100 to 1 what commands it gives. Memo to the squad commander “Combat review. Deployed two-rank squad formation

“Whatever a soldier does, as long as he gets bored,” says the ancient army wisdom. In front of the officers, any soldier must work or diligently pretend to work. Such rules have given rise to a list of commands and orders that are not written down in the Charter, but are regularly used to harass or punish offending employees. Below is a list of commands that will make you scream if you join the army. Or maybe you’re already yelling.

Company, fire!

In 99% of cases, this command does not mean a real fire, but is used for educational purposes in the middle of the night. The military personnel must run out into the street and then carry out All property from the company premises. The barracks itself is filled with water and foam, after which general cleaning of the entire location begins.

Rota, let in the beluga!

This command is often associated with "Fire". Several people in white underwear must crawl along the floor of the barracks, collecting potential dirt on themselves. If, as a result of this procedure, the linen suddenly loses its original shine of cleanliness, the “Fire” command sounds.

Rota, gases!

A command officially called upon to teach soldiers how to properly put on gas masks for training purposes, or sounded when there is a real threat of chemical poisoning. Reality has twisted her into running cross-country in a chemical protective suit, wearing a gas mask with fogged lenses for many hours, and performing drill exercises in enormous and ever-slipping rubber stockings.

There are a lot of variations of “Gas”, and the task associated with this command depends only on the officer’s imagination.


A team that the special forces are partial to. “Flash” is recorded in the Charter and is intended to teach the immediate dispersal of combat groups in the event of a surprise attack.

In reality, this is given by the commanders only in order to watch how fifty young people scatter in different directions and fall flat to the ground, comically trying to hide from a fictional enemy.

Three creaks

Rather, it’s a game that for some reason the sergeants love. After the command “Hang up!” the personnel must lie down in bed, and the barracks must become so quiet that after three unexpected mattress creaks, the command “Rise!” is heard, and everything starts all over again.

Even though it is a game, it is virtually impossible to win Three Squeaks while playing among the soldiers. At the request of the person in charge, a roll call of personnel may be held during the “game session”. Each soldier who responds is considered a “creak.” If the soldiers do not respond, the command “Rise!” also sounds, because “a soldier ********” (lost).


The most meaningless command typical of infantry troops. The soldiers must climb into their clothing closets, grab their peacoats with their teeth, and begin to chew them, making buzzing sounds.

Why this is needed and what the meaning is is absolutely unclear.

Running and terrified

If "Moly" is a frankly senseless team, then this one is the wildest and most psychedelic. An annoyed officer or a guilty soldier, upon hearing the command, must begin to howl and run away in any direction, radiating genuine fear with his entire appearance.

Some get into character so much that they scratch their faces with their nails and make frankly infernal sounds, horrifying even the commander who gave the order.

Let's go out and build!

The most harmless-sounding, but the most dangerous team. Sounds for the gathering of personnel with subsequent departure for meals, work events, and evening roll call. In other cases, the sound of this command indicates the beginning of “kach”. This means that after formation, the personnel will diligently carry out all the above orders and commands. If only they got tired of it.

Hello everyone, dear friends. The editor of Avangard is with you, and now we will find out what they are military teams in samp.

One of the popular factions in samp so is the army. Who wants to serve their state, or the republic and protect from various bandits stealing weapons for their insidious plans - then this faction is just for you.

The essence of military service.

The main essence of the service is to protect your staff, and in particular your base, from various infiltrations of gangs that steal weapons. They are also required to maintain their warehouse in a certain amount of ammunition. They are also obliged to help eliminate Emergencies at other bases, as well as the main Weapons Depot (WW). From this warehouse (SO) the military takes ammunition for their bases. At the Armory Warehouse there is a large ship, which is moored to the shore, and a huge number of different weapons are stored on it. Mafia attacks are also likely in order to obtain weapons for themselves. Also, strict RP must be followed in the army.

Those who serve for themselves take weapons from their weapons depot at the base. Some people don’t immediately understand how it works, but it’s worth trying once and then it will be much easier.

In order to take a weapon, you must first take weapons and ammunition for it, after which you need to assemble the weapon using SAMP teams in the army/makegun. Each weapon has a certain number of units and ammo to assemble. Well, the units and cartridges themselves can be taken from the red mark in the warehouse, you just need to stand on the mark and wait a little until a certain amount is collected. You can see how much you took from the warehouse in your player statistics.

Teams for the military.

/makegun – assemble weapons

/giveguns – transfer weapons

/givepatr – give ammo

/open - open the barrier at the base

The rest of the teams can be found in the list of faction teams...

Well, now we have found out what they are military teams in samp. The editor of Avangard was with you. I wish you successful service, and more interesting RP situations..

Memo to the squad commander

"Drill review"

At the starting line, the commander gives the command: “Squad, two in a column - STAND UP” and leads the squad to the stage at a marching pace.

Opposite the referee's table, the commander gives the command “Squad, stop. Left right)". The commander comes out, turns to face the formation and, when the judge approaches, gives the command “Separation, Attention, alignment to the RIGHT(to the LEFT, to the MIDDLE) ». Having given the command, the squad leader puts his hand to his headgear, walks up to the judge, stops two or three steps in front of him and reports: “Comrade judge (or military rank). Squad _________ (team name) for the “Drill Review” stage has been built. Squad commander _________ (Last name).

After the report, the commander, without lowering his hands, takes a step to the right (left) while simultaneously turning left (right). The squad leader accompanies the judge 1-2 steps behind.

The person receiving the report greets the department, the department responds “We wish you good health, Comrade Judge (or military rank).” The judge gives the command "FREE", the commander duplicates it and lowers his hand from the headdress. After the judge's command « Proceed to the inspection", the commander answers "Eat", and commands: "Squad - Disperse."

The commander follows to the place where the squad is formed, turning to face the judge's table, takes a drill stance, and commands: “Squad, stand in one line.” The squad is lined up in rank to the left of the commander. When the formation begins, the squad leader breaks ranks, faces the front of the formation and monitors the formation of the squad. If it is necessary to level the compartment on the spot, a command is given "BE EQUAL." The commander then commands : “Department - Be equal”, “At attention”, “At ease”, “Refuel”; “Separation - Be equal”, “Attention”. Next, the commander gives commands for turns in place: « Napra-VO", "Nale-VO", "Kru-GOM"(each command is given two to three times). Then the commander gives the following commands: “Squad, in order - pay off”, “Squad, on the first and second - pay off”, “Squad, in two ranks - line up” (twice each ), “Squad, in one line - line up”(twice).

For teams of the 1st age group: when in a two-rank formation, a command is given “Squad, move to the right (left).”

For teams 2 and 3 age groups: commands are given: “Separation, move towards the right (left)”, “Separation, move forward one step from the middle”, “Separation, close towards the middle”.

When opened from the middle, it is indicated who is in the middle. The Young Army member, called average, hearing his last name, replies: "I", pulls forward left hand and lowers it.

“Separation - stand at attention”, “Step - MARCH”.

During movement the following commands are given: “Separation – Front march” “Separation – at attention”, “Alignment to the RIGHT”(left) » (everyone performs a military salute while moving). After passing the judge, the command is given "At ease."

For groups 2 and 3:

To change the direction of movement, the command “ RIGHT (LEFT) shoulder forward - MARCH" At the executive command, the guide line begins to turn, while the one who is on inside turning, shortens his step, turning almost around his axis, maintaining alignment in the line with those who are on the outside of the turn, and they, in turn, increase the length of the step, the pace of the turn is set by the last one in the line with outside turn. The end of the change in direction of movement and the beginning of rectilinear movement is carried out by the command “ DIRECTLY" After the executive command to begin changing the direction of movement, the unit switches to a marching step, and after the end of the maneuver returns to the combat step;

For group 3:

To perform turns while moving, the commands “ Napra - IN» (« Nale - IN"), for reversal " All around - MARCH" The main attention needs to be paid commander units when issuing commands to perform turns (turns). Executive command for turns "- IN» served under right (left) leg accordingly, after which at the next step the unit executes the command turning around left (right) leg, taking a full step right (left) foot. Executive team " MARCH» To turn around in motion, move under the right foot. After which a full step is taken with the left foot, 1/3 of a step with the right, the foot of which is placed to the left of the left foot, crossing the legs, a turn is made, rising on the toes of both legs and turning around, a step is taken with the left foot.

The command is given to perform the song “Separate, sing a song - VAY”(verse and chorus performed). When the song is performed, the squad walks at a marching pace and leaves the parade ground.

Elements of single drill training (for groups 2 and 3):

The execution of elements of single combat training begins with the squad commander identifying one of the Young Army soldiers and calling him out of formation with the commands:

- "Yunarmeets, Ivanov!";


- "Failure tosuch and such quantitysteps!".

After which the squad leader begins issuing commands to be carried out.

The squad commander should pay attention to the fact that the squad is located on the parade ground in such a way that it does not interfere with the execution of single combat maneuvers. The department kept BUILDING DISCIPLINE!

Elements of single combat training:


Approach to the chief (squad commander);

Submitting a report;

Departure from the boss;

Movement at a marching pace;

Turns in place;

Giving a military salute while moving;

Changing the direction of movement;

Return to duty.

For group 3:

Turns while moving.

Formations, commands and responsibilities of a serviceman before formation and in formation

Construction and its elements

The first thing that students need to learn is to understand what a system is.

The leader informs the trainees that the System is the deployment of military personnel, subunits and military units established by the Charter for their joint actions on foot and in vehicles.

The commander clarifies that for a squad and platoon there are deployed single-rank and double-rank formations, as well as a squad marching formation in a column of one and a column of two, and a platoon marching formation in a column of three and four.

To show the elements of a single-rank (double-ranked) closed (open) and marching squad formation in a column one (two at a time), the leader lines up one squad in one (two) ranks or in a column one (two at a time) in front of the platoon formation, placing the trainees in growth (ranking).

Deployed single-rank squad formation

To form a squad into a deployed single-rank formation, the commander gives a command, for example: “First squad, in one line - STAND.” Having built the unit in one rank, he clarifies: “The formation in which you are now standing is a deployed single-rank formation.”

Single-rank formation (line) and its elements

After which he explains, shows and gives definitions: rank, flank and front, rear side of the formation, interval and width of the formation.

Line- a formation in which military personnel are placed one next to the other on the same line at established intervals.

Machine line- a formation in which vehicles are placed one next to the other on the same line.

Wing- right (left) end of the formation. When the formation rotates, the names of the flanks do not change.

Front- the side of the formation in which the military personnel are facing (vehicles - with the frontal part).

Back side of the formation- the side opposite to the front.

Interval- the distance along the front between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

The commander emphasizes that in the closed formation in which the trainees are now located, the intervals between the elbows of the soldiers standing next to them are equal to the width of the palm and orders everyone to set this interval.

Tuning width- distance between flanks.

Marching formation of squads in a column one at a time

To study the elements of the squad’s marching formation, the leader turns the squad to the right and clarifies: “The formation in which you are now standing is the squad’s marching formation in a column, one at a time.”

Then he explains, shows and gives definitions: marching formation, column, leading, trailing, distance and depth of formation.

Marching formation- a formation in which a unit is built in a column or units in columns are built one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

The marching formation is used for the movement of units when marching, marching in a solemn march, singing, and in other necessary cases.

Column- a formation in which military personnel are located behind each other’s heads, and units (vehicles) are located one after another at distances established by the Charter or the commander.

Columns can be one, two, three, four or more.

Columns are used to build units and military units in deployed or marching formation.

Guide- a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving as the head in the indicated direction. The rest of the military personnel (units, vehicles) coordinate their movement according to the guide.

Closing- a serviceman (unit, vehicle) moving last in the column.

Distance- the distance in depth between military personnel (vehicles), units and military units.

Building depth- the distance from the first line (the soldier in front) to the last line (the soldier behind), and when operating on vehicles - the distance from the first line of vehicles (the vehicle in front) to the last line of vehicles (the vehicle behind).

Deployed two-rank squad formation

To form a squad in a deployed two-rank formation, the commander gives a command, for example: “First squad, in two ranks - STAND.” Having formed a unit in two ranks, he clarifies: “The formation in which you are now standing is a deployed two-rank formation.”

Two-rank system and its elements

In a two-rank formation, the commander shows the first and second ranks and clarifies that when the formation turns, their names do not change. He once again explains, shows and gives definitions: the distance and depth of the formation, gives a definition and shows what a row is (full and incomplete), explains the actions of a soldier in an incomplete row when turning the formation in a circle.

Two-rank system- a formation in which military personnel of one rank are located at the back of the head of military personnel of another rank at a distance of one step ( arm's length, placing the palm of the hand on the shoulder of the soldier standing in front). The ranks are called first and second. When the formation is rotated, the names of the ranks do not change.
Row- two military personnel standing in a two-rank formation behind each other’s heads. If a soldier in the second rank does not stand behind the soldier in the first rank, such a row is called incomplete.

When turning a two-rank formation in a circle, a soldier in an incomplete row moves into the line in front.

Concluding the study of this issue, the commander says that single-rank and double-rank formations can be closed or open.

In the close formation discussed above, soldiers in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals equal to the width of the palm between the elbows.

In open formation, military personnel in ranks are located along the front from one another at intervals of one step or at intervals specified by the commander.

To show an open formation, the commander opens a two-rank formation without indicating (or indicating) the interval and explains that in the first case the servicemen open by one step, and in the second by the indicated number of steps.

To open one step, the manager gives a command, for example: “Separate, to the right (left, from the middle), all at once (run, all at once),” or indicates the number of steps for opening, for example: “Separate, to the right (to the left, from the middle) three steps, DOWN at once (run, DOWN at once).”

Marching formation

Marching formation of squads in a column of two

To study the elements of the marching formation of a squad in a column of two, the leader turns the squad to the right and clarifies: “The formation in which you are now standing is a marching formation of a squad in a column of two.”

Then he reminds, shows and gives definitions: column, guide, trailing, distance, depth of formation and explains what marching formation is.

The commander explains, shows and defines the elements of the platoon formation according to the methodology outlined above. To do this, he builds a platoon in one, then in two ranks, in a column of three (four).

Commands for formation control

The formation is controlled by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and are also transmitted using technical and mobile means.

Commands and orders can be transmitted along the column through unit commanders and designated observers.

In the ranks, the senior commander is located where it is more convenient for him to command. The remaining commanders give commands, remaining in the places established by the Charter or the senior commander.

Commanders of units from a company and higher in the marching formation of a battalion and regiment are allowed to leave the ranks only to issue commands and check their execution.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; There can only be executive teams.

Preliminary command is presented clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them.

At any preliminary command, military personnel in formation take a formation stance, while moving they move to a formation step, and outside the formation they turn towards the commander and assume a formation stance.

When performing techniques with weapons, the name of the weapon is indicated in the preliminary command, if necessary.

For example: “Vending machines on - CHEST.” “Machine guns on re-MEN”, etc.

Executive team delivered after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. When an executive command is given, it is carried out immediately and accurately.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or individual serviceman, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the serviceman is called out in the preliminary command, if necessary.

For example: “Platoon (3rd platoon) - STOP.” "Private Petrov, cru-GOM."

Commands relating to all units are accepted and immediately executed by all unit commanders.

To cancel or stop the reception, the "RESERVE" command is issued. This command returns to the position that was before the technique was performed.

During training, it is allowed to perform the drill techniques specified in the Charter and move along divisions, as well as with the help of preparatory exercises.

For example: “Machine gun to the chest, in divisions: do it ONE, do it TWO, do it THREE.” “To the right, according to divisions: do - ONCE, do - TWO.”

The formation of units is carried out using the command “STAND”, before which the order of formation is indicated.

For example: “Squad, in one line - STAND.”

At this command, the serviceman must quickly take his place in the ranks, gain the established interval and distance, and take a formation stance.

When issuing commands for units of military branches and special troops, instead of the names “squad”, “platoon”, “company”, “battalion” and “regiment”, the names of units and military units adopted in the military branches and special troops of the branches of the Armed Forces are indicated.

The duty of a serviceman before formation and in the ranks

The commander informs the trainees of the responsibilities of military personnel before formation and in the ranks (Article 26 of the RF Armed Forces Administration - 2006).

The serviceman is obliged:

Check the serviceability of the weapons and ammunition assigned to him, weapons and military equipment, personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

Carefully tuck in the uniform, put on and fit the equipment correctly, help a comrade eliminate any noticed deficiencies;

Know your place in the ranks, be able to quickly take it without fuss; while moving, maintain alignment, the established interval and distance; comply with safety requirements; do not disable (the machine) without permission;

While in formation, do not talk or smoke without permission; be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, carry them out quickly and accurately, without interfering with others;

Transmit orders and commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Explaining the responsibilities of military personnel before formation (the first two points of responsibilities), the leader makes it clear to the trainees that these actions are performed in order to be fully prepared to quickly take their place in the ranks at the first command of the commander. At the same time, he explains:

What does it mean to check your weapons and ammunition;

What is personal protective equipment and personal armor protection, entrenching tools, equipment and how they are prepared;

What does it mean to carefully tuck in your uniform;

He especially emphasizes that “helping a comrade eliminate noticed shortcomings” is necessary before formation, and not in formation.

Explaining the duties of military personnel in the ranks, the leader conveys to his subordinates that everyone in the ranks constantly carries out some command given by the commander. This is prerequisite being in the ranks, failure to comply with the commander’s command may result in disciplinary action being taken against the serviceman.