1st category in rhythmic gymnastics. On approval of norms, requirements and conditions for their implementation in the sport “rhythmic gymnastics”. Requirements for adult categories

As I promised myself: I sat down and thoroughly understood the current rules of the HG Federation.
I am making a post for myself in the archive, but maybe it will be interesting to someone, since the rules are a 100-page Talmud with a bunch of diagrams and it is not clear to parents of beginning gymnasts which way to approach it.

So, adapted: in gymnastics jumps, balances and rotations are assessed. All acrobatics go into dance tracks, for which a total of 0.3 points are given if performed cleanly.
At competitions you can perform in 4 categories of difficulty (sometimes the two simplest categories are combined), the classic division occurs in the manner indicated in the table below:
- category D - 7 elements max complexity 0.1
- category C - 7 elements max difficulty 0.2
- category B - 9 elements max complexity 0.3
- category A - elements 0.4 and more difficult
The most primitive and most complex elements are omitted, but the tablet is very helpful for 2-3 years of study:

Starting from category B, in some competitions gymnasts are allowed to add 1 type of apparatus, but more often apparatus routines begin from category A.
Here, for example, jumps of category B, performed correctly: a pike, touching with a grip and into the ring with both legs... I look and understand that in at least a year or so we will come to this...

In general, now Polina will teach an exercise without a subject with the cost of elements being 0.2 points for a full category C, this year is our goal to start taking prizes at least in this level of difficulty...
And what will happen next - time will tell.
Polina Tretyakova born 2013, rhythmic gymnastics

A relatively young sport. Perhaps because of this, the rules for gymnastics change all the time. In connection with these changes, there is a change in the requirements for assigning a sports category to athletes. Most often, requirements change between Olympics. This fact has a very big impact on the design of exercises. Often those elements that are considered mandatory in one period lose their value. At the same time, other elements become mandatory, which obliges us to take this into account when staging a performance.

The artistry of athletes is judged on par with their technique.

In gymnastics, in 2017, new rules and tables of sports categories were ratified in rhythmic gymnastics. They are spelled out in the regulations of the EVSK for 2018-2021.

Athletes who plan to achieve significant results in sports are required to familiarize themselves with the rules. For young gymnasts starting their journey in the sport, it is enough to know which elements will earn 0.1 point, even with perfect performance, and which will cost 1 point.

The scoring system is the same for all gymnasts, but the exercises are not similar to each other. This happens due to the fact that the coach knows the characteristics of each of his athletes and adjusts the exercise to her individual characteristics. With the help of accents, an experienced coach shows all the gymnast’s capabilities, while hiding her weaknesses.

Mandatory program

A compulsory program is a gymnast’s obligation to complete mandatory elements during her performance. The definition of mandatory elements is enshrined in the gymnastics rules. In addition, the largest and smallest number of required elements for each category are stated there. The number and complexity of required elements increases with each new rank.

Judicial panel

The evaluation system, like the rules of gymnastics, is constantly changing. The judges assessed on a 10-point, 20-point and 30-point scale, but for three years now the International Gymnastics Federation has opted for a 20-point rating scale.

The FIG rules for individual gymnastics exercises have established new requirements for the judging panels. This fact also influences the coach’s formulation of the program.

Technique scores

The technique is scored by a panel of judges called “Difficulty” or Panel D. Group D consists of four people, who are divided into two subgroups:

  1. judges D1 and D2;
  2. judges D3 and D4.

D1 and D2 evaluate the size and technical value of the Body Difficulty, choreographic steps and specific elements. The assessment is carried out autonomously from each other, after which they together submit a partial assessment to the database.

Judges D3 and D4 evaluate the dynamic elements performed with rotation, as well as the difficulty of the apparatus. The judges evaluate the performance individually, and then together enter a partial score into the database.

The D score is formed by adding the partial scores of two subgroups and does not exceed 10 points.

Artistic Scores

The artistry is scored by a panel of judges called “Execution” or Team E. The panel consists of six people, who are divided into two subgroups:

  1. judges E1 and E2;
  2. judges E3, E4, E5, E6.

The judges of the first subgroup E evaluate artistry, during the performance the evaluation is made separately, after the performance they make a joint deduction of points for artistry.

Judges of the second subgroup evaluate technical errors and deduct points for technique. Judges of the second subgroup work independently of each other.

Emotions in gymnastics are very important; when preparing for competitions, they are trained no less than technical elements. Thus, the artistry of the athletes is judged on par with their technical performance. This fact is a distinctive feature of the sport in question. Unlike rhythmic gymnastics, the levels in artistic gymnastics are only earned technical equipment female athletes.

Younger age

You can bring your child to classes for the first time from the age of three. At the age of four or five years, a coach can take a girl to competitions for the first time, provided that the coach sees sufficient preparation of the young gymnast. At this age, girls go out on the carpet in large groups and evaluate them nominally. There are also special performances for younger ages (under 6 years old), in which marks are not awarded. At this moment, the coach assesses the child’s moral state, looks at how the girl reacts to public speaking. The first competition for a child is stressful. Don’t worry if at this age your child is not ready to speak in front of an audience; a qualified coach will be able to help with “stage fright” in the future.

The coach must be well versed in the new rules and will be able to help you make the right decision.

The awarding of titles in rhythmic gymnastics begins at the age of 6. Until the age of 6, you should not ask your child to achieve great achievements. The trainers warn that truly good achievements can only be achieved after 7 years. This is due to the fact that children begin to feel their body only at this age.

Requirements for youth categories

The minimum age to receive the lowest 3 youth is 6 years. At this age, young athletes are required to perform only one exercise and score eight points. The exercise should be chosen b/p. The assignment of the third youth category is made at any competition and does not require proof in the future.

The gymnast will be able to earn the next level at next year, however, you will need to score eight and a half points. A year later, the young gymnast will be able to perform the first youth level. To do this, you need to perform one exercise without exercise and one with an object. In this case, the athlete must earn 19.5 points for the amount of exercises.

Requirements for adult categories

Requirements for adults sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics, both the number of exercises and the sum of marks are taken into account, as well as the categorical nature of the judges who evaluate the performances. The age limit for obtaining the third adult category is nine years, but not all gymnasts succeed at such a young age. To receive the third adult category, a gymnast needs to score 33 points in the sum of three performances: 1 b/p and 2 with apparatus. At the same time, judges who have received the republican category must participate in the panel of judges.

At the age of 10 years, a gymnast has the right to qualify for the second category. To achieve this goal, she will need to score 46 points for 4 exercises: one b/p and three performances with the subject. TO panel of judges The same requests are made as for the previous category.

From the age of eleven young gymnasts There is an opportunity to apply for the first category. The first category is awarded to a gymnast if she scores 50 points in four exercises: one without exercises and three with the apparatus. In this case, the first category norms must be met:

  1. 1 time at the Russian Championship;
  2. 2 times in the next year at competitions above the municipal level.

Republican judges must take part in the panel of judges, and more than 5 teams must participate in the championship.

Starting from the first adult category, gymnasts are required to confirm their titles at other international sports competitions with the same status 2 times in the next year.

Senior ranks


Senior ranks begin with CMS. The award of CMS begins at the age of 13, but the minimum number of girls manage to achieve the title at such a young age. To receive the CCM, you need to earn 58 points for performing four exercises with apparatus at the championship, in which more than 20 gymnasts in the CCM category take part. After which you need to confirm your rank. In the year you receive your gymnastics title, you must confirm it:

  1. At the All-Russian Championship;
  2. At the championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

There must be one judge of the All-Russian category in the judging, and the rest must be higher than the first category.


The title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics is available to athletes from the age of 16. To acquire the title of Master of Sports, you need to score 66 points for four exercises with apparatus in competitions with the participation of more than 20 gymnasts with MS. In gymnastics, MS standards must be implemented the first time at the Russian Championships and the second time at the Russian Cup. MS athletes are required to confirm their title twice:

  1. It is necessary to earn a place above tenth at all-Russian competitions;
  2. You need to earn a place no lower than fifteenth at the Federal District Championship.

At the same time, for the title of Master of Sports of Russia, judges above the All-Russian category must be present on the sports judging panel.


The sports title of Master of Sports of Russia of International Class (MSMK) is one of the most prestigious in the Russian Federation. Only one out of a thousand gymnasts can achieve such a high result.

The main requirements for obtaining MSMC are various requirements. A mandatory condition is that the athlete must be on the list of candidates for the Russian national team, and the gymnast took part in the championships as part of the Russian national team. It is possible to receive a rank after the World Cup, but in this case the sum of all stages of the Cup is considered. In this case, it is necessary to take a prize in the all-around or first or second place in the individual competition with the apparatus. Participation in Olympic Games provided that the athlete ranks from first to sixth place in the ranking. Also, a gymnast can receive the title of MSM at the World Championships or world games, taking a prize in the all-around or winning in the individual competition with an apparatus from first to third place. In addition, an athlete can become a MSM after the World Championships thanks to a prize-winning place in the team competition.


The highest rank in rhythmic gymnastics is the title of Honored Master of Sports. The issue of assigning and depriving a title is decided by the highest management body physical culture and sports in Russia.

Other innovations

In addition to the section on assigning ranks to gymnasts, you should definitely pay attention to innovations in the use of elements. It is necessary to highlight the main changes that will most strongly influence the assessment of the performance. The changes affected greatly individual program female athletes. Threshold gymnastic elements reduced to the smallest - now it is from 3 to 9. Many gymnasts were pleased with the news that since 2018, the rules have allowed as many as two music with words. The cost of various risks has undergone significant changes. For example, the cost of the difficulty of a fishing projectile was increased to four tenths.

Thus, to obtain high results From childhood, a gymnast must fulfill various requirements to receive ranks. With each new rank, the requirements become more stringent.

The last time the rules changed was in 2017, when the FIG approved standards for rhythmic gymnast for 2018-2021 Not only the coach, but also the students themselves should know the new rules. It is very important for gymnasts to carefully study the rules in order not to miss the moment when there is an opportunity to advance in the sport.

A common mistake that parents of future gymnasts make is not allowing their child to travel abroad. Parents think that competitions held in their hometown are enough for the development of an athlete, but this is not so. Every year there are more and more away performances, this is due to the fact that competitions of the required level are not always held in their hometown. IN younger age the differences are not so important, however, with the receipt of the first adult category, away competitions become necessary for further advancement in the sport. If you are not sure whether a gymnast should go to competitions, listen to the opinion of an experienced coach. The coach must be well versed in the new rules and will be able to help you make the right decision.

This program is mandatory when drawing up regulations for holding all-Ukrainian tournaments and official competitions all levels on the territory of Ukraine (tournaments, championships, championships, cups, championships of youth sports schools, sports schools, city, region, region, national).

Junior program

I - category (11 - 12 years)

Individual program

Grade D - maximum 7.00

  • All general rules according to the international FIG rules for individual juniors also apply to the 1st category
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Exercise without an object

Grade D - maximum 6.00

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Junior program

II - category (9 - 10 years)

Individual program

Grade D - maximum 6.00

Requirements for Difficulty in exercises: with a skipping rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.

The duration of each exercise is from 1"15" to 1"30". Two exercises can be performed to music with voice and words

  • All general rules according to the international FIG rules for individual juniors also apply to category II
  • It is necessary to use the "non-dominant hand" when performing the Fundamental Technical Element of the Apparatus in two BD Body Difficulties (Ball and Ribbon)
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Exercise without an object

Grade D - maximum 5.00

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Junior program

III - category (6 - 8 years)

Individual program

Grade D - maximum 5.00

Requirements for Difficulty in exercises: with a skipping rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon.

The duration of each exercise is from 1"15" to 1"30". Two exercises can be performed to music with voice and words

  • All general rules according to the international FIG rules for individual juniors also apply to the III category
  • It is necessary to use the "non-dominant hand" when performing the Fundamental Technical Element of the Apparatus in two BD Body Difficulties (Ball and Ribbon)
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Exercise without an object

Grade D - maximum 4.00

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D

Execution: E = 10.00 points

Junior program I - category (11 - 12 years old)

Group exercises

Grade D - maximum 7.00


exchange: Difficulties of exchange



Minimum - 3

Minimum - 3

Minimum 2

Maximum 1

Minimum 4


Maximum 7 (1 to choose from)

Difficulties body groups

Jumping min.1

Equilibrium - min.1

Spins - min.1

All general rules according to the international FIG rules for Junior Groups also apply to the 1st category. Taking part: 5 gymnasts + 1 reserve

Grade D - maximum 7.00


9 difficulties

Minimum 2


Minimum 4

Lane changes Minimum 6

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping - 3

Equilibrium - 3

Spins - 3

Value 0.1

Value 0.2

CRR - support (max 1)

Value 0.3

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Junior program II - category (9 - 10 years old)

Group exercises

Grade D - maximum 6.00

The duration of each exercise is from 2" 15" to 2" 30". Two exercises can be performed to music with voice and words

Group exercise with subject:

Difficulty components related to technical elements of the subjects

Difficulties without exchange: Difficulties of the body


exchange: Difficulties of exchange

Combination dance steps

Dynamic elements with rotation



Minimum - 3

Minimum - 3

Minimum 2

Maximum 1

Minimum 4


Maximum 7 (1 to choose from)

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping min.1

Equilibrium - min.1

Spins - min.1

Group exercise without apparatus

Grade D - maximum 6.00


9 difficulties

Minimum 2


Minimum 4

Lane changes Minimum 6

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping - 3

Equilibrium - 3

Spins - 3

Mandatory use in one of the combinations of dance steps, dynamic elements with rotation (min - 3)

C - interactions of all gymnasts, subgroups (pairs, triples, etc.

Value 0.1

CR - interactions with dynamic elements of rotation with passage over, under or through 1 or more partners.

Value 0.2

CRR - support (max 1)

Value 0.3 (not high)

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Junior program III - category (6 - 8 years)

Group exercises

Grade D - maximum 5.00

The duration of each exercise is from 2" 15" to 2" 30". Two exercises can be performed to music with voice and words

Group exercise with subject:

Difficulty components related to technical elements of the subjects

Difficulties without exchange: Difficulties of the body


exchange: Difficulties of exchange

Dance step combination

Dynamic elements with rotation



Minimum - 3

Minimum - 3

Minimum 2

Maximum 1

Minimum 4


Maximum 7 (1 to choose from)

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping min.1

Equilibrium - min.1

Spins - min.1

Group exercise without apparatus

Grade D - maximum 5.00


9 difficulties

Minimum 2


Minimum 4

Lane changes Minimum 6

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping - 3

Equilibrium - 3

Spins - 3

Mandatory use in one of the combinations of dance steps, dynamic elements with rotation (min - 3)

C - interactions of all gymnasts, subgroups (pairs, triples, etc.

Value 0.1

CR - interactions with dynamic elements of rotation with passage over, under or through 1 or more partners.

Value 0.2

CRR - support (max 1)

Value 0.3 (not high)

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Individual program

Requirements for Difficulties in individual exercises: with a jump rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon according to the rules of the international federation FIG

Exercise without subject MS program (seniors)

Grade D - maximum 10.00

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Exercise without subject CCM program (juniors)

Grade D - maximum 8.00

The duration of the exercise is from 1" 15" to 1" 30". Exercises can be performed to music with voice and words

  • Difficulty is assessed by 4 judges D
  • Execution: E = 10.00 points

Pair exercises

MS program, Grade D - maximum 9.00

CCM program, Grade D - maximum 7.00

Difficulty components related to technical elements of the subjects

Difficulties without exchange: Difficulties of the body


exchange: Difficulties of exchange

Dance step combination

Dynamic elements with rotation



Minimum - 4

Minimum - 4

Minimum 1

Maximum 1

Minimum 4

Minimum - 3

Minimum - 3

Minimum 2

Maximum 1

Minimum 4


Maximum 9 (1 to choose from)

Maximum 7 (1 to choose from)

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping min.1

Equilibrium - min.1

Spins - min.1

Junior program

Pair exercises

I - category (11 - 12 years), Grade D - maximum 6.00

II - category (9 - 10 years), Grade D - maximum 5.00

III - category (6 - 8 years), Grade D - maximum 4.00

The duration of each exercise is from 1" 15" to 1" 30". The exercise can be performed to music with voice and words

Paired exercises with objects:

Difficulty components related to technical elements of the subjects

Difficulties without exchange: Difficulties of the body


exchange: Difficulties of exchange

Dance step combination

Dynamic elements with rotation



Minimum - 3

Minimum - 3

Minimum 2

Maximum 1

Minimum 4


Maximum 7 (1 to choose from)

Difficulties of body groups

Jumping min.1

Equilibrium - min.1

Spins - min.1

Just don’t scold me))) it so happens that my daughter has been going to gymnastics for three years, and I don’t understand it at all!
The child trained three times a week, and now five times.
But the children of her group (6-7 years old) perform in groups A and B.
Actually what is the question:

What are these groups? I didn’t find anything about them (maybe I didn’t search well?), on the Internet they only write about categories. In our sports school I have never seen information about categories. It’s difficult to find out anything from a coach (((she’s always in a hurry...
Can a child qualify for the category? If he plays in group B?

Wait..DID YOU go to competitions, did your daughter perform some kind of program? You can apply for a rank in the CG if you show a certain level of exercise at competitions of a certain level. Usually the coach is responsible for registering children for competitions, because the higher the rank, the higher the coach’s salary - well, if it’s a sports school... How about you?
Groups A and B are introduced from the evil one - in order to distinguish girls of obviously different levels in some local competitions and evaluate them differently accordingly... To assign categories, you need to get a certain number of points for a program of a certain level of complexity..
What does your girl perform with?

I’ve never heard of groups A and B in gymnastics. But we, however, did not get to the competition, I may not know. IN figure skating Groups A and B are divided as follows: A is a competition for a level (category) corresponding to age, and group B is not appropriate. That is, if a child of 10 years old must complete 1 category, then 10-year-olds (and, probably, those who younger) by 1 category will compete in group A, and those who are older will compete in 1-category competitions in group B. (the age and ranks are from the bullshit). That is, in group B you can perform a discharge, but it will not correspond to age. And in figure skating, group B is not allowed to compete at the All-Russian level. That is, they can practice, they can receive ranks, but they will not be considered in “high sport”.
Maybe you have something similar? But you write that the age of the children is the same... Maybe the level is different?
In general, for normal sports results in artistic gymnastics (and it is very competitive), from the second year of training you need more than 3 times a week.. 5 is normal. Minimum 2 hours. With this we can at least move somewhere.

Group A - stronger, in B simpler program or beginners who perform 1 time. But I can’t say for sure about the rank, it seems to me that you can get a rank in group B, if some kind of 3 youth, I don’t know higher

We performed once at the sports school itself and without a subject. But these were precisely sports school competitions. I know for sure that there are outings, but mostly older girls go to them.

It’s just that before it was 3 times a week, so to speak, “without tension,” but now every day, + training camps, so I’m trying to decide what “threatens” us.

The nanny takes me to gymnastics, I don’t see the coach at all, and if I see her, she’s always in a hurry, explains quickly, so I wanted to approach her, but with some kind of knowledge. and so he will say - you are the 3rd!!! a year, and still don’t know (I understand my confusion, but still...)

So I’m trying to decide, if you do this a lot, then there should be results, and if there are no results, then you need to find something “for the soul” and do it less often... I’m ready to work hard for 6 hours every day, but We're going to school this year!!! That’s what I’m worried about.... should I translate it more simply or, conversely, review all the graphs...

Groups A and B (there are also B and C streams) differ in the degree of difficulty and the number of subjects performed (group B below, for example, at a certain age, competes only in BP) It all depends on the year of birth of the athlete and her skills. In the cards, depending on the group, elements and objects of a certain complexity are stated) For example, group A in 2008-2007 now performs two or three types: BP and optionally: hoop or jump rope or both hoop and jump rope. Further, more objects and elements are added in older groups. But for example, there are gymnasts who, even in G.R. 2006, still perform only 1 type (. Previously, such a division was only at commercial and club competitions, because children were allowed to participate in amateur sports (between SDYUSHOR), by definition, of approximately the same level. Now occurs at such competitions too

Alas, artistic gymnastics is such a highly competitive sport that 5 times a week for 2-3 hours is just a base. In this case, there will be not just “results”, it will be called “doing gymnastics”... And in order to have results that can be presented, you must first have a very strong desire for the child himself to do the splits at home and in his free time walked on the bridge. That is, 2-3 hours of classes will be only in the classes themselves, and the same amount at home... (+ fees..)
And secondly, he had good data... In particular, we need long legs.. I'm not talking about weight. Well, that's a plus good flexibility, naturally.
We did gymnastics for 2 years, 3 times a week + 2 individual, the child has good flexibility, we went through the summer training camp - and left safely. nothing at all. We are even in sports group they refused to translate, although we were head and shoulders stronger than our classmates. As we were told - “if you stretch out like carrots, come”... but I know for sure that we won’t stretch out... and why so much effort in artistic gymnastics, when the same efforts in other sports, less competitive, give normal results.. I am very pleased with two years of synchronized swimming... My daughter has a super-back now. In acrobatics they expected us and promised competitions... but it didn’t work out. And in gymnastics... And the attitude there was - “there are a hundred more like you... we can’t sneeze on you.”. In general, think...

Is it really synchronized swimming no more hellish sport than HG?

How old were you when you switched to synchronized training?
Is this a sports school?

it is less competitive if we discuss the age of up to 9 years.. And then it’s difficult for me to compare, I don’t know how much artistic gymnasts work hard to achieve something. Probably everyone plows the same way, 5 hours a day. Just artistic gymnasts in one direction, and synchronized swimmers in the other. But we're not talking about big sport, but “for health”, right?
We came to synchronous at the age of 5, studied for 2 years before school. They did rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 4 and 5 years. Figured from 5 to the present, that is, 3 years.
Synchronous yes, sports school. Now our group trains 5 or 6 times a week, 2 hours of water and an hour of gym. But a group of second-graders, 8-year-olds. We were younger than the group for a year, fell behind, got upset and decided to quit completely.
Moreover, all the other synchronized groups I know study much less than us, including a group a year younger... if for yourself, this is a great option, for my taste. There is also a strong commercial sports school where our friends train. We have already performed at competitions (also 2nd grade).

But SG, in the general opinion, is a very traumatic sport... Everything else is very interesting, as it turned out. And even in figure skating, jumping is not as traumatic as I initially thought.

At figure skating, the attitude towards boys is, of course, better, but there are not a million girls here. In figure skating, parents really look into their wallets, because classes are very expensive. And where it’s expensive, it’s not a million.
As for synchronized, it is so unpopular (compared to other girls’ activities) that there is rather a lack of participation, the attitude is friendly. And by the age of 4-5, people scatter, so only a few remain... those who survive to this age in a synchronous class will be appreciated. But, of course, you’ll have to work hard... I’ve heard that even swimmers are horrified by synchronized swimmers’ training. But this is not about first grade...
The best attitude and friendliness and prospects for competitions and in general are in pair acrobatics.. (from what we were involved in).

Thanks for the answer.

In FC, my son and I tried to enter CSKA... Really a million people came to the selection))))
They didn't take us. Now I sometimes meet the mothers of figure skaters from CSKA...2nd year of classes, but it’s terrible...One way or another, we are busy 5-6 days a week...4 official training sessions + tackles, additional choreography. The schedule is floating...it’s impossible to plan anything!
Well, it’s expensive, of course... And the competition is very high, everyone is shaking and going to tackles.
In general, it’s a great sport, I’m thinking of giving my daughter away... but I can’t stand this schedule ((((and financially, 25-30 per month is too much for us...
And there is no sports school closer ((((

I’m not considering SG...just maybe a couple of years to build muscle. The skaters walk just right.
For HG, our legs are short (((a girl I know, 7 years old, training 5 times or 6 times, even for 5 hours...
Synchronized swimmers, of course, train sooo much (((

I’ll watch the acrobatics again... but I don’t really like it myself... but maybe the child will like it))))

CSKA yes.. this is number 1 now... The load is there...
Classes are in the first half of the day, so you can easily plan - “the entire first half of the day is spent spending it at the skating rink”
I had a nanny who sat there with my daughter all morning... and after the skating rink, lunch and a synchronized
But we are not in CSKA, so we spent a lot of time at the rink, but little time on the ice, and the results are so-so...
To pump up your muscles, go for synchronous training. Believe me, it's worth it... you'll be training a lot when you leave there. My daughter is like a duck to water now... in all styles