An administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held. Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities of places where official sports competitions are held and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure

"On approval of the Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities of official venues sports competitions and technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety"

In order to implement the provisions of paragraph two of paragraph 5, subparagraphs “a” - “c” and “g” of paragraph 6 when holding official sports competitions approved by government decree Russian Federation dated April 18, 2014 No. 1, - I order:

Approve the attached Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities at the venues of official sports competitions and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety.


1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 18, Art. 2194.


Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities of places where official sports competitions are held and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety

I. General provisions

1. These Requirements have been developed in accordance with the second paragraph of paragraph 5, subparagraphs “a” - “c” and “g” of paragraph 6 of the Rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 1, in relation to individual infrastructure facilities 2 venues for official sports competitions 3 and equipping stadiums with engineering and technical means to ensure public order and public safety 4 when official sports competitions are held there with the presence of spectators.


1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 18, Art. 2194. Next - “Safety Rules”.

3 Clause 4.1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4025. Hereinafter - "Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation").

2. These Requirements apply to infrastructure facilities defined by the Safety Rules, as well as to stadiums when official sports competitions are held there 5 included in the Unified Calendar Plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical education events and sporting events, calendar plans physical education events and sports events of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of competitions for which other requirements are established by separate legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.


3. The compliance of the competition venue with these Requirements is determined by the competition organizer together with the owner (user) of the sports facility 6 during its inspection.


6 Clause 7 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation".

II. Requirements for infrastructure facilities

4. Infrastructure facilities at competition venues, taking into account the planned visit of spectators by the competition organizer together with the owner (user) of the sports facility, must be equipped in accordance with Appendix No. to these Requirements.

5. The premises or a specially prepared place for the work of the competition organizer or coordinating body must meet the following requirements:

5.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the competition and the behavior of spectators.

5.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

6. Premises or specially prepared places for the work of employees of internal affairs bodies must include premises (places) for the command center of internal affairs bodies 7 with rooms (places) for placing technological equipment, as well as for compiling materials about administrative offenses and meet the following requirements:

6.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the behavior of spectators 8.

6.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.


8 Used for work order control point.

7. The premises or a specially prepared place for the work of employees of the federal security service must meet the following requirements:

7.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the behavior of spectators.

7.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

8. Premises or specially prepared places for storing prohibited items must meet the following requirements 9:

8.1. Placed on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue, no closer than 25 m from the zones (checkpoints (posts) to allow inspection of incoming spectators, competition participants, staff, press, people with limited mobility 10 and those entering Vehicle.

8.2. Provide the ability to accept objects from the outside of the perimeter fence of the competition site.

8.3. Arrange in such a way as to prevent access to unauthorized persons and ensure the safety of items left for storage.

8.4. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.


9 In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Safety Rules

9. Zones (checkpoints (posts) for inspection of incoming citizens and incoming vehicles using technical means 11 are intended for:

9.1. Monitoring and managing the passage of people and the passage of vehicles in the manner established by the access and (or) intra-facility regime 12.

9.2. Detection of items prohibited for carrying 13 during the passage of citizens 14 and the passage of vehicles 15 .


11 In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Safety Rules, they are not applied when holding competitions in areas highways, squares, streets, parks and water bodies that do not have places designated by the competition organizer for group accommodation of spectators.

13 Subparagraph "m" of paragraph 5 of the Rules of Conduct for Spectators during Official Sports Competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2013 No. 1156 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 51, Art. 6866; 2014, No. 6, Art. 581). Next is the “inspection zone”.

10. Checkpoints and inspection zones are equipped with places for monitoring citizens and vehicles in order to establish authority for passage (passage) or to ensure personal inspection of citizens, inspection of the things they have with them, as well as inspection of vehicles 16.


11. Checkpoints (posts) are equipped in places:

11.1. Passage of citizens to the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue.

The perimeter boundaries of the competition venue are determined by the competition organizer together with the owner and user of the sports facility, taking into account the characteristics of its location, the geographical landscape of the area, as well as the regulations (regulations) of the competition.

11.2. Passage of citizens to a sports facility or temporary building with seats for spectators 17.

11.3. Passage of vehicles.


12. Checkpoints for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue are equipped on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue and must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight, as well as ensure the operating temperature of the installed technical means.

13. The number of checkpoints for citizens to enter the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue is determined depending on the length of the perimeter fence of the competition venue, its configuration, and transport infrastructure.

14. The number of checkpoints at the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue is determined taking into account the possibility of its filling in two hours and an increase in load of at least 50 percent of capacity sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition, as well as to avoid the formation of queues and interference with traffic.

15. Checkpoints for the passage of citizens to the sports arena are equipped at the entrances to the sports arena from the outside or inside arenas.

16. The number of checkpoints at the checkpoint for citizens to enter the sports arena is determined taking into account the possibility of passage of citizens of each category in one hour and an increase in the load of at least 70 percent of the capacity of the sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition.

17. When entering the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue and the sports arena, at least one checkpoint must be provided for people with limited mobility.

18. The checkpoint for the passage of vehicles must be located on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue, on its external or internal side, and be equipped with successively located barriers (gates) at a distance that ensures the placement of at least one vehicle between them 18.


19. The number of checkpoints for the passage of vehicles and their size is determined based on the road transport infrastructure (access roads), types of vehicles (trucks, cars, special equipment) that have access to the competition site, as well as the possibility of simultaneous entry and exit of vehicles funds.

20. The number of lanes for the passage of vehicles equipped with gateways is determined taking into account the number of parking spaces located within the perimeter of the competition venue, the intensity of vehicle traffic, including the increase 30 minutes before the start of the competition, as well as the elimination of queues and interference traffic.

21. ZOGs are equipped in the immediate vicinity of the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue, and (or) the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the sports arena, as well as the checkpoint for the passage of vehicles (for personal inspection of drivers and passengers) and must have an isolated room or place for conducting a personal search of citizens, searching their belongings in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation 19, protection from precipitation and direct sunlight, and also ensure the temperature conditions of the installed technical means.


19 Article 27.7 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, Art. 1; 2003, No. 50, Art. 4847; 2008, No. 49, Art. 5748).

22. The placement of the ZOG must be carried out taking into account the possibility of conducting a one-time personal inspection of citizens, inspection of the things they have with them when entering the competition venue.

23. The number of checkpoints in the ZOG is determined taking into account the possibility of conducting a personal inspection of incoming citizens using technical means one hour in advance and peak loads of at least 70 percent of the capacity of the sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition. Integration of the SOG with the gearbox is allowed.

24. The number of protective equipment is determined by the number of checkpoint gateways for the passage of vehicles.

III. Requirements for the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety

25. To ensure public order and public safety, stadiums are equipped with:

25.1. By means of engineering and technical strengthening.

25.2. Technical means of inspection.

25.3. Technical means of security.

26. Means of engineering and technical strengthening of the competition venue are intended for:

26.1. Organization of checkpoint and intra-facility regimes.

26.2. Preventing unauthorized persons from entering the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue and sports arena.

26.3. Designations of the boundaries of the perimeter of the competition venue, checkpoint, ZOG, as well as places and premises determined by the competition organizer and (or) the owner (user) of the sports facility, into which the passage of citizens is limited in accordance with the checkpoint and intra-facility regimes 20.

26.4. Forming flows of citizens in order to organize their passage to the competition venue.


27. Means of engineering and technical strengthening of the competition venue can be permanent or temporary, for the period of the competition, and are intended for:

27.1. Perimeter fencing of the competition venue.

27.2. Fencing of certain areas of the competition venue, as well as restricted access areas.

27.3. Fencing, in order to create corridors for the formation of several flows of citizens from the general flow 21.


28. The perimeter fencing of the competition venue must meet the following requirements:

28.1. Be carried out in the form of straight sections with a minimum number of bends and turns, limiting observation and complicating the use of technical security means, taking into account the geographical landscape of the area.

28.2. Do not adjoin any buildings or structures, except those located along the perimeter of the competition venue.

28.3. Do not have holes, breaks or other damage.

28.4. Have a continuous or visible canvas with a height of at least 2.5 m (stationary fencing) or at least 2 m (temporary fencing). The size of the cells of the viewed canvas on one side should not exceed 20 mm.

29. The fencing of certain areas of the competition venue, as well as restricted access areas, depending on its position relative to the sports arena, is divided into external and internal and must meet the following requirements:

29.1. External fencing is made using a continuous infill or visible fabric with a height of at least 1.2 m.

29.2. Internal fencing is carried out using a visible fabric with a height of at least 2.5 m (stationary fencing) or at least 1.2 m (temporary fencing). In some cases, the internal fencing may consist of two or more canvases with a height of at least 1.2 m with a buffer zone between them of at least 2 m, and also be constructed structurally in the form of a height difference of at least 3 meters between the fenced areas.

30. Fences of the system for separating the flow of citizens must meet the following requirements:

30.1. Be located directly in front of checkpoints at checkpoints or in the inspection area.

30.2. Have a height of at least 1.2 meters.

30.3. Form a corridor no more than 0.75 meters wide.

30.4. Withstand horizontal loads of up to 150 kilograms of force per square meter.

30.5. Structurally provide the ability for citizens to exit the fence of the system for separating the flow of citizens without passing through the access control system 22, without interfering with incoming citizens.

30.6. The number of corridors formed for the passage of citizens must correspond to the number of checkpoints at the checkpoint or in the inspection area.


31. The list of technical inspection means includes:

31.1. Stationary metal detector and portable (hand-held) metal detector.

31.2. Inspection X-ray equipment and hand-held cavity scanner.

31.3. Stationary X-ray digital scanning system.

31.4. Automated inspection system for the underbody of vehicles.

31.5. Set of inspection endoscopes and mirrors.

31.6. Explosive detection tool.

31.7. Radiation monitoring device.

31.8. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields.

31.9. Indicator of hazardous liquids.

31.10. Explosion localizer.

32. A stationary metal detector must provide:

32.1. Detection of search objects.

32.2. Selectivity in relation to metal objects prohibited from being brought into the competition venue.

32.3. Adaptation to the environment (including metal-containing).

32.4. Noise immunity from external sources of electromagnetic radiation.

32.5. Uniform detection sensitivity throughout the entire controlled space.

32.6. Ability to reconfigure to detect different masses of metal.

32.7. Permissible level of influence on implantable pacemakers and magnetic storage media.

32.8. The probability of correct detection and correct identification is at least 90%, with the probability of false detection and false identification not exceeding 15%.

33. A portable (hand-held) metal detector must provide:

33.1. Detection and recognition of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

33.2. Can be reconfigured to detect different masses of metal.

33.3. Possibility of use when working together with stationary metal detectors.

34. Inspection X-ray equipment is used to determine the contents of things held by citizens when they enter the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue or sports arena, as well as those left unattended, and must ensure:

34.1. Transillumination of steel with a thickness of at least 10 mm at a distance of up to 0.5 m.

34.2. The ability to improve image quality and record information about the object under study by using computer processing of X-ray image video signals.

34.3. Biological protection allowing the operator to be in close proximity to the X-ray machine.

9.1.3. Video camera SOT

at each TP

9.2. Checkpoint for vehicles:

9.2.1. ACS (barrier, gate)

2 barriers (gates) for each travel lane

9.2.2. Technical means organizations traffic

9.2.3. Video camera SOT

on each travel lane

9.2.4. Variable information board

9.3. Citizen inspection area

9.3.1. Fencing system for separating the flow of citizens

9.3.2. Stationary metal detector

at each TP

9.3.3. Portable (hand-held metal detector)

at each TP

9.3.4. Inspection X-ray equipment

at least one per six TP

9.3.5. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

9.3.6. Stationary X-ray digital scanning system

9.3.7. Explosive Detection Tool

9.3.8. Radiation Monitoring Tool

9.3.9. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

9.3.10. Hazardous liquid indicator

9.3.11. Explosion localizer

9.4. Vehicle inspection area

9.4.1. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

at least one per ZOTS

9.4.2. Set of inspection endoscopes and mirrors

at least one set per travel lane

9.4.3. Automated inspection system for the underbody of vehicles.

9.4.4. Portable (hand-held) metal detector

9.4.5. Explosive Detection Tool

at least one per travel lane

9.4.6. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

9.4.7. Hazardous liquid indicator

9.4.8. Radiation Monitoring Tool

9.4.9. Explosion localizer

10. Means of engineering and technical strengthening

10.1. Perimeter fencing of the competition venue

10.2. Fencing of individual restricted areas

+ 6

Appendix No. 2

to Requirements for individual objects
venue infrastructure
official sports competitions
and technical equipment of stadiums
to ensure public order
and public safety

Requirements for equipping stadiums with technical means to ensure public order and public safety

Equipment of stadiums with technical means

A sports facility where the presence of 40 thousand spectators or more is planned

A sports facility where the presence of 15 thousand to 40 thousand spectators is planned

A sports facility where the presence of 5 thousand to 15 thousand spectators is planned

A sports facility where the presence of up to 5 thousand spectators is planned

Venue of the competition, with the exception of sports facilities, with places for group accommodation of spectators

1. Technical security means:

1.1. Access control and management system

1.1.1. Premises for the work of the competition organizer or coordinating body

1.1.2. Checkpoint (post) for citizens to enter the stadium

with full overlap

1.1.3. Checkpoint for personnel passage to sports facility

with partial overlap

1.1.4. checkpoint for passage of spectators and participants to the sports facility

with partial overlap

1.2. Security television system

1.2.1. Stadium perimeter fencing

visual perimeter control

1.2.2. Buildings and structures on the stadium territory, including temporary structures

visual control of the territory

1.2.3. Checkpoint for citizens to enter the stadium

video identification of citizens

1.2.4. Checkpoint for the passage of spectators, staff and participants to the sports facility

video identification of citizens

1.2.5. Spectator locations

1.2.6. Foyer, tribune rooms

visual control, video identification of citizens

1.2.7. Storing video information in an archive

at least two months

at least one month

1.3. Security and alarm system

1.4. Security lighting system

1.5. Emergency communication system



1. “+” sign - equipment is required.

2. Sign "-" - equipment is not used.

3. Sign "-/+" - equipment is possible at the discretion of the competition organizer or the owners (users) of the sports facility.

An administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sporting competitions is a relatively new sanction - it was introduced into the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation only in 2013. At the same time, Art. 30.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which establishes penalties for spectators for violating the rules of conduct during sporting competitions.

What it is

Spectators are required to comply with regulated rules of behavior when attending official sporting events (individual matches, tournaments, championships, etc.). These rules were approved by Government Decree No. 1156 dated December 13, 2013 on the eve of major international events - the 2014 Olympics and the 2018 FIFA World Cup. However, these rules apply to any type of sporting event held at the official level.

Violation of the rules of conduct entails liability under Art. 20.31 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Let us highlight the most typical violations that may lead to sanctions under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • bringing alcohol or drugs into the stadium or other competition venue;
  • access to the stands with bulky things and objects without prior approval from the organizers of the match or tournament;
  • the use of masks or other items that hide the face of spectators (an exception may be established by the event organizer);
  • carrying and using pyrotechnics, dyes, sound instruments (except for items permitted for use by the competition organizing committee);
  • other violations of the rules by fans or spectators.

If the listed types of illegal behavior pose a threat to the safety of other citizens located at the venue of the match or tournament, or lead to the suspension or cancellation of the event, they are recognized as a gross violation of the rules. In such cases, the punishment will follow in accordance with the qualified parts of Article 20.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and the punishment will be significantly more severe.

Let's highlight important point, which must be taken into account when establishing a ban. This restrictive measure applies only to official events, which include:

  • matches, tournaments, championships and other types sports competitions, organized by authorities or conducted by national and international federations;
  • tournaments that have official regulations, approved by the authorities or the organizing committee.

Consequently, the ban will not apply to events held at amateur level without approved or agreed regulations. In these cases, liability will accrue general rules, if the viewer violates public order or other protected interests.

Sanction procedure

This prohibition is established only as a sanction under Art. 20.31 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Other types of offenses will not entail such punishment. Identification of cases of illegal behavior occurs directly at the time of competitions, or after their completion. For this purpose, photo and video recording equipment, eyewitness testimony, television broadcast recordings and other evidence can be used. The procedure for bringing to justice is as follows:

  • compiled for each fact of violation - the powers to identify, suppress and register violations belong to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other officials involved in ensuring law and order at the event;
  • and other documents are sent for consideration to the court - imposing a ban on the premises of sporting events is the exclusive competence of the judicial authorities;
  • V trial all circumstances of the detected violation, including its gross nature, are established;
  • when assigning punishment, a ban on visiting acts as an additional sanction for the offender - the main measure of influence is, or.

Consideration of these cases may take place without the presence of the offender, if he was duly notified of the place and time of the meeting. The exception is cases when there is a threat for a misdemeanor (for example, under Part 2 or 3 of Article 20.31 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Thus, the court ruling will indicate the main and additional sanction - (,) and a ban on visits. The imposition of a ban by other departments, including officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is prohibited. The sanction in the form of a ban will come into force only after the expiration of the period for appeal, or from the moment the complaint is considered on the merits.

Ban period

According to the rules of Art. 3.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the duration of the ban on visits must be indicated in a judicial act - ranging from 6 months to 7 years. At the same time, the maximum period of the ban cannot exceed the sanction specified in the specific part of Art. 20.31 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For example, under the first part of this article, the duration of the ban can range from 6 months to 3 years. The maximum sentence is imposed for committing a gross violation of the rules.

Automatic extension of the terms of the specified punishment is not allowed. If, when a restriction is established, a citizen was able to attend an official sporting event, he will be given an additional sanction under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for violating the procedure for executing the punishment.

How the ban is enforced

The ban imposed by the court is valid on days of official events. This period of time is determined by the regulations and official program of the tournament. The following nuances need to be taken into account:

  • the program of the official event indicates the location of the match, which includes not only the stadium itself, but also the surrounding area - the ban applies to the entire territory outside the checkpoints at which entrance tickets are checked and/or the identity of citizens is established;
  • the ban applies even in a situation where a citizen legally purchased an entrance ticket, won it in competitions and lotteries, or has a permanent subscription - the cost of the ticket can be reimbursed in the general manner approved by the organizing committee;
  • If the fact of violation of the ban was discovered after entering the stadium, the citizen is forcibly expelled from the venue of the event with a penalty.

Outside the days of the event specified in the regulations or the official program of the tournament, a citizen can visit the stadium, gym or adjacent territory without restrictions. The imposed ban applies to competitions in all sports held at the official level.

Monitoring compliance with the order of enforcement of the ban is carried out by bailiffs and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which ensure the security of the event. For this purpose, a federal database (list of persons) of citizens subject to a ban is used. The rules for maintaining this list are provided for in Art. 32.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - it is publicly available and open to all interested parties. You can obtain information about the identity of a citizen who is prohibited from attending a sporting event through a special Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The inclusion of violators on the list is carried out by the Ministry of Internal Affairs within three days after receiving a copy of the judicial act. The check can be carried out at the time of presentation of an entrance ticket or season ticket, at the stage of their sale, or when identifying citizens at the stadium. Officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, ensuring law and order and security on the days of competitions, have the right to request identification documents of citizens. Electronic facial recognition systems that have permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs can also be used for verification.

Article 20. Organization and conduct of physical education events, sports events

1. Organizers of physical education events or sports events determine the conditions for their holding, including the conditions and procedure for providing compensation payments to sports judges related to the payment of the cost of food, sports equipment, equipment, sports and dress uniforms received by them for participation in sports competitions, shall bear responsibility for the organization and conduct of such events, have the right to suspend and terminate such events, change the time of their holding and approve their results, and also, when holding official sports competitions, provide, together with the owners and users of sports facilities, measures of public order and public safety in accordance with this Federal law and rules for ensuring security during official sports competitions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the rules for ensuring security during official sports competitions). Ensuring measures of public order and public safety during official sports competitions is carried out at the expense of the organizers of official sports competitions and (or) owners and users of sports facilities in accordance with the provisions (regulations) of official sports competitions and (or) agreements concluded by the organizers of such competitions and owners and users of sports facilities, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The rights and obligations of organizers of official sports competitions, owners, users of sports facilities to ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions are established by this Federal Law, as well as the rules for ensuring security during official sports competitions.

1.1. Organizers of physical education events or sports events determine the conditions and procedure for providing volunteers (volunteers), controllers and managers with compensation payments related to the payment of the cost of food, travel, accommodation, conditions and procedure for providing sports equipment, equipment, sports and dress uniforms. Organizers of physical education events or sports events determine the conditions and procedure for providing uniforms and other items of clothing property to volunteers (volunteers) on a free and non-refundable basis, and to controllers - on a returnable basis, uniforms and other items of clothing property. If financial support for physical education or sports events is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the conditions and procedure for providing volunteers (volunteers), controllers and managers with compensation payments and logistical support specified in Part 1 of this article are subject to agreement with the federal government. executive authority in the field of physical culture and sports. Financial support for the provision of compensation payments and logistical support to volunteers (volunteers), controllers and managers specified in Part 1 of this article is carried out by the organizers of the relevant physical education events or sports events. When organizing physical education events or sports events, the financial support of which is not carried out at the expense of the federal budget, the provision of compensation payments and material and technical support to volunteers (volunteers), controllers and managers specified in Part 1 of this article may be carried out at the expense of the corresponding funds. all-Russian sports federations, an all-Russian public organization specified in part 5 of Article 28 of this Federal Law, and (or) professional sports leagues, if this is provided for by the norms approved by these all-Russian sports federations, an all-Russian public organization specified in part 5 of Article 28 of this Federal Law , and/or professional sports leagues.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.2. Standards for providing sports judges, volunteers, controllers with uniforms, other items of clothing, sports gear, equipment, sports and dress uniforms, procedures for using the specified property, gear, equipment during physical education events or sporting events, nutrition standards , provision of temporary accommodation for sports judges, volunteers (volunteers), supervisors and managers are determined by the organizers of such physical education events or sports events.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.3. The rights and obligations of spectators during official sports competitions are established in accordance with this Federal Law by the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions). Organizers of official sports competitions and (or) owners, users of sports facilities, along with the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions, have the right to establish additional requirements for the behavior of spectators during official sports competitions, which may not contradict the requirements of this Federal Law and the rules of conduct of spectators during official sports competitions. official sports competitions.

1.4. Spectators guilty of violating the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. For persons brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violating the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions, the court may establish an administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held. The list of persons who are prohibited from visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held (hereinafter referred to as the list of persons) is maintained by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. Maintaining a list of persons and access to information contained in the list of persons is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for executing a resolution on an administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held. Organizers of official sports competitions, at the entrance to the venues of which identification of spectators is mandatory in accordance with Part 2.1 of this article, at least three hours before the start of such competitions, familiarize themselves with the information contained in the list of persons and are not allowed into the venues such competitions on the days they are held by persons whose information is contained in the list of persons. At the same time, the cost of entrance tickets to official sports competitions or documents replacing them is not refunded to these persons.

(see text in the previous edition)

1.6. The venue for official sports competitions that does not meet the requirements of the safety rules for holding official sports competitions cannot be used for holding these competitions.

1.7. Organizers of official sports competitions, in order to ensure public order and public safety and compliance with administrative prohibitions on visiting the venues of such competitions on the days of their holding, up to thirty calendar days before the start of such competitions, notify the relevant territorial body of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs about the place, date and duration of such competitions and immediately notify about changes in this information.

1.8. When holding official sports competitions on the relevant sections of highways, temporary restrictions or cessation of the movement of vehicles on such sections of roads are carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.9. Responsibility for violation of safety rules during official sports competitions lies with the organizers of such competitions, owners, and users of sports facilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(see text in the previous edition)

2.1. Organizers of official sports competitions, owners, users of sports facilities, in agreement with the organizers of official sports competitions, establish requirements for the sale of entrance tickets and other documents granting the right to attend such competitions. Organizers of official sports competitions, in agreement with the owners and users of sports facilities, have the right to establish requirements for the registration and control of the specified entrance tickets and other documents, including those providing for the identification of spectators using identification documents. When selling tickets and other documents granting the right to attend such competitions, and entering the venues of official sports competitions, determined by decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport and depending on the level of the sports competition (international, all-Russian, interregional, regional , intermunicipal, municipal), identification of the spectators is mandatory. The procedure for carrying out such identification is established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

(see text in the previous edition)

4. Organizers of physical education events and (or) sports events own the rights to cover them by broadcasting images and (or) sound of the events by any means and (or) using any technologies, as well as by recording the said broadcast and (or) photographing the events.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. The rights to cover physical education events and (or) sports events can be used by third parties only on the basis of permission from the organizers of physical education events and (or) sports events or agreements in writing on the acquisition by third parties of these rights from the organizers of such events.

6. The organization and conduct of a physical education event or sports competition is carried out in accordance with the regulations (regulations) of such a physical education event or such a sports competition, approved by its organizers.

7. General requirements for the content of regulations (regulations) on interregional and all-Russian official physical culture events and sports competitions, providing for the characteristics of individual sports, are established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

7.1. To ensure public order and public safety during official sports competitions, the organizers of such competitions and (or) owners and users of sports facilities may involve inspectors and managers. This involvement can be carried out by contacting organizations that train supervisors and (or) provide services to ensure order in venues. mass events. The federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports establishes requirements for organizations that provide special training for controllers and (or) issuance and registration of certificates for controllers. Requirements for the content of the program special training controllers-managers are approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports in agreement with the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. The issuance and registration of certificates of controllers-managers is carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. The form of the controller-manager's certificate is approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

(see text in the previous edition)

8. The procedure for approving regulations (regulations) on official physical education events and sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, requirements for their content are established by the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of physical culture and sports.

9. The procedure for approving regulations (regulations) on official physical education events and sports competitions municipality, requirements for the content of these provisions (regulations) are established by local government bodies.

10. The procedure for approving regulations (regulations) on official physical education events and sports competitions held in military-applied and service-applied sports, requirements for their content are established by the federal executive authorities that manage the development of military-applied and service-applied sports .

11. If the organizers of a physical education event or sports event are several persons, the distribution of rights and obligations between them in relation to such an event is carried out on the basis of an agreement and (or) regulations (regulations) on such an event. Unless otherwise provided by the specified documents, the organizers of a physical education event or sports event are jointly and severally liable for harm caused to the participants of the event and (or) third parties.

12. The organization of a sports competition in a military-applied or service-applied sport or sports having the status and name of a championship, cup or championship of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity is allowed only if a federal body is included in the organizers of this sporting competition executive power that manages the development of this military-applied or service-applied sport or sports.

13. Only official sports competitions can have the status and name of a championship, cup or championship of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a municipal entity.

14. International sporting events in respect of which obligations of the Russian Federation arise are held on the territory of the Russian Federation only subject to the agreement of decisions on their holding with all-Russian sports federations for the relevant sports, with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on whose territories such events are planned to be held international sporting events, and with the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports. An application for holding such international sporting events on the territory of the Russian Federation, including participation in a competition for the right to host such events, may be submitted by the all-Russian sports federation for the relevant sport in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

(see text in the previous edition)

14.1. During the period of international sporting events specified in part 14 of this article, foreign citizens or stateless persons are not allowed to enter the Russian Federation if in relation to such foreign citizens or stateless persons there is information about facts of violation of public order by them during public, sports , entertainment and (or) other mass events outside the territory of the Russian Federation or violation of the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions on the territory of the Russian Federation or the intention to commit corresponding illegal acts on the territory of the Russian Federation. If the specified information is available, in relation to such foreign citizens or stateless persons, a decision is made not to allow entry into the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14.2. In order to ensure the safety of international sporting events specified in part 14 of this article, the President of the Russian Federation may introduce enhanced security measures, including:

1) establishment of controlled and (or) prohibited areas;

2) restrictions on the entry and (or) temporary stay of citizens and residence of citizens;

3) restriction of vehicle movement;

4) restriction of aircraft flights;

5) restriction of navigation;

6) strengthening the protection of public order and infrastructure;

7) restriction of holding public events not related to the preparation and holding of international sporting events;

8) complete or partial suspension of the activities of certain hazardous industries and organizations that use explosive, radioactive, chemically and biologically hazardous substances;

1. An administrative ban on visiting places of official sports competitions on the days of their holding consists of a temporary ban on a citizen from visiting such places on the days of official sports competitions and is established for violating the rules of behavior of spectators during official sports competitions. An administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held is assigned by a judge.

2. An administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held is established for a period of six months to seven years.

Commentary to Art. 3.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

1. This measure, as a type of punishment, was introduced by Federal Law dated July 23, 2013 N 192-FZ. Resolution on the administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding, in accordance with Art. 32.14 must be executed by a person held administratively liable. Internal affairs bodies keep records of persons who have been assigned the type of administrative punishment specified in Part 1 of this article in order to ensure the execution of the decision on the administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Police”, when holding official sports competitions, the police are obliged to assist their organizers in ensuring the safety of citizens and public order. The powers to draw up protocols on these administrative offenses are granted to officials of internal affairs bodies (police), and the consideration of cases on these offenses is within the competence of magistrates.

Internal affairs bodies keep records of persons who have been assigned an administrative ban in order to ensure the execution of the decision on the administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia, maintaining a list of persons who are prohibited from visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding is carried out by the Main Directorate for Ensuring the Protection of Public Order and coordinating interaction with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The basis for entering information into the list of persons who are prohibited from visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days they are held is a resolution that has entered into legal force in a case of an administrative offense under Art. 20.31 Code of Administrative Offences.

During the period of official sports competitions, in order to prevent persons subject to an administrative ban from entering the venues where they are held, while on duty, both at sports facilities and in the adjacent territory, police officers are focused on identifying these persons and carrying out preventive measures with them. measures aimed at preventing violations of administrative legislation

If persons subject to an administrative ban are identified in the territory adjacent to the venue of the competition, police officers, together with supervisors, take measures to prevent these citizens from entering the sports facility.

If a person against whom an administrative ban has been established is identified, an administrative case is initiated against this person directly at the venue of the competition under Part 5 of Art. 20.25 of the Code (for violation of the administrative ban on visiting the venues of official sports competitions on the days of their holding).

2. An administrative ban on visiting places of official sports competitions on the days of their holding may be imposed by a judge as both a primary and additional administrative punishment and consists of a temporary ban on a citizen from visiting such places on the days of official sports competitions and is established for violation of the rules of conduct spectators during official sports competitions. Violation of an administrative ban entails an administrative fine in the amount of 20,000 to 25,000 rubles or administrative arrest for up to 15 days.

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"On approval of the Requirements for individual facilities of official sports competitions and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety"

In order to implement the provisions of the second paragraph of paragraph 5, subparagraphs “a” - “c” and “g” of paragraph 6 when holding official sports competitions approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 1, I order:

Approve the attached Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities at the venues of official sports competitions and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety.

1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 18, Art. 2194.


Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities of places where official sports competitions are held and the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety

I. General provisions

1. These Requirements have been developed in accordance with the second paragraph of paragraph 5, subparagraphs “a” - “c” and “g” of paragraph 6 of the Rules for ensuring safety during official sports competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2014 No. 1, in relation to individual infrastructure facilities 2 venues for official sports competitions 3 and equipping stadiums with engineering and technical means to ensure public order and public safety 4 when official sports competitions are held there with the presence of spectators.

1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2014, No. 18, Art. 2194. Next - “Safety Rules”.

3 Clause 4.1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, No. 50, Art. 6242; 2013, No. 30, Art. 4025 . Next - “Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”).

2. These Requirements apply to infrastructure facilities defined by the Safety Rules, as well as to stadiums when official sports competitions are held there 5 included in the Unified calendar plan for interregional, all-Russian and international physical education events and sports events, calendar plans for physical education events and sports events subjects of the Russian Federation, with the exception of competitions for which other requirements are established by separate legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. The compliance of the competition venue with these Requirements is determined by the competition organizer together with the owner (user) of the sports facility 6 during its inspection.

6 Clause 7 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”.

II. Requirements for infrastructure facilities

4. Infrastructure facilities at competition venues, taking into account the planned visit of spectators by the competition organizer together with the owner (user) of the sports facility, must be equipped in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to these Requirements.

5. The premises or a specially prepared place for the work of the competition organizer or coordinating body must meet the following requirements:

5.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the competition and the behavior of spectators.

5.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

6. Premises or specially prepared places for the work of employees of internal affairs bodies must include premises (places) for the command center of internal affairs bodies 7 with rooms (places) for placing technological equipment, as well as for compiling materials about administrative offenses and meet the following requirements:

6.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the behavior of spectators 8.

6.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

8 Used for work order control point.

7. The premises or a specially prepared place for the work of employees of the federal security service must meet the following requirements:

7.1. Placed taking into account the possibility of visual observation of the behavior of spectators.

7.2. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

8. Premises or specially prepared places for storing prohibited items must meet the following requirements 9:

8.1. Placed on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue, no closer than 25 m from the zones (checkpoints (posts) to allow inspection of incoming spectators, competition participants, staff, press, people with limited mobility 10 and incoming vehicles.

8.2. Provide the ability to accept objects from the outside of the perimeter fence of the competition site.

8.3. Arrange in such a way as to prevent access to unauthorized persons and ensure the safety of items left for storage.

8.4. Provide protection from precipitation and direct sunlight.

9 In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Safety Rules

9. Zones (checkpoints (posts) for inspection of incoming citizens and incoming vehicles using technical means 11 are intended for:

9.1. Monitoring and managing the passage of people and the passage of vehicles in the manner established by the access and (or) intra-facility regime 12.

9.2. Detection of items prohibited for carrying 13 during the passage of citizens 14 and the passage of vehicles 15 .

11 In accordance with paragraph 7 of the Safety Rules, they are not applied when competitions are held on sections of roads, squares, streets, parks and water bodies that do not have places designated by the competition organizer for group accommodation of spectators.

13 Subparagraph “m” of paragraph 5 of the Rules of Conduct for Spectators during Official Sports Competitions, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 16, 2013 No. 1156 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 51, Art. 6866; 2014, No. 6, Art. 581). Next is the “inspection zone”.

10. Checkpoints and inspection zones are equipped with places for monitoring citizens and vehicles in order to establish authority for passage (passage) or to ensure personal inspection of citizens, inspection of the things they have with them, as well as inspection of vehicles 16.

11. Checkpoints (posts) are equipped in places:

11.1. Passage of citizens to the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue.

The perimeter boundaries of the competition venue are determined by the competition organizer together with the owner and user of the sports facility, taking into account the characteristics of its location, the geographical landscape of the area, as well as the regulations (regulations) of the competition.

11.2. Passage of citizens to a sports facility or temporary building with seats for spectators 17.

11.3. Passage of vehicles.

12. Checkpoints for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue are equipped on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue and must be protected from precipitation and direct sunlight, as well as ensure the operating temperature of the installed technical means.

13. The number of checkpoints for citizens to enter the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue is determined depending on the length of the perimeter fence of the competition venue, its configuration, and transport infrastructure.

14. The number of checkpoints at the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue is determined taking into account the possibility of its filling in two hours and increasing the load by at least 50 percent of the capacity of the sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition, as well as eliminating the formation of queues and obstructing traffic.

15. Checkpoints for the passage of citizens to the sports arena are equipped at the entrances to the sports arena from the outside or inside of the arena.

16. The number of checkpoints at the checkpoint for citizens to enter the sports arena is determined taking into account the possibility of passage of citizens of each category in one hour and an increase in the load of at least 70 percent of the capacity of the sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition.

17. When entering the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue and the sports arena, at least one checkpoint must be provided for people with limited mobility.

18. The checkpoint for the passage of vehicles must be located on the perimeter fence line of the competition venue, on its external or internal side, and be equipped with successively located barriers (gates) at a distance that ensures the placement of at least one vehicle between them 18.

19. The number of checkpoints for the passage of vehicles and their size is determined based on the road transport infrastructure (access roads), types of vehicles (trucks, cars, special equipment) that have access to the competition site, as well as the possibility of simultaneous entry and exit of vehicles funds.

20. The number of lanes for the passage of vehicles equipped with gateways is determined taking into account the number of parking spaces located within the perimeter of the competition venue, the intensity of vehicle traffic, including the increase 30 minutes before the start of the competition, as well as the elimination of queues and interference traffic.

21. ZOGs are equipped in the immediate vicinity of the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue, and (or) the checkpoint for the passage of citizens into the sports arena, as well as the checkpoint for the passage of vehicles (for personal inspection of drivers and passengers) and must have an isolated room or place for conducting a personal search of citizens, searching their belongings in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation 19, protection from precipitation and direct sunlight, and also ensure the temperature conditions of the installed technical means.

19 Article 27.7 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, Art. 1; 2003, No. 50, Art. 4847; 2008, No. 49, Art. 5748).

22. The placement of the ZOG must be carried out taking into account the possibility of conducting a one-time personal inspection of citizens, inspection of the things they have with them when entering the competition venue.

23. The number of checkpoints in the ZOG is determined taking into account the possibility of conducting a personal inspection of incoming citizens using technical means one hour in advance and peak loads of at least 70 percent of the capacity of the sports arena 30 minutes before the start of the competition. Integration of the SOG with the gearbox is allowed.

24. The number of protective equipment is determined by the number of checkpoint gateways for the passage of vehicles.

III. Requirements for the technical equipment of stadiums to ensure public order and public safety

25. To ensure public order and public safety, stadiums are equipped with:

25.1. By means of engineering and technical strengthening.

25.2. Technical means of inspection.

25.3. Technical means of security.

26. Means of engineering and technical strengthening of the competition venue are intended for:

26.1. Organization of checkpoint and intra-facility regimes.

26.2. Preventing unauthorized persons from entering the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue and sports arena.

26.3. Designations of the boundaries of the perimeter of the competition venue, checkpoint, ZOG, as well as places and premises determined by the competition organizer and (or) the owner (user) of the sports facility, into which the passage of citizens is limited in accordance with the checkpoint and intra-facility regimes 20.

26.4. Forming flows of citizens in order to organize their passage to the competition venue.

27. Means of engineering and technical strengthening of the competition venue can be permanent or temporary, for the period of the competition, and are intended for:

27.1. Perimeter fencing of the competition venue.

27.2. Fencing of certain areas of the competition venue, as well as restricted access areas.

27.3. Fencing, in order to create corridors for the formation of several flows of citizens from the general flow 21.

28. The perimeter fencing of the competition venue must meet the following requirements:

28.1. Be carried out in the form of straight sections with a minimum number of bends and turns, limiting observation and complicating the use of technical security means, taking into account the geographical landscape of the area.

28.2. Do not adjoin any buildings or structures, except those located along the perimeter of the competition venue.

28.3. Do not have holes, breaks or other damage.

28.4. Have a continuous or visible canvas with a height of at least 2.5 m (stationary fencing) or at least 2 m (temporary fencing). The size of the cells of the viewed canvas on one side should not exceed 20 mm.

29. The fencing of certain areas of the competition venue, as well as restricted access areas, depending on its position relative to the sports arena, is divided into external and internal and must meet the following requirements:

29.1. External fencing is made using a continuous infill or visible fabric with a height of at least 1.2 m.

29.2. Internal fencing is carried out using a visible fabric with a height of at least 2.5 m (stationary fencing) or at least 1.2 m (temporary fencing). In some cases, the internal fencing may consist of two or more canvases with a height of at least 1.2 m with a buffer zone between them of at least 2 m, and also be constructed structurally in the form of a height difference of at least 3 meters between the fenced areas.

30. Fences of the system for separating the flow of citizens must meet the following requirements:

30.1. Be located directly in front of checkpoints at checkpoints or in the inspection area.

30.2. Have a height of at least 1.2 meters.

30.3. Form a corridor no more than 0.75 meters wide.

30.4. Withstand horizontal loads of up to 150 kilograms of force per square meter.

30.5. Structurally provide the ability for citizens to exit the fence of the system for separating the flow of citizens without passing through the access control system 22, without interfering with incoming citizens.

30.6. The number of corridors formed for the passage of citizens must correspond to the number of checkpoints at the checkpoint or in the inspection area.

31. The list of technical inspection means includes:

31.1. Stationary metal detector and portable (hand-held) metal detector.

31.2. Inspection X-ray equipment and hand-held cavity scanner.

31.3. Stationary X-ray digital scanning system.

31.4. Automated inspection system for the underbody of vehicles.

31.5. Set of inspection endoscopes and mirrors.

31.6. Explosive detection tool.

31.7. Radiation monitoring device.

31.8. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields.

31.9. Indicator of hazardous liquids.

31.10. Explosion localizer.

32. A stationary metal detector must provide:

32.1. Detection of search objects.

32.2. Selectivity in relation to metal objects prohibited from being brought into the competition venue.

32.3. Adaptation to the environment (including metal-containing).

32.4. Noise immunity from external sources of electromagnetic radiation.

32.5. Uniform detection sensitivity throughout the entire controlled space.

32.6. Ability to reconfigure to detect different masses of metal.

32.7. Permissible level of influence on implantable pacemakers and magnetic storage media.

32.8. The probability of correct detection and correct identification is at least 90%, with the probability of false detection and false identification not exceeding 15%.

33. A portable (hand-held) metal detector must provide:

33.1. Detection and recognition of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

33.2. Can be reconfigured to detect different masses of metal.

33.3. Possibility of use when working together with stationary metal detectors.

34. Inspection X-ray equipment is used to determine the contents of things held by citizens when they enter the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue or sports arena, as well as those left unattended, and must ensure:

34.1. Transillumination of steel with a thickness of at least 10 mm at a distance of up to 0.5 m.

34.2. The ability to improve image quality and record information about the object under study by using computer processing of X-ray image video signals.

34.3. Biological protection allowing the operator to be in close proximity to the X-ray machine.

34.4. A special design solution that excludes the effect of the complex on computers and communications equipment located in the same room.

35. A hand-held X-ray scanner of hidden cavities must ensure the detection of prohibited items when inspecting items held by citizens as they enter the territory within the perimeter of the competition venue or sports arena, and vehicles, as well as unattended hand luggage.

36. A stationary X-ray digital scanning system should ensure the safe conduct of personal examination of citizens and the detection of prohibited items made from inorganic and organic materials.

37. A set of inspection endoscopes and mirrors must be used for visual inspection of hard-to-reach places of vehicles, cargo and identification of items prohibited for carrying into the competition venue, and ensure:

37.1. Access to a distance of at least 1500 mm with a viewing angle of at least 40 degrees for flexible and semi-rigid structures and 90 degrees for rigid ones.

37.2. Possibility of illuminating the area being examined and adjusting lighting conditions.

37.3. Video documentation of inspection results.

38. A means of detecting explosives must be used to detect the presence of these substances or traces thereof and provide:

38.1. Identification of substances based on the use of physicochemical methods of analysis.

38.2. Sensitivity to detect the presence of the following explosives and their components: nitroamines (RDX, HMX, tetryl), nitroesters (nitroglycerin, ethylene glycol dinitrate, PETN), nitroaromatic compounds (TNT, dinitrotoluene), organic peroxide compounds (acetone peroxide), inorganic nitrates (ammonium , potassium and sodium nitrate), as well as mixed explosives based on them.

39. The radiation monitoring device must ensure the identification of objects and persons with increased background radiation.

40. The indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields must provide non-contact detection of clock retarders of explosive devices, as well as devices with active command decoders.

41. The hazardous liquid indicator is designed to test non-metallic containers and must be capable of detecting flammable and explosive liquids.

42. The explosion localizer must ensure the protection of citizens and objects from the effects of the explosion (shock wave damage and fragments).

43. Technical security means 23 must be integrated into a unified system for comprehensive security provision of the sports facility.

The equipment of sports facilities with specific types of TSOs is determined in the technical specifications for their design.

44. The list of TSOs includes:

44.2. Security television system 24.

44.3. Security and alarm system.

44.4. Security lighting system.

44.5. Emergency communication system.

45. ACS must provide:

45.1. Protection from unauthorized access.

45.2. Control and recording of citizen access in automatic and manual mode.

45.3. Checking permissions for compliance with time and access level (authorization).

45.4. Allowing access or denying access based on the results of an analysis of authorization and authentication procedures.

45.5. Logging of all actions in the system.

45.6. System response to unauthorized actions (sending warning and alarm signals, denial of access).

45.7. The ability to connect devices to display information about events in the system, as well as transmit this information to the work area of ​​the competition organizer or coordinating body.

46. ​​ACS must include the following access control tools:

46.1. Controlled blocking devices 25 .

46.2. Reading devices and identifiers 26 .

47. UPU, taking into account counteraction to unauthorized entry, are intended for:

47.1. Completely blocking the passage opening (doors, gates, full-height turnstiles).

47.2. Partial blocking of the passage opening (belt turnstiles, tripods, barriers, gates).

48. According to the method of control, the control units are divided into:

48.1. UPU with mechanical (manual) control.

48.2. UPU with automatic control.

49. The UPU must ensure:

49.1. Protection against two or more people (vehicles) passing through them at the same time.

49.2. Possibility of mechanical emergency opening in case of automatic control shutdown, power failure, or emergency situations. The emergency opening system must be protected from the possibility of it being used for unauthorized entry.

50. SISID must ensure:

50.1. Protection against manipulation by searching and selecting identification features.

50.2. Blocking of blocking devices in case of hacking, opening or short circuit of the circuits suitable to them.

51. HSE should include the following fixed assets:

51.1. Video cameras.

51.2. Video transmission and video switching devices.

51.3. Video recording devices.

51.4. Video monitors.

51.5. Video servers.

52. SOT must ensure:

52.1. Visual control of the territory adjacent to the sports facility, as well as infrastructure facilities, service and technical premises of the sports arena, spectator areas and restricted access areas.

52.2. Differentiation of access rights to the management of mobile phone systems in order to prevent unauthorized actions.

52.3. Quick access to video information, taking into account the time and date of video recording, as well as the camera ID.

52.4. Confirmation using video surveillance of the fact of unauthorized entry into a protected area and identification of false alarms.

52.5. Video identification of citizens when entering a sports facility and while they are at the sports facility.

52.6. Direct video surveillance by the operator at the TSO control post.

52.7. The ability to quickly print a video fragment and/or save (rewrite) a video image by time, date and camera ID.

52.8. Transmission of video images from CCTV cameras to the work premises of the competition organizer or coordinating body, as well as internal affairs bodies.

53. The operation of technical security equipment included in the SOT and ACS must be synchronized in time.

54. On video monitors at the TSO control post, the image from video cameras must be displayed with a size of at least 100×150 mm with the following detail of the purpose of video surveillance:

54.1. For crowd monitoring or behavior control purposes, the target must occupy at least 5% of the image height (or more than 80 mm per pixel).

54.2. For detection tasks - at least 10% of the image height (or more than 40 mm per pixel).

54.3. For surveillance tasks - at least 25% of the image height (or more than 16 mm per pixel).

54.4. For recognition tasks - at least 50% of the image height (or more than 8 mm per pixel).

54.5. For identification tasks - at least 100% of the image height (or more than 4 mm per pixel).

54.6. For detailed inspection tasks - at least 400% of the image height (or more than 1 mm per pixel).

55. Video cameras must operate continuously.

56. Color video cameras with a resolution of at least 900 TVL can be used as part of the SOT.

57. Video cameras can be placed on structural elements of the sports arena and must have:

57.1. Climatic design in accordance with the conditions of use.

57.2. Automatic adjustment diaphragms for normal operation in the illumination range from 0.1 lux at night to 100,000 lux.

57.3. The signal-to-noise ratio of video cameras must be at least 48 dB when the object of observation is illuminated by a light source corresponding to normal illumination values.

57.4. The angles of vertical inclination of the optical axes of video cameras when installed range from 15 to 30 degrees (when installed in places where citizens pass).

57.5. Progressive line scan.

57.6. The dynamic range of image intensity is at least 8 bits per color.

58. Depending on the recording conditions in specific areas, video cameras must support auto-exposure functions.

59. Video transmission and video switching devices must meet the following requirements:

59.1. Do not degrade, taking into account the characteristics of the transmission channel, COT parameters, such as resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the video signal, by more than 10%.

59.2. Do not distort the geometric shapes of the observation object, do not change the color rendition.

59.3. Provide the necessary throughput specified in the SOT characteristics depending on the number of video channels, image resolution, and number of frames per second.

60. Video recording devices must provide recording and storage of video information in the following modes:

60.1. Continuous real-time video recording.

60.2. Video recording of individual fragments or video frames when security detectors are triggered, by a motion detector, or by a specified time.

60.3. Video recording in an archive with the original resolution and a compression algorithm with parameters no worse than the H.264 compression algorithm.

60.4. Archiving of the received image, including on external storage media, for a period of at least 30 days with differentiation of access rights to the archive.

61. Video recording devices in continuous mode must ensure recording and playback of images on a video monitor 1c with a frequency of at least 25 frames/sec.

62. In the mode of recording individual fragments or video frames, a new video image must be recorded to replace the older one, taking into account its storage period.

63. Video recording devices must provide the ability to record an audio signal along with the image.

64. Video monitors must meet the following requirements:

64.1. Screen size diagonally at least 17 inches.

64.2. Resolution of at least 1280 by 1024 pixels.

65. Video servers must provide:

65.1. Telemetry control (controlling the PTZ device of a video camera, changing the focal length of the lens).

65.2. Availability of built-in motion detector functions.

65.3. Possibility of connecting external security alarm devices.

65.4. Saving current video information.

65.5. Possibility of transmitting audio information;

66. The security and alarm system must include:

66.1. Security alarm system.

66.2. Alarm system.

67. The security alarm system must ensure the detection of unauthorized access, collection, processing and presentation of information in a given form to the TSO control post.

68. The alarm system must ensure the detection of security threats, signaling their presence, as well as transmitting an alarm signal to the TSO control post (security point, to the duty station of the internal affairs bodies), including in the event of the threat or occurrence of emergency situations.

69. The security lighting system must provide:

69.1. Horizontal illumination at ground level or vertical on the plane of a fence or wall is at least 50 lux.

69.2. A uniformly illuminated continuous strip 3 - 4 m wide.

69.3. Manual control of lighting operation.

69.4. Illumination on flights of stairs, fences, checkpoints, and vestibules is at least 50 lux.

70. LED illuminators can be used as light sources in a security lighting system.

71. The emergency communication system must include:

71.1. Alert system.

71.2. Emergency call system.

72. The warning system must provide:

72.1. Providing sound and (or) light signals to the premises of the sports facility, to areas with permanent or temporary residence of citizens.

72.2. Broadcasting voice information about the nature of the danger, the need and routes of evacuation, and other actions aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens.

73. The number of sirens and their power must ensure sufficient audibility in all places of permanent or temporary residence of citizens.

74. The emergency call system must ensure calling the appropriate emergency services in the event of a threat or emergency using wired communication channels.

75. For the operation of security lighting and emergency call systems, additional power must be provided from a third independent, mutually redundant power source.

76. Equipping stadiums with technical means to ensure public order and public safety, taking into account the planned attendance of spectators, is determined by the organizer of the competition together with the owner (user) of the sports facility in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to these Requirements.

Appendix No. 1

venue infrastructure
official sports competitions and
technical equipment of stadiums
and public safety

Requirements for individual infrastructure facilities at venues for official sports competitions

Infrastructure facilities for official sporting competition venues

1. Premises for the work of the competition organizer or coordinating body:

1.1. Square

1.2. Number of workplaces

1.3. Number of automated workstations

1.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

1.5. Internet communication channels

1.6. Control station for technical security equipment

2. Place of work of the competition organizer or coordinating body:

2.1. Square

for each person at least 3 sq.m. of area

2.2. Number of workplaces

2.3. Number of automated workstations

2.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

2.5. Dedicated mobile radiotelephone numbers

3. Premises for work of employees of internal affairs bodies:

3.1. To accommodate a control center for internal affairs bodies with rooms (places) for placing technological equipment

3.1.1. Square

for each person at least 3 sq.m. of area, also 6 sq.m. for technological equipment

3.1.2. Number of workplaces

3.1.3. Number of automated workstations

3.1.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

3.2. To compile materials about administrative offenses

3.2.1. Square

for each person at least 6 sq.m. of area (several rooms are allowed, each with an area of ​​at least 6 sq.m.)

3.2.2. Number of workplaces

3.2.3. Number of automated workstations

3.2.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

4. Place for work of employees of internal affairs bodies:

4.1. Square

4.2. Number of workplaces

4.3. Number of automated workstations

4.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

4.5. Dedicated mobile radiotelephone numbers

5. Premises for work of employees of the federal security service:

5.1. Square

Each person needs at least 3 sq.m of space

5.2. Number of workplaces

5.3. Number of automated workstations

5.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

6. Place for work of employees of the federal security service:

6.1. Square

Each person needs at least 3 sq.m of space

6.2. Number of workplaces

6.3. Number of automated workstations

6.4. Dedicated fixed telephone numbers

6.5. Dedicated mobile radiotelephone numbers

7. Storage room for prohibited items:

7.1. Capacity (number of cells, including on racks, shelves)

at least 1% of the capacity of a sports facility or temporary building 1, or the number of tickets sold and documents replacing them determined by the competition organizer

7.2. Cell size, distance between racks, shelves

7.3. Equipment for inspection equipment:

7.3.1. Inspection X-ray equipment

7.3.2. Portable (hand-held) metal detector

7.3.3. Explosive Detection Tool

7.3.4. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

7.3.5. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

8. Place for storing prohibited items:

8.1. Capacity (number of cells, including on racks, shelves)

at least 1% of the capacity of the sports arena or the number of tickets sold and documents replacing them determined by the competition organizer

8.2. Cell size, distance between racks, shelves

not less than 40×40×45 centimeters

8.3. Equipment for inspection equipment:

8.3.1. Portable (hand-held) metal detector

8.3.2. Explosive detection tool

8.3.3. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

8.3.4. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

9. Zones (checkpoints) for the possibility of inspecting incoming citizens and incoming vehicles using technical means

9.1. Checkpoint (post) 2 for the passage of citizens:

9.1.1. Spectator flow separation system fencing

at each citizen checkpoint 3

9.1.3. Video camera SOT

at each TP

9.2. Checkpoint for vehicles:

9.2.1. ACS (barrier, gate)

2 barriers (gates) for each travel lane

9.2.2. Technical means of traffic management

9.2.3. Video camera SOT

on each travel lane

9.2.4. Variable information board

9.3. Citizen inspection area 4

9.3.1. Fencing system for separating the flow of citizens

9.3.2. Stationary metal detector

at each TP

9.3.3. Portable (hand-held metal detector)

at each TP

9.3.4. Inspection X-ray equipment

at least one per six TP

9.3.5. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

9.3.6. Stationary X-ray digital scanning system

9.3.7. Explosive Detection Tool

9.3.8. Radiation Monitoring Tool

9.3.9. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

9.3.10. Hazardous liquid indicator

9.3.11. Explosion localizer

9.4. Vehicle inspection area 5

9.4.1. Handheld X-ray scanner of hidden cavities.

at least one per ZOTS

9.4.2. Set of inspection endoscopes and mirrors

at least one set per travel lane

9.4.3. Automated inspection system for the underbody of vehicles.

9.4.4. Portable (hand-held) metal detector

9.4.5. Explosive Detection Tool

at least one per travel lane

9.4.6. Indicator of electromagnetic and acoustic fields

9.4.7. Hazardous liquid indicator

9.4.8. Radiation Monitoring Tool

9.4.9. Explosion localizer

10. Means of engineering and technical strengthening

10.1. Perimeter fencing of the competition venue

10.2. Fencing of individual restricted areas

10.2.1. Passages into a sports facility or temporary structure with places designated by the competition organizer for group accommodation of spectators

10.2.2. Passages from parking spaces of vehicles, including television equipment

6 If there is no perimeter fence around the competition site.


2. Sign "-" - equipment is not used

3. Sign "-/+" - equipment is possible at the discretion of the competition organizer or the owner (user) of the sports facility.

Appendix No. 2

to Requirements for individual objects
venue infrastructure
official sports competitions
and technical equipment of stadiums
to ensure public order
and public safety

Requirements for equipping stadiums with technical means to ensure public order and public safety

Equipment of stadiums with technical means

A sports facility where the presence of 40 thousand spectators or more is planned

A sports facility where the presence of 15 thousand to 40 thousand spectators is planned

A sports facility where the presence of 5 thousand to 15 thousand spectators is planned

A sports facility where the presence of up to 5 thousand spectators is planned

Venue of the competition, with the exception of sports facilities, with places for group accommodation of spectators

1. Technical security means:

1.1. Access control and management system

1.1.1. Premises for the work of the competition organizer or coordinating body

1.1.2. Checkpoint (post) 1 for citizens to enter the stadium

with full overlap

1.1.3. Checkpoint for personnel to enter the sports facility

with partial overlap

1.1.4. Checkpoint for spectators and participants to enter the sports facility

with partial overlap

1.2. Security television system

1.2.1. Stadium perimeter fencing

visual perimeter control

1.2.2. Buildings and structures on the stadium territory, including temporary structures

visual control of the territory

1.2.3. Checkpoint for citizens to enter the stadium

video identification of citizens

1.2.4. Checkpoint for the passage of spectators, staff and participants to the sports facility

video identification of citizens

1.2.5. Spectator locations

1.2.6. Foyer, tribune rooms

visual control, video identification of citizens

1.2.7. Storing video information in an archive

at least two months

at least one month

1.3. Security and alarm system

1.4. Security lighting system

1.5. Emergency communication system


1. “+” sign - equipment is required.

2. Sign "-" - equipment is not used.

3. Sign "-/+" - equipment is possible at the discretion of the competition organizer or the owners (users) of the sports facility.