10 basic exercises for morning exercises. Exercises for weight loss: on the way to an ideal body. Correct execution of exercises

We all know that physical activity- this is the basis of good health and a good figure. But for some reason, most people start working out only to achieve the second goal, but those who are satisfied with their physical fitness, do not consider it necessary to play sports. At the same time, movement is needed not only for losing weight - it is necessary for everyone. A simple set of morning exercises will help you wake up better, strengthen your body and soul and, of course, help you keep yourself in good shape.

Not everyone knows how to properly do exercises in the morning, and why this is necessary in principle. Many believe that in the morning it is better to sleep twenty minutes more, and then wake yourself up with coffee and chocolate. Coffee and chocolate, of course, have not been canceled, but these are only stimulants that do not awaken the body, but only reduce fatigue and drowsiness. But they give best effect, since they not only force the body wake up, but also charge it with energy for the whole coming day. After all, if you take washing and drinking coffee, then they only trigger the work of the brain and nervous system, and to achieve full activity you need to use all muscle groups and joints. This is exactly what morning exercises are aimed at.

Benefit morning exercises limitless. First of all, they give healing effect. Regular exercise strengthens the heart and blood vessels, improves immunity and keeps the body in good shape, stimulating both mental and physical activity. And of course this great way keep in good shape.

Many people are interested in whether morning exercises have contraindications. In principle, it is a complete benefit, but keep in mind that physical activity can be harmful in some cases. These include colds with increased body temperature, bleeding, problems with blood pressure, inflammatory processes, kidney disease, the presence of malignant tumors. In addition, keep in mind that certain exercises may have their own contraindications. If you have certain health problems, be sure to consult a specialist first.

Not all exercise is so good - for it to be useful and effective, it must be correct, enjoyable and safe. The best morning exercise must take into account the following: criteria:

  • Immediately after waking up, you do not need to burden yourself with very complex and heavy exercises - this can be a big blow to the heart.
  • It's better to start charging while still in bed. Lying in bed, do stretching, arching, twisting, bending your arms and legs.
  • Getting out of bed, wash your face and brush your teeth - this will help start your brain and nerve cells. Only after this do you start your morning exercises.
  • It’s better to do it with lively rhythmic music that will lift your spirits and help you wake up.
  • It is important to breathe correctly. The better the cells and muscles are saturated with oxygen, the higher the body tone will be.
  • The morning complex for morning exercises should not be too active and exhausting, since your goal is to cheer up and not get tired. It should not be equal in intensity to a full workout, otherwise you may simply not have the strength left for an active and productive day.

It is important to do morning exercises regularly, every day. It is enough to devote 10-20 minutes to it - this will be quite enough. Exercise sets can be different, and below we will look at some of them.

Basic exercises for morning exercises

The set of exercises for morning exercises can be different, however, there are basic elements that any system includes. Classic exercises may include the following exercises:

  • Neck. Bends to the right and left, lowering and throwing back the head help to develop the neck. Circular head rotations help improve blood circulation.
  • Hands. It is recommended to start working on your hands by slowly rotating your fists or clasping your palms together. Then rotate your shoulders - individually or together. After warming up your joints, begin rotating completely with outstretched arms. After completing the approach, work the muscles of the forearms by rotating them. Having completed these manipulations, touch your shoulders with your fingers and begin to perform rotational movements in this position.
  • Frame. For the core, standard exercises from school curriculum. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and begin to bend smoothly and evenly, trying to touch the floor with your fingers, and ideally with your palms. Once warmed up, do circular movements pelvis, placing your hands on your waist. Side bends are also useful, in which one hand should be on the lower back and the other should be extended upward.
  • Legs. Alternately swing your legs, moving forward and backward 10-15 times. Then lift each leg out to the side. After this, make circular movements with your knees. At the final stage, do squats. Please note that during this exercise your heels should not lift off the surface.

Thanks to this simple complex, you can charge your body with energy and activity, which will have a beneficial effect on all aspects of your life.

This general complex, but there are also a number of specialized techniques that can be designed specifically for women or men, for losing weight, tightening certain places, preventing certain diseases, and so on. Only you can decide what it should be best charger in the morning specifically in your case.

Morning exercises for women

There are a large number of sets of exercises for morning exercises. Exercises for morning exercises are popular for women, since representatives of the fair sex often have many questions about their figure. And you can improve it through a simple complex that will not take much time. You may want to pay attention to the following exercises:

  • Walk in place, trying to raise your knees as high as possible.
  • Cross your fingers and place them on one knee. Stretch your other leg up and bend. Repeat the exercise alternately for each leg.
  • Throw your arms behind your back and stretch them out. At the same time, tilt your torso forward towards the floor as low as possible.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, place one hand on the back of your head, the other on your lower back. Lean to the side so that your hand slides down your leg.
  • Place your hands on your belt, turn your head to the right and left.
  • Make circular rotations with your hands.
  • Sit down a few times.
  • Stand against a wall or closet and alternately pull your knees up to your chest.
  • Lie on a flat surface, bend your knee and pull it towards your chest, then, grasping it, lift your entire torso.
  • Do some abdominal exercises.

This morning exercise for women helps keep your body toned, energizes you, lifts your mood and improves your health.

If women most often want to tighten their body and lose weight, then men want to increase muscle mass. Of course, twenty minutes of morning exercise alone will not help them with this, but for maintaining muscles it is better than nothing. Therefore, basically complexes designed for the stronger sex include strength exercises. For breakfast it is recommended to eat something protein, as well as complex carbohydrates like porridges that will fill you with energy for a long time and allow you to get rid of the feeling of hunger.

Morning exercises for weight loss

If you want not only to wake up easier in the morning and improve your health, but also to lose weight, then the set of morning exercises may be slightly different, aimed specifically at burning fat deposits. In this case, charging should include the following components:

  • cardio loads; exercises,
  • aimed at the muscles of the arms, legs, back;
  • working out the abdominal muscles;
  • exercises for the buttocks and legs.

If you want to lose weight, drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Do the exercises before breakfast - it will be easier and more enjoyable for you, in addition, you will spend exactly body fat, which is what you need.

Do exercises in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Shoes are also important. Keep your hair and jewelry out of the way.

Morning exercises and running

It is useful to combine morning exercises with running in the morning. This will make it possible to saturate the body with oxygen, strengthen it, and improve metabolism. First, warm up, do bends, squats, and raise your arms to the side. When you finish running, do not stop abruptly - reduce the pace gradually so as not to overload your heart. After finishing your run, you can continue with a light warm-up.

It is better to run in a park or alley - there you can enjoy nature, breathe air, and also meet like-minded people with whom you can run together.

Don't start making circles abruptly - increase time and speed smoothly. During the cold season, you can run on a treadmill. Many lovers of physical activity prefer to buy it and place it in their home so that they always have an effective universal exercise machine at hand.

Running in the morning for 10-20 minutes is enough. This way you can get all the benefits without getting too tired. Start with a short jog, otherwise, if you are not used to it, you may end up with muscle pain and sprained ligaments. After running, it is useful to do push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises for which you have the necessary conditions.

The best morning exercise: video

Morning work-out may vary depending on your goals and physiological characteristics. We invite you to watch videos demonstrating good complexes exercises. Choose one that you like and make it a habit to do it every morning. If regular sports seem boring to you, you can try.

Do you do morning exercises? No? In vain! Morning exercises are not only a quick and easy way to cheer up, but also an excellent opportunity to keep yourself in shape without additional special training. You don't need exotic exercises to exercise. The usual and long-familiar ones are quite enough.

The main thing is to do these simple exercises correctly, at the right time and in the right quantity.

Moreover, exercise can be a complete system for training the body and your overall physical culture, if you approach it seriously (I’ll tell you about this approach below).

In this post I will share with you five useful exercises for morning exercises and I will explain how and in what volume to perform them in order to get a decent and really healthy exercise.

Morning exercises, set of exercises

To begin, take a few deep breaths in and out so that exercise does not cause an acute deficiency of oxygen in the body, which will lead to too strong a heartbeat (see).

1. Squats: 20-30 times.

2. Push-ups: 10-15 times. (If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees as described below).

3. Lying crunches: 15-20 times.

4. Bend forward: 15-20 times.

5. Bend to the sides 3-5 times in each direction with a delay of 2-3 seconds.

Below I will explain how to do each of these exercises and show them in a video. But first, I’ll explain the rules for doing morning exercises, which I myself have been using for many years.

How to do morning exercises?

In the morning we woke up 10 minutes earlier to give ourselves time to exercise. We went to the toilet and washed ourselves. Drank half a glass or a glass of clean water. After a couple of minutes you can start charging. During this time, you can ventilate the room and get dressed for class. Shorts (or lounge pants) and a T-shirt will do just fine. You can exercise barefoot.

We always start and finish charging breathing exercise. Take 3-5 calm but deep breaths in and out.

Perform each strength exercise 10-20 times depending on your physical training. Perform one set of each exercise, then rest briefly and move on to the next exercise.

It is important that breathing becomes noticeably faster, but not too fast. For morning exercises, a moderate, without excessive, load is quite enough.

Morning work-out. A set of exercises.


Very useful for legs, buttocks, back. The legs are 40-50 cm wide. They are performed energetically, but without “plumping” down. They sat down smoothly and stood up energetically. When bending your legs, take a deep breath; when straightening, exhale. When bending your legs, your arms extend forward.

The option with arms raised up very effectively strengthens the back, improves posture, and helps fight back pain.

Push ups

Develops arms, abs, shoulder girdle, strengthens legs. Hands at a width of 80 cm or more. Body and legs are in line. When bending your arms, inhale; when extending, exhale.

For variety, I demonstrate a complicated version of push-ups with alternating leg raises. This is a very powerful tool for development.

If regular push-ups are difficult for you, do push-ups from your knees. The rules for performing and breathing are the same.


This is an exercise for the abdominal muscles. Perfectly tightens the stomach and leads to the appearance of “cubes”. Performed while lying on a mat. Looking at the ceiling. We don’t pull our heads with our hands. We twist the body so that the distance between the lower ribs and the pubic bone changes.

When twisting (lifting the body), we exhale, when moving backwards, inhale.

Forward bends

This great exercise for flexibility. The legs are 10-15 cm wide. The lower back is arched and fixed. When leaning forward, it should remain in this fixed position. Do not round up under any circumstances!

The legs are slightly bent at the knees and fixed. When bending over, inhale; when extending, exhale. Avoid getting too sore in the back of your thighs and behind your knees. They should be moderate and pleasant. Don't force the exercise. Be careful. Excessive effort can lead to knee and lower back problems.

Side bends

Exercise to improve flexibility. Great for strengthening your back.

The legs are 10-15 cm wide or slightly wider. Raise one arm up and, continuing the movement, reach for it with your whole body, tilting to the side. Hold the bend. Then smoothly return to a standing position and bend to the other side.

Inhale as you bend over. When returning to a standing position, exhale.

What kind of exercise do you do?

Good morning, healthy blog subscribers. Today I want to talk about the benefits of morning exercises. In this article I will tell you the question of why morning exercises are needed. We will talk about its importance for the health of the body. In addition, I will teach you how to do morning exercises correctly and give you important recommendations.

It is worth noting that today, despite the propaganda and fashion for , there are practically no specific programs for performing morning physical exercises. Moreover, in many forums dedicated to healthy lifestyle, morning exercises are assessed quite skeptically. In this article I will focus your attention on the complex physical exercise, both for adults and children. We will look at some practical and theoretical aspects related to the classes. in the morning.

What is morning exercise?

Morning exercises include simple complex general physical exercises, which are performed in the morning after waking up. Its goal is to increase vitality and prepare the body for upcoming physical activity. After all, in the morning it is important for our body to get involved in work activities as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Some people confuse morning exercises with gymnastics or warming up before morning exercises. sports training. The phrase “morning exercise” speaks for itself. Morning exercises are a charge (filling) of the body with energy after a period of rest. And as I already said, charging does not require any special exercises. It includes only general physical exercises.

As for morning exercises, this is a completely different concept, not related to morning exercises. Morning exercises, and exercises in general, include performing a set of special gymnastic exercises for stretching and development. This complex is best performed on fresh air before or after a morning run or at any other time.

And in order to include the body in work activities, correctly and normally establish its functioning at initial stage after waking up, it is necessary to perform a daily set of general physical exercises. That is, when you wake up, you should not go to the bathroom or to the kitchen to prepare , and do morning exercises. At the same time, perform it in such a way that it brings benefits and does not harm the cardiovascular system.

By the way, before you start performing a set of general physical exercises after waking up, I will give you a few important recommendations, which will help you improve your well-being after sleep. But more on that below. Now let's talk about the importance of morning physical exercise.

The importance of morning exercises for human health

It is worth stating the fact that many people underestimate the importance of doing morning physical exercises. Analysis of the research I conducted shows that performing a set of physical exercises after waking up is not the norm for most people. But it’s in vain that many neglect morning exercises. And now I will tell you why.

Morning exercise is beneficial in many ways. Few people know that it performs several important functions. Firstly, morning exercises help you wake up faster and get your body in the right order. When performing basic exercises, blood and lymph flow increases. This makes it possible to quickly come to your senses and get involved in work activities. Exercise increases tone, gives a feeling of lightness and removes lethargy after bed rest.

Secondly, morning exercises have a beneficial effect on work internal organs and systems, as well as on the body as a whole. The fact is that regular exercise after waking up primarily has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Daily morning exercise saves your heart 10 beats per minute. Just imagine how many beats per minute are saved per day, and how much per week, per month! If you do morning exercises every day, your heart will save millions of beats per minute per year. But required condition for this: consistency. And only after a year or two you will be able to bring the cardiovascular system to a state in which the heart will work in an “economical” mode, which will prolong your life.

In general, daily morning exercise improves immune system the body, strengthens its resistance to.

And finally, morning exercises perform a preventive function. It is useful for the prevention of diseases associated with joints and spine. With the help of exercises performed after waking up, you develop correct posture, warming up muscle fibers, normalize the respiratory and nervous systems.

Morning exercises afterwards make it possible to maintain the body in working condition, normalize health and gain vigor. In order for the exercises to be as effective as possible, you should begin charging in a calm state.

Nine facts related to morning exercise

  1. Doing morning exercises every day helps save 10 heart beats/minute.
  2. Morning exercise improves in the body, which generally has a beneficial effect on both general condition and weight loss. Regular exercise helps .
  3. More than 90% of people who exercise in the morning improve their results . They achieve better athletic results.
  4. By doing physical exercises, a person receives a boost of vivacity and energy.
  5. Some people have found that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.
  6. Very important note! By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.
  7. Research has proven that physical activity stimulates .
  8. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.
  9. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

In general, if you do morning physical exercises every day, you will receive all the bonuses that I told you about above. But if in addition you listen to my recommendations below, the effect will be much greater. So, what do I advise you when organizing morning exercises?

  1. Do morning exercises in the morning hours. After sleep, a person is not ready for the stress that awaits him during the day. At night, the movement of blood in the vessels slows down, and the heart rate decreases. This inhibition also affects nervous system, reducing reaction speed and mental activity. That is why it is important to perform a set of simple general physical exercises after waking up. Personally, I recommend doing it this way. Once you have opened your eyes, do not suddenly get out of bed. But you don’t need to throw a blanket over yourself to hide from the sunlight.
  2. After awakening, you must immediately implement the correct psychological attitude. Don't think about the fact that you want to sleep. Mentally condition your brain that you need to take action, you need to complete tasks and achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. This will make it easier for you to get out of bed.
  3. I recommend starting exercise while you are still in bed. This will increase the overall effect . These exercises are not difficult. By the way, this technique is also used professional athletes before preparing for competitions. After all, it is important to go to the start cheerful, active, filled with vital energy. So, remove the blanket from yourself so that it does not bother you. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Press your legs towards you one by one, bending them at the knee joints. First one leg, then the other. After this, you can bend both legs at the same time. I recommend doing the “bicycle” exercise. Then, stretch well. Stretch your body like a string.
  4. If after completing these simple exercises If you still find it difficult to get up, then try the following. Sit on the edge of the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Tilt your head to the left, then to the right. Down, then up. You can also add circular movements with your head. Such exercises increase blood flow to the brain, which helps you wake up faster. Oxygen supplied by the blood activates the functioning of the brain.
  5. After you get out of bed, I recommend that you walk around the apartment a little. First open the window for ventilation, go to the restroom. And make your bed. Such “primary” elementary movements will well prepare the body for more significant loads. Now you can start doing your morning exercises.
  6. Again, exercise is best done with the window open. When it's warm, the window can be opened completely. If you have a spacious balcony, this will be a plus! When the temperature outside is low, it is better to open the window for ventilation.
  7. Physical exercises can be performed in underwear. But you can also wear a home track. I recommend doing exercises with a bare torso. In this case, due to exposure to fresh cool air, you will still be . Do not create a draft under any circumstances. And don't stand on the bare floor with bare feet. If you are barefoot, it is better to stand on the carpet. If you do not have a carpet, and the floor is covered with tiles or laminate, and is not insulated, then do your morning exercises in socks or slippers.
  8. Remember that morning exercises are a short procedure. It lasts 3-5 minutes. There is no point in exhausting yourself with any special exercises. The purpose of morning exercises is to activate the body’s work, and not to improve the body!
  9. If you are a regular of morning physical exercises, then it is not forbidden to increase its duration to 15-20 minutes, including in its list special exercises. For example, squats and. You can also perform a number of gymnastic exercises.
  10. The exercises are performed in a clear sequence, starting from the head and ending with the ankle.
  11. After finishing your morning exercises, you can start water procedures or go out for a walk. morning jog. Personally, after completing all the above manipulations (airing the bedroom, cleaning the bed, toilet, physical exercise), I go outside and 7-9 km at an easy pace or driving at . Only after the morning sports part do I carry out hygiene and hardening procedures. By the way, this daily routine delays the first meal (breakfast). It is very important. You can’t stuff yourself with food right after waking up. To digest food, the body does difficult work, expending a colossal amount of energy. The body must wake up before it can begin to digest food. You need to have breakfast no less than an hour and a half after waking up. Those who do not observe this time then feel tired.

Who is recommended to do morning exercises, and are there any medical restrictions?

The set of physical exercises that I have given in this article is ideal for both very young schoolchildren and older people, both men and women. There are absolutely no restrictions for doing morning exercises. On the contrary, you will gain many of the advantages outlined above. Every person on earth should do physical exercises in the morning!

Morning exercises are suitable for people of any age and level of physical fitness. The exercises included in the complexes of such exercises are very simple, useful and effective. They have no medical restrictions. On the contrary, the set of exercises I have outlined is recommended in health resorts and hospitals.

The only point that I would like to voice is that it is most pleasant to do morning exercises together with family members. With adults, of course, you can study the following set of physical exercises. But for the little ones, morning exercises may look like this (watch the video). By the way, the video has very pleasant music, and if you do exercises with your kids, you can turn on this video in the morning.

Morning exercises: a set of physical exercises

So, armed, remembering the saying: “How you start the day is how you spend it,” you decided to do physical exercises in the morning. So, I suggest you do the simple set of exercises I have given below every day after waking up. They should be completed in the same order in which they are presented.


  1. We improve blood flow and lymph flow to the head. We increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. We do disease prevention cervical region spine.
  • Tilts the head to the left, in right side, back and forth.

Tilts are carried out in turns. First one way, then the other, then forward, then back. Do this exercise slowly, slowly. When you tilt your head at the most lowest point hold it for a few more seconds. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Turns the head to the left and to the right.

Turns are made slowly. First one way, then the other. You can add a chin lift to this exercise: turning your head to the side, you seem to be trying to lift your chin up. Number of repetitions 4.

  • Circular movements of the head to the left, then to the right.

The exercise is also performed slowly with a maximum range of motion. Try to stretch the neck muscles and cervical vertebrae. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  1. We stretch the shoulder girdle. We do prevention .
  • Circular movements of the shoulder girdle forward and backward.

Feet shoulder width apart. We place our hands on our shoulders (left hand to the left shoulder, right hand to the right shoulder). Slowly, with maximum range of motion, we perform circular movements with our arms forward, then back. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Circular movements in the elbow joints to the inside, then to the outside.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you. Rotate your elbow joints first to the inside, then to the outside. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Jerks with arms to the sides while turning the body to the left and right.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you. Make jerks in shoulder girdle for two counts, then turning the body in the pelvic area to the side, straighten your arms and jerk in this position for another two counts. Thus, in one direction the exercise will be performed in four counts. Performing the exercise in both directions will be considered one repetition. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Jerks your arms up and down.

Feet shoulder width apart. One arm is straight up, the other down. Posture is straight, chin raised. After making jerks with your arms for two counts, change their position the other way around and do more jerks for two counts. This will count as one repetition. When changing the position of your arms, they should not bend. Always stay straight. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  1. Knead the main part of the body. We prevent , straighten your posture. Improving heart function.
  • Tilts of the body to the left and to the right.

Feet shoulder width apart. One arm is extended upward. The other is on the belt. The back is straight, the head looks straight. We bend for two counts in the direction opposite to the outstretched arm. Then, changing hands, we bend in the other direction. Important: the outstretched arm should always remain straight and not bend. The fingers of the outstretched hand are also straightened. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Circular movements of the body to the left, then to the right.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. We perform circular movements of the pelvis to the left, then to the right. The exercise is performed with maximum amplitude, slowly. We make good deflections. Number of repetitions 4-6.

  • Bend to the left leg, then to the right.

Feet slightly wider than shoulder width. The body is tilted at an angle of 90 degrees. Arms extended to the side. Touch your feet with your fingertips one at a time. The legs are straight (do not bend at the knees). Right hand to left leg. Left hand to the right leg (cross to cross). If it is difficult to perform the exercise without bending your legs, then you can avoid touching your toes with your toes. However, reach out to them as much as possible. Feel how your back muscles stretch and your spine “crunches.” Do 4-5 bends for each leg.

  1. Warm up bottom part bodies. Disease Prevention , prevention of ankle injuries.
  • Circular movements in the knee joints to the left, then to the right.

Feet together, slightly bent at the knees. Hands placed on top part knees. Circular movements are performed by slightly squatting with a maximum range of motion. Do 4-6 repetitions on each side.

  • Circular movements of the ankle.

Feet shoulder width apart. Place one foot on your toes and begin to make circular movements in one direction, then the other. After that, change legs.

  • Squats.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt. When squatting, your heels do not come off the floor, your arms are straightened forward in front of you. After lifting, the hands are again placed on the belt. Do the exercise slowly, without jerking. Number of repetitions: 4-6. If there are venous vascular diseases or diseases knee joints It's better to skip this exercise. Take the stairs more often, do not use the elevator.

A boost of energy that gives the body morning exercises, allows you to quickly and effectively bring the body into working condition.

I also advise you to include the plank exercise, walking on your knees and elbows as part of your morning exercises. This will significantly strengthen your spine and joints. As they age, they will thank you very much and will not cause you discomfort.

As I already said, for more “advanced healthy lifestyle” practitioners, after completing the set of exercises I have outlined, you can include special flexibility exercises in your morning exercises.

Remember that if you exclude morning exercises from , then restoring the body and bringing it back to normal may take several hours. In other words, without physical exercise, you will experience lethargy, drowsiness and apathy throughout the first half of the working day.

Morning exercises are a basic, simple set of exercises. By breakfast you will not only feel energetic, but you will also be in a good mood.

Yes, and don't sleep too much. While you are sleeping, someone has already achieved their goal! And yours will remain in your dreams.

Morning work-out is a set of light physical exercises to warm up joints and muscles. It is necessary to do exercises in the morning in order to fully wake up and tone the body as quickly as possible. Before considering the exercises, let's figure out how to exercise correctly in order to get the maximum benefit.

Charging rules

The duration of morning exercises should range from 10 to 15 minutes, no more. The purpose of exercise is to charge the body with strength and energy. If charging lasts longer, then it can be considered full. physical training. But such a load no longer energizes, but trains the muscles and leads to physical fatigue. Moreover, considering that the body is almost completely exhausted, you should not put too much strain on yourself. Exercises are performed 5-10 minutes after waking up, before going to the shower (since after a short warm-up you will sweat, and you will still have to go to the shower), and also strictly before breakfast (so that the contents of the stomach, under pressure, do not exit into the esophagus and did not cause discomfort during a short workout).

The best thing to do when you wake up is to go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, and wash your face with cool water, which is very invigorating. After this, exercise, rinse off and have breakfast. Such a start to the day has a positive effect on improving mood, increasing productivity, concentration, etc. For a clearer understanding of how to do morning exercises, let's look at a few more basic points.

  1. When performing exercises, you should not use dumbbells, weights, or barbells. All exercises are done only with your own weight.
  2. Charging should be done in the fresh air. In the apartment, you can open the windows and balcony, and in winter, ventilate the room 5 minutes before charging to fill it with oxygen.
  3. It is better to carry out exercises in comfortable clothes made of natural material: cotton or linen. Such fabric will allow you to relax in your movements and perform each warm-up exercise without discomfort and without any restriction in movement.
  4. You should not overeat during breakfast, otherwise you will fall asleep. The best breakfast is milk porridge made from cereals, which belongs to COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES. For example, buckwheat or oatmeal on milk. The worst breakfast after exercise is sandwiches with sausage and white bread, buns, meat, mushrooms (in general, everything that many people consider a normal meal in the morning).
  5. To enhance the effect of charging, take a cool or summer shower, and for seasoned people, douse yourself with cold water and ice (at your discretion).

Video to help you complete efficient charging in the morning:

What exercises are suitable for morning exercises?

A full morning exercise includes warm-up exercises for all parts of the body. In this section we will analyze warm-up complexes for the neck, arms, shoulders, body and legs. In addition, such movements, which we will now analyze, allow us not only to wake up and tone ourselves up, they also help to improve joint health, since every active movement fills our movable joints with blood, thereby improving their mobility, health, etc. Similar warm-up complex can also be done before the main workout. That is, you come to the gym, the first thing you need to do is warm up thoroughly, and then start lifting weights. This is very important point, which should be performed every workout to protect yourself from injury.


Warming up the neck allows you to prevent osteochondrosis or get rid of it altogether. This is especially true for people with sedentary work and with uncomfortable sleep. Exercises are performed standing on your feet or sitting on a chair.

1 complex:

  • Turn your head alternately to the left, trying to look behind your back as much as possible, then to the right. After which, you should tilt your head until your chin rests chest to feel a slight stretch posterior muscles neck. After this, smoothly move your head back, stretching the front muscles.

2 complex:

  • Tilt your head to the left, trying to reach your shoulder with your ear. Then repeat the same movement, tilting to the right side. Repeat tilting your head forward, and also smoothly move your head back (identical to the first exercise).

3 set of exercises:

  • Draw a semicircle in front of the head clockwise and counterclockwise. Throw your head back and repeat the semicircle.
  • After this, we rotate our heads in a circle, clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

Warm up the arms and forearms

1 complex on the hands:

  • Extend your arms forward (in front of you). Squeeze your hands into a fist and lower them down, then lift them up. Do about 6 repetitions (up and down).
  • Then, with your arms remaining straight, begin to rotate your fists clockwise and counterclockwise.

2 complex on elbow joints:

  • Straighten right hand to the right side of the shoulder and bend at the elbow. Then, begin to rotate your forearms clockwise and counterclockwise. This movement helps to stretch the elbow joints and fill them with blood. Repeat the movement with your left hand.
  • After such a warm-up, you can diversify the exercise with an analogue. Straighten your arms in front of you, clench your hands into fists and begin to perform rotational movements away from you, then inward.

3 complex on the forearm:

  • Hands at chest level, elbow bent. With sudden movements start moving your elbows behind your back (do two similar movements). Then we straighten our arms and also sharply move them back. We alternate hands with bent elbows and straight arms twice.
  • One hand is up, the other is down. We try to move our arms back with sharp movements. We perform two jerking movements, after which we change the position of the hands. We alternate: right at the top – left at the bottom, change hands.
  • After this, we make circular movements with straight arms forward, then back.
  • We bring our hands back, clinging to the lock with our palms. We are trying to lift the lock from our palms upward.
  • One arm is raised above the head and bent at the elbow. The second one starts from below, behind the back. Both hands meet behind the back and lock into a lock. The elbows are pulled back, stretching the muscles. Hands change.
  • Hands on the belt, elbows turned forward, then back.
  • We raise one shoulder up, lower it down. Raise the other shoulder up, lower it down. Change alternately several times. Then we raise both shoulders up, and lower both down. We do it several times. Now you need to draw a circle with your shoulders in one direction, then in the other. Repeat several times.

Core warm-up

  • Warming up the core is done by analogy with the neck. The body bends left and right with outstretched arms, then forward and backward. With each bend, you need to bend your body as much as possible and reach the floor with your hands. When bending the body back, try to stand on the bridge.
  • After bending, circular movements are made in one direction, then in the other. If you have a light hoop, you can twist it for 2 minutes to move the vertebrae. I draw your attention to the fact that the hoop should be more or less light, without any massagers, etc. The lighter the hoop, the more people makes rotational movements in order to hold it at the waist, thereby warming up your torso well. If there is a crossbar in your apartment, you can hang for half a minute.

Leg warm-up

  • Rotate your feet in a circle, alternately in one direction, then in the other. Warm up your knee joints in the same way.
  • Lunge on one leg. Place your hands on the foot of the fallen leg. At this moment, the second leg touches the floor with its knee. This leg needs to be straightened, then bent again so that it barely touches the floor. Do this several times, then change legs.
  • Then you need to do 15–20 regular squats. On each squat, the arms are extended forward; with a straight body, the arms are at the sides.

The above described basic warm-up exercises that most people can know from their school days. In principle, our warm-up can be completed here, however, for a more effective awakening, you can use additional exercises.

Additional exercises for morning exercises

There are a large number of movement options for waking up in the morning. This does not have to be some kind of ordinary warm-up using exercises that we did back in school. Let's look at additional exercises and low-impact methods you can incorporate into your exercise routine.

Jumping rope

If you have space in your apartment and a jump rope, then 10 minutes of jumping will do you good. They strengthen the cardiovascular system, burn excess calories, and have a generally restorative effect on the body.

To improve coordination

For people with poor coordination of movements, in addition to easy charging, you can include exercises from Pilates. For example, standing on one leg, stretch the other forward, then move it to the side, then back. Without stopping and without putting your foot on the floor, stretch it forward again, then to the side, then back. As soon as the balance is lost and the leg touches the floor, you need to change position to the other leg.

The task: to increase the result every day without losing balance. When the exercises are practiced, and it seems to you that it is already too easy, then you can complicate the exercise by slightly bending the supporting leg at the knee. This will make it more difficult to maintain balance.

In principle, PILATES is a very effective training method that allows you not only to wake up well, tone your body, but also correct your figure. In addition, there are a huge number of exercises in Pilates that you can use as your main exercise in the morning. You can learn more about the training method itself, learn about its effectiveness and consider a set of Pilates exercises at.

For a thin waist

If you want to thin waist, which is not there, then you can connect a group of exercises for the abs and sides to the charging. For example, lying on the floor, do exercises with your legs: scissors, bicycle, hundred, or keep your legs straight and suspended for as long as possible. By the way, these are very popular Pilates exercises.

After a week, make the task more difficult by lifting your body up. In this position, resting your hands on the floor, it is more difficult to perform scissors and a bicycle, and even more so to keep your legs suspended for several minutes. The press gets quite good static load, improving the tone of the anterior core muscles.

Additional abdominal exercises:

Hang your feet on a bed or chair, put your hands behind your head. Raise your torso up. You need to feel the abdominal muscles. To start, achieve 3 sets of 15 reps. Over time, you can do 20-30 times in 3 approaches or pick up any weighting material:

  • water bottle,
  • light dumbbell,
  • a bag of sand.

While charging, you can pick up the ball and bend to the sides with it. It will be more effective if you first work 1 side 15 times, then switch to the second side and do the same 15 times. Repeat the bends for 15 repetitions on the left and right sides. We perform 2-3 approaches in total. Over time, the ball can be replaced with a small dumbbell. (If you want a thin waist, it's best to similar exercise avoid, as it trains the oblique muscles, which can visually increase the width of the waist).

There is 1 more good exercise, which simultaneously works with the abs, including the lower one, with the muscles of the arms and back.

To perform the exercise you will have to buy sports store 1 weight plate for a barbell weighing 10 kg. Take it in your hands and begin circular movements, carrying the pancake over your head, lowering it clockwise down, closing the circle. Make 5-10 circles, then change direction.

10 kg for starters is heavy weight. But if you buy 5 kg, then by the second lesson you will no longer feel the weight of the pancake. It’s better to immediately take 10 kg, and if it’s hard, do 1-2 circles in one direction, then in the other. With each morning exercise, add 1-2 circles. Over time, you can walk up to 50 times in one direction, then in the other.

For leg muscles

For girls who have plump legs, you can add leg swings. The exercise is done standing, leaning your elbow on a wall or any furniture. First, swing one leg forward, to the side, and back 15 times. Then you need to turn in the other direction and repeat the swings with the second leg. This is considered 1 approach for each leg. You need to do 3 such approaches.

Over time, the number of swings can be increased from 15 to 30, or you can buy weights for your legs and continue to perform 3 sets on each leg 15 times with weights.

You can also get on all fours and start swinging one leg to the side 15 times, then back 15 times. Change legs and repeat the exercises. Over time, the number of swings needs to be increased or weights worn. Works great in this exercise internal muscles hips and gluteal muscles. This exercise is perfect for girls who want to tighten their butt.

Although, at the very beginning, it was said that it is better not to use any weights, nevertheless, for advanced athletes who have been training in the gym for several days, active image life, such exercises with additional weight, squats, swings, etc., such exercises will be an excellent awakening medicine.

Here it’s worth mentioning one point right away: in the case of cardio exercises for weight loss, you can change your breakfast for greater effect. If it was said above that the best breakfast is porridge, then at this stage, in order to lose weight, it is best to consume protein foods. For breakfast after cardio exercise, you can make an omelet from boiled or steamed eggs. You don't have to eat porridge. Why is that? Because they are difficult to digest by the body, which spends a lot of energy to process protein. Where does the energy come from? - From subcutaneous fat.

Although, nevertheless, it is best, in order not to burden your body in the morning, to lose weight you should take the bulk of carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and leave the bulk of protein foods for the second half of the day. That is, even after a cardio warm-up in the morning, you can eat buckwheat porridge or oatmeal.

Breakfast times do not change. You need to have breakfast after exercise. But before it, you definitely need to drink a glass of clean warm water so that your stomach starts working, cleanses itself, and there is no nausea during exercise. It is also very beneficial for weight loss and healthy functioning of the whole body.

So, the simplest cardio workout is running on an empty stomach. This approach greatly speeds things up. We woke up, warmed up, washed, dressed, put on shoes, and went outside. The jog should last no more than 15 minutes. The jogging pace is free, easy, average. You can alternate an easy pace with accelerations (so, say, do it, which is even more effective than a regular jog). But 15 minutes of an ultra-high pace on an empty stomach can lead to a sudden loss of strength, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and foot injury. Therefore, do not overuse or overload your body.

It is not advisable to run for more than 15 minutes. Maximum – 20 minutes. Everything on top will go to destruction. The body, which has not yet been nourished by breakfast, needs energy. During the 15 minutes you run, it uses up fat reserves. After this, it is more difficult for him to take fat reserves from under the skin, near the organs, and he begins to look for an easier way - to feed on glycogen from the liver. This cannot be allowed. In general, run in moderation and everything will be fine. It is also very important to purchase a heart rate monitor. Many people don’t know, but running within a certain range of heart beats per minute affects the efficiency of fat burning. It is recommended to run at a pulse rate of 115-135 beats per minute. In addition to losing weight, running is very useful for, which is very important for people who are involved in bodybuilding.

If we are talking about the usual warm-up, which we discussed at the beginning of the article, breakfast will be quite simple, and in principle, it will not be any different from the same breakfast for weight loss or after the same run. Buckwheat or oatmeal are suitable, you can also cook an omelet and cut a light salad instead.

After your run, you don't need to do anything else. All that remains is to have breakfast with the same omelettes or boiled eggs with salad, etc. In fact, there are a large number of options for morning meals. The first and final rule that must be followed in any case is healthy eating. Avoid fried, fatty and other unhealthy foods. Also, do not falsely rely on juices that are sold in packages in any store. There is practically nothing natural, much less healthy, there. If you have the opportunity, make fresh fruit juices, they are much healthier.

Remember, if you want to lose weight, YOU CANNOT LIMIT YOURSELF IN FOOD EATING, for example, by starving, malnutrition, and in general, everything that many young ladies suffer from. Remember the most important thing if you want to reset excess weight, the main thing you should focus on is not charging. It is necessary, in fact, for normal awakening, to tone the body for further work throughout the day. You should concentrate on NUTRITION (70% attention) and basic training in the same fitness center or gym(30% attention). To start the fat burning process, you need to burn more calories than you consume in a day. And that's it, there are no secrets here. At proper nutrition, sufficient calorie consumption and consumption, you can burn fat reserves, improve your health, and so on. There is no need to starve or torture yourself and your body. Just eat right and exercise.

Morning exercise is not only important for losing weight, it is also very beneficial for your overall health. To make you happy with the results, you need to regularly perform a whole range of exercises.

  1. Morning exercise helps the body wake up faster, invigorate the mind and provide physical tone for the muscles.
  2. Regular exercise promotes weight loss.
  3. Properly selected exercise complexes improve blood circulation and normalize metabolism.
  4. Morning exercises are sometimes the only physical activity, so they should not be neglected.

Here are 4 reasons why you should include morning exercises in your daily schedule. The main condition is consistency! We have prepared special complex exercise that only takes 15–20 minutes.

The set of exercises for morning exercises includes:

  1. Warm up. Any physical complex you should start with a warm-up. This prevents sprains, improves tone, and increases blood flow to the muscles. Ligaments become more flexible. Warm-up takes about 5 minutes.
  2. Basic exercises. The rest of the charging complex takes 10–15 minutes. The exercises are higher intensity and work on different groups muscles.

Before you start charging, it’s okay to drink a glass of water, and don’t forget to breathe calmly and deeply.

10 exercises for morning exercises

Warm-up exercises

The most important requirement is to charge correctly. Before the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up.

1. First you need to warm up the neck muscles

We are talking about tilting your head to the right and left, forward and backward, and then rotate your head. The finishing touch is head rotation. Such exercises must be performed slowly, slowly.

2. Arms and shoulders

Here you need to perform rotations of each shoulder joint in turn, and then the same rotations are performed by both at once shoulder joints. Then raise your arms up and stretch well.

3. Tilts

They are also performed left and right and back and forth. Then stretch your arms straight out in front of you and intertwine your palms into a “lock.” Perform crunches with your entire body. Finish with pelvic rotations.

4. Feet

Basic exercises for charging

The exercises will consist of three segments.

1. Ab exercises

  • To perform them, lie down either simply on the floor or on a special mat.
  • Raise your torso while keeping your back straight. Afterwards twisting is performed.
  • Leg lifts are performed without lifting the lower back from the floor surface. Legs cannot be bent; they must be absolutely straight.

2. Jumping

  • Perform any 20 jumps in one place. Jumping with legs crosswise, back and forth, or simple jumps are also suitable.
  • Jump the same number of times on one leg, that is, 20 times on the right and 20 times on the left.

3. Stretching

  • Spread your legs as wide as you can. At the same time, bend one leg and keep the other straight.
  • The stretching itself takes place through light springing movements that do not cause discomfort. Do the exercise with each leg.
  • Standing straight, place your hands on your waist. Stand on your toes and, as you inhale, spread your arms in different directions. Lunge and then bend forward.
  • You need to touch the floor with your palm. Exhaling, return to the original position.
  • Sit on the floor. Place your legs as wide as possible. Bend towards the toes of each leg one at a time.
  • Lie on the floor on your stomach and bend your knees. Next, lift your upper body and grab your ankles.
  • In this position, you need to sway for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat several times.
  • Lie on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. You need to touch the ambassador’s knees to each side in turn, but you cannot lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

Morning exercise: Strength exercises

These exercises will be good for men and at least slightly trained women.

If the only one is good exercise stress a day for you means exercise in the morning, then strength exercises will keep you in shape.

This complex includes the following exercises.

1. Squats

  • The front surfaces of the legs should act. Works the calves and buttocks, as well as the spine.

2. Push-ups

  • The load is placed on the triceps, deltoids and, of course, breasts.

3. Pull-ups on the bar

  • Men should appreciate this exercise. It perfectly develops pulling muscles.

4. Ab exercises

  • This exercise is a powerful weapon against belly fat. It will give you an amazing waist. You need to lie on your back and straighten your legs. Exhaling, lift your legs and slowly lower them, but do not put them completely on the floor. Repeat several times.

Morning exercise for 10 minutes!