June 21st is International Skateboarding Day. World Skateboarding Day in Russia. Briefly about the history of the holiday

Skateboarding has become one of the most common leisure activities. The sport has found fans among children, teenagers and adults. Riding on such a board and performing complex and spectacular tricks is placed in a special category. This type of sport is usually called extreme. Relatively recently, skaters all over the world received “their” date. It is proposed to celebrate International Skateboarding Day on June 21. It is known around the world as Go Skateboarding Day.

history of the holiday

International Skateboarding Day is the official date. According to established tradition, the celebration falls on June 21. The date was established by the International Association of Skateboard Companies. Since 2004, the event has been celebrated every summer. The idea of ​​​​establishing such a date belongs to specific activists from the United States. California skateboarders erected prohibitory signs that read “Go Skateboarding!” and “No Skateboarding!” On top of these skate stoppers, the hooligans began to show off their amazing skills with all their might.

The Association of Skateboarding Companies, which is international, supported the daredevils. The public organization managed to convey information about the need to establish such a date to representatives of the American Congress. Thanks to this, a corresponding document was signed in 2004, which is now stored in the Library of Congress in Washington.

In Russia, they learned about this date only in 2006, and for several years now, on June 21, the above-mentioned professional holiday has been celebrated in Kirov, Omsk, Moscow, Kazan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg and other large cities. This celebration is celebrated with great pleasure by thousands of Russians. different ages(mostly young people) for whom skateboarding is not an empty word.

Recently, skateboarding fans have found their own holiday. Every year, World Skateboarding Day is celebrated on June 21st. It was first celebrated on the West Coast of America in 2004. In the same year, it received official status by decision of the international organization Skateboard Companies. Today, boarding is popular all over the planet among people of all ages. age category. Skateboarding, which involves performing all sorts of tricks, is one of the extreme sports.

The history of this sport began in California, in the 50s of the 20th century. A few years later, the first Roller Derby brand skateboard went on sale. It was completely different from modern boards. The similarity consisted only in the presence of wheels and a deck, which in those years was an ordinary layer without any bends. This lesson appealed to many teenagers. However, at that time they perceived a device with wheels only as a means of transportation. Young people used skateboards to go to school, to the coast, to parks, etc. For skating, little was required - to stand stably on the board, avoiding various obstacles. The first to take the trendy trend of teenage culture seriously was Larry Stevenson. It was this man, who took the simple fun seriously, who began active efforts to promote skateboarding to the masses.

In the early 60s, Makaha developed the first board professional level. This event became the impetus for organizing competitions in this sport among the younger generation. The first tournaments took place in California in the courtyard of a general education institution. After that, the guys began to gather in separate teams. Step by step, skateboarding began to gain popularity. In 1964, a printed publication about this sport, Skateboarder, was published. A few months later, a skateboard corporation was founded - Hobie skateboards, whose founder was Hobie Alter, a former surfing champion. He began actively promoting rollerblading on city streets. Skateboarding's popularity peaked in the mid-60s. In just three years, the Makaha brand managed to sell over 50 million boards. In any Californian town you could see a teenager with a skateboard. In 1976, the first professional indoor skate park opened in Florida. This allowed the children to do what they loved, regardless of weather conditions. The subsequent development of skateboarding went at a rapid pace. People interested in this sport have appeared in many European countries: France, Great Britain and Germany. Every year the market began to offer an increasing number of related products. Currently, there are hundreds of companies around the world that produce specialized products for skateboarding.

On this day, skateboarding fans all over the world take to the city streets to celebrate their holiday. In addition, competitions of various levels are held in many countries.

There are hundreds, and maybe thousands of holidays in the world that only a narrow circle of people know about. Today we will talk about “ Skateboarding Day“, aka GSD, Go Skate, 21 June, city jam and of course just . Every year since 2003, millions of skaters around the world take to the streets to skate with friends and celebrate this holiday. This year Minsk will not be on the sidelines, so don’t be alarmed by people with boards on June 21st.

Briefly about the history of the holiday

Back in the early 90s, where skateboarding was very popular, there was a park boom. Massive construction of skateparks began in large cities, where most skaters went to skate. Comfortable conditions, smooth concrete and all kinds of figures were all supposed to take teenagers off the streets. With those who continued “ destroy“The edges and railings began an unspoken war. “NO SKATEBOARDING” signs and impressive fines for skating began to appear in American cities. But as often happens, “the forbidden fruit is sweet” and the skaters continued to remain on the streets. This is where, according to one version, the name of the holiday “” appeared as a consequence of painting over another sign prohibiting skating. (NO=GO)

In 2003, the first unofficial skateboarding day was held under the slogan “No school. No work. No commitment. Just skate.” The organizer was IASC (Association of Skateboard Companies). The event was so successful and was able to gather such a huge number of participants that a few years later the Congress of the United States of America signed a document recognizing “go skateboarding day” as an official holiday.

For Belarus, this holiday is not alien and unknown; the first celebration took place in 2008 in Minsk. At that time, several hundred spectators and about 50 participants came to the event. This was a really important impetus for the cultivation of GSD in our country. Subsequently, every year the scale of skating on this day only gained momentum.

How the holiday was held in Minsk before:

Recently, skaters have found their own official holiday: Go Skateboarding Day is celebrated all over the world!

Skateboarding, to put it simply, is riding a skateboard - a roller board consisting of thick plywood, which is mounted on small diameter wheels (rollers). A person who skateboards is called a skateboarder or skateboarder.

Today, skateboarding is popular all over the world, both among children and adults. Skateboarding, with the performance of various tricks, is even classified as extreme species sports

Logo International Day skateboarding

The holiday itself appeared in 2004. It was initiated by American skateboarders, who for the first time held such a day on the West Coast of the United States. And in the same year, the International Association of Skateboard Companies (IASC), which includes all the largest companies involved in the skateboard industry, from brands and magazines to global distributors, declared June 21 as Go Skateboarding Day. Since then, this holiday has been celebrated annually.

All over the world on this day, all skaters take to the streets to celebrate and skate! Also, in a number of countries and cities, competitions of various levels are timed to coincide with this day.

Interesting: The first prototype of today's skateboard appeared in the USA in 1958. The board was rectangular shape and faintly resembled current models. Then Richard Stevenson came up with the idea of ​​attaching a “tail” to the board and bending it upward. In this form, the skateboard has survived to this day.

Where to go on the main holiday of skaters

If you think that every day is a holiday for skaters, and they don’t need special occasions for noisy fun, you are generally right. However, on June 21, lovers of these maneuverable boards flock into clans around the world and destroy curbs for a reason, but in honor world day skateboarding.

Photo: niffgurd @ flickr.com

Serial production of skateboards began in the 60s, Zephyrs were in full swing in America in the 70s, and even in the USSR, boards appeared before sex - in the 80s, but everyone only thought of establishing an international skateboarding day in 2004. For the last nine years, every June 21st, a wave of celebrations sweeps across the world, skate brands from all over the planet compete in originality, and riders storm spots in big cities. Our material contains several ways to usefully spend this day in Russia.

Emerica Go Skateboarding day

Boardshop Squat annually approaches World Skateboarding Day as thoroughly as possible: last year a wave of Osiris-mania swept across Russia, and this year they will be burning in the streets under the auspices of Emerica.

All participants in this version of the skate day will be treated to a big train around the city with contests at beloved architectural spots and prizes from the sponsor. Four-wheel fever will sweep through more than 20 cities of Russia - to find out the turnouts and passwords, it’s better to check the data from the official public page of Go Skateboardind Day 2014.

Freak ride on longboards

  • Where: Moscow, VDNKh, Fountain of Friendship of Peoples
  • When: June 21, 13:30

Longboard lovers could not afford to stay away from World Skateboard Day: the Long City Life community is organizing a freak ride around VDNKh on longboards. Let's be clear: the worse you look, the better. The owner of the

X3M Boardshop will be giving away a weird costume with a longboard, so dust off last year's Halloween outfit and go in search of adventure.

Skateboarding day at Puma Social Club

  • Where: Moscow, Gorky Park, Puma Social Club
  • When: June 21, 18:00

If you are suddenly not ready for large-scale events with a large number of participants, go to a “house party” at Puma Social Club. To begin with, from 18:00 in the evening they will dance to fiery surf tunes from the band Hut,