Iris Kyle. Bodybuilding is love. Iris Kyle: The Iron Maiden of Bodybuilding

(Iris Kyle) USA

Height 170 cm

Competition weight 72 kg

Off-season weight 75 kg

Iris Kyle, a professional American bodybuilder, was born on August 22, 1974 in the town of Benton Harbor (Michigan). Of the 6 children in the family, Iris was the second to last.

The girl's passion for sports manifested itself since childhood - softball and basketball became her main hobbies (for some time Iris was a member of the US national basketball team). At the same time, to stay in shape, the girl took up running seriously. It was her success in sports that contributed to the fact that by the time she entered college, Iris had no shortage of offers. The choice fell on Alcorn State University (Mississippi) Faculty of Business Management.

The first serious step in the field of bodybuilding for Iris was her victory at the Ironmaiden Championships in 1994. The professional choice in favor of bodybuilding was made after winning the US Championship in 1998, when Iris really received professional status and a chance to compete with the best in the field of bodybuilding.

Iris takes serious care of her figure. Her weight is 65-77 kg with a height of 170 cm, and when the competition period comes, the four-time winner of Ms. Olympia reduces her weight to 70-73 kg. Iris has a passion for Thai cuisine, which is extremely varied and rich in vitamins (which is important for sports). Favorite delicacies include Swiss chocolate and yoghurt. Favorite actors include bodybuilders Cuba Gooding and Angela Bassett, and their favorite TV series is “Law and Order.” In her free time (as free as a professional like Iris can have it), the girl prefers shopping and active recreation (biking, rollerblading, long walks and running on the beach). Iris is also partial to travel.

Bodybuilding doesn’t leave much time for rest, and besides, constant travel is very tiring, so Iris considers the ideal vacation to be some quiet place, away from city noise and dust, where you could relax all day, sipping wine and enjoying a massage.

Among her goals, Iris highlights the opening of private courses for women who have weight problems and suffer from low self-esteem because of this. The bodybuilder hopes that she can help such women not only improve their shape, but also believe in themselves.

According to Steve Venerstorm, Iris is now “on the crest of a wave.” And it will be extremely difficult for her rivals to challenge this victorious ascent. “She's been a bridesmaid for too long,” Steve says, hinting that Iris has been underestimated as a serious competitor for a long time. Although many experts who have been following the competition for the past seven years unanimously claim that Iris’s career rise was only a matter of time. As you know, Iris’s main competitor, the eight-time Ms. Olympia champion, retired from her career only at the age of 42 - and this allows us to confidently count on the fact that Iris will achieve more than one victory before she decides to leave the “big sport.”

The most important achievements in Iris’s career are “Miss Olympia” and “Miss International”. The bodybuilder has a four-time victory in Ms. Olympia (the first in the heavyweight category) and a three-time second place finish. Iris first won her first Miss International title in 2004. True, since then she has been awarded 1st place three times: in 2006, 2007 and 2009.

At the end of her career as a bodybuilder, Iris has already been promised a place in the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.

Performance history:

Competition Place
Miss Olympia 2011 1
Miss International 2011 1
Miss Olympia 2010 1
Miss International 2010 1
Miss Olympia 2009 1
Miss International 2009 1
Miss Olympia 2008 1
Miss International 2008 7
Miss Olympia 2007 1
Miss International 2007 1
Miss Olympia 2006 1
Miss International 2006 1
Miss Olympia 2005 2
Miss Olympia 2004 1
Miss Olympia 2004
Miss International 2004 1
Miss International 2004 1 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss Olympia 2003
Miss Olympia 2002 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2002 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Power Show Pro 2002 2 in the Heavyweight category
Miss Olympia 2001 1 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2001 2 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss Olympia 2000 5 in the category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss International 2000 3 in category +135 lb (over 61 kg)
Miss Olympia 1999 4
Miss International 1999 15
World Championship Pro 1999 2
Nationals 1997 4 in Heavyweight category

Iris Kyle in professional ratings:

Place Rating Rating date
1 2010 IFBB Women's Bodybuilding Professional Rankings 05.03.2010
1 01.10.2009
1 2009 IFBB Women's Pro Bodybuilding Rankings 08.08.2009


She was born on August 22, 1974 in the state of Michigan, in the city of Benton Harbor. There were 6 children in her family. Iris was sixth.

Iris Kyle began to be interested in sports since childhood. She enjoyed softball and basketball back then. For some time, Iris Kyle was a member of the US national basketball team. In addition, she ran to stay in shape. It was sports that ensured that when Iris Kyle entered college, she had no shortage of offers. Of all, she chose Alcorn University in Mississippi. Iris Kyle entered the Faculty of Business Management.

Iris Kyle first started thinking seriously about bodybuilding when she won the 1994 Ironmaiden Championships.

Iris Kyle decided to take up bodybuilding professionally after winning the US Championship in 1998. Then she got the chance to fight with the best athletes.

“Miss Olympia” takes very good care of her appearance. She is 170 tall and weighs 65-77 kg. During the competition period, she reduces her weight to 70-73 kilograms. Iris is a four-time Ms. Olympia winner.

“Miss Olympia” loves Thai cuisine. It contains a lot of vitamins. Favorite delicacies “ Miss Olympia” are yogurt and Swiss chocolate.

In her free time, which is extremely rare, “Miss Olympia” likes to ride a bicycle, roller skate, and run along the beach. But with sports you are very exhausted. That's why lately Ms. Olympia likes to lie in a quiet place, enjoy a massage and sip wine.

My favorite actors are Cuba Gooding and Angela Basset.

Your dream and next goal Iris Kyle considers the opening of courses for women with weight problems, and components on this matter. So that women can believe in themselves and correct the shortcomings of their figure. And also constantly support her.

Many believe that Iris Kyle is now at the peak of her career. Previously, many underestimated her as a rival, but now it is very difficult to catch up with her. Iris Kyle, the video with the athlete clearly demonstrates this. But everyone unanimously argued that her career was not over, and Iris Kyle would still achieve a lot. She still has a long way to go.

In addition, at the end of her sports career, Iris Kyle was promised a place in the bodybuilding hall of fame, and photos of Iris Kyle will adorn all museum stands dedicated to bodybuilding. Remember that you can achieve the same results as Iris using sports pharmacology in bodybuilding, as well as the best sports nutrition, which is easy to buy in our store.

Photo of Iris Kyle from the championships:

"Miss Olympia" 2003

"Miss Olympia" 2004

One of the most titled bodybuilders, Iris Kyle, was born on August 22, 1974 in the city of Benton Harbor, located in Michigan (USA).

From early childhood, Iris literally fell in love with sports - she played softball (a type of baseball) and basketball. In the latter case, everything was more serious than in the first - the girl was a member of the US national team. Among other things, the favorite pastime of the future Miss Olympia was running. Naturally, such activities led to the fact that the girl became the owner of an amazing physical shape. There is no doubt - this will definitely help her in the future when she takes the path of a bodybuilder.

After graduating from school, the girl entered Alcorn State University (Mississippi) to study business management.

Victory in the Ironmaiden Championships 1994 tournament was her first step on the path to success and fame. And just 4 years later, having won the main prize at the US Championships, Iris received the status of an IFBB professional. Now she has a unique opportunity to perform on the same podium with famous athletes.

In 1999, in the World Pro Championship tournament, Kyle was very close to the coveted 1st place, but the judges awarded it to Laura Binetti. That same year, Miss International brought her 15th place out of 19.

At the very beginning it was said that Iris Kyle is one of the most titled bodybuilders. And this is no coincidence - she has 7 victories in the Miss Olympia tournament (in 2001 and 2004 she was awarded 1st place in the +135 lb (over 61 kg) category), by the way, Iris took 2nd place 3 times; 5 gold medals at the Miss International Championship.

It’s interesting, but for a long time many did not perceive Kyle as a serious rival. Others, on the contrary, were sure that the time would come and the athlete would show everyone who was the best here. Perhaps now there is hardly a person who will consider Iris as an athlete who is easy to get around. Moreover, many bodybuilding experts say that if Kyle does not plan to leave professional sports and continues to fight for the main titles, then many victories await her ahead.

When free time appears on the horizon, Kyle prefers to spend it to his advantage. Despite the fact that Miss Olympia is a lover of shopping, she often wants to retire to some quiet place, protected from noise, city dust and general bustle. But this does not mean that Iris will just lie down on the sofa near the TV. No, she is not one of those people - she prefers active recreation to this activity (biking, rollerblading or a simple walk is the best).

Iris loves Thai cuisine, which saturates her body with essential vitamins and microelements (this is very important for an athlete). She also has a slight weakness for various yogurts and Swiss chocolate.

In addition to wanting to continue on her bodybuilding journey and reach new heights, Kyle wants to open a course where she can help women struggling with their weight and body shape gain confidence by improving their fitness.

By the way, today Iris was given her word that after she completes her career as a bodybuilder, her name will appear in the Bodybuilding Hall of Fame.

She was born on August 22, 1974 in the state of Michigan, in the city of Benton Harbor. There were 6 children in her family. Iris was sixth.

Iris Kyle began to be interested in sports since childhood. She enjoyed softball and basketball back then. For some time, Iris Kyle was a member of the US national basketball team. In addition, she ran to stay in shape. It was sports that ensured that when Iris Kyle entered college, she had no shortage of offers. Of all, she chose Alcorn University in Mississippi. Iris Kyle entered the Faculty of Business Management.

Iris Kyle first started thinking seriously about bodybuilding when she won the 1994 Ironmaiden Championships.

Iris Kyle decided to take up bodybuilding professionally after winning the US Championship in 1998. Then she got the chance to fight with the best athletes.

“Miss Olympia” takes very good care of her appearance. She is 170 tall and weighs 65-77 kg. During the competition period, she reduces her weight to 70-73 kilograms. Iris is a four-time Ms. Olympia winner.

“Miss Olympia” loves Thai cuisine. It contains a lot of vitamins. Favorite delicacies “ Miss Olympia” are yogurt and Swiss chocolate.

In her free time, which is extremely rare, “Miss Olympia” likes to ride a bicycle, roller skate, and run along the beach. But with sports you are very exhausted. That's why lately Ms. Olympia likes to lie in a quiet place, enjoy a massage and sip wine.

My favorite actors are Cuba Gooding and Angela Basset.

Your dream and next goal Iris Kyle considers the opening of courses for women with weight problems, and components on this matter. So that women can believe in themselves and correct the shortcomings of their figure. And also constantly support her.

Many believe that Iris Kyle is now at the peak of her career. Previously, many underestimated her as a rival, but now it is very difficult to catch up with her. Iris Kyle, the video with the athlete clearly demonstrates this. But everyone unanimously argued that her career was not over, and Iris Kyle would still achieve a lot. She still has a long way to go.

In addition, at the end of her sports career, Iris Kyle was promised a place in the bodybuilding hall of fame, and photos of Iris Kyle will adorn all museum stands dedicated to bodybuilding. Remember that you can achieve the same results as Iris using sports pharmacology in bodybuilding, as well as the best sports nutrition, which is easy to buy in our store.

Photo of Iris Kyle from the championships:

"Miss Olympia" 2003

"Miss Olympia" 2004

Iris was born on August 22, 1974 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. In her biography, Iris Kyle has been involved in sports since childhood. She played basketball, softball (a type of baseball), and ran. Iris was on the US national basketball team.

Kyle received her education at Alcorn State University in Lorman, Mississippi. Taking up bodybuilding, Iris won her first victory in 1994 at the Ironmaiden Championships. She began to engage in bodybuilding professionally after winning the US Championships in 1998.

Among the many titles of the athlete, “Miss Olympia” and “Miss International” stand out. In 2001, in the biography of Iris Kyle, the first victory at Ms. Olympia was won, but only in the heavyweight category. She also took second place three times (in 2002, 2003, 3005). Iris first became the overall winner of Ms. Olympia in 2004. Then she repeated the achievement three more times: in 2006, 2007, 2008. She first took first place in the Miss International competition in 2004. Then she won again in 2006, 2007, 2009.

With a height of 170 cm, the athlete weighs 75-77 kg, and during competitions she reduces the weight to 70-73.

Biography score