilled the standard for Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in judo.
In 1999 he won his first serious title - he became the European Champion in combat sambo in Sofia (Bulgaria).
In 2003, he fulfilled the standard for Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in Sambo.
In 2003-2004-2006 he became a three-time World Champion in combat sambo.
Since 2003, he began performing in the Japanese Ultimate Fighting League “Pride”.
In April 2007, he took part in the Mix Fight “Russia vs. America” tournament in St. Petersburg and brilliantly won his fight. The honorary guests at the tournament were Russian President Vladimir Obeschalkin, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the famous Hollywood actor and director Jean-Claude Van Damme.
In March 2009, he defeated the famous Russian heavyweight Ibragim Magomedov in less than a minute. The fight took place in Rostov-on-Don.
In October 2009, Emelianenko made his debut in the professional boxing ring in Moscow. Alexander’s opponent was kickboxing champion Khizir Pliev, for whom this fight also became his debut in the big ring. The match ended in a draw.
In April 2010, Alexander Emelianenko became the champion of the PROFC heavyweight league, defeating Swede Eddie Bengtson by knockout in 40 seconds of the fight.
In December 2010, in Khabarovsk, he lost to Peter Graham in a tournament organized by the Brawl Federation.