Aerobics for children: at what age and what are the benefits. Children's fitness - sports are needed not only by adults Fitness exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

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2 State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg ACCEPTED APPROVED by the State Pedagogical Council Head of the state budgetary budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 kindergarten 28 Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg N.V. Chistyakova Protocol from Order from Work program “Baby fitness” for children from 2 to 3 years old Author-compiler: Lopatina Svetlana Sergeevna teacher of additional education

3 Explanatory note The regulatory framework for drawing up the program is the following regulatory documents: Law Russian Federation“On education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012, 273-FZ SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"Charter of the GBDOU, approved by order of the administration of the Kirovsky district St. Petersburg Decision of the Pedagogical Council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution on additional education of children. “I am not afraid to repeat again and again: Taking care of health is the most important work of an educator. Their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength of knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the cheerfulness and vigor of children.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky RELEVANCE OF THE PROGRAM Modern statistical data indicate an annual decline in the level of physical and psycho-emotional health of children preschool age(T.E. Tokaeva). The main reasons that have a negative impact on the health of a preschooler are an increase in mental stress and a decrease in the opportunity for motor and emotional rest. Also important is the low level of parental knowledge about the child, his interests, needs and capabilities. The Concept of Preschool Education gives a leading place to solving problems related to the protection and promotion of children's health. Today, preserving and strengthening children’s health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country’s development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population of the Russian Federation”, “On Approval main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation”, etc. “An urgent task physical education, says the Concept, is a search effective means improving the development of the motor sphere of preschool children based on the formation of their need for movement.” The implementation of the most important provisions of the Concept related to the protection and promotion of children’s health has intensified the search for new technologies for physical education health work, assessment of the health and physical development of children. Such well-known scientists in the field of preschool education as V.G. played a major role in this direction. Alyamovskaya, L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Alieva, O.M. Dyachenko, S.M. Martynova, M.N. Kuznetsova and many others. Before preschool institutions Great positive opportunities are now open in terms of providing conditions for optimizing physical education and health work. The preschool period is an extremely important stage in a child’s life. The child is born helpless, with the only ability to learn everything over time. He is not born with a ready-made set of movements, but masters them in the process of life. Movement training has an impact on the health, general physical development, development of cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, emotionality of the child, i.e. to his inner world. Movement training contributes to the harmonious development of personality, improvement of both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities. By learning movements, a child acquires the knowledge necessary for his conscious motor activity and gains experience in their implementation, including creative ones.

4 Learning movements contributes to the child’s awareness of himself as an individual, develops in him the need to improve his own nature, and creates the prerequisites for the realization of his individuality. By performing a variety of movements, the child gets the opportunity to improve himself, and an interest and love for physical education is formed. Preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, as the main task of a preschool educational institution, should also be based on the child’s conscious attitude towards his health, which should become a system-forming factor in the modernized physical education and health activities.

5 Target section IMPORTANCE OF THE PROGRAM: Implementing the basic health program, we strived to ensure that the physical system we developed. education, including innovative forms and methods, was organically included in the life of the kindergarten, would not over-organize children, solved issues of psychological well-being, moral education, had a connection with other types of activities, and most importantly, children liked it. The development of children would be ensured through the creation of a developmental environment and the implementation of certain pedagogical technologies. The “Baby Fitness” program is a comprehensive system for raising a preschool child who is healthy physically and morally, comprehensively developed, proactive and liberated, with a developed sense of self-esteem. Usage various techniques, traditional programs and methods, as well as innovative ones to strengthen and preserve the health of children, teachers, and parents. The emphasis of health-improving work is on the development of the child’s motor activity. Classes are structured taking into account age criteria. Dance fitness is a physical education and health activity involving dance exercises and dance music. All exercises are aimed at strengthening physical health children and the prevention of disorders such as scoliosis, flat feet, increased excitability. And dance music is aimed at emotional development. As in rhythm, fitness classes use musical accompaniment, but more work is done with equipment: large exercise balls with “horns”, a tactile track, a trampoline, a tunnel, gymnastic sticks, hoops, balls, scarves, pyramids . PURPOSE: Promoting the formation and development of basic motor skills, visual and auditory attention, and communication skills. OBJECTIVES: improving the health of children, strengthening child-adult relationships, developing children’s decision-making skills through participation in games, developing the ability to hear an adult or teacher and follow instructions

6 THEMATIC CONTENT: Content section Constant part: exercises with a ball, hoop, handkerchief, gymnastic stick, trampoline exercises, ball rolling Variable part: relay races (children's pyramids), obstacle course, tunnel, games to develop skills. All classes are held with the use of toys (bi-ba-bo, soft ones) and the structure of the lesson is set up with a logically unified plot and twisting of the game plot. Based on the goals of the program, it is planned to solve the following main tasks for children 2-3 years old. 1. Health promotion: help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system; form correct posture; promote the prevention of flat feet; promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems body. 2 Improving the psychomotor abilities of preschoolers: develop muscle strength, flexibility, endurance, proprioceptive sensitivity, speed-strength and coordination abilities; promote the development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music; to develop skills of expressiveness, plasticity, grace and elegance of dance movements and dances; develop manual dexterity and fine motor skills. 3. Development of creative and constructive abilities of those involved: develop thinking, imagination, resourcefulness and cognitive activity, broaden their horizons; develop skills of independent expression of movements to music; develop skills of emotional expression, freedom and creativity in movements. Features of the age group of children Age of children participating in the implementation of the program: 1 year of education children 2 3 years Junior preschool age Timing for the implementation of the additional educational program. This educational program lasts one year. Forms and mode of classes Classes are held once a week in the afternoon. First year of education children 2 3 years old Junior preschool 15 minutes age (one academic hour)

7 month lesson Thematic planning on academic year Lesson topic 1 “Introductory lesson”: getting to know children and parents. Development fine motor skills, massage with hedgehogs, introduction to fingers. Aerobics for kids - “Gymnastics with mom.” Warm-up, games with sports equipment. Obstacle course - “We practiced for a whole hour.” Development of movement coordination. Exercises on the ball - “Let’s jump.” Strengthening muscles and flexibility of the spine. October November 2 Development of fine motor skills, familiarization with objects. Aerobics, meeting children. A track with an obstacle - developing the baby's endurance. Exercises on the ball - “Top-stomp with your feet.” 3 Motor skills. Dancing for sustainability. Path with an obstacle. Increasing the complexity of exercises. Exercise: baby on a ball. 4 Motor skills. Box of balls. Development of tactile sensations. Aerobics for kids. The concept of “big” and “small”. Path with an obstacle. Exercise on the ball. Let's jump. 1 Repeat after the teacher. "Game with a ball." Baby yoga with parents. (Kitty, cobra). Path with an obstacle. Somersault exercises. Exercises on the ball. Tummy exercise. Strengthening abdominals. 2 Repetition of fine motor skills. Exercises for moving objects. Path with an obstacle. Strengthening muscle strength, development of coordination. Exercises on the ball. Rocking the baby from side to side. 3 Shifting objects - “Gymnastics for fingers.” Development of motor skills, strengthening the baby’s nervous connection. Dance games. Obstacle course - “We practiced for a whole hour.”

8 December January February Development of coordination of movements. Exercises on the ball: strengthening the back. 4 Development of fine motor skills. Development and accuracy of movements of both hands. Physical exercises - “Let’s jump, run.” For perception, sensation, attention, memory, thinking. Visual exercises- “We studied for a whole hour.” Repeating movements, clapping. Hand clapping - “What we love: clapping, spinning, stomping.” Development of flexibility upper limbs body parts 1 Sorting objects. Brain development, thinking. Exercise with a ball. Development of coordination of eye and hand movements. Tactile sensations with adults. Path with an obstacle. Complication of movements. Exercises on the ball. 2 Motor skills. "Birds in winter." Baby yoga with parents. Path with an obstacle. Somersaults and running exercises. Hedgehog massage as a game. 3 Baby fitness “gymnastics with mom.” 4 Cubes. Making a house out of them. Path with an obstacle. Repetition and complication of movements. 1 Massage with hedgehogs. Transfer to the house. Baby fitness. Path with an obstacle. Somersault exercises Exercises on balls, rolling balls. 2 Physical exercises - “We stomp, stomp, stomp with our feet”, we clap-clap with our hands. Path with an obstacle. 3 Exercises “Clapping feet”. Strengthening the arches of the feet. Exercises "Clapping your hands." Crossing our arms, hugging ourselves and letting go. Coordination exercises. 4 Baby fitness. Stretching exercises. Hedgehog massage - “Legs, arms.” For blood circulation, tactile sensitivity. 1 Development, accuracy of movements of both hands. "Let's run to dance." Path with an obstacle. Games with small balls.

9 March April 2 Aerobics for kids - “Dancing with Mom”. Learning dance steps and movements. 3 Games with objects - “Our fingers”. Baby stability exercises. Same and different (color, size). Path with an obstacle. 4 Baby fitness. Visual exercises. "Exercises on the ball." Improving balance 1 Baby fitness. Improvisation for kids. "Exercises on the ball." 2 “Baby fitness. Path with an obstacle - “We are going.” Concentration of attention. 3 “Visual exercises” for kids and adults. Development of attention. Games with hedgehogs. 4 “Exercises on the ball.” On the tummy, on the back. Strengthening muscles. Path with an obstacle. 1 Rhythmic movements to music - “You clap with us.” Development of a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention. Exercises on the ball, massage with hedgehogs. 2 “Let’s run to dance.” “Improvisation.” Relaxation of the body and muscles. Image of various animals. 3 Baby fitness. Exercises on balls. Strengthening ligaments. 4 “Exercises on balls.” Strengthening the strength and flexibility of the baby's spine.

10 Organizational section FUNDS REQUIRED FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM 1. Printed products Implemented under the program of additional education for children in physical culture and health, based on the “Baby Fitness” Program by O. Kalinin. 2. Technical means training CD player Projection screen (to watch children's performances together) Music fund 3.Equipment Classes are held in the music room of a preschool educational institution Balls Jump ropes Hoops Rugs (individual) Ribbons Sultans Soft toys for story-based lessons Handouts “seasons” (leaves, flowers, snowballs, rain) Gymnastic mats Tonel Flags

11 ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the GBDOU kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg Protocol from I APPROVED Head of the state budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg N.V. Chistyakova Order from CALENDAR EDUCATION SCHEDULE to work program“Baby fitness” for children from 2 to 3 years old St. Petersburg

12 Duration of the school year for additional education of children: Beginning training sessions for additional education of children October 01, 2015 End of school hours April 30, 2016 Implemented under the “Baby Fitness” program for additional education of children Formation of additional education groups for children: October 1, 2015 to October 30, 2015 Winter holidays: December 31, 2014 to January 11, 2016 Summer holidays: June 01, 2016 to August 31, 2016 Regulations of the educational process of additional education for children: Monday: Duration of the school week: Five-day school week Class schedule: Classes are held according to the schedule approved by the head of the GBDOU kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg. The number of hours allocated for students to master the curriculum per week is: Children from 2 to 3 years old - 10 minutes, - continuous directly educational activities A rest break between each lesson of minutes. Parent meetings on additional education for children are held at the beginning of the school year (September). Consultations for parents on additional education for children are held according to the approved schedule.

13 ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council of the GBDOU kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg Protocol from I APPROVED Head of the state budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg N.V. Chistyakova Order from the CURRICULUM to the work program “Baby Fitness” for children from 2 up to 3 years St. Petersburg

14 EXPLANATORY NOTE The curriculum for the additional program of additional education for children “Babyfitness” of the state budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg is a document regulating the organization of the educational process. The regulatory basis for drawing up the curriculum is the following regulatory documents: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 273-FZ., SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” Charter of the State Budgetary Educational Institution, approved by order of the administration of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg. Decision of the Council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution on additional paid education for children. II. General provisions 2.1. The organization of the educational process is regulated by the calendar schedule and class schedule, which are developed and approved by the educational institution. Classes in the additional program of additional education for children are held in the afternoon after nap time. The duration of classes in the additional program is: For children 2-3 years old - 10 minutes; 2.3. As forms of organizing the educational process according to additional program Additional children's education uses: games; classes; audio and video lessons; open classes for parents. III. Curriculum structure

15 3.1. The list of additional education programs for children is formed based on requests from students and their parents ( legal representatives) and is approved by the education department of the administration of the Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg. "Baby Fitness" Designed for children junior groups, is implemented under the Program of additional education for children with a physical education and health focus. Program Type Quantity Qty Qty Total additional classes educational educational hours educational hours in paid months a week groups of educational services for one week educational group 1 “Baby fitness” group October 2015 November 2015 December 2015 January February 2016 for children from 2-3 years old March 2016 April 2016

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 28 of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg ACCEPTED APPROVED by the State Pedagogical Council Head of the State

CONTENTS 1. Explanatory note....4 p. 2. Calendar-thematic plan 10-11 p. 3. Contents of the program...12 p. 4. Methodological support.. 13 p. 5. References 33 pages “I’m not afraid yet

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2 Contents: 1. Explanatory note 3 2. Educational and thematic plan 5 3. Calendar and thematic plan 6 4. Lesson plan 6 5. Contents of the program 11 6. Methodological support of the program 14 7. Literature

1 Explanatory note The term “aerobics” was first introduced by Dr. Kenneth Cooper, a famous American specialist in the field of mass physical culture. His book was first published in 1963

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IN childhood it is necessary to lay the foundations for the formation of physical health. Aerobics for children is one of the ways to engage younger generation to the right way of life.

The exercise program is carried out in a playful and exciting way, which makes playing sports interesting and fun. Let's consider the features of children's aerobics classes and their benefits for the growing body.

The benefits of children's fitness aerobics

Aerobics is not only a set of exercises aimed at weight loss, but also a rather complex sport. It intertwines various artistic elements taken from dance, gymnastics, fitness and tap. In this case, the execution of movements is accompanied by rhythmic music, as in a dance.

When competitions are held, judges evaluate the performance according to the following parameters:

  • mastery of performance
  • interaction
  • emotions of partners.

Athletes demonstrating their abilities in competitions must be flexible, endurance, artistic and have good coordination. They are required to demonstrate the presence of these qualities and the level of complexity of the program being performed - individually and in groups.

In order to achieve good results, you need to practice with early age. Children's sports aerobics can begin at the age of 5–7 years.

At the same time, it is important that there are no contraindications to playing this sport and that the child has plasticity. In addition, he must have a desire to attend aerobic training.

Adults must understand that they should not expect children to quick results, because the sport exercises Aerobics, being very complex, require labor-intensive work over many years.

  1. Fitness aerobics for children develops character and endurance, even if the person does not become Olympic champion.
  2. In addition, people involved in this sport are distinguished by their posture, excellent physical fitness, grace and good health.

Children's aerobics is a fun and interesting sport.

Features of aerobic exercise

To conduct children's aerobics classes, special children's rooms and halls are equipped. It is important to have swings, ropes, a children's sports complex, etc.

The workouts are based on aerobic steps specially adapted for children. When drawing up a program and developing a set of exercises, not only the age of the students is taken into account, but also their interests and level of development.

It is important to prepare children a uniform for classes so that the clothes emphasize the focus of the training. These should be one-piece swimsuits without deep cutouts on the top. The child should be able to move comfortably.

Advice from nutritionist Irina Shilina
Healthy eating incompatible with strict dietary restrictions, malnutrition and long fasting. There is no need to strive for abnormal thinness by depriving yourself of food that brings pleasure. Pay attention to the latest weight loss techniques.

According to experts, children as young as 1 year can perform exercises to music. The duration of classes is determined depending on the age group.

For example, for children under 2 years old it should be a maximum of 10 minutes, and by the age of three it can be increased to 20 minutes. In addition, modern methods allow a child up to 3 years old to study with his mother.

Little athletes start with three workouts in Week. Then the number of classes gradually increases to 2 times a day.

Sports aerobics includes the following acrobatic and gymnastic elements:

  1. Push ups various types.
  2. Demonstration of static forces (for example, the “corner” exercise).
  3. Body rotations in the air and jumps.
  4. Movements demonstrating flexibility and plasticity of the body (dance elements).

A set of exercises for each lesson is selected depending on the level of training and age of the children.

For example, basic complex with low load is suitable for everyone without exception. When the complex involves a high load, the lessons include muscle warm-up, jumping, walking, running and combined movements of varying loads for the arms and legs.

Low-load complexes involve performing exercises with one leg on the floor. In this case, the amplitude of horizontal arm movements should not exceed the height of the practitioner’s shoulders.

With a high shock load, all movements are performed in short-term flight. In this case, the arms are raised above shoulder level and both legs must be lifted off when performing the exercises.

Unlike classical exercises, physical activity during aerobics is given to children in a playful and exciting format.

A set of exercises for children's health

The effectiveness of these loads for the child’s body is high.

  • Regular attendance helps improve health, increase energy levels and channel children's hyperactivity in the right direction.
  • They also help improve the basic functions of the child's body.
Rescue from problems Health benefits
Nowadays, this sport is becoming the salvation of the younger generation from excess body weight, since children spend a lot of time at the computer and TV. The risk of developing obesity, heart disease, and cancer cells is reduced. Also, the great benefit of aerobics for children is to improve joint function and strengthen the respiratory system during physical activity.
Physically undeveloped children often get sick. The child's immunity increases. With regular exercise, the body is properly formed and developed.
As practice shows, a sedentary lifestyle also leads to disorders of the children's nervous system. Presenters active image Throughout life, children are ahead of their peers in terms of the early formation of thought processes and the rapid development of speech skills.

Children involved in aerobic sports, unlike children leading a sedentary lifestyle, have a strong bone structure and a lower risk of developing various diseases.

In addition, the psychological factor also plays an important role, since children with a love for sports grow up to be very active and cheerful.

Aerobics for children combines physical activity, sports, and entertainment. This great way to throw out excess energy, strengthen the body, put weight in order, learn to interact with the team. Movement to rhythmic music is a fascinating activity for children and adults.

What it is

Aerobic exercise refers to physical activity, at which they take place easy movement or moderate intensity. The main source for them is oxygen, which makes up 21% of the air (“air” in English). Another name for the discipline is Rhythmic gymnastics.

Features of children's aerobics:

  • Classes are held in gym, room with equipment (wall bars, soft modules, etc.).
  • A set of exercises is compiled taking into account the physical development and interests of those involved.
  • Movements for children should be easier and more varied than for adults.
  • Different durations of classes are set for age groups.
  • Aerobic steps are adapted to the capabilities of the growing body.

Children need special exercises, which help burn “extra” energy. It is necessary to create an atmosphere for free communication and the opportunity to express oneself.

Children's aerobics is less "routine". Classes are conducted in the form of an exciting game. Popular children's songs are chosen as musical accompaniment. They should be rhythmic and cheerful.

Parents can take the first step to getting their child interested and interested in aerobics at home. Movement to music and dancing should be encouraged. This is great fun and preparation for regular classes. Having become involved, the child will choose the music for his movements and come up with exercises.

The benefits of aerobics for children

The key advantage of aerobics for a growing body is its positive effect on psychomotor skills. Physical development is combined with the formation of coordination of movements and the ability to control one’s body, and increased activity.

The benefits of a set of aerobic exercises for a growing body:

  • Learning the ability to take steps and repetitions in a certain rhythm, to be attentive.
  • Improving the functioning of all systems of the child’s body, especially the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, and immune systems.
  • Socialization, namely, the opportunity to meet other children and communicate in a group.
  • Increased strength and dexterity of movements, the ability to perceive space.
  • Prevention of physical inactivity, obesity, colds, flat feet.
  • Building self-confidence in communicating with children and adults.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Strengthening your posture.

The primary importance of aerobics is to strengthen the skeleton and muscles. For teenagers, these types of exercises are important to develop flexibility and strength, and improve their figure. Classes help develop self-control, endurance, and determination.

Aerobics in preschool age additionally acts as a “lightning rod” for excessive physical activity. Classes help reduce aggressiveness, which is a consequence of the stress experienced by the child in the children's team.

Rhythmic movements to music are a useful alternative to sitting at the computer or in front of the TV. The child spends more time with peers and learns to make friends. Aerobics distracts from the yard company, which often corrupts children.

You can exercise outside, which is especially important for relieving mental and emotional stress. Physical activity and fresh air - double benefit for the body.


Aerobics for children is safe if classes are organized and taught by a specialist. It is important to learn how to warm up before training so that you do not get a muscle strain, bruise or other injury while performing complex movements.

The complex should be developed by a trainer taking into account age characteristics and restrictions. It is also necessary to ensure that the exercises are performed correctly. These are not disadvantages of aerobics, but just features that need to be paid attention to in order to avoid trouble.

It is difficult to name the disadvantages of an activity that has millions of fans. For those who conduct aerobics classes with children and parents, it is important to optimize the time devoted to classes. Children get carried away easily and can forget about studying.

Medical contraindications

There are very few of them, because if a child has developmental characteristics, a set of exercises can be selected in accordance with the state of the body. General contraindications include serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, musculoskeletal system, and respiratory organs.

Increased loads are contraindicated for children with diagnosed respiratory diseases; there should be light exercises. Swimming and yoga are useful for this category.

Aerobics classes are temporarily canceled for children who have acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Physical exercise prohibited for fever and colds.

From what age

You can start at an early age - from 1 to 3 years, by selecting exercises in the form of a game. Lesson programs for toddlers, preschoolers, and schoolchildren differ in complexity and duration.

Young children do aerobics 1 or 2 times for 8–10 minutes, older children - 2 or 3 times a week. Participants are not divided by gender. However, girls are more interested in rhythmic dance movements, while boys prefer exercises that develop strength and endurance.

Children 1.5–3 years old

An aerobics program for young children should not be difficult. The predominant movements are crawling, walking, and squatting. Music is selected from among familiar melodies - children's songs from cartoons. This technique is often used: they include special songs describing movements. Children listen and perform actions. You will need orthopedic mats, balls, rings, and toys for classes.

Preschoolers 4–6 years old

Aerobics for preschool children becomes more complex and acquires the features of a program for adults. Classes for 4-year-olds are becoming more varied and longer. Recommended duration and frequency: 20–30 minutes, 2 times a week.

For children 5 years old, the following exercises are selected: , which allow you to learn to control yourself and be more attentive. The emphasis is on strengthening muscles and ligaments, developing physical capabilities. Benches are used wall bars, hoops, balls, cubes. The recommended duration and frequency of classes for children 5–6 years old is from 30 to 40 minutes 2–3 times a week.


  • elements lying on a gymnastic mat;
  • dance moves;
  • cardio exercises;
  • squats;
  • jumping;
  • somersaults;
  • relay races

Game elements are retained, but become more complex, requiring interaction with each other. More exercises are used to develop the ability to communicate and work in a team. It is important to keep children interested in classes so that they do not miss training.

Schoolchildren 7–11 years old

Aerobics lessons for children - like a "sip" fresh air" Schoolchildren are overloaded with classwork, homework, and need relief. Physical education lessons are not enough, and sports high achievements not available to everyone (and not needed by everyone).

Various sports sections come to the rescue. Aerobics is one of many options for keeping a student physically active. There are many fans of this type of activity among children aged 7–11 years. The reason is a successful combination of gymnastic, dance and strength elements in aerobics.


  • dance moves;
  • various jumps;
  • rotation;
  • power;
  • hangs.

The average duration of a lesson is 40-45 minutes. Training should not be monotonous, too easy or difficult. It is recommended to select various exercises medium intensity. You can add yoga elements.

Teenagers 12–15 years old

A difficult transitional period is characterized by different rates of puberty and psycho-emotional problems. Aerobics can teach you to be more attentive to your body, develop physically, and look good.

Teenagers have better control over their bodies and can concentrate. Therefore, more complex gymnastic elements are added to the program. The use of exercise equipment is practiced (without heavy loads on the spine).

Training lasts 50–60 minutes and is held 2 or 3 times a week. First - warm-up, at the end - stretching. Cardio exercises are required.

Varieties of aerobics

The main types are adapted for children's age.


This type combines movements inherent in different choreographic styles with aerobic exercise. Dance aerobics is rightly considered the most exciting and accessible sport for children. They develop physically, have fun, become more resilient and friendly. Classes last 50–60 minutes.

Lesson stages:

  • warm-up (10 minutes);
  • aerobic exercise, dance steps, games to children's songs (40 minutes);
  • stretching and relaxation (10 minutes).


This type is more similar to gymnastics, but does not contain complex elements. Exercises are performed in sufficient time fast pace. The music is chosen to be calm so that the children concentrate on performing the movements.

Enroll children in sections sports aerobics from 5 years old. Children are selected based on strength, endurance, and flexibility. Classes are held 3 times a week. The intensity and number of workouts increase over time. Children are prepared for competitions and demonstration performances.


After the aerobic part, children perform breathing exercises(1–2 minutes), exercises to strengthen large muscle groups, abdominals. The final part is doing breathing exercises and relaxation.

Other types

Fitness aerobics- rhythmic gymnastics for children from 6 years old, combining elements of acrobatics, choreography and other disciplines. Training at the first stage is structured according to the type of physical education and health classes with the aim of expanding the motor capabilities of students.

Children master basic steps, undergo choreographic training, practice dance compositions for demonstration performances.

Step aerobics- a set of steps and jumps using a special platform called a step. Steps made for children are smaller in size than for adults. The height is 8–10 cm, width and length are 25 and 40 cm. Children take steps and jumps from the floor to the platform and back.

Step aerobics helps develop speed, agility, and a sense of balance. This is a way to strengthen the muscles of the legs and torso. Exercise has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Gradually increase the intensity of the exercises, changing the complexes every 3 months.

It is important that when you step, the main load falls not on your back, but on your legs. The foot is placed completely on the platform. We must ensure that the movements are smooth. The musical accompaniment is selected with a clear rhythm and a relatively high tempo.

What to buy for classes

Certain requirements for clothing and footwear exist in all sports sections. Parents need to buy Czech aerobics shoes for their child. Girls practice in sports swimsuits, boys in T-shirts and shorts.

How much do classes in the section cost?

Payment is one-time or once a month. In the first case, the cost reaches 250–900 rubles. A monthly subscription can be purchased at a price of 1,500–6,000 rubles. The cost depends on the type of institution and region of residence.

Not all parents can carve out funds from the family budget for paid training. You can watch a video on how to perform an aerobics dance for children at home, and how to do exercises on the street.

The child is not forced, but is offered to participate in the lesson and do exercises to the music. Movements should bring joy and captivate children. The competitive principle will help even the lazy to achieve results.

Aerobics for children is a set of rhythmic movements accompanied by music, a sport “for everyone”, a way to maintain good physical shape. During exercise, your heart rate and breathing rate increase, and more air enters your lungs. Introducing a child with early childhood to aerobics helps to form healthy image life, strengthen the body and resist diseases.

We adults can only be amazed at our child’s inexhaustible supply of energy.

One minute he fell exhausted, and a minute later he is running again, headlong, as if he had spent the whole day in captivity. It seems he draws strength from thin air!

What to do with an energetic fidget?

Perhaps this is true: children move a lot, and their bodies work in much the same way as an adult’s body does during aerobics. It actively uses oxygen to replenish energy reserves. Therefore, aerobics for children, the video of which we now present to your attention, is simply pleasure and an opportunity to direct your activity in a useful direction.

Aerobics for children is just fun and an opportunity to direct their activity in a useful direction.

The only problem is that finding a suitable children's aerobics section is not so easy. Sometimes aerobics is carried out in kindergarten, but more often parents have to take their child to a fitness club or sports school, and this takes time and effort, especially considering that you need to attend classes in the evening.

This means it’s easier to organize training at home. And this is where a video with instructions from experienced trainers helps a lot for those who are interested in children’s aerobics. It is not difficult to repeat their movements, and even if mom and dad are not good physical fitness, they will be able to work out together with the baby, while being charged not only with energy, but also good mood.

You can start classes with both two- and three-year-old children, it all depends on their interests. If the baby is already doing simple exercises, imitate athletes or dancers who are on TV - you can safely start mastering aerobics!

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example. Children strive to become big, and gradually the child will begin to imitate your movements more and more in order to become like mom or dad.

The best example is the example of parents

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example!

Any joint activity is the key to mutual understanding. If you are lucky enough to be the parent of an active child, be sure to devote a few tens of minutes a day to exercise with him. Perhaps, over time, these moments will replenish the happiest memories!