Aerobic exercise types. Aerobic training: types and rules of performing exercises for fat burning. What exercises are considered aerobic?



A Aerobic exercise is exercise that increases breathing and heart rate for a relatively long time without disturbing the balance between oxygen consumption and use. Running, swimming, cycling, skiing, aerobic dancing and many other types of physical activity in which loads are not performed with maximum effort for a fairly long period of time are considered aerobic.

It has been established that regular aerobic exercise for several weeks gives the following training effect: the physical condition of the body improves, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves and the individual ability to withstand strenuous load increases, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the correctly chosen method of aerobic exercise brings the fastest “fat burning” results.

In order to achieve a greater effect, it is necessary to train, according to experts, at an intensity that provides a heart rate (heart rate) of 65-80% of the maximum. First of all, learn to determine your pulse at rest, count it on your wrist or neck; It is most effective to purchase a heart rate monitor in the form of a wristwatch.

You need to know your maximum heart rate. For women it is 220 minus age. For example, a forty-year-old woman has a maximum heart rate of 180 beats/min, her optimal frequency for aerobic exercise it should be 65-80% of the maximum, that is, 117-114 beats/min.

This heart rate should be maintained for at least 20 minutes of continuous exercise. If you exercise at this intensity 4 times a week, you will quickly feel the training effect: your heart will become stronger, your figure will improve in physical shape.

Experts' opinions on how intensely you should train differ slightly. We recommend combining or alternating high- and low-intensity exercise, with the only difference being that exercise performed at a lower intensity at a lower heart rate equal to, for example, 50% of maximum, should be carried out over a longer period of time. So, walking can be effective means aerobic training, if the load is sufficient. For example, you can walk 5 km in 45 minutes 5 times a week, or run 3.2 km in less than 20 minutes 4 times a week.

Choose aerobic exercises that you enjoy and enjoy doing. It is important not only to choose the right place to study, but also to determine how you will get there and return. Obviously, you should not choose swimming if the pool is located at a distance of 30 km from you, and the time allotted in the daily routine for classes is only 45 minutes. Also, are you a good enough swimmer to perform at the high pace required. For example, if you are not a very good swimmer or skier, it will simply be impossible to perform the required amount of aerobic exercise and achieve the required increase in heart rate: you will spend too much effort on practicing the technique and you will not be able to raise your heart rate to the limits that provide a training effect.

Consider whether the type of activity you have chosen requires a partner. If so, how easy is it for you to find it? Scientific research has shown that less intense activities, such as walking, are much less likely to cause injury. With the help of similar types physical activity you can achieve the same effect as with high intensity training, it will just take more time.

It would also be a good idea to consult with your doctor, especially if you are over forty or your weight is 9 kg above normal. If any persistent pain occurs during exercise, stop exercising and consult a physician. Pain or discomfort should always be a signal to stop.

Increase the load gradually. Don't force yourself to do heavy workloads too quickly. If you have been in poor physical shape for many years, you cannot improve it in one or two evenings. An excellent means of load intensity is the “talk” test. If, for example, you can continue a conversation while running, then the intensity is acceptable. If you lose your breath and are unable to carry on a conversation, the load is higher than acceptable.

For any aerobic exercise program to benefit maximum effect, you should follow four main phases - warm-up, aerobic exercise, cool-down, strength exercises, you can replace them with exercises to correct the waist and abdomen. It is very important to complete endurance training correctly and safely. In short, the body must be given the opportunity to gradually return to its pre-working state. Anyone who suddenly stops strenuous physical exercise is putting his heart in danger and even playing with death. This is why it is very important to properly cool down after each aerobic workout.

Its main principle is to never end an exercise with an abrupt stop. The drop in blood pressure during the cool-down should be gradual. This means you should keep moving, gradually slowing down. For example, if you regularly run, an effective cool-down is usually played by walking at a sufficiently fast pace. After walking, walk at a very slow pace, continuing to move for 3-5 minutes.

Observe the following requirements:

Do not stand still without moving, even at the moment when you measure your pulse;
. don't sit down;
. don't stop to talk to friends;
. If you feel nauseous or dizzy after a strenuous workout, simply lie on your back for a few minutes to allow your body to recover.

Let's take a closer look at the main and most effective types aerobic activity.

Cross-country skiing

This type belongs to the most difficult of all types of aerobic activity. This is mainly due to the fact that classes ski view sports require the participation of the majority muscle groups, including the muscles of the arms, legs and torso. If you have certain skills and abilities and if there are conditions for the lesson skiing, then this is a great opportunity to train the cardiovascular system.
There are, however, some “buts”, especially if you have never skied or live in a warm climate where such activities are impossible. But even if you good skier, anyway, you may come to the idea of ​​​​the need to engage in some other sport that is adequate to skiing. An equivalent substitute for skiing in the warm season can be running, roller skates or a simulator that simulates cross-country skiing.
You just need to remember that to achieve the desired training effect, you should devote at least 30 minutes to training, at least 3, or even 4 times a week.


Swimming ranks second after skiing among aerobic exercises. This is also because swimming uses the same major muscle groups as skiing. The regularity and intensity of the loads in swimming are almost the same as in skiing; You need to swim for 20 to 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. Good swimmers burn from 5 to 20 kcal per minute, depending on the style and speed of swimming. Swimming has a number of advantages over other types of endurance exercise. For example, it is much easier for the musculoskeletal system to work in water due to its low resistance, resulting in a greatly reduced likelihood of injury compared to running. In addition, swimming greatly strengthens the entire body as a whole.

Running is probably the most popular look aerobic exercises, since it does not require any special equipment or special conditions. Almost everyone can afford to buy a pair of running shoes, go outside and start running. The most important thing is to be guided by the following principle: “Start gradually and in no case overload yourself.” Running 4 times a week for 40 minutes is considered optimal, and maximum mileage per week should not exceed 24 km.

To prevent injury, follow these rules: Stretching - be sure to remember warm-up exercises; shoes - it is very important to choose the right running shoes; the harder the surface, the softer the shoes should be; covering - there is a direct connection between the type of covering and injuries, the worst covering is concrete, the best is synthetic, a smooth grassy field or an unpaved road is also considered a good covering. But if you don’t have to choose, then make very high demands on correct selection sports shoes. On initial stage try to choose a flat surface for running. In the future, with more highly trained, use running on very rough terrain.
It is very important to observe and correct technique running. Make sure that during exercise your entire torso, neck and arms are as relaxed as possible. Avoid running on your toes; you need to run “rolling”, that is, from heel to toe. Beginners often experience overtraining. The most common mistakes here come down to suddenly increasing the distance and intensity of your workouts, which can overload your body. Therefore, if you plan to increase the amount of physical activity, do it gradually.

Many people are skeptical about walking, not considering it an effective means of developing endurance. But this is far from true. Oddly enough, but walking belongs to five types physical activity, which maximally contribute to the development of aerobic abilities. Walking provides the same benefits as running or more strenuous activities, it just takes longer. You need to train 4-5 times a week, and walk a distance of 3 miles (about 5 km) in 45 minutes. However, you can reduce your training time by choosing a route that goes not along a flat area, but, say, up a slope, and if you pick up a pair of small dumbbells, you will not only reduce your training time, but will also achieve no less tangible results as if if you were jogging.

Aerobic training rules

Experts divide the entire range of your heart rate, from rest to maximum, into four zones that correspond to different levels of training intensity. This division is due to the fact that our body draws energy from different sources. Yes, fat is not the only source of energy for your activities. There are also amino acids muscle tissue, glycogen, blood sugar, etc. And in each of the zones, the body gives preference to one source, not necessarily fat. It is possible that you have been doing aerobic exercise for a long time and persistently, but at a heart rate that does not burn fat at all. By the way, this is precisely the zone of maximum aerobic intensity that many women practice until they drop, and the huge amount of sweat they shed does not guarantee success.

Let's take a closer look at each of the zones.

Zone 1: low intensity.

The main sources of energy in this zone are fat and glucose. An individual assessment of the load is approximately 3-4 points, that is, heart rate: 50-60% of the maximum.
Purpose of this zone: Used for warm-up or cool-down, as a means of recovery after strength training, can be used as a rest phase when interval training.
The frequency of use of this zone should be as follows: at each workout as a warm-up or cool-down. The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are: swimming, skiing, skating, walking, bicycle ergometer, stepper, elliptical trainer.
How you feel or how you feel: you can carry on a conversation, you don’t have time to sweat, the workload is easy. Advantages of zone 1: quickly stimulates increased blood circulation in the body during warm-up, “warms up the muscles” well, and ensures that the heart rate returns to normal after heavy physical exertion.

Zone 2: medium intensity.

The main sources of energy in this zone are: fat and glycogen, that is, blood sugar previously accumulated in the liver.
An individual assessment of the load (or as it is usually pronounced in the abbreviation ION) is approximately 5-7 points, that is, heart rate: 70-85% of the maximum.
The purpose of this zone: increasing overall physical endurance; used to “interrupt” the rhythm of heavy aerobic training.
The frequency of training should be as follows: 1-2 times a week. Assuming 4-5 aerobic workouts per week, 1-2 of them should be carried out in zone 2 and “interspersed” with heavy training.
The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are: dance aerobics, step aerobics (step platform), jogging, treadmill, elliptical trainer, bicycle ergometer (moderate pace), stepper.
Well-being and your feelings: you will be able to exchange words in a conversation, but if you want to tell something, you will begin to choke. Intuitively, many gym clients prefer this level, but there is a serious reduction excess weight cannot be obtained from zone 2.
The advantages of zone 2 are as follows: endurance increases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and in combination with a diet it gives a weight loss effect.

Zone 3: increased intensity.

The main source of energy in this zone is: glycogen; if you have been exercising for more than a year and a half, then fat. Individual load assessment is 8-9 points, that is, heart rate: 85-92% of the maximum.
The purpose of this zone: if used as part of interval training, then against the background of a diet it gives a pronounced weight loss effect. However, if the training experience is more than 2-3 years, this zone has no effect. Practice it no more than once a week to “break up” the training monotony.
The frequency of training should be as follows: 2 times, subject to 4-5 aerobic workouts per week. The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are: running, cycling, bicycle ergometer, stepper, treadmill.
How you feel or how you feel: it’s impossible to talk, your breathing is rapid, you feel a burning sensation in your muscles, you want to slow down.
The benefits of this zone are as follows: improves heart function, increases endurance, and burns a large number of calories.

Zone 4: High intensity.

The main sources of energy in this zone are: glycogen, amino acids of muscle tissue.
Individual load assessment or ION is approximately 10 points - heart rate: 95-100% of the maximum.
The purpose of this zone: it is used for interval training, provides a huge energy expenditure, and, along with a diet, gives a quick weight loss effect.
The frequency of training should be as follows: 1-3 times a week.
The optimal types of aerobics for this zone are: bicycle ergometer, sprinting.
How you feel or how you feel: muscles are burning, there is not enough air, your heart is pounding.
The benefits of this zone are as follows: improves physical fitness, pushes the limits of the cardiovascular system, burns a lot of calories.

I have given several definitions of aerobic exercise. They all boil down to the fact that these are exercises that require large amounts of oxygen over a long period of time and inevitably force the body to improve its systems responsible for oxygen transport, that is, exercises that are performed by the body in the so-called steady state.

Let's look at this from a slightly different angle. You should know that as you sit quietly and read this book, you are in an aerobic steady state. Why? Because you breathe regularly and rhythmically and will continue to inhale and exhale air as long as you are alive. Your main difference from, say, a marathon runner is that his steady state is accompanied by a greater release of energy than yours. The level of its energy production is 12-15 times higher than the level of your basal metabolic rate, or the level of energy released at rest. Your breathing rate and heart rate are not high enough to place the same demands on your body as they do as a runner. And the body’s response to increased demands is observed with many types of aerobic exercise and is called the training effect, or positive physical changes.

Here are some such shifts:

  • the total blood volume increases so much that the ability to transport oxygen improves, and therefore the person shows greater endurance during strenuous physical activity;
  • Lung volume increases, and some studies link increased lung capacity with higher life expectancy;
  • the heart muscle is strengthened, better supplied with blood, with each beat the heart is able to eject more blood;
  • the content of high-density lipoproteins increases, the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL decreases, which reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Aerobic exercise is usually associated with overcoming long distances at a slow pace, rather than performing high-speed bursts. But even athletes who specialize in anaerobic sports improve when they increase their aerobic capacity through distance running.

American football training illustrates this principle perfectly. Before the wonderful era of aerobics arrived in the late 1960s, coaches taught American football players to focus all their efforts on speed training and building muscle mass. As a result, the players became strong and fast, but their energy was depleted by the second half of the match. This may be why the frequency of injuries in American football is noticeably higher in the second half of the game than in the first.

It is also well known that the greatest number of skier injuries occur at the end of a severe training day, just before the lifts close. This fact again calls attention to the connection between fatigue and injury and shows the need to develop aerobic capacity in all athletes, regardless of sport.

My experience in consulting with many professional athletes and their coaches has convinced me that a rigorous year-long aerobics program for most team sports will provide at least the following benefits:

1. Reducing the incidence of injuries. As I said before, a fatigued athlete is more susceptible to injury. But if an aerobic training program can delay the onset of fatigue, the incidence of injury decreases. The Dallas Cowboys, under the supervision and direction of Dr. Bob Ward, used the principles of aerobic training for some time, and from 1977 to 1982 they recorded the lowest football league(NFL) injury rate.

2. Better performance in the second half of the game. It's no coincidence that the Dallas Cowboys are called the "second half" team.

3. High performance in last matches season. According to many NFL coaches, the level of the winner and the rest of the teams is almost the same. Any specialist knows that every professional team can beat the other on any Sunday. At the same time, every team, in preparation for the games, strives to acquire qualities that will give it an advantage at the beginning of the season. But as performance declines due to injuries and poor endurance, the advantage shifts to teams with better aerobic performance.

4. Finally, aerobics will help a professional athlete prolong his athletic life. A great example was Roger Staubach, linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys. His decision to retire at 38 did not mean he was in bad shape. Even at age 40, he had good aerobic capacity (he ran 6.5 kilometers in less than 27 minutes and endured 30 minutes on the treadmill during the Bolk test).

So, I have described five categories of exercise. We must remember that they are not mutually exclusive. As I said before, almost any aerobic exercise has an anaerobic component. And, of course, for those involved in aerobic sports (for example, running or swimming), it is important to add exercises to develop strength to the main endurance training.

What is this connected with? There are at least two reasons: by improving the strength and mobility of major muscle groups, you can achieve improved performance in any sport; By paying attention to muscle development and elasticity, you can reduce the risk of injury, no matter what sport you enjoy.

It is difficult to protect yourself from injury if you do not set aside time for isotonic or isometric training. Gymnastic exercises and weight training are needed in order to make sharp turns or sharply change speed during the game. But muscle development exercises are carried out in addition to one of the aerobics programs or in combination with it, but by no means instead of it.

Circuit strength training can be used as a means of developing both strength and aerobic capacity. Research conducted at the Aerobics Center led to the following results - Table 7.

As you can see, aerobic capacity can be increased by using more than one type. physical activity. But aerobics is already in itself effective form workout.

Table 7. Effect of training on the development of physical qualities

Once you have decided to start training at any fitness club, you need to carefully consider your sports program. For most people, a professional consultation with a trainer is simply necessary, who in each individual case will be able to select in accordance with the characteristics physical training person.

Surely many of you have heard about “cardio”, or which increases the effectiveness of training several times, promotes weight loss, and also reduces the risk of disease. At the same time, few people know about anaerobic exercise, which can also be safely classified as exercise that is beneficial for the cardiovascular system.

Anyone who decides to play sports should know the difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercises - this will help you choose the most suitable option for yourself.

In the general sense of the word, anaerobes are organisms that obtain energy even with a limited supply of oxygen, due to substrate phosphorylation. By analogy, exercises performed by a person with a limited supply of oxygen to the body are called anaerobic. They are performed using the energy stored in the muscles. This is their significant difference from aerobic exercises, which require more oxygen entering the human body during breathing.

Anaerobic exercise is associated with any heavy and fast physical training. These include sprint running, jumping rope, cycling, weightlifting, overcoming steep climbs, etc.

The fact is that during intense exercise, they experience an acute lack of oxygen, so the carbohydrates in the body are broken down without its participation. Lactic acid is produced - a breakdown product of glucose. The feeling of fatigue appears when enough has already accumulated in the blood, so anaerobic exercise is considered short-term. However, gradually the human body adapts and accepts the accumulating lactic acid more easily. The training time increases, and the person no longer feels tired so quickly.

Anaerobic exercise promotes intense use of muscle energy in a short period of time. It is thanks to this that the muscles are strengthened, as well as the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Through such training, over time, a person can increase his body's ability to resist the accumulation of toxins and speed up their elimination. We can safely say that people for whom anaerobic training has become a habitual activity have increased endurance, and they can fight fatigue much more successfully than others.

It is not surprising that such activities help in the fight against overweight- after all, muscle mass increases and strengthens, which means there is no room for fat.

Anaerobic exercise should primarily be performed by those who want to increase their strength. In general, they are useful for any person - after all, who doesn’t dream of being more resilient and not getting tired so quickly? But before you start such training, you need to know a few simple rules, compliance with which will help to conduct classes as efficiently as possible.

So, first of all, you need to critically evaluate your level. If you are new to sports, you need to start with moderate anaerobic exercise. You should prepare your body by giving it more simple exercises, and after a few weeks you can move on to more intense training.

It is imperative to do a warm-up before starting a workout and a “cool-down” (stretching and relaxation exercises) after finishing the workout.

Anaerobic exercise is contraindicated during pregnancy. But for women who want to get rid of unnecessary fat, such workouts will help them achieve a slimmer figure.

Look after yourself, lead active image life is possible different ways. There are a lot of exercises that will help not only strengthen your body, but also lose weight. Anaerobic training is one of the most popular, because it can be performed both in the gym and at home.

What is anaerobic exercise

Before describing in more detail the effects of anaerobic loads on humans and what they are, you should find out what this concept means. Anaerobic is a type of physical activity for which energy is produced without the help of oxygen. In other words, this type of strength exercise includes movements of an explosive nature. The energy to perform them comes from the body’s reserves, so an anaerobic exercise can be called a load using force in the first 2-3 minutes. After this, the muscles are given rest, or the exercise becomes aerobic.

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise

To explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise, you need to understand the chemical processes that occur in our body during exercise. The lack of oxygen ensures the combustion (or breakdown) of glucose in muscle cells. From this process the human body draws its energy to perform certain strength exercises. Unlike aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise (running, jumping, cycling) lasts very little, literally a few minutes, while aerobic exercise can last an hour or two (energy comes from oxygen).

Oxygen starvation is able to resist toxins, or in other words, the formation of lactic acid, and then accelerates its elimination. Over time, sensitivity to acid decreases, and you will no longer feel discomfort after training. The so-called “resistance to fatigue” occurs, due to which the endurance of the entire body increases.

Anaerobic training

The most famous anaerobic trainings are powerlifting, bodybuilding, training on simulators, speed running on short distances, fast driving on a bicycle and others. The greatest muscle tension occurs within a few seconds, and sometimes can last up to several minutes. After this, you need to relax and rest for a while before moving on to a new approach. Anaerobic exercise may consist of different exercises, but they will have one thing in common - high-intensity work with weights is performed for a short period of time, as long as there is enough energy.

Anaerobic training is very beneficial for the cardiovascular system, it increases endurance and helps eliminate toxins. With a protein diet, such muscle strengthening will have a great effect on their growth, so the appearance of muscle relief on the body will not take long. Barbells, heavy weights, exercises on certain machines, sprinting - all this relates to anaerobics and is actively used professional athletes(and not only) for burning fat.

Anaerobic training for weight loss

If it may seem to someone that anaerobic training for weight loss is not very suitable, then this is not so. There is a whole set of exercises thanks to which a person can get rid of extra pounds, reduce your volumes. Anaerobics burns sugar well, so 20-30 minutes of such movements will bring greater benefits than jogging or nordic walking. To lose weight, sign up for Gym, work out with a trainer who will plan each session taking into account your form and guide you towards your goal.

If you follow all the rules and proper nutrition, results will begin to appear within a month. Belly fat will gradually disappear, muscles will begin to pump, and you will notice their growth. It is also very important to ensure the removal of toxins through drinking plenty of fluids. Rest after intense workout can be organized in a sauna or bathhouse so that the muscles warm up and do not hurt the next day.

Anaerobic gymnastics

The static-dynamic mode, which is used in anaerobic gymnastics, involves all types muscle fibers simultaneously in the absence of a relaxation phase. Thanks to this, the training effect is enhanced, in contrast to the ordinary aerobic regime. As a result, after 20 minutes of such a load, the result can be compared with an hour of aerobics training. At the same time, you will not feel overload or strain. Exercises should be performed “from simple to complex,” which reduces the risk of injury to a minimum.

The peculiarity of this type of gymnastics is that the effect will begin to appear very soon, and it will last for a long time. Exercise at least a couple of times a week, and you will not only get rid of fat deposits and increase muscle mass, but you will also forget about problems such as abdominal, back and neck spasms, obesity, back and joint pain, constipation, etc. The following types of strength training can reduce abdominal fat (in the belly area):

  • lifting the bar;
  • working with dumbbells;
  • speed running for short distances (cycling);
  • jumping rope;
  • push-ups, pull-ups;
  • climbing a steep mountain.

Many people associate aerobics with graceful dance movements. And combine it with strength training, including hard work with dumbbells, a barbell, seemed impossible until recently.

But it turned out that it is not only possible, but also advisable. This is confirmed by recent studies by sports doctors, who have proven an amazing effect on fat deposits the human body combination of such “incompatible” loads. The rate of weight loss accelerates by 2…3 times.

Aerobic and anaerobic training in this symbiosis can perform functions that are very useful for those involved in strength training. This is strengthening the cardiovascular system, “warming up” the muscles before exercise, and increasing their endurance. Particularly useful aerobic training after strength training, when it is necessary to restore the pulse, to “calm down” the stressed muscles.

Aerobic exercise today includes more than just dancing and running. This includes exercise on an exercise bike, rowing, rhythmic gymnastics, with a jump rope, a real bicycle. Scientists called them a cyclic load, performed at a pulse increased from the maximum by 60%...70% and within a certain period of time. The latter is limited to half the intensity of the MPC.

The MOC indicator is individual and characterizes how much maximum oxygen the body can consume in order to perform a certain exercise. Naturally, it indirectly indicates the power of physical activity.

In practice, aerobic training at home is considered correct and effective if, within 1 hour, doing simple exercises With a large number of repetitions, the practitioner experiences an optimal and constant heart rate.

Optimal heart rate

The work of the heart during aerobic exercise is characterized by heart rate (heart rate) in a certain period of time. Its optimal indicator depends on the age of the student. And it is necessary to select the permissible maximum load.

To calculate it, first determine the “training zone” - the maximum permissible (HRmax) heart rate value for a person. It is obtained by subtracting from the number 220 the biological age of the student. For example, for a 30-year-old person, heart ratemax = 190 (220-30).

Next, the resulting number is multiplied by factors of 0.6 and 0.7. Two heart rate values ​​are obtained: 114 (190 X 0.6) and 130 (190 X 0.7). From calculations, the optimal heart rate for aerobics will be one that is in the range of 114...130 contractions per minute.

Naturally, what younger man, the higher the interval values. For a 20-year-old student it is equal to 120...140 heartbeats per minute, for a 30-year-old 114...130, for a 40-year-old 108...126, for a 50-year-old 102...119, for a 60-year-old 96...112, for a 70-year-old - summer 90...105.

“Removing” excess weight with aerobics

Really aerobic training for weight loss it is effective only if you practice it for at least half an hour daily. Less prolonged exercise does not bring results, since the breakdown of fat in the body begins to occur only after 20...30 minutes of active exercise.

Physiological processes in the body during aerobic exercise

It is known that fats and carbohydrates are the main suppliers of energy to the human body. Carbohydrates are broken down easily, so they are “used up” to maintain strength in the first 20...30 minutes of active exercise.

By the end of the period, the amount of insulin and glycogen in the body is reduced to a minimum. And this is what “turns on” fats, which after half an hour of exercise become practically the only source of energy for the muscles of the body. And as they are spent, they lead to a decrease in the overall weight of the student.

There are lipotropic drugs, the use of which during aerobic training at home helps to reduce the time it takes for fats to start working. However, they themselves practically do not solve the problem of excess weight. And they can be used comprehensively, as an additive to a set of exercises, while helping to somewhat accelerate the process of removing fat from the body.

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend that you lose too much weight. The most optimal is 3 kg per month. You shouldn’t despair, because this is not just losing excess weight, but fat. Moreover, it is guaranteed, which should please the student.

Greater weight loss occurs more frequently due to the loss of energy reserves that are stored in the body's muscles and internal organs. And this, together with losing weight, leads to a weakening of the body and the emergence of reasons for unhealthy sensations.

The process of “leaving” fat from the body during aerobic exercise intense in the first month of training. Then it stabilizes and the rate of weight loss decreases. This is a normal process indicating that a person has reached their optimal weight. At this time, it is worth monitoring not the rate of decrease in body weight, but the acquisition of normal shape. Which is more significant and brings a lot of pleasant sensations.

Aerobic strength training

Strength training should be added to aerobic training gradually. They can be performed while visiting the gym or at home, for example, with dumbbells. You can start by “playing” with heavy weights before aerobics. Scientists from Japan have proven that 20 minutes of such exercise helps burn 10% more fat. The intensity level of strength exercises should be low, with light weights, and with a high number of repetitions.

The main thing in strength exercises when doing aerobics - the opportunity to shape your figure. Aerobic exercise itself can only help in reducing body fat. Working with metal makes it easier to maintain weight in the future, strengthens the spine, prevents the appearance of hernias in it, and has a beneficial effect on the abdominal cavity.

Aerobic workout to burn fat

General weight loss, reset excess fat- the main reasons that make people engage physical exercise, in particular aerobics. At the same time, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the body’s performance and endurance increases, and the mental state improves.

If you decide to lose fat from your figure, you need to force yourself to exercise 3 times a week. Minimum (without 10-minute warm-up) 20 minutes. Such exercises allow you to reduce weight by 1.5 kg in 3 months. At the same time, guaranteed fat loss is 2 kg. That is, you, in addition to main task, strengthens your muscles, which will increase by 0.5 kg.

  • cardio training – programs adapted for fat burning;
  • brisk walking, which speeds up metabolism and the process of fat breakdown;
  • running, which acts similar to walking, but additionally loads the spine and joints;
  • swimming – strengthens the back muscles, corrects posture, adds additional load shoulder girdle; is the most harmonious type of conditioned aerobic exercise;
  • active games (football, volleyball, basketball), roller skating, cycling; the main thing here is the duration of the load;
  • strength exercises: they help maintain muscle mass, make the figure toned and sculpted.

Especially for- V.A.N.