Abl abs training. ABS Bums is a new direction in an old design. Basic set of ABS exercises

This direction represents group classes including training gluteal muscles and muscles abdominals. The set of exercises is of medium severity, ideal for a variety of levels physical training gym visitors. Classes are accompanied by energetic music. In addition to actively working out the buttocks and abs, there is a general strengthening, tightening effect on the whole body.

The main feature of the ABS Bums complex exercises is the deceptive first impression. It seems to beginners that the exercises are elementary, but after a while they realize that this is far from the case. The load is colossal, but thanks to the correct anatomical design of each movement, the training is well tolerated and produces results.

Equipment for bams abs

During bams abs training, a variety of sports equipment is actively used:

1 step platform;

2 elastic bands;

3 dumbbells of different weights;

4 leg weights;


6 bodybars.

You can combine several subjects in one lesson. They are used to enhance the effectiveness of bams plus abs.

Exercises for abs bums

The main block of exercises for abs bums is aimed at eliminating common female problems - “lugs” on the hips, flabby buttocks, perfect abs. Thanks to a small amount of additional equipment and the abs bums training scheme, the whole body is toned and endurance develops.

The entire structure of the classes is divided into three stages:

2 will give the body, abdominal and back an attractive appearance;

3 will stretch the body.

Each stage lasts 30 minutes. As practice shows, this is the best option for working out, but not overworking the body.

The abdominal muscles work regardless of the stage. Before you begin intense exercise, you need to do a good warm-up. 10 minutes of light aerobic program is enough to prepare the tissues for further stress. It is not recommended to use immediately heavy weight(dumbbells and other equipment) - at the first stage, the muscles are just warming up.

Bums abs training video

Benefits of bums abs

The benefits of bums abs are undeniable and obvious. Thanks to a properly developed system and design of classes, any body will be transformed in a matter of days. A moderate load will prevent you from overworking. Rhythmic musical sounds will set a working rhythm for your workouts, charging you with energy and mood for the whole day.

Systematic exercises will help:

  • increase muscle tone;
  • develop coordination and endurance;
  • get rid of excess weight;
  • strengthen the muscles of the back, torso and abs.

A slim body is relevant at all times. ABS stretching training improves body parameters over 1–3 months. If necessary, additional attributes are used: dumbbells, body bars, fitballs.

ABS stretching is strength exercises to work the back and abdominal muscles. The complex consists of aerobic, strength training, and intense stretching. Regular execution does muscle tissue elastic, back – straight, waist – thin, stomach – elastic. Posture improves, the body becomes resilient, and health becomes strong.

ABS stretching classes are not required special training. They reduce the possibility of sprains and increase the effectiveness of weight loss complexes. Suitable for women and men (with weight adjustments).

The essence of ABS stretching is the benefits of stretching after power block, since without this the effectiveness of the training is gradually leveled out. ABS + stretching is rest during the lesson. Muscle stress goes away, pain disappears.

Basic exercises

Stretching is done both in combination and independently. Performing ABS + stretching training corresponds to the rules:

  • Intensive performance of power blocks and slow performance of stretching ones.
  • Stretching lasts no more than 30 seconds until the tension is completely relieved.
  • Breathing is deep and calm. Approaches are done while inhaling.
  • Mental concentration on the area being worked on.

During training, it is very important to maintain proper breathing.

Basic ABS to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles is combined with stretching as follows:

  • Crunches (straight/reverse/diagonal): lying on your back, lift your upper and bottom part torso.
  • Side plank: raises on your side with emphasis on your elbow.
  • Raising legs (alternately).
  • Plank in front of the chest: raises on bent arms from a lying position.
  • Cross lifting of arms and legs. I.p. on the stomach face down.
  • Abdominal stretching. After the intense part, relaxation occurs. First: lying quietly on your back, place a rolled towel (fitball) under your lower back. Second: starting position on your stomach, emphasis on your palms, slowly lift top part torso - first the head, chest, then the stomach. Third option: standing with your hands on your back hips, slowly bend back as low as possible.

ABL (Abdominal Buttocks Legs)

ABL (Abdominal Buttocks Legs) is a strength, functional aerobic training aimed at working the legs, abs and buttocks, which uses additional equipment: step platforms, body bars, dumbbells, elastic bands, etc.

Workout Features

ABL workouts are created specifically for women and are aimed at working out traditional female problem areas, those in which fat cells predominantly accumulate - the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. The name of the Abdominal Buttocks Legs program is literally translated from English as “belly, buttocks, legs.”

The lesson consists of three classic parts: a warm-up (to warm up the muscles, the step platform is intensively used in it), the main part and a cool-down (this is light stretching), which is designed to restore breathing and prevent an abrupt exit from the lesson.

Any woman who has no contraindications for sports in principle can master these classes. Although some fitness centers recommend the ABL program for people with average and high level preparedness.

Most likely, the reason for this is the aerobic block on the step platform, which is included in the training program and takes up about half the time of the entire session. It may be difficult for an unprepared person to immediately withstand such a load, which can lead to dizziness and shortness of breath.

But aerobic exercise helps burn calories. Therefore, you will lose weight faster than if you just did strength training exercises. problem areas, excluding the cardio part.

In addition to toned buttocks, flat stomach, elastic hips and weight loss, ABL training gives strong muscles, strong cardiovascular system and endurance.

ABS (Abdominal Back Spine, ABS Back Stretch)

ABS (Abdominal Back Spine) – power, functional training, aimed at working out the abs and back, which uses additional equipment: body bars, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, etc.

Features of the training Unlike the ABL program, ABS training does not have a clear focus on women. These classes are also great for men who want to work on their stomach and back. The workouts are designed for people with varying degrees of fitness. Many office workers try to include ABS in their fitness schedule in order to maintain the health of the spine. After all, the lack of movement and static tension of the back throughout the day affects after some time the curvature of the spine, back pain, headaches and diseases internal organs, which is supported by the spine. Problems with the spine often arise for young mothers. They are also recommended to pay attention to ABS training. Various exercises in the ABS system are designed to strengthen the muscles adjacent to the vertebrae, stretch the spine, make it more flexible, work all the back muscles as a whole, thereby giving it the strength to bear daily loads with a minimum of negative consequences.

There is a direction called ABS Back Stretch within the ABS program. According to some sources, this is the same training as ABS; according to others, it is a training similar to ABS, but with a greater emphasis on stretching the spine. How else can we explain the appearance of the word “stretch” in the name, which is translated from English as “stretch, pull.” The back and abs are very connected with each other. Sometimes it is even recommended to pump up the abs to get rid of lower back pain. Lumbar The spine is partially supported by the abdominal muscles. So, ABS classes allow you to make your stomach flat, your posture straight, your back strong, and you can go through everyday life with your shoulders back and your head raised.


Aerobics is a type of physical exercise in which special movements are performed to music. It was created by the American doctor Kenneth Cooper and was intended to combat such development factors cardiovascular diseases, such as physical inactivity, nervous tension, excess nutrition.

With the help of exercises performed in an aerobic mode and thanks to a diet low in animal fats, excess cholesterol, the main enemy of blood vessels, is most actively destroyed in the human body. Physical activity eliminates physical inactivity, and emotions during exercise improve mood, eliminating the negative impact of stress.

Body Sculpt.

Body Sculpt is a type of strength training that takes place in an aerobic mode, the goal of which is to develop muscle strength and the creation of muscle relief, during the class all the equipment available in the fitness room is used, but first of all, these are dumbbells, body bars and rubber shock absorbers. Body Sculpt training is for strong and sculpted muscles. This is evidenced by the very name of the fitness board Body Sculpt, which literally translates from English as “sculpt the body.”

In order to sculpt a beautiful, sculpted body, the class uses weighting equipment such as dumbbells and body bars, step platforms and rubber shock absorbers that increase the load. In general, anything that will make your muscles work harder.

But it is worth noting that Body Sculpt is suitable for different people physical capabilities. After all, the load created by additional equipment varies; it can be reduced or increased during the lesson, based on your own feelings. Body Sculpt classes work all major muscle groups, as opposed to narrowly focused areas (for example, ABL, aimed at training the lower body, or ABS, aimed at working the abs and back). Therefore, no part of the body will remain “offended.” Arms, legs, abs, buttocks, hips, back - everything will be worked out properly. Power approaches At Body Sculpt you will build and strengthen muscles, creating their relief, and during the aerobic part you will intensively burn calories. Therefore, those with curvy figures should not be afraid to “pump up muscles under the fat.” Weight and fat layer on Body workouts Sculpt will also decrease, perhaps a little less intensely, as, for example, during step aerobics. But Body Sculpt offers you to work on your body in two directions at once.


Zumba is a modern dance fitness program built from Latin American dance movements with the addition of elements from other dance styles (Salsa, Merengue, Samba, Flamenco, Reggaeton, Bachata, etc.)

Workout Features

Each movement works a specific muscle group. But it does not need to be repeated several times in a row. All movements form a single dance, during which, without noticing to yourself, you will make the required number of movements. Thus, in an hour of Zumba class, a full body workout occurs.

Dance fitness zumba provides good aerobic exercise. Steps, hip movements, jumping and turning - all these movements allow burn up to 1000 calories in one workout.

Despite the intensity of Zumba, women leave the room full of energy and positivity. After all, they seemed to have visited a Brazilian carnival or a themed party.

Dancing act on humans as an antidepressant. By dancing, we express ourselves, we relieve accumulated tension, we enjoy movements and music. Therefore, no matter how hard we work physically, we only get charged emotionally from dancing.

Moreover, for some, over time, regular Zumba classes are not enough. For such more prepared visitors, fitness clubs offer complicated Zumba classes. They take place over fast pace and using various weighting agents.

Zumba classes help achieve harmony, beautiful and smooth body lines, strengthen muscles, learn to dance beautifully, feel the music and yourself. Many people start attending Zumba precisely with the goal of learning a few beautiful movements that could be performed at a disco.


Yoga is a philosophy, a system that helps you find harmony with the world and yourself. To achieve the necessary results, serious work is needed. Yoga is not a way to simply improve your figure or become more flexible, although practicing yogis achieve these results.

This is one of the most harmonious ways of contacting the world and your body in the modern hectic world. As adherents write: “Yoga unites a person with his essence.” Therefore, like any matter that deeply affects us, yoga must be taken seriously.

Yoga - an almost ideal type of physical activity: it comprehensively develops the body, improves the spirit, the figure becomes toned and flexible, and most people have practically no contraindications to exercise. Even with serious illnesses, you can practice yoga by first contacting a yoga therapist, with its help you can even improve your condition.

Yoga can also relax, unwind and harmonize the body and mind. The statement that people are addicted yoga , always calm and balanced, for good reason. When practicing yoga, resistance to stress increases, endurance increases and concentration improves.


Callanetics - fitness gymnastics, named after the author Callan Pinkney, is a complex system static exercises aimed at stretching and contracting muscles.

This kind physical activity is unique because it affects almost all the muscles of the body and in an hour gives them a load comparable to several hours shaping or aerobics.

Having learned to breathe correctly, listen to your body and understand the essence of the method, you will be able to study perfectly at home, armed with video tutorials or books. At the same time, already in the first months of training you will notice results and be able to:

Reduce body weight and reduce it volumes ; restore metabolism; improve posture and develop flexibility; by working out all the muscles, correct problem areas your figure.


The Pilates method is a system of simple, but very effective exercises, designed to return people to their natural state, to re-teach them to move the way they knew how to move in childhood - easily, freely, plastically, to make their bodies and spine flexible, strong, resilient. This is control over the body and, therefore, over the quality of one’s life. At the same time, the system is completely safe and suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender, age and physical shape. Pilates is a system of exercises aimed at working out the muscles of the body in detail, including small ones that are not involved in regular exercises, increasing the mobility of joints, the spine and elasticity. Medical research confirms the effectiveness of Pilates in relieving back pain, healing spinal injuries, combating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, the consequences of knee injuries and shoulder joints, headaches, as well as the effects of stress and ligaments.


Stretching in translation means “stretching”. These are sets of exercises for stretching the muscles, thanks to which the flexibility of the body increases and the joints acquire greater mobility.

During stretching exercises, individual muscles are stretched, remain in this position for a few seconds, and then return to normal.

Since all movements in stretching are too slow, this workout is not suitable for increasing blood circulation and “shaking” the body. But it has other advantages: during stretching, more blood flows to the muscles, due to which they relax and become more elastic; joints acquire greater mobility, resulting in increased flexibility, which is good when playing any sport; focused, deep breathing has a beneficial effect on the brain, especially after a busy day, helping to relax and relieve stress; stretching – good prevention salt deposits; exercise slows down some processes associated with aging of the body.


Tabata– it is short but very intense sports training. Tabata is based on interval physical activity. This means that 20 seconds intensive execution Each of the 8 Tabata exercises is followed by a short 10-second rest. The Tabata technique is also called the Tabata Plan or Tabata Protocol.

Tae-bo (Tai-bo)

Tai-bo aerobics is a fusion of oriental martial arts and aerobics. It was developed in the 90s by seven-time world karate champion Billy Blanks. It is very popular all over the world, as it allows you not only to purchase a magnificent physical fitness, but also gain self-defense skills.

For those new to fitness full lesson may be too much of a burden. You need to start either with other types of aerobics, or increase the time of exercise gradually, monitoring your heart rate and avoiding overtraining.
For classes, wear loose clothing and sneakers with a shock-absorbing sole that holds the foot well. For serious training, a punching bag is required. It is ideal if there is a large mirror in the training room, in which you can see all the movements being performed and monitor their correctness.

Like any high intensity workout tai bo requires good preparation warm-up And stretch marks .

The training includes jumping, voluntary movements, combinations of punches and kicks. It is worth remembering that the limbs should be slightly bent and not fully unbend when hitting. This will protect you as much as possible from possible injuries

Functional (Functional strength training)

Functional strength training (FST, Functional Sterngth Training) is the combination of functional and strength training within one lesson, which promotes deeper development of all muscle groups, development of flexibility, coordination and reaction speed.

Workout Features

Functional training, in principle, is considered so strength training, but it is not included in all strength programs. That is strength program does not necessarily mean the presence of a functional load in it. Therefore, the word “functional” began to be added to the names of fitness programs to emphasize their “functional” focus.

Strength training allows you to maximally load the large muscles of the body. Moreover, with power load work on them occurs in isolation. For example, some exercises are done on upper press, some are intended for elaboration lower press, separate movements are used for the lateral muscles.

Functional training consists of stabilization or balance exercises that involve several muscle groups at the same time. Moreover, while performing them, you still need to maintain balance by turning on the stabilizer muscles (back muscles, abs, lateral muscles).

Despite the fact that the exercises are mostly static, you achieve the deepest possible development of muscles, both large and small. Since you are under great tension, trying to maintain your balance, while not “dropping” your body, arms and legs (depending on the exercise), which are already working when involved in the exercise.


Fitball is used for body shaping and weight loss, shapes posture, strengthens back muscles, lifts your mood and helps you get rid of fatigue and stress.

Exercises with a fitball will help you tighten up hips And buttocks , do thinner waist, strengthen the back and relieve the spine, train the vestibular apparatus, provide a general load on all the muscles of the body and lose weight .

Fitness abs- This is a set of exercises for the abdominal muscles, thighs and buttocks, and lower back. The emphasis, however, is on the abs, and all other exercises will be performed insofar as they can create static load on the abdominal muscles. The term abs itself comes from the English abdominals - abdominal muscles.

Additional attention is paid to strengthening the back muscles, because muscles develop especially well when their antagonists are trained to the same extent as them. Abs is not yet a sport, but it is already physical education. Abs sport It has less stress on the abdominal, back and leg muscles than other sports. Exercises allow you to develop your abs proportionally along the entire length of the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

abs fitness classes

  • lead to strengthening of the press
  • burning excess fat deposits
  • removal of cellulite and “sides”
  • cause a decrease in waist size
  • increase endurance
  • have a beneficial effect on overall health and well-being
  • improve mood and normalize hormonal background
  • do not create excess load
  • do not lead to injury or damage.

Abs sport

Modern system training - abs - allows you to quickly and permanently get rid of the layer subcutaneous fat at the waist. No more grueling and ineffective diets and hours of training in gym. Abs fitness is a path to health that can be started today. Now. At this very moment.