7 extension of the arms on the block while standing. Triceps extension from the upper block. Extension of the arms on the upper block while standing video exercise

This exercise can be performed with different grips and using different handles. We recommend doing it different ways, for a more complete study of the triceps muscle of the shoulder (triceps). This way you can also diversify your workout. Let's look at the options and techniques for performing arm extensions on the lower block with a photo demonstration.

Watch your elbows, they should be motionless pressed to the sides of the body. Perform movements to the maximum amplitude. Concentrate and try to feel the work of the muscles. When moving up - inhale, when moving down - exhale.

Grasp the handle of the upper block with a direct grip (palms look down), slightly narrower than shoulder level. Pull the handle and press your elbows to the sides of your body. Inhale, and as you exhale, fully extend your arms. Slowly return the handle to its original position.

Extension of arms on the block reverse grip unique exercise for "drawing" the lateral head of the triceps. Fulfilling this exercise, on thumbs hands are subject to increased stress, so you may need to strengthen your hands special exercises if they fail.

Grasp the handle of the upper block with a reverse grip (palms up). Pull the handle and press your elbows to the sides of your body. Inhale, and as you exhale, fully extend your arms. Slowly return the handle to its original position.

The rope handle provides perfect isolation and powerful triceps contraction.

Grasp the rope handle of the upper pulley. Pull the handle and press your elbows to the sides of your body. Inhale, and as you exhale, fully straighten your arms (by extending your arms, you need to spread the ends of the rope). Slowly return to the starting position.

4. Extension of the arms on the block with a rope handle with one hand

This version of the exercise will even out the muscle imbalance, if any.

Grasp the rope handle of the upper pulley with one hand. Inhale, and as you exhale, fully straighten your working arm. Slowly return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the other hand.

Extension of the arms to top block is an isolating exercise, and is aimed at drawing the three heads of the triceps. The main load is received by the lateral (external head) and medial head (internal), depending on the execution technique.

Also, you can perform extension using a straight line or curved neck or using a rope handle (pigtail). Arm extension is best done after basic exercises as the final one, since it is not the main mass-gathering exercise.

Technique for performing extensions of the arms on the upper block:

  1. Take the rope handle and attach it to the cable of the upper pulley.
  2. Stand straight, knees slightly bent, body slightly tilted forward.
  3. Grasp the rope handles and pull it down towards the body. Lock your elbows in a stationary position.
  4. After inhaling, pull the handles of the simulator down. When the hands reach bottom point, you slightly spread the brushes to the sides. While passing the point of maximum load - exhale.
  5. Having reached the bottom point, fix your hands for a moment. This is the point of maximum load.
  6. Then, as you inhale, bend your arms, returning them to the starting position.
  7. When the angle at the elbows is 90 degrees, or a little less, fix your hands in this position and repeat the exercise.

Muscles involved in exercise

Features of the extension of the arms on the upper block:

  • Do not move the body, thereby helping yourself to perform the extension.
  • The elbows are fixed and motionless throughout the exercise.
  • If you cannot keep your elbows still, then the weight is not chosen correctly, and it needs to be reduced.
  • Do not move too far away from the block, otherwise it will be the wrong load angle. The load should be directed vertically, respectively, you need to approach, as close as possible.
  • Also, you can use a curved V - shaped neck. With this exercise, the load is shifted to the lateral (external) head.
  • The arm extension can also be done with a reverse grip (from below) with a straight bar. In this case, the load on the triceps will increase, but the load on the wrists, as well as on the thumbs, will increase. To avoid injury, you need to slightly reduce weight.

Choose the execution option in which you will feel your triceps as much as possible, and this will great incentive for muscle growth. Also, as a final exercise, you can try, which also works out the triceps poorly.

Triceps is triceps shoulder, which consists of three heads - lateral, medial and long. It originates on the outer surface of the shoulder and shoulder blade and is attached to the olecranon. Its main task is to extend the arms in the elbow joint. To pump this muscle, you can perform various kinds of arm extensions in simulators or using dumbbells, barbells, etc. But many athletes try to pump triceps on the block, thus achieving complete isolation.

The triceps extension is one of the most effective exercises that is often performed by both men and women. You can pump the target muscle group in isolation, thanks to the work in the crossover (block simulator). You will achieve the following goals:

  • Increase triceps strength.
  • Purposefully pump the triceps muscle of the shoulder.
  • Increase your arms in volume, and also make them more toned. Extra body fat they just burn out.
  • Strength indicators in heavy basic movements(such as bench press and deadlift) will increase several times.

It is very important to perform all movements technically correctly. Before training, warm up the desired muscle groups well.

Technical features of the exercise

Effectively simple enough. Follow the exact algorithm for performing movements.

Initial position

The athlete must approach the block simulator, and also attach a straight bar or rope handle to the handle of the upper block. Next, you need to set the desired weight burden. The position of the hands on the bar should be comfortable, the grip is straight, not too wide. Press your elbows into your body. The body can be tilted slightly, and the knees bent.

The process of doing the exercise

As you exhale, begin to unbend the bar down, work only with the help of the efforts of the triceps. The handle should touch the top of the thigh, fully straighten your arms. Hold your body in this position for a moment. Slowly return to the starting position, inhale. All movements are slow and controlled, you can not relax the triceps. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

Many athletes do this exercise with a reverse grip. Thus, the main load is transferred from the lateral head to the long head. You need to perform the exercise only due to the tension of the triceps. The pull of the upper block will help you effectively load the triceps muscle. Most often, this sports element is performed at the end of a workout. Work with relatively light weights.

The pull of the block for triceps is a rather traumatic exercise. It is important to monitor the condition of the joint. Do not be afraid to skip a workout if you experience pain in the deltas or triceps. An athlete in one session should do only 3-4 sets of extensions on the block. The number of repetitions per set depends entirely on training goals and physical capabilities.

Common Exercise Variations

There are several options for doing this sports element. Experienced bodybuilders alternately perform a variety of exercises to effectively pump triceps. The target muscle group does not have time to adapt to the load.

We create a quality training program

Consider your individual characteristics in order to draw up a quality lesson plan. Regular triceps extensions on the block will not be enough. You will not be able to qualitatively pump this muscle group.

Bodybuilders are most often engaged in. In one session, several muscle sections are worked out at once. Many men and women combine triceps and chest workouts. Effective plan classes may consist of the following sports elements.

Name of the exercise Muscle groups involved Number of repetitions Notes
Push-ups on the uneven barspectoralis major, tricepsMax number of timesPerformed at the end of the warm-up. An alternative exercise is push-ups from the floor.
Bench presspectoralis major, triceps, deltas10 -12 Do 3-4 working sets. You can also exercise with dumbbells.
Breeding hands with dumbbells lyingUpper chest8-10 You need to work at a slow pace. Perform the exercise on a horizontal bench.
french pressTriceps8-10 Exercise with dumbbells or barbells. Work through the efforts of the triceps.
Extension of arms on the blockTriceps10 -12 There are several variations of the movements, use different handles.

As we can see, the triceps are actively involved during pumping. pectoral muscles. Heavy contribute to an increase in the total muscle mass body.

You should not perform extension of the arms on the block very often. It is enough to pump triceps once a week. Thus, the muscles will recover well between sessions. You can avoid the effect of overtraining. In just a few weeks after starting the training, you will notice real changes. Triceps will become much larger and more prominent!

If you are looking for the most effective exercise to pump the triceps on the block, then this is, of course, the extension of the arms. It is used mainly in "bodybuilding" programs to give the muscle relief and clarity, to effectively separate the triceps from the biceps. The intensity of the impact on the lateral head of the triceps can be increased if a rope handle is used instead of a handle.

Initial position:

  1. Set the desired weight and attach the horizontal handle (or rope) to the top pulley.
  2. Stand facing the upper block at a distance of approximately 30-40 cm from the system.
  3. Grab the handle with an overhand grip about shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  4. Tilt your torso slightly, keeping your back straight, and bend your knees slightly.
  5. Lower the handle until your forearms are parallel to the floor - this will be the starting line of motion.
  6. Lock your elbows on the sides of the body.


  1. Inhale and exhale with an isolated effort of the triceps “squeeze” the weight vertically down, straightening your arms or, if the type of handle allows, moving them back.
  2. Hold the contracted position for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Return the handlebar to the top starting position under control.
  4. Perform the planned number of repetitions and approaches, observing the above technique.

Video Extension of arms on the block

Video Extension of arms from the upper block for girls

Analysis of the exercise

Anatomy of exercise - which muscles work



Preparing for execution

Prepare the simulator for work by hanging a short straight or rope handle on the carabiner (the end of the cable) (in fact, there are many more, but these two are the most used) and setting the necessary burden on the counterweight system.

Conduct a specialized warm-up before the working sets of the exercise by doing articular gymnastics for the elbows and 1-2 approaching extension sets. If possible, use a rope handle for this, which provides a deeper "warm-up" effect.

Proper execution


Efficiency Tips

Inclusion in the program

The upper block extension is a classic “finishing” movement and its place in the final part of specialized training programs on triceps. Basically, the exercise follows heavier elements such as push-ups on the uneven bars, "narrow" bench presses or French presses.

However, some athletes use block extension sets as a warm-up for muscles and joints - in this case, the “pumping” value of the exercise is secondary.

Excessively large weights are not used in extensions - weights should not interfere with the preservation of the form of movement and its technical execution in the range of 12-20 repetitions. Adjust the number of approaches independently (in the standard from 3 to 5) depending on the total volume of the done and planned training work.


The pull of the block on the triceps is quite harmless and has no serious contraindications. Sometimes you have to abandon this method of training triceps in traumatic conditions. elbow joints at least until you feel better.

In some rare cases, diseased wrist joints can also limit the effectiveness of extensions. But, as a rule, the use of a bendable handle solves this problem.

How to replace extension with triceps on the upper block

Technically, the triceps muscle also performs a similar movement when extending the arms in an incline with a dumbbell. And although block extensions are more “profitable” in a number of parameters, they can, if necessary, be replaced with work with a dumbbell.

Muscle map

The extension of the arms on the upper block is designed to train the triceps. It is performed to form beautiful shape hands and to strengthen the muscle that opens the way to more difficult exercises and allows you to level up training process. For more information about the rules and technique of execution - read the article.

What muscles are working?

One of the most popular exercises for working out the triceps is the extension of the arms using block simulator. This exercise belongs to the type of isolated (or isolating), as it involves only one joint and is aimed at only one muscle group.

Extension of the arms using a block simulator performs two main functions:

  • forms the relief of the muscle;
  • trains the strength of the triceps.

The triceps, which is worked out during the extension of the arms, is a good two-thirds of the muscle mass of the human arms. Given this fact, it is easy to understand that thanks to its shape, athletes achieve a beautiful shoulder relief.

Work on the triceps is equally popular among both male athletes and women. But if men seek to train triceps for the sake of volume and to perform subsequent more heavy exercise that require additional strength, then women who train triceps fight fat deposits in this area and form an expressive silhouette.

Despite the fact that the exercise with the block is aimed exclusively at working out the triceps, other muscles are also involved in the work. In an indirect way, they also receive their share of the load and develop successfully.

In the list of these muscles:

  • triceps muscle of the shoulder;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles, which have a stabilizing function;
  • big round;
  • back delta;
  • large chest;
  • small chest;
  • the bottom of the trapezium;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • wrist flexors;
  • spinal extensor muscles.

The exercise discussed in this material will help you solve several problems:

  • deep study of the triceps brachialis muscle;
  • increase in muscle mass - if there is such a goal and the athlete eats accordingly;
  • the ability to perform more bench presses, training through basic exercises.

Place in the program

No matter how effective the exercise is, it is performed in combination with others. Also with the extension of the muscles in the block.

Regardless of which muscles are worked on the day of training, muscle extension is performed in the final part:

  • in the “chest-triceps” training scenario, you must first do all the exercises for the chest;
  • in the back-triceps scenario, do the back exercises first, and only then work in the block.

Before you start working with a block simulator, you need to warm up the triceps. To do this, you need to follow several approaches:

  • men should aim for two to three sets of 10-15 reps with a weight of 15-20 kilograms.
  • women need to achieve two to three sets of 10-15 repetitions with a weight of 5-10 kilograms.

Execution rules

Like most popular exercises, the arm extension has many variations, but they are all based on the classic execution technique.

Classic extensions

The exercise is performed in a block-type simulator, as well as on simulators designed to work out the muscles of the back, but equipped with an upper block. Extensions are performed on the handles different forms- straight, curved or long, for one hand. All of them slightly change the force application vector, so athletes use them all, but in different training complexes.

  1. For the classic extension of the arms in the simulator, a short, straight handle is best suited. It must be fixed in the simulator.
  2. Hold the handle with a straight grip thumb over the handle.
  3. Press your elbows to the body.
  4. Bend them more than 90 degrees.
  5. Put your feet next to each other, take a pose as stable as possible.
  6. Back in the lumbar region - bend.
  7. Straighten your shoulders, raise your chin.
  8. The handle of the block should be pressed by the weight of the body, and not by the muscles of the back, since it is necessary to isolate the spinal muscles, and work exclusively on the triceps.
  9. With the effort of the triceps, lower the weight, straightening the elbows.
  10. Control the position of the elbows as you complete the set.


The ladder is not a specific modification of the exercise, but a way to achieve a muscle state close to failure.

A short flight of stairs can be performed by several athletes, competing in the number of repetitions.

The trick of the exercise is to start with half the usual weight. Each subsequent approach should be done with even less weight. The step can be from 5 to 10 kilograms. But at the same time, the number of repetitions should increase from approach to approach.

With curved neck

This exercise will give you the opportunity to outer part triceps or, in other words, a bunch of muscles.


  1. Attach the curved handle first.
  2. Turn your right hand clockwise, left - counterclockwise.
  3. Perform the exercise in the same way as the classic ones.
  4. After completing the standard number of repetitions, change the direction of the arms and work the muscles again.
  5. Alternate between the curved and straight neck for weeks to achieve an even triceps workout.

With one hand

The extension of the arms with the help of a block simulator becomes even more effective for the triceps if you perform the exercise first with one and then with the other hand. During the execution of this option, the triceps are fully loaded, and the rear deltoid muscle also receives a load.


  1. Rest against the rack of the frame with one hand, and with the other - grab the bar.
  2. Unbend the arm being trained, slightly moving it to the side.
  3. Repeat 10-15 times and change hands.

Possible mistakes and ways to avoid them

In the process of performing extensions of the arms in the block, it is easy to understand whether the exercise is performed correctly. You should feel tension in the triceps, not in other muscles. If you notice that after the exercise, the muscles of the back or chest hurt, then you need to look for a mistake.

The most common mistakes:

  • Do not lean too far down during the exercise. This will engage the back muscles.
  • Hands must be straightened to the end.
  • Maintain your posture while doing the exercise. A hunched back can lead to injury.
  • Hands and forearms should be kept in line.
  • Do not come close to the block while doing the exercise.
  • When working with a block simulator for the first time, control the position of the body and movements in the mirror.

How to properly perform the extension of the arms on the upper block, which muscles are involved in this, possible options exercises and mistakes can be seen in the video:


Exercise for triceps is quite safe. Since it is performed only with the help of the elbow joints, the main contraindications for this exercise are:

  • elbow injury;
  • injuries of ligaments or tendons of the hands;
  • wrist injuries.

If damage is not a big concern, you can reduce the load by reducing the usual weight by 30-40 percent.

Many athletes go to the gym even if they feel pain in the joints. With such determination, it is necessary to get advice from a specialist in advance, who will determine whether a particular exercise will be harmful for a particular violation.

When working on the triceps, the athlete must control the load, taking into account the degree of injury to their joints.