5 rejuvenating exercises of Tibetan monks. Exercises five Tibetan pearls. The connection between body and mind

For all eternity man has been searching and will continue to search for the fountain of youth. Agree, over the years we are able to give more and more for the opportunity to extend our lives. But no elixirs and all kinds of rejuvenation methods offered by modern industry are capable of influencing our body as much as we do ourselves. One important conclusion follows from this - the fountain of youth is inside every person, it is only important to use it correctly.

One such way is to regularly perform five simple rituals, which today are known as the “5 Tibetan pearls"(other names - Eye of Revival, Eye of Revelation). By devoting just a few minutes to this practice every day, you will very soon feel how vitality returns to your body, which will become more beautiful, healthy and youthful. Both externally and internally you will lose several decades, thereby extending your life! This is the secret of longevity! Want to know more about him?

The principle of operation of the five Tibetan pearls

To understand the principle of the impact of these rituals on health and longevity, let's pay attention to the following explanation given by the author of the book “The Eye of Renaissance” Peter Kelder.

The human body has 7 centers, which can be called vortices. IN healthy body they rotate very quickly, but when their speed decreases and the vortices slow down, the body begins to age, the person becomes sickly and decrepit. That is, while all the vortices rotate at the same high speed, the body is healthy and works like a clock, but as soon as one or more of them slow down, a person immediately feels a loss of strength, followed by illness and old age.

The location of these magnetic centers is as follows:

  • 2 of them are in the brain (one deep in the forehead, and the second in the back of the brain) - these are vortices A and B

  • 1 at the base of the neck in the throat - vortex C

  • 1 s right side body, opposite the liver (approximately at waist level) - vortex D

  • 1 in the genitals - vortex E

  • 2 in the knees (one in each) - vortices F and G

Ideally, the rotating vortices should extend beyond the body, but when they slow down, they do not reach its surface (with the exception of two vortices in the knees). Therefore, in order to restore health, youth and vitality, you need to unwind these vortexes. For this, 5 rituals (exercises) are needed, each of which will be useful even individually, especially the first, but for the result to be more tangible, all five are needed.

The key to success is regularity

You need to approach this practice as a daily ritual, and in the future try not to miss a single day. At first, this may seem impossible - doing the same actions every day, monotonously and boringly... In reality, it turns out to be easier - having gotten used to doing the exercises every time after waking up in the morning, you will treat the “Tibetans” as if you were brushing your teeth or washing your face, and for It will become impossible for you to miss them. The undoubted advantage of Tibetan rituals is that they take very little time, but at the same time they help you wake up faster, recharge your energy and mood for the whole day.

Although at first glance the “five Tibetans” may resemble physical exercise, yet these are, first of all, rituals - that’s what Tibetan monks call them. Let's look at each of them in more detail to understand the principle of execution, and after that we'll look at important points regarding the practice of the Five Tibetan Pearls.

Ritual No. 1

This is a simple ritual similar to fun game, it helps to accelerate the rotation of all vortices, initially launching A, B and E, and they, in turn, affect vortices C and D.

Initial position: stand straight and extend your arms to the sides in a horizontal position.

Start rotating clockwise (from left to right) until you feel dizzy (you may want to sit down or lie down - do this).

At first, on average, you will get about 6 rotations, and there is no need to strive for more, it is important to do just enough until dizziness appears, and then stop. If you can't spin enough times, do as many as you can.

Over time, with regular performance of all 5 rituals, the speed of rotation of the vortexes increases, and the first ritual will be easier, that is, you will be able to rotate more circles. You should focus on your feelings, but on average everything happens something like this: at first 10 rotations will be enough, after a few months of practice they can be increased to 20, then 30, 40 and, finally, after many months or several years of regular performance of the “5” complex Tibetan pearls" - up to 50. You should not overdo this ritual, as it will large number rotations (and therefore increased legwork), the F and G vortices, which are located in the knees, are exhausted.

Ritual No. 2

Just like the first ritual, this action additionally stimulates the coordinated work of the 7 magnetic centers of our body - the vortexes described above. This ritual is even simpler.

Initial position: lie on the floor (preferably on a gymnastic mat or blanket, but in no case on a cold floor; you can also perform this ritual on a bed), stretch out to your full length, straighten your arms along your body, turn your palms down, keep your fingers closed and slightly turned inwards, towards the body.

Their starting position is to raise their legs as vertically as possible without bending their knees or lifting their hands from the floor. While raising your legs, simultaneously lift your head off the floor, and while lowering your legs, also lower your head to the starting position.

Raising the head and legs at the same time speeds up the rotation of the vortices, especially those that are the slowest at the moment.

Ritual No. 3

This ritual is performed immediately after the first two. Consistency is very important in this complex!

Initial position: kneeling on the same mat, arms down along the body, palms and fingers pressed to the side of the thighs.

Begin the ritual by tilting your head forward, pressing your chin to your chest. After this, you should move your torso back, while simultaneously raising your head - it also needs to be thrown back as far as possible. Return to the starting position, relax for a couple of seconds and repeat this cycle again.

While performing ritual 3, your hands should always be pressed with your fingers and palms to your legs; only when moving your torso back, your palms can be moved to the back of your legs - both this technique and your socks resting on the floor will prevent you from falling.

Ritual No. 4

At the beginning of practice, the fourth ritual may be more difficult for you, but again, if you continue to perform it daily, you will very quickly realize that it is quite simple and easy. During this ritual, 5 vortices are additionally stimulated (all but two in the head).

Initial position: sitting on the mat, legs extended forward, rear end knees pressed to the floor. Place your hands on the floor, you can spread them slightly to the sides, fingers closed. Tilt your head forward and tuck your chin to your chest.

From this position, smoothly raise your torso until it is horizontal to the floor. The legs are bent at the knees, the ankles and arms are vertical to the floor. Simultaneously with raising your torso, lift your chin and lift your head, and having reached a horizontal position of your torso, tilt your head back as far as possible - watch your sensations and do not overdo it.

Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds, keeping all muscles tense, then lower to the starting position and relax for a couple of seconds (it is very important to tense the muscles at the top and relax at the bottom). Next, do the required number of repetitions of this ritual in the same way.

Important tip! If you can’t immediately raise your torso to a horizontal position, do as best you can and don’t worry about it. Over time, you will be able to perform ritual 4 correctly!

Ritual No. 5

This is the final ritual of the Eye of Rebirth practice.

Initial position: rest your palms on the floor at a fairly wide distance (about 60cm) and your toes - your legs are spaced the same way as your arms. In this position, the body sags from the shoulders to the toes in a curved line without touching the floor. The head is thrown back.

Start raising your torso up without bending your arms (they should be straight during the entire ritual), raise your pelvis as much as possible, and also lower your head down, pressing your chin to your chest, as in other rituals. Note that in this position the body forms a triangle with the floor; in yoga this is called “mountain pose.” Pause at the top for a moment and smoothly return to the starting position, hanging off the floor. After this, repeat the ritual.

Important tips for practicing Tibetan rituals

There are no special contraindications to performing the five Tibetans, but there are points that you should pay attention to, both for greater effect and to avoid various problems and injuries:

  1. The most important rule, which should be followed initially, is a uniform increase in the number of repetitions of each ritual: in the first week 3 repetitions, after which each subsequent week you need to add 2 more. By the beginning of the 10th week you will be doing all 5 Tibetans 21 times - this is the amount you should stop at. There is an exception for the first ritual - you can do it as much as you feel light-headed, no more. But, most likely, with regular practice you will succeed.

  2. You need to practice 5 Tibetans daily, of course, you can skip it once a week, but nothing more. This is the only way to expect good results! All you need to do is either get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning or go to bed 10 minutes later.

  3. The best time to perform this complex is early in the morning, ideally before dawn. For beginners this will be enough, and later you can add another cycle in the evening. Also, if in the morning you were unable to complete the required number of repetitions of a ritual, you should remember how many “unfinished”, and complete them in the evening.

  4. All the rituals are very powerful, and even if you are completely unable to do any of them, do the other four, or do at least several times, even in this condition you will get results, only a little slower. Moreover, the first ritual (rotation) itself is very powerful, and you will notice an improvement in your well-being, even if you only do it.

  5. If you have had an operation (for example, appendicitis was removed) or have a hernia, perform rituals 2, 3 and 5 more carefully.

  6. Overweight people need to be careful when performing the fifth ritual until the weight is normal.

  7. After performing the rituals, it is advisable to take a hot or warm bath. You can also quickly wipe yourself with a wet and dry towel alternately, only if you have already practiced cold showers or wipes before. To an unprepared person This should not be done, because it can quickly cool down from the inside and the effect of the “5 Tibetan pearls” will be lost.

Elixir of life: why and who needs the sixth ritual

As mentioned above, all 5 rituals are aimed at restoring body strength and vitality. At the same time, they help a person look a little younger. But you can become truly young in all respects (it’s as if a 70-year-old man looked no more than 40 years old, but felt like he was 25) only if you perform the 6th ritual.

Let us immediately note that it is absolutely useless until the good results with the first five. And for this you will definitely need a couple of years of regular practice, sometimes 3-4 years.

And perhaps most important condition to perform the 6th ritual action is a complete exclusion or severe limitation of sexual life. This is explained by the fact that the last ritual is aimed at transforming your sexual energy into vitality. It also follows from this that the sixth “Tibetan” can only be done by a man in good sexual shape.

As for women, the question is generally open, since in the book “The Eye of Renaissance,” which describes this practice, the author does not mention women in relation to the sixth ritual.

You can perform it at any time, but only when there is an excess of sexual energy and a strong desire to use it (attraction). In this situation, you do the following.

Stand straight, exhale all the air from your lungs, then, without inhaling, bend forward and rest your palms on your knees. Exhale the remaining air and, without inhaling, return to the vertical position. Raise your shoulders, press on your hips with your hands and pull in your stomach as much as possible, your chest should expand.

Hold this pose for longer, then inhale through your nose and then exhale through your mouth, while relaxing and releasing your arms so that they hang down along your body. Inhale and exhale deeply and quickly several times.

This cycle must be repeated 3 times to direct the resulting sexual energy upward.

Do you want to become younger and younger day by day? Then the sixth ritual is for you! The only question is, are you ready to refuse to use your “attraction” for its intended purpose?!

Perhaps we have described the most important points regarding the practice of “5 Tibetan pearls”, but besides this, your habits have a huge impact on your health and appearance. Along with daily rituals, you can quickly regain youth and health by changing a few of your habits:

  1. Straighten up, tighten your stomach and chin, straighten your chest - only this will help you lose a couple of decades, externally and internally.

  2. Bring your weight back to normal - this means both excess and underweight. If you get rid of extra pounds If you remove your belly, you will immediately look and feel younger. The same thing will happen if you gain the missing kilograms, getting rid of painful thinness.

  3. Drink enough water - it is advisable for men to drink from 1 to 1.5 liters, for women 500-700 ml per day. If you drink more water, that's even better, but you need to increase the amount gradually over 2 months.

  4. Eliminate all types of pork and total fat from your diet.

  5. White sugar and foods containing it should also be limited. You can replace sugar with natural sweeteners, such as honey, but do not overuse them.

  6. Alcohol should be avoided completely if you really want to stay young and vibrant.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that quite often regular performance of the “Five Tibetan Pearls” rituals allows older people to achieve more impressive results, and if you are under 40 years old and do not have serious health problems, you look very young and feel great, then most likely you don’t need “Tibetans” yet!

If a person searches online 5 Tibetan exercises every day, then most likely he read (or heard about) Peter Kalder's book The Ancient Fountain of Youth. It is difficult to judge whether the author is telling a fictional story or a real one. It is not even known for certain whether the author himself, P. Kalder, existed. In any case, there is no evidence of his presence on Earth. Perhaps the name and surname are fictitious, since the book was, first of all, a message and secondarily a work of art with an intriguing plot and a touch of mysticism.

Rules for performing the exercises “5 Tibetan pearls”

But, be that as it may, health system, set out in a book and including five exercises Tibetan monks, recommendations on breathing, exercise technique, and nutrition are quite effective and have already helped many men and women. Thousands of people have tested it for themselves positive impact, and the number of followers of the Eye of Rebirth is growing steadily. This means that the message has achieved its goal.

When performing the “Five Tibetan Pearls” exercises, it is important to adhere to the rules:

  • You need to exercise on an empty stomach.
  • Pay attention to breathing technique. Breathing should be deep, even, synchronous with body movements. Between inhalation and exhalation, always take a short and comfortable pause with a breath hold, during which you will hold one or another pose. In the description of each exercise we will focus on breathing technique.
  • The order of exercises cannot be changed.
  • Start performing the complex by repeating each exercise 3 times. Each week, increase the number of repetitions by 2 until you reach 21 repetitions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to bring yourself to the point of overwork; calculate your strength.
  • It is necessary to perform exercises in an even, unclouded state of mind. It is recommended to cleanse yourself before classes with prayer, meditation - whichever suits you best.
  • For exercise, you need a mat that is warm and dense enough to comfortably perform exercises from a lying position for a long time.

Be sure to take a pause after each exercise, during which you need to stand up straight (hands on your waist) and take several deep and slow breaths, paying attention to the sensations in your body.

Let's move directly to the description.

Exercises five pearls of Tibet. Scheme of all exercises

The first exercise of the five “pearls of Tibet”

This is to a greater extent energy exercise, which simultaneously trains the vestibular apparatus.

Starting position: standing, legs – foot-width apart, arms – apart, palms down, head – straight. Execution: at a uniform speed, begin to rotate around the axis clockwise. Make turns until you feel dizzy. You can push back the threshold for dizziness by using a dancer’s turning technique called “holding the point.” If you feel dizzy after three times, then perform three turns each day in the following days until the dizziness disappears. Then gradually increase the number of turns.
Never turn on your axis more than you can without getting dizzy. Even if you already perform the rest of the exercises in full. Despite its apparent simplicity, mastering the first ritual action (training the vestibular apparatus) can take a year or more. Be patient.

Second exercise of the five Tibetan pearls

Starting position: lying on your back. The legs are straight, brought together, the arms are along the body, the palms are pressed to the floor. Performance:

Exhale deeply. While inhaling smoothly and deeply, raise your head and press your chin to your chest, raise your shoulders, place your hands on the floor with your palms, then raise your straight legs, bringing them as close to you as possible. Do not lift your pelvis or lift your lower back off the floor. Feet – in a neutral position, do not pull your toes. The main thing is to watch your knees - they should be retracted, your legs should be straight.

As you exhale, slowly lower your legs. And only then - the shoulders and head. Returning to the starting position in the reverse order will create an unwanted load on the lumbar region.

Alternating inhalation and exhalation should be slow, calm and deep and equal in duration. Try not to disrupt your breathing rhythm. Even if you decide to rest, breathe at the same pace and just as deeply.

The third exercise from the “5 Tibetans” complex

Initial position:

When kneeling, the thighs are strictly perpendicular to the plane of the floor, the knees are at a distance of the width of the pelvis, the position of the feet is vertical with the pads of the toes resting on the floor. The back is straight, the shoulders are turned. Hands with palms resting on back surface thigh muscles, fingers “look” forward, elbows pointing back, chest turned out.


At the beginning of the exercise, take a deep breath. As you exhale, stretching your spine, tilt your chin towards your chest. Next, while inhaling deeply and slowly, bend the spine back. At the same time, we throw our head back, lightly resting our palms on our hips, and arch chest. As you exhale, we return to the starting position.

You can inhale and exhale while resting and repeat the exercise from the beginning.

In the third ritual action, the deflection is carried out due to the thoracic region, but not the lumbar region. Pay attention to this.

The fourth exercise of the five Tibetan pearls

Initial position:

Sitting on the floor, legs extended and spread shoulder-width apart. The back is straight. Place your palms on the floor on the sides of the gluteal muscles. The fingers are closed and directed forward.


On a deep exhalation, stretching your back, lower your chin to your chest. While inhaling, we perform the following actions: throwing our head back, lifting our torso, resting our hands and feet on the floor. The arms remain straight, the legs bend at the knees at an angle of 90°. It turns out to be a kind of “reverse bridge”. As a result, the torso and hips should be in one straight line, raised above the floor. Once in this position, hold your breath and tense all the muscles of your body for a few seconds. Then relax and, as you exhale, return to the starting position with your chin pressed to your chest. If you need rest, rest, but do not forget to breathe deeply and evenly.

Fifth ritual action

Initial position:

Bend over position. In this case, the fingers are closed, the hands are located at the hip joints, and the arms are straightened. Pay attention to your shoulders! The head should not fall between shoulder joints. Stretch the top of your head up, stretching your neck. You rest on your palms and toes. The legs are the same distance from each other as the hands. The shins, thighs and pelvis do not touch the floor.


As you exhale, tilt your head back and up, bend into thoracic region. The pelvis and legs remain motionless. As you inhale, smoothly move your chin to your chest, while simultaneously lifting your pelvis up. Legs and arms remain straight, with your heels touching the floor. The body appears to be folded in half at the hip joints. Do not bend your knees. Stay in this pose for a while, “sag” in your shoulders, relax (chin pressed to your chest). Then, as you exhale, return to the starting position.

Please note that after performing the ritual actions, you must take a warm or summer shower. But by no means cool. Pouring cold water is excluded. This is a safety technique.

It will be a little difficult at first. But very soon you will be able to do the Tibetan complex with ease. It is best to practice every morning at sunrise. Although, it is not forbidden to go after work, in the evening - at sunset.

Time will pass, and you will understand that five Tibetan exercises for every day are not easy. health-improving gymnastics, this is one of the tools for personality transformation and will training.

Gymnastics With beautiful name « Five Tibetan pearls"became popular after the publication of Peter Kadler's book The Eye of the Renaissance in 1938. Its main effect is aimed at rejuvenating and activating the body's defenses.

The essence of the exercises

It is believed that every person has 7 centers called vortices. They all rotate at a certain speed, which ensures a healthy state of the body.

Magnetic centers in human body located:

  • in the frontal part of the head;
  • in the back of the head;
  • in the throat area, at the base of the neck;
  • in the liver area;
  • in the genital area;
  • 2 vortices in the knees.

When the movement of the vortices slows down, a person becomes sickly and begins to age. To restore youth and health, the monks spun the magnetic centers to their original speed, for which they used the method of 5 Tibetan pearls.

The training complex consists of 5 exercises, aimed at physical development in combination with improvement respiratory system. The "Eye of Rebirth" revealed the ancient Tibetan secrets, which have a beneficial and rejuvenating effect on the energetic and physical state of a person, which were held by the monks for a long time secretly.

Pros, cons

The Tibetan method of healing and rejuvenation has a number of advantages, which include:

  • in the simplicity of the constituent elements of the lesson;
  • there is no need to use additional equipment and gear;
  • the ability to exercise in any conditions: at home, outdoors or in the gym.
  • in short-term training.


  • in contraindications for classes in certain conditions of the body;
  • in nullifying the results of training in the absence of regularity.


To restore the body, Tibetan gymnastics cannot be used for diseases:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • Parkinson's;
  • hypertension;
  • gastric and intestinal systems of the body;
  • acute forms of arthritis;
  • spine.


  1. Torsion of the body with arms extended in opposite directions around an imaginary axis from left to right. To automate the performance of a gymnastic element, you should imagine yourself located in the center of a huge dial located on the ground. Rotation should only be done clockwise. The criterion for completing the exercise is the appearance of slight dizziness. For beginners, especially at 1 week, it is recommended to limit yourself to 3 revolutions. Exhaling forcefully before performing the exercise will set the rhythm for further breathing during the training process. Simultaneous raising and lowering of the legs is carried out from a supine position. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you should hold for 5 seconds in extreme positions.
  2. The exercise involves tilting your head in the “back and up” direction. with simultaneous protrusion of the chest and placing the hands on the hips from a kneeling position with vertical lines of the hips and hands. After completing the ritual, you should return to the starting position. You need to start repeating after a short rest. Particular attention should be paid to breathing. Before performing the exercise, you need to take a deep breath. When bending, you need to inhale, and when returning to the starting position, exhale. According to the Tibetan method, the supply of oxygen to the body through breathing interconnects the physical and mental bodies, making it possible to control the etheric force.
  3. Particular attention is paid to breathing. Immediately before starting the exercise, you should take a deep and long exhalation, as a result of which the beginning of the correct breathing process is laid. In ritual 4, it is necessary to move the head in the “back and up” direction while simultaneously raising the torso to a horizontal position of the hips and vertical arms and lower legs from the initial state, sitting with a straight spine and legs shoulder-width apart. To make it easier to complete the task, your hands should be positioned at floor level, fingers forward. You should remain in a state of tension for no more than 5 seconds, after which you should return your torso to its original position and relax it.
  4. You need to lie down, leaning on your palms and toes. The head should be thrown back and raised up, while the body should be placed in a position resembling an acute angle. When pressing your chin to your chest, you need to make sure that your legs do not bend. To complicate the task, you can take a short pause for 5 seconds at the moment of maximum muscle tension.
  5. This ritual is characterized by the use of paradoxical breathing, when the exercise begins with exhalation, and inhalation is carried out while folding the body. The next exhalation is done when the body returns to the original position of the folded body.

To achieve results in a healthier body and improved functioning energy channels it is enough to complete the complex simple exercises just 20 minutes a day.

The basic rules of the methodology are to follow the recommendations:

  1. A prerequisite for obtaining results is the regularity of classes.
  2. Counts best time conducting classes immediately after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. In the first week, you should perform each exercise 3 times a day, 1 time per day.
  4. From weeks 2 to 9, each exercise must be performed with two repetitions.
  5. By the time a course of classes using the method under consideration is fully mastered, each gymnastic element must be executed 21 times.
  6. While performing gymnastics, you should monitor the rhythm and correctness of breathing.
  7. After finishing classes, you need to relax, which is easily achieved by adopting a straightened body position while lying down.

Stress, poor environment and hardships modern life negatively affect most of us, leading to poor health and premature aging. However, everyone can fight this - it’s enough to spend 20 minutes a day on a set of exercises 5 Tibetan pearls to get a beneficial effect for the whole body. Daily practice clears the mind, balances hormones, improves health and supports emotional well-being.

The essence of gymnastics

Five Tibetan pearls are basic movements yoga This is not vigorous exercise, but simple poses, which activate nervous system the body at the etheric level to restore health and vitality. The gymnastics is believed to have been developed by Tibetan monks more than 2,500 years ago. They were convinced that daily exercise was the key to the “fountain of youth.”

Each exercise has numerous benefits that, when combined with consistent practice, can prevent common problems that come with age. Classes help:

  • Maintain balance.
  • Strengthen muscles.
  • Make your back more flexible.
  • Increase strength and endurance to slow down the aging process.

These five exercises are supposed to activate the seven chakras, which stimulate the glands. These are components of the endocrine system, which is responsible for the proper functioning of all organs. Alternative medicine practitioners believe that the glands are part of the body's electrical network, along with the brain and sympathetic system. They also serve as conductors of ether or life energy.

Based on these ideas, it was suggested that each pearl develops glands. This enhances the body's ability to receive this energy, which is sent to the brain and, like an electric current, spreads throughout the body through the glandular system.

Origin and theories

The modern world learned about the ancient practice thanks to the American Peter Kelder, who described it in his publication “The Eye of Revelation” in 1939. Almost nothing is known about the author himself, except that he grew up in the western United States and left home as a teenager, going in search of new life. In the 1930s, he met a retired British Army colonel and shared stories with Kelder about his travels, one of which revealed the secret of the five Tibetan pearls. The book was the result of these conversations.

In his pamphlet, Kelder claimed that while in India, a British officer (he calls him Bradford) heard a story about a group of Buddhist lamas who discovered the "fountain of youth." Being old men, they suddenly gained health, strength, and energy after they entered the same monastery.

After retiring, Bradford went in search of this place and ended up living with the llamas. From the monks he learned about five exercises, which they called pearls.

According to Kelder, the lamas described the action of seven spiritual vortex currents of the body, which are located:

  • in the forehead;
  • on the back of the head;
  • at the base of the neck;
  • on the right in the liver area;
  • V reproductive organs;
  • one in each knee.

According to this theory, the speed of vortex flows decreases with age. This leads to poor health. However, this speed can be increased by performing gymnastics daily. This, in turn, will lead to improved health.

Today, pearls are considered a form of yoga from Tibet, similar to that which originated in India.

But there are differences between them. Traditional Tibetan Yoga and Pearls Emphasize Continuous Sequence various movements(vinyasa). Indian practice focuses on static poses. Although references to pearls have been found in the writings of yoga adherents for decades, skeptics argue that the Tibetans themselves never recognized them as original practitioners.

The origins of gymnastics remain a matter of debate until the publication of Kelder's pamphlet. However, a comparison of the pose illustrations indicates significant similarities between pearls and Tibetan gymnastics trul-khor. Adherents of the latter consider this impression deceptive. However, one of the adherents of the Tibetan form of Buddhism, Sa-Skya, stated that pearls are the original form of yoga. They come from a real tantric line of Indo-Tibet.

In addition, it has been suggested that yoga appeared as much as 700 years later. Therefore, the five Tibetan pearls could not have evolved from Tibetan or Indian practices. Another theory has been put forward that their source is most likely the Kum Nai system, which is exactly 2500 years old. But most researchers agree that the pedigree of gymnastics is not the main thing. Its great potential is significant for everyone who is able to devote 15–20 minutes to exercise a day.

Benefit for health

As stated in Kelder's book, after his stay in the monastery, the British officer transformed him from a stooped old man with a cane into a "young man" with perfect posture and in full bloom. In addition, his hair even grew back without a hint of gray. The revised edition of The Eye of Revelation contains testimonials from practitioners regarding its beneficial medical effects. Among them are improved vision, potency, memory, hair growth and rejuvenation.

Most practitioners share the opinion that the five Tibetan pearls are a set of exercises that affect the body, emotions and mind. According to the mentioned theory of influence on the glands, exercise has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, including physical and energetic ones, which includes the aging process.

Unfortunately, the claims often turn out to be exaggerated and end up falling short of expectations. Benefits are likely to be achieved through increased energy, decreased stress, a sense of calm, mental clarity, increased strength and flexibility. This overall leads to improved health and well-being. In addition, it is recommended to combine classes with proper nutrition and an increase in overall activity.

Thus, the health benefits of gymnastics are:

  • In cleansing of toxins.
  • In reversing the aging process.
  • In good sleep and strengthening memory.
  • In improving the emotional and mental state.
  • In relieving pain and inflammation in joints due to arthritis.
  • In weight loss.
  • Increasing strength.

Its main advantage, according to Buddhist practitioners, is the coordination of the chakras. These are spinning wheels or vortexes of energy (prana) of different colors that perform many functions. Chakras are powerful electrical and magnetic fields. Through them, the energy of the universe flows throughout the body, including the meridian system.

There are 7 major and 122 minor centers in the body. The main chakras are located following this way:

  • At the base of the spine (root).
  • In the navel (sacred).
  • In the solar plexus (solar plexus chakra).
  • In the heart (heart).
  • In the throat (throat).
  • In the center of the forehead (third eye chakra).
  • At the top of the head (crown).

They are connected to all other energy systems in the body and the various layers of the aura.

The speed of chakra rotation is the key to good health. In addition, it is important to free them from negative energy so that they do not lose their ideal shape.

This charge accelerates the rotation of the chakras while coordinating them. This allows for a harmonious distribution of energy in endocrine system, which is one of the main requirements for healing and rejuvenation.

Doing exercises

Before starting classes, it is necessary to take into account that turns and stretching can aggravate some diseases, for example, heart problems, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, severe diseases of the spine and joints, hypertension, hyperthyroidism. There may be complications if you are taking medications that cause dizziness. Be sure to consult your doctor first if you have any health concerns.

Warm-up exercises

This warm-up before doing the five pearls will help you open up, relax, release tension, strengthen and tone various parts of the body. If you are overweight, in poor physical condition or have a serious illness, this group of exercises will help you start on the path to being more active.

Start this group of exercises with 2 repetitions for each. Gradually increase their number. The result should be 10 repetitions. In total you need to perform 6 warm-up exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, tilt your head towards your left shoulder and wait 5 seconds. Then bend towards your chest and maintain this position for another 5 seconds. Repeat with the left shoulder. But now don’t tilt your head, but tilt it back and hold for 5 seconds. Return it to its normal position. Exhale as you move your head and inhale as you return to the upright position.

  2. Stand straight, slowly roll your shoulders forward, then back. Do this 5 times. While performing the complex, breathe deeply.
  3. Stand straight, elbows bent, hands in front of your chest, fingertips together. Palms apart. Press the fingers of both hands against each other until they almost come together. Palms should not touch. Release and repeat. Breathe normally.
  4. In a relaxed position, while standing, keep your hands in front of you. Grab your left wrist with your right hand, pressing thumb to its interior. Squeeze gently but noticeably 5 times. Do the same with your left hand squeezing your wrist with your right. Breathe normally.
  5. Lower yourself onto a flat surface, raising your torso and leaning on your elbows. Rhythmically bend and extend your knees in quick succession. Your heels should not leave the floor throughout the entire exercise. Do repetitions for 20–30 seconds. Breathe normally.
  6. On all fours, lift your chin. Arch your back down so that your pelvis rises. Then tuck your chin to your chest. Arch your back in an upward direction so that your pelvis now lowers. Inhale as you lift your tailbone and exhale as you lower it.

Basic course of pearls

The set of exercises consists of five pearls. When performing them, you need to relax as much as possible and focus on sensations, feel harmony. Technique of the complex:

  • The first pearl. Stand up straight, raise your arms at shoulder level and spread them to the sides horizontally to the floor, palms facing down. Turn clockwise. Stop when you feel slightly dizzy. Gradually increase the number of turns, maximum 21. As you turn, inhale and exhale deeply.
  • Second pearl. Lie on the floor, look up. Extend your arms, palms parallel to the floor, do not spread your fingers to the sides. Then lift your head off the floor, lowering your chin. Along with this, raise your legs. The knees should not bend. If possible, place your legs behind your head. Now, slowly, lower yourself, still in the same way, without bending your knees. Relax your muscles and repeat. Take a deep breath as you raise your limbs and head and exhale slowly as you lower them.
  • Third pearl. Stand on your knees, keeping your back straight. Toes point inward. Place your hands on your thighs. Tilt your head forward, lowering your chin. Then lean it back, arching your spine. Your thighs should serve as hand rests. Return your body to the starting position and repeat. Inhale while arching your spine. Exhale while taking an upright pose.
  • The fourth pearl. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Spread them about 30 cm apart. Sitting straight, place your palms next to your buttocks. Lower your chin to your chest. Tilt your head back as far as possible. Along with this, raise your body, bend your knees, but keep your arms straight. Tighten all your muscles. Then relax them and return to the original position. After resting, repeat. Inhale as you rise, hold your breath as you tense your muscles, and exhale as you lower down completely.

  • Fifth pearl. Lie face down. Press your palms into your hands and curl your toes inward. Rise up on your hands - they should be perpendicular to the floor, at this moment the spine will arch, and the body will seem to sag. Tilt your head back as best you can. Bend at the hips and lift your body up in an inverted “V.” At the same time, lower your chin. Return to the original position. Breathe deeply as you raise your body and exhale completely as you lower it.

If, while doing exercises, you feel pain in your joints or feel unwell, then you should stop exercising and give your body a rest. The next day, carefully begin warming up exercises, monitoring your condition. Increase the load gradually and in doses.

Alternative course

The following group of exercises is designed as preparation for pearls or as an alternative if for some reason you cannot perform them. This exercise promotes strength and flexibility. Start with 2 or 3 repetitions of each exercise daily until you can do 10. Once you have developed strength and agility, move on to the five pearls described above:

  1. Stand with your back straight and your feet 30 cm apart. Stretch your arms out to the sides at shoulder level, palms facing down. Turn right. Touch your left hand to the opposite shoulder. Right hand should be behind the lower back. Repeat in the opposite direction. Allow your torso and legs to follow the rotation of your arms. You can lift your heels off the floor a little. Turn your head in the direction of the revolution. Breathe to the beat.
  2. Lie down on a flat surface, raise your body, lean on your elbows with your palms down. Without bending your knees, lift them off the floor. Don't move for 20 or 30 seconds. Inhale as you raise your legs, breathe normally while holding them up, exhale as you lower them.
  3. Stand with your back to the wall, feet about 30 cm apart. Without moving your legs, lean forward so that your buttocks rest against the wall. Slide down, bending your knees, until your thighs are horizontal to the floor, as if you were sitting in a chair. Hold the position for 15 seconds and then rise slowly. Start exhaling as you go down, inhale as you go up.
  4. Lying on your back, straighten your arms, palms facing down. Keep your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees. Raise your pelvis, holding it for 10 seconds. Return to the original position. Inhale as you lift your buttocks and exhale as you lower them.
  5. Get on all fours. Lift your buttocks so your body forms an inverted “V.” There is no need to bend your legs, but your arms should form a straight line with your back. Maintain this position for 15 seconds. Inhale as you lift your buttocks. Breathe slowly and deeply while holding the position, and then exhale, returning to the original position.

special instructions

In the first week, if you are relatively healthy and fit, 3 repetitions of each exercise is enough. With insufficient general activity, overweight and health problems, you should act more carefully. Do one of the first three exercises every day, and only when you feel absolutely comfortable.

If you are overweight, you should not perform the fourth and fifth pearls until you have developed strength and endurance. It is allowed to perform exercises No. 4 and 5 from the alternative course. After enough practice, you can move on to their counterparts from the main course.

Do only what brings you comfort. This may be just one repetition of each exercise during the first week. Take your time. Increase the repetitions by one each week or faster. The main thing is not to experience pain or discomfort when performing gymnastics. 21 repetitions is the maximum for each exercise. If you want to improve the program, study in more fast pace. But in any case, no more than 21 repetitions per day. If you overdo it, it will negatively affect the chakras, leading to imbalance in the body.

Five Tibetan pearls can stimulate detoxification and often create unpleasant physical symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to increase the number of repetitions gradually on a weekly basis.

If you haven't exercised in a while, try preparing for these activities by walking for half an hour every day. Alternatively, a stretching program with gradually increasing exercise types and duration.

A sugar-free, low-fat diet is of particular importance when incorporating the Five Pearls into your daily practice. In addition to gymnastics, the ascetic lifestyle in the mountains also contributed to the good health of the monks. Try to eliminate all indigestible or allergenic foods from your diet. This way you will tune in healthy image life.

Exercise every day. You can take a break of just one day per week. Think about it, they won’t take much time - only 20 minutes. If the exercises are performed less than six days a week, the results will take much longer. If time is limited on certain days, do 3 repetitions. It will take less than 5 minutes.

For achievement maximum benefit, exercise in the morning before breakfast, if possible. If it doesn’t work out, then try to devote time to the complex at any free moment.

Daily practice of the exercises described above is one of essential elements for good health. Numerous reviews from all over the world suggest that this gymnastics allows you to return to a full life. With the help of five pearls it is possible to get rid of excess weight, joint pain and maintain this result provided you do exercises on a daily basis. A healthy diet and half an hour of walking a day will also help consolidate the effect of rejuvenation and healing achieved by following the practice of Tibetan monks.

The “Five Tibetans” exercises are designed for the 19 energy centers or vortexes that a person has. Most of them are located on the 12 main joints of the limbs. The vortices must necessarily rotate, and at high speed, this is the only way to receive the energy of prana, ether and light. If one of the vortexes fails, the flow of energy dries up, the person quickly ages and dies.

The “Eye of Rebirth” training or the gymnastics of Tibetan monks helps restore the strength and speed of energy vortexes. The complex is also able to tone and strengthen the main muscle groups, restore faster and gain good health. physical fitness. Ideally, each of the five Tibetan pearl exercises should be repeated 21 times.

This number was not chosen by chance. It is this number of repetitions that allows you to achieve the desired effect from the set of exercises of the Tibetan monks.

At first, not everyone will be able to repeat the exercise 21 times, but this is normal.

You need to start the Eye of Renaissance or five Tibetans with 3-5 repetitions, gradually increasing their number.

The process of approaching the final result is good in itself; it will bring a lot of pleasure to a person practicing according to the five Tibetan system.

Tibetan Pearl No. 1

Stand straight with your feet almost shoulder-width apart? Tuck your tailbone under you and pull your stomach in, arms to the sides at shoulder level. Looking at some point in front of you. Slowly begin to rotate around your axis until you feel slightly dizzy. You need to rotate strictly clockwise. To prevent severe dizziness and nausea, at first, you need to perform the first exercise 3-5 times. After finishing the exercise, take a rest - inhale-exhale. After completing the required number of revolutions, if you feel dizzy or tired, sit down or lie down on the sofa, do not ignore the natural desire of your body. After a few weeks of training according to the system Tibetan lamas you will train your vestibular system enough so as not to experience severe dizziness. Not allowing long break You must immediately proceed to the second exercise.

Tibetan Pearl No. 2

You need to lie on the floor with your back. Straighten your legs, stretch your arms along your body, palms on the floor, chin merged with your chest. Raise your legs straight up, perpendicular to the floor, making sure that your pelvis is pressed tightly against it. We always start the exercise with exhalation. At the very beginning, you need to exhale, while raising your legs and head, take a deep and full breath. Lowering your legs - exhale the same way. Try not to lose the rhythm, breathe at the same pace, if you can’t do the exercise with straight legs, do it with bent ones, gradually you will learn to do it correctly. After several weeks of training, you will be able to lift your legs further and further behind your head, the main thing is not to bend them. Then slowly return to the IP. After finishing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times.

Tibetan Pearl No. 3

You need to kneel down, spreading them slightly so that your thighs are strictly perpendicular. Place your palms under gluteal muscles. Lean your head forward and tuck your chin toward your chest. Gradually throwing your head back, bending your back, straighten your chest and bend your spine. help yourself by resting your hands on your hips. At the very beginning of the third exercise, you need to exhale deeply, and while bending backwards, gradually inhale, returning to the IP - exhale. After finishing the exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times.

Tibetan pearl No. 4

It could seem difficult exercise at first glance, but this is not so. Even elderly sick people mastered it, strengthening their body and spirit. Sit on the mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Your feet should be approximately shoulder-width apart. Straighten your back, touching your chin to your chest. Rest your palms on the floor, fingers should “look” forward. Throwing your head back as far as possible, lift your torso up so that it assumes a horizontal position. Your shins and arms should be perpendicular to the floor, like the legs of a table. After holding this position for a few seconds, return to IP. After finishing the exercise, rest - put your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times.

Tibetan Pearl No. 5

The final exercise of the 5 Tibetans complex allows you to consolidate the results obtained and raise your energy potential one more level. Lie face down on the floor, palms should be directly under your shoulders, fingers “look” forward, feet on your toes.

Raise your upper body and stretch your crown to the ceiling, leaning on your hands - this is the starting position, throwing your head back, exhale, bend your spine, leaning on your toes and palms. Inhale - round your back and lift your pelvis as high as possible, while your head hangs down as much as possible.

The body should seem to fold in half hip joints. Try to make the body resemble an acute angle, the apex of which is directed upward. Press your chin to your chest, pointing your head forward as much as possible, as if diving forward, bending in your back and again stretching the top of your head up, exhale. Arms and torso are in the same plane, the torso does not touch the floor.

After finishing the exercise, rest - put your feet shoulder-width apart, rest - inhale and exhale 3 times.

At the end of the complex, a relaxation exercise is recommended: lie on your back, arms approximately 30-40 cm from the body, palms up, legs straightened and relaxed, all attention in the solar plexus, calm inhalation - long smooth exhalation, exhalation longer than inhalation, all attention in the solar plexus - feel how the energy spreads out, is distributed throughout the body, track your sensations, relax your arms, legs, body, face, feel how warmth fills every cell of yours, your whole body. relax.

Practice the entire set of exercises of the 5 Tibetans and after a month of training you will feel how much it affects your body and will.